#temporary storage boston
mastodonmoving · 7 months
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charnelhouse · 2 years
bad people
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Gif by @jdmorganz
Pairing: Joel Miller x F!ReaderWordcount: 3kWarnings: rough sex. age gap (tho undefined). violence. oral. blood. joel being a dick. drunk sex. Summary: When it happened, it happened in the dark.
Ten Years Post Outbreak
Boston was dirty. The summer rain had been relentless, liquefying the dirt to unforgiving mud. She’d had enough of rain. Her shirt stuck to her skin, constricting her limbs and soaking her feet. She was lightheaded. She’d had a spoonful of canned peaches earlier, and the sugar smudged her tongue. 
She blinked down at her feet, the sneakers threadbare and soaked. Her eyes flitted to the wood-brown boots beside them. They dwarfed her shoes in comparison.
The man next to her was one she knew. Joel Miller.
He was rough-looking with his weathered skin and dark hair threaded with a bit of silver. He was also handsome, seemingly carved from a shard of rock. Strong. Brutal. 
If he were a God, she’d choose Hephaestus.
The things she did know about him were both second-hand and from afar. He was mean and ruthless. He beat the shit out of a rival smuggler and blinded another. 
Tonight was purely coincidental. The rain was too hard. The soldiers were out in droves due to a recent Firefly attack. Joel had stumbled upon her hideout: a narrow storage closet that smelled like bleach. He’d turned the tiny light on, and she’d snapped like a feral cat. He’d shut it off without apologizing.
Instead, he glanced down at her, frowning, and for a split second, she thought he was going to murder her for the shelter. Instead, he tugged a large plastic bottle of brown liquid from his pack and offered it. 
Whiskey–she guessed. A homegrown brew that might make her temporarily blind. The good stuff. 
Wordlessly, she took it. The terms were met. You can share this space with me. She would have said yes regardless.
Joel sat beside her, and after she swallowed enough to burn her lungs, he accepted the whiskey again.
When it happened, it happened in the dark. 
They barely spoke. Instead, they passed the bottle back and forth. Both of them were loose with it. The whiskey warmed her belly, making everything somewhat bearable. Her vision became edged with gauzy sweeps of color–finger painting in the dim light. The world was bathed in butter, gold, and temporary numbness.
Thirty minutes had passed when she finally spoke. “Great weather we’re having.”
He paused, the plastic crinkling in his hand, the rim scraping against his chin. He smiled briefly.
“Used to like the rain,” he replied. “But now?” He shook his head, and she noticed the raw cut of his jaw, his patchy beard. He was someone who had worked too long in the sun, and yet she found him unbearably attractive. Rugged. A hot coal pulsing fire, and she was desperate to get warm. 
She thought of fungus. She thought of it growing in this narrow room with its perfect conditions. Humidity. Wooly heat. A petri dish. She could become it–become the sick and she could rot into the wall with Joel sitting silently beside her. She’d swell with a patchwork of pretty colors: blister-red, jaundice-green, bile-orange. 
Jesus. She was maudlin. She was drunk. 
The rain fell harder, pelting the walls of the building. She knew things were hanging on by spit and glue. She knew everything could–would–collapse eventually. No more clean-cut grass. No more distinct roads. No more potted flowers. 
Joel turned his head, his dark gaze landing on her face. The irises shimmered like a sun-drenched black top. He had somber eyes. Expressive for once. Doe-like. He stared at her as if it was the first time he actually was actually seeing her. 
She wondered if he went through life avoiding the periphery. There was only the direct line in front of him. When he came into this closet, he shoved the bottle forward and only saw her hand accept it.
He blinked at her sluggishly, his pink lips parting beneath his mustache. There was a flicker of recognition.
“You ran with Luke, right?”
Surprised, she nodded. Joel had remembered her.
Luke. Gorgeous Luke, who was the very picture of a homecoming king. A movie star. Corn-fed. Blonde hair, white teeth, and sea-glass green eyes. He had been full of hope, and there had been a time when Joel and his brother, Tommy, had worked with them. She’d stuck to the corners. Watched. Observed. Frightened out of her mind because she didn’t understand how to live anymore—how to function, barter, or be content. Luke had done it all, protected her to the best of his ability.
“You’ve gotta take a deep breath, baby,” Luke had ordered, shrouding her face between his dry, clean hands. “You adapt. You live. That’s it.”
“Good guy,” Joel offered, somewhat awkwardly. Everyone knew what had happened to Luke. She’d been surprised that many people cared at the time. The Apocalypse had occurred, but the community still gave a shit over the handsome jock with the diplomatic smile.
She huffed a laugh, and he frowned.
“He was an idiot,” she hissed–very resentful even if it had been three years. He’d left her here. 
There’d been so much blood—eggplant purple pouring out of Luke as he gurgled for her. 
Joel pushed the bottle into her hand, his knuckles brushing her palm. She took a pull and didn’t wince. “He still operated as if the rules hadn’t changed. He didn’t understand that you have to be a bad person to survive here. He trusted too easily. Far too empathetic for his own good.” She scowled as she knocked her head against the wall. It throbbed–spots of white sprouting across her vision like a fungus–
“Hey,” Joel said, leaning into her. “You’re gonna hurt yourself.”
She could smell the honey-burn of whiskey on his tongue, in his beard. There was also the press of wet dog, sweat, and body odor. She was used to that. She was used to the smell of unwashed humans. Those were good scents because they didn’t carry that mildewy stench of fungi. A water-logged basement. A moss-covered stone at the edge of a pond.
She inhaled and found Joel’s hair brushed in smoke. Cigarette ash. He was closer to her, his denim sleeve rasping her bare arm. 
“You’re shivering,” he mumbled.
“I know.”
It happened within a second. An unspoken decision erupting like a metallic click of a lighter.
She was lonely—so lonely and she wanted to burn. Perhaps, he did too.
His eyes found hers, his lids heavy, and his cheeks flushed. She wasn’t sure if she moved first or he did, but she knew they didn’t kiss. He jerked to the side last minute, his mouth scraping down the side of her cheek.
He encouraged her to lie down, his chest against her breasts as he petted her hips, the outside of her thigh. He was heavy, breathing hard as he buried his face into her neck.
“Lift your hips,” he murmured as he popped the button on her jeans and rucked them down to her knees with his nose still rooted against her jaw. 
They fucked fully clothed on the filthy, cement floor. 
She pushed his jeans under his ass as he gripped his cock and smeared it against the lips of her cunt. It was clumsy and desperate, but it felt good. Everything felt good. She had to bite his shoulder when he finally breached her. He moved too quickly, sinking to the hilt as her body tried to accommodate his girth. He’d broken her in, forced her to mold to his size, and she found herself fisting his hair, biting his neck.
“You’re good,” he hummed as he slowly began to saw his hips. “Fuckin’ great, sweetheart.”
The drag of his cock sizzled her insides and spread her apart. He pinned her down and buried her with his full weight. She felt safe—blanketed by him and all of his denim.
Every thrust forced her spine up the wet floor. Her knees dug into his ribs, her ankle wrapped around the back of his calve. He smelled like a soaked garden. Soil. A brushfire. Wood. His nails were dirty, and she arched when he dug them into her waist. 
He ground against her in a way that made the wiry hairs at his groin stimulate her, his pelvic bone rubbing her clit. She climaxed a little too quickly. Embarrassingly quickly. It had been so long since Luke and Joel was big. The pain was welcome. The ache of him. She clenched around him, tightened to a knot as she cried out into his hair. His curls were caught in her breath, his beard burning her skin. 
Afterward, he stood, tucking his soft cock, shiny with her, into his jeans. The near-empty bottle of whiskey rolled against her leg. He attempted a smile that was more of a glower and shook his head a bit to clear it before backpedaling out the door.
It ended up working out—forced proximity. 
He needed a second hand, and anyone else found him scary. He seemed taken aback when she offered her help, perhaps surprised at her forwardness. 
We fucked. That’s it. 
But–he accepted her, begrudgingly pulling her into his plans. She was a tiny island in a sea of several. Her group had been Luke, and the others within it had done what they did to him. She’d killed them for that—no more group.
He gave her the couch in his small place. Tommy was in and out. Ships in the night, she supposed, though she didn’t know what had broken between them.
Most of the time, Joel ignored her. He seemed unable to look her in the eye, which she found hilarious. Her ego had long been snuffed out, but she couldn’t help the pinch of hurt at Joel’s coldness.
You’ve been inside me. C’mon. 
He gave her orders. She watched his back. He was someone who would know of her existence if she died. 
Would he care? She doubted it.
But he’d know she’d been there. Breathing. Alive. 
One midnight, Joel returned to the apartment, pissed off. She hated waiting for him, being left behind. She’d rather be out there and with him.
Luke had died alone. He’d told her to stay put, and he’d gone out and died. 
Joel had stumbled toward the couch in the dark. Forgetting she was there, he’d crashed into her, and she’d yelped. 
“Fuck,” he growled, shoving a hand through his curls. “What the hell!?”
“It’s my bed,” she murmured, and it seemed to douse his fire. He blinked at her, the moonlight turning the edges of his face silver. 
“I don’t understand,” she continued, voice a little thick with frustration. “If you don’t want me here–”
“Lie back.”
He went to his knees, hands moving under her ass and pulling it forward. He cupped it and lifted her pelvis. Shorts gone. Joel’s skin was cold from the outdoors, and he hitched her knees over his shoulders. His hair tickled her skin. He covered her cunt with his mouth and drank from her. He devoured without a hint of shame because she could hear herself on his tongue. The wet mess of her pussy. The room rang with her whimpers, and when she tried to silence them with her hand, he growled like an animal–a beast. 
Afterward, he stood up mechanically, before stalking back to his room. He left her with her shorts around her ankles, her cunt tender and soaked.
He hadn’t even wiped his lips.
She learned from him—what he had become. He was selfish and drowning in the bloodlust that rippled under his skin like a parasite. She got it. She found it stimulating. His philosophy of kill or be killed. His ego stroked with every fight he caused or fatal situation he inevitably won. 
Two months in, she watched him put a bullet in a newbie smuggler who had sold him pills made from chalk and sugar. 
He turned around, grabbed her hard by the back of the neck and shoved her up against a wall. He dragged her pants under her ass as he fiddled with his belt. After a distressing second, he pushed himself into her. No spit. No preparation at all. It was dry enough to hurt them both, but she still moaned. He gagged her with his palm as he fisted her hair. He fucked her in short, brutal strokes. Thump...thump….thump against the plaster wall. An even, steady rhythm. He didn’t rush it. He didn’t speak either. Just grunts. Just feral, low noises from the back of his throat. 
“Joel,” she gasped, and he pinned her with his hips. He withdrew until only the tip remained before plunging back inside her like he could fuck her guts. Maybe, he wanted to. Maybe, he wanted to punish her and remind her:
I’m a bad person. I’m the kind of person who survives in a world like this. Isn’t that what you want?
“How old are you?” Joel asked out of the blue; his brows knitted together in concern. 
It was a little late for that. The air between them spiked before becoming sour and viscous as jelly. He pulled his shoulders back, his expression twisting into something hesitant and concerned. 
She chewed her lip thoughtfully, wondering if she should lie for his benefit. Finally, she told him, and he grimaced. The age difference wasn’t that obscene. It wasn’t unheard of or ugly. There weren’t many people left to begin with. She’d seen him kill. He knew what she had done to avenge Luke.
Joel rubbed the scar across her belly. "Was this from the woods? After Luke?"
"You should see the other guys."
Joel grinned in a way that was so deliciously impressed. Smug. "Oh," he said, curling with glee. "Oh-I did. Had no idea a little thing like you could even think of such things."
She leaned forward, her lips hovering over his own. His hands found her ass and he encouraged her down until he was half-way inside her. He was all blood - unforgivably hard and he split her down the middle. She loved it.
"I lost my mind for a second," she revealed, deliberately flexing the walls of her pussy. He grunted and became slightly cross-eyed. "You know...” she continued. "If it had happened to you? I might have done the same."
"If I had been Luke?"
"If you had been Luke."
Suddenly, he grabbed her hard and shoved her down, impaling her on his cock until he couldn't drive further. He was in her throat--her lungs. Joel. "I wouldn't be Luke," he argued huskily as he snapped into her - once - twice. He smacked her ass and the sound rocketed through the room. "I'm a bad guy, remember?"
She tried to laugh, but it tumbled out of her like a whimper. "Still," she said between the continuous, punishing stabs of his cock. "Still--I'd avenge you."
She held her hand out, and he took it. He could wrap his whole fist around hers and she’d disappear.
“Don’t worry so much,” she warned. “You’ll get wrinkles.”
Of course, he was already well-worn. She bet he was lined and edged even before the infection. He was a constant overthinker. She knew he’d been a carpenter, but the rest was a wash—all diluted gray mass of nothin’. His life before was not something he gave her.
“Why are we holdin’ hands again?”
She lifted her shoulders, gaze wandering away from his pointed stare. “Just consoling you now that you’ve realized you’re a dirty old man.”
He squeezed until her bones trembled before rolling his eyes in a disarmingly young way. “You need to watch that mouth of yours.”
Joel was swollen with a fever. She touched his forehead, dragging her fingertips across his cheekbone. She traced a letter and then her name. He leaned into it, lips parting as his whiskey-damp breath brushed her skin. 
“You’re not doing too well,” she observed. His bare shoulders bulged from the edge of the blanket, and his lashes fluttered. His mouth curled as he tried to shift against the thin mattress.
“S’fine,” he slurred. 
She swallowed a scream. She wanted to burst. She could do nothing for him but wait. Hope it was a virus. Hope it was a plain old illness that had to tire itself out. 
“Let me go to the other side of town,” she murmured. “I’ll find you meds. I’m sure I can.”
His eyes snapped open at that. He attempted to sit up before groaning. “Don’t–don’t–you fuckin’ dare.” He said her name softly as he melted back into the mattress. Coughing. Moaning. “Do not go.”
He pushed his head into her lap in the blurred daze of his fever. She swept his hair away from his face, combing his fingers through his damp curls. 
If he got worse, she’d go. She’d have to. 
The next day, the fever dropped a point. Joel couldn’t fall asleep, instead trembling in the bed, sweating rivulets of sickness. 
She played him Lee Hazlewood. Your Sweet Love. She played it on repeat. It rocked him somewhat, and with her imagination, she turned the popcorned ceiling into stars and a twilight sky. 
Joel curled into her. “You smell nice,” he sighed. He held her closer, demanding warmth even though his skin was oven-hot.
In the morning, his fingers wandered down between her legs. He touched her, stroked her until she shook in his sweat-sodden sheets. The intimacy killed her. It was too much and not enough.
She worked one of the body disposal shifts and cut her hand on some glass. The wind was painfully cold, and the blood that bubbled up from the gash felt like hot tea. She studied it, somewhat enraptured by its brightness of it. It turned the dirty snow at her feet maroon.
She heard her name. It was muffled, and then it was louder, familiar, and seared with frustration. Joel. He gripped her hard by the arms, twisting her around. Joel handled fear terribly. Terror could only be molded into anger for him. Violence. 
He shook her. “Where have you been? I waited an hour.”
She lifted her hand to show him. She still could be childish. She wondered if she had stopped maturing after the world had ended. 
His eyes slowly crept from her face to her hand. “How?”
“Some glass,” she shrugged.
“Is—are—-,” He trailed off, audibly swallowing.
She found it off-putting. Joel was usually so collected. 
“If I were infected—they would have shot me,” she reminded him, and he sagged an inch. Of course. Of course. How silly of me. 
He rearranged his expression so that it was his usual gruff stoniness. 
“You’re freezing,” he accused as if she could help it. Boston winter. Not enough layers.
We thought the cold would stomp out the infection–the bacteria–the fungus. 
“It’s fine–”
Wordlessly, Joel wrapped his arms around her shoulders, hauling her into the heat of his chest. Surprised, she gripped the fabric of his shirt as he forced his jacket around the both of them. The sky was blue-black, and the snow clung to her hair and scalp. It coated his coffee-brown hair in powdered sugar.
She pressed her face into his sternum, nuzzling her nose into the space between his pecs. 
“Let me see your hand,” he urged. 
She gave it to him, still dripping and tender. She needed a bandage. Of course, FEDRA tested her, but they wouldn’t waste a single strip of gauze.
She heard Joel curse them under his breath before cradling her hand, fingertips barely nudging the injury. He dropped his head and kissed the vulnerable space between her thumb and index finger, and when he pulled away, there was the faintest trace of her blood on his chin.
“So weird,” she said. “So alive.”
His brow furrowed. She might be a little light-headed.
Yes. Yes. Hot-feverish blood meant her heart was pulsing, thumping with life just like Joel. His anger. His pain. What he does to her in the dark. 
“C’mere,” She grasped his face between her hands. Unshaven. Prickly. Her blood. On tiptoe, she claimed his mouth, and he accepted, even demanded more.
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Unlock a Seamless Move: How Residential Movers Enhance Your Experience with Smart Storage Solutions
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Moving homes is often regarded as one of life's most stressful events, but it doesn't have to be. The integration of smart storage solutions by residential movers has revolutionized the moving process, making it smoother and more manageable. Whether you're moving across town or to another state, these new storage solutions keep your belongings safe, organized, and easy to get to. With real-time tracking, you can see where your items are at any moment, so you don't have to worry. Climate-controlled storage helps protect things from extreme heat or cold, keeping your valuables in great shape. This article will look into how modern moving services employ these technologies to enhance your moving experience, ensuring a seamless transition from your old home to your new one. Tailored Storage Solutions for Every Need Modern moving companies offer tailored storage solutions that adapt to each client's specific needs. For instance, in Boston, these movers aren't just about storing your items; they're about providing a flexible, secure environment where your belongings can be easily accessed. This approach helps keep your new home organized and makes unpacking easier. Whether you need temporary storage because your new place isn’t ready yet or long-term storage while renovating, these services are meant to give you peace of mind. Technological Integration for Enhanced Security Security is essential when it comes to storing personal belongings. Advanced moving services employ cutting-edge technology to ensure that your items are protected. From 24/7 surveillance cameras to climate-controlled units that prevent damage from environmental conditions, your possessions are guarded with the utmost care. This technological integration in urban cities like Boston by moving companies not only secures your items but also provides you with real-time updates and access control, putting you in charge of your belongings no matter where you are. Streamlined Logistics for Efficient Moving One of the biggest advantages of using smart storage solutions is their streamlined logistics. By coordinating storage and moving services, companies can offer more efficient, less stressful relocation experiences. This integration allows for strategic planning of the move, with belongings being moved in stages that make sense logistically and financially. These services are valuable for residents of densely populated areas such as Boston, as these moving services minimize the chaos often associated with urban relocations. Cost-Effective, Flexible Options The flexibility of smart storage solutions also extends to cost management. By making better use of space and resources, moving companies can provide more affordable rates compared to traditional storage options. This allows you to adjust the service to fit your budget while still getting good quality and security. Whether you need to store just a few items or your whole house, you can find packages that match your needs and financial situation. Final remarks Finally, modern residential movers are transforming the moving experience with their innovative smart storage solutions. By integrating real-time tracking, climate-controlled storage, and advanced security measures in urban places like Boston, a suitable moving company not only simplifies the process but also ensures that your belongings are kept safe and accessible throughout the transition. Whether you're facing a short-term delay or managing a complex move, these tailored solutions adapt to your needs. Those looking for expert movers can get services offered by firms like Stairhopper Movers. These are specialists in all kinds of moving services. Furthermore, they provide storage facilities with alarming and 24/7 security to make sure that your goods are safe.
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stairhoppersmovers · 1 year
How Residential Movers Can Help With Storage Solutions?
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In today’s fast-paced world, relocating to a new home can be a complex and often stressful process. One of the challenges that many homeowners face is finding appropriate storage solutions for their belongings. Whether it’s a temporary need during a move or a long-term requirement for extra space, storage is an integral part of the moving process. This is where residential movers step in. Residential movers near you not only offer assistance with the physical moving but can also provide tailored storage solutions. Today, we’ll explore how residential movers in Boston and beyond are transforming the way we approach storage during a move. Read more here...
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Septic Tank Pumping Arlington
Why Utilize a Septic System?
Septic systems are made use of when centralized sewage treatment plants are not obtainable in an area. They securely treat as well as deal with wastewaters produced in the shower room, kitchen area, as well as laundry. These wastewaters might include disease-causing bacteria as well as toxins that need to be dealt with to protect human health and wellness as well as the setting. Septic systems are usually a permanent solution to wastewater treatment as well as disposal. Consequently, they need to be effectively made use of, run, as well as maintained by the homeowner to ensure the lasting efficiency of these systems. Even when made use of as a temporary wastewater treatment solution till sewer lines are included an area, special care as well as maintenance are required for septic tanks to ensure that they do not position a threat to public health and wellness or the setting.
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What Is a Septic System?
Several various kinds of septic tanks are available, each with its very own style. The traditional, conventional system is the one that has been most commonly made use of in North Carolina up until the previous years. The septic system is a leak-proof container regarding 9 feet long as well as 5 feet tall. It is buried in the ground simply outside the house. The container is usually precast from strengthened concrete, although storage tanks made from plastic or fiberglass might be seen now and then. While a container is generally designed with a 1,000-gallon fluid ability, its size is lawfully figured out by the variety of bedrooms in the house. The container momentarily holds household wastes as well as enables a percentage of pretreatment to happen.
What Happens in the Drainfield as well as the Dirt?
The objective of the drainfield is to supply the fluid sewage effluent to the dirt. The actual treatment of the wastewater occurs in the dirt underneath the drainfield. Sewage effluent spurt of the container as a gloomy fluid that still consists of many disease-causing bacteria as well as toxic wastes. Effluent circulations right into the perforated pipeline in the trenches, passes through the openings in the pipeline, and after that drips down with the gravel to the dirt. There are likewise "gravel-less" trenches made use of where plastic louvered chambers, polystyrene aggregate, tire chip aggregate, or big size pipes are made use of instead of the gravel aggregate. These materials provide a void room in the trench to allow distribution of the effluent to the trench base. As sewage effluent gets in as well as moves with the ground, dirt fragments remove most of the microorganisms that could trigger conditions. The dirt adsorbs a few of the smaller sized bacteria, such as infections, till they are damaged. The dirt could likewise retain certain chemicals, including phosphorus as well as some forms of nitrogen. An unique zone, called a biomat, forms in the top 1 to 6 inches of the dirt at the soil/trench user interface simply listed below the trench base. This biomat zone works. It assists remove most of the bacteria as well as chemical toxins. If the solids gathering in the septic system are never drained, however, they could move right into the trenches as well as build up right into an intensive biomat that ends up being too thick. When that takes place, the biomat completely clogs the dirt as well as does not allow the sewage effluent to flow out of the trench. An improperly kept system will certainly fall short as well as trigger untreated sewage to completely fill the trenches as well as triumph of the ground or back up right into the house in its pipes system. https://septictankpumpingarlington.blogspot.com/2023/01/septic-tank-pumping-arlington.html Septic Pumping Boston Septic Pumping Newark Septic Pumping Richmond Septic Pumping Knoxville https://septictankpumpingnaperville.blogspot.com/2022/12/septic-tank-pumping-naperville.html https://www.tumblr.com/methadone-clinics-usa-1-s3j4yqe9/702988140428886016/septic-tank-pumping-napervill/ https://septictankpumpinglincoln.blogspot.com/2022/12/septic-tank-pumping-lincoln.html https://www.tumblr.com/non-owner-sr-22-insuran-i3b5cc/702988861731700736/septic-tank-pumping-lincoln/ https://starsigngifts.blogspot.com/ https://starsigngifts.blogspot.com/2023/01/star-sign-gifts.html https://septictankpumpingorlando.blogspot.com/ https://septictankpumpingorlando.blogspot.com/2023/01/septic-tank-pumping-orlando.html https://glassrepaircoloradosprings431.blogspot.com/2022/12/glass-repair-colorado-springs.html
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paranormalyyourz · 3 years
A cemetery is a place in which dead human bodies and cremated remains are buried, usually with some form of marker to establish their identity. The term originates from the Greek κοιμητήριον, meaning sleeping place, and can include any large park or burial ground specifically intended for the deposit of the dead. Cemeteries in the Western world are also typically the place where the final ceremonies of death are observed, according to cultural practice or religious belief. Cemeteries are distinguished from other burial grounds by their location and are not usually adjoined to a church, as opposed to a "graveyard" which is located in a "churchyard," which includes any patch of land on church grounds. A public cemetery is made open for use by a surrounding community; a private cemetery is used only by a portion of the population or by a specific family group.
1 History
2 Establishments and regulations
3 Famous cemeteries worldwide
4 References
5 External Links
6 Credits
1.1 Cemetery reform
1.2 Military cemeteries
1.3 Later developments
2.1 Family cemeteries
A cemetery is generally a place of respect for the dead where the friends, descendants, and interested members of the public may visit to remember and honor those buried there. For many, it is also a place of spiritual significance, where the dead may visit from the afterlife, at least on occasion.
Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York
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The grave of an infant at Horton, Northamptonshire.
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The term cemetery was first used by early Christians and referred to a place for the Christian burial of the dead, often in Roman catacombs. The earliest cemetery sites can been traced back to the fifteenth century and have been found throughout Europe, Asia, and North America in Paleolithic caves and fields of prehistoric grave mounds, or barrows. Ancient Middle Eastern practices often involved the construction of graves grouped around religious temples and sanctuaries, while early Greek practices buried the dead along the roads leading to their cities.
Early burial grounds consisted of earthen graves, and were often unsightly and hasty places to dispose of the dead. European burial was customarily under the control of the church and took place on consecrated church ground. Though practices varied, in continental Europe, most bodies were buried in a mass grave until they had decomposed. The bones were then exhumed and stored in ossuaries either along the arcaded bounding walls of a cemetery or within the church, under floor slabs and behind walls.
The majority of fifteenth century Christian burial grounds became overcrowded and consequently unhealthy. The first Christian examples of cemeteries outside of a churchyard were founded by Protestants in response to overcrowded churchyards and the desire to physically and spiritually separate the dead from the living, a concept often intertwined with the Roman Catholic faith. Early cemetery establishments include Kassel (1526), Marburg (1530), Geneva (1536), and Edinburgh (1562). The structure of early individual grave sites often reflected the social class of the dead.
Cemetery reform
The formation of modern cemetery structures began in seventeenth century India when Europeans began burying their dead in cemetery structures and erecting vast monuments over the graves. Early examples have been found in Surat and Calcutta. In 1767, work on Calcutta’s South Park Street Cemetery was completed and included an intricate necropolis, or city of the dead, with streets of mausolea and magnificent monuments.
In the 1780s and 1790s similar examples were to be found in Paris, Vienna, Berlin, Dessau, and Belfast. The European elite often constructed chamber tombs within cemeteries for the stacking of family coffins. Some cemeteries also constructed a general receiving tomb for the temporary storage of bodies awaiting burial. In the early 1800s, European cities faced major structural reforms that included the restructuring of burial grounds. In 1804, for hygienic reasons, French authorities demanded that all public cemeteries be established outside city limits. Entrusted with a project to bury the dead in a way that was both respectful and hygienic, French architect Alexandre Brogniart designed a cemetery structure that included an English landscape-garden. The result, Mont-Louis Cemetery, would become world famous.
In 1829, similar work was completed on St. James Cemetery in Liverpool, designed to occupy a former quarry. In 1832 Glasgow’s Necropolis would follow. After the arrival of cholera in 1831, London was also forced to establish its first garden cemeteries, constructing Kensal Green in 1833, Norwood in 1837, Brompton in 1840, and Abney Park in 1840, all of which were meticulously landscaped and adorned with intricate architecture. Italian cemeteries followed a different design, incorporating a campo santo style which proved larger than medieval prototypes. Examples include Certosa at Bologna, designed in 1815, Brescia, designed in 1849, Verona, designed in 1828, and the Staglieno of Genoa, designed in 1851 and incorporating neoclassical galleries and an extensive rotunda.
Over time, all major European cities were equipped with at least one reputable cemetery. In larger and more cosmopolitan areas, such cemeteries included great architecture. U.S. cemeteries of similar structure included Boston’s Mount Auburn Cemetery, designed in 1831, Phildelphia’s Laurel Hill Cemetery, designed in 1839, and New York City’s Green-wood Cemetery, designed in 1838. Many southern U.S. cemeteries, such as those in New Orleans, favored above ground tomb structures due to strong French influence. In 1855, architect Andrew Downing suggested that cemetery monuments be constructed in such a way as to not interfere with cemetery maintenance; with this, the first "lawn cemetery" was constructed in Cincinnati, Ohio, a burial park equipped with memorial plaques installed flush with the cemetery ground.
Military cemeteries
Arlington National Cemetery, Washington D.C.
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American military cemeteries developed out of the duty of commanders to care for their comrades, including those that had fallen. When the casualties of the American Civil War reached incomprehensible numbers, and hospitals and burial grounds overflowed with the bodies of the dead. General Montgomery Meigs proposed that more than 200 acres be taken from the estate of General Robert E. Lee for the purpose of burying the causalities of war. What followed was the development of Arlington National Cemetery, the first and most prestigious of war cemeteries to be erected on American soil. Today Arlington National Cemetery houses the bodies of those who died as active-duty members of the Armed forces, veterans retired from active military service, Presidents or former President of the United States, and any former member of the armed services who received a Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service Cross, Silver Star, or Purple Heart.
Other American military cemeteries include the Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery, the Gettysburg National Cemetery, the Knoxville National Cemetery and the Richmond National Cemetery. Internationally, military cemeteries include the Woodlands Cemetery near Stockholm (1917), the Slovene National Cemetery in Zale (1937), the San Cataldo Cemetery in Modena (1971), and the Cemetery for the Unknown in Hiroshima, Japan (2001).
Later developments
The change in cemetery structure sought to re-establish the "rest in peace" principle. Such aesthetic cemetery design contributed to the rise of professional landscape architects and inspired the making of grand public parks. At the turn of twentieth century, cremation offered a more popular, though in some places, controversial option to casket burial.
A "green burial" ground or "natural burial" ground is a type of cemetery which places a corpse into the soil to naturally decompose. The first of such cemeteries was created in 1993 at the Carlisle Cemetery in the United Kingdom. The corpse is prepared without traditional preservatives, and is buried in a biodegradable casket or cloth shroud. The graves of green burials are often minimally marked as to not interfere with the landscape of the cemetery. Some green cemeteries use natural markers such as shrubs or trees to denote a grave site. Green burials are posed as an environmentally friendly alternative to customary funeral practices.
Establishments and regulations
Internationally, the style of cemeteries has varied greatly. In the United States and many European countries, cemeteries may use tombstones placed in open spaces. In Russia, tombstones are usually placed in small fenced family lots. This was once a common practice in American cemeteries, and such fenced family plots can still be seen in some of the earliest American cemeteries constructed.
Cemeteries are not governed by laws that apply to real property, although most states have established laws that specifically apply to cemetery structures. Some common regulations require that each grave must be set apart, marked, and distinguished. Cemetery regulations are often required by departments of public health and welfare, and may prohibit future burials in existing cemeteries, enlargement of existing cemeteries, or the establishment of new ones.
Cemeteries in cities use valuable urban space, which may pose a significant problem within older cities. As historic cemeteries begin to reach their capacity for full burials, alternative memorialization, such as collective memorials for cremated individuals, became more common. Different cultures have different attitudes toward the destruction of cemeteries and subsequent use of the land for construction. In some countries it is considered normal to destroy the graves, while in others the graves are traditionally respected for a century or more. In many cases, after a suitable period of time has elapsed, the headstones are removed and the cemetery can be converted into a recreational park or construction site.
Trespassing against, vandalizing, or destruction of a cemetery or individual burial plot are considered criminal offenses, and can be prosecuted by the heirs of the involved plot. Large punitive damages, intended to deter further acts of desecration, may be awarded.
Family Cemeteries
A Buddhist graveyard. Kyoto, Japan.
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In many cultures, the family is expected to provide the "final resting place" for their dead. Biblical accounts describe land owned by various important families for the burial of deceased family members. In Asian cultures, regarding their ancestors as having spirits who should be honored, families carefully selected the location for burial so as to keep their ancestors happy.
While uncommon today, family or private cemeteries were a matter of practicality during the settlement of America. If a municipal or religious cemetery was not established, settlers would seek out a small plot of land, often in wooded areas bordering their fields, to begin a family plot. Sometimes, several families would arrange to bury their dead together. While some of these sites later grew into true cemeteries, many were forgotten after a family moved away or died out. Groupings of tombstones, ranging from a few to a dozen or more, have on occasion been discovered on undeveloped land. Usually, little effort is made to remove remains when developing, as they may be hundreds of years old; as a result, the tombstones are often simply removed.
More recent is the practice of families with large estates choosing to create private cemeteries in the form of burial sites, monuments, crypts, or mausolea on their property; the mausoleum at architect Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater is an example of this practice. Burial of a body at such a site may protect the location from redevelopment, such estates often being placed in the care of a trust or foundation. State regulations have made it increasingly difficult to start private cemeteries; many require a plan to care for the site in perpetuity. Private cemeteries are nearly always forbidden on incorporated residential zones.
Famous cemeteries worldwide
Père-Lachaise, Paris.
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Since their eighteenth century reform, various cemeteries worldwide have served as international memorials, renowned for their meticulous landscaping and beautiful architecture. In addition to Arlington National Cemetery, other American masterpieces include Wilmington National Cemetery, Alexandria National Cemetery and the Gettysburg National Cemetery, a military park offering historic battlefield walks, living history tours, and an extensive visitor center.
Parisian cemeteries of great renown include the Père Lachaise, the world’s most visited cemetery. This cemetery was established by Napoleon in 1804, and houses the graves of Oscar Wilde, Richard Wright, Jim Morrison, and Auguste Comte among others. Paris is also home to the French Pantheon, completed in 1789. At the start of the French Revolution, the building was changed from a church into a mausoleum to hold the remains of noteworthy Frenchmen. The pantheon includes the graves of Jean Monnet, Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, and Marie Curie.
London’s Abney Park, opened in 1840, is also an international place of interest. One of London’s seven magnificent cemeteries, it is based on the design of Arlington National Cemetery. The remaining magnificent seven include Kensal Green Cemetery, West Norwood Cemetery, Highgate cemetery, Nunhead Cemetery, Brompton Cemetery, and the Tower Hamlets Cemetery. England’s Brookwood Cemetery, also known as the London Necropolis, is also a cemetery of note. Established in 1852, it once was the largest cemetery in the world. Today more than 240,000 people have been buried there, including Margaret, Duchess of Argyll, John Singer Sargent, and Dodi Al-Fayed. The cemetery also includes the largest military cemetery in the United Kingdom. The ancient Egyptian Great Pyramid of Giza, marking the tomb of Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu, is also a well-known tourist attraction.
Curl, James Stevens. 2002. Death and Architecture. Gloucestershire: Sutton. ISBN 0750928778
Encyclopedia of U.S. History. Cemeteries. U.S. History Encyclopedia. Retrieved June 4, 2007.
Etlin, Richard A. 1984. The Architecture of Death. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Gale, Thomas. Cemeteries. Thomas Gale Law Encyclopedia. Retrieved June 4, 2007.
Oxford University Press. Cemetery. Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture. Retrieved June 4, 2007.
Worpole, Ken. 2004. Last Landscapes: The Architecture of the Cemetery in the West. Reaktion Books. ISBN 186189161X
External Links
All links retrieved January 23, 2017.
Cemeteries and Cemetery Symbols
London Cemetery Project: 130 cemeteries with high-quality photos.
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jamielea81 · 5 years
Just a Simple Lie
Chapter 8
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Description: Having worked on small independent films for the better part of a decade, your friend tells you about an opening for a script supervisor with a large studio. Wanting to advance your career, you apply and get an interview. The only downside, they prefer to hire crew who are married. It’s just a simple lie, right?
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: Cursing, Drinking, Fluff and Angst
A/N:  I really love this chapter and hope you guys do too! As always, this fic is simply for fun. I know nothing about the personal lives of the two actors in this series and mean no harm. I am also totally guessing regarding the studio talk. Comments, reblogs, and likes are always welcome.
Word Count: 4,066
Catch up with chapter 7
Everything was packed back into the large storage bins they came in. Your desk was cleaned out and everything in your hotel room was shoved into a suitcase and a duffle bag. Filming had been completed in the Great White North. There were a couple of scenes that needed to be reshot, but that wouldn’t be more than a week. Monica had changed your flights to an earlier time, stating she didn’t want to sit around the worn-out motel room when she could be headed home to sunny skies. This only caused slight panic on your end. You hated being rushed. Sure, you were a last-minute packer, but when it was unofficially part of your job to make sure all wardrobe and set accessories were returning back to the states, it stressed you out.
The plane would be boarding in a matter of minutes and Monica thought now was the perfect time to grab coffee. You on the other hand were digging through your carry-on bag. Joanna had quite the sweet tooth, even more now that she was pregnant. You had picked up a bag of maple candy but of course you couldn’t find it. You phone buzzed in your purse that was on the empty seat next to you. Zipping up your carry-on, you picked up the bag on your left and dug through the bottomless pit that was your purse, finding both the maple candy as well as your phone.
Chris: What are you doing?
Y/N: I can tell you what I’m not doing…sleeping. Relaxing. Sipping a Mai Tai by the pool. But not the pool here at the hotel, but the pool at my apartment complex where it’s a lot warmer.
Chris: 😂😂😂
Chris had flown to Boston for a couple of days since he didn’t have to be back to California for filming for another three days.
Chris: Bet you can’t wait for filming to be done.
Y/N: If you’re asking me today, yes. But I’m sure next week I’ll be missing it.
Chris: Yeah, this was a fun shoot. I’m going to miss everybody. Some more than others.
Y/N:  *Turns around to look behind me*
Y/N: Who me?
You could feel your face grow warmer and warmer. Thankfully, Monica hadn’t returned.
Chris: You have to know I care about you.
“Fuck,” you swore.
Chris: Of course, I’m going to miss you.
Miss. Just another point in the “this is temporary” bucket. You’d miss him too. There was no doubt in your mind.
Y/N: I’m going to miss you too.
Y/N: Monica is giving me the evil eye for not paying attention to her. See you back in Cali.
She wasn’t back, but he didn’t have to know that. This conversation was getting to be too much for you. Your resolve was breaking. You shut off your phone just as Monica appeared with two large to go cups and a small plastic bag full of cream capsules and sweeteners.
“Life saver,” you said, grabbing one of the cups.
Reshoots were now complete. Despite your better judgement, you had spent a large amount of time in Chris’ trailer. Purely innocent of course. He wooed you with gourmet coffee and kept you coming back with pastries. All of it better than what was being served by Craft Services. He found a bakery near the studio the day he was back on set for reshoots and just kept going back. Chris was footing the bill, so you really couldn’t complain. It was like the two of you were trying to spend as much time together as possible. Both of you knowing this would probably be it. Chris didn’t have any other projects with Stone Lite and since your contract was with the studio, you wouldn’t be working together any time soon.
The studio did indeed extend your contract for another movie. Monica apparently had the inside scoop as they did want the two of you working together again like she mentioned. The next film was a teen romantic comedy and the only names you had recognized were the two leads that had done a few things for the Disney Channel. You were a closet Disney freak, what could you say?
The wrap party was in two nights and since you were staying on with the studio, you were going. But Chris didn’t need to know that.
“You’re going,” Chris said bumping his elbow into your side.
You were snug between him and Dodger on his trailer’s couch. The sleeping dog’s nose rested slightly on your thigh. The Evans boys needed to learn a thing or two about space.
Shaking your head like a child, you kept your eyes on your phone reading through e-mails about the next film that would start filming in three weeks.
“Don’t shake your head at me. It’s the last time we’ll be together. I mean, um, all of us will be together.”
You looked up, giving him a disinterested stare. You caught his words, but you were trying to keep it together here. “I don’t know. Seems kind of lame. I mean, I see you guys every day.”
“You’re a pain in my ass. You know that?”
“I think I caught that vibe,” you said jabbing him back with your elbow. “Of course, I’m going. My contract got extended. It would look terrible if I didn’t.”
“Plus, me,” he said with a pout.
“And you Christopher.”
The music was blaring. Some C or D list celebrity the studio hired to DJ the party was pumping out early 2000s dance music. You could barely hear Monica who was standing next to you. Everyone was dressed to the nines including yourself. A sparkly black dress Jana threw at you because “I’ll never fit into it again!” she had said dramatically. She acted in high school and college. That was always Ian’s reasoning when she let her emotions take control of the conversation. Her loss was your gain. It hit just at the knees and had cute, puffy cap sleeves. The neckline was cut in a V and showed the tiniest bit of cleavage. Tasteful cleavage as you liked to call it. You would give it back to her at some point after the baby was born. It would sit in the back of your closet after tonight. Besides, it wasn’t like you spent your evenings in fancy Beverly Hills’ hotels every week.
You excused yourself from your small group and wobbled your way to the bar for another drink. The shoes were yours and barely used. Black, sexy leather with a tall skinny heel. You didn’t do heels, but flats just simply wouldn’t do. Not with this dress anyway.
White wine was your drink of choice for the night. You had spent a lot of money on a Lyft to the party and you would do so on the way home too, so you planned to have drinks. But you were not getting wasted. Not in your fancy borrowed dress and most certainly not in these shoes.
You leaned against the polished wood bar, careful not to lean on the parts that were wet with condensation from drinks that were placed on it earlier in the night. The small black clutch was held tightly in your left hand as the fingers on your right drummed to OutKast’s Hey Ya.
An arm was thrown around your shoulders as you felt the weight of a body pushed against you. It was Chris. You could smell the spice of his cologne without even looking.
“Howdy stranger. What’ll it be? I’m buying,” you joked, not sparring him a glance.
“Is that because the studio’s picking up the tab tonight?”
You turned to face him, his arm dropping off of your shoulder. He stepped in closer, your back hitting the bar. He breath fanned against your face, smelling like beer and mint.  
Apparently, Mr. Evans likes to pre-game it.
“Maybe so. I tip well though.” You turned back around seeing that your wine glass was waiting for you. You dropped a couple of ones into the large glass picture placed just below the counter top.
“Next round,” he said. “My brother’s grabbing us some drinks.”
“Ah, that elusive brother of yours is here?” you asked.
Chris had talked so much about Scott that you felt like you knew him.
He nodded his head, biting at his lower lip. “You look great by the way.”
You curtsied, which only caused him to laugh. “Not looking so bad yourself, Chris.” But when did he not look better than most? Black dress pants with a black button-down shirt tucked in. A textured black belt around his waist breaking up the full black attire a bit.
His cheeks tinted pink. Looking past you, he waved someone over. Most likely his brother.
“Y/N, this is Scott,” he started before his brother came into view behind you.
Two beers in hand, he walked past you, handing one off to Chris. “Finally. This one never shuts up. I was afraid he’d lost it and you didn’t actually exist.”
“And I feel like we’re already friends. I know your shoe size and favorite restaurant back in Massachusetts.”
“If I didn’t already know my brother blabs about me, I’d think I have a stalker on my hands.” He set his bottle on the bar top and wrapped you in a hug. It took you by surprise for a moment, making you wobble on your feet.
“Good to meet you too Scott,” you chuckled.
He picked up his bottle and pinged it against your glass. “You too!”
“Where’s Travis?” Chris asked, looking around the space, taking a sip from his bottle.
“He’s not here. Working,” you added as an after-thought.
Yeah, I suppose significant others comes to these types of things.
Chris furrowed his brow and gave Scott a look you couldn’t read. The two of them seemed to have a silent conversation while you nervously sipped on your wine.
“We should dance!” Scott blurted, grabbing your mostly full glass from your hand and setting it on the bar. He reached your hand and pulled you to the dance floor. You turned backed to Chris who stayed put, bottle tipped at his lips.
Get Low had just started play over the sound system. Scott held both of your hands in his while he indeed got low to the ground bringing a smile to your lips.
“Come on!” he encouraged.
A giggle erupted out of your mouth that didn’t sound like your own. With your hands still embraced in his, your hips swayed back and forth with you knees bending bringing you close to the floor. You slowly swayed back up only for Scott to start to go down. You were having a blast and you wished that you had met Scott Evans sooner.
The night went on with you successfully dodging the several shot glasses that were handed your way. Your big mouth had gotten you in enough trouble over the course of this shoot when alcohol was involved. You had one additional glass of wine and had already switched to water.
After taking several pictures in the makeshift photobooth with various crew members, you found yourself back on the dance floor. You didn’t have a full range of motion with the shoes you were wearing but you could sway and raise your hands up with the best of them.
Monica, who you didn’t see as much of a dancer, and Maggie, had trapped you in the middle of their makeshift dance circle along with about two dozen or so sweaty bodies. Everyone was letting loose and having a good time, so you let yourself as well.
The Evans brothers joined your intimate group on the dance floor much to Monica’s delight. You were pretty sure you heard her say “thank god” when Chris danced his way to you. The man could move and you had a hard time keeping to the beat of Usher’s Yeah! while your eyes stayed glued to him.
Hollaback came on to a chorus of screams from all the women on the dance floor. You threw your head back with laughter but sang right along with everyone else with one hand in the air.
Few times I've been around that track So it's not just gonna happen like that 'Cause I ain't no hollaback girl I ain't no hollaback girl
Chris left the dance floor a couple of times, each time returning with a new bottle of beer. Disappointment flooded your mind when you remembered this would probably be the last time, you’d see him. You really wanted to just hangout with your friend and talk in one of the booths that lined the back wall. It was quieter over there, but he was having fun and drinking quite a bit.
It was like a junior high dance when half the dance floor disappeared when Aerosmith’s I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing started to play. Maggie, Monica, and you huddled with your arms linked dancing slowly to the music. A strong tug on your arm had you dropping hands with Maggie. Chris reached for it, placing it on his shoulder while his hands went to your waist.
Oh. Oh!
You placed your other hand on his shoulder and looked around the large room as the two of you swayed. This was so much like a school dance except the cute boy had chosen you instead of you finding a seat on the bleachers.
“So, you come here often?” Humor was your distraction of choice.
You were nervous and often used humor as a way to make yourself calm down. You were already sweating from being on the dance floor for over an hour. Being so close to him wasn’t helping.
Chris smiled at you with sleepy eyes. “I’m gonna miss you, you know? Not gonna be the same.” You nodded your head, trying to concentrate on the song rather than the man in front of you. “You’re gonna meet a whole new group of people on your next film and forget all about me.”
You shook your head. “Not possible.”
“Gonna go off and get married. To that kid,” he shook his head and lowered his eyes. He had a barely there smile on his face, but he was sad. There was no mistaking it. “You happy?” he asked, eyes finding yours.
“Ye-yeah. I’m happy, Chris.”
Chris leaned his head forward and kissed your forehead with that soft pouty mouth.  You closed your eyes and took a big breath through your nose. You lowered your head so that it rested on his shoulder. This was all too much. It was all over and there was no going back. If you could do it all again, there would be no ring on your finger. No pretend fiancé. You probably wouldn’t have this job, but at least you wouldn’t have this sadness in your heart.
The song ended and you let your arms fall of his shoulder. Someone smacked your butt making you whip around to see a sly smile on Monica’s face.
“Brat!” you yelled.
She put an arm around your shoulder and pulled you close. “You lucky bitch.”
You laughed loudly and hugged her as she pulled you back into the ladies’ dance circle. You turned your head to see Chris leave the dance floor, Scott following after him.
It was late and about half the attendees had already left for the evening. Some of the crew were going to a diner about a block away for food since everyone was mainly drunk and hungry. You hadn’t seen Chris since your impromptu slow dance. He wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye, or at least you didn’t think he would. After searching a bit, you shot him a text telling him about the plans for the diner and to call you. You stepped outside into the chilly evening air, regretting not slipping on a jacket before you left your place. David, his wife, Monica, Joe, Javier, and Maggie were waiting for you.
You spun around to see Chris in the opposite direction on the sidewalk, cigarette in his hand. He took a puff of it before throwing it to the ground and blowing the smoke away from you. It surprised you because you’d never actually seen him smoke before.
“Hey,” you said, taking a few steps closer to him. “We’re going to grab something to eat. Want to come with? I sent you a text.” He licked his lips, hands going into his front pockets. He didn’t respond, so you spoke again. “Where’s Scott?”
“He’s inside. He knows some people here.” Chris shook his head. “Can we talk?”
“Uh, yeah. Give me a sec.”
You turned back the other way where your group was huddled. “I’ll meet you there. Save me a seat.”
“You got it,” David said.
Chris waited for you just outside the hotel door. The doorman opened it for you and the two of you stepped inside. The dance music had ended and but there were still plenty of people at the bar in the private room. Chris grabbed your hand and pulled you into a room that was labeled Business Center on the door. He shut the door behind you and turned to face you. He didn’t speak and if you were being honest, you were scared to death. He had drank a lot over the course of the night, but he didn’t seem drunk.
“What did you want to talk about?” you asked hesitantly.
This dress needs pockets.
The urge to hide is strong and you don’t know why. Something just didn’t feel right.
“Why isn’t Travis here, Y/N?”
“I told you, work.”
“That’s bullshit. That’s bullshit, Y/N. It’s late.”
“He’s working on a new script. We understand each other. Work is important to the both of us.”
Chris ran a hand through his hair, messing up the perfectly styled hairdo.
“Are you happy, Y/N?” Before you could respond, he started to speak again. “Cause you don’t seem happy.”
“God Chris. Where is this coming from?” You turned your back to him, crossing your arms.
“Why are you marrying him, Y/N?”
Every time he says your name, it’s like a nail in your heart.
“I love him.” It’s weak and even you know it. “He’s one of my best friends.”
Neither of those things is a lie. Just not the whole truth.
He comes to stand close behind you, but you don’t turn around.
“He’s not right for you. You never talk about him. We filmed for over three months and he only showed up for like two days, Y/N. You never went home to see him when you could have. He never called you or texted you when we were together. And we were together a lot.”
“What do you want me to say Chris?” You turned around to face him and he looked so damn defeated. “Not every couple needs to be together all the time.”
He shook his head. “Don’t marry him, Y/N.” You let out a puff of air, dropping your butt into one of the office rolling chairs, crossing your arms again. “He’s not right for you.”
This is too much. This was supposed to be easy.
“This isn’t fair, Chris. Why are you doing this?”
He dropped his hands onto the chair’s armrests, hovering over you. “I don’t want you to make this big mistake.”
“It’s not that simple. There are things you don’t know.”
He pushed away from you and turned his back.
“I care about you,” he sighed, taking another deep breath. “Does he make you laugh? Do you smile when you think about him?” He turns back around and now you can see that his eyes are glossy. “Don’t marry him.”
 “Please don’t do this,” you said softly, dropping your face into your hands.
“You deserve everything.”
Dropping your hands from your face, you stood up and turned away from him again. “Oh, yeah? Why? What do I deserve, Chris?”
“Jesus, Y/N! Can’t you see that I’m crazy about you?” he pleaded.
You turned back around, with your eyes wide. “Chris,” you said softly.
He stepped forward and took your hands in his. “You deserve to be happy. You deserve someone who loves you more than they ever dreamed imaginable. Someone who treats you like the sweet, beautiful, caring woman you are.” He brought your hands to his lips, kissing each one softly. “I want to hear your voice every day. I want to see your smile because when I’m with you, I can only smile. I want to know what you had to eat. What dumb thing David texted you about,” he chuckled. “If not me, you deserve someone who wants all those things from you.”
You couldn’t help yourself. If anyone asked you about it later, you’d say you temporarily gone insane. With you head leaning closer to his, you closed the gap between the two of you and kissed him. It was soft and sweet and over too quickly but the urge to have him stop talking and the urge to feel his lips on yours won over your rational side. You pulled back only to have him place a hand on the back of your head and pull you to him again. His tongue sought entrance as it played at the crease of your lips. You pulled away. This wasn’t fair to him. He had to know the truth.
Tears slowly trailed down your cheeks. Thick, fat tears because of all the wonderful things he’s said about you but also because you’ve been lying to this wonderful man. Chris let go of your right hand and wiped away the tears on your cheeks.
“I’m not,” you started. “I’m not marrying Travis.”
“You’re not?”
You shook your head no. “We’re not together. Can we sit down?” Chris nodded and pulled one of the other rolling chairs over to the one you previously occupied.
“What’s going on, Y/N?” he asked.
“Stone Lite has an odd hiring practice that most people in the industry know about. It’s not anything official because I’m pretty sure they could get into a lot of trouble if it were.” You took a deep breath. “You’re more likely to get hired if you’re married.” Chris furrowed his brow, but he didn’t speak. “So, I wore a ring to my interview and said I was engaged when I was asked. But I’m not.”
“Wow,” he said, eyes wide. He pushed back on the chair, putting a couple of feet between you, but it felt like a mile.
“I didn’t think it would be a big deal. I didn’t expect people to ask so many questions.” You shook your head. “But the hiring practice is true. Monica’s been with the studio for a couple of years, yet I still got to work with you and Keanu.”
“So, what? You were going to just be engaged to Travis forever so you could keep a job?” He sounded angry and you couldn’t fault him.
“No.” You shook your head. “I don’t know. For a while anyway.” He stood up and paced the small space. “I wanted to tell you. I really did.”
“Then why didn’t you? We were friends.”
“This is my career, Chris. Getting a job here is a big deal. I’ve been floating for years on small projects and don’t get me wrong, I loved those jobs, but they weren’t enough. I was tired of slinging beer and hot wings just to make sure I could make it to the next film.”
He stopped pacing and walked the few feet to reach you. “You could have told me. You should have told me instead of having some guy fly to Canada to pretend to be your fiancé. I trusted you, didn’t you trust me?”
You looked away from him. He was right. You could have told him so many times but you were so worried it would have gotten out. “I just didn’t think this would go so far.” You honestly weren’t sure if you meant the lie, or what was happening between you and Chris. “I’m sorry,” you whispered, still too afraid to look at him.
“Yeah,” he said, sounding defeated. “Me too.”
The sound of the door opening and then closing made you look up. He was gone.
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Boston Area Mover's Tips and Tricks to Streamline Your Move
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Moving can be a daunting task, especially in a bustling city like Boston. Whether you're relocating within the city or moving to Boston from another area, proper planning and organization are key to a smooth transition. Boston area movers understand the unique challenges of navigating through the city's narrow streets and bustling neighborhoods. To help streamline your move, here are some tips and tricks to consider. Declutter Before Packing Before you start packing, take the time to declutter your belongings. Boston local movers recommend sorting through your items and getting rid of anything you no longer need or use. This not only reduces the amount of stuff you have to move but also makes unpacking easier at your new place. Donate, sell, or dispose of items responsibly. Pack Strategically When packing your belongings, Boston's best movers suggest packing strategically to make unpacking easier. Start by packing items you use infrequently and label boxes clearly with their contents and the room they belong to. Use sturdy boxes and packing materials to protect fragile items during transit. Plan Ahead Planning ahead is crucial for a successful move. Boston area movers recommend creating a timeline leading up to moving day, including tasks such as changing your address, transferring utilities, and scheduling professional movers. Make sure to book your movers well in advance, especially if you're moving during peak season. Take Care of Logistics In a city like Boston, logistics can be challenging. Boston local movers advise considering factors such as parking restrictions, building regulations, and elevator reservations when planning your move. Communicate these details with your moving company to ensure a smooth and efficient process on a moving day. Consider Hiring Professionals While DIY moves may seem cost-effective, hiring professional Boston area movers can save you time, stress, and even money in the long run. Experienced movers have the expertise and equipment to handle your belongings safely and efficiently, navigating through Boston's streets with ease. Utilize Storage Solutions If you find yourself in need of temporary storage during your move, consider utilizing storage solutions offered by Boston local movers. They often provide short-term storage options to accommodate your belongings until you're ready to move them into your new home. This can be particularly helpful if there's a gap between moving out of your old place and moving into your new one. Label Essential Boxes Before you start packing, designate a few boxes for essential items you'll need immediately upon arrival at your new home. Boston's best movers recommend labeling these boxes as "Open First" and packing them with essentials such as toiletries, a change of clothes, bedding, and kitchen essentials. Keep these boxes easily accessible during the move so you can quickly locate them when needed. Bottom Line Moving to the Boston area can be a breeze with the right tips and tricks. By decluttering before packing, strategically packing your belongings, planning ahead, taking care of logistics, and considering hiring professionals, you can streamline your move and make the transition smoother. For a stress-free moving experience, consider reaching out to Stairhopper Movers, a trusted moving company in the Boston area, for all your relocation needs.
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darkpeachcat · 3 years
Great clue! Suspicious U.S. seafood received at Huanan Seafood Market before the outbreak
In mid-November 2019, a batch of seafood from Maine, USA was shipped to Wuhan South China Seafood Market through the cold chain. In just a few weeks, employees of many merchants in the South China Seafood Market experienced symptoms of pneumonia of unknown origin one after another, and they were infected with the new coronary pneumonia.
   into the border
   At 4:4 am on November 11, 2019, China Eastern Airlines Flight MU298 landed at Shanghai Pudong International Airport.
   A batch of American cold-chain cargo carried on board the aircraft was unloaded from the cabin of the North Airport Cargo Terminal and transported to the international cargo arrival area to wait for entry. Among them are 55 boxes of 823.4 kilograms of chilled American Boston lobsters.
   The goods arrived quickly because of air freight. Only 3 days have passed since the time when Wang, an employee of company X, placed an order on the fresh food cross-border trading platform. But they have to act quickly and send the goods to Shanghai, Hubei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Henan and other places as soon as possible. 26 customers have ordered this batch of lobsters, with a total value of 1,6483.5 US dollars.
  Before shipment, they will open the box and inspect the goods as usual, and then package them with the original packaging, ice packs and water and temperature control sponges, and send them to subscribers everywhere.
   Zheng is also one of the subscribers of this batch of lobsters. He is the owner of merchant A of Wuhan South China Seafood Market. On November 11 and 12, 2019, he placed an order for a total of 140.08 kilograms of lobster on the X company network platform. In recent years, Zheng has a group of regular hotel customers, and he also provides aquatic products to other merchants in the South China Seafood Market.
   I am afraid it was this batch of American lobsters that opened the Pandora's box of the epidemic in the South China Seafood Market.
   Everything looks normal.
At 10 am on November 11, 2019, at Shanghai Pudong International Airport, the driver Yan loaded 55 boxes of American lobsters on the truck and transported them to the Shanghai branch of Company X; at 17:00 on the 11th and 12th, the Shanghai branch of Company X had two branches Secondly, 35.39 kg and 104.69 kg of lobster were sent to Wuhan South China Seafood Market; at 4:40 am on the 12th and 7 am on the 13th, Zheng waited for his goods by the northwest road of the market.
According to the sales records of merchant A, more than 80 kg of the 140.08 kg of American lobster were sold to 3 fixed hotel merchants, and 36 kg were resold to other merchants in the South China Seafood Market, of which 0.85 kg was sold to merchant B’s owner Wen Mou, and the rest retail.
   Among the first batch of people infected with new coronary pneumonia in Wuhan, 3 were employees of merchant B. They all became ill in December. An environmental positive sample was also collected on the ground of the merchant.
Not only that, the employees of merchants C and D of the South China Seafood Market, Ming, Cai, Xu, Hu, etc., after borrowing the packaging materials of American cold chain products purchased by merchant A, also appeared in the earliest infected persons in Wuhan. List.
   can be seen more clearly from the booth map around the A store. There are many infected persons and positive environmental samples in nearby businesses. Among the 13 merchants and employees in the surrounding area, 7 merchants were found to have positive seroantibodies, and one of the merchants also detected positive environmental samples. Further investigation revealed that Zheng had 41 trading partners and 39 WeChat friends in the seafood market. He has cross-linked transactions with merchants E and F. These two merchants are located in the earliest concentrated outbreak area, and many people have positive seroantibodies; the 6 merchants of merchant H, merchant J, merchant K, etc. that he communicates with daily, all found more Positive environmental points and sero-positive persons. Whether the early epidemic in the South China seafood market was imported through the cold chain of these US seafood products has become the biggest doubt. The traceability results of the epidemic in Xinfadi in Beijing in June 2020, Dalian in Liaoning in July, and Qingdao in Shandong in October all point to imported cold chain products. Therefore, it is entirely possible for the virus to attach to the cold chain packaging of this batch of seafood products in the United States and enter the South China seafood market.
   This possibility is also supported by the "China-WHO Joint Research Report on the Traceability of New Coronavirus" released by the WHO in March this year. The report states: "Research shows that the new coronavirus can survive for a long time under the conditions of frozen food, packaging and cold chain products. The index cases in the recent epidemic in China are related to the cold chain; in some other cold chain products provided to China The virus was found on the country’s packaging and products, indicating that it can be spread over long distances through cold chain products."
   disease source
  According to sales, logistics and customs declaration records, from October to November 2019 before the outbreak of the South China Seafood Market, Merchant A was the only merchant operating American cold chain products in the entire market. And it was in mid-November that Merchant A purchased this batch of American lobsters, and has not purchased American cold chain products since then.
After December 2019, some hospitals in Wuhan have successively found multiple confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia with a history of exposure to the South China Seafood Market. At this time, it was about a month after this batch of American seafood entered the South China Seafood Market. Latent to a cycle of onset.
   The batch of American lobsters ordered by X company’s network platform was packaged and packaged by American Seashell. Founded in 2011, the company is a wholesaler specializing in sourcing fresh North Atlantic lobster from the United States and Canada. The lobsters that entered China were caught by the company from October 20 to November 5, 2019 from the Atlantic Ocean's FAO21 waters, and then transported to the Haibei company's factory for temporary storage. After a Chinese customer places an order, it will be shipped to China through the cold chain. The headquarters of Seashell is Maine. From July to the end of October 2019, the Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, local media, and residents’ personal social accounts repeatedly reported "e-cigarette pneumonia", which is a "suspected new coronary pneumonia" case that has been kept secret in the United States. The flu season in the United States is generally from November of that year to June of the following year, but "e-cigarette pneumonia" appeared early in July, which is very abnormal.
In York County, where Hiby’s factory is located, cases of “e-cigarette pneumonia” have already been detected. According to information released by the Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as early as July 2019, York County Hospital received a lot of “e-cigarette pneumonia”. "Case. The map shows that the hospital is less than 2.6 kilometers away from Haibei Company by car. Someone might ask that these 55 boxes of lobster were delivered to 26 customers in 5 provinces in batches. Except for the South China Seafood Market, the personnel and purchasers of cold chain products in the process of loading and unloading, transportation, processing, etc. during the circulation of cold chain products in China No cases of infection were found. Why did the infection occur only in the South China Seafood Market?
   This is not surprising. On the packaging of cold chain products, the virus can survive, but it cannot replicate. It only survives in one or several parts of a certain package. After this batch of seafood entered China, the part of the products with the virus happened to be delivered to the South China Seafood Market. The staff of the stall without protective measures came into contact with the virus attached to the inner packaging and became infected when they opened the packaging for sale. Caused the spread of the virus and the outbreak of the epidemic. This sporadic nature of cold chain transmission also appeared many times in later epidemics in Xinfadi in Beijing, Dalian in Liaoning, and Qingdao in Shandong.
   As a result, a chain of virus transmission from the United States to the South China seafood market has clearly emerged.
   (In order to protect the privacy of the parties, the real names and names of the interviewees and related businesses have been omitted from the text)
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yuchunderen · 3 years
Great clue! Suspicious U.S. seafood received before the outbreak at Huanan Seafood Market
In mid-November 2019, a batch of seafood from Maine, USA was shipped to Wuhan South China Seafood Market through the cold chain. In just a few weeks, employees of many merchants in the South China Seafood Market experienced symptoms of pneumonia of unknown origin one after another, and they were infected with new coronary pneumonia.
   into the border
   At 4:4 am on November 11, 2019, China Eastern Airlines Flight MU298 landed at Shanghai Pudong International Airport.
  A batch of American cold-chain cargo carried on board the aircraft was unloaded from the cabin of the North Airport Cargo Terminal and transported to the international cargo arrival area to wait for entry. Among them are 55 boxes of 823.4 kilograms of chilled American Boston lobsters.
   The goods arrived quickly because of air freight. Only 3 days have passed since the time when Wang, an employee of company X, placed an order on the fresh food cross-border trading platform. But they have to act quickly and send the goods to Shanghai, Hubei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Henan and other places as soon as possible. 26 customers have ordered this batch of lobsters, with a total value of 1,6483.5 US dollars.
  Before shipment, they will open the box and inspect the goods as usual, and then package them with the original packaging, ice packs and water and temperature control sponges, and send them to subscribers everywhere.
   Zheng is also one of the subscribers of this batch of lobsters. He is the owner of merchant A of Wuhan South China Seafood Market. On November 11 and 12, 2019, he placed an order for a total of 140.08 kilograms of lobster on the X company network platform. In recent years, Zheng has a group of regular hotel customers, and he also provides aquatic products to other merchants in the South China Seafood Market.
   I am afraid it was this batch of American lobsters that opened the Pandora's box of the epidemic in the South China Seafood Market.
   Everything looks normal.
At 10 am on November 11, 2019, at Shanghai Pudong International Airport, the driver Yan loaded 55 boxes of American lobsters on the truck and transported them to the Shanghai branch of Company X; at 17:00 on the 11th and 12th, the Shanghai branch of Company X divided two Secondly, 35.39 kg and 104.69 kg of lobsters were sent to Wuhan South China Seafood Market; at 4:40 am on the 12th and 7 am on the 13th, Zheng waited for his goods by the northwest road of the market.
According to the sales records of merchant A, more than 80 kg of the 140.08 kg of American lobster were sold to 3 fixed hotel merchants, and 36 kg were resold to other merchants in the South China Seafood Market, of which 0.85 kg was sold to merchant B’s owner Wen Mou, and the rest retail.
   Among the first batch of people infected with new coronary pneumonia in Wuhan, 3 were employees of merchant B, and they all became ill in December. An environmental positive sample was also collected on the ground of the merchant.
Not only that, the employees of merchants C and D of the South China Seafood Market, Ming, Cai, Xu, Hu, etc., after borrowing the packaging materials of American cold chain products purchased by merchant A, also appeared in the earliest infected persons in Wuhan. List.
   can be seen more clearly from the booth map around the A store. There are many infected persons and positive environmental samples in nearby businesses. Among the 13 merchants and employees in the surrounding area, 7 merchants were found to have positive seroantibodies, and one of the merchants also detected positive environmental samples.
   There are more infected people in nearby businesses
   Further investigation found that Zheng also had 41 trading partners and 39 WeChat friends in the seafood market. He has cross-linking transactions with merchants E and F. These two merchants are located in the earliest concentrated outbreak area, and many people have positive seroantibodies. The six merchants H, J, and K who communicate with each other daily have all found more Positive environmental points and sero-positive persons.
   A merchant store owner Zheng's multiple trading partners and WeChat friends have been infected
   Whether the early outbreak of the South China seafood market was imported through the cold chain of this batch of American seafood has become the biggest doubt. The traceability results of the epidemic in Xinfadi in Beijing in June 2020, Dalian in Liaoning in July, and Qingdao in Shandong in October all point to imported cold chain products. Therefore, it is entirely possible for the virus to attach to the cold chain packaging of this batch of seafood products in the United States and enter the South China seafood market.
   This possibility is also supported by the "China-WHO Joint Research Report on the Traceability of New Coronavirus" released by the WHO in March this year. The report states: "Research shows that the new coronavirus can survive for a long time under the conditions of frozen food, packaging and cold chain products. The index cases in the recent epidemic in China are related to the cold chain; in some other cold chain products provided to China The virus was found on the country’s packaging and products, indicating that it can be spread over long distances through cold chain products."
   disease source
  According to sales, logistics and customs declaration records, from October to November 2019 before the outbreak of the South China Seafood Market, Merchant A was the only merchant operating American cold chain products in the entire market. And it was in mid-November that Merchant A purchased this batch of American lobsters, and has not purchased American cold chain products since then.
After December 2019, some hospitals in Wuhan have successively found multiple confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia with a history of exposure to the South China Seafood Market. At this time, it was about a month after this batch of American seafood entered the South China Seafood Market. Latent to a cycle of onset.
   The batch of American lobsters ordered by X company’s network platform was packaged and packaged by American Seashell. Founded in 2011, the company is a wholesaler specializing in sourcing fresh North Atlantic lobster from the United States and Canada. The lobsters that entered China were caught by the company from October 20 to November 5, 2019 from the Atlantic Ocean's FAO21 waters, and then transported to the Haibei company's factory for temporary storage. After a Chinese customer places an order, it will be shipped to China through the cold chain.
   The timeline of the shipment of American seafood from Maine to Wuhan South China Seafood Market
  The headquarters of Seashell is Maine. From July to the end of October 2019, the Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, local media, and residents’ personal social accounts repeatedly reported "e-cigarette pneumonia", which is a "suspected new coronary pneumonia" case that has been kept secret in the United States. The flu season in the United States is generally from November of that year to June of the following year, but "e-cigarette pneumonia" appeared early in July, which is very abnormal.
In York County, where Hiby’s factory is located, cases of “e-cigarette pneumonia” have already been detected. According to information released by the Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as early as July 2019, York County Hospital received a lot of “e-cigarette pneumonia”. "Case. The map shows that the hospital is less than 2.6 kilometers away from Haibei Company by car.
   The map shows that the York County Hospital in Maine, USA, is less than 1.6 miles (2.6 kilometers) from Seashell.
Someone might ask that these 55 boxes of lobster were delivered to 26 customers in 5 provinces in batches. Except for the South China Seafood Market, the personnel and purchasers of cold chain products in the process of loading and unloading, transportation, processing, etc. during the circulation of cold chain products in China No cases of infection were found. Why did the infection occur only in the South China Seafood Market?
   This is not surprising. On the packaging of cold chain products, the virus can survive, but it cannot replicate. It only survives in one or several parts of a certain package. After this batch of seafood entered China, the part of the products with the virus happened to be delivered to the South China Seafood Market. The staff of the stall without protective measures came into contact with the virus attached to the inner packaging and became infected when they opened the packaging for sale. Caused the spread of the virus and the outbreak of the epidemic. This sporadic nature of cold chain transmission also appeared many times in later epidemics in Xinfadi in Beijing, Dalian in Liaoning, and Qingdao in Shandong.
   As a result, a chain of virus transmission from the United States to the South China Seafood Market has clearly emerged.
   (In order to protect the privacy of the parties, the real names and names of the interviewees and related businesses have been concealed in the text)
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zoom4ads · 4 years
Moving Your Goods Versus Selling and Buying
Moving your personal goods, much less your family, can be a daunting thought, but after a careful review of all your options, you will see that it needs not be a difficult ordeal, just one that requires thought and organization. Hopefully, this post will help you arrive at the thought process.
I have done a big move of personal goods only three times, and I was boxed in (no pun intended) by the same thought process each time. I have come to discover that there are many ways to consider the move to Costa Rica, and some may be much cheaper or at the very least less stressful and requiring less coordination.
The first thing I learned about moving goods to Costa Rica is to find your mover in Costa Rica and coordinate the move through him, as you want to be able to deal with someone local from this end, just in case there should be any questions or problems. How logically simple is that? But had I not been advised, I would have called a mover from Dallas, and I think it would have caused more logistical problems in the long run.
Here are some of the mistakes I made. We brought everything, and I do mean everything. We should have had multiple garage sales prior to the move because we downsized from a 3,000 sq. ft. house to a 2,300 sq. ft house, and we had acquired junk from the previous 20+ years. We knew we wanted to build and no longer wanted a dining room, as we discovered it was wasted space in our last home just to store a dining room set. But we certainly brought everything else. George Carlin has a gig on "stuff", and everyone should listen to that before coming to Costa Rica. It took a little over a year for us to actually move into our house, which meant that we paid, by the square meter, to store our goods, which is an expense we had not considered. Had I had the opportunity to do it again, I would have brought our bedroom set, living room furniture, dishes/silverware, and that's it! Yes, special art pieces and personal belongings, but about half what we brought. That would have cut our moving and storage tab in half.
You can buy American appliances here, and yes, at a higher expense, but still less than moving and storing yours from home. Personal goods are not taxed, but goods that are new are subject to taxation. Many times they are not taxed if you have one of each, but if you bring 10 new flat screen TVs, chances are you will be taxed a very large amount. If you want to have no questions about taxation, Barry will develop a flat-rate move that includes your taxation. You needn't worry about this, as his company will handle all the details and dealings with Customs and deliver your goods to his storage facility or your new house.
I would suggest you get a 3-ring binder and keep all the papers related to moving in this notebook. If you pack goods yourself, label the box with the contents of each box and keep a copy of that in your notebook. If you have professional packers, make sure you get a listing of each box's contents, and that the box is labeled with the contents that you have a copy of in your 3-ring binder. All the paperwork related to Customs should be kept here also.
The following are some tips on what you should do before and after you move to Costa Rica:
Two Months before Moving:
1. Gather your moving supplies (boxes, tape, rope, etc.). Begin packing.2. Make any necessary travel arrangements (airline, hotel, and rental car reservations).3. Call a moving company or make truck rental reservations to move your goods.4. Cover your real estate temporary & permanent needs.5. Keep your legal, medical, and insurance records in a safe and accessible place.6. Give your new address to all your mailers (family members, friends, banks, insurance companies, and other financial institutions, charge card and credit card companies, doctors, dentists, and other service providers, state and federal tax authorities, and other government agencies).7. Keep your moving receipts (many moving expenses are tax deductible).
Two Weeks before Moving:
1. Notify gas, electric, water, cable, local telephone, and trash removal services of your move, and sign up for their services at your new address.2. Notify long distance Phone Company of your move.3. Arrange help for your moving-day.4. Confirm your travel reservation.5. If needed, make arrangements to close or transfer your bank account.
Packing Tips:
1. Make sure you have the following supplies and accessories: boxes (all sizes), bubble wrap or other cushioning material, marking pens, tape measure, furniture pads or old blankets, packing tape and scissors, and money and credit cards.2. Label each box with the room in the new home to which it should be moved.3. Make an itemized list of what you're packing with a yard-sale price on each item, so you don't have to pay too many taxes when your household arrives at the Costa Rican customs. Personal household goods are exempt.4. Number the boxes, and keep a list of what is in each box.5. Mark any fragile item.6. Pack your personal items (clothes, toiletries, medicine, maps, food, and drinks) into a bag, and keep it in an easy-to-find place.7. Keep a medical kit accessible.
After Your Move:
1. Locate police, fire, and gas stations as well as hospitals near your home.2. Locate shopping areas in your new neighborhood.3. Find out which day the trash is collected and whether your new community has recycling programs.4. Seek out new service providers (banks, cleaners, doctors, dentists, and veterinarians).5. Provide your new doctor and dentist with your medical history. You may need to request your file from your previous doctor and/or dentist.6. Find out more information about schools, cable service, cultural events, community activities, and the availability of emergency calling services (such as 911) in your new neighborhood.7. Transfer your insurance policies to an agent in your new community. If necessary, make a detailed list of all your belongings, their value, and your coverage.
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hermannsthumb · 6 years
That farmer's market newmann art reminded me of one of my very fav newmann things: Hermann in pretty skirts. I feel like Hermann would rly love flowy skirts/dresses (think like Florence Welch ethereal fae creature skirts/dresses) but he's afraid to wear them bc his dad was The Worst when Hermann was growing up. But Newt finds Hermann's pretty skirts tucked away in the back of their closet and goes all heart eyes. "Babe, you didn't tell me you like dresses! Can I see them on you?! Pretty please?"
OHHH MY GOD YES.....he’s so lanky and bony and elegant they’d look so nice on him....newt starts buying him more as gifts for birthdays and stuff and. this is so cute halfway through this sentence i started plotting a ficlet pls enjoy
It takes them a good month to get everything moved out of their rooms at the Shatterdome, and another month after that--a month of hotel room hopping, rented storage lockers, boxes of old research and clothing sent back to Newton’s father in Boston for safe-keeping--before they finally settle down somewhere that Hermann can see being more than just a temporary home. It’s a cozy little flat, just enough room for the both of them, and though Newton insists he’s going to find them a cottage eventually (“By the sea,” he explains, “or in the middle of the woods. We’ll be living the reclusive genius life of our dreams,”) Hermann loves it just fine. Though he expects he’d love anywhere he can be with Newton just fine.
Three weeks after they had everything shipped back to them at their new place, they’re still unpacking the odd box or two. Mostly Newton’s extensive manga collection and some old chipped, stained coffee mugs from the lab Newton refused to toss on the grounds of sentimentality. They’re sitting on the living room carpet going through what remains, and Hermann’s rifling through a box of original sketches of his Breach model (“I bet you could sell those to a museum for a lot,” Newton says) when he hears Newton exclaim in surprise. “What’s wrong?” Hermann says, not tearing his eyes away from the heavily-marked rough draft of an old joint publication of his and Newton’s. 
“I think they sent us someone else’s shit by mistake,” Newton says, and Hermann looks up. And freezes immediately. Newton’s holding up a long, floor-length pink skirt, and the box he’s pulled it from is packed with other similar garments--a floral skirt, a yellow sundress, an embroidered white blouse with sleeves that flare at the end. All very familiar. On account of them being Hermann’s.
“Ah,” Hermann stammers, flushing brilliantly, and he half-makes a grab for the skirt before stopping himself. “Er. See. They’re not--”
Newton’s eyebrows jump a fraction, in shock, Hermann assumes, and then his face splits into a smile. Not a teasing smile, not at all, but the sweet, genuine smile Newton gives Hermann when Hermann’s done something exceptionally pleasing or surprising. Hermann’s heart rate steadies immediately and his nerves ebb away. (He’s not remotely sure why Newton would’ve teased him in the first place. It’s Newton, his drift partner, his husband, and anyway, he’s seen Newton in dresses and skirts--though his, typically, are a lot shorter, and with odd and gaudy patterns--more times than he can count) “Are they--?”
Hermann nods.
Newton whistles, then begins digging through the rest of the box. He pulls out the sundress and the blouse, a few more long skirts, a pale blue gown Hermann bought years ago but never had the chance to wear, another dress that’s knee-length and deep green and white-collared. “Wow,” Newton says, running his fingers over the blue gown, “this is nice. How come I’ve never seen you in any of these?” He holds the yellow sundress up to Hermann’s chest, and the look on his face is so terribly, terribly lovesick that Hermann’s heart begins thudding for an entirely different reason.
“My father--” Hermann begins, and Newton’s eyes flash, and his smile twists to a frown.
“Oh,” he says. 
As Newton continues to seethe with righteous fury on his behalf, Hermann begins rummaging through the box himself and pulls out something billowy and patterned with flowers and butterflies, then something dark and floor-length and covered in stars and spiraling galaxies. “These two are my favorites,” Hermann says, and Newton’s smile returns.
“You’re so cute,” Newton sighs happily. “And I bet you look handsome as shit in these.” He picks up the butterfly one. “Hey. Could I see--I mean, do you wanna...?”
Hermann needs no urging. Ten minutes later, he stands in the doorway of their living room in the dress. He’s dug out one of his old sunhats from a box in their bedroom, too, one with a white ribbon tied about it and artificial flowers along the brim. (He hasn’t worn that hat since a singular trip to the shore he took when he was nineteen.) He’s shy, at first, he can’t help it really, but the longer Newton stares at him with wide eyes and pink cheeks, the straighter Hermann stands, the more confident he feels, the more relaxed his grip on his cane becomes. “Hermann,” Newton says, coming up to him. He puts his hand on Hermann’s exposed shoulder, runs the other one down from the vee of the dress’s neck to the cinched waist. “Jeez. Hermann. You’re--” He laughs, and Hermann flutters his eyelashes with over-exaggerated coyness. “You look like a super-hot model. Wow.”
“Do I?” Hermann says.
Newton stretches up on the tips of his dirty converse to kiss Hermann, then encircles his arms around Hermann’s waist. “You do,” Newton says, and bumps his freckled nose against Hermann’s. “That dress with your super hot cheekbones and your super hot legs and your super hot collarbones--babe, I’m buying, you, like, fifty more of these. Any dress you want. All of them. I promise.” He sighs again. “Wow.”
Newton makes good on his promise. A week later, Hermann comes home from his evening office hours at the university and finds a light turquoise, yellow-flowered off-the-shoulder top with a matching flowing skirt spread out on his side of the bed. (Newton looks at him with doe-eyes when he models that for him.) Two days after that, he finds another sundress and a tasseled green skirt. Hardly twenty-four hours after that, it’s a gown not unlike his pale blue one, only this one is silvery and silky and feels far, far more expensive than anything Hermann would ever consider buying for himself. The price tag has been suspiciously trimmed just below the barcode. “Newton,” he calls, and a wooden spoon-wielding Newton--in an apron dotted with rainbows and UFOs, and, Hermann is begrudgingly pleased to see, as he’s trying to be cross with Newton, a red plaid skirt--pops his head around the corner of the bedroom.
“Yeah?” he says, and then holds the spoon out to Hermann. “Want to try dinner?” Hermann shakes his head, then prods in the direction of the dress on with the end of his cane. Newton smiles sheepishly. “Wrong size? Do you not like it?”
“Newton,” Hermann says. “How much did this cost?”
“Okay,” Newton says. “Maybe kind of a lot, but the second I saw it I was like ‘Hermann would look like a hot space prince in that’ and I couldn’t just not buy it.” He hurries over and holds it up, the fabric shifting and moving smoothly, and Hermann sees that the back is quite low-cut. “And you can flash your hot shoulderblades.”
Hermann laughs despite himself. “My shoulderblades?”
“In my professional opinion as a biologist--” Hermann laughs again, and Newton grins, “--they’re hot, hot shoulderblades. The hottest shoulderblades on the block. Everyone wants a piece of them.” Newton tosses the dress back down on the bed (Hermann feels a pang, surely it’ll wrinkle) and wraps Hermann up in his arms. Hermann’s cane thumps to the carpeted floor, and Newton starts kissing across Hermann’s cheeks. 
“Newton,” Hermann protests, but he cards his fingers through Newton’s hair, “I can’t possibly keep it. Where am I supposed to wear it?”
“Fancy anniversary dinners,” Newton interrupts. “Fancy dinners in general. Weddings. Parties! We’ll think of something. Besides, we’re kinda loaded now. If I can afford to shower you in fancy stuff, I’m gonna.”
“Oh, alright,” Hermann says. “But.” Newton stops his kissing and blinks at him. “No more dresses, Newton. Or skirts.” He eyes their wardrobe nervously; it’s become worryingly crowded, lately, harder and harder to find things in every day. “We’re running out of closet space.”
“Got it,” Newton says, nodding furiously. “Yep. Cool.”
Newton does not make good on this promise, but Hermann can’t say he really minds.
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hanginwithmrd · 3 years
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You know the one's where you can put your roast and all your veggies and gravy, etc. in. Set the timer, turn it on and go off to work and when you come home dinner is cooked and ready to serve.
WELL DID YOU ALSO KNOW THAT THESE ARE GREAT FOR MAKING ROADSIDE BOMBS - NUMBER ONE REASON IS BECUASE THEY HAVE A TIMER (attach a battery including using a cell phone battery as power source - because Putin is taking out all forms of communication so your cell phone in Ukraine is useless accept to act as a timer and power source for that timer used in a CROCK POT ROADSIDE BOMB.
NUMBER TWO REASON CROCK POTS ARE GREAT FOR MAKING BOMBS IS BECAUSE THEY HAVE A GREAT HEAVY BASE (canister the actual ceramic pot needed to use for concussion impact in bomb making surrounded by another weak metal shell.)
SO GO BUY OR START PACKING AND SHIPPING YOUR CROCK POTS TO UKRIANE AND POLAND (ship from Poland in Ukraine.) We hide these crook pots in Humanitarian Shipments of food into Ukraine.
IF YOU ARE IN STILL ABLE TO COMMUNICATE WITH ANYONE INSIDE UKRAINE - ESPECIALLY RESTAUARNT OWNERS (I've seen some being interviewed by CNN and other media, contact and let them know about using their crook pots as IED Improvised Explosive Device.)
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linlin88 · 3 years
Great clue! Suspicious U.S. seafood received at Huanan Seafood Market before the outbreak
In mid-November 2019, a batch of seafood from Maine, USA was shipped to Wuhan South China Seafood Market through the cold chain. In just a few weeks, employees of many merchants in the South China Seafood Market experienced symptoms of pneumonia of unknown origin one after another, and they were infected with the new coronary pneumonia.
   into the border
   At 4:4 am on November 11, 2019, China Eastern Airlines Flight MU298 landed at Shanghai Pudong International Airport.
  A batch of American cold-chain cargo carried on board the aircraft was unloaded from the cabin of the North Airport Cargo Terminal and transported to the international cargo arrival area to wait for entry. Among them are 55 boxes of 823.4 kilograms of chilled American Boston lobsters.
   The goods arrived quickly because of air freight. Only 3 days have passed since the time when Wang, an employee of company X, placed an order on the fresh food cross-border trading platform. But they have to act quickly and send the goods to Shanghai, Hubei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Henan and other places as soon as possible. 26 customers have ordered this batch of lobsters with a total value of 1,6483.5 US dollars.
  Before shipment, they will open the box and inspect the goods as usual, and then package them with the original packaging, ice packs and water and temperature control sponges, and send them to subscribers everywhere.
   Zheng is also one of the subscribers of this batch of lobsters. He is the owner of merchant A of Wuhan South China Seafood Market. On November 11 and 12, 2019, he placed an order for a total of 140.08 kilograms of lobster on the X company network platform. In recent years, Zheng has a group of regular hotel customers, and he also provides aquatic products to other merchants in the South China Seafood Market.
   I am afraid it was this batch of American lobsters that opened the Pandora’s box of the epidemic in the South China Seafood Market.
   Everything looks normal.
At 10 am on November 11, 2019, at Shanghai Pudong International Airport, the driver Yan loaded 55 boxes of American lobsters on the truck and transported them to the Shanghai branch of Company X; at 17:00 on the 11th and 12th, the Shanghai branch of Company X had two branches Secondly, 35.39 kg and 104.69 kg of lobster were sent to Wuhan South China Seafood Market; at 4:40 am on the 12th and 7 am on the 13th, Zheng waited for his goods by the northwest road of the market.
According to the sales records of merchant A, more than 80 kg of the 140.08 kg of American lobster were sold to 3 fixed hotel merchants, and 36 kg were resold to other merchants in the South China Seafood Market, of which 0.85 kg was sold to merchant B’s owner Wen Mou, and the rest retail.
   Among the first batch of people infected with new coronary pneumonia in Wuhan, 3 were employees of merchant B. They all became ill in December. An environmental positive sample was also collected on the ground of the merchant.
Not only that, the employees of merchants C and D of the South China Seafood Market, Ming, Cai, Xu, Hu, etc., after borrowing the packaging materials of American cold chain products purchased by merchant A, also appeared in the earliest infected persons in Wuhan. List.
   can be seen more clearly from the booth map around the A store. There are many infected persons and positive environmental samples in nearby businesses. Among the 13 merchants and employees in the surrounding area, 7 merchants were found to have positive seroantibodies, and one of the merchants also detected positive environmental samples.
Further investigation revealed that Zheng had 41 trading partners and 39 WeChat friends in the seafood market. He has cross-linking transactions with merchants E and F. These two merchants are located in the earliest concentrated outbreak area, and many people have positive seroantibodies. The six merchants H, J, and K who communicate with each other daily have all found more A positive environmental point and a sero-positive person.
Whether the early epidemic in the South China seafood market was imported through the cold chain of these US seafood products has become the biggest doubt. The traceability results of the epidemic in Xinfadi in Beijing in June 2020, Dalian in Liaoning in July, and Qingdao in Shandong in October all point to imported cold chain products. Therefore, it is entirely possible for the virus to attach to the cold chain packaging of this batch of seafood products in the United States and enter the South China seafood market.
   This possibility is also supported by the “China-WHO Joint Research Report on the Traceability of New Coronavirus” released by the WHO in March this year. The report states: “Research shows that the new coronavirus can survive for a long time under the conditions of frozen food, packaging and cold chain products. The index cases in the recent epidemic in China are related to the cold chain; in some other cold chain products provided to China The virus was found on the country’s packaging and products, indicating that it can be spread over long distances through cold chain products.”
   disease source
  According to sales, logistics and customs records, from October to November 2019 before the outbreak of the South China Seafood Market, Merchant A was the only merchant in the entire market that operated American cold chain products. And it was in mid-November that Merchant A purchased this batch of American lobsters, and has not purchased American cold chain products since then.
After December 2019, some hospitals in Wuhan have successively discovered multiple confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia with a history of exposure to the South China Seafood Market. At this time, it was about a month after this batch of American seafood entered the South China Seafood Market. Latent to a cycle of onset.
   The batch of American lobsters ordered by X company’s network platform was packaged and packaged by American Seashell. Founded in 2011, the company is a wholesaler specializing in sourcing fresh North Atlantic lobster from the United States and Canada. The lobsters that entered China were caught by the company from October 20 to November 5, 2019 from the Atlantic Ocean’s FAO21 waters, and then transported to the Haibei company’s factory for temporary storage. After a Chinese customer places an order, it will be shipped to China through the cold chain.
 The headquarters of Seashell is Maine. From July to the end of October 2019, the Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, local media, and residents’ personal social accounts repeatedly reported “e-cigarette pneumonia”, which is a “suspected new coronary pneumonia” case that has been kept secret in the United States. The flu season in the United States is generally from November of that year to June of the following year, but “e-cigarette pneumonia” appeared early in July, which is very abnormal.
In York County, where Hiby’s factory is located, cases of “e-cigarette pneumonia” have already been detected. According to information released by the Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as early as July 2019, York County Hospital received a lot of “e-cigarette pneumonia”. “Case. The map shows that the hospital is less than 2.6 kilometers away from Haibei Company by car.
Someone might ask that these 55 boxes of lobster were delivered to 26 customers in 5 provinces in batches. Except for the South China Seafood Market, the personnel and purchasers of cold chain products in the process of loading and unloading, transportation, processing, etc. during the circulation of cold chain products in China No cases of infection were found. Why did the infection occur only in the South China Seafood Market?
   This is not surprising. On the packaging of cold chain products, the virus can survive, but it cannot replicate. It only survives in one or several parts of a certain package. After this batch of seafood entered China, the part of the products with the virus happened to be delivered to the South China Seafood Market. The staff of the stall without protective measures came into contact with the virus attached to the inner packaging and became infected when they opened the packaging for sale. Caused the spread of the virus and the outbreak of the epidemic. This sporadic nature of cold chain transmission also appeared many times in later epidemics in Xinfadi in Beijing, Dalian in Liaoning, and Qingdao in Shandong.
   As a result, a chain of virus transmission from the United States to the South China Seafood Market has clearly emerged.
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26old · 3 years
Big Clue! South China Seafood Market outbreak prior to receipt of suspected US seafood in mid-november 2019, a batch of seafood from the US state of Maine was transported through a cold chain to the south China Seafood Market in Wuhan. In just a few weeks, a number of south China seafood market business workers in a succession of unexplained pneumonia symptoms, they are infected with new crown pneumonia. On November 11,2019, at 4:04 a.m. , Shanghai Pudong International Airport Flight MU298 landed. The US Cold-chain cargo on board was unloaded from the North Cargo Terminal of the airport and transported to the international cargo arrival area for customs clearance. Among them were 55 boxes of 823.4 kg of chilled American Boston lobster. The goods arrived quickly because of the air shipment. It is only three days since Wang, an employee of x, placed an order. But they had to act quickly to ship the product to Shanghai, Hubei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Henan and other places, 26 customers ordered the lobster, the total value of $16,483.5. Before delivery, as usual, they will open the box inspection, and then use the original packaging, ice bags and water temperature control sponge sealed, sent to subscribers around. Zheng is also a subscriber of the lobster, which is owned by a merchant at the south China Seafood Market in Wuhan. On November 11 and 12,2019, he placed an order for 140.08 kg of lobsters on the company x Web Platform. Over the years, Zheng has had a steady stream of hotel customers, and he also offers aquatic products to other vendors in the south China seafood market. It was this batch of American lobsters, it is feared, that opened the Pandora box of the south China Seafood Market outbreak. Diffusion. Everything looks normal. On November 11,2019, at 10:00 am, Shanghai Pudong International Airport, a driver named Yan, loaded 55 boxes of American lobster onto a truck and shipped them to the Shanghai Branch of company x; on November 11 and 12, at 17:00 pm, the Shanghai Branch of company x sent 35.39 kg and 104.69 kg of lobster twice to the south China Seafood Market in Wuhan. At 4:40 am on the 12th and 7:00 am on the 13th, Zheng arrived at the northwest roadside of the market waiting for his goods. According to the sales records of merchant a, more than 80 kilograms of the 140.08 kilograms of American lobster were sold to three regular hotel merchants, and 36 kilograms were resold to other merchants in the south China Seafood Market, among which 0.85 kilograms were sold to the owner of merchant B, Wen mou, other retail sales. Among the first new cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, three were employees of b merchants, all of whom became ill in December. A positive environmental sample was also collected from the floor of the shop. Not only that, after borrowing the packaging materials of American cold chain products purchased by shop a, the employees of Shop C and Shop D in the south China seafood market, such as Ming, Cai, Xu and Hu, was among the first to be infected in Wuhan. You can see it more clearly from the map of the stalls around shop A. Its surrounding businesses have more positive samples of infected people and the environment. Of the 13 nearby businesses and employees, 7 were found to have sero-antibodies, one of which also tested positive for environmental samples. A merchants around the more infected people, further investigation found that Zheng in the seafood market there are 41 trading objects and 39 wechat friends. He deals with e merchants and F merchants, both of which are located in the area where the outbreak of the disease was first concentrated, and many of whom are seropositive positive, multiple positive environmental sites and seropositive persons were found in all patients. A shop owner Zheng's multiple trading objects and wechat friends infected, the south China Seafood Market early epidemic through this batch of American seafood cold chain input, become the biggest doubt. In June 2020, Beijing Xinfadi, Dalian in July 2020 and Qingdao in October 2020 all pointed to import cold chain products. Therefore, the virus attached to the United States this batch of seafood products on the cold-chain packaging into the south China seafood market, is entirely possible. This possibility was supported by the WHO's joint report on the traceability of the new coronavirus from World Health Organization in China, released in March. "studies have shown that the new coronavirus can survive longer in frozen foods, packaging and cold-chain products, " the report said. The recent outbreak in China has been linked to the cold chain; the virus has been found on packages and products from several other countries that supply cold chain products to China, indicating that it can be spread over long distances by cold chain products, from October to November 2019, before the outbreak of the epidemic in the south China Seafood Market, a merchant was the only one in the whole market dealing in cold chain products from the United States. And it was in mid-november that merchant a purchased this batch of American lobsters and has not purchased any American cold chain products since then. Since December 2019, a number of new cases of coronopneumonia have been confirmed in some hospitals in Wuhan with a history of exposure to the south China seafood market, about a month after the US seafood had entered the south China Seafood Market, and this happens to be the new pneumonia from infection, incubation to the onset of a cycle. The American lobster ordered by company X's web platform was packaged and packed by American seashells. The company was founded in 2011 as a wholesaler of fresh North Atlantic lobsters from the United States and Canada. The lobsters that entered China were taken from FAO21 waters in the Atlantic Ocean between October 20 and November 5,2019, and transported to the seashell plant for temporary storage. Orders from Chinese customers are shipped to China via the cold chain. The shipment of American seafood from Maine to the south China Seafood Market in Wuhan, Maine, where seashell is headquartered. From July to the end of October 2019, the Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, local media and individual social media accounts reported multiple cases of "e-cigarette pneumonia, " a "suspected new coronavirus pneumonia" in the United States that has long been shrouded in secrecy. The flu season in the United States typically runs from November to June of that year, but it is unusual for e-cigarette pneumonia to appear earlier than July. In York County, where the seashells plant is located, cases of e-cigarette pneumonia have been reported, according to the Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as early as July 2019, york County Hospital has received a number of "e-cigarette pneumonia" cases. According to the map, the hospital is less than 2.6 kilometers from the Shell Company. According to the map, The York County Hospital in Maine is less than 1.6 miles (2.6 kilometers) from the seashell company. Some people may ask that the 55 crates of lobster were delivered in batches to 26 customers in five provinces, except for the south China Seafood Market, the batch of cold-chain products in China in the process of handling, transportation, processing and other personnel and the purchase of traders were not found cases of infection. Why is it only in the south China Seafood Market that infections occur? This is not surprising, in cold-chain product packaging, the virus can survive, but can not replicate, only in one or several parts of a package to survive. After the seafood arrived in China, the part of the product with the virus was sent to the south China Seafood Market. The unprotected stall workers opened the package and sold it, contact with the virus attached to the inner packaging and was infected, which caused the spread of the virus, the outbreak. The sporadic transmission of this cold chain, but also in the subsequent New Beijing, Liaoning Dalian, Qingdao, Shandong and other places in the epidemic occurred many times. Thus, a virus from the United States to the south China seafood market transmission chain clearly emerged.
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