#tfs lore: cityformers
eldritch-araneae · 3 years
Explain city speakers and their role.
Oh yes, them! :D
Cityspeakers in my cont are like the canon idea: a group of cybertronians who can communicate with Cityformers - an extremely large cybertronians, second to Planet Titans in spark size class.
- All Cityspeakers have telepathy. The power of this ESPER can vary from person to person. For example, Lightbright used to be known as a powerful telepath. And Windblade? She even exceeds her that she doesn't even need any additional equipment to communicate with Cityformers, and enter other people's mindscapes and dreams.
- The reason WHY Cityspeakers were needed is that Cityformers weren't meant to exist like this. This frametype was Quintesson's invention, after they figured out how to use the AllSpark and Vector Signa to add this frametype to the pool (look previous post about creation).
Quintessons wanted to use them as weapons to take over more worlds, but there was a sliiiiiight problem - because of the spark size class they turned out to be Eldritch Beings.
Just hearing them talk would hurt so much, physically and mentally. Quintesson tried anything to tame them, but because of them and Planet Titans have such a huge spark, it wasn't possible. Many died during the research, which weakened their forces and gave cybertronian rebellions upper hand to chase them off their home.
And thanks to their telepathy, Cityspeakers are immune to such effects. They can talk and even visit their mindscapes and remain unscratched. Because of this, Cityformers often formed strong bonds with their Cityspeakers because they were extremely lonely.
Which also led to the whole cascade of horrific events that came after all Cityspeakers were killed, marking the beginning of Devastation Era.
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