#tenkuu shinpan arrive analysis
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xchoco-mixturex · 4 years ago
This analysis episode: THE STENGHT OF "DEVA"
(Warning: this analysis has HUGE spoilers from all the manga of TENKUU SHINPAN ARRIVE AND PICTURES FROM THE MANGA IN JAPANESE. A read more shall be put in place. BUT JESUS CHRIST, SERIOUSLY I AINT JOKING)
Read at your own risk.
Lets make a countdown so ppl are free to LEAVE FROM SPOILERS OKAY
First of all I wanna say I knew it. I knew he was the one who would be DAISEI’S LAST WEAPON. DAISEI’S CARD UNDER HIS SLEEVE.
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Also known as EVIL SNIPER!!!
And this this...the clones of the main 5 are completed....
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The evil main 5 made their entrances...
((Holy shit goals---))
So again lets remember the increasing order of power
First lvl: strongest that an mask, clones made by Daisei, not humans. Juo and Zeon are first stage. Purpose: Cause despair. Actual status of first stage: Truce. Allies. Zeon in critical state, Juo is helping.
Second stage: stronger that first stages and activated under a stimuli. Purpose: full obidience of Daisei, eliminate defective clones and foregein matter (Yuris og team interferamfe aka clouds with will). Known second stages: Archangel (evil),Miiko mask, Mayuko, Tenma,Maid. Status with second stage: Mayu and Tenma: truce. Miiko and Archeangel: Enemies. Maid: Deceased. Low chances of a truce with those stages, but possible.
Third stage. Purpose:ELIMINATE MATSUDA SENYA. Merciless killers as the triumph card of Daisei. Use a huge amount of  energy creating them. Huge potential, low ratio of victory against any 3rd stage, to the point the Sniper Mask found the enemy too dangerous for Senya and tried to stop him,but failed. Alliance is impossible. Designed to kill Senya and Senya only. Only member of the stage: Deva/Evil Sniper. Senya called him a monster.
Okay so about his power is too much. as you see in the pannel, Senya and sniper noodle are too shocked. Senya calls him a monster,but might be a reference chapter 3 as he called the angels monster, and Deva is the clone based in Sniper's time of him being a mask.
He even has an aura. All Stage soldiers has that aura ngl, but lets see the comparison.
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The aura seems to active under a emotional state. But in Devas its latent over there. He is not charging up,he is literally standing and Senya is already affraid.
Now this...is the part you may not like. Remmeber who else made that trembling efect. Thats right....
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Kuon did. (Possessing nanami)
IMMA STEP IN AND SAY THIS: DEVA HAS THE JUDGES’ POWER?! MAYBE! BECAUSE DAISEI KNEW EVERYTHING! And Tenma KNOWS how to open portals.... Sniper was the second Judge already, and he still ahs the powers, but refuses to use them for a unknown reason. (possibly fear to lose humanity)
Maybe not the same but that dude is...Strong.
BE STRONG SENYA. Sniper is by your side. Maybe not possesing you but moral support!
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elmaxlys · 3 years ago
Taisei’s plans
for @xchoco-mixturex
Tenkuu Shinpan Arrive ch66 to 69, just transcribing the French translation in English. From the moment Stage 2- Model: Archangel starts talking. All the emphasis are present in the French edition. Line break means different panel. Taisei = Daisei
Stage 2- model: Archangel also speaks in the last panel of ch65, the translation of which you can find here. Will now follow most of what he says.
Instant analysis of the different targets... Taisei’s creatures: two “Stage 1″, one “Stage 2″... three foreign bodies... three transferred ones.. a dog...
Redefining priority order. Problem no.1: Taisei’s creatures seem to have developed consciousness...
How could beings constituted of informatic energy come this far? The consciousness itself is a problem.. its presence is an obstacle to reach the new space.
It prevents the constitution of a world equal for all.
[Stage 2- Model: Mayuko Nise asks to be taken to Taisei to be fixed]
I reject your demand. First of all, we’re lacking time.. Fixing you would take too long, it’s faster to destroy and recreate you.
Then, according to me, it’s very probable that this proposition merely aims to protect the lives of the people present here. If that is the case, it is a recognized act of rebellion toward Taisei.. and in that case, the situation is even more serious than anticipated.
Now that I’ve analyzed all the parameters, I will be able to act accordingly. I will kill you all and then change you to energy devoid of will.
[ch67, Oribe appears and informs people that Tenma and Yuri have made peace]
Peace? We’re not normally programed to answer to such a demand... The fatal error that’s taken Tenma must really be serious...
[everyone but the clones + Hayabusa and Nise flee the scene]
I’ve collected enough informations. The initial plan stays unchanged.. However, the mandatory energy limitation will progressively be lifted.
Foreign bodies that are opposed to a world equal for all must be eliminated! Elimination... complete and final elimination !
Now to Taisei’s words, in ch69:
Shika Hayami... She’s also developing an unplanned energy that goes beyond our calculations... Will’s strength influences the flow of informatic energy... This isn’t new, I’ve been aware of that for a while!
And that’s exactly why I’m trying to make will disappear from the universe! It is an abstract concept but if no one takes care of it... The world’s inequalities grow... and the universe loses its balance...
[Asuka shows up]
Priestess.. Asuka Sawashiro... A girl even more evil than the old Juo was... Now that I think about it, the fortuitous meeting between her and Tenma was a big calculation error on my part...
On top of that, the consciousness sleeping in the weapon she carries... it’s similar to that of Yuri Honjo’s.. A “symbol of the differences/gaps”... Apparently, she still never has never used it. And what if it came to wake up now?
That’s enough.. I’ve had enough of being prevented to build a world equal for all... I, Taisei, swear it...
I will succeed!
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xchoco-mixturex · 4 years ago
Holy moly, choco thorws an arrival (duh) analisys?!
As always, spoilers from tenkuu shinpan arrive, up until chapter 71. Always, the japanese version, since I read it in japanese. Read with caution below. ALSO ITS VERY LONG. I apologize before hand! (and for my poor english)
Like seriously, i mean, it ,this is HUGE SPOILERS! if not spoilers from much of the plot until now.
(And before you ask, we are translating be god damn patient or we drop the project, k thanks nwn)
Okay? okay!
I dont now how many chapters we have left but i hope im actually wrong in this one because it feels like too few has passed :c. But a climax happened ofc: Daisei is there, you know, the huge ass eye. Also, ORibe mentioned that Yuri in on her way on fusion the dimensions, i dont know if she means the OG high rise dimension with the ruined high rise dimension? OR back to the real world? I doubt it’s back to the real world, since they still need a God, and left the game on pause tecnically. As Yuri said, it was ‘their fault’. Of course, Yuri being the actual administrator knew Daisei could do ruckus since he is also trying to archieve god. 
Now, i think Daisei is doing that in that ruined world since the OG High Rise world its paused. There hasnt been more killings, and i am not sure if the god candidate needs to read the other 2 god codes. For the ones that have read at least one code are:
And the Judges duo aka Kuon and Sniper.
Of course, Yuri cannot be god since it breaks the administrator rule, Juo is dead (is he? DUUUN DUN!) Okihara was comatose the last time we saw him and the med staff was healing him, Yoshida its mentioned to be alive but MIA. (or at least mentioned, since Yuri told Rika if he sees yoshida to thank him)
That would leave our beloved Sniper being the one with that duty. And for the role he is taking in arrive, who he is a bit more predominant there, it could make sense. BUUUUT! The issue is the god damn God system. I do not quite remember if reading the other codes was necessary,since he and Kuon finished the trial and faceless-kun said “yeh go on!” Of course, the issue with that, is that turning into God needs energy, and in the OG high rise world there is none or not the enough level to turn him into that, EVEN WORST, it seems that, according for what we have been seeing here, is that the ‘Will’ and the fluctuations of that is the one that feeds the system (despair, hope, etc). And will usually manifests, in a soul. Who the heck is a soul of the main five? Kuon.
You think the god damn Sniper would literally say “oh yeh, lets get rid of her and we get all out of here”. Lets be freaking honest, that option was there long ago but he was the one, literally, HIMSELF, that told her that no matter what she wont disappear. So yes, sacrificing Kuon is out of the question. Actually, sacrificing any of his team members its our of the qustion, since he asked Rika that with Yuri’s condition as Admin, she was forced to stay there somehow, and Rika said he is staying, and so did Sniper. So yes, leaving someone behind its ALSO out of the question Now, with the appearance of Daisei, who....Wanted to be like Kuon in that ethereal form since, according to him, it gives him a sort of inmortality, also wants to be god. And apparently, after he killed himself but had the will to ‘keep on living��, he realized he could be god. Now, I dont quite know HOW Ruined High rise world came to happen, but somehow Daisei arrived there. According with that he started a new killing game, a killing game the OG gang wanted to end FOR ONCE AND FOR ALL. Of course Daisei did not wanted them to interfere, so he created a sort of barrier that doesn't let the old members of the game enter. Therefore, neither Yuri and co could chase him down with the manipulating the barrier powers. That’s UNTIL...Kuon came with an idea. Apparently for what Sniper told Juorika and co, Kuon, Yuri, And Hayami Shintaro created the cloud mechanism (the ones with Clouds with a WILL aka, clouds with souls). Since Yuri seems to be human and in a frontier, and I am guessing its to keep the plan going, she sent the other main 4 to blend to that place: Rika, Nise, Sniper, And Kuon. Each of them linked to an object with their souls within, and not necessarily a weapon.  How each person got linked to their cloud its ANOTHER THEME, specially with the new character seen: Senya’s alien. The alien seems to be related to the creation of the system, not giving exactly who he is, but he having some authority over the strings of destiny, since he saw senya being a ‘main protaginist’ and, therefore, thats the reason he linked Senya with Sniper’s rifle, and therefore, Sniper! Who is the alien and what exactly is his role, i do not know quite yet. I just know the systems apparently were created with humanity’s will, the issue is how? and why? was a group of persons will? Since it seemed to be related to the archival of god status,  keeping people away of feelings, actually turning them emotionless, and being the strongest. Was it high class ppl? governments?  we dont know yet. Now back to the actual pot, Daisei has showed up, and his abilities with his second stage masks he seems to create using old memories. Some data recollected from the old world, not necessarily being ppl of that world that are alive right now, but also dead people since he brought Maid mask back.   Also it seems people are and at the same time are not related to their original power. If they have an original power beforehand, its good, but Daisei can also provide them more power of needed, specially if they are second stage soldiers. For example, Rika and Kuon are one of the strongest characters of the manga, Rika being an Apostle and not having  a god code in his system, yet still paired with the strength of a god, and Kuon, right now, its awfully OP, being able to bring ppl back to like and/or healing him. But their clones, Juo(rika) and Zeon, are just first stage level, who are just created to bring up despair, and analyse about intruders, but not personally KILLING the intruders or the foreign objects. (they call object from the OG gang like that). Then again, them compared to their og versions, aren’t that strong. Are they the strongest of their category? Yes. Are they paired to their original versions? Hell no. But then we have second stage soldiers that are naturally strong (Mayuko and Archeangel aka Nise and great angels clones...Oh and X, who is Miiko’s clone). And Second stage ones that aren’t naturally strong, like Maid mask, who was just paired up in strength to a strong angel, but nothing else, and now its paired up to people like Oribe who has Rika as her cloud (then again, a strong cloud,b ut his power is reduced due noodle form),and Asuka, who has Great Angel’s rod. What will happen now? Well, many stuff. First of all I don’t want it to end yet, but here are my takes: Well, we know Senya is coming back after talking with his alien friend (?, so he may get Oribe out of that issue when she is being strangled. The world merging may happen sooner as expected. That could mean, maybe, just maybe, the physical interference of the OG gang, no longer as noodles, since their presence its related to how the barrier (that its in a constant purge between Yuri and Daisei) its weakened or not.  I wonder if Daisei might flee with that, give a fight, or send a stronger clone. Hmmm... On the other hand, if the gang presence its stronger now, either be cloud is stronger or them just yeeting themselves there, that means MORE INTERACTIONS! (andsniperdad--). I hope we see other ones besides the main five, while i love the main five, i also like the other characters a lot, also lets have in mind Shika needs to see Hayami. Another thing, yes, during this whole ordeal, the Judges were investigating about Daisei, and while they aren’t sure if they can replicate bodies like he does (Iiiishhhh...) well they know, or at least Kuon knows, how to regenerate/resurrect people, but that takes a lot of energy and the hurt/dying person to have a will to keep on living, and honestly, I am surprised she hasn’t fainted yet--! Would the dimension merging somehow return her body back? Eh, its free to dream. What i know its that if the dimensions are united, that means Yuri could travel from A to B and, therefore, meet Nise again! And the crew of course! (well, after she rests because that whole things takes a lot of energy.) I rather not have my hopes up because Tenkuu shinpan Arrive aint as merciful as the prequel. Because honestly, it made me cry like at least 8 times. And Miura is not afraid to hit us in the feels, either be good or bad. What shall Daisei do? Oribe will be okay? What about the Mayu-Mayu gang with Juo(rika) and Zeon vs Archangel?! Rika will do something as a cloud? Shika will shoot? How long will Kuon endure in Nanami’s body?! WHERE IS THE SNIPER NOODLE?! And most importantly, if we have seen clones about almost all the main gang, and even some extras...Does that mean we shall face a Sniper clone soon?! (I fanon-wise call him Deva)  And how will his personality be? Because we have seen all clones are lacking on most of emotions (unlesstheyaredefective) Because if he is like how me and my tumblr bestie have been theorizing...This will be bad. Thank you for reading my huge analysis! Take care!
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xchoco-mixturex · 4 years ago
Because i have nothing else to do but studying but my tumblr bestie told me i need to rest, here it goes some spoilers about Tenkuu Shinpan arrive and the warriors of ‘each’ stage:
Have in mind all this bullshit i made it by translating roughly Japanese
It seems all the stage soldiers are COPIES from the OG people, so be wary
First stage soldiers are meant to bring despair to the users, as it has been seen, so they create for energy for the realm, the actual known warriors of this stage that have been actively working for this are Juo (Rika) and Zeon (Kuon) and they seem to be the top brass of that stage aka the strongest. They have the faculty of using more than one cloud aka weapon. Status: Allied with Senya’s team.
Second stage users are destined to eliminate foreign matter from the real, specially the ones who have a will (aka clouds with will/soul/mentality and not just a power up cloud, those are the equivalent of the Original High Rise Gang who has turned into clouds to stop Daisei in that world, since they dont seem the have the faculty to move themselves to that world. This individuals will like to target the object only if possible, but they can also hurt the vessel as well. The people with that lvl seems to be Mayu (Nise’s clone) and Archangel (Great angel clone) Status: Mayu allied with Senya, Archangel is their enemy. Acording to Mayu, she is a defective clone, so that’s why she helps the crew. (although it might be because Senya helped her)
X aka Miikos clones seems to be a more advanced second stage soldier. She seems to be able to manipulate the frontier and unlike the last 2 isnt affraid to directly kill them.
**Update of the vessels and corresponding Cloud**
Status: fighting Archeangel with Mayu Zeon and Juo to buy the team some time. Nise and Falcon are in synchrony. 
Status: Carrying Senya away from danger alongside Shika and Nanami. Oribe is ‘unpossesed’ but seems to have a nice synergy with Rika. Right now, cornered by X.
Status: Backup of the team. Kuon resurrected Senya and she seems to be fine. Nanami is actually possessed by Kuon and she is resting in her head. Kuon seems to have a high dominance of possesion, probably due her etherealness back then in the prequel with the Sniper.She and Nanai are in good terms as they both seem to care or each other. Cornered by X.
Status: Out of combat. Senya is recovering from his deadly wound. Seems that Sniper is not peeking in his noodle/cloud form either, as he might still be holding his hand as an ‘anchor’ to keep on living. Weaponless; Senya lost his rifle when he got distracted and causing Sniper to be slashed. Resting on the floor. Sniper status, besides that theory, is unknown.
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xchoco-mixturex · 4 years ago
YOU KNOW I WOULD MENTION A WHOLE GOD DAMN ANALYSIS WHY I ADORE YUNISE SHIP AND STUFF (and how they are canon because tecnically they confessed---) buuuuuuuuut.....
Since i already have god damn bad expirienfes when i discuss about ships and ppl like to be god on their analisis as well and not let other analisis (not my case).
So nope.
Anyways, time to wait for Tenkuu shinpan Arrive.
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xchoco-mixturex · 4 years ago
Yess i worked this as well s lot in case ya wanna read byeee
Holy moly, choco thorws an arrival (duh) analisys?!
As always, spoilers from tenkuu shinpan arrive, up until chapter 71. Always, the japanese version, since I read it in japanese. Read with caution below. ALSO ITS VERY LONG. I apologize before hand! (and for my poor english)
Like seriously, i mean, it ,this is HUGE SPOILERS! if not spoilers from much of the plot until now.
(And before you ask, we are translating be god damn patient or we drop the project, k thanks nwn)
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