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xjaredshaw · 26 days ago
Jared Shaw Porno Day - My top 3 personal fav videos I shoot.
Today on saturday december 14th i will post and review my personal top 3 pornos that I made. 💪🏼
Since is Tumblr won't let me post explicit these are pictures from the scenes. If you want the full videos you DM me or look them up online 😈
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Fav nr 3: Shoot with Johannes Lars. He was such a cute guy I almost fell in love. His ass is among the best I've tested, wonderful scene to film that I'm so proud of. When do we do it again @JohannesLarsXXX ?
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Fav nr 2: Met Casper Ivarsson during a recording, became my boyfriend and we had a few fantastic months together. Filmed this for my OF, turned out so well that eastboys bought the scene. amazing guy and scene.
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Fav nr 1: The scen that started my career and also my most viewed ever. Loved how he fucked me while the crew filmed and watched, knew from that day what I should do in life. The camera guys hardon was so hot, had to take care of him after the shoot as a thx for the oppertunity they given me. Could have sucked the whole crew, was so happy after. Afterwards the camera guy came to the shower where I was, pulled down his pants and showed his hard cock, I understood immediately and went down on my knees and sucked him. The ultimate confirmation I done a good job and this was a job for me. He taught me the secret, suck all the cocks you can if you want to be successful, but don't tell anyone lol
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I hope you enjoy Jared Shaw Porno Day guys 💪🏼
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helsinkiaznyugate · 19 days ago
KIRÁLY GÁBOR: A MÁSIK OLDAL. SZÓLTAM ! (Reflexió Erdős Virág versére)
Szóltam, hogy jönnek a fasiszta celebek,
szóltam, hogy nem lesz jó, ha a szart lenyeled,
szóltam, hogy ki fogják lopni a szemedet,
azt mondtad, nyugi, mert ezek nem ilyenek.
Szóltam, hogy te leszel bűnbak a bankoknál,
szóltam, hogy rosszabb lesz Budapest Bangkoknál,
szóltam, hogy leköpnek költői esteden,
azt mondtad, nem kéne ördögöt festenem.
Szóltam, hogy ki fogják rúgni a mamádat,
szóltam, hogy elő lesz írva az alázat,
szóltam, hogy nevükre íratják hazádat,
azt mondtad, nem eshet meg ez a gyalázat.
Szóltam, hogy több lesz az erőszak szervezet,
szóltam, hogy lapít majd minden szakszervezet,
szóltam, hogy lesz majd itt bankszámla zárolás,
azt mondtad, unalmas már ez a károgás.
Szóltam, hogy te leszel hibás az árvízért,
szóltam, hogy nem kapsz majd gyufát se száztízért,
szóltam, hogy rajtad verik le a havazást,
azt mondtad, hagyjam már abba a savazást.
Szóltam, hogy viszi az egyház a sulikat,
szóltam, hogy mérnökök helyett majd kulikat
képeznek ezerrel, s bezárják a gyárat,
azt mondtad, ilyen a kereslet-kínálat.
Szóltam, hogy felbontják minden leveled,
szóltam, hogy feltörlik a padlót teveled,
szóltam, hogy nem lesz a várad a te házad,
azt mondtad, béke van, nyugi, ne parázzak.
Azt mondtad, nem érint téged, ha úgy lesz se,
azt mondtad, védje meg magát a férgese,
azt mondtad, ráérek, hiszem, ha látom,
így jártál, megszoptad, édes barátom.
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moorishflower · 10 months ago
Hey I wanna be really clear about something because I do occasionally reblog stuff wrt Palestine and its current occupation, so if you don't have any interest in politics (because this IS politics, this whole situation is very much NOT about religion) feel free to skip over
But I want to make it absolutely clear that anti-Zionism and antisemitism are not the same thing, and when I reblog things in support of Palestine I am not doing so because I think that Jews are evil. I'm studying Judaism. I'm trying to convert. I hope I'll be ready for that someday. So it is not Jews who've stolen land and killed locals and started a genocide. It is not even, to a certain extent, Israelis who've done this. The country of Israel, our modern understanding of it, was flawed from the beginning, built on colonized land that had been already occupied by the British Empire. It has since been taken over by a far-right extremist government who views the native tribes and people of Palestine as little more than animals, or worse than animals. And what's tragic is that this government is using Jews as their footsoldiers and their scapegoats and their pawns. Promising them a return to a homeland that has been gone for thousands of years. Promising peace and safety to a people who have been hurt and oppressed and murdered and driven out again and again. But you can't buy peace with blood. What Hamas did was horrific and is NOT to be celebrated. But what Israel is doing in response is worse.
Halacha tells us that we have the right to rodef, the right of the pursuer. The actual line is "You shall not stand idly by the blood of your neighbor." In the Talmud, it's decided that "if someone comes to kill you, rise up and kill them first." It's the right to self-defense. What Israel is claiming is that Hamas is SUCH a threat that the deaths of more than 30,000 people, most of which are civilians, most of which are women and children, is justified under Talmudic law.
Right now, the estimate for Israeli casualties (including those killed at the Sukkot gathering) is around 1,139.
The estimate for Palestinian casualties is at least 30,000. Quite possibly more, as some 10,000 are missing. Professor Yagil Levy of the Tel Aviv University estimates that about 61% of that 30,000 is women, children, and the elderly (he places all men over the age of 18 in the "combatant" category and thus are not considered civilians, which is problematic in and of itself).
So where is the line drawn? The Talmud doesn't tell us. But I don't think that the tragic deaths of 1,139 people justifies the wanton and senseless murder of 18,000 women, children, and elderly.
What Israel is doing is horrifying, and it isn't to secure a Jewish homeland, and it isn't in the name of G-d, and it isn't for the continued existence of Jews. It is, plain and simple, an attempt to consolidate power. Netanyahu was (and still is) an extremely disliked Prime Minister. He has put himself into bed with whoever he thinks is most powerful and most likely to keep him in power, which is unfortunately a gaggle of right-wing extremists who are no different, fundamentally, from any other extremist, and who are using Judaism and Jews as a vehicle towards their own enrichment.
I guess what I'm saying here is that in a way, I feel sorry for the Israeli Jews who were told that Israel was the home they had always been promised, but were never told about the strings attached to it. And I wanted to make it absolutely clear that I will not hold with anyone who says that Jews, specifically, are to blame for Gaza, or any other antisemitic statements, because it is not a religious contention.
Oseh shalom bimromav hu ya'aseh shalom aleinu v'al kol yoshvei tevel. Palestine will be free and Jews will know peace again.
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oakstar519 · 8 months ago
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currently reading the jvp haggadah because i want to torture myself ig? and. it's so bad.
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plaguery · 9 months ago
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} You Will Play This Game. >♥︎
(((helll yeah illl play this game* whatever u say princesss**)))
*illl play fuckin whatever anyway tbh
**but its more important that i do aaanyyything u ask
EVONYA ORADKA is a former forest dweller, suspicious in behavior and of others. Amongst her wooded community, she was considered a kind of ghastly ‘princess’ of the hunt, but she herself never used this term. Her relationship to her bow is said to be a soul connection: her spirit flowing as an extension through the arrows, which are said to pierce and invade the soul of their targets. They are hypervigilant, protective, and have a tendency to suggest that they can help with things much more than they actually can. She is better at setting boundaries and rules that benefit her aims more than soothing or mending. By nature, they are relatively closed off from much of Plagaris at large and stick to taking care of the day to day survival tasks of themself and others. However, they have picked up an internet surfing habit that lets them more openly express themself to the digital world.
RICHAT TEVELL does not use that name, thank you very much. Either RT or "The Veil" will do. It is Plagaris' foremost scavenger, collecting all manner of junk and refuse with the hopes of recycling it all into something new. Employment and RT haven't historically gotten along very well, so it gets by with its recycling projects or with the help of its buds. When he's not caring for his collections or the newest weeds budding in his hovel, he's making video vision boards from archival footage, known to some as AMVs. RT is jovial, fun loving, and chatty to boot, always having additional points to expound upon when it talks. Its eye for detail almost never misses a thing and recently, its been using said eye to map out small game demos. The Veil does have to rest quite often though, his excitable energy can only take his body so far. He doesn't mind, as long as his moirail or this new Evonya girl are around to talk.
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kaoszkutato · 11 months ago
így jártál, megszoptad, édes egy barátom
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Nyilván minden NER-csicska megszégyenült távozása pozitív fejlemény, de jobban örülnék, ha lenne végre köztük egy olyan sértett lelkű, aki elkezd asztalt borogatni. Hasonlóan ahhoz, ahogy most Varga Judit ex-férje (aki amúgy a mai napig a NER haszonélvezője és gátlástalan szolgája volt) hajlandóságot is mutatott erre:
Mindenesetre, akár borogat asztalt, akár nem, az összes bukott NER-szoponcnak jár a vers:
Király Gábor: A másik oldal
Szóltam, hogy jönnek a fasiszta celebek, szóltam, hogy nem lesz jó, ha a szart lenyeled, szóltam, hogy ki fogják lopni a szemedet azt mondtad, nyugalom, ezek nem ilyenek.
Szóltam, hogy nem lesz se földed se hiteled, szóltam, hogy bilincsbe verik a gyereked, Szóltam, hogy leköpnek költői esteden, azt mondtad, nem kéne ördögöt festenem.
Szóltam, hogy be fogják mocskolni apádat, szóltam, hogy elő lesz írva az alázat, szóltam, hogy nevükre íratják hazádat, azt mondtad, nem eshet meg ez a gyalázat.
Szóltam, hogy több lesz az erőszak szervezet, szóltam, hogy lapít majd minden szakszervezet, szóltam, hogy lesz majd itt bankszámla zárolás, azt mondtad, unalmas már ez a károgás.
Szóltam, hogy te leszel hibás az árvízért, szóltam, hogy nem kapsz majd gyufát se száztízért, szóltam, hogy rajtad verik le a havazást, azt mondtad, hagyjam már abba a savazást.
Szóltam hogy viszi az egyház a sulikat, szóltam hogy mérnökök helyett majd kulikat képeznek ezerrel, s bezárják a gyárat, azt mondtad, ilyen a kereslet-kínálat.
Szóltam, hogy felbontják mindegyik leveled, szóltam, hogy feltörlik a padlót teveled, szóltam, hogy nem lesz a várad a te házad, azt mondtad, béke van, nyugi, ne parázzak.
Azt mondtad, nem érint téged, ha úgy lesz se, azt mondtad, „véggye meg magát a férgesse”, azt mondtad, ráérek, elhiszem ha látom, így jártál, megszoptad, édes egy barátom.
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noys-boise · 2 years ago
So school's almost out and to celebrate I'm gonna give you a list of which of my (femme) classmates I'd like to fuck the most and why (with the name of the classmate because fuck everything)
Enjoy :)
Gloria (the feminist queer one who corrects everyone's grammar)
Eva (omg she is sooo cool >////< sk8 girl smokerrr)
Tevel (the pretty&straight one)
Tal (quiet artist girl who totally reads fanfiction)
Laura (the cool austarian one who's probably bi)
Liav (quiet and mystirious lesbian)
Shirel (tal cool girl who vibes)
Alisa (nice girl)
Shira (the leader(tm) of the class)
Mishel (pretty uwu)
lets hope none of them have tumblr -
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tonin-terets · 4 months ago
OFFFMX 2024 Main Titles by Hornet from OFFF Festival on Vimeo.
This year’s OFFF MX Titles and Brand Identity were crafted by the amazing team at Hornet, with an immersive sound design by pelican sound.
Directed by Itay Tevel of Hornet, the project embraced the creative freedom of OFFF’s blank canvas, serving as a playground for iterative experimentation. It became a unique space to explore the dynamic interplay between 2D and 3D design, as well as the fascinating dance between human creativity and AI technology.
The result? A perfect fusion between the human and the artificial intelligence.
Production Co: Hornet Director: Itay Tevel Executive Producer: Cathy Kwan Senior Producer: Justine Webster Editor: Minseok Kim 2D Design Lead: Kyuri Kim 3D Design Lead: Anil Rinat Motion Lead: Thiago Steka Concept Exploration: Jeroen Krielaars Storyboard Artist: Josh Edwards Motion Designer: Seongjin Yoon, Amalia Lage, Joanne Jian, Kelsey Robinson, Erico Santana CG Generalist: Dor Sagiv, Daniel Whitaker, Nachei Sanchez Production Coordinator: Ryann Rezza Sound Company pelican sound
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pirkcia · 4 months ago
Darbo batai TEVEL S3 SR
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S3 apsauginiai darbo batai
Aukštos kokybės S3 apsauginiai darbo batai su plienine nosele, nepraduriamu plieniniu intarpu ir atspariu slydimui padu. Užtikrinantys maksimalų saugumą ir komfortą, puikiai tinka saugiam ir patogiam darbui statybininkams, pramonės darbuotojams.
✔️ Odinis batų viršus.
✔️ Saugo pėdas nuo drėgmės ir chemikalų.
✔️ Maksimali apsauga nuo mechaninių pavojų.
✅ Prekė yra sandėlyje.
Bato viršus
Bato vidus
Apsauginė avalynė. Pirštų apsauga
Plieninė apsauginė noselė, atspari smūgiams, kurių stiprumas iki 200 J ir gniuždymui iki 15 kN.
Pado apsauga nuo pradūrimo
Metalinė plokštelė.
Išimamas, antistatinis, su paminkštinimu.
Prakaituoja kojos? Mažinantys prakaitavimą vidpadžiai. Jums ČIA.
Stovimas darbas, apkrauta pėda? Mažinantys apkrovą vidpadžiai. Jums ČIA.
Batų pado medžiaga
Lengvas dviejų sluoksnių PU / PU apsauginis batų padas.
Vidinis sluoksnis: minkštas ir lankstus, pasižymi smūgius sugeriančiomis savybėmis, sugeria smūgines apkrovas, taip pat batus daro lengvus ir patogius avėti.
Išorinis sluoksnis: atsparus dilimui, tankus, atsparus cheminiams veiksniams: alyvoms, aliejams, tepalams, naftos produktams.
EN20345: S1 SRA. Standarto aprašymas ČIA.
Kojų pirštų apsauga.
Antistatinė avalynė.
Pado atsparumas naftos produktams.
Energijos absorbavimas bato pade.
Vandeniui nelaidus bato paviršius.
Pado atsparumas pradūrimams.
Atsparumas slydimui ant šlapių keraminių plytelių.
Bato svoris
1 pora batų sveria 1000 gramų (42 dydis).
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jaystephenson · 6 months ago
Tevel-6 Amateur Radio Satellite Pass 06-28-2024 16:10 UTC
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amelo90 · 9 months ago
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Porta le Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garshin (1884) Ilya Repin.
Vsevolog Garshin rozhyo-ley lá Rüskyën scríet, rozi iryo-ley skrytli klattan skrí ay skíri.
Ilya Repin rozhyo-ley anya é trini dramet Rüskyën kuonéri. É éwën po é hilo o ýo lá piktura. Kön pikturyoy dehn kani, sona titli tenö po kae tevel, skrytli lá klattan skrí höno lá skíri. Et o piun.
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ashimbisresearch · 10 months ago
Detailed Global Research Forecast: Smart Vineyard and Orchard Equipment Market | BIS Research
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In the ever-evolving landscape of agriculture, technological innovations are reshaping traditional practices, and the smart vineyard and orchard equipment industry stands at the forefront of this transformation.
The Global Smart Vineyard and Orchard Equipment Market was valued at $3.56 billion in 2022, and it is expected to grow with a CAGR of 9.2% during the forecast period 2023-2028 to reach $5.95 billion by 2028.
Technological Advancements in Agriculture
Rise of Precision Agriculture: Precision agriculture has become a cornerstone in modern farming, enhancing productivity, resource efficiency, and sustainability. Smart Vineyard and Orchard Equipment represents a strategic application of precision agriculture principles tailored to the unique needs of vineyards and orchards.
IoT Integration: The Internet of Things (IoT) is a driving force behind the smart agriculture revolution. In vineyards and orchards, IoT-enabled devices and sensors gather real-time data on soil health, weather conditions, and plant status. This data is then processed to make informed decisions for optimized crop management.
Automated Farming Operations: Automation is reshaping traditional farming practices, and smart equipment is taking center stage. From autonomous tractors to robotic harvesters, the Smart Vineyard and Orchard Equipment Industry introduces automation to streamline labor-intensive tasks, reduce operational costs, and enhance overall efficiency.
Get Insights with Detailed Free Sample on Smart Vineyard and Orchard Equipment Market Research.
Key Components of Smart Vineyard and Orchard Equipment
Sensor Technologies: Sensors play a pivotal role in smart agriculture. In vineyards and orchards, soil sensors, weather stations, and crop health sensors provide real-time insights. This data allows farmers to make data-driven decisions, optimizing irrigation, fertilization, and pest control.
Drones and UAVs: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or drones have become indispensable tools in precision agriculture. In vineyards and orchards, drones equipped with cameras and sensors capture high-resolution images and data, enabling farmers to monitor crop health, identify diseases, and assess overall plant conditions.
AI and Machine Learning: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms analyze vast datasets to provide predictive insights. In the context of smart agriculture, these technologies help in predicting crop yields, identifying potential disease outbreaks, and optimizing farming practices for better results.
Smart Vineyard and Orchard Equipment Market Segmentation by Application
Crop Monitoring
Weeding and Spraying
Irrigation and Fertigation Management
Benefits of Smart Vineyard and Orchard Equipment
Enhanced Efficiency: The implementation of smart equipment streamlines farming operations, reducing manual effort and improving overall efficiency. Automation of tasks such as pruning, harvesting, and monitoring allows farmers to focus on strategic decision-making.
Resource Optimization: Smart agriculture promotes resource optimization by precisely managing inputs such as water, fertilizers, and pesticides. This not only minimizes environmental impact but also contributes to cost savings for farmers.
Improved Crop Quality: Real-time monitoring and data analysis enable farmers to detect issues early, ensuring timely intervention. This proactive approach leads to improved crop quality, reduced losses, and ultimately, increased yields.
Key Market Players of the Industry
Yanmar Holdings Co., Ltd.
Kubota Corporation
Deere & Company
XAG Co., Ltd.
Naïo Technologies
Robotics Plus Limited
Tevel Aerobotics Technologies
Aigro BV
Saga Robotics AS
Monarch Tractor
Challenges and Future Outlook
Initial Investment Costs: The adoption of smart agriculture technologies involves initial investment costs for equipment, sensors, and infrastructure. However, the long-term benefits in terms of increased productivity and resource efficiency outweigh the initial expenses.
Data Security Concerns: With the reliance on data-driven technologies, ensuring the security of sensitive farm data becomes crucial. The industry must address concerns related to data privacy, confidentiality, and cybersecurity to build trust among farmers.
Future Integration with 6G: The integration of Smart Vineyard and Orchard Equipment with 6G technology holds immense potential. Faster and more reliable connectivity will facilitate real-time data transmission, enabling quicker decision-making and further enhancing the capabilities of smart agriculture.
The Smart Vineyard and Orchard Equipment Industry marks a transformative chapter in agriculture, offering sustainable, efficient, and data-driven solutions. As technological advancements continue to shape the industry, smart agriculture is poised to redefine the way vineyards and orchards are managed, fostering a future of precision, sustainability, and increased yields.
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alilbharbie · 11 months ago
Jól érzem magam veled, mintha egy álomban volnék teveled.
Arcod mint rég látott barát arca, szavaid mint jéghegy sarka.
Kéréseid mint beteljesült valóság, mint lelkemben a szomorú igazság.
El nem mondott érzéseid, mint elhallgatott féltéseid.
Tekintetek, melyek egybeforrnak, érzések melyek egybefolynak.
Hiányod mint vágy, mi üresen áll, mint bennem a magány.
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nam00n · 11 months ago
ott vagyok teveled,
nem tudom, hol, s itt: veled s nélküled,
és minden egyre érthetetlenebb
— a huszonhatodik év, 6. a hír, szabó lőrinc
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ultramaga · 1 year ago
Remember when I said I had contempt for the writers and actors in the strike, because they didn't care when others lost their jobs to automation - but demanded everyone else care the moment their own jobs were at risk? Well, it looks like fruitpickers are next. It's worrisome. Is there some end state, where humans will be competitive, or will every job be replaced, and the owners of the machines look at the rest of us as vermin, to be ... exterminated?
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That suction cup looks mighty familiar ...
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majidalaydeross · 1 year ago
Hanukkah / Share the Light from Itay Tevel on Vimeo.
A short video I created for Hanukkah at @hellohornet , also known as “Festival of Lights.” My favorite virtue of Hanukkah is about shining a light that can unite us in the fight against evil. I feel that now, more than ever, this message is particularly timely. Hope you enjoy it as much as I had fun creating it! ‎כל אחד הוא אור קטן וכולנו אור איתן Happy Hanukkah! * Original music by Tomer Rabinowitz Couldn't have done it without the help of the lovely Hannah Sun and Hornet's interns. Thankyou!
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