#tenten didnt really look like her but i love how it came out anyway???? and skaura too kinda
yutadori · 4 years
talkative at 5 am....
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temarisnara · 4 years
Temari, Shikamaru, Neji, Rock Lee
favorite thing about them: i've written this 3 times!!!! BUT!!!! i love that at the age of FIFTEEN she'd already got the title cruelest konoichi. like. ilu queen. and she's so confident too, like she knows she could wreck anyone's shit, she goes up against MADARA without ever pausing. and i love that whilee on the battlefield she's cruel, as a civillian she's just...lowkey a bitch. like she's scary and people know to fear her but she doesnt actually...bully anyone besides shikamaru. she's also so ride or die for her brothers and i LOVE it.
least favorite thing about them: whatever that ooc mess was that was used to get her and shikamaru together.
favorite line: idk but when she tells madara "don't understimate me!" GO OFF QUEEN
brOTP: gaara and kankuro, 100%. the sand siblings are so fucking good. i could talk all day about them. in the leaf i think she vibes with ino, though she needs Breaks. she didn't like, Get choji at first but the more she got to know him she's like "oh i get it he's just Genuinely Good" and now he's her favorite. i also like to imagine she and karui bonded over not being from the leaf, and also having ino as their sister in law. that's a unique experience okay.
OTP: shikamaru!!!!!!!
nOTP: i dont really have any?? i just can't ship her with anyone but shikamaru, i think he's it for her. temari was never really one to be concerned over romance or anything, it's not something she cared about, and she kind of expected an arranged marriage so she was more focused on Not doing that. but then shikamaru happened and it was like. oh. she actually wouldn't mind spending the rest of her life with him. huh. gross.
random headcanon: i have a lot of Thoughts about temari as a mother. i think that she never planned on being one, just like how she never planned on falling in love. it wasn't opposition, just. her childhood was fucked up, she had no good parental role models, she was much more interested in being a konoichi. but then she and shikamaru got serious and shikamaru is the head of the nara clan and he needed an heir. she agreed to it, in a few years, but shikadai was an oops ! so anyway, temari hated being pregnant lmao which is why they only had shikadai. but once he was born temari is like "oh. i'll kill and die for this child." like shikadai wasn't Real to her until she held him (vs shikamaru, who's been obsessed with that child since temari first started showing). temari actually tried going back to work when shikadai was a year old but pretty quickly she realized "fuck this". temari likes working, a lot, but she also likes being needed and she just likes her kid! so she oversaw all his training from the time he was old enough. it was hard at first, because she's never babied him, but she knew that the training she recieved was uh, not acceptable, so she struggled with what pace was actually okay for his age. hinata and sakura actually helped a lot here- hinata also had Fucked Up training as a child and sakura trained with tsunade who is Insane so they were able to figure out what worked best for their children. GOD THIS GOT LONG. anyway. i love temari and shikadai thank u.
unpopular opinion: i love shikatema so much but she was done so fucking dirty
song i associate with them: hurricane by the fray
favorite picture of them: she always looks so cool
favorite thing about them: god. i hate this but i genuinely love how smart he is and how fucking lazy he is. like how he kept complaing about his match with temari being moved up and then you realize it's because he was relying on the shadows? bitch. he's so cool. and when he pretended to be asleep rather than deal with whatever the fuck orochimaru was doing ESRTYTJU that's when i knew i loved him. but also, i love his development. like he really just wanted to coast through life, didnt want to get involved in anything, just wanted a plain wife and two boring kids. he had absolutely no aspirations. and he never had a ~change of heart~ for his own sake, he just surrounded himself by people who genuinely inspired him and he wanted to be of use to them. l love him!!!
least favorite thing about them: like the misogyny doesn't bother me THAT much because hashtag it could be worse! but it's not good lmao
favorite line: BITCH! "i'm your god" SIR I LOVE YOU. also his line about how he can't die because naruto doesn't have a smart younger brother to help him, and he's the only one capable of being naruto's advisor.
brOTP: ino and asuma are the only Strictly platonic ones but obviously i LOVE his friendships with choji and naruto
OTP: TEMARIIIIIIIII, also choji and naruto.........i'm soft
nOTP: listen. it's not notp but everytime i remember people ship shikaino i'm like "they're siblings???" like no judgement, i have too many fucking ships fandom calls siblings, but their dynamic is SO sibling like to me lmao. also like...shikamaru loves ino and would do anything for her but he does NOT like her ass. you know he avoids her when he's too tired to deal with her bullshit.
random headcanon: LET'S KEEP TALKING ABOUT SHIKADAI. so when shikamaru's dad dies he has a line about how he wasn't around when shikamaru was growing up, and shikamaru obviously doesn't resent him for that, but he does make a concious choice to Not do that. it'd be too easy to get wrapped up in his job, but he won't let himself. he makes sure to make time for shikadai. they play shogi together, and shikamaru is very involved in his training, and even when he's exhausted from work he'll listen to shikadai talk about his day and never show how tired he is. he loves his kid so much, temari makes fun of him for being soft. also when shikadai was a baby shikamaru was lowkey obsessed with him lmao. temari needed Breaks but shikamaru...never really did. even when he was crying he would just hold and bounce him until he calmeed down (also shikamaru was way better at calming shikadai down than temari lmao)
unpopular opinion: listen. is shikamaru misogynistic? yes. but he doesn't like, hate women or think less of them, he just needed to learn that not every woman is as insane as ino. i've seen too many "naruto as vines" videos where it's like shikamaru is like "oh sorry i fell asleep waiting for you to make me a sandwich" like thats not him!
song i associate with them: uh nicotine by P!ATD
favorite picture of them: my header on twitter i guess idk!
favorite thing about them: oh gosh. i genuinely like that he was a fucking angry child. he had every right to be. the hyuuga system is FUCKED! he projected it onto hinata, which wasn't fair to her, but god. he didn't have an outlet and the chunnin exams was his only opportunity to take his anger out on the main branch. anyway i love that after naruto beat his ass he was like "okay maybe i should stop being a prick" and he just. got better. became friends with his team. healed his relationship with hinata. he became so genuinely good
least favorite thing about them: this motherfucker really had me CRYING over him. rude as fuck.
favorite line: i am way too tired to think about this
brOTP: HINATA!!!!!!! also rock lee.
OTP: tenten!
nOTP: hinata. i hate you freaks.
random headcanon: himawari would've been his favorite. like, he loves boruto, that's his nephew, but he's a mini naruto and that's. exhausting. himawari is perfect in neji's eyes though and tenten makes fun of him for it.
unpopular opinion: its' not unpopular but genuinely it's bullshit he died when hinata's dad was RIGHT THERE. like. i will never not be fucking heated that neji died to protect hinata and her dad was just twiddling his goddamn thumbs as it happened. you useless FUCK. god. anyway i also hate that neji's death he just talked to naruto like his speech to naruto was good but we deserved more neji and hinata talking. i also don't like he died for naruhina to happen lmao we've talked about this, someone in the konoha 11 needed to die for naruto to prove obito wrong, and i dont even mind that it was neji, but his death shouldn't have had anything to do with naruhina.
song i associate with them: i dont have one but uhhh i found a neji playlist so i'm gonna say r.i.p 2 my youth by the neighborhood
favorite picture of them: bruh. idc.
rock lee
least favorite thing about them: WHERE'S HIS SCREENTIME KISHIMOTO
favorite line: dude he's so weird i have no idea
brOTP: neji and tenten!!! and GAI OF COURSE. AND SAKURA. 10/10.
nOTP: listen there is GENUINELY nothing wrong with it but i dont vibe with rock lee/tenten.
random headcanon: ok this isn't a real headcanon but i made myself laugh yesterday thinking that orochimaru got bored and cloned rock lee and that's where metal lee came from. anyway real headcanon is he's married to gaara in boruto. thank u.
unpopular opinion: shut up about his and gaara's fight oh my GOD i dont care
song i associate with them: uhhhh idk here have a rock lee tribute
favorite picture of them: what's important is his good heart
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moodforanime · 5 years
The Possesions of the Wild series Volume 1: The nomad
Chapter 5: The fight for approval
Word count: 4,462 words
tags: @insanity-is-always-fun
(previous) (index) (next)
Guy's eyes opened wide as they filled with shock and disbelief.
'No...' he whispered.
'Oh, you can believe it!' Temon's eyes filled with pleasure from the gained reactions. 'Please don't be so shocked.'
'But- But it can't be!' Tenten said. 'The first Hokage had only one child; an daughter!'
'Oh, mind leaving my most annoying uncle aside?' Temon puffed disgusted. 'I am no child of his and I'm tired of being associated with his being.'
'But then...' Neji murmured, as he connected the dots in his head.
'You don't have to mind Temon, my dear.' Kana told Kaiya. 'I am your opponent, not him. I'm sure your friends can do just fine with him.'
Kana grabbed her sword and prepared to attack. Instinctively, Kaiya put her hand in the small purse in which she always carried a few kunai. She searched through her purse and realised that she only had one Kunai left. Shit! She started regretting that she left her Tachi home. Even if it did hold a little weight, she decided that she should carry her sword in every mission.
'Last time you had an dumb luck, but now, you will truly face my Dragon cry!' Kana proud fully tugged onto her sword and aimed at Kaiya who struggled to keep her balance, while Temon started shaking the ground again. Kaiya pulled out the kunai and looked at it in disappointment. It was an kunai she had used for years, and the results of her training and battles were visible through the chirps and scratch marks on it. She held her kunai with an grip and did the craziest, yet most rational thing she could do at the moment: she tried to dodge the giant sword with her kunai.
'Kaiya!' Neji yelled.
The brown haired girl couldn't handle all the force with which the Dragon Cry hit her, and was pushed into a tree, hitting a tree mercilessly, fact that was proven moments later as a little blood dripped from her forehead.
'Kaiya! I'll go check on her-' Tenten took a few steps back, willing to go to Kaiya's in, but was stopped. A huge wall of dirt rose around them.
'Ntz, ntz, ntz. ' Temon shook his head in disapproval. 'You see, young lady, when you start something, you must also end it. The same goes for this fight. We won't stop until one of us -you most, likely- loose. Kana will take care of your little wild friend.'
'Wild friend? Excuse me, Kaiya is a human being.' Tenten protested, feeling offended by the blue-haired man's words.'
Temon sighed.
'That's why they shouldn't let women become ninja. They're always driven by their emotions. But Don't worry, young lady. The truth will eventually come out.'
'Truth?' Tenten repeated. 'What truth?'
'Don't worry about that, Tenten. We need to focus on how to get finish things quickly.' Guy said.
If he said that he wasn't curious about what truth Temon spoke about, he'd be a huge liar. He would've loved to find out more, but he couldn't let anything happen to his students. Whatever he meant when he talked about Kaiya didn't matter. Not for now, anyway. The four set themselves in an ready-to-attack position, looking at the man who just so relaxingly waited for their first move.
'We need to help Kaiya. She can't handle that woman all on her own!' Tenten whispered.
'If we want to help Kaiya, we need to beat this guy first.' Neji answered.
'Which... may take awhile.' Lee completed.
'If we want to help her, we need to hurry.' Guy said. 'Now, remember our training. Lee, remember what I told you about that technique.'
'I mustn't use it for anything but for protecting my loved ones.'
'Indeed. Now, if something happens and the fight takes an unexpected turn and i won't be able to protect you, I allow you to use it. Am I clear?'
'Yes, sensei.' Lee answered, feeling uneasy by the slight tremble in his sensei's voice.
'Prepare for the attack... Now!'
Kaiya slowly opened her eyes. For a second, she thought that her consciousness was still missing, but she soon realised that it wasn't so. She really did move. Weirdly enough, she didnt feel the ground under her legs. She slightly tilted her head around, and felt how her head appeared to be ten times heavier, along with an awful internal headache.
She unwillingly moaned, something that caused her to stop moving. She was pulled down by gravity and, as she hit the ground, more pain was send through her veins. She looked up with half open eyes the figure of the spiky-haired woman looking disgusted upon her.
Kaiya got herself up so she could be sitting in an cross-legged pose, and twitched as an pain shook through her spine. She searched her purse for her kunai, but it was gone.
'Oh, you must be looking for this.' Kana said indifferent, as she threw two pieces of metal towards Kaiya.
Kaiya catched the two pieces of metal and looked at them. If she was to connect the two, she would see her old kunai, now with an more obvious cut at its half.
'You're lucky that you had that kunai. If you would've not used it to protect yourself, be sure that by now, you would have been cut in two.' Kana informed in an now matter-of-fact voice.
Kaiya, who was still sitting on the ground, looked at her kunai.
'By the way, you're not good at hiding stuff. I found my backpack in no time at all.'
An shine could be seen in in Kaiya's eyes.
'I never meant to hide your stupid bag.' Kaiya said, raising to her feet.
Kaiya looked around and could see that huge earth wall somewhere not that far away appeared. She listened closely and could swear she was hearing screams coming from behind the earth wall. That must be where they are, Kaiya thought.
'Hey! Where are you going? Nobody turns their back on me!' Kana yelled, as Kaiya jumped on the tree branches nearby, closing the distance between her and where the Earth wall was.
'Don't be a coward. Come here and face me!' yelled as she arrived to her destination, sounding braver than she actually felt.
Kana appeared in front of Kaiya within seconds. As she looked down at the girl, one of her mouth's corners twitched.
'You don't really know what you're getting yourself into, do ya?' Kana murmured.
If Kaiya would've not learned to control her body so well, she would've been trembling under her opponent's gaze. If only her plan would work...
'What was that?' Lee asked, while panting down.
The fight didn't take place for more than two minutes, but it appeared that those 120 seconds were just enough for the man to bring out his strongest moves. Around them, the ground was all filled with cracks and gaps, due to his attempts in blocking them and the three man group and their sensei were already full of scratches and bruises. For a second, Lee thought he heard Kaiya yelling something about a cow and a face.
'What?' Tenten responded, without getting her eyes off the opponent.
'N-Nevermind.' Lee closed the subject, as he examined Temon.
Lee made another attempt at attacking Temon and tried to put him to the ground, but karma returned to him faster than he expected. Lee flew back and hit the Earth wall that was conjuring them.
'What. An. Idiot.' Neji mumbled to himself as he prepared himself for the next attack. 'Byakugan!'
Neji's eyes widened as the veins around pumped up to a thousand times their normal size as he activated his Kekkei Genkai. Due to the training he got when he was younger with his father, and later with his uncle and cousins, he got to almost perfect his Byakugan. He looked around him, checking on his teammates, then the opponent. At first, he thought he had something in his eye, and rubbed his eyes in attempt to clean his vision.
'What do you see, Neji?' Guy asked.
Kaiya was standing still while keeping her head down. Something stopped her from responding to Kana's insistent gaze that now rested on the back of her head.
'Be careful, child.' Kana warned. 'Playing cool will bring you nothing but eternal pain and an sure shameful death. If you act like this, you'll bring nothing but misery to your clan's name. Do you really want that?'
Kaiya's eyes widened in shock. She gritted her teeth and looked but.
'Who are you to lecture me?' Kaiya asked, her voice now holding an similarity with an roar. 'You, who knows nothing of me or my past. You, who has no pride and accepted to be send to intervene in others' business just for an pat on the back and a sack of money. Would you deny any of it?'
'Why would you so freely assume I was send by someone?' Kana narrowed her eyebrows. 'If you really want to know, I can assure you-'
'People like you, or anyone, to be fair, need someone to lead them through life. It came to me that people are dependent things that require constant attention and control. Even leaders need leaders. Thus, gods were created. They thought that the idea of an divine being with the supreme power among us would shut the defections out.'
'The very few people who can take and control the harnesses of their own life and aren't afraid to fight for their freedom. The government is afraid of them.'
'Enough.' Kana spat out in annoyance.
Kana took the Dragon Cry in her hand and aimed it at Kaiya. Kaiya, noticing Kana's action, jumped a few meters into the air, landing on the nearest tree branch. In the blink of an eye, the Dragon Cry changed direction, following Kaiya. The sword missed her by just a few centimeters, planting itself deep into the tree.
'You-' Kana yelled annoyed as, with an powerful pull, she took the sword back, shaking the tree Kaiya was in.
Kana put her sword into the ground and, relying on it, she pushed herself up. She jumped just above the trees and attempted landing on Kaiya.
'You should've not done that. ' Kaiya murmured, as she jumped off the branch.
Kana thought she saw Kaiya grabbing something as she jumped but brushed it off, something that she soon had to regret. Kana landed on the branch and saw Kaiya next to her sword, smiling.
'Don't you even think of-' Kana called out, as Kaiya reached her hand out for the sword.
Kaiya, defying Kana's yells, curled her fingers around the sword. She attempted picking it up, but due to it's unexpected weight, she had to let the sword down seconds after, something that make Kana burst out laughing.
'Aw, you poor thing.' Kana laughed. 'I might have overestimated you. In order to use a sword, you must, first of all, train to hold it!'
Kaiya closed her eyes and breathed in. The grip she had on the sword tightened as Kaiya slowly opened her eyes. With an great effort, she pulled the sword up and pushed it to the tree in which Kana sat. It didn't take more than one hit for the tree to become unable to stand. Kaiya let the sword drop to the ground and, as the tree fell, she clenched one of her fists and pulled.
Kana's eyes widened. Threads. Before she could even do something. Meters and meters of threads pulled her to the tree trunk, conjuring her body, making it impossible for her to move.
'God damn you, Kobayashi! You will pay, I swear!' Kana yelled in anger, before hitting the ground with an loud crash!.
Kaiya stood there, shook by the woman's words. Who was she? How did she know? Kaiya advanced hesitantly to the fallen tree and saw how Kana's neck and legs were positioned in very uncomfortable positions. As she looked at the blonde woman, Kaiya felt a shiver running through her entire body. If she would've not heard an scream coming from behind the earth wall, Kaiya would have remained still for the rest of the day, sinking like a boat in her own ocean of thoughts.
Kaiya turned to the earth wall and looked at it. She wanted to put her hand on the wall, but her hand went through it, along with her entire body.
'Shit!' Kaiya cussed, as her body kissed the ground.
'Kaiya! Are you alright?' Tenten asked shocked and worried at the same time as she ran to her side.
'I guess you could say I've been better, but I'll do.' Kaiya answered quite truthfully, as she got to her feet.
She looked at the blue-haired man, who stared at Neji with pure interest and an controlled amount of shock I his eyes.
'An Byakugan? You must be a Hyuuga, am I right? I heard of you. You must be the only real treath there must be here. None of the others, including that wild beast you have there, should be an trearh Temon made a sign with his head towards Kaiya, who picked up his gaze with suspicion overflowing on her face.
'I'm fine.' Kaiya insisted, as she noticed Neji's eyes. 'What's that Byakugan of yours doing?'
'The Byakugan is an Kekkei Genkai from Neji's clan that-' Tenten started explaining.
'Get to the point.' Kaiya hurried her.
'His eyes allow him to see the chakra flow in someone's body. If I am right, there's an technique on this matter that allows Byakugan users to stop the chakra working in an body.'
'The eight trigrams, sixty-four palms.' Neji completed. 'Even though I only started recently on learning that technique, I could try give it a shot, but that would only be suicidal. Sensei, can you please try to attack him?
'Why?' Lee asked, as he rejoined his team.
'Don't worry, Lee.' Guy said. 'I'm sure Neji has an plan.'
'Neji this, Neji that, I swear to god-' Lee mumbled.
'Yes, sensei.'
Guy did as Neji asked and attempted kicking Temon, only for him to be pushed away by an ball of light. The three students watched as their sensei hit the wall and didn't have a single reaction after that.
'I think he passed out.' Kaiya suggested.
'Sensei!' Lee wanted to go to Guy in the hope of waking him up, but was stopped by Tenten.
'No, Lee. I'm sure Guy-sensei will resist until later.' Tenten said. 'Did you find anything, Neji?'
'I... didn't see any chakra in his body, until he used that ninjutsu against Guy-sensei.' Neji said. 'I don't understand.'
'Maybe he's something like me.' Lee suggested.
'You do have chakra in you, idiot. It's simply on a lower level than most people's. This guy... this guy looks like he throws all of his chakra away from his body and then summons it all at once when performing a ninjutsu.'
'But... that's physically impossible!' Tenten argued.
'Never say never. Who knows what kind of overpowered lunatics there are out there?' Kaiya said, quieting Tenten.
Temon let out an deep laugh.
'You know, you should listen to your wild friend more. She might be more than you think.' Temon smirked. 'Don't you agree, Kaiya?'
'How do you know my name?' Kaiya asked, not even trying to hide her suspicious assumptions.
'How could I not, having Kana as my partner? Speaking of Kana... It's not usual for her to let her prey escape.'
'She didn't do such thing. She lost.' Kaiya said, with an now calmer voice, ignoring her teammates' shocked reactions.
'There's no way an kid would-'
'You can go check it for yourself, if you want to.'
In an moment of anger, Temon made a some fast hand signs. As he finished, the ground started shaking as threads of wood raised from the ground, getting a tight grip on the four genin's legs and then bodies. While Neji, Lee and Tenten were moving agitated in attempt to escape, Kaiya just stared shocked at the wood that grew on her body.
'There's no need for you to move. The wood only responds to my commands.'
Kaiya raised her somber gaze in order to see Temon, now fully aware of her opponents. She looked at Temon, who appeared to be drained from most of his energy after his last move.
'You.' Kaiya murmured.
'Finally realised, eh? I wonder why we always meet in such situations.'
'How could you do that, you filthy animal?' Kaiya asked angered as she tried to escape the wooden prison. 'Where's your soul?'
Neji, Tenten and Lee stopped forgot about their attempt of escaping and watched how Kaiya looked at Temon with an Wild gaze of anger.
'I would look in a mirror, before talking.' Temon responded, unbothered by Kaiya's verbal attacks.
'Disgrâce! Dishonneur!' Kaiya yelled, blinded by the fury boiling harder and harder inside her.
'What's happening with her?' Tenten asked her teammates, startled by Kaiya's reaction.
'Hmpf. Let's just say that... she had a little... inconvenience in which I was involved.' Temon explained. 'Am I right?'
'Je te chie dans le cou!' Kaiya answered, as she attempted to spit him.
'Now, now. Please don't act like this. You don't want to prove my word and get your friends an opinion on what you really are, now do you?' Temon tilted his head to the left, as he gave Kaiya an questioning look.
Kaiya grunted as she stopped trying to escape, lowerig her head.
'Kaiya...' Neji began.
'Never mind.' Kaiya responded, without giving Neji an look.
'Now, if we all calmed down, I think that we could finish our business smoothly.' Temon said, as he walked to an passed out Guy who still held the luggage close by in one of his hands.
'No!' Tenten yelled.
'Don't you dare touch Guy-sensei!' Lee exclaimed, now fighting and biting the wood that held him from protecting his sensei.
'Please don't misunderstand.' Temon said. 'I have nothing against your sensei; I respect him for taking care of such annoying brats. The thing is, i need that luggage and as less proof as possible. The last thing I need is another report over me going through the Five Nations.'
'Another report...?' Neji wondered.
Temon stretched his arms in order to get the luggage, but the only thing he got was a strong foot in his face.
'What the f-' Temon stopped himself as he took a few steps back, rubbing his now bleeding nose.
'You shouldn't talk so almighty, Temon. You've always been weak on that one, don't you think?' Guy asked as he got up, with an smirk on his face. 'I thought you learned your lesson back then and now know not to underestimate the eternal youth!'
Temon's face was flooded with utter shock, something that allowed Guy to give him multiple hits.
'You rock, Guy-sensei!' Lee cheered, pleased with his sensei's move.
Guy smirked as he looked into the blue-haired man's eyes.
'I don't know what happened to you, I don't know what your goal is, but I can tell you this: whatever you do, don't underestimate Konoha's shinobi.'
Guy attempted to give Temon another hit, but his attack was block as Temon grabbed one of his legs and pushed him up against the wall.
'Listen up, old man. I'll admit I didn't see through your little trick, but I never underestimate my opponent. Maybe you should do the same.'
Wood threads started to circle up around Guy, creating an small cage.
'Hm?' Temon turned his head around.
Crack! Crack!
Temon raised his eyebrows. While three of the students were frozen in shock, one of them was shaking, her head down. Kaiya's hands formed tight fists and her muscles tensed. With each movement, the restraining wood around her showed apparitions of cracks, one by one, each deeper than the one before, damaging the wood slowly but safely.
'I've seen you before. I've seen your moves, your tactics... You can't get away now.' Kaiya said as, with an final move, the wood around her fell to the ground, divided in an thousand pieces.
Kaiya looked at Temon, whose smile began to tremble. A few deep growls could be heard coming from the girl's direction. What her teammates didn't see was that her eyes changed to an golden-ish colour.
'No.' Temon murmured, acknowledging what would happen when he saw someone's eyes turning golden. 'Please.'
It was too late. Kaiya's back arched as she ran to him, making almost inhumane sounds. Even though he tried, Temon couldn't fully protect himself from Kaiya's hit and was pushed to the ground. Kaiya crouched over him as she prepared to give him the final attack through an hit that would decapitate Temon.
'Please! This is exactly what happened to Jun. Do you really want it to repeat to someone else?' Temon asked in horror, as he closed his eyes and crouched in defends.
Kaiya's hand stopped just as it was about to hit Temon's head. She stared at Temon a few moments, before getting up and taking a few steps back.
'Don't try to attack us again, or I'll have no hesitation. Am I clear?' Kaiya growled.
The cage that held Guy captive, as well as the wood around Neji, Tenten and Lee crumbled, leaving them all to fall to the ground. Lee sighed in relief, although he was as tense as before.
'We should thank god.' Tenten said. 'Don't you think, Neji?'
'Actually, I think we should thank Kaiya.' Neji said, as he got on his feet. 'In the end, it was her who defeated this guy and freed us.'
Tenten watched how Kaiya walked away from Temon and checked on Guy's pulse. The ,she walked to somewhere next to him and grabbed the luggage, as the wall slowly crumbled to the ground.
'Hey, can one of you get him? My hands are already full.' Kaiya asked, as she pointed to Guy.
'Uh, don't worry, I'll get it, Kaiya-san.' Lee said, as he hurried to get his sensei.
'Did he just...' Tenten looked at Neji.
'Yep. He's just shocked and, knowing him, embarrassed. Can't say I'm not.' Neji answered, looking how Lee took Guy and offered to carry the luggage as well, something that was refused.
Minutes later, the earth wall was fully crumbled, allowing the wounded group to advance.
'What's with that tree?' Tenten pointed at an the fallen tree nearby, where the buzz of flies could be heard.
'Oh. I wouldn't go there if I were you.' Kaiya mumbled.
'The sun will set soon. I think that we should stop soon for the night.' Kaiya changed the subject, as she looked away.
'I don't see why we should do that. We're still in a good shape and we would only waste some useful hours of advancing, don't you think?' Neji protested.
'First of all,' Kaiya looked into Neji's eyes in a deadly manner. 'our sensei fainted. Carrying him only slows us down. Second of all, just because you want to act tough, it doesn't mean that the others do, too. Third and last of all, I'm tired. If we weren't to stop, would you be able to carry me, as well?'
Neji didn't bring aything in his defense, but prefered to mumble something under his breath
'Anyway, can we go a little further? I'm uncomfortable knowing that that weird dude isn't that far away from us.' Tenten suggested.
'Whatever.' Kaiya shrugged.
'Hey, can I ask you something?' Tenten asked Kaiya.
'I guess you can.' Kaiya answered in a tired manner.
'Speaking of that man, he mentioned something about an... incident?'
'Maybe.' Kaiya growled, looking away.
'He also mentioned about someone named... Jun and you seemed to know somebody with that name.'
'I do.' Kaiya now answered at such ease, that it surprised Tenten. She expected Kaiya to brush it off.
'May I ask, who is he?'
'Some weakling, for su-' Neji began, but couldn't proceed any further.
Neji didn't get to finish his sentence, as an punch was planted in his face. He lost balance and fell to the ground, bringing his sensei and teammate  down as well. Next thing he knew, he was on the ground with a bloody nose.
'Don't.' Kaiya growled warningly, before walking away.
'What? Where? Where is he?' Guy began to mumble.
'Guy-sensei!' Lee exclaimed as he forgot for a second about what just happened, turning his attention on his sensei.
'What happened?' Guy asked as he massaged his forehead. 'The last thing I remember was that I tried to-'
'You lost consciousness due to the power with which you hit the wall.' Tenten informed. 'You were out the rest of the fight.'
'Oh? Then you guys fought that man on your own?' Guy asked, amazed.
'About that...' Tente began.
'Of course we did, sensei!' Lee said has he began to gesture energicaly, something that obviously confused the poor man's mind.
'Lee!' Tenten scoffed. 'I'm sorry about that, sensei. We did our best, but the man seemed to be able to control wood, and he blocked us from moving through moulding some wood around us. Kaiya was able, somehow, to destroy that thing and eventually beat him.'
'Did you... kill him?' Guy narrowed his eyebrows.
'No.' Kaiya answered. 'But are we going to leave soon? The sun is already setting and we still haven't found an place where we can camp overnight.'
'O-Of course.' Guy answered while jumping to his feet, as he realised that he was still on the ground. 'Let's go!'
Wooo! Here we are, with chapter five from 'The Possesions of the Wild'. You might have noticed that I changed the cover of the book. What do you think? Should I keep the new one, or change it to the old one? Any of you new here, here's the old cover:
Moving on, yep, this chapter IS, in fact, longer, the chapter itself having aprox. 4200 words, thus with about 1,000 word longer. Yay!
What do you guys think of this chapter? Should've Kaiya killed Temon? Who do you think that Jun is? What do you think of Kaiya's eyes that changed?
Oh, yeah! You noticed that part when Kaiya spoke in another language? It was French. At first, she just said 'disgrace! Dishonour!', but after that she insulted him, telling him that she'll pee down his neck. Fabulous, don't you think(irony stinks here worse than a skunk)? Anyone wondering, no I'm not French, nor do I speak the language fluently. I looked up some insults in French and chose the best one from the list. 😂
Well, that was it for now, see you in the next chapter!
- Avery <3
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tsukuyolo · 8 years
thank you thank you for the taggerino @stelduggery this looks really fun! i tag you if you haven’t already done it, i’d love to see your views ^^ here, have Favourite...    Female Character(s): Kushhh, Rin, Sakura, Tenten
  Male Character(s): Itachi, One-Armed Sasuke, Deidara, Min   Team: Team 7 bb   Sensei: my body is ready kakashi sensei   Hokage: Yondaime and Rokudaime ;)   Kage: Mei!   Village: Konoha   Akatsuki: Itachi, Deidara, Tobi   Jutsu: all forms of chidori, flying-raijin, body flicker,    Episode/Chapters: this is hard to choose i think for my favourite episode it would have to be episode 6 pts because it was the first episode i ever saw and fell in love with naruto since :) as for chapters im not sure off the top of my head what number they are but the chapters where minato arrives on the battle field and asks naruto if he was late. Then shortly after sasuke arrives. i remember reading those chapters the second they came out and the noises i made reading them were definitely not human lmao ^^    Fight Scene: like any fight involving Itachi but my faav one is Itachi vs Deidara. (it’s so short but deidara just gets fkn owned so hard he has second thoughts on what true art is)   Fanfiction: , tbch i haven’t really read many but im looking forward to diving into some if anyone wants to recommend some to me :)   Story Arc: chunin exams    Filler: hands down and without a doubt the Kakashi’s face ep (the first one) - ill leave this here ^^ although the 2nd one is brilliant as well and i got hit with emotion when i realised he was using the same face tape Rin used T-T
What is your…
  OTP (explain why): SasuSaku. i just love them so much. Sakura stuck by him through thicc and thin and saved him from his lonliness and fulfilled his dream of restoring his clan and Sara is just the most perfect lil cinnamon roll. Love prevails!   NOTP (be nice): NaruSaku. imo they have that sibling relationship.   Crackship(s): can’t say i have one :(   BROTP: KAKAGAI theyre jsut the best   OT3: SNS bb   Crossover Ship: ahh nope
  Do you have any headcanons: not too sure how Sarada awakens her Mangekyo but her susanoo looking close to identical to Papasukes but instead of it being purple it would be Red like Itachis.   Are you happy with the ending? What would you have done differently? yes im pretty happy with the ending and i agree with Stel in saying it would have been great to see longer chapters and some spotlight on Sakura and team 7 together also having Sasuke not being an edgelord and hanging out in the village for a bit before his journey. but yo im happy   How do you feel about the new generation? LOVE all the characters but tbh im really scared to see where the story will go.   Say something about your favorite character. Good and bad. if you couldnt tell it’s my boy Itachi. He’s jsut such a god and i literally have nothing bad to say about him lmao sorry
What would a child between your OTP look like? How would they behave as parents? hmm i think their child would look exactly like Sarada Uchiha ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ 
  Say something genuinely nice about your NoTP. Wincest? nah lmao i completely understand why NaruSaku is big (the whole Sakura’s fake smile at Naruto’s wedding meme in TL kinda opened my eyes to a maybe there could have been something there but thats as far as ill go lmao)   Say something negative about your OTP. Sasukes personality needs some work lul   Is there anyway you could be convinced to ship your NoTP? What would make you change your mind about the pairing? Nurr   What makes you mad about the series? Obito’s logic and annoying ass flashbacks   If you could see anything happen in the series, what would it be? i know it would change everything if itachi didnt die but i would love to see Uncle Itachi and Sara hanging out while Papasuke is away and Sakura needs a break lmao   What would you say to Kishimoto if given the chance?  I’d give him a massive thank you for making me fall in love with his series the second i came across it and for the community he has created with all of you beautiful people <3 
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moodforanime · 5 years
The Nomad| The Possesions of the Wild series book 1| Naruto fanfic
Chapter 5 part 1: The fight for approval
A/N: There are some parts written in French, but I'm not fluent, so y'all will have to excuse me for possible inaccuracies.
Tags: @insanity-is-always-fun
(Total) Word count: 4.2K
Guy's eyes opened wide as they filled with shock and disbelief.
'No...' he whispered.
'Oh, you can believe it!' Temon's eyes filled with pleasure from the gained reactions. 'Please don't be so shocked.'
'But- But it can't be!' Tenten said. 'The first Hokage had only one child; an daughter!'
'Oh, mind leaving my most annoying uncle aside?' Temon puffed disgusted. 'I am no child of his and I'm tired of being associated with his being.'
'But then...' Neji murmured, as he connected the dots in his head.
'You don't have to mind Temon, my dear.' Kana told Kaiya. 'I am your opponent, not him. I'm sure your friends can do just fine with him.'
Kana grabbed her sword and prepared to attack. Instinctively, Kaiya put her hand in the small purse in which she always carried a few kunai. She searched through her purse and realised that she only had one Kunai left. Shit! She started regretting that she left her Tachi home. Even if it did hold a little weight, she decided that she should carry her sword in every mission.
'Last time you had an dumb luck, but now, you will truly face my Dragon cry!' Kana proud fully tugged onto her sword and aimed at Kaiya who struggled to keep her balance, while Temon started shaking the ground again. Kaiya pulled out the kunai and looked at it in disappointment. It was an kunai she had used for years, and the results of her training and battles were visible through the chirps and scratch marks on it. She held her kunai with an grip and did the craziest, yet most rational thing she could do at the moment: she tried to dodge the giant sword with her kunai.
'Kaiya!' Neji yelled.
The brown haired girl couldn't handle all the force with which the Dragon Cry hit her, and was pushed into a tree, hitting a tree mercilessly, fact that was proven moments later as a little blood dripped from her forehead.
'Kaiya! I'll go check on her-' Tenten took a few steps back, willing to go to Kaiya's in, but was stopped. A huge wall of dirt rose around them.
'Ntz, ntz, ntz. ' Temon shook his head in disapproval. 'You see, young lady, when you start something, you must also end it. The same goes for this fight. We won't stop until one of us -you most, likely- loose. Kana will take care of your little wild friend.'
'Wild friend? Excuse me, Kaiya is a human being.' Tenten protested, feeling offended by the blue-haired man's words.'
Temon sighed.
'That's why they shouldn't let women become ninja. They're always driven by their emotions. But Don't worry, young lady. The truth will eventually come out.'
'Truth?' Tenten repeated. 'What truth?'
'Don't worry about that, Tenten. We need to focus on how to get finish things quickly.' Guy said.
If he said that he wasn't curious about what truth Temon spoke about, he'd be a huge liar. He would've loved to find out more, but he couldn't let anything happen to his students. Whatever he meant when he talked about Kaiya didn't matter. Not for now, anyway. The four set themselves in an ready-to-attack position, looking at the man who just so relaxingly waited for their first move.
'We need to help Kaiya. She can't handle that woman all on her own!' Tenten whispered.
'If we want to help Kaiya, we need to beat this guy first.' Neji answered.
'Which... may take awhile.' Lee completed.
'If we want to help her, we need to hurry.' Guy said. 'Now, remember our training. Lee, remember what I told you about that technique.'
'I mustn't use it for anything but for protecting my loved ones.'
'Indeed. Now, if something happens and the fight takes an unexpected turn and i won't be able to protect you, I allow you to use it. Am I clear?'
'Yes, sensei.' Lee answered, feeling uneasy by the slight tremble in his sensei's voice.
'Prepare for the attack... Now!'
Kaiya slowly opened her eyes. For a second, she thought that her consciousness was still missing, but she soon realised that it wasn't so. She really did move. Weirdly enough, she didnt feel the ground under her legs. She slightly tilted her head around, and felt how her head appeared to be ten times heavier, along with an awful internal headache.
She unwillingly moaned, something that caused her to stop moving. She was pulled down by gravity and, as she hit the ground, more pain was send through her veins. She looked up with half open eyes the figure of the spiky-haired woman looking disgusted upon her.
Kaiya got herself up so she could be sitting in an cross-legged pose, and twitched as an pain shook through her spine. She searched her purse for her kunai, but it was gone.
'Oh, you must be looking for this.' Kana said indifferent, as she threw two pieces of metal towards Kaiya.
Kaiya catched the two pieces of metal and looked at them. If she was to connect the two, she would see her old kunai, now with an more obvious cut at its half.
'You're lucky that you had that kunai. If you would've not used it to protect yourself, be sure that by now, you would have been cut in two.' Kana informed in an now matter-of-fact voice.
Kaiya, who was still sitting on the ground, looked at her kunai.
'By the way, you're not good at hiding stuff. I found my backpack in no time at all.'
An shine could be seen in in Kaiya's eyes.
'I never meant to hide your stupid bag.' Kaiya said, raising to her feet.
Kaiya looked around and could see that huge earth wall somewhere not that far away appeared. She listened closely and could swear she was hearing screams coming from behind the earth wall. That must be where they are, Kaiya thought.
'Hey! Where are you going? Nobody turns their back on me!' Kana yelled, as Kaiya jumped on the tree branches nearby, closing the distance between her and where the Earth wall was.
'Don't be a coward. Come here and face me!' yelled as she arrived to her destination, sounding braver than she actually felt.
Kana appeared in front of Kaiya within seconds. As she looked down at the girl, one of her mouth's corners twitched.
'You don't really know what you're getting yourself into, do ya?' Kana murmured.
If Kaiya would've not learned to control her body so well, she would've been trembling under her opponent's gaze. If only her plan would work...
'What was that?' Lee asked, while panting down.
The fight didn't take place for more than two minutes, but it appeared that those 120 seconds were just enough for the man to bring out his strongest moves. Around them, the ground was all filled with cracks and gaps, due to his attempts in blocking them and the three man group and their sensei were already full of scratches and bruises. For a second, Lee thought he heard Kaiya yelling something about a cow and a face.
'What?' Tenten responded, without getting her eyes off the opponent.
'N-Nevermind.' Lee closed the subject, as he examined Temon.
Lee made another attempt at attacking Temon and tried to put him to the ground, but karma returned to him faster than he expected. Lee flew back and hit the Earth wall that was conjuring them.
'What. An. Idiot.' Neji mumbled to himself as he prepared himself for the next attack. 'Byakugan!'
Neji's eyes widened as the veins around pumped up to a thousand times their normal size as he activated his Kekkei Genkai. Due to the training he got when he was younger with his father, and later with his uncle and cousins, he got to almost perfect his Byakugan. He looked around him, checking on his teammates, then the opponent. At first, he thought he had something in his eye, and rubbed his eyes in attempt to clean his vision.
'What do you see, Neji?' Guy asked.
Kaiya was standing still while keeping her head down. Something stopped her from responding to Kana's insistent gaze that now rested on the back of her head.
'Be careful, child.' Kana warned. 'Playing cool will bring you nothing but eternal pain and an sure shameful death. If you act like this, you'll bring nothing but misery to your clan's name. Do you really want that?'
Kaiya's eyes widened in shock. She gritted her teeth and looked but.
'Who are you to lecture me?' Kaiya asked, her voice now holding an similarity with an roar. 'You, who knows nothing of me or my past. You, who has no pride and accepted to be send to intervene in others' business just for an pat on the back and a sack of money. Would you deny any of it?'
'Why would you so freely assume I was send by someone?' Kana narrowed her eyebrows. 'If you really want to know, I can assure you-'
'People like you, or anyone, to be fair, need someone to lead them through life. It came to me that people are dependent things that require constant attention and control. Even leaders need leaders. Thus, gods were created. They thought that the idea of an divine being with the supreme power among us would shut the defections out.'
'The very few people who can take and control the harnesses of their own life and aren't afraid to fight for their freedom. The government is afraid of them.'
'Enough.' Kana spat out in annoyance.
Kana took the Dragon Cry in her hand and aimed it at Kaiya. Kaiya, noticing Kana's action, jumped a few meters into the air, landing on the nearest tree branch. In the blink of an eye, the Dragon Cry changed direction, following Kaiya. The sword missed her by just a few centimeters, planting itself deep into the tree.
'You-' Kana yelled annoyed as, with an powerful pull, she took the sword back, shaking the tree Kaiya was in.
Kana put her sword into the ground and, relying on it, she pushed herself up. She jumped just above the trees and attempted landing on Kaiya.
'You should've not done that. ' Kaiya murmured, as she jumped off the branch.
Kana thought she saw Kaiya grabbing something as she jumped but brushed it off, something that she soon had to regret. Kana landed on the branch and saw Kaiya next to her sword, smiling.
'Don't you even think of-' Kana called out, as Kaiya reached her hand out for the sword.
Kaiya, defying Kana's yells, curled her fingers around the sword. She attempted picking it up, but due to it's unexpected weight, she had to let the sword down seconds after, something that make Kana burst out laughing.
'Aw, you poor thing.' Kana laughed. 'I might have overestimated you. In order to use a sword, you must, first of all, train to hold it!'
Kaiya closed her eyes and breathed in. The grip she had on the sword tightened as Kaiya slowly opened her eyes. With an great effort, she pulled the sword up and pushed it to the tree in which Kana sat. It didn't take more than one hit for the tree to become unable to stand. Kaiya let the sword drop to the ground and, as the tree fell, she clenched one of her fists and pulled.
Kana's eyes widened. Threads. Before she could even do something. Meters and meters of threads pulled her to the tree trunk, conjuring her body, making it impossible for her to move.
'God damn you, Kobayashi! You will pay, I swear!' Kana yelled in anger, before hitting the ground with an loud crash!.
Kaiya stood there, shook by the woman's words. Who was she? How did she know? Kaiya advanced hesitantly to the fallen tree and saw how Kana's neck and legs were positioned in very uncomfortable positions. As she looked at the blonde woman, Kaiya felt a shiver running through her entire body. If she would've not heard an scream coming from behind the earth wall, Kaiya would have remained still for the rest of the day, sinking like a boat in her own ocean of thoughts.
Kaiya turned to the earth wall and looked at it. She wanted to put her hand on the wall, but her hand went through it, along with her entire body.
'Shit!' Kaiya cussed, as her body kissed the ground.
'Kaiya! Are you alright?' Tenten asked shocked and worried at the same time as she ran to her side.
'I guess you could say I've been better, but I'll do.' Kaiya answered quite truthfully, as she got to her feet.
She looked at the blue-haired man, who stared at Neji with pure interest and an controlled amount of shock I his eyes.
'An Byakugan? You must be a Hyuuga, am I right? I heard of you. You must be the only real treath there must be here. None of the others, including that wild beast you have there, should be an trearh Temon made a sign with his head towards Kaiya, who picked up his gaze with suspicion overflowing on her face.
'I'm fine.' Kaiya insisted, as she noticed Neji's eyes. 'What's that Byakugan of yours doing?'
'The Byakugan is an Kekkei Genkai from Neji's clan that-' Tenten started explaining.
'Get to the point.' Kaiya hurried her.
'His eyes allow him to see the chakra flow in someone's body. If I am right, there's an technique on this matter that allows Byakugan users to stop the chakra working in an body.'
'The eight trigrams, sixty-four palms.' Neji completed. 'Even though I only started recently on learning that technique, I could try give it a shot, but that would only be suicidal. Sensei, can you please try to attack him?
'Why?' Lee asked, as he rejoined his team.
'Don't worry, Lee.' Guy said. 'I'm sure Neji has an plan.'
'Neji this, Neji that, I swear to god-' Lee mumbled.
'Yes, sensei.'
Guy did as Neji asked and attempted kicking Temon, only for him to be pushed away by an ball of light. The three students watched as their sensei hit the wall and didn't have a single reaction after that.
'I think he passed out.' Kaiya suggested.
'Sensei!' Lee wanted to go to Guy in the hope of waking him up, but was stopped by Tenten.
'No, Lee. I'm sure Guy-sensei will resist until later.' Tenten said. 'Did you find anything, Neji?'
'I... didn't see any chakra in his body, until he used that ninjutsu against Guy-sensei.' Neji said. 'I don't understand.'
'Maybe he's something like me.' Lee suggested.
'You do have chakra in you, idiot. It's simply on a lower level than most people's. This guy... this guy looks like he throws all of his chakra away from his body and then summons it all at once when performing a ninjutsu.'
'But... that's physically impossible!' Tenten argued.
'Never say never. Who knows what kind of overpowered lunatics there are out there?' Kaiya said, quieting Tenten.
Temon let out an deep laugh.
'You know, you should listen to your wild friend more. She might be more than you think.' Temon smirked. 'Don't you agree, Kaiya?'
'How do you know my name?' Kaiya asked, not even trying to hide her suspicious assumptions.
'How could I not, having Kana as my partner? Speaking of Kana... It's not usual for her to let her prey escape.'
'She didn't do such thing. She lost.' Kaiya said, with an now calmer voice, ignoring her teammates' shocked reactions.
'There's no way an kid would-'
'You can go check it for yourself, if you want to.'
In an moment of anger, Temon made a some fast hand signs. As he finished, the ground started shaking as threads of wood raised from the ground, getting a tight grip on the four genin's legs and then bodies. While Neji, Lee and Tenten were moving agitated in attempt to escape, Kaiya just stared shocked at the wood that grew on her body.
'There's no need for you to move. The wood only responds to my commands.'
Kaiya raised her somber gaze in order to see Temon, now fully aware of her opponents. She looked at Temon, who appeared to be drained from most of his energy after his last move.
'You.' Kaiya murmured.
'Finally realised, eh? I wonder why we always meet in such situations.'
'How could you do that, you filthy animal?' Kaiya asked angered as she tried to escape the wooden prison. 'Where's your soul?'
Neji, Tenten and Lee stopped forgot about their attempt of escaping and watched how Kaiya looked at Temon with an Wild gaze of anger.
'I would look in a mirror, before talking.' Temon responded, unbothered by Kaiya's verbal attacks.
'Disgrâce! Dishonneur!' Kaiya yelled, blinded by the fury boiling harder and harder inside her.
'What's happening with her?' Tenten asked her teammates, startled by Kaiya's reaction.
'Hmpf. Let's just say that... she had a little... inconvenience in which I was involved.' Temon explained. 'Am I right?'
'Je te chie dans le cou!' Kaiya answered, as she attempted to spit him.
'Now, now. Please don't act like this. You don't want to prove my word and get your friends an opinion on what you really are, now do you?' Temon tilted his head to the left, as he gave Kaiya an questioning look.
Kaiya grunted as she stopped trying to escape, lowerig her head.
'Kaiya...' Neji began.
'Never mind.' Kaiya responded, without giving Neji an look.
'Now, if we all calmed down, I think that we could finish our business smoothly.' Temon said, as he walked to an passed out Guy who still held the luggage close by in one of his hands.
'No!' Tenten yelled.
'Don't you dare touch Guy-sensei!' Lee exclaimed, now fighting and biting the wood that held him from protecting his sensei.
(Next chapter)
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