takaraphoenix · 6 years
19,23,26,56 Nicercy please!
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
I mean, yes. Nico would definitely go back and try to save Bianca. Percy… Percy would go back farther and try to influence Luke, to stop the Titan War from even happening. Which would actually be a pretty cool fic.
23: Do you have piercings? How many?
Nico does. Depending on the fic. Multiple ear piercings, maybe nose and eyebrow. Perhaps one more down South. ;D
Percy? No. Not even earrings. He does however love Nico’s.
26: What are you craving right now?
Nico? Always Percy. Always.
Percy? Candy, preferrably chocolate.
56: How many people have you fist fought?
Whereas Percy would like to tag on that it is entirely not his fault that the gods are dicks and deserve it.
Also, Nico has gotten into physical fights about Percy before too. Because there sure as shit are some envious campers who’d like to make Percy out to not be the Savior of Olympus and like he wasn’t that great. And, yeah, fight Nico on that.
(Ask Game with the questions. Send me questions + a character for headcanons)
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
65:We bet, and you lost.” - “But tattoos are permanent.” with platonic Percy/Jace please!
Advent Calendar: Day 8
Alec frowned when the door to the tattoo-parlor opened and the first thing he could hear was loud giggling and slurred voices. Drunk people were exhausting. So often, they came in here and wanted the most ridiculous tattoos. Alec was not doing that. He wasn’t tattooing drunk people. They were most definitely not in the right mindset to make body-altering decisions.
“Pe—erce, this is an awful idea”, mumbled a voice with a British accent.
“We bet, and you lost”, countered who Alec assumed was Perce.
“But tattoos are permanent”, countered the first one.
“Tough luck. You’ll get a tramp-stamp of a Christmas tree now and tha—at’s it.”
Taking a deep breath, Alec looked up with a tight-lipped smile. The tight-lipped smile loosened when he saw the two guys. They were in their mid-twenties, one dark-haired and with a swimmer’s build, the other with golden-blonde hair falling softly into his face, a smile on his plush, pink lips, eyes sparkling – and okay, so Alec’s focus might have instantly latched onto the blonde…
“We don’t… We don’t take drunk costumers”, stated Alec firmly.
“Aw, come o—on”, whined the dark-haired one.
“You heard the man. I am not getting anything on my ass today, Percy”, declared the blonde.
“That’s unfair, this is super important. Please?”, begged Percy with a pout.
“No. Come back tomorrow, sober, and we can make an appointment”, replied Alec.
The blonde made a little victory-motion before winking at Alec. “Thanks, handsome.”
“He—ey!”, complained Percy as he was being pulled out of the tattoo-parlor again.
Alec just shook his head and heaved a sigh with red cheeks. Handsome, huh?
The next day, around afternoon, a man in an expensive-looking, well-cut suit entered the Lightwood Ink Institute. Not exactly one of the regulars, but what was far more interesting were the two men walking behind him. The two drunken idiots from last night. Both looked properly chastised as they trailed after the man in the suit, seemingly rather embarrassed.
“You’re the one who stopped my husband and his idiot of a best friend from getting matching tramp-stamps of Christmas trees last night?”, asked the man in the suit.
“Yes. I don’t tattoo drunk people”, replied Alec, one eyebrow raised.
“Thank you”, sighed the man. “I’m Nico di Angelo. My husband Percy, his idiot Jace. You won’t believe how often they get into trouble when mixed. You two, what do you say to the nice man?”
Nico was scowling as he crossed his arms. Percy and Jace stepped forward, both looking sheepish. Percy looped arms with Nico, leaning against his husband in what was clearly an attempt to pacify him. Judging from the way the scowl melted from Nico’s face, it worked.
“Sorry for the trouble. In our defense, last night it sounded like a brilliant idea”, stated Percy. “I mean, this one would totally rock a tramp-stamp. Even if it were a Christmas tree.”
He nudged Jace who blushed and scratched his nose. “Yeah, thanks for saving me from that lasting embarrassment. I really owe you one.”
“You don’t”, assured Alec with a small smile. “I know stupid, drunk decisions when I hear them and it’d be highly unprofessional to still tattoo someone who’s not in their right state of mind.”
“Sti—ill”, continued Jace, leaning against the counter with his upper body, head tilted to look up at Alec from beneath his lashes. “I wish I could do something to make up for the trouble…”
“You really don’t have to, it’s-”, started Alec once more with a polite smile.
“Oh by Poseidon’s beard, this is painful to watch!”, exclaimed Percy all of a sudden, startling Alec. “Jace wants to take you out on a date. Do you wanna go on a date with Jace? I promise as long as you don’t give him too much alcohol, he can actually behave like an adult human being.”
“Most of the time”, tagged Nico on, earning a glare from Jace. “What? I said ‘most’, okay?”
Alec blinked slowly as he watched Jace blush a pretty pink. “I’m sorry?”
“You’re really handsome and you must be a good guy, considering you didn’t take advantage of our drunk state last night and you also weren’t unnecessarily rude about it either”, replied Jace with a shrug, looking up at Alec. “I’d like to take you out. Christmas market? After you close shop?”
“Jace wants to cli—imb him like a Christmas tre—e”, chimed Percy beneath his breath, cackling.
“…Who climbs a Christmas tree?”, wondered Nico before he watched his husband squirm. “Oh no. Don’t tell me you… Why do I let you two hang out without adult supervision? Explain.”
Percy grinned broadly and wrapped his arms around Nico’s neck, pulling him into a kiss. “Because you love me and technically, legally speaking, I am an adult.”
“Twenty-four years old and yet whenever I leave you alone with Jace, you devolve into a four year old”, muttered Nico, wrapping his arms around Percy’s waist to pull him closer.
Alec all the while watched in utter fascination how Jace’s cheeks turned even darker at Percy’s first comment. “The… Christmas market? I’d… sure. I mean, I’m off at six today.”
“Okay. Okay, cool. I’ll… come and pick you up then”, nodded Jace with a broad smile.
That was… That was a beautiful smile. Alec blinked a couple of times as he just stared at Jace. The pretty blonde really wanted to go on a date with him? And here Alec had thought Christmas miracles didn’t exist. He couldn’t help himself but stare after Jace’s retreating form – his eyes drawn to Jace’s butt in those tight jeans. Definitely a miracle work there.
“I don’t think he’d mind if you’d climb him”, noted Percy as he noticed how Alec looked at Jace.
“Shut u—up, just once in your life, Jackson, shut up!”, groaned Jace and shoved Percy.
“What? Never, Herondale. Never!”, snickered Percy as they left the shop.
Nico sighed and shook his head as he slipped his hand into Percy’s. Percy and Jace had gone to school together and even though Percy and Nico had moved away from New York, they regularly came back – and whenever they did, Percy had to plan some 'Jace Time’ into his schedule. Usually, said 'Jace Time’ ended with Nico bailing his husband out. So that last night, the two had just returned home with matching pouts, it had really eased Nico’s nerves. This Alec seemed like a decent fella, which was exactly what Jace needed. Someone grounded, down-to-Earth, who would be able to reign him in just a little. His own Nico, as Percy liked to phrase it.
Read this here on FFNet & here on AO3!
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takaraphoenix · 7 years
Team Iron Man, Team Captain America or Team Thor?
Team Iron Man all the way.
I mean, petition to unite Teams Iron Man and Thor, because I want Bruce and Thor to return to what is left of the Avengers and restore them? They can bring along Loki too, that will be a nice way to unite my OTP. Also. Does Doctor Strange count as Team Thor based on the after-credit scene and that nearly depressingly short cameo in Thor 3?
But. Yeah. Team Thor is kinda fun, but on the semantics side of the Civil War argument, it was born more out of a “I’m sick of y’all arguing so I’ma be Team Switzerland Asgard” and it was nice that it turned out to actually be a team beyond just... Thor and Bruce in Australia, but still the whole “Team” thing started out with the Civil War, and that kinda should not be forgotten in my opinion.
And there is literally no logical way for me to side with Cap’s selfish bromance motivation.
Not to mention, Tony Stark is the best Marvel character. So I will always be supporting my poor, broken boy.
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takaraphoenix · 7 years
If you could write a fix its for any marvel characters who would they be about and what would you change?
Clinton Francis Barton.
Aka, the character the MCU fucked the hardest when adapting him.
In the first Avengers, he spends nearly all of the movie mind-controlled.
In Age of Ultron they suddenly decide to retcon him into a “family man”? But it is so awkward and sudden.
And Civil War really screwed him hard. I mean, Civil War screwed everyone hard, but it turned Clint into an asshole who had little reason to even be there. He literally fucked his family over and abandoned them by joining Team Cap and then he was being such a major dick to Vision and to Tony. Which just hurt so badly because it was such OoC writing.
The MCU created a Hawkeye that I don’t like. Not one bit. And it’s a shame, because if you watched Earth’s Mightiest Heroes or Avengers Assemble, Clint Barton is a cool, fun and amazing character. And while literally all other Avengers share at the very least the majority of their personalities between cartoon and MCU, Clint doesn’t really have a personality in the movies. He’s just... there. And ocassionally does helpful stuff, but he’s not funny or quippy or displays a deep attachment to his team.
I mean. If you’re only giving me MCU characters who need fixing.
If you let me go more wild then Janet Van Dyne.
Aka one of the founding members of the Avengers. Janet and Hank were literally founding members and that the MCU kept all others but fucked them over. The ridiculous reasoning that “Nah, we have Black Widow. One female character is really enough for a team” is literally the reason Wasp wasn’t in Avengers pisses me off so much.
One woman to five men is more than enough. Let’s not overwhelm them by having - gasp - two women in a superhero movie. Heaven no, they might faint from all the females. Just fuck you, man.
But to not only not have them founding members but to also completely exclude her from the MCU by fridging her pisses me off so hard, because after Tony Stark and Peter Parker she is my favorite Marvel character. She deserved better than that. Far better.
So, yeah. If were to retcon shit, I’d stick to the cartoon characterization of Clint Barton because Clint is awesome and not an asshole, and I would include Janet Van Dyne in the team. With all the Avengers refugees from the law right now, Tony’s got a few spots. So let’s say Hope somehow magicked her mom out of the Phantom Zone. Janet never aged while in there and feels disconnected so she takes up the mantel of Wasp and becomes a sole hero until running into the New Avengers.
But generally, at this point in time a “fix it” for me is one that sticks with the law and keeps Team Cap completely out of the plot because they are wanted criminals and have no business being Avengers anymore and Tony just builds a new, healthy and happy team that then has the chance to actually become a family, something that the MCU never succeeded because team-interactions had always been cut short.
Just Tony, Rhodey, Vision, Peter Parker, Carol Danvers, Stephen Strange, Thor, Loki, Bruce (because those refugees are headed for Earth and Tony is so going to open his doors to them) and Janet. New, improved, better.
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takaraphoenix · 7 years
I don’t know if you have answered this befor, and if you have sorry for the repeat question, but what is your opinion on Stiles from teen wolf? And Teen Wolf in general?
I literally did an entire rant on Teen Wolf. So, enjoy that ;)
Stiles? Stiles is amazing. He’s the best damn thing on that show and when season 5 was really fucking shitty, he was the only thing that kept me going. I know I suck at this, but I’m trying to rewatch the show (I finished season 1 and 2), but I’m dreading seasons 3 and onward so I have been procrastinating... *sigh*
But everything about Stiles is awesome.
He is... Ron and Hermione in one. He’s the comic-relief sidekick trusted best friend and the brains and support at once. And that’s amazing, because mostly it’s a trio and one of them is The Protagonist, one of them is The Smart One and one of them is The Funny One (-> Aang-Katara-Sokka, Harry-Hermione-Ron, Percy-Annabeth-Grover). And those are the good examples, where the comic relief best friend also brings a purpose; very often, it fails and the comic relief is just... dumb-”funny”.
Stiles is complex. He is funny and quirky, but also clever and loyal. He finds solutions. He’s the one who knows stuff and if he doesn’t, then he sits down, does the research so he then will know it. Even though he has no ties to this supernatural world, he could have just noped out. Instead, he helped his best friend. And let’s be real, without Stiles, Scott would have died like half a dozen times in the first two seasons already *snorts*
Stiles is such a likable character because he has his quirks and also flaws, he has his funny moments but also his really deep and dark ones (-> the complexity of his relationship with his father, the entire Nogitsune arc, fucking season 5 when Scott was being an asshat who allowed himself to be manipulated by the Newbie Villain).
Not to mention the added bonus of Dylan O’Brien being an absolute treasure.
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takaraphoenix · 7 years
Hi I was wondering what would be your favorite crossover pairing with Percy Jackson/Shadowhunters
*blinks super-slowly*
Uhm. I mean. I have my side-ships. Like, Simon/Clary, Bat/Maia, Lydia/Isabelle. Like, the too long to list list of side-ships in PJatO. I’m really super fond of them and if I break them up, I rearrange them among each other (Piper/Annabeth and Jason/Reyna switching to Reyna/Annabeth, Jason/Calypso and Piper Singles Are A Thing That Exists McLean).
You see, the main problem is that while I love my side-ships I am not super invested in exploring and finding new ones.
While with the main couples… I am wildly possessive. The PJatO boys belong to Percy. The Shadowhunters boys belong to Jace. It would confuse the fuck out of me to put Alec and Percy together, while having Nico and Jace date. (…That example however also makes me realize that those two really do not fit. Both Nico and Jace are too emotionally constipated to work with each other, while Alec is too similar to Annabeth to have him work with Percy because there is a reason I don’t see him working with Annabeth.)
I definitely have crossover brOTPs though.
Alec and Annabeth.
Isabelle and Piper.
Percy and Jace.
Magnus and Nico.
Rachel and Clary.
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takaraphoenix · 7 years
If you are still doing ot3s how about Nico/Luke/Percy
That is not an OT3 for me, sorry. Lukercy isn’t something I ship outside of Octavian/Luke/Percy and there it’s more... out of convenience because I looove both Octavian/Percy and Octavian/Luke. While Nico and Luke... I don’t see anything there. Sorry. ^^°
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takaraphoenix · 7 years
Have you ever read Throne of Glass?
I don’t read a lot. I generally only read after I saw like an adaptation that hooked me. And after reading the wikipedia summary... doesn’t sound like something for me. ^^°
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