#terf homophobia
leatherdaddywendys · 8 hours
just coming in to say i appreciate you for coming back at anti-drag feminazis (terfs) -- as a drag artist it does the heart good to see someone who actually has a brain, i hope youre having a good evening
of course. drag artists are not privileged oppressors and enemies to women, but terfs really wish you were... terfs have absolutely idiotic takes about most things.
some of their beliefs are that anal sex is degrading, men are evil sex perverts and that's why AIDS spread, masculinity is ugly, drag is "womanface" - with all this combined, you just get run-of-the-mill homophobia. terfs are homophobic, no way around it. idk why they've done it, and for who's benefit (privileged white christian women who aren't promiscious, most likely), but they have invented conservative feminism.
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crispyliza · 5 months
When people say "I don't want my child to be exposed to LGBTQ+ media because it will turn them gay" they actually mean "I don't want my child to be exposed to LGBTQ+ media because it might help them realize that they're gay".
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radicalterfism · 3 months
One thing I can t figure out is teachers dont feel the need to wipe their adults
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tra-archive · 4 months
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Gay man calls gender ideology a social contagion, TRA responds with a homophobic rant straight out of the 50s. You can’t make this shit up
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glitter-soda · 5 months
It’s honestly pathetic af that most normie straight people are better allies than a lot self proclaimed queer people.
Most straight people who aren’t conservative or terminally online tend to have a “live and let live” attitude and it’s great. They don’t think lesbians are bigots for not wanting to suck dick because they understand what a homosexual is. Like that bullshit doesn’t even cross their minds. They may misspeak or make stupid assumptions sometimes, but that’s infinitely more tolerable than getting talked down to or threatened or sexually harassed by some honey nut queerio who thinks my sexuality isn’t “inclusive” enough.
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kiawritesstuff · 5 months
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Thank God , sex by deception is illegal. What a fucking rapist mentally this Trans cult have . I really wanna see how all the TRAs will defend this now ?
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This is actually hilarious because:
Wasps are not bees. They are both members of the Hymenoptera order, which also includes ants. You wouldn't say that an ant is a bee just because they're both members of the same order, so why would you argue that a wasp is a bee? Would you argue that a camel and a giraffe are the same species because they also share the same order (Artiodactyla)?
Out of the some 20,000 species of wasp, NONE produce honey. There is a genus called "Brachygasta" including 17 species that keep stores of nectar and honeydew in case of food shortages, but none produce honey. And certainly not from meat.
So yet again, you have a TRA blatantly lying in order to turn something into what it's not. "The wasp is right, and the bee relies on untrue myths to explain itself," is such bullshit.
Sadly, this post got something like 2,000 notes. People will blindly believe what a TRA says, especially if it's a lie constructed to undo a radfem point. So many logical fallacies.
Wasps are not bees. Men are not women.
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The fear of the masculine woman predates any modern conception of transness and gender. There are stories about monstrous women with masculine traits from the ancient world, they were objects of fear or disgust or hatred. This is not misdirected transmisogyny, it's not transphobia misdirected at cis women, it's a fear of female transgression and masculinity. The two are inter-related and trans women are affected by this fear of female masculinity too, and cis women are affected by transphobia but the fear of the masculine woman didn't come from transmisogyny. It predates it. It could be seen as a fear of transmasculinity, even those early examples of women becoming like men and taking on or embodying masculine traits. But it's also not necessarily that. It contains aspects of intersexism, but isn't strictly that either. It's a fear of female masculinity and the transgression of gender norms and fear surrounding women's control over fertility, and so many other things.
Anyone who sees the way masculine women (and transmasculine people) are treated as purely a result of transmisogyny is mistaken, or actively engaging in misogyny, intersexism, and erasure. It's so much more complicated than that.
I'm sorry but not everything is about you.
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sharknado-three · 2 years
Homophobes: I don't hate people who struggle with homosexual tendencies, I just think sodomy is a sin and responsible for spreading disease. I will do anything in my power to stop people from having gay sex, including campaigning to make it illegal. I believe being visibly homosexual in the presence of kids is making kids gay and shouldn't be allowed.
LGBT+ community: That's homophobic.
TERFs: I don't hate dysphoric females, I just think transitioning is causing irreversible damage and reinforcing sexist stereotypes. I will do anything in my power to stop "confused lesbians" from destroying their bodies, including campaigning to make transition illegal. I believe being visibly trans in the presence of kids is making kids gender-confused and shouldn't be allowed.
Some of you: Wow, TERFs sure do love AFAB trans people! They literally said so and we know bigots would never lie about that!
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tervenbutch · 4 months
three days into pride month and i’ve already seen queerios on twitter “warning” people that the double venus symbol is a “terf dogwhistle” oh BROTHER
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odinsblog · 4 months
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I know you’ve heard about Harrison Butker by now, and his embarrassment of a commencement speech at Benedictine College. You’ve probably seen the NFL kicker roasted six ways from Sunday for his misogyny, hypocrisy, and regressive nonsense. People have already written about his stupidity, everyone has memed his nonsense, and conservatives have applauded him for advocating for a return to the 1950s. That is exactly what he was doing, unashamedly. Butker delivered countless awful lines, saying, “Things like abortion, IVF, surrogacy, euthanasia, as well as a growing support for degenerate cultural values in media, all stem from the pervasiveness of disorder.” Which is an ugly mix of law and order rhetoric and sexism, a mix that makes no logical sense but scratches a certain itch in the mind of his conservative audience.
I just want to briefly add to the criticism of this Super Bowl winner, who will probably run for office before too long. Specifically, I want to highlight the inane variety of patriarchal bullshit running through his speech, and his apparent approach to the world. Butker and men like him are trying to sell us a load of hot garbage, and get men to be the worst version of themselves. They’re trying to make us see ourselves as victims, and encouraging us to use that false belief as fuel to go out and hurt other people. We can and should reject that directive.
We should reject it for countless reasons, but I think the place to start is to look at this guy telling us we’ve been oppressed by society and so we should stand up and be real men and tell women to be homemakers. He makes four million dollars a year to kick a ball, he’s won the Super Bowl, and he’s still a miserable person pretending to be a victim. All that wealth, all the success, and he’s going to speak at a college to tell young women, “I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world.”
As they’re graduating college to go out into the world, he’s telling them to stay home and be mothers. He’s theoretically reached the American dream, and he’s spending his time telling college girls to be “homemakers.”
Oh and in the days since his speech it’s come out that his mom is an accomplished physicist. But nevertheless.
(continue reading)
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worstdykeever · 3 months
has anyone else noticed how much 'lesbian' tims love calling themselves dykes ? it's in all of their display names/bios and it seems like these straight men say lesbian slurs more than i've heard any actual lesbian say it 💀 lesbophobia has become so normalized in trans circles it's insane
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tra-archive · 2 months
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“Hi I’m a lesbian and I fucking love dick” -🤡
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werewolfetone · 2 years
It's mad how much of radfem rhetoric is literally just rehashed lesbophobia. "we can't let [group] into women's spaces cos they're predators" "women would never feel safe with members of [group] in the toilets with them because [group] would be creeps in there" "[group] are inherently predatory unlike REAL women which is why we hate them." and then they also claim to care about lesbians and be anti lesbophobia. all without a hint of irony too
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kiawritesstuff · 5 months
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Another example to show that trans women are simply men who hate women and are envious of our anatomy. They so desperately want to be us that they resort to insulting us. I will never respect or accept them as women because no woman talks like this. Absolutely vile!! They are misogynistic people.
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Just some TiMs casually fantasising about humiliating and raping feminists and lesbians.
They say they "don't feel safe," around radfems, while imagining ways to demean and humiliate us.
This is why we want spaces where we can avoid rape and abuse fetishists. This is why we don't want to be exposed to males in environments where we should be protected.
Stay safe out there guys.
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