#temple sdj
bojangos · 7 months
bo, bo, bo.....please please how did revan become Tarre's master?
why is revan in the clone wars now? please how does this f-- up palpatine's plans please. i need to know
the typical way a padawan gains a master actually laksdjfl;sdj revan just Chillin' at a outer rim temple, sees this funky little mando initiate and gets very curious. the fic i'm writing(ish) for it actually goes over t his in more detail
i am assuming though you mean timeline wise! this also answers for tcw: they are just. Immortal for some reason (the Will of the Force, or as Revan says, 'The Force Won't Let Me Die'), a la Legends Jedi Master Fay (though they're older than her, even). I have a lot of issues with the novel and SWTOR's treatment of revan but i'm using the sith emperor using revan as a force battery as the closest thing to an explanation for why they stopped aging.
they actually don't mess up with palpy's plans Too badly at first because like. They're not omniscient, they don't know palpy is the sith lord. they're Sus as Hell but at first just going through the motions of War (and then palpy does get nervous when they are Much better at war than any other jedi).
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templetuesday · 4 years
2 June 2020 - Port-au-Prince Haiti (PORTA)
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165th Temple in the Church
2nd Temple in the Caribbean
1st Temple in Haiti
Announcement:  5 April 2015 Groundbreaking and Site Dedication:  28 October 2017 by Walter F. González Public Open House:  8–17 August 2019 Dedication:  1 September 2019 by David A. Bednar
Prior to the completion of the Port-au-Prince Haiti Temple, Church members had to travel across the border to the Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Temple, nearly a day’s journey. The Port-au-Prince Temple made it much easier for Haitian members of the Church to attend the temple, especially after the 2010 earthquake, which destroyed many of the documents necessary to allow travel across the border. In addition to the Port-au-Prince Haiti Temple, the temple site also includes a temple president's residence and ancillary building which houses utility equipment and a Church distribution center.
Sources: Photos from churchofjesuschrist.org. Facts and dates from churchofjesuschristtemples.org.
NEXT WEEK: Lisbon Portugal
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sunnydawn444 · 7 years
New Post has been published on Sunny Dawn Johnston
New Post has been published on https://sunnydawnjohnston.com/blog/how-do-you-learn-to-love-yourself-2/
How Do You Learn to Love Yourself?
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It is a question I am asked all of the time.
When I think back to how I began the process of learning to love myself, it was 10 steps. When I was 19 years old, I read a book called You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay. You know Louise Hay, right? She is one of the most incredible teachers of Self-Love there has ever been. She left this world on August 30th of this year, at the perfect age of 90. She truly was a teacher of absolute unconditional SELF-LOVE. I do the work I do because of this woman’s words, strung together in that amazing book, that I read back in 1990.
I am sure you have heard of the book, and have probably read it. It has sold millions and millions of copies world wide. It was a transformational LIFE-CHANGING book for me. When I read it the first time, I just had more questions. Some seeds got planted, but I didn’t really do anything with them.
However, a few of those seeds were watered. Six months later, I picked the book up again, and this time, not only did I read it, but I really READ it. Like I FELT it. I DID the exercises. I GOT IT!
It changed my life. The first thing I did was start talking nicer to myself. It was sooooo HARD, but I did it. I figured, what I was doing wasn’t working, so I might as well try something different. Within 9 months, I had moved out of my VERY unhealthy alcoholic boyfriend’s “shack” with my 14-month-old son. I began to find some self-esteem. I started to see some value, make some plans, show up differently.
It is a very long story, and one I don’t need to share here, but the purpose of sharing this part of the story is this: YOU CAN LEARN to LOVE YOURSELF!!!! If I can do it, you can do it!
Check out these 10 steps by Louise Hay. Which ones can you adopt, right now? Which ones are you willing to work on … today? Will you make a commitment to yourself, this minute, to take a step towards self-love? If you will, I’ll be here to hold your hand. I know how scary it can be … to let go of the old story, but come on … it is SOOOO OLD! Right?
It’s time for a new story …
So, check out the steps below and share with me in the comments … what steps you are willing to take? I can’t wait to watch your life blossom too. It really does work 🙂 My favorites are #1 and #9 🙂 GAME CHANGERS!!!!!!!!!
How to LOVE yourself – Louise Hay
1. Stop all criticism: Criticism never changes a thing. Refuse to criticize yourself. Accept yourself exactly as you are. Everybody changes. When you criticize yourself, your changes are negative. When you approve of yourself, your changes are positive. 2. Don’t scare yourself: Stop terrorizing yourself with your thoughts. It’s a dreadful way to live. Find a mental image that gives you pleasure (mine is yellow roses), and immediately switch your scary thought to a pleasure thought. 3. Be gentle and kind and patient: Be gentle with yourself. Be kind to yourself. Be patient with yourself as you learn the new ways of thinking. Treat yourself as you would someone you really loved. 4. Be kind to your mind: Self-hatred is only hating your own thoughts. Don’t hate yourself for having the thoughts. Gently change the thoughts. 5. Praise yourself: Criticism breaks the inner spirit. Praise builds it up. Praise yourself as much as you can. Tell yourself how well you are doing with every little thing. 6. Support yourself: Find ways to support yourself. Reach out to friends, and allow them to help you. It is being strong to ask for help when you need it. 7. Be loving to your negatives: Acknowledge that you created them to fulfill a need. Now you are finding new, positive ways to fulfill those needs. So, lovingly release the old negative patterns. 8. Take care of your body: Learn about nutrition. What kind of fuel does your body need to have optimum energy and vitality? Learn about exercise. What kind of exercise can you enjoy? Cherish and revere the temple you live in. 9. Mirror work: Look into your own eyes often. Express this growing sense of love you have for yourself. Forgive yourself looking into the mirror. Talk to your parents looking into the mirror. Forgive them, too. At least once a day, say: “I love you, I really love you!” 10. LOVE YOURSELF – DO IT NOW! Don’t wait until you get well or lose the weight, or get the new job, or find the new relationship. Begin NOW – do the best you can.
Please share below what you are willing to do to begin the journey of self love – SDJ♥ Also, if Louise Hay had an impact on your life, I’d love for you to share that as well. She is such a beautiful inspiring woman:) I say is, because her teachings have touched millions upon millions of people and that energy will ripple into infinity:)
If you enjoy this blog, click here to receive it in your inbox each time a new one is published: http://sunnydawnjohnston.com/blog/subscribe-to-my-blog
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shirtlessrunner · 7 years
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#courant au #templemormonparis avec une #religieuse #paris2017 #paris #france #parisfrancetemple #cours #courir #run #runner #running @werunsf.co #sfrunsparis #mormon #sdj #lds #lechesnay #versailles #sharegoodness #princeofpeace #hisday #helives réservez votre #visite #guidée #gratuit http://www.templemormonparis.org (at Paris, France LDS Temple)
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templetuesday · 4 years
19 May 2020 - Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo (KINSH)
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163rd Temple in the Church
4th Temple in Africa
1st Temple in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Announcement:  1 October 2011 Groundbreaking and Site Dedication:  12 February 2016 by Neil L. Andersen Public Open House:  12–30 March 2019 Dedication:  14 April 2019 by Dale G. Renlund
The Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple currently does not have an angel Moroni statue on the steeple, but the steeple was designed to support the addition of one at a later time. Members of the Church in the region previously had to travel more than 2000 miles to attend the Johannesburg South Africa Temple. President Thomas S. Monson announced the Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo temple only 15 years after the first stake was created in the country, and ground was broken during the 20th anniversary year of that first stake.
Sources: Photos 1-4 from churchofjesuschrist.org, photos 5-7 by Sean Donnelly from churchofjesuschristtemples.org. Facts and dates from churchofjesuschristtemples.org.
NEXT WEEK: Fortaleza Brazil
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templetuesday · 4 years
31 March 2020 - Paris France (PARIS)
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156th Temple in the Church
12th Temple in Europe
1st Temple in France
Announcement:  1 October 2011 Construction Commencement:  24 August 2012 Public Open House:  22 April–13 May 2017 Dedication:  21 May 2017 by Henry B. Eyring
The Paris France Temple was the first temple constructed without towers or spires since the Mesa Arizona Temple in 1927 and the first temple designed without an angel Moroni statue (and without adding one later) since the Oakland California Temple in 1964. No formal groundbreaking ceremony was held for the Paris France Temple, making it one of only two temples for which no groundbreaking ceremony occurred (the other was the Tokyo Japan Temple). On 1 August 1976, President Spencer W. Kimball told French members of the Church that if "we clenched our fists and gritted our teeth, a temple will be available to the members here," and that Church membership in France would “double, even quadruple.” At the time President Kimball made these promises, there were 10,000 members of the Church in France. When the Paris Temple was dedicated, Church membership in France had grown to nearly 40,000.
Sources: Photos 1-5 from churchofjesuschrist.org, Photo 6 by Lionel Allorge from en.wikipedia.org. Facts and dates from churchofjesuschristtemples.org.
NEXT WEEK: Tucson Arizona
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templetuesday · 5 years
BONUS: Haiti Independence Day 🇭🇹
In celebration of Haiti’s Independence Day on 1 January, here’s a quick post featuring the Port-au-Prince Haiti Temple. Look for a full post featuring the Port-au-Prince Temple in the future!
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Port-au-Prince Haiti - Dedicated 1 September 2019 (source: churchofjesuschrist.org)
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templetuesday · 5 years
TEMPLE NEWS: Port-au-Prince Haiti Temple Dedicated
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Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles dedicated the Port-au-Prince Haiti Temple on Sunday, 1 September 2019. The Port-au-Prince Temple was announced by President Thomas S. Monson during the April 2015 General Conference. This is the first temple to be built in Haiti and the second to be built in the Caribbean. There are now 165 operating temples in the Church.
Source: newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org.
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templetuesday · 5 years
DEDICATION: Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple
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Elder Dale G. Renlund dedicated the Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple on Sunday, 14 April 2019. The Kinshasa Temple was announced by President Thomas S. Monson during the October 2011 General Conference. There are now 163 operating temples in the Church and 4 operating temples in Africa.
Source: mormonnewsroom.co.za.
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templetuesday · 6 years
11/27/18 - Montréal Québec (MONTR)
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86th Temple in the Church
6th Temple in Canada
1st Temple in Québec
Announcement:  6 August 1998 Groundbreaking and Site Dedication:  9 April 1999 by Gary J. Coleman Public Open House:  20–27 May 2000 Dedication:  4 June 2000 by Gordon B. Hinckley Public Open House:  5–14 November 2015 Rededication:  22 November 2015 by Henry B. Eyring
The Montréal Québec Temple groundbreaking ceremony was held in the garage of a vacated auto dealership; the garage was later demolished to make way for the construction of the temple. For decades, English-speaking members of the Church in Québec had to travel 45 hours to the Cardston Alberta Temple, and French-speaking members of the Church had to travel to the Bern Switzerland Temple to attend sessions in French. Members in the temple district were later assigned to the Washington D.C. Temple, then to the Toronto Ontario Temple, before finally having a temple in Montréal. From 2 June 2014-22 November 2015, the temple was closed for extensive renovations to modernize the building and to eradicate a mold problem in the temple’s wood frame. Most of the wood framing was replaced with steel to prevent mold in the future.
Sources: Photos 1 and 2 are of the temple after the 2014-2015 renovation, Photos 3 and 4 are of the temple in its original configuration. Photos 1, 3, and 4 are from lds.org, Photo 2 is by David Caudill from ldschurchtemples.org. Facts and dates from churchofjesuschristtemples.org and from the book Temples of the New Millennium by Chad S. Hawkins.
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templetuesday · 6 years
GROUNDBREAKING: Abidjan Cȏte d’Ivoire Temple
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Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles presided over the groundbreaking ceremony for the Abidjan Cȏte d’Ivoire Temple on Thursday, 8 November 2018. The temple was announced during the April 2015 General Conference and is one of ten temples announced or currently in operation in Africa.
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templetuesday · 6 years
GROUNDBREAKING: Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire Temple
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The Church has announced that the groundbreaking for the Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire Temple will be held on Thursday, 8 November 2018, at 10:00 AM. Attendance at the temple site is by invitation only, but it will be broadcast to meetinghouses in the temple district. The Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire Temple was announced by President Thomas S. Monson during the April 2015 General Conference.
Source: mormonnewsroom.com.gh.
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templetuesday · 7 years
9/26/17 - Papeete Tahiti (PAPEE)
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25th Temple in the Church
4th Temple in Oceania
1st Temple in French Polynesia
Announcement: 2 April 1980 Groundbreaking and Site Dedication: 13 February 1981 by Spencer W. Kimball Public Open House: 13–22 October 1983 Dedication: 27–29 October 1983 by Gordon B. Hinckley Public Open House: 14 October–4 November 2006 Rededication: 12 November 2006 by L. Tom Perry 
The completion of the Papeete Tahiti Temple saved Tahitian members of the church from having to make a 2500 mile journey to the Hamilton New Zealand Temple, which was the closest temple at the time. The temple closed in August 2005 for a renovation project that added an additional 2000 square feet to the temple. The rededication services were broadcast via satellite to Salt Lake City, New Caledonia, and BYU-Hawaii. Sources: Photos from ldschurchtemples.org (1. Connie Faerber) and lds.org (2,3,4). Facts and dates from ldschurchtemples.org.
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templetuesday · 7 years
Throwback Thursday - Papeete Tahiti Temple Dedication
The following is an exerpt from “News of the Church”, written by Anita C. Andrews and printed in the December 1983 Ensign:
Tahitians Feel Spirit of Peace in New Temple
In addition to its stately earthly beauty, the new Tahiti Temple left visitors impressed with the spirit of peace and reverence they felt as they streamed through it before its dedication.
Saints who live in these Pacific islands had no trouble identifying the source of their feelings. They gave thanks to our Heavenly Father for inspiring the First Presidency to build a temple in their midst. President Gordon B. Hinckley, Second Counselor in the First Presidency, offered the dedicatory prayer October 27.
President Hinckley expressed gratitude for the restoration of the gospel through Joseph Smith. “While he was yet alive and while the Saints were yet in Nauvoo, he was inspired to call the first missionaries to these beautiful Society Islands of the Pacific. From their dedicated labors in those early years there came a great harvest.”
He spoke of the growth of the Church in the islands and added: “There is now strength and maturity among the many thousands of the Saints of French Polynesia, for which we express gratitude unto thee. As a capstone of all this effort we now have this beautiful and sacred house to present unto thee.”
He asked that the temple might “be holy to thy people, a sanctuary of peace from the noise and the conflicts of the world, and a house in which they may labor for eternal blessings for themselves and for those who have passed beyond the veil of death.
“We ask that thou wilt preserve it as thy house. May it be protected by thy power from any who would defile it. May it stand against the winds and the rains that beat upon it. May it be beautiful to all who see it, and sacred to all who enter it.
“We pray for those who govern these islands,” he added, “that they may be guided by thy spirit to conduct the affairs of government in such a way that those who live here may rejoice in the privileges afforded them, and may the government and the people of these beautiful islands always be hospitable to thy appointed servants.
“We pray for thy people who walk in faith and obedience wherever they may be found. Reward their faith and prosper their labors.”
Nearly five hundred Tahitian Saints packed the chapel of the temple for the first of six dedicatory services held there October 27 through October 29.
During the opening dedicatory service, President Hinckley recalled a tragic shipwreck that occurred twenty years ago, during his first visit to the Society Islands. It claimed the lives of many Saints. He said he felt that they were now looking on approvingly at the dedication of the temple and that the prayers of these departed Saints were influential in the decision to build a temple in Tahiti.
Georges Bonnet, regional manager for temporal affairs of the Church in Tahiti, said Saints at the services felt strongly the presence of these other onlookers as President Hinckley spoke of the shipwreck, inviting those who survived to use the temple well.
Polynesian members, including a group of singing grandmothers, gave a warm island greeting to the visitors from Salt Lake City. In addition to President Hinckley, visiting General Authorities included Elder L. Tom Perry and Elder David B. Haight of the Council of the Twelve; Elder Jack H Goaslind, Jr., and Elder Rex C. Reeve, Sr., of the First Quorum of the Seventy; and Presiding Bishop Victor L. Brown.
The temple attracted attention among Tahitian Saints and nonmembers alike. More than sixteen thousand visitors toured the structure before its dedication. Many enthusiastic nonmember visitors recruited others to go back with them. “My friends visited the temple four or five times,” Brother Bonnet said. Missionaries received more than five thousand referrals.
“Most Polynesians, whether members or not, are very, very glad to have the temple here,” Brother Bonnet added. They take pride in its beauty. Visitors were enthralled by the simple elegance of its decor.
Many visitors requested more information about the purpose and meaning of ordinances to be performed in the temple. Among them were the highest-ranking French government official on the island, High Commissioner Alain Ohrel, and the head of the local government, Gaston Flosse.
The 8,500-square-foot temple, the twenty-fifth currently operating in the Church, is located in downtown Papeete. It will serve the 8,000 members of multi-cultural French Polynesia, offering services in French, English, and Tahitian.
Source: https://www.lds.org/ensign/1983/12/news-of-the-church?lang=eng
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templetuesday · 7 years
Video story of the Paris France Temple dedication
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templetuesday · 7 years
President Henry B. Eyring dedicated the Paris France Temple today. This temple is the first temple in France and the 156th operating temple in the Church.
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