hyachinto · 6 years
tentacleanarchist replied to your post: Cigarettes.
Are a mood.
Glad to hear that you share this big fuckin mood with me. And right now, I do need some.
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binaryrevolutionary · 6 years
tentacleanarchist replied to your post: rose my love
Bonjour mon cher
i wnt u to imagine me tappin my fingrs together an sayin excellent @ u glad u could join us by us i mean me an like dirk i guess
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knocowt · 6 years
automaheart started following you
shadedscar started following you
tentacleanarchist started following you
bugbreach started following you
samoyd started following you
sorry-i-changed-my-url started following you
purrsniktey started following you
blueexorcistisbae started following you
hay everyone ill try to keep things short and ñut rumbull about ñunsense im meenah peixes people calf me meeh
welcome to the herd =8 )
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