#terror amc i am lost without you
ghostshipglamour · 3 months
maybe the real terror is losing access to a piece of media due to to the whims of a streaming service
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annecoulmanross · 5 years
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A Song by The Ballroom Thieves Song for (Not Quite) Every Character from AMC’s The Terror (2018)
Inspired by “Vanishing Act: a Mountain Goats song for (almost) every character in the Terror” by @saintssebastian​ and for @theterrorbingo​ “free space” square. 
Franklin – Sea Legs
Who's steering this ship? Oh, and where is the rest of it?
Crozier – Bees

As my ears they buzz like bees upon the ceiling
 I start to pour a little more than I'm allowed
Fitzjames – Bullet
My story falls short of my heroes and gods Least I know who I am and I know who I'm not
(More below the cut!)
Blanky – Lantern
Though I fear I may be rudderless at sea Aye, aye, I have searched for ground in deeper wells
Bridgens – Bury Me Smiling
A love like an old home breathes in these dry bones It's as easy to know as it is to forget
Peglar – Anchors
This nest of bones reveals my parchment heart Inkwell eyes have tried and failed to pull it all apart
Silna – Stones
Favored by wolves and the things that don't last I'll pay the penance for you and your past
Goodsir – Canary
We let the blood soak through our calloused skin Take all of my lies and try to tie the knots that I can do without
Jopson – Wait for the Water
You leave me no choice but to wait for the water to rise We all did what we could but our failure closed our eyes
Little – For Mercy
Maybe I made myself too difficult to believe in I'm roaring for mercy – or is it lenience?
Hodgson – Can’t Cheat Death
You're envious of ghosts and where their hands have been You got no marrow in them bones, just trouble and sin
Irving – Do Something
Now it's your turn to take the paper crown you make Do something kind with your patience
Gore – Pendulum
A house of poems keeps us locked and loaded Courage cringes bitter and it comes out in a whisper
Le Vesconte – Coward’s Son
I will claim my history and I will lose my battles not I'll take what is meant for me, cherished right beneath each wild onslaught
Fairholme – For Hitchens
We, the counterfeit heirs to the wide and weeping edge of the world We are long past the day when we stood in the light
Gibson – Loose Lips
You might have what I like – no no I can't deny that But tell me, how do you stand straight with all them knives in your back?
Hickey – Wolf
I said you are, oh the queen and, honey, I am the worst kind I am your dark sky, maybe I love you or maybe I don't
T. Hartnell – Oars to the Sea
I ain't no ship-wrecked fool, howlin’ his songs for you I ain't no lion's roar – I am your man
J. Hartnell – Saint Monica
Til I wake up one day and to all my dismay That old face in the coffin is mine
Sgt. Tozer – Archers
I figured it's the things I've done, something about the man that I've become I settled into heart and soul – sell the only thing that I could never own
Sgt. Heather – Storms
Well I said how can I carry on? All these waves don't make a sailor out of me
Sgt. Bryant – Brother
And I'm quick with the bullet when it comes undone I got a head like a turret with a mouth for a gun
Des Voeux – Down By the River
I'll rest in the grave I chose But I'm never gonna be your fool
Armitage – Meridian
The devil come easy and the Lord don't believe me If I miss my chance to dance around that fire
Pilkington – Droves
I'll trade the money in my pocket For the marrow in your bone
Golding – Vampire
Well, I was lost out on the road, I was weary eyed and broken on my own Yeah I was waiting on the sun or some other god to guide me home
Reid – Roll the Bones
I wanna drink until we both forget The downside of an early death
Dr. MacDonald – Here I Stand
Well, I've said it before, my hands have been holding the door I am heavy of heart, I am not in control
Dr. Stanley – Oak
Well courage straightens up its chin, burns the maps and runs With upraised arms into the wind – and fortune tears it limb from limb
Collins – Trouble
I'm terrified of my heart Its hunger for whatever it may want
Orren – Only Lonely
How did you know when I would go When I swim back to you
Morfin – Save Me
My life has flashed before me a hundred thousand times And I grow tired, my dreams won't listen to me
J.C. Ross – Peregrine
I'm leaving here tomorrow for a place I don't exist Where I claim to burn my sorrow and my heart don't beat the heaviest
Lady Franklin – Wild Woman
Stood alone at the gate to my golden years Though I never believed that you're gone once you leave
S. Cracroft – The Loneliness Waltz
Comfort reminds us of how it should feel; it wistfully chains us to fictive ideals And it spurs us to keep all our love in a jar, says “I'm just keeping you from harm”
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hub-pub-bub · 5 years
Scientific writing isn’t all medical textbooks and academic journals! These eight books, which cover a range of topics from Alzheimer’s to bipolar disorder, are as entertaining as they are educational. Take one of these books to the beach this summer for an edifying afternoon!
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The HMS Terror and the HMS Erebus were real ships that set off from England in 1845 to try and find the Northwest Passage. That trip is known as Franklin’s Lost Expedition, and neither of the ships were found until 2014 (after this book was published). For decades after the expedition was lost, Captain Sir John Franklin’s wife Lady Jane Franklin agitated for multiple searches to find her husband’s ships.
In Dan Simmons book, we get a fictionalized account of what happened to the 129 men on those ships, based on all the evidence available when the book was written. Although Simmons based his story on real-world evidence of the expedition’s fate, he adds fantastical elements to spice up the plot and underscore the main theme: leave nature alone. With detailed accounts of scurvy, this is another amazing book that should not be read at lunchtime. (A well-reviewed AMC series was based on this book.)
—Recommended by Senior Scientific Writer Mary Parker
Set in a small Appalachian town in the shadow of the mountains, the novel follows the lives of a select group of people. It focuses on 3 individual stories at the start – a curmudgeonly old couple each living alone on neighbouring farms on the town outskirts arguing about the best way to manage their land – with or without chemicals; a female ranger who lives alone monitoring the wildlife of the forest higher up the slopes, especially a family of coyotes under threat from hunters and in between, a young farmers wife, transplanted from the city, suddenly finding her life in pieces and feeling utterly alone.
During the summer, the relationship between these protagonists and with outsiders emerges.  I love the way this web of human relationships mirrors the complexity of the natural world described in the book. There is a very timely, but subtle, environmental message and it’s quite amusing in places too. The American author writes beautifully, has degrees in Biological Sciences, and this interest shines through in many of her novels, but this is my favourite.
—Recommended by Sue Edwards, Manager, GEMS
Sam Jorgensen’s review: Judge me if you want, but I am a firm believer that you don’t have to be a young adult to enjoy Young Adult novels. Everything, Everything is the story of Maddy, a teenager who isn’t allowed to leave her room. Not because she’s grounded, but because as a baby she was diagnosed with Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCIDs) leaving her immune system essentially nonexistent. But then a cute boy moves in next door and well… the rest, as they say, is history. If you like plucky female protagonists, a healthy dose of medical jargon and dramatic teen romances, then this may just be the beach read you’ve been searching for.
—Recommended by Sam Jorgensen, Public Relations and Social Media Manager
To celebrate Rare Disease Day, my company, Charles River Laboratories, hosted a lunch and learn with the Huntington’s Disease Association of America. One of the speakers was a volunteer whose family was forever changed by Huntington’s disease (HD). She suggested that we read Inside the O’Brien’s to learn more about HD. The novel made me feel lucky to be healthy and proud to work at Charles River. Having enjoyed the book and the author, I went on to read Still Alice about a fictional professor diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. I feel much more knowledgeable about these two devastating diseases. Lisa Genova is a trained neuroscientist and excellent storyteller.
—Recommended by Kristen Parsons, Senior Manager, Corporate Communications
This book chronicles the complications of dealing with and diagnosing bipolar disorder. The book is a memoir… the past through a child’s eyes is a tool that brings her to accept and understand what in her past she could not see at the time. She rises above her own expectations to tell a story of mental illness and how it not only effects the person, but the family and people around them. So worth the read.
—Recommended by Cathie Adams, Sr. Mgr, North America RMS
A Short History of Nearly Everything is a great book about science for non-scientists and scientists. Bill Bryson has a good sense of humour, and describes the history of the Earth (starting at the big bang, and including dinosaurs) in a very understandable, but also very amusing way! He is able to get you to understand boring or complicated subjects like geology and particle physics, which is a talent on its own. If you’re looking for a better summer read than Chick lit, pick this one if you haven’t done so already!
—Recommended by Brigitta Witte, Group Leader
If you are a fan of true crime and/or architectural history, this is the book for you. You will be treated to a fascinating exploration of the men who designed the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago, which was visited by over 27 million people in less than one year. A few of those 27 million were murdered by H. H. Holmes, the book’s other protagonist, and possibly the most prolific serial killer in American history. The book describes his murder and body disposal techniques in as much forensic detail as the feats of architectural engineering happening blocks away at the fairgrounds. A good and gory story, do not read some passages on a full stomach.
—Recommended by Senior Scientific Writer Mary Parker
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