#tentoorose smut
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thirdeyeblue · 2 years ago
So Much For Sleep
What starts as an awkward morning leads to an interesting evening for the Doctor and Rose.
Tentoo x Rose, 2.9k, Explicit
After a day flush with screaming toddlers and the petty woes of helicopter mums, Rose Tyler was fit to drop.
Jackie had gone overboard with planning the whole mess for a friend, so the Doctor and Rose had volunteered to help out, venturing all the way out to Guildford for a toddler’s birthday party that was both rustic and entirely too posh for the likes of four-year-olds. 
While the former Time Lord took to collecting and compacting enough colorful wrapping paper to stuff three large bin bags, Rose tucked herself away in the kitchen to do the dishes. 
They definitely weren’t avoiding each other. Really, they weren’t.
They had experienced an awkward start to their day, however. 
The Doctor had begun his morning a bit differently than Rose, bursting into her room with a huge grin and a fresh, printed-out itinerary for the return trip: Only two pages that he’d obviously still relished in the opportunity to staple together. 
Rose was viscerally aware that, ever-so-narrowly, he’d managed to catch her very frazzled appearance as she quickly stuffed something bright pink beneath her bedspread; eyes wide, hair a tangled mess, cheeks hot and flushed in the morning light.
She’d become so used to him waking up a bit late since regenerating into existence, and it was still very early, so she thought she could easily get away with indulging her body's neglected needs for the first time since they’d begun their new life together. 
After all, she had been… frustrated.
In the days it’d been since their reunion [and subsequent banishment], they’d shared many hugs; even a few brief, but sweet, well-intentioned kisses before parting for the evening.
Lovely as it was, that was the extent of it.
Rose had been so focused on ensuring the most comfortable adjustment possible for herself and her new Doctor that she hadn’t put any effort into anything beyond that.
Mostly because anything “beyond that” had never existed in the first place.
Once upon another universe, sure — there had been a hefty implication of “that”. However, before either of them had found the bravery necessary to rip the bandaid off, effectively turning “that” into “more”, the Void had seen fit to open up a rift between them.
Now, they finally had each other again; thrust into life with all of the grocery-shopping, petrol-pumping, linear leaky-faucet-fixing charm that comes with domesticity… 
And less than two weeks in, the Doctor had already caught her wanking. 
He’d said nothing on the topic, instead turning an instant and vibrant pink that could rival her little buzzing assistant, turning around and briefly stammering through travel plans as he all but melted out the door.
By the time Rose had rinsed off her shame and horror in the shower (possibly gently thudding her head into the wall several times), the Doctor had a cup of tea and a plate of eggs in front of her in the kitchen, and it was as though the faux pas had never even occurred. 
But that didn’t mean it hadn’t. 
And Rose was still frustrated. More so, now.
Not only had she not been able to bring herself to finish the job in her bedroom, robbing her of that much-needed tension relief, but the Doctor was acting weird now. He couldn’t seem to stop looking at her, he was annoyingly quiet, and if Rose said anything, his responses were skittish and short; like he was afraid she would run away if he said the wrong thing. 
Well, she wasn’t going to stand for that. They’d come too far to backpedal now. 
Was he uncomfortable because he was repulsed, or was it that he was intrigued? Did the concept of her existing as a sexual person excite him or make him want to run for the hills?
After breakfast, Rose decided she wanted to experiment a little. See if she could glean a bit of how he was feeling without having to say a word (since he seemed keen on keeping his mouth shut).
Since it was a toddler’s birthday party, she thought she’d slip on something sweet and simple for the occasion — something that felt a bit juvenile, but fitting. 
She’d bought the outfit on a sentimental whim about a year back, specifically because she remembered the way the Doctor had looked at her when she wore something similar long ago: a denim overall dress and plain pink t-shirt. She had thigh-high black stockings as well, which she’d only worn once, at a work gala — but for the sake of keeping the whole ensemble true to her memories, she’d slipped them on.
Nerves were overridden by a surge of confidence when she saw the look on the Doctor’s face before they left. The recognition was immediate, and his reaction... Intrigue mixed with an unmistakable touch of heat. So quickly, it was replaced with a warm smile and a “Don’t you look nice?” as he took a few steps closer.
Then — then — he’d kissed her. Just the smallest of kisses; first on her lips, then on her forehead; but it was so lovely that the fleetingness of it didn’t even matter.
As Rose beamed and blushed like a schoolgirl, she felt certain of one thing: absolutely nothing was wrong. Not only that — but the Doctor was sentimental, as well. 
And seemed to have a thing for stockings.
Together, they held hands and headed out the door, ready to take on their day as toddler chaperones. 
Hours later, as Rose scrubbed away at dried globs of frosting loaded with powdered sugar and yellow #5 until her fingers turned pruney, she wondered why she hadn’t chosen a less daunting task. 
However, when considering the chaos of the dwindling party, she decided it was well worth a bit of the mundane.
It’d been a very long day.
After saying their farewells, the Doctor was eager to drive them home, having (rather enthusiastically) worked out the best route that branched away from how they initially got there. He’d boasted about his knowledge of the back roads between Guildford and London, with villages and meadows and the light of the moon illuminating cottages that speckled the hillsides. 
The moonlight was a late addition to his ‘scenic route’ pitch, having obviously not accounted for how late they’d be gone — but nonetheless, Rose was happy to oblige. She was far too tired to get behind the wheel. 
“It’ll be well worth the whelm of your Saturday, Rose Tyler,” he’d declared as she dried her hands on an embroidered kitchen towel. “Just you watch!”
She felt guilty for being half asleep before their return trip had even started, but it couldn’t be helped. The hum of the engine drowned out the rest of the world, causing the quiet buzz of the radio to play out like a distant auditory hallucination as a cool breeze circulated through the car. 
The Doctor still twigged along as they drove, listing off a fact or twenty as he pointed out landmarks; forming a welcome (if inadvertent) lullaby. 
Rose had always loved his voice regardless of which body he occupied, and to hear him rambling at her side was like a gift from her past to her present; the perfect end to a day that had otherwise been something of a rollercoaster.
She slipped away into the realm between sleeping and dreaming without even realizing it; which made it all the more surreal when, somewhere along the way, she found herself startled out of her haze by the sensation of a warm hand resting over her knee.
Rose jumped a little and glanced over at her quiet driver, who had long since stopped talking as the roads grew darker and more remote. 
He wasn’t looking at her, perfectly focused on the drive… but his hand was saying quite a bit indeed.
He started to stroke her lightly back and forth; long fingers tracing her kneecap, occasionally drawing a circle that would have tickled if not for the thickness of her stockings.
Rose’s heart began hammering away persistently as her eyes remained locked on his hand, watching him touching her as though it was the most normal thing in the universe. 
Even in the midst of their lightly-flourishing relationship, this sort of intimacy was so unlike him. She tried to calm herself enough to enjoy it, to just let it be what it was: a nice, reassuring touch; nothing more.
But then he started to move his hand up her thigh, slower and slower. The shift was so subtle that, if she couldn’t see the amount of stocking visible between his hand and her skin growing smaller by the second, Rose would worry she was just imagining it. 
Everywhere he touched left a trail she could feel burning in his wake. In response, she felt a slow crawl of warmth radiating from her lower belly, seeping through her core. 
What inspired this, she wondered? The outfit? The flash of pink silicone in her bedspread? The road winding through the darkness?
Or was she overthinking it entirely?
Before long, his pinky slipped past the stocking and grazed the soft flesh of her bare thigh, riding the line between fabric and skin. Rose bit her lip and closed her eyes, just barely able to bite back a moan, because it had been so long since she’d been touched that way — and never like that.
By him. 
Right when she thought he’d decided he’d been bold enough, he reversed course, pressing his hand firmly into her thigh and dragging it back up, away from her body. Rose’s breath caught on a short, sudden grasp when he wrapped his finger around her knee and gently pulled, coaxing her to uncross her legs.
She wasn’t sure it was actually happening as she obeyed his silent command, both thighs now flat on the seat with her black boots planted on the floorboard. 
Seemingly content, the Doctor resumed. 
His fingertips coasted down towards the hem of her dress, which had ridden up a bit. Rose’s eyes flashed to the profile of his alarmingly tranquil face, and she couldn’t have told you where they were — if there were pretty hills or moonlit cottages or a tyrannosaurus rex chasing them down the road — because then his little finger was dipping below denim, tracing the edge of forbidden skin just beneath.
“D-Doctor,” she whispered in a shiver, not even hearing herself over the car’s engine, but the Doctor heard her, of course. His hand stopped and he turned his head almost infinitesimally, just enough to catch her stare out of the corner of his eye. 
“Should I stop?” 
Rose’s eyes widened, flicking between his hand and face a few times — but he was no longer looking at her, having resumed watching the road.
When she said nothing, he glanced back over. She held her breath and shook her head almost automatically, if a bit quickly. 
Of course she didn’t want him to stop. She just couldn’t remember how to speak, is all.
His hand continued then, slipping under her dress, and her legs opened by degrees. She hoped she didn’t look too eager but… 
The Doctor ran his palm up and down the inside of her thigh encouragingly before pulling lightly at her leg. “A little more?” he asked in a murmur, his voice deeper; richer than she thought she could ever recall hearing on him. “Please.”
Rose’s thighs slid open further, sticking just slightly to the leather seat, and he didn’t hesitate. He leaned back into his chair and pushed his hand between her legs, not stopping until his pinky brushed over her knickers. She gasped audibly, dropping her head forward.
The engine’s soft purr grew louder as the night grew darker, and he took to tracing her slit with light, up-and-down strokes. She bit the pout of her lower hip and wrapped one hand around her purse strap, clutching tightly.
They probably still had a bit to go until they reached their flat, so the Doctor let this go on for a while, working her up leisurely. Taking his time to tease. For dexterity's sake, the angle was sort of awkward, but Rose knew he would see this through — even given the limited opportunities afforded by their bodies being separated by a clunky center console. 
She knew that he knew what was happening was, in fact, a very big deal indeed. Perhaps the biggest deal in the universe. He wasn’t just feeling her up… He was telling her, plain and simple, that he was ready for this. Ready for them. No more lines.
To accentuate that point, he soon caved completely, dipping beneath the edge of her knickers and pressing his pinky through soft, silky-wet flesh. Rose’s mouth fell open with a shuddering moan and her legs spread further, now as wide as they could go as he started rubbing at her clit with the full length of his little finger.
Trees, bluffs, and hillsides seemed to pass the car faster and faster as he stroked her tenderly, sliding his hand up and down between her legs as he focused pressure in just the right spot. 
There were no street lights out where he’d taken her, just the stars and the darkness and a speed limit the Doctor had clearly set out to take to task. Rose could tell he was frustrated by the limited mobility of his hand and was obviously taking that frustration out on the car, but that made it no less surprising when he suddenly tore his finger from her knickers and grasped the gear lever, shifting into neutral before bringing them to a squealing stop on the shoulder. 
Breathless, disheveled, and no longer even remotely tired, Rose turned her head to make sure everything was alright. The Doctor was a bit preoccupied with pulling the parking brake, cutting the lights, unbuckling his safety belt, then drawing his leg up onto his seat before he turned his attention back to her.
The console was still a bit of a hindrance, but he had no trouble getting his hand in her hair and tugging her mouth to meet his.
Rose melted into her seat as he pressed the warmth of his lips to hers over and over, letting her taste him as he kissed her; leaving behind the sweet vestiges of frosting from the one-too-many cupcakes he’d devoured earlier in the night. 
His hand disappeared from her hair and reappeared between her legs a few seconds later, pushing the fabric back out of his way before she felt him sliding into her folds to feel her properly.
Rose’s lips left his with a breathy “Fuck” as he anchored two fingers over her clit and took to rubbing her slowly, gently. 
He stayed very close as he touched her; dark, lusty eyes burning with curiosity and wonder as he touched her, studying her. “Gorgeous,” he whispered, leaning in to kiss her again. “Just gorgeous.”
Only once did he slip down to feel her from the inside; stroking carefully in and out of her, listening to her mewls and sighs as he moaned encouragingly. He was so, so close to her; so warm. 
Affection and love and sex imbued the cool air around them as the world grew small, holding the pair within a pocket of intimacy that seemed to exist outside of reality; outside of time and space. 
The engine was quiet enough now that Rose could hear the slick movement of his fingers as she felt them gliding over her clit, moving back and forth so unhurriedly. She could hardly breathe, losing herself to his skilled hand; drowning in the soft, brilliant sounds of pleasure they were sharing together in the dark. 
All of that pressure continued on, building beautifully, and it wasn’t long before he was stroking her into an orgasm that made her face and body do things she knew he’d never seen before. He watched every second of it.
On the shoulder of some rural road outside of London, the smile that swept across the Doctor’s features as he made her come for the first time was so utterly replete with joy that Rose almost had to weep in the afterglow. Everything about it was perfect. Glorious.
There was one more lingering kiss before he pulled away suddenly, and in seconds, he had them peeling out from the gravelly shoulder, flying down the road towards where light pollution could be seen illuminating the sky in the distance.
Rose blinked several times, part of her wondering if their little moment had actually just happened at all.
“Errm… Doctor?” She glanced outside, watching an old fence flying past her window like a film strip as the engine’s hum kicked up into a low roar. “S-Sort of hard to appreciate the scenic route with you driving at warp speed, don’t you think?”
“Sod it with the stupid scenic route,” he stated plainly. “If I don’t get you home within half an hour, I’m afraid we’ll be taking up residence in the nearest field. And I don’t know about you, Rose Tyler, but I’d rather not spend the morning picking grass out of my hair.”
She laughed out loud at the visual. “S’alright if it takes a bit, though.” She looked over at him with a grin, though she could feel the heat of her face growing flushed all over again. “I’m… not exactly tired anymore. Not sure I could go to sleep if I tried, actually.”
Only then did he turn and look at her, one eyebrow arched high. 
“Who said anything about ‘sleep’?”
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kcchameleon17 · 8 months ago
One Night (Tentoo/Rose fic) by kcchameleon
For TentooRoseMonth2024 “Firsts” + TentooRose Fuckathon prompts: Reunion Sex, Sneaking Around, Possessive/Jealous Sex, Praise Kink, Condom Snogbox
Rating: E
"One night. Just one night to show her how much he loved her. One night to hold her and pretend he was the genuine article, the one she could really want, just for a few hours. If this was the only shot he had been guaranteed to be able to show this woman he loved more than every star in the sky his devotion, he was just going to have to grab it with both hands."
Rose, Tentoo, and Jackie spend a night on the Tardis before Ten brings them back to Bad Wolf Bay.
@tentoorosemonth2024 @whywhatswrongwithblue
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fckngyrs · 1 year ago
i want to write more tenrose fic but i’m low on ideas 💔
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dogsarethebest312 · 10 months ago
New Product Testing
Rating: Explicit
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Metacrisis Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler
Summary: After three Months of living in Pete’s World, The Doctor had yet to gain control of his more… human urges. But he held himself in check, not wanting to scare Rose off. He’d been doing rather well in his opinion. But the dress that Rose was wearing to the Vitex Christmas Gala was going to be his downfall.
Written for the TenToo/Rose Fuck-a-thon by @whywhatswrongwithblue. The prompt list and my current completion is shown below.
Prompts Used: Party/Gala Sex, Caught In The Act, Adjusting to Human Biology/Hormones, Sneaking Around, Gorilla Grip + Jackie Tyler, and Foot Fetish Bodice Ripper
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metacrisisdoctor · 2 months ago
the scenic route
tentoorose. rated e. pwp. 6.7k. new years eve smut. VERY smutty.
"You, Rose Tyler, look very sexy."
A shiver goes through her, one he undoubtedly does not miss. It's not just the words, it's the deep timbre of his voice. The gravity within them, like they're coming from deep within his being. An open mouthed kiss to the shell of her ear makes it worse, and it won't be long until her knickers are just a thin piece of ruined cotton if he keeps this up. His hand slides up, cupping the back of her knee and higher, and she feels it happening already.
She could blame it on the alcohol, but she knows it has nothing to with that.
It's him. It's always been him.
"Not too bad yourself," She tries to tease, but it comes out too breathy.
Pulling back to look at him, she realizes that he isn't exactly sober himself. His bowtie is undone, as are the first few buttons of his crisp white shirt. His hair has mostly reverted back to it's organic state, hanging limply in front of his forehead. Unable to help herself, she leans towards him again, burying her hand in his hair and pulling his mouth towards hers again. If the bartender notices them begin to snog, they don't say. Carefully, the Doctor turns slightly and reaches forward. With steady hands he takes a hold of the edges of her seat and drags it forward until she is close enough to pull into his lap. She opens one eye to look at the woman who had been attempting to flirt with him earlier, parting his lips with her tongue until the kiss becomes so hypnotic that she forgets about everyone altogether."
OR, what Tentoo and Rose were doing while Ten regenerated.
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demdifferentstories-29 · 1 year ago
20 Questions Game
Thanks for the tag, @bronzeagepizzeria <3
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 words count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, I really only write Doctor Who aside from a handful of other one-offs I've written, but I literally have at least a hundred WIPs/ideas in my drafts.
Fandoms that I have tons of ideas for are Broadchurch and Jessica Jones (TV series), which I hope to get around to publishing. But I have a fair bit of range hiding away haha.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
In descending order:
Broken-Hearted (cross-over with Broadchurch; multi-chapter; completed)
Braids (one-shot)
Desperate Measures (multi-chapter; completed)
Exes and Ohs (one-shot)
A Lesson in Romantic (AU; multi-chapter; completed)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Pretty much as soon as I can! I appreciate engagement so much and I want to make that known to commenters. Plus, I love a bit of banter and discussion where prompted - it's a delight!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oooo, boy. Probably Happy Together? Or maybe the first chapter of Sunburn? Violet Hill was also pretty sad. I love me some dark, heavy stories that fuck up my beloved blorbos.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Although I haven't updated in it in quite a while, I've written a fair bit of the sequels for the A Lesson in Romance universe, and, boy, have I made those two have a (mostly) happy life together.
In terms of published stories, I think Study Buddies would take the cake or one of the many TentooRose pieces I've done. The former is very classic, high school sweetheart vibes with just enough angst dashed in, and I tend to keep the latter sweet, fluffy and horny.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I received some very intense 'constructive' criticism whilst writing A Lesson in Romance - like I'm talking extremely long paragraphs pretty much deconstructing my writing and questioning my content. I was young at the time, it was my first multi-chapter Doctor Who fic, and the fact that this person also pretty much outright told me how I should write my story pissed me off a bit, so I, in the most polite way possible, asked them to stop reading my story and leaving these comments.
Aside from that? I've really only had one sort of bad comment since then, but I opted to not reply.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Oh, you know I do ;) I currently only write F/M; have explored M/M in the past so I'm down to write queer smut if the inspiration ever strikes.
I'm not really a fan of overly kinky stuff that is, say, explicit/specific (e.g. BDSM), but I don't mind stuff that is vaguely/lightly kinky (i.e. I tend to include voyeurism in my stories, but it's generally accidental). I mostly write either very horny or emotional, intimate stuff - I'm a sucker for the feelings associated with the couple.
It honestly depends on what kind of story I'm writing! But as of recent, I've been mostly producing first-time, emotion-heavy smut with a good serving of horniness/wantonness to build up the tension.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I've written two - Broken-Hearted and Fobwatched (if you've been waiting for an update, I promise I think of her often... I'll revive her one day). I'd say BH is crazier, as it does entwine itself with the Human Nature storyline from Doctor Who, but Fobwatched has also had some pretty wacky moments!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, and I really hope not! I have, admittedly, been a bit fearful of it in recent months.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Again, not to my knowledge! But I'm always open to that conversation if people are interested.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Back when I wrote band/music fanfiction (please forgive me for my crimes), I had started drafting out a fic with someone, but it never went anywhere and we didn't communicate very well either :,)
However, I have been beta-ing the lovely @quite-right-too's fic Dona Nobis Pacem, which has been a lovely collaboration <3 I'm so proud of Cody's work and highly recommend you read it if you haven't!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
It would probably be DoctorRose! I've never really been more enthralled with a ship before, and the fact that the special interest is still going strong three years on is a pretty good sign. I also tend to come back to Ellie and Alec from Broadchurch quite often.
In the past, I was a hardcore Reylo fan, and I've always enjoyed random, niche ships within my realm of interests (i.e. Evey and V from V For Vendetta; Jackson and Lisa from Red Eye; an array of ships from my horror movies because I love being delusional).
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Look, I'm quite stubborn in my belief that, ultimately, I will finish all my drafts, but I can say that the drafts from when I first started writing Doctor Who fanfiction have been quite difficult to work on because my writing has changed so much since then!
There are also maybe a WIP or two that I have written purely for myself and will never publish. I will probably take these to my deathbed lol.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hm, I've always been complimented for character accuracy, which I do think I have down pact - writing characters like Ten and Rose have gradually become more comfortable for me over the years and I feel like I know them quite well by this point, which is really surprising considering I've never done a proper rewatch of the show since finishing it aside from some scenes/particular episodes!
I've also always been very anal about detail in my stories - I love including the most unnecessary shit in my work!! Do you need to know what Rose had for breakfast? No. Are you gonna know anyway? YES!!! I just love making my stories feel as organic and lifelike as possible.
I've been working really hard on scenery recently, which I've been getting compliments on! I have aphantasia, so this is something I've put a lot of energy and focus into as I've come to realise it's pretty important for readers lol.
And, not to brag, but I do think I write some pretty banging smut. It's taken ten or so years of practice, but I got there in the end.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Eh, I feel I'm not super great at coming up with like... proper action/plot. Like I can do circumstances and events quite alright, but coming up with something like... say, escaping from a villain/bad situation, I've always felt pretty shit at accomplishing. However, I always try to improve.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I only speak English, so it's a bit daunting! But I just use Google Translate and consult others where possible. And, as Niyati has mentioned in her own post, I recently used her technique of writing from the non-speaker's perspective and it's been a welcome addition to my skills! Shout out, girlie <3
19. First fandom you wrote for?
It would've been 5SOS, but those fics are long gone - I deleted them from Wattpad, and the iPod that the original drafts are on doesn't work, unfortunately.
I also wrote about other bands that I listen to - Asking Alexandria, Of Mice & Men, You Me At Six, Pierce the Veil, and Bring Me The Horizon. I still have most of the drafts, but I deleted all but four of them from the internet lol (the ones that were deleted were unfinished works).
I don't write about these people anymore as I did come to realise, Wait a minute, it's kinda weird and gross to write about these people like this lol (no hate on anyone who does). But I'm always down to chat about my sordid past haha.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I would have to say "Come, gentle night, come" as it's probably the most amount of effort I put into writing. I think it's my best smut and cherish it deeply!
Tagging: @quite-right-too, @deardiary17, @insomniac-101, @metacrisisdoctor
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bronzeagepizzeria · 1 year ago
Thanks for the tag @nodirectionhome-ao3!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 words count? 81,583
3. What fandoms do you write for?
doctor who and harry potter, as of now. i do have a few x-men fics in the works!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Of Thorns and Roses: tenrose; arranged marriage au
The Surrender: tenrose; shag or die
Dimorphous Expressions of Positive Emotion: tentoorose; babyfic
One Day Closer To Death: tenrose/tentoorose; post JE reunion
The Seduction Pit: tentoorose; ood sex talk crack fic
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
almost IMMEDIATELY haha. as soon as i post/update i be refreshing that inbox :')
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
as of right now, it's got to be One Day Closer To Death. the ending is still canon compliant w.r.t ten’s arc in the show, i just wanted to give him a little closure. but it made me saddddd.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
probably this little microfic? it’s just a fluffy slice of life thing about mia’s first play.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nah. i’ve got maybe one or two slightly odd comments but not outright hate
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
i have tried it a handful of times and i think there’s loads of scope for improvement so i’ve got to keep practicing. as for the kind, erm, f/m i guess?
i only have one m/m ship at the moment and i don't usually think of them in smutty ways (it's the angst that draws me in lol) but never say never, i think.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
no, and i don't know if i ever would...i love playing in the sandbox of AUs but a full blown crossover doesn't appeal to me at the moment
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
probably not
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
co-writing one right now with @thirdeyeblue for the tentoo gift exchange! also working on a jily one with @joyseuphoria but we've yet to make proper progress xD
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
i'd have to say doctor x rose. i've had a lot of ships and usually i move through them super quick so the fact that i've stuck on for 3ish years is a big deal!!
cherik is going up my otp scale rapidly as well
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
i AM going to finish my WIPs. manifesting
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think dialogue, mostly. i think (hope) it’s usually in character and it flows quite decently. i watch a lotttt of movies so it comes to me more easily than other parts of writing
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i feel like a lot of my descriptiveness is lacking? like it just comes across as filler, or it’s too expository. i also can’t write actions 🫠
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i am fluent(ish) in a few languages other than english but they almost never come up in fic lol. but if i had to include a foreign language, i’d either write it from the pov of the character who doesn’t know the language (and gets it translated from a third party) or i’d have to consult someone who could help me out with the language
19. First fandom you wrote for?
when i was 12 i wrote a chris hemsworth x reader fic on wattpad 😭 the first proper “fandom” was probably x-men. i hand wrote a bunch of logan lives (logan-2017) fics in my diary lmfao
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
god. idk😂 nothing at the moment
Tagging: @thirdeyeblue @nostradamus0 @naaer @demdifferentstories-29 @ashesandhackles
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quite-right-too · 1 year ago
20 Questions Game
Thank you for the tag @demdifferentstories-29 I want to add that most of my old works on AO3 have since been deleted unfortunately so I'm basically starting from scratch on here.
How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently 4 (but I have some plans for more)
2. What's your total AO3 words count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I write almost exclusively for Doctor Who but I'm considering doing other DT crossovers like Broadchurch.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
I only have four up right now so I'll just list them in order from most to least.
Dona Nobis Pacem (TenRose modern AU)
TenRose Ask Box Ficlets (ongoing inbox prompt ficlets)
Last Words (post-Journey's End nightmare drabble)
Grand Finale (one shot of @sneakertin's dark!Tentoo AU)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I will always respond to comments. I love the engagement and being able to talk to the readers of my silly little stories. The validation really gets me in the mood to write more.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
That title will easily go to Grand Finale because it's DARK. Chapter 17 in TenRose Ask Box Ficlets is also really heartbreaking.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Dona Nobis Pacem is still a WIP but it will be having a happy ending, I promise.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't really written enough to get any hate yet, but I do get a lot of heartbroken readers when I post angst.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I haven't but I do have some planned for the WIP I have going on right now.
It'll be F/M simply because that's the ship I write for and how my fics are written. I don't know if I'll write any F/F or M/M in the future, but it's always a possibility.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I have no yet, but wait til y'all see all the little things in my brain.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't believe so but you never know.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I can confidently say that I have not.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I haven't done a legitimate co-written fic yet. I would love to, but I'm not entirely sure of how it would go, especially since most of my work in the past has been educationally related and I've been the sole person working on it.
However, the wonderful @demdifferentstories-29 has been beta-ing Dona Nobis Pacem and she has added a substantial amount to it so I would basically consider it a co-writing situation. Lily is an amazing author and I'm legitimately still giddy to have one of my favorite fic writers beta-ing my silly little thing.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
All time favorite ship will always be TenRose. Obviously, TentooRose is in there mixed in, but that's simply semantics. He IS the Doctor so...
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I don't know that I have one that I don't intend on finishing, but I always worry that my muse will just disappear on me and I won't be able to finish the few that I have started right now.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think that my angst is pretty damn good. I used to do a bit of writing for an old OC RP I used to do and the angst of that was heavy.
Also, making sure things are accurate. Doing my research, reaching out to more knowledgable people on the topic who can better assist, and just overall covering my bases to make things as realistic, accurate, and respectful as possible.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm more of an essay/research proposal writer versus a novel writer, which means I have a lot of issues with telling and not showing. Another major issue is, again, being able to give accurate and intimate descriptions of the actual scene so the readers are able to visualize it themselves.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't know that I would do great since I would have to rely on Google Translate for it, but I would absolutely be willing to add it in there.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
It has always been Doctor Who. I know my old fics are still on this blog somewhere, as well as probably on my old laptop wherever it is.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
The obvious answer would be Dona Nobis Pacem, but I have a lot of plans for the Grand Finale AU in the future. That is one I'm super excited to work on this coming winter.
Tagging: @thirdeyeblue @tenroseforeverandever @rudennotgingr @lastbluetardis @gingerteaonthetardis
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ao3feed-doctorxrose · 2 years ago
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/COvcw5g
by DemDifferentStories
Rose wants to spice up both her underwear and her sex life with the Doctor, and he walks in on her trying on her new purchases.
Words: 4173, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of TentooRose Month 2023
Fandoms: Doctor Who (2005), Doctor Who, Doctor Who & Related Fandoms
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Rose Tyler, Metacrisis Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who), The Doctor (Doctor Who)
Relationships: Metacrisis Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler, The Doctor (Doctor Who)/Rose Tyler
Additional Tags: Smut, Lingerie, Lace, Oral Sex, Masturbation, Coming In Pants, Underwear, Women's Underwear, Dry Humping, Established Relationship, Dirty Talk, Teasing, Stripping, The Doctor Loves Rose Tyler, Rose Tyler Loves the Doctor, Voyeurism, Accidental Voyeurism, Nudity, Kneeling
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/COvcw5g
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bronzeagepizzeria · 1 year ago
adding my recs on here because it’s easier to link xD (*=multichapter)
post BWB aftermath favs
Laddie, Lie Near Me*
Cartography and Ritual Observation
Observations of Competitive Reproduction
Trickling Down The Hourglass*
marylebone to king’s cross (tentoorose on their tenth anniversary)
fatherhood (tentoo prepares himself to be the perfect dad)
side effects of domestic bliss (rose struggles with a spot of weight gain)
safeway in thornton heath (tentoorose at the supermarket)
Good, Brilliant, Spectacular (fluffy smut)
fics that make me cry for hours (all angst + happy ending)
Eighty Five Things The Doctor Learned About Being Human
the stars collide as the planets turn (ten stumbles into pete’s world)
no birds sing* (the less I say about this…the better)
A Scatter of Echoes* (THE tentoorose fic. rose “dies” on a mission gone wrong, which leads tentoo to spiral to the point ten has to intervene)
The Devil You Know* (technically post BWB but this had my heart racing throughout)
fics that made me, er, think about the meaning of life and stuff
the highly improbable things we built (baby fic)
Mark Up (couldn’t sum this up if I tried)
Educated Guesses
This New Finite Existence
A Cage (a look at an au where rose stayed with ten and tentoo)
love how I started out as anti-tentoo when I first finished s4 and now I'm looking at my list of fics to read and they're literally all just tentoorose. that's character growth I suppose
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thirdeyeblue · 2 years ago
Because Ao3 is down, I wanted to share a handful of my fics here - in case you have a smutty hankering for some TenRose or TentooRose. 💖 All are rated E.
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Fics below the cut!
Ten x Rose:
One-shot (11k words)
Tags: Huddling for warmth, first time
For All We're Worth
Chapters: 4 (30k words)
Tags: Couples resort, first time, dirty talk, fluff and smut
Chapters: 3 (22k words)
Tags: Sonic screwdriver [used as a sex toy], first time, excessive dirty talk
Chapters: 27 (200k words)
Tags: Shag-or-die, first time, action/adventure, dirty talk
(This fic is for fellow smut-obsessors who feel rage when fics skip smut. Literally a quarter of this fic is smut, because I include all of it 💀)
The Doctor's Brilliant Idea
Chapters: 3 (23k words)
Tags: Oral fixation, fluff and angst, first time
Ordinary Gifts
One-shot (15k words)
Tags: Sex pollen, first time, bittersweet
Remedial Needs
One-shot (13k words)
Tags: Angst, hurt/comfort, first time, near death experience
Peppermint Tea
Chapters: 2 (20k words)
Tags: Sickfic, first time, dirty talk
Tentoo x Rose:
Potential For Brilliance
One-shot (3k words)
Tags: Wall sex, established relationship, semi-public sex, dirty talk
Washed Up Together
Chapters: 3 (21k words)
Tags: Hurt/comfort, domestic fluff, first time
Up The Wrong Tree
Tags: Established relationship, crack, fluff, smut, trying for baby
(Sequel to Ordinary Gifts)
One-shot (words: 1.7k)
Tags: Established relationship, Halloween, semi-public sex
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kcchameleon17 · 1 year ago
Fantasy Brought to Life - Doctor/Rose Bingo 1/2
First chapter of 2 of this out now!
DoctorRose Bingo Prompt: Accidently read the other's diary
TentooRose Fuckathon Prompts: Wall Sex, Makeup Sex, Edging, Adjusting to Human Biology
Summary: When the Doctor stumbles upon Rose's diary and its contents, it is precisely what he needs to finally push him into action.
Rating: Explicit
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whywhatswrongwithblue · 2 years ago
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This is incredibly overdue, my apologies, but here's a masterlist of every "First Time" submission we got for the fuck-a-thon!
Every Lovely Little Thing by @thirdeyeblue (20k)
On their first night together after years of separation, the Doctor and Rose finally give in to their long-buried feelings, exploring their love for the very first time.
2. see the stars by @queenofthecon (6.5k)
“Sorry,” he said with a grin, not sorry at all, still with his hand cradling her face. “It’s just that I realised I can do that now, I can just kiss you in the morning, well, whenever I fancy really, if you’re amenable. And the thought crossed my mind like, ‘well, why aren’t you kissing Rose right now?’ and here we are. Kissing.”
Post-Journey's End, the Doctor and Rose navigate his newfound humanity together.
3. Irresistible by @dreamcaught (6k)
When they were together before, the Doctor never felt those urges, but he's always wanted to be with her in whatever way he knew how. Rose reflects on how their relationship has grown and changed since the love of her life has become human, and they decide together to explore a physical relationship for the very first time.
4. Hunger by @metacrisisdoctor (5k)
His hands are out his pockets milliseconds later. He walks over to her in three large steps and cups her face in her hands and pulls her mouth to his. It's a hard, bruising kiss. It's a kiss he's held in far too long. It's the kiss of a man who stood at the grave of the woman he loves, and has been gifted with her resurrection.
5. Forever by @demdifferentstories-29 (5.5k)
The Doctor and Rose's night in Norway after saving the universe(s) leads to big steps in their relationship, because they finally have their forever.
6. barcelona by @hellaleg (7k)
“I would wait forever for you, Rose. You are it for me. And now I’m here with you with none of the things that were holding me back before and I’m ready to dive headfirst with you.” He places a soft kiss on her knuckles. “But only if you are too.” --- Not everything is easy for Rose & the Doctor back in Pete's World, but the one thing that is is loving one another.
7. Patience by @demdifferentstories-29 (6.5k)
One month after the Metacrisis was born and chosen by Rose Tyler, the pair are living in domestic bliss and their lives are perfect. However, they haven't had sex yet, and the tension and frustration is starting to boil over.
8. Loving the Insatiable by @thirdeyeblue (16k)
The Doctor is trapped in a hotel where aliens have pumped in a bunch of mind-altering pollen in order to 'humanely incapacitate' the people within.
The former Time Lord is forced to quarantine inside until the effects wear off... during which time he has suspiciously avoided contacting Rose.
Meanwhile, Rose finds herself desperately trying to figure out how to help him. Why is he so hesitant to explain the full extent of his symptoms?
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dogsarethebest312 · 1 year ago
Office Hours
Rating: Explicit
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Metacrisis Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler
Summary: Rose decides to visit her husband at work during his office hours. It turns out she needs a lesson only he can give.
Written for the TenToo/Rose Fuck-a-thon by @whywhatswrongwithblue. The prompt list and my current completion is shown below.
Prompts Used: Making Mia, Roleplaying, Time Lord Biology, Moisturising College Women, and Mandatory Gif Describing Testes
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metacrisisdoctor · 2 years ago
reading and writing tentoorose smut isn't enough anymore i need to watch their sex tapes
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demdifferentstories-29 · 2 years ago
Midnight Cravings (Doctor Who (2005) fanfiction)
Story Summary
Rose awakes one night to find the Doctor with a midnight craving that needs fulfilment.
1/1 chapters. For TentooRose Month 2023; @tentoorosemonth2023
Prompts: Midnight craving.
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Metacrisis Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler
Word Count: 1064
Chapter Content/Tags: Smut; spontaneous; surprise.
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