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sergejbiohazardov · 2 years ago
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Какие-то новости
Израильская полиция применила водометы. Финляндия возобновила закупки СПГ с терминала "Криогаз-Высоцк" в Ленинградской области. Цена пшеницы на товарной бирже в Чикаго выросла на 8%. В Багдаде сторонники Муктады Садра сожгли шведское посольство. Премьер Ирака потребовал от посла Швеции покинуть страну из-за неоднократных разрешений шведского правительства на сожжение Корана.
В Огрском крае отказались от вышки мобильной связи. SIA TeleTower не получило разрешения на строительство.
В ходе общественного обсуждения некоторые жители начали утверждать, что вышка может существенно повлиять на стоимость недвижимости в зоне покрытия или даже сделать имущество непригодным для продажи. Также участники обсуждения рассказали о своих подозрениях, что длительное воздействие электромагнитного излучения может нанести вред здоровью или даже жизни.
Местное самоуправление рекомен��овало инициатору строительства башни рассмотреть другое место для ее возведения.
Я чот в первые слышу, что кому-то из самоуправления не похуй на общественное мнение. Вышки эти клепали, насрав на цены и здоровье где попало. Ну тут либо не занесли, либо недвижка кого надо. Такие предположения.
Большой список на тему, кому принадлежат известные латвийские предприятия?
1. A/S Latvijas Balzāms – 🇱🇺 89,99% принадлежит предприятию из Люксембурга Amber Beverage Group Holding S.ar.l. Выгодополучатель российский олигарх Юрий Шефлер
2. A/S Dobeles dzirnavnieks – 🇪🇪 96,2% принадлежит эстонскому Tartu Mill, AS
3. A/S Cēsu alus – 🇫🇮 99,9 % принадлежит финскому Olvi Oyj
4. A/S Cido grupa – 🇩🇰99,9% у датского предприятия Royal Unibrew A/S
5. A/S Rīgas piena kombināts – 🇨🇾 на 98% принадлежит зарегистрированному на Кипре предприятию Food Union Holding
6. A/S Valmieras piens – 93% принадлежит A/S Rīgas piena kombināts, который в свою очередь принадлежит предприятию с 🇨🇾Кипра
7. A/S Aldaris – 🇩🇰 принадлежит известной датской компании Carlsberg Group
8. A/S Tukuma Piens – 🇩🇰 на 83% принадлежит гражданину Дании
9. A/S Rīgas dzirnavnieks – 🇱🇹 96% принадлежит литовскому предприятию Baltic Mill, AB
10. A/S Hanzas maiznīca – 🇪🇪 99,9% у эстонского предприятия AKTSIASELTS LEIBUR
11. A/S Putnu fabrika Ķekava – 🇱🇹 контрольный пакет (53%) у литовского предприятия Linas Agro Group, AB
12. A/S Valmieras stikla šķiedra – 🇩🇪 на 90% принадлежит немецким компаниям
13. SIA Tet (Lattelecom) – 🇱🇻 51% у латвийского VAS Privatizācijas aģentūra, 🇩🇰 49% принадлежит датскому предприятию TILTS COMMUNICATIONS A/S
14. A/S Latvijas Gāze – 🇷🇺 39% принадлежит российскому GAZPROM, 🇱🇺29% предприятию из Люксембурга Marguerite Gas Il S.a r.l., 🇩🇪 18% - немецкому Uniper Ruhrgas International GmbH, 🇱🇻18% латвийскому Itera Latvija, 2% в публичном предложении
15. Laima, Ādažu čipsi, Selga, Spilva, Gutta, Staburadze – 🇳🇴 принадлежат норвежскому предприятию Orkla
Список не полный, но общее ощущение скорее грустное. От нашего, как-то мало уже чего-то осталось.
Российский телеканал «Дож��ь» переводит редакцию из Риги в Амстердам, где ему в конце декабря предоставили право вещания в ЕС сроком на пять лет.
Интересно, а они там же наверняка знают, почему их отсюда вытурили. Ну, официальную версию. И получается, что Амстердаму на это пофиг? Шаусмас!
Крупнейшие западные СМИ начали называть фитнес одержимостью, которую пропагандируют крайне правые расисты.
Быть здоровым теперь нетолерантно.
Ну а вы насколько стали толерантными к лету? Теперь уже можно мюсознаттся. ))
А на фотке госсекретарь Франции Марлен Шьяппа, снявшаяся для Playboy. Политика, в апреле отчитала за согласие на съемку премьер-министр Элизабет Борн, назвав ее поведение категорически неуместным. Госсекретарь в ответ заявила, что женщины во Франции свободны и она сама «повсюду защищает права женщин». В итоге она была отправлена в отставку. Вот тебе и права женщин. А не поделили мужика, наверное )))
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dimaam83 · 8 years ago
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wongryant · 8 years ago
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Lake Toba Media International Trip Tatea Bulan - Sigullati North Sumatera #wongryant #laketobamediainternationaltrip #landscape #photographer #jalanjalan #kuliner #samosir #pangururan #tamansimalemresort #tuktuk #teletower #aekrengat #laletoba #northsumatera
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yenzschmidt · 5 years ago
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#catworm, Teletower-Girl, other dwellers and stuff are waiting to be printed on a t-shirt . . . . . . . #illustration #sketch #drawing #artwork #doodle #illustrator #tshirt https://www.instagram.com/p/B2mRJGYH3xk/?igshid=yp6gfh8h829e
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vovandriy · 7 years ago
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Раз уж решил везде вставлять небо... то будет немного неба!☁️ . . . . . #sky #clouds #sun #light #sunset #pavlodar #telestrations #teletower #yellowsky #yellowclouds #yeallow #павлодар #телевышка #желтоенебо #облака #атмосферно #vsco #snapseed #quickshot #photofox #lightroom #iphone5s #vovandriy (at Pavlodar)
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alexworld-club · 7 years ago
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Teletower Berlin
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milkabaer0815 · 8 years ago
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#festivaloflights #berlin #teletower #lights
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suppamicropanchop · 9 years ago
Awesome #traveling #tallin #teletower #estonia
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jefferbelle · 12 years ago
Fic: Theoretical Pasts (2/?)
Summary: By wrong choices made in their very first lives, Tellie and Clockman have the power that many wish to obtain; the power to experience all. While Clockman seems to be taking a beating to the verge of almost breaking by this magically curse, Tellie seems to be set on not believing in her curse, no matter how many times she meets up with the same person in so many different times.
A/N: Even if this is a fluff (not like oooo yay, ship fluff but like pointless filler set up short of thing) chapter, I am pretty proud of myself for updating this within the week of the last part rather than a month. Oh, and I'm not sure if it's worth mentioning, but you can keep track of this fic with the tracked tag fic: theoretical pasts in case you really care that much
Part 1
Telynne rolls her eyes. “He always does.” She picks at her salad again with her fork.
“No, but it's like the creepy, Oh-my-God-I-am-the-next-coming-of-Edward-Cullen stare.” Telynne is nudged by her friend next to her, but refuses to indulge her. It's a couple more jabs to the ribs until Adrienne says, “Tellie, look!”
Tellie gives a strong jab in return. “Adrienne, shut up. If you keep making a big deal out of it, he's going to keep doing it.”
“Oh, like he can hear us from way over here.” Adrienne replies and looks over her shoulder again.
“Yeah, because he totally can't hear your yelling from halfway across the room. Nope.”
“Lighten up, Tellie. A decently attractive guy is paying attention to you. You should be flattered.”
“I would be flattered if the guy paying attention to me wasn't the 'second coming of Edward Cullen' in your words.” Tellie looks over her shoulder to, sure enough, see the guy that Adrienne has been talking about.
His name is Ethan Aevus, aka the lone wolf of the seniors. He's not very popular amongst his peers, being known as that crazy kid with two people in his head at one time. He seems to have taken an interest to Tellie, either taking to staring at her like with his Edward Cullen eyes or with a stare that's nothing short of absolute wonder. It varies on the day which further enforces that whole 'two people in his head' thing.
Tellie doesn't really mind the staring all that much. It's harmless really and it's not like she has to deal with him at any point in her life. If he wants to have an unrequited lust for a freshman, then that's his problem.
Adrienne takes one last look at the proprietorial Ethan before turning back to Tellie and wrinkling her nose. “Eh... don't go for him. He's kind of creepy. And he's got a bad reputation with him. It's not even like the hot badboy reputation either. Just... no.” She pops a grape in her mouth as Tellie chews.
“I wasn't going to go for him anyway.” Tellie says when she swallows.
“Good. I've trained you well.” Adrienne grins and turns to some of the other girls at the cafeteria table.
Tellie looks over to her not-so-subtle admirer who stares on at her even through the crowds of people and tables between them. Tellie dares to send him a smile and he ducks his head with a sheepish smile. He fascinates her most of the time; the way he can switch between the two people in his head so seamlessly.
She doesn't really know him, but a part of her would like to. She would prefer to ignore that longing though.
She's so clueless.
She doesn't know about the previous lives that she's lived, all the good she's done and the ridiculous amount of times that they've met. She's never remembered him no matter who or what she is.
They don't always meet up face to face. More often than not, they've been intertwined with the same people. She was the test subject before him during their time with The Mad Doctor. She was on that ship that he made sure sunk to the depths of the ocean (he regrets that. He always will no matter which part of him is in control.) and is now a modern day teenager like him in this time.
For a while now, he's been trying to figure out a way to make her see who she really is. She's one in 36 people who was lucky enough to be granted such an amazing gift. Even if he does hate their shared fortune most of the time (strike that. About 90% of the time) she should at least be able to remember she has something like this.
For now, he knows that she only sees him as the guy with the crazy reputation and the creepy stares from across the room. He isn't trying to be creepy per se (the rules are changed in this generation. It's hard to keep sane and keep up with it all.)
So, he fails his classes on purpose to try and spend time with her. Yeah, his fake parents got made at him and took away his cell phone, which he never used in the first place effectively making it one of the most useless and pathetic punishments ever, and they told the school to get him a tutor. Despite being a freshman, she's top of her class and she's knowledgeable on things that go beyond the curriculum of her grade. Having been brought into a family of brainiacs, it's no doubt that she would be an amazing student.
“Mr. Aevus, I'd like to introduce you to Ms. Telynne Prodo.” his guidance counsellor says with a comforting hand on his shoulder. It would probably be more effective if his counsellor wasn't as short as an elf and he wasn't as tall as a giant, but he appreciates the concern. He's nervous about formally meeting his Tellie (Oh, well that his might be escalating a little quickly.) Telynne looks just as nervous as him, shifting her weight from foot to foot as she stares up at his lanky form.
“Telynne, this is Eth-”
“We've met.” Tellie interrupts and her lips form a welcoming smile. “Hi, Ethan.”
As Ethan gives an awkward smile in return, his counsellor (whose name he really doesn't care to know) says “Well, I'll leave you to your studying.” Her high heels clack quickly against the other door, muttering something to him about doing some actual studying for once.
Tellie and Ethan are left standing awkwardly in the empty library except for a sophomore listening to her IPod off in the corner and reading a Shakespeare play.
“Fancy meeting you here.” he teases, trying to lift the uneasiness from the situation.
“Yeah, it's a lot more formal than staring at me from across the cafeteria and never actually talking to me and just looking like an all out creeper, isn't it?” she replies with a mocking, sarcastic smile.
“At least I didn't follow you home.” he offers to try and make his creeper staring a little more minor.
She sighs and looks him up and down again. “Did you bring anything with you? Textbooks? Paper?”
He presents himself, empty handed. “I got nothing. I thought we'd just use this time to get to know each other.” He plops himself down onto the nearest desk and offers her the spot next to him. She stands motionless in front of him with her arms crossed over her chest. “Come on, keep things casual for our first day together.”
She moves, all prim and proper, to sit next to him. Her hand smooths her knee length skirt as she sits down, her legs dangling off the edge. He tries to hide his smirk of amusement. No matter what life she's living, she's always the no nonsense kind of person who was never into his antics. Nice to know some things don't change through time.
“So, what can you tell me about yourself, Tellie?” he throws his arm around her shoulders and leans her into him. He's always loved making her uncomfortable. Maybe his antics will strike a chord with her somewhere in her subconscious.
She shrugs his arm off. “Call me Telynne, please. Tellie is exclusively for my friends.”
“Aren't we friends? My dear, Tellie, I'm hurt.” he clutches at his chest in mock pain.
“I just met you.” she points out, looking at him as if he's insane. He sort of is, too be quite honest, even in his mind.
“Weren't you the same person who just said that we had already met to my ever so kind guidance counsellor?”
He's got her and she knows it. She huffs and hops down off the table. She moves to the shelf in front of them and picks off a moderately sized hardcover book. She looks at the cover and back at him. “You;re taking Psych, right?”
He nods. “Yeah, why?”
She tosses the book which he catches reflexively. “Crack open that book, Einstein. Let's do something productive.”
He has to smile at her familiar assertiveness. “Whatever you say, my dear.” he smirks into his book.
She tosses a glare his way.
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