#terje bakken x reader
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child0feden · 2 months ago
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- this is really quite short because as i have mentioned before, i kind of find it a little bit difficult to write for terje despite finding him so cute! but here it is anyways, read it if you want to and i hope it is at least a little bit enjoyable :(
ps, the farmhouse that i mention in this work? i picture it being very similar the the farmhouse in the last of us part II and funnily enough, both ecstasy and aint no grave by crooked still were two of the songs i was jamming out to whilst writing this up lol! and will i ever stop making dad au stuff? no, never ever hehe <3
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dad! terje who has the cutest and smallest little baby girl with you…
seriously, the baby girl that you guys have together is just the cutest little thing either of you have ever seen in your whole lives! everything about her is just so incredibly small and delicate… terje felt like a giant when she was a newborn and was placed in his arms for the first time, he was stuck in a silent state of shock and awe as he watched her little face scrunch up before softening as she somehow recognised his arms as a safe and comforting place, his tired eyes were stuck on her face as he studied her perfect little features before they drifted downwards to watch with an almost giddy smile on his face as her small hand grasped onto just one of his pale fingers… and not only is she just the cutest little thing in the world, but her strong resemblance to him is completely undeniable! it becomes especially apparent when she gets a little bit older and enters her toddler stage, she just looks like a total chubby little toddler double of him… she has his soft and shining ice blue eyes, she has his unique little pink lips, she has his soft and glossy brown hair with a slight curl to it, she has a small little ident in her chin that mirrors his own and she has his exact same adorable button nose which neither of you can ever resist peppering in adoring kisses, not to mention how many sweet eskimo kisses that happen too! your daughter with terje is quite literally just the epitome of cute as a button
dad! terje who loves to put flowers in your daughters hair…
if there is one thing that calms your little girl when she is in the midst of having a toddler tantrum, it would be going on short little walks with you and terje! the girl is kind of a major tree hugger, she just adores being outside in the fresh air and surrounded by pure nature, almost all of her tantrums start inside of your shared house because she just always so desperately wants to go out for a walk! all of her tantrums consist of her pouting and huffing and whining whilst pointing at the front door, giving her best faux big sad eyes up to the two of you which never ever fails to work like a charm on terje, as much as he hates to admit it… as much as she loves going on these walks with the two of you, she does not so much like the literal walking part and within just minutes of being bundled up in some thick warm clothes and leaving the house, terje has already swooped her up into his arms and has her settled comfortably on his hip after her small steps began to slow down! almost every single time on these frequent walks with your daughter, terje ends up picking an assorted bundle of small colourful flowers along the way! he loves sticking these delicate flowers into the pink hair ties that hold her soft brown hair in two short little pigtails, he loves slipping one of the flowers behind her ear and he just cannot get enough of her sickly sweet little smile when he coos down to her about how pretty she looks with flowers in her hair, he just cannot stop himself from mirroring her smile and telling you to look at how pretty she looks, turning to you and softly bouncing her on his arm whilst cooing to you about how she looks like a magical forest fairy or even a princess! and terje never even tries to stop you when you come closer to them and take some of the spare flowers from his hand and give them to your daughter before taking her small hand in yours, guiding her to slip one of the bright flowers into his long brown hair and behind his own ear… but he will be doing the exact same to you after you do it to him, a small and sweet grin painting his face as he uses your daughters little hand to push a flower into your hair with a look of pure love flooding his gentle blue orbs
dad! terje who always holds your baby daughter up in front of mirrors…
he does this just to be kind of goofy and have some fun with her! he just loves holding her small body safely in the crook of his arm with her back cushioned against his warm chest and making silly faces that reflect back to her in the large bedroom mirror, he loves sticking his tongue out and watching as she claps her hands with obvious delight at the comedic sight… he can never keep the silly faces going for long though, the sight of her being so humoured and the sound of her high pitched giggles is always bound to make him crack a big smile of his own before he starts laughing along with her, bouncing her small body in his arm whilst cooing down to her, blissfully unaware of and too stuck on showering your daughter in attention to notice the fact that you have been standing in the doorway and admiring the beautiful sight of him being such a doting father
dad! terje who bought your daughter a goose plushie before she was even born…
the plushie itself is almost overly soft and cushioned with plump stuffing inside, coloured with gentle white and light cream faux fur with two big glossy black buttons for eyes and two long plush orange legs… the soft plushie goose with a blank face was of course purchased by terje, just a couple of months after you had told him that you were definitely pregnant! he had found it in some little boutique store and something about it just made him smile and think about his unborn child with you and he himself was always quite fond of geese, so of course he bought it and took it home to you! he makes sure to rip the small paper price tag off before he shows you as he does not want to face your jokes about how cute and soft he is for spending so much on a simple little plushie… sometimes, when the two of you were stuck in front of a mirror studying your growing bump, he would bring the plushie over and press the beak against your bump, making mock kiss sounds and cracking a grin when it made you laugh… the first time your unborn daughter ever kicked was when he was doing this… and now, the goose plushie is something that she basically cannot live without at all, let alone sleep without! she takes it everywhere with her, even when she was a newborn she would cry and scream until you or terje placed the goose plushie down next to her and let her take it into her arms! that goose plushie was, in a way, her very first friend! and as much as you might try to fight against the idea, you know fine well that terje will probably end up surprising her with and letting her have a pet goose when she gets just a little bit older
dad! terje who wants a big yet quaint and comfortable family with you…
he already knew that he definitely wanted more children with you right after your first daughter was born but when she was in her toddler phase? when he got to see her eyes light up like sparkling stars whenever he picked a colourful little flower and gave it to her? when he got to see a huge smile crawl across her small face whenever he held her up on his hip and leaned down to show her how to pet an animal? when he got to listen to her incoherent babbles and high pitched giggles whenever he spoke back to her as if they were having a real conversation between themselves? it was all so special to terje, it all just made him feel so… content and warm in his life! of course he was already beyond happy and comfortable in a relationship with you before you were parents but when you gave him his daughter? it opened a whole new part of his heart that he was not even aware of existing and he just knew that he wanted to have more children with you and he probably wants them very soon after your first daughter is born! he wants them to all grow up pretty close in age so that they can all look out for each other and play together, especially since the cozy farmhouse that the two of you live in together is quite isolated from many other families… and it definitely helps that he thinks you looked absolutely ethereal when you were carrying and growing his first perfect baby! so do not be surprised that if in the midst of him laying back on your warm shared bed whilst holding your hips in his calloused hands as you fuck yourself on his cock, he looks up at you with the biggest puppy dog eyes that you have ever seen before asking just one simple little question in a breathy and whispery tone… “ can i get you pregnant again? i really want to get you pregnant again, want another baby with you so much… ” and how could you ever even think of saying no to him? it is safe to say that you guys definitely end up with quite a large little bundle of children but both of you love it so much and would not change it for the world
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child0feden · 30 days ago
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- okay so, by now i am sure most of you have seen the survival au art that the wonderful @andrew-thy-accursed has made for pelle and øystein but the survival au art he made for terje has been living rent free in my head and so has my own dad au for terje so my brain mixed the two and had some little thoughts about dad! terje surviving the incident in the way that andrews survival au art portrays it…
@raik7en also made a great little post about a survival au for terje which i would definitely recommend checking out because that post as well as the art i just mentioned are what inspired this :)
and this is very much to make up for the heartbreaking dad! terje thought i had and sent to some people in private because it was just too sad to post…
i also just needed to write something cute and soft because i needed to heal myself after the ending to lost records: bloom and rage lol :(
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dad! terje in the survival au who lets your toddler daughters decorate his crutches and his prosthetics with their cute little stickers and bows and drawings!
i mean, why would he not? when your daughters want to do something, especially something so innocent and just so beyond sweet like that, terje is very rarely ever heard telling them no… even without their sad little pouts and big ice blue puppy dog eyes looking up at him, he has and always will have a tough time ever denying them anything in the world! so when they want to decorate his crutches or his prosthetic arm? when they want to cover the plain beige or black colour in their bright holographic stickers and doodle big hearts all over it with a pink marker? he always lets them go at it… if anything, it just makes him beam and feel so incredibly fuzzy inside to see just how determined and eager they both are to make his prosthetic pretty for him
terje can only ever watch with a soft smile and a look of pure love painted across his tired face as his two precious girls focus on decorating his prosthetic as if it is a canvas for their art, sometimes speaking up in a quiet babble to ask him where he wants a certain sticker to go before moving away from him and running off to get you to come over and see what they did when they are finally done, leaving him to look down at his sticker and heart covered prosthetic with a smile full of both such immense love and appreciation…
dad! terje in the survival au who has to learn how to comfortably and safely hold his two toddler daughters again!
when the prosthetic arm and… new way of having to do almost everything was still so new and unfamiliar to terje, one of the things he was the most determined to be able to do again was hold both of your daughters up on each of his hips! he used to adore always holding both of them in the warmth of his arms, feeling them burrow further against his chest and showing them the golden sunset over tall hills with the added bit of height… and he just needed to be able to do it again, he was not going to let what happened take that from him! and it took a lot of practice… there was a lot of trial and error and terje never practiced with your two daughters in fear of messing up and dropping them which would lead to them getting hurt, he always absolutely hated the thought of that and so he would practice his double holding technique using two weighted pillows or two of just about anything that had the weight of two toddler girls
it took time and a whole lot of support as well as love from you when he would sometimes get overwhelmed by both the anger and sadness of having to learn how to do something that not too long ago, he could do just fine… but in the end, after so much determination and support from both you and your ever loving little girls, he got there! he was able to hold both of his perfect little ducklings in his arms once more, he was able to pick them both up and hold them against his chest whenever their little feet got tired from walking and all they wanted was to be held in the comfort of his arms…
dad! terje in the survival au who has some form of horrible ptsd when it comes to snow and being super fearful and kind of overprotective when his babies want to go out and play in it!
but of course, terje can never find it in himself to stop them from playing in it because all he ever wants is for them to have fun in their childhood and so instead of stopping them from leaving the house at all, he just makes absolutely sure that they are completely bundled up in a whole bunch of super thick and warm clothing layers… hell, he just about makes them wear three of everything too! three pairs of thermal socks, three pairs of mittens and so on! to put it in a blunt way, terje is just very paranoid about your children being in the snow and even when they are all bundled up and playing together outside? his paranoia does not seem to lessen at all… before they even step foot outside the house, he makes sure to tell them to not go more than fifteen feet away from the house and checks them over once more before letting them rush outside! and when they are outside? his eyes stay locked on them through the thick glass pane of the wide kitchen window, his eyes never leave them as they make snow angels and throw small snowballs at each other! he just cannot look away for even a split second, because what if something happens in that split second? what if one of them gets too cold? what if one of them wanders off all in that one split second? every single time he watches them, he can always feel his pale hands gripping his crutches tighter as he stands at the window and tries so hard to resist the urge to call them back inside after just two minutes of them being outside… he knows that they are having fun, he can hear the muffled sound of their sweet giggles and he can see their big smiles which is why he always resists ruining their fun by calling them back inside so soon! but he is just so scared of something happening because he would never ever forgive himself, he would never be at peace knowing that what happened to him happened to his little ducklings
he will never not watch them from the windows because his paranoia is just too strong for that but he can be calmed down a bit by you! just feeling your warm arms wrap around his waist from behind and feeling you give him a comforting soft squeeze along with a gentle kiss on his clothed back is enough to make his breathing even out and his heartbeat steady in his chest, hearing your quiet voice as you ask him if he wants you to make him a nice tea or some other kind of hot drink is always enough to get a genuine response from him and pull him out of the stone still state that he was stuck in due to his fear and paranoia…
dad! terje in the survival au who gets super soft when his babies draw cute little family pictures and doodle him with his crutches and prosthetics the best they can!
before the incident, your daughters would always draw messy little stick figure drawings of all of you together holding hands in front of your cozy little farmhouse with all different ducks and chickens standing around too… and even after the incident happens? the drawings do not stop! they simply learn to alter some details, terje and his prosthetic arm being a major detail that they change up in their drawings… it feels like it is such a small thing but to terje? when your daughters hold up their drawings to him and point out how cool they made his prosthetic arm look? it just fills him with so much pure love and genuine happiness because whilst it might seem like nothing major to them, to terje it is them going out of their way to draw him as he is now and show him that they still love and adore him as much as they did before… you best believe that every single crayon drawing they ever do for the two of you gets put up on the fridge with magnets and taped up to the tall mirror in your shared bedroom, he always admires them for at least a minute every single time he walks past them…
dad! terje in the survival au who sometimes has his long hair tied back in a loose ponytail as to stop strands getting caught in the straps of his prosthetic arm!
of course, your two daughters notice this! they see him do it quite a lot, especially when he is helping you cook in the kitchen or writing something in his notebook! and so over time, whenever they see him searching for a hair tie around the house because he seems to lose them every time he once had one around the wrist of his prosthetic, they are quick to offer up their own sparkling pink velvet scrunchies to him! and what kind of monster would terje be to say no to such a thoughtful offer? he always smiles down at them and takes the hair tie that they are offering up to him before using it to tie his hair back out of his face… no doubt they also help him push loose hairs out of his face by putting some of their little pink clips into his hair for him before he can even get the chance to think about brushing the loose hairs out of the way of his face
sometimes, on certain days when he is feeling a little down and especially during the time when the prosthetic is still quite new to him, these small actions by your daughters are enough to get him kind of choked up because oh gosh he just adores them so much… he just loves them with his whole entire heart and is so proud of them, they are such beautiful children both inside and out and sometimes he just does not think he deserves them at all, he treasures them so much and always thanks you for giving him the love and the life that he had always wanted…
dad! terje in the survival au who sometimes makes bedtime stories out of his prosthetic arm!
one of the most admirable things about terje is his creativity and that stands true with his imagination, which becomes even more prevalent when your daughters are at the age where they just crave more and more bedtime stories every single night! he was never bad at telling them little bedtime stories that were sure to lull them to sleep within minutes but after the incident happened and he had gotten used to his prosthetic arm? he learned how to use it for real good… and oh gosh did it come in very useful for telling bedtime stories… terje makes up different stories every night for them and they almost always include some kind of big fantasy battle that ended with him losing his arm, wether it be fighting a big dragon to save a princess who is always described as sounding a whole lot like you both in attitude and appearance or fighting off wolves to save… a small coop of chickens… ever the knight in shining armour, terje learns how to make fun things with his prosthetic and ease the nightmares attached to it, thanks to his daughters who always beg him for more of his made up stories and you who always encourages him to tell them…
ps, yes! i headcanon that dad! terje would call all of your children his little ducklings because they just follow him everywhere, they are absolutely his shadow and mirror his every step! he thinks that they are just as adorable as little ducklings too <3
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child0feden · 1 month ago
- okayyy, i made the playlist that i mentioned!
the idea is very simple; the music in here is to egg on the dream of a domestic farmhouse life with terje bakken!
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think of laying in bed with terje, your bodies tangled together underneath soft cotton sheets with your head resting upon his chest as his fingers plays with stray strands of your messy bed hair whilst the two of you talk so quietly between yourselves about what your plans are for the day despite the fact that both of you are more than just reluctant to leave the warmth of each others arms!
think of sitting beside terje on the short wooden staircase of the porch that leads to your house and picking at the chipping white paint with your nails as you lean into his side with one of his arms wrapped around your back to keep you warm, his other arm moving to raise a lit cigarette up to his mouth whilst the two of you watch the sunrise together!
think of preparing a full breakfast with terje whilst music plays through a radio that sits on the kitchen countertop with the volume on low for background noise because terje likes to hear the distant sounds of chickens and roosters mixing in between the soft music, he has a cigarette hanging from his pink lips whilst passing you any fresh ingredients that you gesture to!
think of seeing terje stub his cigarette out in a small porcelain ashtray and feeling his soft yet worked hands come down to hold your hips from behind as he leans down to rest his chin atop your shoulder and presses a lingering kiss to your cheek before telling you how good the food looks, whispering about how good you look right in your ear with a cheeky smile on his still ever so slightly sleepy face!
think of letting terje pull you away from the slowly frying pancakes by your hand and instigate quite a terrible and a pretty pathetic excuse of a slow dance with you in the middle of the small kitchen as golden rays of the still rising morning sun shine through the glass pane windows and project the floral pattern of your white lace curtains against all surfaces in the kitchen, the only noises filling the warm air being crackles from oven top, the low music still coming from the small radio and a mixture of quiet laughs coming from both you and terje as he swings you around in his arms and even attempts to dip you!
think of dad! terje holding your toddler daughter safely up on his hip whilst he stands just out in front of the house and shows her the sun as it sets behind the tall hills and overshadowing mountains in the distance before laughing and pressing a soft kiss to her head when her attention is stolen away by a colourful wind chime as it hangs from the branch of a nearby tree and jingles after a small gust of wind blows by!
think of dad! terje holding your toddler daughters hand in his and teaching her how to spread some chicken feed across the ground whilst you watch from the doorway of the house with a content smile on your face and a hand resting down upon your still growing baby bump, the silver metal of his eyebrow piercing ever so slightly shining under the gentle daytime sun when he turns his head to look back at you with a soft smile of his own!
think of dad! terje cradling your newborn in his arms and holding a bottle of warmed milk up to their mouth whilst your toddler daughter sits next to him in her high chair at the small table in the kitchen, his face is tired due to sleepless nights with both an infant and a toddler but his expression is full of such warmth and love which only blooms more in his chest when he feels your arms wrap around him from behind!
think of those things because those little domestic things are always what i imagine the most when listening to this type of music! i often imagine the music playing so low yet still audible from a small radio, the audio slightly crackling but not in an irritating way… anyways, yeah! still have to add some stuff to it but enjoy it for now, if you want :)
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