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Less than two weeks to go till terrick week!
This can be what you're excited to make or what you're excited to see other people make!
And if this is the first you're hearing about it: here's the announcement and pinned post with guidelines
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A Simple Favor
for @terrickweek2025
word count: 2.3k
prompt: betrayal (this is technically for the wrong day but I did want to post it today for @icy-book's birthday)
cw: angst
notes: this takes place like 2-3 years before the start of season 2. I'm bad with my timelines so if that doesn't make sense shhhhhh. this is definitely not my usual wheelhouse, but I did enjoy writing this. happy birthday Icy! (also I literally just finished writing this no beta we die like Doug)
Terry wondered if he was getting just as paranoid as Lark. All day he’d felt the sensation like he was being watched. Something just at the edge of his periphery, making the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He’d tried scanning the area with magic, and once he could’ve sworn that he just felt something, but no luck. And he could only look over his shoulder so times before he started getting weird looks.
“Hey, are you sure you’re okay?” his date, Veronica, asked him, “You seem on edge.”
“Uh, yeah,” he did his best to give her a reassuring smile, though he had no idea how convincing it actually was, “just a bit stressed from… work… is all.”
“Oh, well we can end things early tonight if you’re too tired, I completely understand.”
“No,” Terry took her hand and smiled. “Being with you relaxes me.” He did genuinely mean that. He liked Veronica, he liked her a lot. And even if it was only their fourth date, he could see things going pretty far.
“I’m glad you feel that way.” The two of them walked hand in hand in the cool night air through the park, simply enjoying each other’s company. After a while Veronica slowed down, looking quite serious. “So, Terrance.”
“Yeah? “
“I like you, a lot,” she bit her lip, “I like what we have and I want to keep seeing you.”
“I feel the same way, “ Terry gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.
“I’m glad, “ she brightened up a bit before steeling herself again, “I just feel you should know, if we are going to keep seeing each other and this thing is serious, that I have a kid.”
“Oh!” Terry didn’t know quite what to say. He didn’t mind at all, he just didn’t know what exactly was the appropriate reaction.
“She’s thirteen. Her name is Theresa, but she actually also goes by Terri.”
“What a coincidence, I like her already.” Terry grinned, “Thirteen huh? I’ve got friends with kids around her age.”
“So… you don’t mind? “
“Not at all. As a matter of fact—”
There! There it was again. That feeling of being watched, even more intense this time. It wasn’t just a feeling anymore either. It was more tangible, a presence, a… scent. And a scent Terry recognized all too well, no matter how many years it’d been. Something somewhere between wood smoke and incense.
“Terry? Are you okay?” Veronica asked.
“Uh, yeah,” Talk about shit timing. He had to get her out of here. “Um, no actually. Look, I hate to do this l, and I promise it’s not because of what you just told me, but I really have to go. I promise I’ll call you okay?”
She looked crushed, though she hid it the best she could. “Um, okay. I’ll be waiting on your call.”
Terry watched her leave, chest tightening.
“Ooh, yeah, she definitely hates your guts now. A real shame, she seems nice.” A voice said from behind him. Terry whipped around, swinging as he went. He’d always been the stronger of the two. But to his surprise the blow was easily blocked and parried, with his weight being used against him. He somehow ended up pushed up against a tree, wrists held above his head, a razor sharp tail close to his throat.
“Nicholas.” Terry spat out.
“Now is that any way to greet an old friend?” Nick flashed a smile that didn’t reach his eyes.
“Oh and this,” Terry looked pointedly down to the tail at his throat, “is friendly to you?”
“Hey, you swung first.”
“What do you want?” Terry hissed.
Nick’s eyes slid away from Terry’s face for a moment. “I need to ask a favor.”
“You’ve got a funny way of asking for one.”
“I— oh for fucks sake” Nick’s tail darted away from Terry’s neck and into his pocket, snatching out his phone. He looked Terry in the eye. “I’ll let you go if you promise not to attack me and hear me out.”
Terry thought about it for a moment before nodding. “Fine.”
True to his word, Nick let him go. Terry rubbed his wrists. He didn’t remember Nick being that strong, especially with just one arm. He looked at Nick. “Can I have my phone back? “
“I think not. I’d prefer you didn’t call for back up, considering what happened the last time we were all together.”
“You mean the time I asked you for a favor? I don’t know what makes you think I’d do you one now.”
“Because this could solve all our problems.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“There are literally hundreds of other worlds out there, if not more. The problem is getting to them.” Nick explained, “You knew how to get to hell, which is why you needed me. I’ve spent the last ten years searching for access into any of them. Terry, I’ve found one I think could be perfect. And the access point is just about two hours from here.”
This was bullshit. It had to be. Terry himself and everyone at D.A.D.D.I.E.S. had spent just as much time looking for the same answer. For it to fall into his lap like this, hand delivered by the person who had the most reason to hate him… it just wasn’t possible.
“Why come to me with this?” Terry asked.
“I need a sorcerer, they’re not exactly easy to come by.”
“I know for a fact hell’s got a few of those. Hell, you’ve got a decent amount of magic yourself.”
“And all their magic, like mine, is touched with The Infernal. The portal I found is non reactive to natural phenomena, and extremely volatile to everything from hell. I need magic that doesn’t have Satan’s stink on it.” Nick’s voice got louder. “You think I didn’t try other options? You think I want to be here, asking you for help?”
Nick looked… desperate. It didn’t look good on him. Something tugged in Terry’s chest. Something he pushed down.
“I can’t trust you.” Terry said.
“The feeling’s mutual.” Nick sighed. “Look, the sooner we fin a solution the sooner our lives go back to normal. Wouldn’t that be nice? No more everyday battle, no more looking over your shoulder, no more constant worry about the safety of those you care about. I— I could see my son again.” Nick’s voice cracked. Badly. Terry reached out a hand without even thinking but Nick batted it away. “Don’t… don’t patronize me man. Are you helping me or not? “
Terry gave it a last thought. “Fine.”
Nick’s face brightened into the kind of smile Terry hadn’t seen in a long time. That tug on his heart was back, and it was harder to pretend that it wasn’t. He cleared his throat.
“Can I have my phone back?”
“Hell no. At least not until you see that my idea is viable. I don’t need to others jumping me again when I least expect it.”
“I— I wouldn’t do that.”
“Yeah, real convincing. Come on.” Nick led Terry around the corner to where a convertible was parked. It was covered in flame decals because of course it was. “Hop in.”
Terry did and once Nick was in the driver’s seat they sped off into the night. Out of San Dimas, out onto the highway . The night air was cool and the stars were stunning. What felt like a million lifetimes ago Terry and Nick had spent their summers just like this. Open road, less worries, more freedom. Sometimes with the others, a lot of times just the two of them. A million lifetimes indeed.
“How long have you been following me?” Terry asked.
“Don't flatter yourself. Just today. I wanted to know how much of a problem you’d be to deal with.” Nick smirked. “Clearly not much. Guess brawling with presidents pays off.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
They were quiet for another ten minutes before Nick asked, “Why you? Lark I would’ve understood. He thinks this whole thing is his fault and it’s his job to fix it. He’s the mot desperate of all of us. And Sparrow will go with whatever he wants. Grant… I dunno. But you? You were my best friend, you were my— Just… why?”
Terry exhaled a long breath. “I don’t even know anymore. I’ve thought about it for years and I— I think I thought you would understand. I didn’t think things would end up this way. I figured we’d force your hand and you’d make the right choice.”
“The right choice?” Nick’s voice was dangerously low.
“That’s not—” Terry sighed again. “I don’t know. All of us were so miserable, so worn down. I thought if it came down to it you’d choose us.”
“My dad is the king of hell, I have a responsibility—”
“I know. I know that now, I understand better.”
Another silence fell between them. Then Nick spoke. “I wasn’t just following you around today. I stopped by Taylor’s school. He’s doing alright. Could use some more friends, but he seems happy enough. Cassie’s doing a great job.”
“That’s good.”
“Mhmm.” Nick's voice was quiet again,“He doesn’t need me Terry. I’ve turned out worse than Glenn. At least he came home every couple weeks.”
The pit in Terry’s stomach grew deeper. He knew what it was like not to have a dad, and he’d taken one away from this kid.
“Did you ever think about taking him with you?”
“To hell? At the beginning yeah. But it was no place for a kid that young, a kid with no frame of reference for what was going on. Not to mention his mother had no idea about any of it. And now… now it’s too late. Can’t exactly show up with a gallon of milk, ya’know? Especially not with the FBI on my tail. I keep an eye on him, I’ll be there if he needs me, but until this whole thing is sorted out it’s better I keep my distance.”
“For what it’s worth, I’m sorry that Taylor had to go through all this.”
Nick just kept his eyes on the road.
“Me too.”
They drove on in silence. Terry must have fallen asleep to the sound of the engine and that wood fire scent, because next thing he knew Nick was shaking his shoulder.
“We’re here.”
Terry looked around. They were out in the desert, on a patch of road as unremarkable as the rest of the highway. “Where’s here exactly?”
“Come on.” Nick started walking out into the desert, stopping about 20 feet away from the road. He looked back. “Come on, it’s hard to see from far away.”
Terry got out of the car and walked towards Nick, peering into the moonlit night. Sure enough, if he looked just the right way, there was a ripple in the air. “Oh my god.”
“Right? Watch this.” Nick picked up a stick and tried to poke at it. The stick stopped just short of the ripple, evidently unable to go any further. He then set his hand ablaze with infernal flame and reaches out to touch it. This time, the tips of his fingers just barely made it through before the ripple spat him back out. For a split second Terry caught a glimpse of something beyond. Nick looked at him. “Your turn champ.”
“What am I supposed to do?”
“I dunno, just… magic at it.”
Terry sighed and got closer to the portal. He reached out towards it, and as his hand got closer it almost felt like it was being sucked in. “I don’t know about this.”
“Are you kidding me? This is it! It’s another world, it’s exactly what we’ve been looking for. This will fix everything.”
Terry’s hand crossed the barrier. It felt almost like a soft, fleshy curtain. He felt himself being tugged further in, all the way up to his elbow. “Nick, I don’t like thi—”
“Yeah I bet you wouldn’t. It’s not the best feeling.” Nick's voice was velvety soft and dangerous, “But hey, at least you won’t lose the arm.”
“What the hell—” The portal was all the way up to his shoulder now.
“Oh don’t be so dramatic, it’s not like it’s a 1v4.” He was clearly holding himself back from laughing now, a dark chuckle in his voice.
“Nick!” Terry felt his chest being almost folded up into it, pulled in an unnatural way.
“I got stuck in here a little while back. It’s not like a full world per se, more like a pocket dimension. Kind of like the one Willy’s in actually. Definitely not pleasant, but I survived.”
Terry’s entire torso was inside the portal, his legs soon to follow.
“’Course, the difference is, I had people who knew exactly where I was. Dad sent some demons out here to get me in just a couple hours. You, on the other hand, don’t .”
If this thing followed any sort of natural logic, Terry’s legs should’ve been snapped backwards at the pelvis. As far as he could tell, nothing was broken, but it all just felt so wrong.
“A bit naïve, don’t you think? Following someone who hates you out into the middle of nowhere. I honestly didn’t think this gambit would be so easy.”
“Fuck… you…” Terry managed to spit out. His head was the only thing still sticking out.
“I’ve got demons in hell for that darlin’.” Nick leaned in, “It’s not a nice feeling is it? Being betrayed. Oh and before I forget.” He took out a paper seal and slapped it on Terry’s forehead. “Can’t have you figuring your own way out of here with magic.”
With that he pushed Terry’s head the rest of the way in. He just stared at the ripple for a moment before walking back to the car. Terry’s phone buzzed in his pocket. Nick looked at the screen. It was a text from Veronica. He shrugged before burning the device to ash in infernal fire. Not his problem. He opened up a portal to hell and drove back home.
#terrick#terrick week 2025#terrickweek2025#terry jr#terry jr stampler#nick close#nick foster#nick close foster#nicky freeman#nicholas foster#dndads#dndaddies#dungeons and daddies#dndads fanfic#my writing#kiwimintlime
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For @terrickweek2025, day 1- demons!
Terry builds himself a nest from Nicky's clothes, and Nicky dies of cuteness
#terrick#terry jr#dndads#dungeons and daddies#terry stampler#nicky freeman#nicky close#nicky foster#nicky close foster freeman#nicky close foster#terrickweek2025
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For Terrick Week Day 6: BETRAYAL I have a fic for you!
Music Therapy
Chapter 1 has our boys taking care of each other (iykwim), and a certain fateful night.
The other chapters will be going up weekly, with the fallout from the betrayal and how the guys are coping (or failing to)
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Terrick Week / @terrickweek2025
Nick/Nicholas/Nicky + Betrayal
and they were best friends
#ehehe :3c#jumping ahead just a bit with the prompts but i was struck with a Vision#dndads#nick close#nicholas foster#nicky freeman#terrick#terrick week 2025#terry isn't really in this illustration except in spirit#but the prompt was what spawned this so...
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We have 5 themes for each day of the terrick week ready to go! But we're still missing two
The top two will be chosen, or if one has a massive lead over all the others then it will just be that option and then a free day
What are the 5 prompts already decided? Check them out here
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The Dates For Terrick Week are Officially Here
As a reminder, these are only prompts - don't feel you have to adhere to them if there's something else you want to do
Also, interpret them how you want! Is "Memories" about their s1 arc? Maybe them looking through a photo album together? Or even an amnesia fic? It's entirely up to you
If you're unsure, shoot us an ask! We'll happily answer any questions, and our guidelines are up on the pinned post
For now - get creating!
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And if you haven't decided, don't worry! There's still just under a month until the start of Terrick Week. I hope you guys are as excited as we are
And in case you missed them: here's the list of prompts, and our pinned post with the guidelines and extra info, which also includes when the week will be running from
Have fun creating 💙
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We've decided the themes for 5 out of the 7 days! They are: betrayal, best friends, demons, memories, and Nick/Nicholas/Nicky*
P.S: The poll for deciding the remaining days can be found here
*This theme is about looking at the different versions of Nicky, and how his relationship with Terry differs depending on timeline. I'll provide more info and examples when the prompts are officially announced, but I felt this one required a bit of extra explanation now
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For day 5 of terrick week - best friends
When it comes down to it, Nicky would do anything for his best friend. And he'd do anything to keep him safe
#terrick#terry jr#dndads#dungeons and daddies#terry stampler#writing#nicky close#nicky close foster#nicky freeman#nicky close foster freeman#terrickweek2025#terry jr stampler
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It's Terrick Week
And we start with day 1 - Demons!
I'm looking forward to see what everyone's made!
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We got some feedback on this, so:
The other options can be found here, and if yes, then we'll replace it with the third most popular option
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Happy Ides of March! A holiday of swords and betrayal by a close friend....
Huh, that sounds oddly familiar
On a completely unrelated note, Terrick Week is in 2 days! But fear not, the Betrayal prompt is in exactly a week, so there's still time if you haven't quite finished yet
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Welcome to the blog for the terrick fandom week!
This blog is being run by @icy-book (you can call me Icy, she/her), and I'm the one organising the fandom week. The profile picture was made by @justablah56
The week will run from the 17th of March to the 23rd, and the prompts and corresponding dates can be found here
Guidelines under the cut
Essentially anything goes as long as it is focused around terrick
You do not have to adhere to a prompt to participate, anything is welcome. The prompts are just there to help you out
Late submissions are completely fine and actively welcomes, but if you want it promoted here, make sure to tag us, as we won't be going through the tag as often after the week is over
Any kind of content is welcome - fanart, fanfiction, edits, crafts, cosplays, headcanons, playlists, moodboards etc! The only content not allowed is AI generated content
Any thing from a 3 second stick figure drawing to the Sistine Chapel is welcome in terms of quality
NSFW content is allowed, provided it is tagged with "#not safe for daddies" so it can be filtered by people who don't want to see it
Similarly, please tag major spoilers with "#dndads spoilers"
Submissions can be posted on any platform, but we'll only be able to promote it here on tumblr, so making a post with a link is advised
While this week is largely based on romantic terrick, anything about Terry and Nicky's (or Nick or Nicholas) relationship can be submitted, provided it is the primary focus
Please provide content warnings for anything likely to trigger, disturb, or offend
Simply tag this blog or use the tag #terrickweek2025 and I'll reblog it on to here
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For day 7 - memories
A person is a combination of their soul and their memories. Someone alive without their soul is still, in some way, dead.
And if you change their memories?
#terrick#terry jr#dndads#dungeons and daddies#nicky close foster#nicky foster#nicky close#nicky freeman#nicky close foster freeman#terry stampler#terrickweek2025#writing
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For day 6 - betrayal
A list of Terry's regrets
#unfortunately ao3 links are not embedding today#terrick#terry jr#dndads#dungeons and daddies#terrickweek2025#nicky close#nicky freeman
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