#tell me it doesn't give Raven and Trapped vibes
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not-mary-sue · 1 year ago
Traitors works because it hits the CBBC generations craving for overly dramatic gameshows
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peerlessscowl · 2 years ago
Champagne: This isn’t a church-run event anymore, so the bar is open and flows freely. The waiter-mice might give you judging looks if you make a fool of yourself, and really, how low do you have to go to be judged by a mouse?
"Your vibes are atrocious."
Heedless of the irony of her statement, Vaida offers the man a drink; she had spotted him from afar earlier in the night but had refrained from approaching him, as she had dealt with her own gaggle of nuisances. Not the best way to greet someone she has not ever met, but when has she ever treated anyone with common decency?
"Now... Who are you, I wonder?" There are very few others, here, who appear to be as out of place as she feels; then again, she is more than a little bit tipsy. Nevertheless, she is nothing if not persistent (and notoriously annoying), so she doesn't even bother to hide her disdain. "Certainly not a lordling, with that scowl of yours; or, if you are, you're at least as not as bullheaded as that Ostian brat. Ugh. They're all the same to me," she grumbles, "and far more trouble than they're worth."
Oh saints above, this couldn't be happening again. Not a third time.
What were the chances?
The woman makes herself comfortable - just as the others had - although this one came with a drink to soften what he expected was the true coming blow.
Though he was well and truly exhausted - of being trapped, of the ball itself, of his saints forsaken life - Raven stiffened at the accusations, straightening as he shrugged on the coat of old noble manners once more. For all the good they'd done him.
"No one of importance, my lady. Surely nothing you need concern yourself with - if my vibes have bothered you so much, I can only apologize that you felt the need to come tell me. Believe me when I say I could remove myself from your presence if I could."
He did not accept the offering of champagne, and inclined his head to her in what he hoped indicated that she could leave the conversation whenever she wanted - but he tensed at the mention of the Ostian whelp, and he felt his fingernails quite suddenly biting crescent moons into his palm.
In, out. Narrowing his eyes, he considered the woman again. The armor wasn't of familiar make, but the shape of it was unmistakable - wyvern rider.
Bern again, is it? What was it about the warriors of Bern that decided they simply had an issue with him? He could only hope that this conversation would end before blood was drawn.
He paused a moment, then; "A wonder, my lady, that you find me so off-putting as to not be nobility, but not quite on the same level of aggravating. I am...honored to be placed in such unique esteem. I regret to inform you, though," he said, his throat tightening, "that I am of the same such stock as our dear Marquess Ostia."
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chastiefoul · 4 years ago
yellow. | itafushi
[in which fushiguro almost never wears other than black or white, and in this one he finally does.]
word count : 787
--- Itadori gasped loudly when Fushiguro presented himself to the common room, with a panicked face the pink-haired boy quickly tells the other male, “Fushi!” He pointed sharply to Fushiguro’s shirt, the latter man follows, staring at his own shirt from different angles. Itadori made it sound like he has been wearing it inside out or something.
“What is that on your shirt?!”
“What?” Fushiguro emphasized, still having zero idea about what was so wrong about the damn shirt. “Color! You have color on your shirt,” Itadori quickly changes his expression, somehow pleased. Something about whole line of events finally made sense. The dark-haired boy had to agree that he almost never wear something aside from black or any other monochrome-toned colors. But he cannot agree about the way Itadori overly exaggerates it.
“Black, white, and grey. Those are colors too, idiot.” He sighed exasperatedly, the morning of their day off felt like it has been shortened by a few hours. “I know, but right now what you’re wearing is yellow. Yellow!” Itadori says with a tone that somehow irked the younger boy so much. Made him felt like he did a heinous crime he already felt guilty for just for a guy with pink hair to berate him all the way on the road to jail.
Fushiguro intake a sharp breath, having to deal with this one time too many. “You gave this to me as a gift, Itadori,” he said in the most obvious way, yet Fushiguro too quickly realize by saying that he was basically stating that the only reason that thing is on his body was because Itadori was the one who gave it to him. Though to a certain extent it’s not wrong, doesn't that totally sounded like a declaration of lov-
“Oh my god,” a new voice jumped in at the conversation making the both of them turned their heads, “What is that you’re wearing?” Kugisaki gasped once more, adding a fake dramatization element to her words. The said person only rolled his eyes because Kugisaki knew exactly what was he wearing and why, considering all those nights Fushiguro spent on confiding his secret crush to her.
“That’s it, I’m changing.” Fushiguro turned his back, not giving the satisfaction to Kugisaki of seeing they way his expression twitched and defeated, looking pissed off.
“Noo!” Itadori quickly put his arms around Fushiguro’s waist, trapping him. His toned chest pressed against Fushiguro’s slender yet defined back. His eyes spin at the sudden closeness.
“Please don’t, I was just kidding! You look really cute in yellow.” Itadori flashes an attractive smile, Fushiguro blushes in response. “I don’t go around walking with this shirt for you to call me cute, Itadori.” He forced out a sentence, holding the last ounce of composure he usually masters in convenient situations. Yeah, since Itadori came in his life, these things just have a way to just disintegrate from his brain. With that distracting smile and happy-go-lucky attitude, Fushiguro swiftly finds himself be caught up the pink-haired male’s pace so often.
“Please,” Kugisaki added, “You were practically begging for Itadori to compliment you, seeing the way you’ve been looking at him.”
“Oooh. Is that true Fushiguro?” Itadori pulled away-Fushiguro frowned a little at that- joining Kugisaki in cahoots to tease the raven-haired boy further. They gestured a whisper to each other, the whole scene looking like a giant comedy bit.
“Ne, Kugisaki~ Isn’t Fushiguro totally adorable?”
“Yes he is, Yes he is!” Kugisaki chanted back
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Fushiguro threw a glare as an attempt of fighting back, but the vibrant vibe he emitted from the shirt he had and the sweet pink color on his cheeks were not helping at all. Finally he just let out a groan relently, “I’m leaving,” he says, turning his heels back to where he came from—his bedroom.
For a split second there he saw Itadori threw his head back laughing, eyes closed without a care in the world. Fushiguro could have sworn there was literal sunshine-like softness swaying around the older boy making what was an already gorgeous sight somehow exquisite. The shadow-curses wielder wasn’t really keen on constructing flowery speech on spot, especially in his mind. But all those new vocabularies he learnt from reading his nonfiction books—he thought it would be a waste if it’s not used for something as breath-taking as that.
The way back to his haven was quiet, as the culprit of the usual ruckus was still enjoying the time of his life, laughing on the common room. Fushiguro who initially thought he was annoyed, stopped right before his room’s door, a late yet expected comprehension falls upon him. He smiled, out of utmost fondness towards those two who he likes to call idiots, his idiots.
He was having fun.
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