#telling that she respects the trainer whos 'property' she damaged but not the pokemon she traumatized
aitapokemon · 2 years
AITA for letting my Mismagius curse a trainer that previously abandoned another member of my team? Long story short, this Mismagius and Misdreavus were bonded before I encountered them, so they have a very deep connection. The Misdreavus had been abandoned by her first trainer at Arc-danged level 8. It devastated her. So imagine our surprise when we're gearing up for a contest and we run across the same trainer that abandoned her. (We kicked her tail in the contest, by the way. It's my most treasured ribbon.) But afterwards I gave the trainer a stern talking-to and she seemed genuinely remorseful, and she seemed to care that the Pokemon she'd abandoned was doing better in my care than she had in hers, so I... well, I don't really forgive her so much as I told her never to do it again and she SEEMED to get the picture, so I considered our job done. This Mismagius, on the other hand, is not so forgiving. So she definitely cursed her. I don't really blame her and I didn't really //try// to stop her, but I also know that she's not malicious and wouldn't curse her badly enough for her to actually be hurt. Not irreparably, anyways. She probably had bad luck for awhile after though. So uhh, AITA?
NTA but only because trying to stop your mismagius wouldn't have worked anyway. Normally I'd think you were an irresponsible trainer for letting your pokemon attack someone, and if this were like, a houndour biting someone they didn't like then yes you shoud've trained it better and it shouldn't be out of its pokeball if its a danger to people. But mismagius is vengeful by nature. It's impossible to train that out of it, and yes it's an assumed risk the trainer must take (so if she takes legal action you'll be on the hook), but if the mismagius wants to curse it's gonna curse so you're not really morally liable imho.
Also kinda telling that she apologized to you and not the pokemon she mistreated. How sorry can she really be? Mismagius tend to sense that kinda thing.
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