#terot reading
time4hemp · 2 years
Please share this.
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uyuforu · 10 months
Please a reading on jungook perents reaction on her I heard so many terot readers said that his mother have some problem with her🙃🤨
Yes but stop spamming pls? I have a personal life and a work too!!
- uyu
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Can someone well versed in terot give me a better understanding of this reading? My last 3 have been real similar and I’m trying to figure out what it means to me
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marysunshine23 · 5 years
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My Arcane card reading 11/6/19
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free terot
i wanna be able to do distant readings so if you wanna be a test subject shoot me an ask or pm and ill do my best to respond in a timely maner and try to decypher you're answer... if its not a grate question for terot i will suggest an alternative question, i use shadowscapes terot deck and im a beginner
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dailyserperior · 7 years
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@fractalponytart asked if snoot could wish them a happy birthday today so here’s a snoot giving birthday wishes!!
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fourthwingingit · 2 years
I read terot: witch of the black rose.
Was it good as in "it was well made and thoughtful" not at all! It has very good (and extremely horny even to its own detriment) art and sometimes thoughtful usually dumb one off plots
Was it good as in i enjoyed it? Most of the time sure! Got monotonous and imma be honest i wouldnt read it twice. But it sure had a funny scene or 12 and one horror arc that i think will haunt me until i die (cookie girlfriend just wants to love you)
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my-toh-theories-2 · 2 years
So I rewatched the terot reading scene from Yesterday's Lie and with new context from Elsewhere and Elsewhen it's.. interesting. Just wanna compile my thoughts on the post.
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Firstly given the new context the first card looks like The Collector. The dead guy might represent the brother and idk what the whale represents fjsjsk we might just learn that in time.
"You're running from your past. From a previous life that was not kind to you. However, the guilt and fear you carry will eventually catch you in a self-fulfilling prophecy. That you won't be able to escape from."
Time magic when presented in Elsewhere and Elsewhen seems fixed. What has happened will happen esp how Luz met Philip and taught him the light glyph. That and considering how Lilith mentioned how they'd potentially do this again at the end 👀. Makes me wonder what else is destined to happen? Also how will Luz's guilt and fear lead to this destined path?
Oh and idk where else to put this but I wonder what the first terot reading she did to that one guy means. "A past connection that left it's mark on your soul has shown up again and is asking you to shed your old ways and enter a metamorphosis. Becoming the spiritual leader you were always ment to be." I've been wondering what this ment ever since the ep dropped fjsksk
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Random things
Heavy periods remind me of the miscarriage and its triggering af, even all these months later.
My friends and I read our terot cards last night. I asked, "what does 2022 have in store for me" thinking that was vague enough that I could spin anything positively. My "challenge" for 2022 will be finding peace and love in my home and "where the year is taking me" is toward trials and despair that will leave me heartbroken. Needless to say I did not claim that, that's a BIG NOPE from me.
I told myself I would reach out to try to partner with a dietitian but I chickened out. I asked Hubs to hold me accountable and he hasn't brought it up (and to be fair probably forgot). I'm trying to do The Things™️ on my own and I'm doing ok sometimes but still struggling.
We had our friends over last night and I made dinner for everyone, which included a potato board. One of my favorite comedians will critique boards and its hilarious. So, I tagged him in a insta story posted of my board (Pic below) and asked him to rate it. He roasted me for not having bacon (which I KNEW he would do!) or liquid nacho cheese 😂 I know people think bacon is essential for baked potatoes but friends, I do not do bacon. I don't eat it, I don't cook it, and frankly I don't touch it. It massively grosses me out.
The girls and I used a Ouija board to talk to the 6 year old spirit that lives in my house that I have sworn I feel constantly and have seen shadows of but Hubs never believes me. Apparently she only follows me and has *choosen* to stick with me since I was 3 because she "loves" me. I'm not one to believe in ghosts and I'm sure there is a scientific explanation, but I swear I didn't move the planchette and it got so, so cold while we were "talking" to her. I asked questions that my friends would have never known the answers to and touched the planchette so lightly that I'm not sure how my subconscious could have moved it. Also, she would only respond to me. Creepy. My friends were so pale by the time we were done but I really enjoyed it.
Currently doing a puzzle and waiting for Hubs to wake up. I'm thinking a brunch date is in the cards today.
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The potato board. Baked potatoes, butter, cheese, Greek yogurt (sour cream substitute, no one even noticed), salt and pepper, chips and dip. Really I just wanted an excuse to eat chips and dip because it's a delicacy I only allow myself have once every few years and I refuse to buy it for just myself.
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saturnianprincess · 2 years
Hey darling 😍, yur blog is so good 💖
I'm for pendulum/terot reading....
I wanna ask yuh 3 questions
There's one of mh childhood friend, i meet him after mny years (kinda younger thn me) (C. H) does he attracted to me physically or emotionally???
Does he like mh flirty bt friendly touchs???
Does he want to touch me back???
Thank yuh so much dear 😍 🙇🏻‍♀️, sending Yuh all of mh love, stay safe and happy 😊 😉
Hi lovely,
Thank you so much!
Definitely attracted to you physically but not emotionally.
Yes, he does!
Definitely yes!
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shiftings · 4 years
Okay I know this is gonna sound crazy. But I’ve been “practicing “ shifting for a while and haven’t fully shifted yet. However I’ve been doing terot card readings and literally all of them were talking about how close I am to shifting and the thing literally says you’re going to go through a shift. And the other day we did a love reading for my soulmate and it talked about that I’m gonna meet him through a shift, bruh .... what if the fictional characters I’m shifting for is literally my soulmate 😳
yess a fictional character can be your soulmate. i've thought about this before, there are realities where we are the fictional characters, and we're def somebody's soulmate. sooo that means a fictional character can be your soulmate too (idk if i made any sense lmao) but the idea is so 😢
anw good luck with shifting and meeting your soulmate <3
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time4hemp · 2 years
Please share this.
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gin-rummy · 3 years
Gin mentioned that Bay does terot. So Bay what card do you feels represents you? Represents Gin? Your relationship?
god, this is both an amazing question and hard to answer, I always find it hard to pick a card to represent myself I’m just too close to it, Readings are fine but one card? Hate representation work with tarot, but here's my best work. I stayed with the major arcana to narrow it down some.
For myself, I picked the Magician, the card represents discipline, an unknown power, skills to overcome and the reverse is manipulation.
For Gin, I picked the strength card which is pretty self-explanatory it is the card of strength and courage yet in reverse it cautions you to not rely on physical strength with emotional situations.
and for our relationship, I picked death the card of painful growth loss preparing for what is next in reverse it is stagnation due to a lack of change. for our relationship, I nearly picked the tower, which is another card focused on change, yet the change the tower represents is far more chaotic and dangerous than the death card, and although we have had a rocky relationship it has not been a bad change that happened. 
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blackwolfnsr2 · 4 years
Template made by Rosewee on Amino.
Also this was made in March-
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« "I enjoy being in your company, Asra...Thank you for giving me a chance when no one else would." »
• Name:
[C]Sk'lai Cymatilis Chase
• Nickname(s)/Titles:
• Age:
22 years old
• Birthday:
March 4th
• Zodiac Sign:
• Gender/Sex:
• Pronouns:
• Orientation:
Bisexual (Attracted to Males and Females)
• Species:
Cursed Humans with dragon like properties. (Horns, Tail, Blue Cat-Like Eyes, Pointed Ears with Ice Blue Ruff behind her ears, Scaled and Clawed Arms and Legs.)
• Race/Ethnicity:
White/Caucasion, but has developed a tan like apperance.
• Arcana:
Temperance (The Dove)
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Appearance/Physical Traits
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[BCI]« "My name is Sk'lai Chase, your Highness. Asra's apprentice. It's an honor to be in your presence." »
• Height:
[C] 5'7"
• Weight:
163.3 Pounds
• Body type/build:
Endomorph, but a little more on the skinnier side. Bust is average, but nothing too small or large. Hips are seen to give her a small, noticable curve on her body.
• Skin:
Like Asra's skin tone, but a few shades lighter. Her arms and mid thighs have a gradual shift from skin to scales due to her dragon like appearance. Small freckles under her eyes. Scales feel much like how you touch a snake, specifically like viper scales; smooth with a slight bumpy texture.
• Hair:
Long and black, usually in a braid that she taught herself to do. If you're lucky, you might catch her with her hair down on the rare occassion.
• Eyes:
Medium almond shape that are a dark cyan. Pupils are darker blue, but not to where it's black. (Noticable to where you see the pupils, but they are abnormally colored due to her curse since birth)
• Distinguishing features:
Dragon/Reptilian like features on body.
• Clothing:
Clothing Redesign is a WIP atm.
• Physical health:
Great Health with the occassional sickness. Little more likely to fall ill during the spring because of allergy to tulip and daffodil pollen.
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• Personality:
Sk'lai is a kind soul and is known to be very patient, as well as having a close bond with her friend and mentor, Asra. She's selfless and makes extra sure that others get a say before herself, having a mentality that everyone deserves to speak their mind. Sk'lai enjoys reading Terot Cards and listening to them, always making sure to clear her mind so she can hear their voices. Sk'lai can often be labeled as uptight or a "goody-two-shoes," according to Julian anyway, and often has trouble letting loose or breaking rules. She beleived that rules were made for a reason and shouldn't be broken. But will a little bit of convincing, you might just get this dragon to come out of her shell. She isn't exactly outgoing, but she isn't introverted and softspoken either; in fact she resides just in the middle, but would sometimes rather stay at the shop than go out or vice versa. She enjoys the company of those that she is familier with, however, she may need to warm up to trust strangers and those she doesn't recognize. Sk'lai has a bit of temper and is quick to annoy when things don't go her way on a constant bases, so if Sk'lai is seen to be in a bad mood it's best to try and comfort her a little bit. Sk'lai also has very little to no romantic experience, she hasn't even had her first kiss yet at the age of 20 (sad really.). This makes her easy and quick to fluster and red-faced when given any sort of affection (kissing on the cheek, compliments on looks, arms around her waist, hands on her cheeks, etc.)
• Likes:
❤️Practicing Magic❤
❤️Terot Card Readings❤️
• Dislikes:
❌Being stared at for her appearance❌
❌Leeches (No, seriously, don't show her leeches out of their cages/jars. High key, will nope out of there when given the chance.)❌
• Fears:
👻Heights (Phobia)👻
👻Long Words (don't ask, it just makes her very uncomfortable.)👻
👻Leeches (Phobia. Also, lookin' at you, Julian-)👻
• Habits
🧠Ruff/Frill twitches when she's trying to focus🧠
🧠Light snoring as she sleep🧠
🧠Tail tip flicks and sway while deep in thought (can sometimes lead her to spacing out altogether.)🧠
• Mental health:
Due to the abuse she has gotten from her father, Sk'lai has developed a nasty case of PTSD; however, she is slowly making a good recovery now that her nightmares have ceased. (When Sk'lai was first living with Asra, it was rather common for her to have nightmares.)
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• Current residence:
Magic Shop alongside Asra
• Relationships:
Very poor relationship with her father, as she's been abused by him for several years. However, since Asra took Sk'lai under his wing and taught her magic and how to stabilize and control it. Asra and Sk'lai's relationship is very tightknit, however, Sk'lai may be developing feelings for Asra. She keeps these feelings to her self or brushes them off completely.
• Occupation:
Asra's Apprentice/Shop Keeper
• Hobbies:
🎯Spending Time with her Familier, Jewel, a small blue/white budgie parakeet🎯
🎯Playing her Panflute🎯
• Skills:
🏆Water Manipulation Magic🏆
🏆Fire Manifestation & Manipulation Magic🏆
🏆Light Magic (Just an orb of light the size of a golf ball is used as an illumination)🏆
🏆Minor Healing Magic (Works well on cuts, scrapes, bruises, and burns.)🏆
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Rate your character from 1-10 on these attributes
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« "I don't like the looks of this...Julian, you got a plan...?" »
• Physical strength:
• Agility:
• Constitution:
• Precision:
• Charisma:
• Judgement:
• Intelligence:
[CI]• Wit
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« "It's such a pleasure to make your acquaintance!" »
• Favorite flower:
Blue Orchid
• Favorite food:
• Favorite drink: Blackberry Cider (Alcoholic)
• Love Interest(s):
Asra, Julian, Lucio (NOT AT THE SAME TIME. Sk'lai is too loyal and empathetic to cheat on her significant other!)
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Her favorite candies are usually chocolates, but she LOVES mint-infused and milk chocolate! Give her some mint-chocolate and you have a dragon friend for life!
Sk'lai once tried playing a lute, but due to her sharp claws, she couldn't even play he first note...which is why she stays away from stringed instruments and more on wind instruments. She has her own panflute that Asra gave her for her 18th birthday!
Her familier is a blue/silver budgie named Jewel, who she's still learning how to communicate with. Sk'lai rescued the poor thing from nearby allyway and nursed it back to health.
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marysunshine23 · 5 years
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Earned my free reading from Nadia. Kinda spooky how accurate it is. Though, that’s probably part of why I like tarot.
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scary-mostaccioli · 4 years
Hey!! :^) is it okay if I get a matchup? I’m a 5’2 straight female with dark brown shoulder length hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. I also have freckles on my cheeks and like the bridge of my nose. I’m definitely very motherly when it comes to love and I love being able to take care of others. I laugh at legit anything and everything. I’m very ride or die with the people I’m close to. I can and will lightly bully you if I like you. I love baking desserts. I use tarot cards a lot!! Thank you!!
I match you with...Toby!
Sometimes while you’re both sitting down and cuddling he likes to gently drag his finger from freckle to freckle like he’s connecting the dots or gently tap all the little freckles. He just thinks they’re really cute!
He needs a lot of care with the conditions he has, especially CIPA. The fact that you’re willing to take care of him means a hell of a lot to him!!
He really loves your laugh and how genuine it is!! Also appreciates how you laugh at the little jokes he makes, it makes him feel amazing about himself to get to be the one making you laugh
He’s okay with you lightly bullying him as long as it isn’t anything that hits hard like his tics. He won’t bully you back because he’ll feel awful, but be careful when you do so with him
He always wants to help you bake and likes to eat everything you bake! Also might eat the dough to cookies and things like that, so please keep an eye on him so he doesn’t get sick
Has absolutely no knowledge on terot cards but still asks for you to read them for him and tell him what they mean. Wants to know what card you associate him with and yourself with
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