zeraphiimm · 11 months
When artists draw piers in really expensive looking clothes and designer brands its like fuck man, get him out of those and give him that tshirt 2 sizes too big for him that he saw hanging out of the garbage can on his midnight walk home .dude give him his jacket torn up by obstagoon with a big blood stain on it from a bar fight. man his classic sleep shirt with a puke stain on it. Where is it. Dont take away his ambiguously gendered stank...
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zeraphiimm · 4 months
to be honest i have been really bummed i cant get any drawings done lately. i am working full time now and its just made me realize how slow of an artist i already was. looking at all the freetime i do have, it just doesn't feel like free time anymore. for some reason i thought having allotted time to draw during a busy week, would help me grow as an artist and push me to do things faster, but well it really has done the opposite. Instead of finally sitting down on my off days to draw, its driven me to sit down and worry and worry and worry about trying to get something out and then ultimately fail and give up and go oh well, theres always next week. and then i get stuck in that loop of well i can't do anything today, maybe I'll do something tomorrow. um well i dont know if theres something wrong with the way i work or if im growing up and realizing i have to chose between making art or working. Misery.
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zeraphiimm · 10 months
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i like this photo of him he looks like reviewbrah in the hospital
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zeraphiimm · 10 months
i have chest pains whenever i remember ***** ***** kins piers i just cant handle it i start shaking with anger
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zeraphiimm · 11 months
Not to come out of nowhere and say it, but if youre gonna repost my art As In. Take my art and post it somewhere else (includes edits). Please credit me... you dont have to credit me if its for a profile picture or something small like that. i had a huge problem two years ago with someone reposting ALL of my art to pintrest. Every single one of my drawings, didnt matter if it was a 2 second shitty doodle or a lovely piece i put all my heart into, they took it and put it onto their own account. I dont care if you do it IF you just let people know SOMEwhere that its my art. Last time i checked, everything is still there... im so scared to go onto pintrest nowadays because of that LOL. I dont want to have to watermark my art but umm yeah. Just please ☹️
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zeraphiimm · 9 months
piers and raihan..they just have that squidbob dynamic you know 🦑🧽
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zeraphiimm · 11 months
Im sorry, i cant really do anything but sleep and lie in bed lately. If i were able to be drawing i would be. I keep charging my ipad just in case i feel up to it but i just feel like a slug all the time!
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zeraphiimm · 4 months
if i draw that sicko with a little bit of tasteful boobage by the end of the day then I'll feel normal again
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zeraphiimm · 11 months
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zeraphiimm · 1 year
my friends dont like it when i call sexatron fanart SexFart
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zeraphiimm · 1 year
when miku sings and the world chants back, will a sponge not also be a part of the choir? 🤨
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zeraphiimm · 9 months
If i made a ych for sexatron would anyone do it because really i just want him to kiss Everyone
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zeraphiimm · 8 months
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zeraphiimm · 8 months
mr. garby is the cool gimp dog garbodor who is also something like a landlord to sexatron. basically letting that guy live in a locked up dumpster behind the poop store in exchange for well things i shant say. It's very personal... 🐕 mr. garby, full name Doris Garby makes sure that the big guys at poop incorporated don't know that there's a weird absol squatting on their property. its very complicated, but they live in a cartoon world, so nobody suspects a thing. and well, yeah, sexatron has like 2 rich boyfriends. but all the money he gets from those guys goes straight back into the pockets of pierstagoon because well hes just such a good guy. and if pierstagoon needs 30,000 for bail, then its all good. 👍
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zeraphiimm · 1 year
do you think a shiny leozard or a aegisleo would be cooler (furry reasons)
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zeraphiimm · 1 year
Didn't know obstagoon had thumbs until the voltage dark type miku...
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