#text message marketing software
happy-texting · 2 years
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gleantapmarketing · 1 year
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Gleantap is a leading provider of text messaging services and SMS marketing tools. With our innovative text message marketing software, businesses can easily create and send automated text messages to engage with their customers. Our SMS marketing tool helps you streamline your marketing efforts and connect with your audience through effective SMS messages.
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textdrip · 1 year
Improve Customer Loyalty: The Impact of SMS Marketing Software on Small Businesses
Discover the key strategies for building customer loyalty in small businesses using SMS marketing software. Find valuable insights in our blog post on TextDrip. Visit us: https://bit.ly/3CBrnJA
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in-app-messages · 1 year
Top 3 Most Effective Types of Marketing Campaigns
Looking to gain more attention for your company or get the word out about a new product launch? There are many ways to increase awareness and get eyes on your brand. But which marketing campaign should you use?
Here's a quick breakdown of some of the most effective campaigns worth exploring.
Email Marketing
Email marketing is nothing new, but it continues to be a powerful strategy. With software for email marketing, you can send promotional messages, newsletters and more. It's also great for nurturing leads or onboarding new users.
Email marketing is unique because you're already communicating with "qualified" audiences. People have to provide their email to opt into receiving your marketing messages. They're already somewhat familiar with your brand and interested in learning more.
Using software for email marketing can help you turn prospects into paying customers.
Social Media Campaigns
We're in a time when social media is integral to our everyday lives. It's the perfect place to garner attention.
The great thing about social media is that you get the best of both worlds. You have the opportunity to interact with your supporters directly while creating content they love. But that's not all. Sharing and liking posts puts your content in front of people who don't follow your brand. As a result, you can gain a massive audience organically.
Amplify your content with paid advertising, and it's a great way to reach millions!
Sales Campaigns
Offerings sales can garner tons of attention. Who doesn't like a good deal? You can use limited-time promotions to stimulate demand for some of your products or services while capturing interest from people unaware of your brand.
You create a sense of urgency when you offer a flash sale or coupons. Those on the fence about supporting your company may jump at the opportunity. Many brands also make the sales process more efficient, reducing some of the friction points to speed up the purchasing process and convince users to buy. It's an excellent way to drive demand quickly while generating long-term growth.
Read a similar article about messaging solution for ecommerce here at this page.
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springbig: From Yogurt and Pizza Digital Punch to Cannabis CRM Platform
springbig: From Yogurt and Pizza Digital Punch to Cannabis CRM Platform
When cannabis customer relationship management (CRM) software company springbig went public this past June, CEO Jeffrey Harris noted in a press release how the move would help “accelerate our growth strategy as a newly public company.” Accelerating an already rapidly growing business may sound like a tall task, as Harris and his team already have grown company revenues from just over $1 million…
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View On WordPress
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iriushoothoot · 6 months
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Introducing Avian International+
🚀 Exciting News, Everyone! 🚀 In our quest to bring nostalgia back to life, we're thrilled to announce the launch of a revolutionary new product for our Discord server: Avian International+ 🎉. Inspired by the classic software designs of the 1990s, Avian International+ promises to transform your digital communication experience with a retro twist. Expect pixelated avatars, dial-up tones before every voice chat, and a text-to-speech bot that sounds just like your old desktop computer. We've even integrated a Clippy-like assistant to help navigate through the server! 📂💾 But wait, there's more! Every message sent will first be converted into a fax sound, ensuring every word sent feels like it's traveling through time. 📠 Prepare for a trip down memory lane as we roll out this update. Let's make our server the first to experience the charm of the '90s internet – slow loading pages included! Features:
Experience thousands of hours of new content
stay safe through the new total surveillance services and the secret police
Activities and events for the entire flock
NEW and INNOVATIVE technology
Marketing Text
And much more!
Find out more at: discord.gg/TRgyZVmKVd #BackToThe90s #AvianInternationalPlus #Avian #Furry #community
Posted using PostyBirb
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dailyanarchistposts · 3 months
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J.4.7 What about the communications revolution?
Another important factor working in favour of anarchists is the existence of a sophisticated global communications network and a high degree of education and literacy among the populations of the core industrialised nations. Together these two developments make possible nearly instantaneous sharing and public dissemination of information by members of various progressive and radical movements all over the globe — a phenomenon that tends to reduce the effectiveness of repression by central authorities. The electronic-media and personal-computer revolutions also make it more difficult for elitist groups to maintain their previous monopolies of knowledge. Copy-left software and text, user-generated and shared content, file-sharing, all show that information, and its users, reaches its full potential when it is free. In short, the advent of the Information Age is potentially extremely subversive.
The very existence of the Internet provides anarchists with a powerful argument that decentralised structures can function effectively in a highly complex world. For the net has no centralised headquarters and is not subject to regulation by any centralised regulatory agency, yet it still manages to function effectively. Moreover, the net is also an effective way of anarchists and other radicals to communicate their ideas to others, share knowledge, work on common projects and co-ordinate activities and social struggle. By using the Internet, radicals can make their ideas accessible to people who otherwise would not come across anarchist ideas. In addition, and far more important than anarchists putting their ideas across, the fact is that the net allows everyone with access to express themselves freely, to communicate with others and get access (by visiting webpages and joining mailing lists and newsgroups) and give access (by creating webpages and joining in with on-line arguments) to new ideas and viewpoints. This is very anarchistic as it allows people to express themselves and start to consider new ideas, ideas which may change how they think and act.
Obviously we are aware that the vast majority of people in the world do not have access to telephones, never mind computers, but computer access is increasing in many countries, making it available, via work, libraries, schools, universities, and so on to more and more working class people.
Of course there is no denying that the implications of improved communications and information technology are ambiguous, implying Big Brother as well the ability of progressive and radical movements to organise. However, the point is only that the information revolution in combination with the other social developments could (but will not necessarily) contribute to a social paradigm shift. Obviously such a shift will not happen automatically. Indeed, it will not happen at all unless there is strong resistance to governmental and corporate attempts to limit public access to information, technology (e.g. encryption programs), censor peoples’ communications and use of electronic media and track them on-line.
This use of the Internet and computers to spread the anarchist message is ironic. The rapid improvement in price-performance ratios of computers, software, and other technology today is often used to validate the faith in free market capitalism but that requires a monumental failure of historical memory as not just the Internet but also the computer represents a spectacular success of public investment. As late as the 1970s and early 1980s, according to Kenneth Flamm’s Creating the Computer, the federal government was paying for 40 percent of all computer-related research and 60 to 75 percent of basic research. Even such modern-seeming gadgets as video terminals, the light pen, the drawing tablet, and the mouse evolved from Pentagon-sponsored research in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. Even software was not without state influence, with databases having their root in US Air Force and Atomic Energy Commission projects, artificial intelligence in military contracts back in the 1950s and airline reservation systems in 1950s air-defence systems. More than half of IBM’s Research and Development budget came from government contracts in the 1950s and 1960s.
The motivation was national security, but the result has been the creation of comparative advantage in information technology for the United States that private firms have happily exploited and extended. When the returns were uncertain and difficult to capture, private firms were unwilling to invest, and government played the decisive role. And not for want of trying, for key players in the military first tried to convince businesses and investment bankers that a new and potentially profitable business opportunity was presenting itself, but they did not succeed and it was only when the market expanded and the returns were more definite that the government receded. While the risks and development costs were socialised, the gains were privatised. All of which make claims that the market would have done it anyway highly unlikely.
Looking beyond state aid to the computer industry we discover a “do-it-yourself” (and so self-managed) culture which was essential to its development. The first personal computer, for example, was invented by amateurs who wanted their own cheap machines. The existence of a “gift” economy among these amateurs and hobbyists was a necessary precondition for the development of PCs. Without this free sharing of information and knowledge, the development of computers would have been hindered and so socialistic relations between developers and within the working environment created the necessary conditions for the computer revolution. If this community had been marked by commercial relations, the chances are the necessary breakthroughs and knowledge would have remained monopolised by a few companies or individuals, so hindering the industry as a whole.
Encouragingly, this socialistic “gift economy” is still at the heart of computer/software development and the Internet. For example, the Free Software Foundation has developed the General Public Licence (GPL). GPL, also know as
“copyleft”, uses copyright to ensure that software remains free. Copyleft ensures that a piece of software is made available to everyone to use and modify as they desire. The only restriction is that any used or modified copyleft material must remain under copyleft, ensuring that others have the same rights as you did when you used the original code. It creates a commons which anyone may add to, but no one may subtract from. Placing software under GPL means that every contributor is assured that she, and all other uses, will be able to run, modify and redistribute the code indefinitely. Unlike commercial software, copyleft code ensures an increasing knowledge base from which individuals can draw from and, equally as important, contribute to. In this way everyone benefits as code can be improved by everyone, unlike commercial code.
Many will think that this essentially anarchistic system would be a failure. In fact, code developed in this way is far more reliable and sturdy than commercial software. Linux, for example, is a far superior operating system than DOS precisely because it draws on the collective experience, skill and knowledge of thousands of developers. Apache, the most popular web-server, is another freeware product and is acknowledged as the best available. The same can be said of other key web-technologies (most obviously PHP) and projects (Wikipedia springs to mind, although that project while based on co-operative and free activity is owned by a few people who have ultimate control). While non-anarchists may be surprised, anarchists are not. Mutual aid and co-operation are beneficial in the evolution of life, why not in the evolution of software? For anarchists, this “gift economy” at the heart of the communications revolution is an important development. It shows both the superiority of common development as well as the walls built against innovation and decent products by property systems. We hope that such an economy will spread increasingly into the “real” world.
Another example of co-operation being aided by new technologies is Netwar. This refers to the use of the Internet by autonomous groups and social movements to co-ordinate action to influence and change society and fight government or business policy. This use of the Internet has steadily grown over the years, with a Rand corporation researcher, David Ronfeldt, arguing that this has become an important and powerful force (Rand is, and has been since its creation in 1948, a private appendage of the military industrial complex). In other words, activism and activists’ power and influence has been fuelled by the advent of the information revolution. Through computer and communication networks, especially via the Internet, grassroots campaigns have flourished, and the most importantly, government elites have taken notice.
Ronfeldt specialises in issues of national security, especially in the areas of Latin American and the impact of new informational technologies. Ronfeldt and another colleague coined the term
“netwar” in a Rand document entitled “Cyberwar is Coming!”. Ronfeldt’s work became a source of discussion on the Internet in mid-March 1995 when Pacific News Service correspondent Joel Simon wrote an article about Ronfeldt’s opinions on the influence of netwars on the political situation in Mexico after the Zapatista uprising. According to Simon, Ronfeldt holds that the work of social activists on the Internet has had a large influence — helping to co-ordinate the large demonstrations in Mexico City in support of the Zapatistas and the proliferation of EZLN communiqués across the world via computer networks. These actions, Ronfeldt argues, have allowed a network of groups that oppose the Mexican Government to muster an international response, often within hours of actions by it. In effect, this has forced the Mexican government to maintain the facade of negotiations with the EZLN and has on many occasions, actually stopped the army from just going in to Chiapas and brutally massacring the Zapatistas.
Given that Ronfeldt was an employee of the Rand Corporation his comments indicate that the U.S. government and its military and intelligence wings are very interested in what the Left is doing on the Internet. Given that they would not be interested in this if it were not effective, we can say that this use of the “Information Super-Highway” is a positive example of the use of technology in ways un-planned of by those who initially developed it (let us not forget that the Internet was originally funded by the U.S. government and military). While the internet is being hyped as the next big marketplace, it is being subverted by activists — an example of anarchistic trends within society worrying the powers that be.
A good example of this powerful tool is the incredible speed and range at which information travels the Internet about events concerning Mexico and the Zapatistas. When Alexander Cockburn wrote an article exposing a Chase Manhattan Bank memo about Chiapas and the Zapatistas in Counterpunch, only a small number of people read it because it is only a newsletter with a limited readership. The memo, written by Riordan Roett, argued that “the [Mexican] government will need to eliminate the Zapatistas to demonstrate their effective control of the national territory and of security policy”. In other words, if the Mexican government wants investment from Chase, it would have to crush the Zapatistas. This information was relatively ineffective when just confined to print but when it was uploaded to the Internet, it suddenly reached a very large number of people. These people in turn co-ordinated protests against the U.S and Mexican governments and especially Chase Manhattan. Chase was eventually forced to attempt to distance itself from the Roett memo that it commissioned. Since then net-activism has grown.
Ronfeldt’s research and opinion should be flattering for the Left. He is basically arguing that the efforts of activists on computers not only has been very effective (or at least has that potential), but more importantly, argues that the only way to counter this work is to follow the lead of social activists. Activists should understand the important implications of Ronfeldt’s work: government elites are not only watching these actions (big surprise) but are also attempting to work against them. Thus Netwars and copyleft are good examples of anarchistic trends within society, using communications technology as a means of co-ordinating activity across the world in a libertarian fashion for libertarian goals.
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marketingprofitmedia · 3 months
Vocal Clone AI Review – Create Human-Like AI Voices in Any Niche & Any Language Just 1-Click!
Welcome to my Vocal Clone AI Review, This is a genuine user-based Vocal Clone AI review where I will discuss the features, upgrades, demo, price, and bonuses, how Vocal Clone AI can benefit you, and my own personal opinion. 1st-Ever A.I. Voice Cloning Platform Built For Marketers — Clone Your Voice Or Create Custom, Unique AI Voices In Seconds, Make Your Marketing More Engaging, Authentic & Human.
If you’re still using generic AI voices like Amazon Polly, Google TTS, or Azure, then it’s killing your sales, not increasing them. The truth is, everyone is using those same boring voices that scream “unoriginal” and “copied.” Your audience can see right through it. Because they know it’s fake, they don’t like your brand or message. Get ahead of the game and connect with your audience like never before. With Vocal Clone AI, you can easily clone and create human-like voices in just a few seconds. Imagine the impact on your audience when they hear your voice — unique, authentic, and engaging. That’s how you build trust and make a lasting impression. Alternatively, employ a genuine, natural-sounding, indiscernible, and previously unheard AI voice.
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Vocal Clone AI Review: What Is Vocal Clone AI?
Vocal Clone AI is a cloud-based software program that allows users to create human-sounding artificial voices. Imagine having your own personal voice assistant that can narrate videos, introduce your podcast, or create engaging social media content. That’s the power of Vocal Clone AI. The software works by analyzing a voice sample (it can be yours or someone else’s) and then uses artificial intelligence to create a near-replica.
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You can also choose from a library of pre-built AI voices with different accents and genders. Once you have your voice, you simply type in the script you want it to say, adjust things like speed and pitch, and hit generate. Vocal Clone AI then transforms your text into speech using the chosen voice. This can be a game-changer for content creators, marketers, and anyone who wants to add a professional voiceover to their projects without the hassle and expense of hiring a voice actor. However, it’s important to remember that AI voices, while impressive, might not always sound perfectly human.
Vocal Clone AI Review: Overview
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Creator: Yogesh Agarwal
Product: Vocal Clone AI
Date Of Launch: 2024-Jun-25
Time Of Launch: 10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17 (One-time payment)
Official Website: Click Here To Access
Niche: Tools And Software
Support: Effective Response
Discount: Get The Best Discount Right Here!
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Bonuses: Huge Bonuses
Skill Level Required: All Levels (Newbie Or Expert)
Discount Code: “VOCAL3” To Get $3 Off Instantly!
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
Vocal Clone AI Review: About Authors
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Yogesh Agarwal and his passion for cutting-edge solutions have changed how marketers interact with their audiences. Yogesh, the founder of Vocal Clone AI, created the first AI-powered virtual platform generation tool to let marketers easily generate compelling voice cloning platform.
Yogesh’s platform lets marketers of diverse backgrounds use virtual AI Graphics influencers. His AI knowledge allows him to create easy solutions that require no technical skills, making content creation accessible to everybody.
Some lots of launches, including AI Ebook Suite, Instant AI Biz, AI Fame Rush, AI Platform Creator, VidMonopoly, AI Creative Suite, AI Audio Avataar, Ai Video Tales, BusinessBoxAI, AI Creative Suite, AI Graphics Factory, Viral Faces AI, TubeRushr, Propel AI Kit, AI List Flipper, AI Multi Marketer, AI Smart News, and many others.
Vocal Clone AI Review: Features
100% Cloud Based Software
Clone Yourself & Multiply Your Presence for Unlimited Traffic & Sales!
Move Your Audience to Take Action With Emotion-Driven Voices!
Upgrade Your Content & Captivate Your Audience With Realistic AI Voices!
Transform Text Into Captivating Audio with Advanced AI Technology & Customization Options!
Effortlessly Turn Your Audio into Beautifully Crafted Videos to Attract More Viewers & Buyers!
VSL Script Generator Create Persuasive Video Sales Letters In 1-Click!
Enhance Your Audio & Brand with Customized Background Music!
Give Your Content a Professional Touch & Increase Listener Retention!
AI Image Creator Instantly Create Eye-Catching Images for Your Marketing Content!
AI Video Creator Transforms Your Ideas Into Engaging Videos Without Any Skills!
Combine Multiple Audio Files Into One Seamless Piece & Save Time!
Create Voiceovers in 13 Languages Reach Global Audience With Multilingual Voiceovers!
Vocal Clone AI Review: How Does It Work?
Clone Or Create Custom Natural-Sounding AI Voices That Connects, Engage & SELL For You In Just 3 Simple Steps
STEP #1:
Record/Upload Your 10 Sec Voice OR Choose Any Custom AI Voice From Our Huge Library Of AI Voices.
STEP #2:
Add Your Desired Text, Set Voice Type, Pitch and Speed, Add Music, Merge Voices, Customise & Hit Generate!
STEP #3:
Download Your Unique, Human-Like AI Voice And Skyrocket Your Traffic, Sales, And Audience Engagement.
<<>> GET INSTANT ACCESS TO ”Vocal Clone AI ” NOW <<>>
Vocal Clone AI Review: Can Do For You
Get The 1st Mover Advantage & Dominate: Let others struggle with manual recording while you stay ahead and create unlimited unique voices effortlessly.
Personalize Your Brand: Connect and build trust with your audience using your VOICE or unique AI voices.
Skyrocket Your Conversions: Enhance your marketing content with real, human-like voices to boost conversions and sales.
Expand Your Reach: Create 3–10x more content easily and reach a wider audience across various niches.
Save Time, Money & Effort: No more expensive voiceover fees or time-consuming recording sessions.
User-Friendly Platform: No technical skills are required, just choose a voice, add text, and generate.
Tap Into Unknown And Break Barriers: Reach new markets and niches with AI voices in any niche.
Low 1-time Price During Launch Period Only
FREE Commercial Licence to sell or use on all your client projects and keep 100% of the profits.
Vocal Clone AI Review: Verify User Feedback
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Vocal Clone AI Review: Who Should Use It?
Affiliate Marketers
E-commerce Sellers
YouTube Marketers
Social Media Marketers
Bloggers, Website owners
Coaches & Consultants
Authors and Content Creators
Agencies and freelancers
Anyone and everyone
Vocal Clone AI Review: OTO’s And Pricing
Front End Price: Vocal Clone AI ($17.95)
OTO 1: Vocal Clone AI Pro ($37)
OTO 2: Vocal Clone AI DFY Edition ($127)
OTO 3: Vocal Clone AI Viral Faces Edition ($47-$67)
OTO 4: Vocal Clone AI ChatGPT Edition ($47-$67)
OTO 5: Vocal Clone AI Agency Licence ($117-$147)
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Vocal Clone AI Review: My Special Unique Bonus Bundle
My Special Unique Bonus Bundle will be visible on your access page as an Affiliate Bonus Button on WarriorPlus immediately after purchase.
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And before ending my honest Vocal Clone AI Review, I told you that I would give you my very own unique PFTSES formula for Free.
Vocal Clone AI Review: Free Bonuses
Bonus #1: COMMERCIAL LICENSE (Value $297)
The commercial license allows you to use our videos however you want. You call sell voiceovers and audio content created with VocalClone AI to clients for any price you want. You can sell them on Fiverr, Upwork, Warriorforum, and anywhere.
Bonus #2: LIVE Webclass (Value $297)
Join Our Live Web Class Where We Show You the Fastest, FAIL-PROOF, Plug-n-Play System to Make $10,000 PER MONTH Just by Giving Away FREE Passes! Learn The Exact System with The Step-by-Step Training (Even If You’re a Beginner)
Bonus #3: Audio First Marketing (Value $67)
Audio-first marketing can increase brand awareness quickly. Discover the secrets to reaching and engaging your audience like never before! Learn how to create a personal connection with your customers and boost brand loyalty!
Bonus #4: Personalized Marketing (Value $67)
Personalized marketing works overtime to help you boost engagement and encourage repeat business. Learn how you can implement some of our best strategies, starting today!
Bonus #5: Storytelling Advantage (Value $67)
Find how to craft a compelling story that resonates with your audience and drives them to take action. Learn how to use storytelling to build trust with your audience and create a lasting connection. See how to incorporate storytelling into all aspects of your marketing, including website copy, social media, email marketing, and more!
Bonus #6: The Unshakeable Super Affiliate ($197)
As you start getting traffic with AI Video Tales, use our SECRET affiliate strategies to quickly achieve your 1st $100, $500 and $1000. How to stand out and build a long-term, sustainable, profitable & unshakeable online business with affiliate marketing!
Bonus #7: Free Facebook Traffic Strategies (Value $67)
To successfully drive free traffic from Facebook you have to know what works and what doesn’t. Other marketers have tried driving free traffic from Facebook and failed. You will learn everything that you need to know to use the Facebook platform to generate free traffic.
Vocal Clone AI Review: Money Back Guarantee
There Is No Risk. You Are Covered By Our 30 Days Money Back Guarantee!
Within 30 days of purchasing VocalClone AI, if you’re not entirely happy with your purchase, we’ll return 100% of your money without asking any questions. But we’re certain you’ll like VocalClone AI so much and recognise its worth that you won’t need a refund. There is nothing more equitable than that.
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Vocal Clone AI Review: Pros and Cons
Cost-effective: Saves money compared to hiring voice actors.
Time-saving: Creates voiceovers quickly without studio recordings.
Scalable: Generates a high volume of voiceovers in different styles.
Customization: Control voice characteristics for a personalized touch.
Variety: Access to a library of pre-built AI voices beyond cloning.
You need to be connected to the internet to use this tool.
In fact, I haven’t found any additional Vocal Clone AI issues.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Q. Do I need to download anything to use VocalClone AI?
No, you don’t have to download anything. VocalClone AI is a cloud-based SaaS (software as a service) product. You can buy now and start using the product right away. All you need is your email ID and password to access it anytime from anywhere with an Internet connection.
Q. Is there a monthly fee?
No, once you buy VocalClone AI, you don’t have to pay a monthly fee. VocalClone AI is a one-time purchase product.
Q. What happens after the launch period?
The price will turn into a MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION and the low one-time price will never be available again! We encourage you to take action before the launch period ends.
Q. Can I have a refund?
We guarantee that you will get more value from your purchase of VocalClone AI than what you pay us. However, if for some reason the product is not living up to your expectations at any time within 30 days of buying it, we will give you a full refund, no questions asked.
Q. I have ZERO recording, editing or tech skills. Can I still use it?
Yes, of course! VocalClone AI has been created to be used by anyone, regardless of their experience or technical skills. With this powerful AI technology, you can easily create stunning voiceovers just by typing simple texts.
Q. What about the future updates?
You won’t pay a penny extra for future updates. And, you’ll get free lifetime updates to keep your product up-to-date.
Q. Will you add more resources in the future?
Yes, we will keep adding more high-quality resources to keep it updated for you. And it won’t cost you a penny extra.
Q. What if I have other questions?
You can ask us your product related question as well as anything about our company or services by emailing us at https://agarwalinnosoft.com/support
Vocal Clone AI Review: My Recommendation
Vocal Clone AI is a user-friendly and affordable AI voice cloning software that offers a convenient way to create human-sounding voiceovers for various content creation needs. While the generated voices might not always achieve perfect human quality, the software provides a cost-effective and scalable solution for content creators, marketers, and educators. However, it’s important to consider the limitations of the technology, such as potential artificiality in the voice and limited emotional range in the free and basic plans. For those requiring the highest degree of realism and emotional expression, exploring alternatives like Resemble AI might be worthwhile. Ultimately, the choice depends on your specific needs, budget, and desired level of voice customization.
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Check Out My Previous Reviews: TubeBuildr AI Review, ClickSchedule Ai Review, PuzzleBooks AI Review, TalkGPT Review, ProfitStays Review, Covert AI Review, VidFusion AI Review, & Dream AI Review.
Thank for reading my Vocal Clone AI Review Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
This review is based on publicly available information and is not intended as an endorsement or promotion of Vocal Clone AI. Users should conduct their own research and due diligence before making any purchasing decisions.
Note: This is a paid software, however the one-time fee is $17 for lifetime
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khandesigner247 · 7 months
Exploring the Essence of Graphic Design: A Journey into Visual Communication
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Exploring the Dynamic World of Graphic Design: A Comprehensive Overview
Graphic design is a multifaceted discipline that intertwines creativity, technology, and communication to visually convey messages, evoke emotions, and inspire action. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the intricacies of graphic design, tracing its historical roots, examining its fundamental principles, and elucidating its evolving role in contemporary society.
Historical Evolution:
The history of graphic design dates back to ancient civilizations, where visual symbols and imagery were used to communicate ideas and concepts. From Egyptian hieroglyphics to illuminated manuscripts of the Middle Ages, graphic design has played a pivotal role in human communication throughout the ages. The advent of the printing press in the 15th century revolutionized the field, allowing for mass production of printed materials and the proliferation of typography and layout techniques.
The Industrial Revolution further propelled the evolution of graphic design, with advancements in printing technology enabling the creation of posters, advertisements, and packaging designs. The early 20th century witnessed the emergence of influential movements such as Art Nouveau, Bauhaus, and Art Deco, which shaped the aesthetic principles and design philosophies of the era.
Fundamental Principles:
At its core, graphic design is governed by a set of fundamental principles that guide the creation of visually harmonious and effective compositions. These principles include:
Composition: The arrangement of visual elements within a design space to achieve balance, unity, and hierarchy.
Typography: The art and technique of selecting and arranging typefaces to enhance readability, convey tone, and evoke emotion.
Color Theory: The study of color interactions and psychological effects, informing the use of color palettes to evoke specific moods and convey meaning.
Contrast: The juxtaposition of elements with differing visual properties to create emphasis, depth, and visual interest.
Balance: The distribution of visual weight within a composition to create stability and harmony.
Hierarchy: The organization of elements to guide the viewer's attention and convey the relative importance of information.
Gestalt Principles: The theory of perceptual organization, which explores how the human mind perceives and interprets visual stimuli, influencing the arrangement of elements in design.
Applications and Disciplines:
Graphic design encompasses a wide array of applications and disciplines, ranging from print media to digital platforms. Some of the key areas of graphic design include:
Branding and Identity: Creating cohesive visual identities that reflect the personality, values, and aspirations of organizations and brands.
Advertising and Marketing: Developing compelling campaigns and collateral materials that effectively communicate messages and engage target audiences.
Editorial Design: Designing layouts for books, magazines, newspapers, and other publications, balancing text and imagery to enhance readability and visual appeal.
Web and User Interface Design: Crafting intuitive and visually engaging interfaces for websites, mobile apps, and digital platforms, prioritizing user experience and accessibility.
Motion Graphics and Animation: Integrating dynamic visuals, typography, and effects to create engaging motion graphics, videos, and interactive experiences.
Environmental and Exhibition Design: Conceptualizing immersive spatial experiences, signage, and installations that enhance brand presence and engage audiences in physical environments.
Technological Advancements:
The advent of digital technology has revolutionized the practice of graphic design, empowering designers with powerful tools and techniques for creating and manipulating visual content. Graphic design software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign have become indispensable tools for designers, offering unparalleled flexibility and precision in design execution.
Furthermore, advancements in digital printing, 3D rendering, and augmented reality have expanded the possibilities of graphic design, enabling designers to explore new mediums and push the boundaries of visual storytelling. The rise of online platforms and social media has also transformed the landscape of graphic design, providing designers with global reach and unprecedented opportunities for collaboration and exposure.
Challenges and Opportunities:
Despite its ubiquity and relevance in modern society, graphic design faces a myriad of challenges in an increasingly digital and interconnected world. The democratization of design tools and the proliferation of online marketplaces have led to commoditization and downward pressure on pricing, challenging the sustainability of professional practice.
Moreover, the rapid pace of technological innovation and evolving consumer preferences necessitate constant adaptation and upskilling for designers to remain competitive in the field. However, these challenges also present opportunities for innovation, collaboration, and diversification, as designers explore new niches, embrace emerging technologies, and champion ethical and sustainable design practices.
In conclusion, graphic design is a dynamic and ever-evolving discipline that encompasses artistry, technology, and communication. From its humble origins in ancient civilizations to its pivotal role in shaping contemporary culture and commerce, graphic design continues to inspire, inform, and challenge our perceptions of the world around us.
As we embark on this journey through the world of graphic design, we celebrate the creativity, innovation, and passion that define this vibrant field, while acknowledging the profound impact it has on our lives and our collective imagination. As designers, creators, and storytellers, we have the power to shape narratives, ignite emotions, and transform ideas into reality through the art of graphic design.
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ankitaacadereality · 8 months
Elevate Your Project with Cutting-Edge Animation Services 
Today, partnering with an animation services company is a staple for video advertising - and there are a lot of good reasons why. For many, it has become a crucial part of their story because its cost is less than other forms of video marketing and animation’s capability to spark emotions. 
But you might be asking yourself, if 2D Animation Service Providers are that crucial, why do I need an agency? Why can I do it myself?
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What are the benefits of partnering with an animation services company?
Business can focus on creative imagination
Reduce prices for video-editing software
Capture the core of your brand
I. Cost and budget 
When you partner with professional 2D animation solutions, you can be assured of top-quality solutions at affordable prices. 
Ii. Personalize The Brand
If there’s something that 2D animation services provide that standard school video marketing doesn’t, it’s humanizing your brand. Whether it’s a 3D or 2D animation, everything about your video can be made to fit your business persona. 
Another advantage of using animation solutions is that you can encrypt your brand.  
A personalized brand can also lead to:
Brand Engagement 
An animation services company can also help you soft-sell your services or products. Video animation allows us to digest content on visual and audio levels all at once, so it gives us an enhanced idea of the core message. 
So whether you use 2D animation services for a company timeline or product launch, they can give life to concepts that viewers may struggle to engage with. 
More visual prompts and less text can keep the audience engaged for a long period. Also, video animation especially appeals to every age. This is as it elicits a sense of reminiscence in every one of us. Ensure your animations are branded in your business colors
Why should your company use an animation services company?
Well, we’ve already drawn why animation solutions themselves are so beneficial for:
Brand awareness
Brand engagement
Embodying and personalizing your brand
As to why you should partner with an animation agency, there are a lot of reasons: 1. Kit and Software 
If you don’t already own the best and most advanced animation software, then you might be shocked - animation software isn’t low-cost! 
The good news is, an animation services company will have all of this organized, and they can hit the ground running, for instance, with whiteboard animation production. 2. Time
At the very least, it takes months to learn basic 2D animation services, whereas an animation agency will have a devoted professional with years of experience. And your time has just as much of a financial value as kit and software. 3. Investing In Assets
Video animation can also be an immortal video marketing asset.
This is because your animation can be used across different media. You could utilize an agency’s animation services to create an explainer video that could equally be used as a brand launch.
Plus, you can boost engagement by hosting it on your social channels, and video content is easily shareable. 
Last but not least, 2D animation services can fit anywhere in your sales cone- whether that means entertaining existing ones or enticing new consumers. 
4. Good Quality
An animation services company is going to be versed in styles ranging from whiteboard animation production and 2D through to 3D animated videos.
Making sure your data is mobile-friendly is key 5. Creativity
Like we said, once you’ve stopped trying to learn Maya and Blender, you can focus on what really matters - your meaning.
For best video animation to work, you need to translate your brand’s mission statement engagingly and concisely. And by outsourcing the complex elements to an animation agency, you can emphasize this part of the project.
Wrapping up
An animation services company can save you money and time, all while boosting your brand’s engagement. By outsourcing to an animation agency that can ensure the animation style you select reflects your brand vision, you can confirm that your brand’s story gets told right.
You can cut down on the up-front costs related to trying to learn animation yourself or hiring an animator. Plus, animation solutions can even be more affordable than live filming!
Animated video can flawlessly capture your business’s ideals with engaging and fun characters and content. With the rise in the status of animation for video advertising purposes, you’d be crazy to miss the boat. 
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happy-texting · 1 year
Happy Texting is The #1 Text Marketing Software for the Food Service industry. It is seamlessly integrating into Happy Meal Prep and Happy Ordering websites.
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gleantapmarketing · 1 year
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Gleantap is a powerful text marketing software that can help you boost your customer engagement and retention rates. With its intuitive platform, you can easily create and send personalized SMS campaigns that grab your audience's attention and drive conversions. 
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cophene · 10 months
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pairing : vento aureo x gn reader summary : with virtually nothing left in their credit account, a gang of space thieves turn to the richest man in the galaxy to give them  a job worth millions. too bad those never come easy, even with stand abilities and pretty-faced crew notes : sci-fi au, multi-chapter fic, sfw, doesn’t follow canon plot word count : 3.7k+
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SHEILA They have a new recruit with them. Some scrawny kid named JoJo.
Zero merely glanced at the message his holopad projected into the air. He was preoccupied with a matte-silver VR set that one of the maintenance bots had managed to knock off its display, inspecting it closely for damage.
“Is he a Stand user?” Zero said out loud, his holopad recording the words and sending them as text.
SHEILA Yes but it’s too soon to tell what his ability is.I’m guessing a low-power type.
Zero hadn’t banked on the Passione gaining a new member so late in the game. It could potentially be a risk, seeing as he hadn’t had the chance to prod at this rookie’s resolve with Kiss in Blue Heaven.
SHEILA That’s not the interesting part. All of my scans on him came back clean. There’s nothing on him. He practically has no records. I couldn’t figure out why until I tried matching his face to some registries. He’s using a facial pinger. None of the pictures I get of him match.
Zero paused at that. Facial pingers were highly sophisticated and highly illegal pieces of tech. Through a small incision at the base of your jaw, they could thoroughly scan your face at every millisecond and cast a fine grid over your features, undetectable to the human eye. By minutely altering your appearance they made it impossible for any tracking software to work on you. They were invaluable for people whose identities might be … compromising, but they were notorious for glitching or failing entirely. The last thing Zero needed was for a facial pinger to fail and reveal his face to the galaxy. Why spend an exorbitant amount on a false chip when a mask could do the job just as well? As well, a mask was capable of far better theatrics than a facial pinger.
It was obvious that the newest member was not who he said he was. How he’d gotten a facial pinger to begin with intrigued Zero, since even black market frequenters like himself rarely came across that piece of tech.
“What did you say his name was?”
SHEILA Johnny Jones
Zero squinted at the name. He sent off a command to his virtual assistant to catalogue the name and begin running it through a backward search. It was a common enough name, but if they looked back far enough, one variant of the name would start somewhere that the others did not and it would inevitably be used somewhere incongruous.
The Captain might have shot themself in the foot with this new rookie. Zero tiredly realized that if that was the case, he would have to let them know, seeing as he was their benefactor.
Zero returned his attention to the VR set. “What about the rest of the crew? Is the search going well?”
SHEILA They’re on track for the most part. Those two low-life mechanics nearly screwed them over with the ship, but they made it through. Pericolo should be giving them Polnareff’s location soon if they can find him. I did notice that their engineer is putting up a bit of resistance. The Captain seems to be putting him in line, but it could be a problem later on. Do you want me to deal with him?
Zero frowned at a scuff mark on the headset. He’d had a feeling that engineer would be trouble.
“Hold off on it for now. I don’t think he’ll push back against the Captain enough to alter the job’s endgame. He’s too afraid of losing his position for that.”
SHEILA Understood. The pilot’s eye is also getting worse. He’ll need a cybernetic if he doesn’t get it fixed. Is that something to worry about?
“Unless he crashes the ship into a moon colony, what he does and doesn’t do with his eye is none of my concern.” Zero pursed his lips at the headset, wondering if he wouldn’t be better off just throwing it out. The silver was starting to look gaudy.
SHEILA Also, are you sure you can’t do anything about those GA’s? That one inspector is starting to get annoying.
“I already have,” Zero said, curling his lip. He had paid off the Galactic Authorities well in advance to turn a blind eye to all of his proceedings. But Inspector Leone Abbacchio did not work within the agency, it seemed. He was pursuing the thieving crew all on his own, whether for his own pride or some other obligation, Zero didn’t know.
“I’ve spoken to the Inspector previously, but he had very choice words for me. If I didn’t have protection, I think he would’ve hauled me in himself.” Zero would’ve used his Stand on Abbacchio, but it tended not to tide over as well with people in high places. It was the grunts and lackeys who had the flimsiest resolve after all. At least Galactic Authority presence would keep Passioneon their toes.
Zero ignored the message. “Keep an eye on that new recruit. You’ve done well so far. Let me know if anything comes up. And keep a rein on that engineer. If we’re not careful, he could end up ruining the entire job.”
Zero ended his chat with Sheila, flicking to his communication screen with irritation. The hair at the back of his neck stood on end.
There was indeed someone pinging him. On his private communications channel no less. There were only two people in the galaxy who knew about this channel, and this person was not one of them.
Zero’s finger hovered over the decline option, but he stopped himself. Instead, he put the rest of his servers in lockdown. He brought up all of the failsafes he had in place so that at the press of his finger, all of the intel, information and files Zero owned would be erased instantaneously. His mask lay carelessly on a console and he fitted it over his face before brushing out his black robes. Then he made himself comfortable at the control centre before accepting the ping. When he spoke, no one would have guessed at how quickly his heart was pounding.
“You are exceedingly arrogant to communicate with me here, Your Highness.”
“I’m the Crown Prince of the Imperial House. I can speak to whomever I please.”
Zero barely hid a smirk at the point Donatello had just unintentionally made. He considered bringing up the fact that, officially, Prince Giovanna was still the Crown Prince. No, it was a little too soon for that.
“To what do I owe the pleasure, Your Highness?”
Donatello was dressed gaudily as always. Colourful seawater flora descended in a V down front of his white zip-up. The low-neck of his shirt bared the Imperial family’s medallion, along with a hint of his own Versus branding. Zero supposed that objectively, there was nothing wrong with Donatello’s ensemble, but he had always preferred Donatello’s earlier, more understated designs. In fact, the dark robe inlaid with gold that Zero regularly wore was from the prince’s own collection—a custom made piece that the prince had gifted as a sign of goodwill after Zero had delivered him some archaic handbag or other.
Truth be told, Zero preferred Prince Giovanna to Donatello. There was a quiet dignity about the younger prince that Zero respected much more than Donatello’s loud arrogance. He suspected much of the galaxy felt the same, even if they would never say so out loud.
Donatello frowned as though he could feel Zero judging him through the call. “It has come to my attention that you have the thieving crew Passioneunder your employ. I’m here to ask you to terminate your agreement with them immediately.”
“You may be an Imperial Prince, but who I employ is none of your business,” Zero said coolly.
“You do the Imperial family much offense by cavorting with Passione,” Donatello returned. Punishable offense, seemed to be his unsaid words.
“Your Highness, I believe you are mistaken. My relationship with Passione is strictly one of my business. Whatever they may have done to you in the past is none of my concern, nor would it particularly affect my dealings with them. Whatever their history with the Imperial Family may be, they still owe me a job, and I am still paying them.”
“They have stolen from me,” Donatello hissed, leaning forward. “You condone their actions by working with them.”
“That is what they are known for, yes.”
Donatello narrowed his blue eyes. “I can see that you won’t pay the respect I’m due over a projection.”
“I only pay what I deem fit, Your Highness.”
The call ended abruptly. Zero was wondering where the obstinate prince’s willpower had gone when a different alert flashed across his screen.
Donatello’s private spaceship was hailing Zero for boarding.
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Zero could not, in good conscience, deny an Imperial Prince boarding access. That was a little too rude, even for him. He didn’t bother going down to meet him, however. If the prince insisted on boarding his ship without warning and permission, then the prince would have to travel through Zero’s expansive ship to find him himself.
By the time Donatello found Zero’s bridge, he was flushed and harried-looking. The rest of his outfit turned out to be just as gaudy as the zip-up, consisting of pants bearing the same floral design down the sides and colour-coordinated shoes. Zero turned leisurely in his chair to face the prince.
“Your Highness. I’m honoured you would want to meet with me in person.”
As if it wasn’t rude enough to come barging on Zero’s ship, Donatello had two guards with him, both with charged electors. “How dare you disregard a direct order from an Imperial Prince? I’m not here to amuse you, Zero. Terminate your contract with Passione. Or I’ll put an end to your illicit hoarding.”
Zero’s eye twitched beneath his mask. “Do I need to remind you that you have personally profited off of ‘illicit hoarding’?You have still failed to provide me with an adequate reason to terminate Passione.”
Donatello curled his lip. “If you’re ordered to do something, that should be more than enough reason. Or is the esteemed Zero above Galactic Law?”
“Please step back, Your Highness.”
“Not until you tell me what I want to hear.”
“Have a taffy,” Zero said to the two guards. He gestured to the colourful bowl conveniently sitting nearby. There wasn’t a room on this ship that didn’t have one.
The guards shifted uneasily. “Zero …” Donatello growled.
Zero sighed inaudibly. He rose to his feet, ignoring the electors cocked in his direction. He brushed past Donatello, plucking a handful of taffies from the bowl. It was so tiresome when Sheila wasn’t here to do it for him. The girl had gotten good at taking people unawares.
Kiss in Blue Heaven appeared beside him. Before Donatello had time to cry out, it speared a taffy on two of its fingers and pushed them into the guards’ mouths. The two swayed on their feet and crumpled to the ground, their electors clattering beside them.
“Are you going to use your Stand on me?” Zero asked pleasantly. “I’ve heard rumours that you had an ability, but I’ve never been able to figure out what it is. It must be one of those ultra-specific types, or you would have incapacitated me already.”
Donatello didn’t deny it. Sweat darkened his hairline, and his blue eyes darted from the fallen guards to the bridge door behind Zero.
The power in the room had shifted. Zero allowed Kiss in Blue Heaven to hover over his shoulder. He liked how the prince’s body went stiff with every movement it made.
“Allow me to make things clear, Your kHighness. I’m aware that with your position, you could have me locked up in a galactic prison in a few hours. Or, given your penchant for blowing things out of proportion, you could even have me killed. But you have had proceedings with me in the past, and I have very thorough and detailed receipts of those transactions. You are not guiltless. If I go down, you would go down with me, along with countless other prestigious clientele I’ve gained over the years.
“If you turn me in, I will wipe out a significant portion of Upper Space society. Your Imperial House will lose much of its backing. Things will be unstable and ripe for exploitation. You can bid any support you might have adieu. I think you underestimate my influence, Your Highness. The galaxy as you know it will fall without me. So with that in mind, please tell me why a crew I have employed to retrieve an artifact I’ve spent years searching for should be terminated, and why I owe you anything to see it through.”
A muscle in Donatello’s jaw jumped. The prince took a minute to gather his thoughts, then said, “Passione has undermined my authority time and time again. By allowing them to run amok, they spit in the face of authority and Imperial might.”
“I’d like the real reason,” Zero said.
“I have a duty as a prince to—”
Kiss in Blue Heaven strode in front of Zero and plunged its needle-fingers through Donatello’s chest. Blue light flooded the bridge as strands of iridescent thread burst from the prince’s chest, his face frozen mid-sentence.
Zero had said he didn’t like using his Stand in high places but the prince was waning his patience. His Stand pulled more threads of resolve from the prince and Zero tried to get at the true reason why Donatello was so against Passione. With a forceful tug, Blue Heaven was able to dislodge most of the threads, and Zero’s lip curled in distaste at the tangled mass that floated in the air.
The prince’s resolve was hopelessly confused. No wonder he was always jumping around without doing anything. People without clear, iron resolve couldn’t hope to achieve anything. If you didn’t know what you were doing, you couldn’t do anything at all.
Blue Heaven teased out the hardiest thread of the bunch, following it as far in the tangle as it could. It brought it before Zero, who peered at it intently.
The best way Zero could read it was pettiness. Passione could get away with anything. Donatello could barely even speak without being criticized. People respected Passione for stealing. People couldn’t care less about the eldest prince who had been usurped by his youngest brother. Passione was admired. Donatello was ridiculed.
How stupid. Zero had half a mind to find Donatello’s thread of living and snap it in half. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d done something like that and it was extremely satisfying. Sadly, even Zero wouldn’t be able to get away with killing a prince of the realm.
His Stand was just about to cut away the stupid pettiness and try to untangle the prince’s knotted resolve when a thought occurred to Zero. Donatello’s desire to get rid of Passione now was annoying, but if he could deal with the crew after, it would save Zero a great deal of trouble. There had always been the matter of what to do with Passione once they got him the Stand Arrow. By then, they would know the true nature of the Arrow and so they couldn’t be left alive. Zero had contemplated killing them outright, although that would bring more attention to him than he needed. If Donatello could take the crew off of Zero’s hands, however …
Blue Heaven wasted no time. The laughable strand of pettiness turned was wound into a larger braid of motivations, Zero’s whispers in his ear. Passione would fall so much further if he caught them after this mission, going from working with Zero straight to galactic prison. Who knew how many laws they would break in their mission? How many other things could he punish them for? Follow the crew quietly until they got the Stand Arrow. Once it was in Zero’s hands, the prince could do what he pleased to the thieving crew. All he had to do was wait.
Donatello’s resolve returned to his body. All at once, the light disappeared and Donatello fell forward on his knees. He blinked, his eyes glassy.
“What do you say to that?” Zero said, as though they were just finishing their conversation.
“I—” Donatello frowned. It took a moment for him to parse out his new resolve. “You want me to wait?”
“A few weeks is nothing compared to the admiration you’ll gain from catching Passione. I recommend you work with the Galactic Authorities. There’s a particularly zealous inspector I think will help you immensely.”
Donatello looked like a kicked dog. Zero swallowed down the urge to snap at him. The Captain hadn’t reacted this strongly to Kiss in Blue Heaven. Stronger resolve, maybe.
“It was a pleasure speaking to you, Your Highness. I trust you’ll be on your way now. Oh look, your guards are waking up.”
“Were they asleep?” Donatello mumbled faintly.
“Indeed.” Zero hauled both of the guards to their feet impatiently. “Contact me if you have any questions. You evidently already have my private channel. Have a safe flight and may the stars shine on you brightly, Your Highness.” He pushed the guards out of the bridge and waited for Donatello to stumble out after them.
“I don’t know how to get back to the bay,” Donatello said, still glassy-eyed.
Zero asked the stars for patience before dragging the prince unceremoniously through the ship to the bay doors. He did not return to the bridge until the prince’s ship had detached itself from Zero’s and was well on its way.
Zero truly could not stand the Imperial family.
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Across the galaxy, a different Imperial prince was anxiously waiting for his call to go through. He resisted the urge to start biting his nails, straightening when the loading circle disappeared and a rumpled engineer filled his screen.
“Your Highness,” he said curtly. The blonde engineer looked a few knocks away from collapsing
“I apologize for disturbing you,” Rikiel said, hating the sound of his own voice. “I know you’re busy. Is the Captain there? Can I speak to them?”
“They’re busy, unfortunately,” the engineer said. “I can pass them a message.”
Rikiel pursed his lips. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea. I gave them some pretty sensitive information. The less people who know, the better. I’ll just call back later.”
“You think Prince Giovanna is still alive,” the engineer said before Rikiel could end the call. Rikiel paused, a chill running down his spine.
“How do you know that? Did the Captain tell you?”
“It was just a guess. It was easy enough to infer based on your reluctance to talk.” Rikiel heard the hiss of the engineer’s door sliding shut. The engineer shifted his holopad so that his face was centered, pushing away whatever it was he’d been working on.
“What’s your name?” Rikiel asked tightly.
“Pannacotta Fugo. I’m the Captain’s right-hand man. Whatever you trust them with, I promise you can extend the same trust to me.”
“You used to be a noble, didn’t you?”
Fugo clenched his jaw. “I prefer not to talk about that.”
Rikiel flinched suddenly, hearing something move behind him. He glanced over his shoulder only to see a small bot vacuuming away in the corner. None of his brothers were on the Palaceship and the Emperor was off on diplomatic business. No one important was around to eavesdrop on Rikiel, but he was still on edge.
He had to get this done quickly. If the Captain trusted Fugo, Rikiel would too.
“If you know about Giorno, you should know why it’s so important we get him back,” Rikiel said quickly. “I acknowledge the odds are incredibly slim that you’ll find him at all, so I’m going to ask you something else. Once you find the Stand Arrow, don’t bring it to Zero. Bring it to me.”
Rikiel could see the instant Fugo was going to refuse. “Please listen to me,” Rikiel continued. “If Giorno was searching for the Stand Arrow, it must be important. And if that’s the case, I don’t want it anywhere near Zero. That man already has enough power to rival Donatello himself if he wanted to. Bring the Arrow to me. I’ll keep it safe, and I’ll pay double what Zero offered.”
“That isn’t our job,” Fugo said, and something in his voice sounded different. “How do I know you aren’t going to give the Arrow to the Emperor or Prince Donatello? It could be just as dangerous to give you the Arrow.”
“Despite what you may think, I don’t want this galaxy to go to shit. If I were a better person, I would’ve gone after Zero myself. Just give me the Arrow. You have to know that nothing good will come if Zero wants it that badly.”
Rikiel watched Fugo’s face. There was the possibility that he was blowing this all out of proportion and Zero’s intentions with the Stand Arrow were completely innocent. But something tugged at his gut every time he thought about it. Maybe it was melodramatic, but Rikiel felt like the galaxy would be irrevocably changed if Zero got his hands on that Stand Arrow.
The engineer looked like he was fighting with himself. He screwed his eyes shut, holding his face in his hands.
“Are you okay?”
Fugo let out a gasp of pain. Rikiel instinctively reached a hand out as though he could reach through the projection. Fugo ducked out of frame, and Rikiel could hear him breathing heavily.
“Pannacotta Fugo?”
“I’m fine. My apologies, Your Highness.” Fugo straightened. When he looked at Rikiel, his violet eyes were so piercing that the back of Rikiel’s scalp prickled.
“You’re right about the Stand Arrow. Zero can’t get his hands on it.” He lowered his voice. “The rest of the crew isn’t going to be happy about this plan. Even if you’re paying us more. I—it’ll have to stay between the two of us and … the captain.”
Rikiel wrinkled his brow. “It would be easier if—”
“I have a plan, Your Highness,” Fugo interrupted. “I can get the Stand Arrow to you, but I want you to swear on your life that you’ll protect it. That you won’t exploit its power, whatever it is.”
Was it Rikiel in command here or Fugo? Rikiel had never met anyone as direct as this engineer.
“I swear on my life that I won’t use the Stand Arrow.”
Fugo’s expression didn’t change. He reached for his holopad, and after a flurry of keystrokes, he looked grimly resolved.
“Here’s my plan, Your Highness. Please listen closely.”
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mariacallous · 10 months
Good news is coming to your group chat. Today, Apple said it will add support for the RCS messaging standard to the iPhone. The website 9to5Mac broke the news that Apple will release a software update some time next year that will bring support to iOS for the messaging standard, which is already widely used by Android phones.
RCS, or Rich Communications Standard, is a messaging service that’s a step up from the SMS and MMS messaging standards that smartphones have used since they first arrived. RCS can do more than SMS and MMS: It allows users to share higher-resolution photos and videos between their devices; it supports read receipts; and there's more fun stuff, like the ability to easily drop emoji and GIFs into a conversation. It also adds extra layers of security that the older messaging standards lack.
Apple has famously shunned RCS in favor of its own iMessage platform, resulting in a layer of incompatibility that anyone with an Android phone—or any iPhone user who regularly texts people with Android phones—is painfully aware of. Videos shared between iOS and Android are crunchy and low-bandwidth, and Android users are often confounded by group chats, with missed messages, absent emoji, and other glitches.
For years, Apple has been relying on SMS and MMS to bridge the digital divide between these messaging platforms. It’s the last major holdout, as RCS is already supported by major players like Google, Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile. When Apple adds support for RCS, it won’t need that old bridge, and the move could signal the eventual death of SMS.
“It’s long been time for SMS to go away,” says Anshel Sag, principal analyst at the technology analyst firm Moor Insights and Strategy. “Now SMS can die, it can be sunset. So all the viruses and all the security flaws that are due to SMS can be eliminated.”
The move isn't happening immediately; Apple told 9to5Mac that RCS support will come “in the later half of next year.” This timing suggests that support could arrive with the next version of iOS, which typically rolls out in September.
So it’s a ways out, but it's certainly closer than Apple’s previous plan for the feature, which was apparently “never.” A year ago, it seemed Apple was not even considering supporting RCS on the iPhone. Apple CEO Tim Cook glibly joked that you could “buy your mom an iPhone” if you’re having trouble communicating with users on different devices. Since then, pressure has mounted on the company to implement RCS, and some compatibility has emerged between the platforms as they each have evolved.
Last year, Google launched a very public campaign to compel Apple to adopt RCS, which Apple mostly appeared to shrug off. While Google’s push may not have worked to sway Apple, Cupertino has likely been motivated to change its song by the European Union’s recent Digital Markets Act, a piece of legislation that calls for greater interoperability between messaging services.
“I think this was inevitable once the European Markets Act got implemented,” Sag says. “Once that law really got solidified, it was just a matter of Europeans going through their paces and actually implementing the rules and enforcing them.”
Exactly how broad Apple’s support of RCS will be is unclear. Apple has a tendency to follow the letter of the law, so to speak, while also kicking and screaming about it. When similar EU legislation pushed it into offering repair services, it was an expensive process that required users to lug around bulky equipment. Apple was also reluctant to change the iPhone's charging ports to the widespread USB-C standard, only doing so this year once legislation forced its hand. Apple did not respond to requests for comment on this story.
Apple also hasn’t said whether this change will bring an end to those pesky green chat bubbles. In iOS, chats between iPhone users appear in blue-shaded bubbles, but messages from Android users appear in green bubbles.
“I don't know if the green bubble will go away or not, but I have a feeling that they will probably still try to differentiate in a visual manner,” Sag says.
Even with RCS, Apple can choose to continue to brand Android users as outsiders in your group chat. But hey, at least when they drop a video or a sticker, it won’t break the chat anymore.
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ensumo-mart · 11 months
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Voiceover Capabilities: Elevating Your Narrative A silent video often lacks the emotional depth to engage audiences fully. With Illusto's voiceover capabilities, you can add that missing narrative layer effortlessly. Whether you're explaining complex concepts, narrating a story, or simply providing context, the platform's user-friendly voiceover feature ensures a seamless integration of voice into your videos.
122M+ Stock Assets: Fueling Your Imagination Illusto's library is nothing short of staggering, offering access to over 122 million stock assets, including images, videos, music, and sound effects. This treasure trove is the cornerstone of your creative arsenal. You'll never again struggle to find the perfect visual or audio component to enhance your videos and make them stand out.
AI Image Generator: Artistry with a Click Illusto's pièce de résistance is its AI image generator. This remarkable tool leverages the power of artificial intelligence to create stunning visuals that align precisely with your video's theme and style. With just a few clicks, you can conjure eye-catching images, each one as unique as your creativity.
Bridging the Gap: Benefits of Illusto
User-Friendly Interface: From Novice to Pro Illusto stands out for its intuitive design, carefully crafted to cater to users of all skill levels. Whether you're a seasoned video editor or stepping into this world for the first time, Illusto's user-friendly interface ensures a smooth and efficient editing experience.
Time and Cost Efficiency: Your Creative Vision, Unleashed Think about all the time and money you'd spend on hiring professional video editors or purchasing high-end software. Illusto brings your creative vision to life without emptying your pockets. It consolidates all the necessary tools and resources in one place, granting you the freedom to craft captivating videos without breaking the bank.
Endless Customization: Your Creative Playground Illusto is more than just templates and stock assets. It's your creative playground. With the extensive library of templates, stock assets, and the AI image generator at your disposal, you have endless opportunities for customization. Adjust colors, add text, and rearrange elements to align your videos perfectly with your brand's style and message.
Illusto: A Class Apart
AI-Powered Innovations: Beyond Basic Editing While other video editors offer basic editing functionalities, Illusto takes it a step further by integrating artificial intelligence. Its AI image generator and other AI-powered tools give you the upper hand in creating captivating videos with speed and ease.
Vast Stock Asset Library: Professional Quality, Every Time Illusto's expansive collection of over 122 million stock assets ensures your videos exude a professional touch. From visuals to sound, you'll never again compromise on quality.
User-Centric Design: Creativity for All Illusto's user-centric design ensures accessibility for all. Whether you're just starting or already skilled in video editing, Illusto is your partner in creating stunning videos effortlessly.
Take Your First Step with Illusto
Illusto is not merely a video editor; it's a gateway to unbridled creativity. With video templates, voiceover capabilities, an extensive stock asset library, and AI-generated images, Illusto paves the way for amateurs and professionals alike to craft captivating video content. Join the Illusto community today and witness your creative genius flourish like never before. It's time to revolutionize your video editing.
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mahnoor-habib · 1 year
How to Use Content Marketing to Construct Sales Funnels
Digital marketing is a dynamic field wherein content is king. It's crucial in putting up successful sales funnels that bring in new customers and keep the ones you have happy. In this piece, we'll discuss the role of content marketing in constructing effective sales funnels, and then walk you through the process of developing articles that will interest, inform, and ultimately lead your target audience to become paying customers.
Content's Crucial Function in the Sales Process
The goal of content marketing is to attract and retain a certain demographic by producing and sharing interesting and useful material regularly. When it comes to developing a sales funnel, content serves as the glue that holds the many stages of the buyer's journey together.
Here's where content marketing comes in:
Attention-grabbing information is essential during the TOFU, or "top of the funnel," awareness stage. Blog entries, social media updates, films, and infographics that address widespread problems and questions about your service or product are all good examples of this kind of material.
In the MOFU, users are evaluating their choices and seeking information to aid them along the way. Ebooks, seminars, case studies, and whitepapers are all great examples of in-depth content that may help your customers learn more about your product or service.
At the point of conversion, often known as the Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU), your material should restate the benefits of your product or service. Product demonstrations, free trials, and satisfied customer reviews all fall under this category.
Content Marketing: A Step-by-Step Guide for Creating Sales Funnels Let's get into the content marketing process as it relates to your funnel:
One, Know Who You're Talking To
Knowing who you're writing for is essential before you start. Where do they hurt, what do they want, and what do they need? Make in-depth buyer personas to use as a guide while you create content for different areas of your funnel.
Determine Your Objectives Specifically
Set objectives that pertain to each step of your funnel. If building brand recognition is your primary objective at the TOFU, then lead nurturing and education should be your primary focus at the MOFU.
Create a Strategy for Your Content
Make a strategy for the material that will be produced at each level of the funnel. Figure out the best content type, subject matter, and channels for dissemination.
Make Content That People Can't Put Down
Create something that your target audience will appreciate. Blog articles, videos, and downloadable materials should all be geared towards helping readers out and answering questions.
SEO Strategies, 5 to Implement
To increase your content's exposure, you should optimise it for search engines. Find the best keywords to use in your text and carefully insert them.
Advertise and disperse
Unseen content is useless content. Use tools like social networking, email marketing, and paid advertising to spread the word about your content.
Break Down Your Viewers
You may tailor your messaging to specific subsets of your audience depending on how they've interacted with your marketing funnel using segmentation.
Fostering Progress
Use email marketing to move prospects down the sales funnel by addressing their unique interests and requirements.
Evaluate and refine
Always keep track of how well each piece of content is doing. Keep tabs on engagement, click-through rates, and sales by using analytics software. Use the information you gather to fine-tune and enhance your content plan.
Methods of Measuring
Last but not least, monitor the conversion rates of each step in your funnel to evaluate its performance. You can use this information to evaluate the efficacy of your content marketing strategies and fine-tune your funnel as time goes on.
Successful sales funnels rely heavily on content marketing. Attract, engage, and convert readers into paying customers by producing high-quality content at every point of the sales funnel. Create a content marketing plan that supports your funnel objectives by following the steps in this article. You'll see an increase in conversions and customer loyalty as a result. Keep in mind that content is the master key to your marketing strategy's full potential in the field of funnel creation. For more information kindly visit our website simplefastfunnels.com
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