#template created by gunshzt-a
dvsconocvdo · 2 years
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❝ welcome home, anya —
Anya bought this property even before she was settled in Lunar Cove. It is a small house tucked away in Echo Acres with just enough room for herself at a price where she could —after fifteen years— live by herself. Most rooms are a work-in-progress. She’s still hiring carpenters, painters, and handypeople to get the house to be were she wants it to be, but she’s happy with how it’s turning out. Filled with bright pastel colors, light wood, and white walls, this house is Anya’s aesthetic to a T.
The first thing Anya does once she’s home after a long day working or out is take a shower. Afterwards, a snack or meal is her priority. She painted the kitchen cabinets herself along with the little feature wall near the dining area. It’s not perfect. If you look close enough you can certainly see that it was an amateur’s work, but she’s proud of herself for doing it. The attic is currently a storage room and another place for Anya to sleep in. The house also features a tornado/storm shelter underground that you can enter into from outside. She uses the shelter to shift during full moons.
In the future, she’d love to have a small garden in front of the house, but she is still unboxing a few items, so that’s not a priority. Additionally, Anya’s savings are currently going towards her dream of owning a Smeg fridge. She will do anything for the aesthetics, and fell in love with their fridges while looking for ideas for her house before she moved. It’ll take a long time before she is able to get it since her savings were spent on the house, but she likes having goals and something to work for besides the essentials.
The house features two bedrooms, one bathroom, a mud room, an attic, and a shelter. The mud room has a washer and dryer that doesn’t work, so Anya ends up doing her laundry at the local laundromat since getting new ones is not a priority for her.
Template created by gunshzt.
Pictures can be found in Anya’s Pinterest board.
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