mhsnetflixblog · 7 months
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Ambre Middle School
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pink-evilette · 4 months
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Jay Tavare and Tembi Locke in Unbowed (1999)
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gottdeswill · 2 years
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In a city where there is no center, I'm your center.
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Greek riot police demonstrates in action why teargas grenades are dangerous and can be lethal, during a protest in downtown Athens next to the Acropolis, for the murder of at least 43 passengers during a train collision at Tempi, Greece.
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vintagewarhol · 2 years
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gonzabasta · 1 year
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kittehburger · 11 months
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starwardzobie · 6 months
Get to know about me!
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Name: Zobie J. Strange
Species: Zombie
Hair Color: Red
Skintone: Two different shades of blue
Eye Color: Red
Birthmonth: December
From: Motala, Sweden
Lives in: Temby, United Kingdom
Wonder: Immersive and Animal Speak
Speech impediment
He/she pronouns
Severe emetic
Has a weak tummy
Ticklish in the stomach
My favorite things:
Person: Kabo (@starshinekabo)!!!
Food: Pizza? I'm not sure. Definitely not brains though.
Color: Saxon Blue and Red. Sage green and bubblegum pink also work!
Show: Jack's Big Music Show, Luna Petunia, Blue's Clues, and Storybots!!
Game: Minecraft and Miitopia.
Movie: Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988). Idk why.
Song: DARE (Gorillaz).
Place to Eat: Fancy? Village Corner. Fast food? Your Pie.
Place to Visit: Jacksonville, Florida. Get to visit some of my fans over there!!
Friends: Zuzu and Quicky! The three of us get along well with Docky.
Place in general: Trampoline Parks, especially Sky Zone with their Glow event!
Aesthetic: 2000s Emo and Scene.
Sport: Swimming and quadrobics.
Country: Romania! Never been there…
Actor: Jim Carrey.
Director: Tim Burton and Henry Selick.
Musician: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart! I have a knack for classical music as well as ambient eclectic genres.
Artist: Vincent van Gogh.
Hobby: Hoarding junk, sleeping, drawing, eating.
Fashion: DRESSES!!!! (Yes, I'm a femboy.)
Other stuff and tidbits
Understands my belly (I call him Estomago)
Prone to vomiting
Good with the French language (Français)
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hazey-moonlight · 2 years
Heyo! If you want a grumpling fusion comment here! I'll be making 1-2 babs so we both can get one if I make 2. You can choose from my ocs to fuse with your OC. You can also ask for any HC design grump I've done if u want! Or I can use HC designs you made too!
Any questions just ask
Here's some of the candidates.
This will be done at my leisure.
Auden, Temby,Zeela, Meeptah
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pepsiespicie · 2 years
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passionforfiction · 2 years
From Scratch
I've been hearing this title a lot since it aired in Netflix. My brother and some friends recommended it; and so, I clicked on Play and watched the first episode to see what it was about. The first seconds of the episode the audience knows the ending, we can deduce what's coming and yet, we all move on the the next and the next until we reach the last episode and end it with wet cheeks and a sad smile.
From Scratch is an 8 episode series based on Tembi Locke's memoir called From Scratch: A Memoir of Love, Sicily and Finding Home. I haven't read the book but I don't need to in order to know that the series was faithful to the feelings, experiences and the life of these people. The series makes us part of this family and we, the audience, share in their laughter and pain.
It is an amazing journey, a story of self-discovery, family healing, love in all its manifestations. . . life. Lino's and Amy's love made way for family relations to improve. Lino's relationship with his father mends. Amy's parents interaction changes too and they pass from being terrible exes to parents who work together for their children. And this is just as beautiful to see as it is to watch the couple's love for each other. It is inspiring, how they were able to talk things through and always find a way so that both of them could be happy individuals and have a healthy marriage.
I come from a family unit that is really close. And raising my son has been a tribe thing, so I can understand what Idalia's birth mother wanted for her child and she got it. Idaliah was raised in a tribe, it wasn't just Lino and Amy, it was their parents, siblings and friends who all were there to raise her. That supportive unit also helped them in this journey. I also liked the relationship between Amy and her sister. As an older sister, I know how Zora feels about her little sister.
This is a story about love and it is worth watching.
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deadlinecom · 4 months
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wyrmfedgrave · 5 months
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1 & 2. Thomson, English author of "The Seasons", "Rule Britannia", etc...
3. Original cover to "The Seasons."
4 & 5. Beautiful cover of the British anthem "Rule Britannia" & a page of it set to music.
6 & 7. Ads for Lovecraftian beverages!!
8. Another shot of the Seekonk River, surrounded by woods.
1913: Output, Part 2.
Plot: This poem starts out with a Latin quote by William Wordsworth¹, but, originally from Virgil's "Georgics", Book 2: "...The wide open fields: the caves &... lakes; But, ...cold Tempe², ...the roaring of the borne³ &... soft sleep under the tree, are not absent⁴."
In the beginning, Lovecraft demands that the Dryads⁵ "Turn... from towns to (thoughts) of a rural kind; Amid decadent sights⁶, a spot disclose, where... woodlands repose. Where... time has... left, unchanged, our ancestral⁷ land."
Right away, Howard joins happiness with his youth & the park -
"Quinsnicket! Haven of the wearied heart... Whose shady glens... years dissolve... & lead backwards to a happier day."
Then, HPL 'explains' why this is so -
"With mankind, the sweetest days are 1st; ...Men become more wretched as they live⁷!"
As for why nature helps the weary soul -
"Away, Reality! And let us roam (in) Quinsnicket's realm - Imagination's home."
Lovecraft then describes Providence quickly -
"What city of the blest... Whose spires & domes reflect... morning rays (&) whose gold paved⁸ (streets!) astound."
Now, Howard gets mythological -
"In yonder pool we... expect, timid Nymph⁹ or Satyr¹⁰ to detect. Our eyes for Naiads¹¹ scan, And (our) ears strain to hear the pipes of Pan¹²."
Here, we turn to a more physical description -
"Yon rocky bluff, above the water's side, Defies the ages with primeval pride."
Then, HPL drags in the aboriginals, never mentioning a specific nation's name¹³ -
"(Their) council flame burned (before) the tribe¹⁴ (with) chief & braves of copper hue... (with a) sober look... pipe passed thru & fro..."
Amazingly enough, the most racial that Lovecraft gets is "(Their) war dance to tom-toms blow¹⁵."
1. What a great name for a writer! William Wordsworth was an English Poet Laureate who helped usher in the Romantic Era of 1800 to 1850.
He's best known for his poems "The Prelude" & "Daffodils."
2. Tempe is the name of a wooded valley between Mt. Ossa & Mt. Olympus in Thessaly, Greece - now called Tembi.
Has 1 of the highest amounts of rain in the world.
3. This verse sounds a lot like being "carried" on a "roaring" river current...
4. The quote is about 1's youth & the 'lost' natural beauty we once enjoyed.
These memories stayed with this person & continued to have meaning for them.
And, these particular thoughts serve as a connection to the writer's sense of wonder.
Nature is where they find peace & tranquility. Where they feel safe & comfortable.
5. Dryads are Greek nature spirits who are usually bound to a forest or who focus on an oak tree.
6. Hmm... Howard's just north of the city of Providence. So, he's saying that it's also rife with "decadent" slights...
7. HPL's idea of 'ancestral' is limited to the British invasion of what are actually American Indian lands...
8. 'Gold paved streets' comes from the 1800s tale of "Dick Whittington & His Cat."
In that story, this saying describes London's roads. And, means that "it's easy to make money there..."
9. Nymphs are minor Greek nature spirits usually associated with fertility, growing things or water.
Long lived but, not immortal!! So, they were playmates of the Greek Gods.
Usually kind & helpful to men...
There's some 20 types of nymphs.
10. A Satyr is a Greek nature spirit with ears & tail that look like those of a horse.
Walks around with a permanent & exaggerated erection!!
The same as the Roman fauns.
11. Naiads are water spirits living in rivers, springs or waterfalls.
But, not in the oceans... That's the Oceanids' job.
Only Nereids can move in both sea- water & freshwater!
12. Pan is the Greek God of the Wild, rustic music, fertility, hunters, flocks & shepherds.
Has the back quarters, legs & horns of a goat - like a satyr!
His unseen, but 'felt', presence would arouse panic in travelers.
Boon 'companion' to nymphs...
13. Around Providence, it should be the Wampanoag American Indian nation.
14. American Indians were called tribes by the invading Europeans. But, they were actually nations & should be regarded as such today.
15. Wampanoags were a group of 30 Algonquian speaking nations. This Confederacy spread from R.I. north thru Massachusetts & south into parts of Connecticut.
They have all lived in this area since around 12,000 BC & were led by a Massasoit ("Great Chief") from 1581 til 1661.
It was members of the Pokanoket nation that helped the Pilgrims back in 1621.
Europeans had been visiting this New England since the late 1500s. And, had begun reducing the Wampanoag population via introduced diseases!
English colonists pushed them further inland, resulting in war. The losing abo nations were dispersed into slavery or reservations.
Only the Mashpee & Aquinnah nations were recently recognized by the U.S. government.
Wars of conquest were unknown to them. As they didn't believe in land ownership.
So, only quick raids were undertaken.
"Powwows" were actually shamans. Pniese were their own male "knights" & female "counselors."
Drums were seen as "living entities", guardian spirits & a reference to a past way of life.
Female singers used water drums as portable accompaniment for their sacred music & dances.
Drums help Wampanoags to "live by the rhythms of Mother Earth" & also reinforces their "relationship to the spiritual forces ruling the universe."
War dances involved beating the ground with sticks & screaming out piercing war cries.
The warriors requested the help of spirits & painted their bodies black, red, green or white.
They drank a tea made from juniper berries - to help the blood clot, in case of being cut...
To Be Continued.
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sheilasanjaya · 9 months
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Ruang belajar pada circa 2014 - 1019. Mengelola sebuah ruang apresiasi untuk budaya dan seni. Pertunjukan kerjasama dengan seniman nasional dan mancanegara tiap bulan, memfasilitasi berbagai kegiatan penunjang akademis bagi sekolah secara berkala, menggelar Festival Musik Tradisi bertaraf nasional setiap tahunnya. Tembi Rumah Budaya yang kini sedang beralih fungsi untuk bisa tetap bertahan pasca pandemi. Semoga masih ada kesempatan melihat geliat-geliat seni di sana kembali.
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genewheaton · 10 months
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jozigist · 11 months
Banyana Banyana & the Atlas Lionesses: the roses that grew from the concrete
The political, social and developmental challenges that faces South Africa today was temporarily forgotten by its locals yesterday. Banyana Banyana gave the nation a reason to smile again. In an epic Group G decider in Wellington, New Zealand, both Italy and South Africa were well aware of how far three points would take them. In dramatic fashion, Tembi Kgatlana scored a dying minute winner to…
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