#terfs DO interact. it makes it easier to block you ❤
Jesus the terfs really are in their own little world arent they?
I just spent like 5 minutes scrolling through a couple terf blogs to confirm they were terfs. And they just genuinely truly believe they're doing good. So fucking delusional.
There was this one post bitching about how the pandemic was "making so many women think they're nonbinary cuz they stopped performing femininity are more comfortable so they think they're not women."
And like....that one stung a bit. Like as a nonbinary who came out..during the pandemic...and like...im not doubting my identity here. Thats not happening.
But if these nonbinaries theyre talking about are anything like me
Then they probably had already considered that they may be nonbinary BEFORE the pandemic but didn't have time to really stop and explore that before
Like I first thought I might be agender like 4 years ago. Just before I came out as bi. Thats when I first learned what agender even was. And it felt right. But I was still friends with a homophobe. So I wasn't really comfortable exploring too much. Especially since there were so many terfs ending up on my tumblr dash back then. I just didn't feel safe exploring that at that time.
But ive had an entire year to do nothing but explore my identity. I'm feeling more comfortable with myself than I have in years. I'm more comfortable in my body than I have been in years. And I haven't changed a damn thing about it. All I needed was accepting that im nonbinary. (Not that there's anything wrong with needing to change your body to make it fit you better. I just dont personally need that.)
It just pisses me off that people want to try so hard to invalidate that. Like why do you fucking care? Like they go after men for trying to police women's bodies but do the exact same thing to trans and nonbinary people? How delusional do you have to be to not see the irony there?
And theyre...weirdly obsessed with other peoples kinks and sex lives. And all the kinks they listed are ones that squick me the fuck out. But here's the thing...I just dont...interact with people who post those things???? Or if I like the person I just...block the tag???? Like its none of my fucking business? Its not yours either?
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