#terrible reflections of each other where regardless of how their circumstances change and trade between them Arthur always comes out on top
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haveyouthoughtaboutcomicstoday Ā· 3 months ago
Orm's journey from the full human half-sibling to half human, half atlantean half-sibling to full atlantean half-sibling. For how much he hates Arthur's human side in modern Aquaman books, it's only second to how much he despised it in himself.
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apples-and-bananas Ā· 4 years ago
It was just another one of those generic days I had in my life, but itā€™s my favorite part of the day so I drift off to sleep and forget all thatā€™s happening with the world for a while. It hasnā€™t been long, but I was suddenly awake and oddly in a vast forest, my anxiousness is driving me crazy by now, Iā€™m frantic and I donā€™t know what to do, but before I can even attempt something, my arms are growing feather out of the blue, and my lips are turning into a beak, and Iā€™m covered with more feathers and the next thing I know Iā€™m flying. As I was wandering I got caught in a trap, I was caged. Another bird came whom itā€™s the first time I saw but strangely very familiar. He was encouraging me to get out but a voice inside is dictating me that says I should tell him to come to me instead. But, he also does not want to compromise. He faced me saying things I havenā€™t heard before, if I was in my human form I would probably swoon but the bird that I am right now is just so persistent with her belief that I canā€™t even meddle with her decisions. So as I watch the bird flew away from my sight, into the vast sky, thereā€™s this unconscious feeling as if my heart is getting stabbed. I am hurt, I want to do something to ease the pain, but Iā€™m in no control. I was just about to catch myself and allow myself to breathe, but I was panting this time, and tears were still streaming down my face. I think to myself, ā€œHow much caffeine did I took today because Iā€™m definitely going crazy.ā€ Iā€™m alone, but I feel enslaved. Itā€™s like my heart is somewhere else, waiting to be picked up by someone I can call my own. I stretched my arms and realized that, I may be back in human form, but not in my body, this woman is basically a goddess with these long arms and legs. As I sat there, staring at my reflection, admiring all the physical features that this woman has, someone called out, ā€œSita!ā€ The automatic head turn that I made proved to me that itā€™s this womanā€™s name. There stood a man with equal goddess feature as she has, I may be delusional right now, but I can guarantee heā€™s coming my way (running even), and before I could even do or say anything I am enveloped in his strong arms. The warmth is so welcoming as if Iā€™m home, the cozy feeling makes me dreamy and I would definitely trade anything in exchange for this hug. He looked at my face while saying something I didnā€™t understand, but it made my heart flutter with joy and content. The interesting part is I responded with the same language. We smiled at each other and canā€™t bear to have the distance between us anymore so he cupped my face, caressed my cheek and slowly closing the space thatā€™s separating us, heā€™s about to kiss me whenā€¦ I was all of the sudden awake and conscious.
Itā€™s been a week since that odd dream occurred, which is also very detailed and feels so true that itā€™s hard to fathom whether it was a dream or did it really happen in real life. As much as I would not like to admit to myself, thereā€™s this huge part of me that just wants to experience it all over again. I am a daydreamer, so imagining things would be easy if Iā€™m conscious, but sadly, I donā€™t have any control over my real dreams, those that occur in the deepest depth of my slumber. Strange as it is, I kind of feel bothered this day as if somethingā€™s bound to happen, and then there it is. As I was drifting off to sleep there was an instant snap of enlightenment, and as I get to sleep longer and deeper, I opened my eyes again to be greeted by an old man who has a warm presence, smile that make you respect him, and eyes that make you trust him. My premonition was right, somethingā€™s happening indeed, and itā€™s not that overwhelming this time, itā€™s just oddly familiar. I smiled back at him and ask him where we are and he said, ā€œImpossible as it may, only you can tell where we really are.ā€ You know that typical voice of wise old people? His voice is like that, itā€™s a carbon copy of those stereotypical voices. ClichĆ© as it is, he really sound and look like an Asian God right now, and I donā€™t mean it in a racist type of way itā€™s just that I feel like I can be vulnerable around him without worrying that he may judge me or reprimand me because he understands that I am not flawless, that Iā€™m just perfectly flawed like anybody else. Just like that, as if reading my mind, he told me, ā€œI know that life can get pretty rough, fatal even. Itā€™s not an easy path, many have attempted to fulfill their shortcomings only to be flooded by tons of criticisms and hatred which leaves them doubtful of themselves, but always remember, being aware of oneā€™s self is the power that nobody can destroy because if you know your capabilities and weaknesses, that will be the time that acceptance will come to your way and makes you a better individual, not for others, but for yourself.ā€ I feel like Iā€™m being thrown with first-hand kind of lectures from experiences right now, but regardless of that, every word that he said is actually true, and I am honestly considering it because it seems worthy. I shoot my shot again of clarifying my current situation by asking him who he is and he responded with, ā€œThey call me Confucius.ā€ Just like that I was awake again, without even having the chance to reply to him and ask, ā€œSO YOUā€™RE THE CONFUCIUS!?ā€
By this time, Iā€™m already thinking that I may just be a delusional and obsessed literary freak, but who can blame me? I am just so eager to play a role that I even forgot my responsibilities in real life. Iā€™m just so tired of everything, and I honestly would like a break that would set me free from any inhibitions that I have for myself. But, that would be too much to ask right? However, Iā€™ve been reading about lucid dreaming lately and I would like to try it. Iā€™ve been thinking about a scene of going to Japan and as soon as I set foot there, it would become the land that history books describe it to be, and I would be in a classic and traditional Japanese community. All of a sudden, the place was swarmed with many people, the ones peaceful streets were now full of people. The strange thing is, people seem to not notice me and I didnā€™t know what was happening until they continuously get pass through me, and an absurd thing came to my mind, that maybe Iā€™m a ghost because thatā€™s how movies describe them to be right? They are not seen by the naked eye. So, to test my theory, I blew on one personā€™s ear and he looked at his shoulder to see if someoneā€™s there, but he still doesnā€™t see me because he just shrugged it off as if itā€™s just a strong wind. I traveled aimlessly and canā€™t interact with a single alive soul because Iā€™m apparently a ghost. I came across this one village that seemed gloomy and has an unusual number of young villagers without old people. However, I saw this one man who looks bothered, and with curiosity, I followed him to his home and there I found out why. He was hiding her old mother in her house although Iā€™m still not sure why heā€™s doing that, but I could tell that his love for his mother is overwhelming that he could take any consequences that may happen just to keep her by his side. Even if Iā€™m just a soul in this particular place, I can still feel the surge of empathy for the both of them because I have a weak spot for circumstances that involves parents and their sacrifices. I was about to do something when I was teleported in this hot place that looks like a volcano which seems ready to erupt anytime. I see this terrible site of people suffering from their own sins, unable to quench their thirst because of their own pride, and drowning from their own desires. I am a terrible person, but I feel like I donā€™t deserve to be here. I am now questioning myself because this may not be a dream anymore, maybe Iā€™m really meant to be damned either dead or alive, but I feel this human emotion within me, the need to escape and leave this place. A man was climbing through a thin rope and the others followed, I just stood there frozen and hesitant of doing anything. The man leading seem to look furious and you can see the eagerness in his eyes, he cut the rope and everybody else fell, soon enough, he is also falling. I was sucked in a brighter yet calmer environment, no screams and crying were heard in the background, the air smells nice, and then a voice spoke and said, ā€œGreediness is why we fail, patience create a decision that changes our fate. I woke up and said, ā€œBeing clueless is much different from being patient.ā€
I stumbled upon pieces of writing yesterday which were blatantly dull yet oddly enchanting, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if I would be inside this thing any minute now because Iā€™m bound to sleep, and just as quickly, I am in a sort of desert location with a strange Egyptian type of music playing in the background. My game is way too strong with these dreams now, and Iā€™m not going to lie, Iā€™m really growing fond of it. Desert as it is, the place looks deserted, I donā€™t see people, and all I see are tall pyramids and endless grains of sand. As if somebody heard my unspoken thoughts, people started appearing in lines, carrying things, entering the pyramids. I donā€™t know why Iā€™m even wondering how things go for my dreams because basically, it is controlled by my own thoughts so it would be connected somehow, so I should stop being shocked how events would turn out just as I question them. I followed these people inside an enclosed place with tombs and there were bodies in the shelves which are already wrapped. I saw bodies, dead bodies lying on the ground. Iā€™m the only one who stood there and found this situation very mortifyingly new to me, but the people were acting as if itā€™s just a normal thing they do. They were doing some rituals and started plastering the body with I donā€™t know what that material is but it seems like Iā€™m witnessing the process of mummification, and since I canā€™t handle the reek of unpleasant smell anymore, I went out and was greeted by a strong swoop of wind with sand that just slaps and sticks on your face. My eyes were caught by engraved drawings that you typically see in history books that tells about Egypt. There were texts too, but nothing that I could understand until I saw two English words, and it says, ā€œWake up.ā€ I touched it and I was sucked in reality, my alarms going off and I am incredibly late. Wonderful.
If anything of the things I say really do matter, I think I would explain that religion is a necessary fiction that humanity needs to stay humane and not rip and eat each otherā€™s head off. But, the thing is, Iā€™m not the most religious person in the world, however that does not disqualify or invalidate me from having opinions regarding this matter, and the only point Iā€™m trying to prove here is that, people created this system in order to preserve sanity because it unites us. Having faith to whomever divine entity is present surely empowers us, but wait until everyone realizes the fact that weā€™re not patronizing these Gods and Goddesses, instead, weā€™re patronizing ourselves because the only reason why we keep coming back and holding on to this prospect is because it makes us feel positive emotions that supposedly inspires us to be a better person, if not, what may be the greatest reason there is.
Itā€™s 3 in the morning, and I just finished my essay regarding religion and trust me if I say itā€™s much more exhausting that it should be because I need to choose my words carefully in order to make a point and at the same time be responsible on not offending anybody (including my professor who will check and read it and is obviously pious.) Now, Iā€™ve been having a hunch about having a dream about this, so I got up and drank a glass of water and went under my covers, and my fingers acted upon themselves and did the sign of the cross, well habits never dies I guess even if Iā€™m the least faithful person I know. I have arrived at my dreamā€™s destination and as I thought, I was in the Jewish community. As I was going down to the stairs an old woman approached me and said, ā€œMy dear, isnā€™t it time that I try to find a husband for you, and get you happily married again? The man Iā€™m thinking of is Boaz!ā€ The mention of his name made my heart warm, but not warm enough to make me marry him, however, a voice in my head keep on saying things about Godā€™s will and everything which is incredibly absurd I just canā€™t take much of it anymore. This Boaz came to me and ask me who I was and said I was Ruth and without further control of my speech, I uttered, ā€œMake me your wife according to Godā€™s law, for you are my close relative.ā€ I donā€™t know what I would make about myself anymore, Iā€™m throwing myself to this man, whom I barely know, but I felt helpless about the situation because I cannot fight over the will of God. The closest relative to my dead husband is supposedly buying the land and I am really shocked with the next thing that Boaz said, ā€œYour purchase of the land from Naomi requires your marriage to Ruth, so that she can have children to carry on her husbandā€™s name and to inherit the land.ā€ I am really powerless as a woman, I felt sorry for the woman who had to go through such thing, they are sold with a piece of land or whatever property, itā€™s miserable. I struggled to detach myself from that dream, so I slapped my face really hard, and when I woke up I said, ā€œWoman, when will you be free?ā€
Remember when I said religion unites us? Well, it has its contradiction when we believe in different things and Gods per se, but donā€™t get me wrong, I think we really do have a choice on the things that we want to believe in, itā€™s just a matter of acceptance that not everyone is like you, that not everyone believe the things you believe in and thinks the way you do, we just have to respect that. But, who are we kidding? People donā€™t just give up without a fight, see where we are right now, divided because of our different faiths, but we call ourselves faithful, how ironic. I have read Omar Khayyamā€™s Rubaiyat, and it incredibly made so much sense, I was just wondering how the world would be if we just appreciate each other like this, see, Iā€™m Christian but I find sensible things to this literary piece because I can see what heā€™s talking about, the problem is that weā€™re so prideful of ourselves that we donā€™t even want to back down, we donā€™t know how to accept our flaws and we donā€™t want to be criticized. I am here in the library having a debate with my thoughts and just thinking of possibilities that better decisions would make. We all know how mood in the library can get and Iā€™m really sleepy right now, so I took a nap, and we all know whatā€™s next. I am in a market and I am definitely sure Iā€™m in an Islamic country (Iā€™m quite stereotypical). I entered a stall and a man was sitting there, he asked me to sit, so I did. He was lecturing me about the Qurā€™an and I donā€™t know why I suddenly had the urge to say, ā€œOh Iā€™m sorry, Iā€™m Christian, you canā€™t convince me to believe THIS.ā€ I swear I could just smack my head right then and there, but he just smiled at me and said, ā€œI never ask or persuade you to convert my child, I was just sharing what I believe in and hope you would do the same in return, so we could understand each other better. I am aware of my flaws, and I know I can sound provoking sometimes, but I understand you, I hope I can get the same in return.ā€ I look really stupid right now, and all I could say is sorry and he replied with, ā€œForgiveness is easy if itā€™s meant by the heart, and I forgive you, now itā€™s time to forgive yourself.ā€ I just stared at him until I gained consciousness, damn, Iā€™m really dumb as a rock.
Saudi Arabia
I am really exhausted right now, this week has been really hectic, partnered by my procrastination, and well everything is just a plain mess. I slept without even taking a shower because I am that tired, only to find myself in a desert once again. Thereā€™s this little girl who is as bright as a sunshine and you can see it from a far distance. When she was finally alone, I approached her and she immediately greeted me with a huge smile on her face and even hugged me, stranger-danger isnā€™t a thing with this girl apparently. She asked me where Iā€™m from, but I donā€™t know what to say, and thereā€™s this silly voice in my head saying I should ask her that instead because sheā€™s basically in my dreams, so I just answered with, ā€œI came from a very far place.ā€ Sheā€™s now giggling and asking me to tell stories of the place I am from, so Iā€™m just wondering whether or not to tell her about phones and other weird stuff we have right now. I was in the middle of telling her about Dory finding her parents when I was cut-off as a man came to tell that this great sheik Ben Nedi will visit their tribe the next day. I was with this little girl the whole time now I found out that her name is Zuleika, and I sat with her as she was crying and told me that she had no gift to give the great man who would come the next day. We were both shocked when a fairy came out from the well and told her that her gift for Ben Nedi will arrive tomorrow, so she should stop crying. We were both anticipating and when we went back to that area, a tall tree grew which was straight and bare except the top, where it carried a tuft of branching leaves and a cluster of brownish fruit. Ben Nedi exclaimed that it is the greatest gift of all, and I guess this was kind of a legend for palm dates.
Colorism, racism and everything in its context is just so childish in my opinion. We are all different in so many aspects and finding it absurd makes you look idiotic, no lies. The reason why Iā€™m saying this is because I saw a video of a crusty white man mocking a beautiful man who had dark chocolate skin calling him ugly because of his color. Some people are just so stupid and immature who donā€™t even know their places, I mean weā€™re all human beings the last time I checked, so why are you so pressed about someoneā€™s color? I was just about to rant and tweet things, but an old man with big beautiful afro curls and dark skin approached me and ask if I could accompany him finding a place and since I know where that is I said okay. I gladly accepted because why not, I really have a soft heart for older people. While we were walking he asked me why did I agreed so easily without even a moment of hesitation, and I replied with, ā€œBecause you need my help.ā€ And I smiled at him while he smiled in return. He asked me a question again but this time it is more skeptical, he said, ā€œWerenā€™t you bothered of the color of my skin? You see, I had quite a lot of rejections and such because of this.ā€ And I said, ā€œBlack, white, or brown, everybody looks the same to me, not that Iā€™m colorblind, but my point is, everyone needs to be treated fairly, no dominating over the other everyone should be the same.ā€ And then lastly he said, ā€œYou are a very kind individual, now, wake up and be the person I met here. Bless you.ā€ I looked up and I see the library, well I guess I have slept again, this just explains how I love being asleep.
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