#tekken couples wiki
wikiablogger · 6 months
Lars Alexandersson & Alisa Bosconovitch
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reneestation2 · 1 year
Everyone's gonna see another blonde bitch on their feed cause they intersect a lot. (Also I'm only posting this here, because this game is not out yet, and I don't want my ideas to get too much internet traction.) Also I'm gonna assume people are caught up with the Tekken story up to this point.
Leo in Tekken 8!!!!
So Leo has been revealed as base roster for Tekken 8 which is exciting, because they're the character I primarily use. Since there is no individual character trailer for them yet, I'm scrounging up different material to see if somethings are significant enough to warrant certain predictions. So this will basically be some predictions I have about the stories and some evidence to back it up.
1. Development on Emma Kliesen Storyline
First and most obvious is development on Leo's mom, Emma Kliesen. Her unjust murder is the main motive of their presence in The King of Iron Fist Tournament. We know Emma worked in some Devil Gene esearch on behalf of both Heihachi and Kazuya. We also know that Steve (as a child) was a part of these experiments, and Emma smuggled him out and most likely faked his death so that he'd be safe. Leo and Steve meeting to talk about (their, plural lmao) mom would be a great point of dramatic story with little action. Maybe a brotherly bond between the two will emerge??
2. Azucena and Leo's Special Intro
This isn't that big, on the Famdom wiki, there's a link to one of Harada's tweets explaining that Leo does like coffee, but it was rarely, if ever, mentioned. So they just share that bond with each other lmao.
3. Leo and.... Leroy?!?!
Ok, this one is my favorite prediction so far. If it goes in this direction, I'll cry for the rest of my life in the best way possible. So there are some screenshots from the Tekken website and the Press Kit of Leo using moves in-game. They have these for all characters the recently revealed. But the opponents of those characters share some sort of connection, whether it's a rivalry or just a simple commonality. Leo's screenshots have them fight Azucena and Leroy. Now, Leo and Leroy actually have more similarities than at first glance. Both of them are specifically seeking Kazuya to stop him, both of them are well-versed in a Chinese martial art, Leo might currently seek revenge on Kazuya, while Leroy has a satisfied revenge against the gangs of New York, for both having lost family. Leroy could have some sort of guiding role for Leo, whether that be how to fight, or why you fight in the first place, only time will tell. But I really hope they add something really good like that in there.
I also have a couple of predictions on Leo's moveset in Tekken 8, but it's mainly just what could be a Heat Engager or a combo extender, but I'll leave that jargon out.
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lemmylemons · 8 months
Me after reading the Tekken Fandom wiki for a couple characters and watching half an hour of an almost 2 hour ping lore explanation:
"So it's just a big tournament started by a family with extreme daddy issues passed down from generationto generation?"
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purplexiasphinx · 3 years
Y'all know Tekken? No? I'm talking about it anyways <3
So in Tekken 7 and Tekken 6 I know for sure (not sure abt the others cause I've only played those two) that there is a character named Leo. We like Leo. They are good.
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This is Leo. They attack pretty quick and have a relatively easy to learn fighting style, PLUS their attacks deal enough damage to be worth it and it's easy to block or dodge with them because they're fast as fuck.
Now. The thing is, a couple years back I ended up searching for a list of Tekken 7's female characters. I found a list, and at the top of that motherfucking list was Leo. Was this a glitch? My dad always thought they were a guy so I just went with that but I just searched them up and they are straight up nonbinary it's amazing like check their fucking wiki IT'S SO GOOD I ADORE THEM
Anyways this started as a theory post like Leo nonbinary???? and now I know
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same, Leo. same.
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molebradry · 3 years
Playlist: https://bit.ly/3fjp1UU I can't believe I made Ganryu do all the work to unlock Roger/Alex. Should've just used Kazuya. Ganryu is a sumo wrestler of great merit. He is also the youngest fighter ever to gain the "Ozeki" rank. Once this title was gained, many who watched the sport (including a certain bandit leader, Yoshimitsu) thought Ganryu would reap the rewards and challenge for the title of "Yokozuna", a title he was more than capable of winning. However, his immoral style (such as starting bouts with fire breathing and a fanfare whilst taunting his opponents, coupled with his bad gambling habit) lead to a dishonorable discharge, providing Ganryu the opportunity to join the crime world. This path of life led Ganryu into pursuing one overriding purpose: to become the world's strongest man in a move that he feels is just and honorable. This, of course, led to his arrival in the first King of Iron Fist Tournament, where he was defeated by a one-time fan, Yoshimitsu. Noticing his skill, Kazuya Mishima hired Ganryu once the former retook the Mishima Zaibatsu, paying the sumo wrestler more than enough to feed his gambling addiction. Ganryu is participating in the second tournament mainly as Kazuya's bodyguard, but he also has another motive: he hopes to build and own a sumo ring to impress his secret crush, Michelle Chang (whom he fell in love with after seeing her movements and physique), while gaining the Yokozuna title. - From the Tekken Wiki --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Support Me On Ko-Fi: https://ift.tt/2s1w37u Subscribe to Me: https://goo.gl/Jb4xtm Most Recent Upload: https://goo.gl/CcnPeH Most Popular Upload: https://goo.gl/id51qE Twitter: http://goo.gl/GjHNP -------------------------------------------------------------------- #Tekken2 #GamingMole #Ganryu
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taynebct-blog · 6 years
Graphics explained
In this blog post i will be working through each graphic i created for my card game Heart, and explaining the why. 
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Starting from the top left and proceeding as if reading a book.
Sword with 2 hearts - Graphic for the tricksters retarget trap, which makes players card hit an allie, meant to represent the attack going through the trickster and also damaging the ally. Originally got this idea of the logo from Yoshimitsu from tekken 7, one of his attacks was a stab through his own chest, hitting opponents behind him, but also damaging himself in the process. 
Green Noxious Gas Cloud - Graphic for the tricksters Noxious Gas Trap, which poisons the player. This was designed after the common trope of skulls being in poisonous smoke, as well as it being green.
Angel Wings w Halo - Graphic for the all for one red effect which is meant to be like a mad dash/flight of great speed, “on the wings of an angel”. No notable source. 
Target - Simplistic, shifts the focus of the bosses attack, paints a target on that player and they ready themselves to take the blow, is the green effect of the redirection card. This is inspired the role of the tank/damage sponge from role playing games.
Speech bubble - The yellow effect of the redirection card, meant to be taunting the boss into attacking you, making them slip up. Inspired by taunt mechanics in many games, notable example is Rammus from league of legends, one of his abilities is frenzying taunt http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Rammus. 
Fist - Simplistic fist, used as the icon for the bruiser boss deck, represents the character as brutish strength.
Gold Shield - The green effect for the all for one trap card, this card gives an incredibly powerful boost to ones defense. It is colored golden because typically in video games gold is “better”.
Arrow Card - Literal picture, everyone gives you one of their cards, is the yellow effect of all for one trap. Making everyone pay a ta for focusing you.
Wind Up Key - Another literal picture, boss readies himself, he “winds up”.
Bloody tooth - sucker punch brute card, the card does a little damage and takes away a card, like losing a tooth, won’t kill you, but its not fun, and now you look funny.
Syringe - red effect from the heal card, meant to be like an adrenaline shot. Similar use item can be found in Left 4 dead 2, which gives the player a momentary boost. 
Grey shield - Green effect from the defense cards, meant to be a standard sign of safety, you shield yourself from damage.
Sword - Basic attack icon, used for all levels of the attack card. Swords are commonly thought to be useful if one were to make an attack.
Poison bottle - Literal, for the poison trap, meant to be as if you poisoned the buff they just used. 
Bloody Brick - Bruisers trump card, getting hit with a brick is not fun. 
Z Z Z - One of the examples for the change your rate card, meant to represent calming one self.
Flaming stabbed heart - This represented an angry response to being attacked, it is used for the reactionary strike of the defensive trap on red.
Arrow - Literal, deflecting the damage elsewhere, is used on a couple of cards that redirect damage. 
Blood Drop - Bleeder icon, literal, meant to represent the bleeding from his slashing razors. Inspired by a character in league of legends called Darius http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Darius, which is a character that is built around making enemies bleed. 
Coffee - another example for the change our rate card, meant to represent hyping oneself up and increasing heart rate. Normal coffee increases heart rate.
Pink brain - Is the graphic for baselined, meant to be representative of stepping back and thinking about your next action. 
Boody disposable razor blade - Follows the same motif as the other bleeder cards, slicing and blood. See Blood Drop inspiration above. 
Crossed swords - representative of everyone taking damage from the red effect of the one for all card trump card. Its like attacks going in every direction. 
Cards - Represent everybody drawing on yellow effect on the one for all card. Very literal. Made it the Ace of Spades cause of the song.
Plus Heart - Literal, green effect of one for all cards, which heals everyone 2 health. Hearts and the color red are commonly used for healing effects, as well as the plus being a symbol for medicine. 
Moving razor blade - Literal, shows the bleeders control over them. Same motif as his other cards.
Broken Target - This is the graphic for the bleeders trump card, he focuses in before shredding one person. Disregards the bleeders previous motif to establish itself as the trump card, it stands out by being different.
Smoke cloud - Literal, makes the players plans go up in smoke. Inspired by the smoke bomb technique of Batman, when he magically vanishes. 
Jester Hat - Used as the icon for the trickster deck, inspired by Shaco and the Joker. 
Smile - Used as the tricksters trump card graphic, meant to be jagged and cracked, representative of a mad man, inspired by the Joker and Shaco
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nickrempe · 7 years
2017′s Game of the Year
I wanted to voice my opinion on a few video games that chewed up a good amount of free time this past year. After having two children, my free time only happens between 9PM-12AM which is not ideal. Even though I didn’t attempt to play as much as possible this year, I still did a good amount of damage. Let’s see what 2017 has to offer.
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I didn’t have time to play Cuphead, Yakuza 0, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, Arms, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Tekken 7, Resident Evil 7 and Night in the Woods. There are more things that I didn’t have time to explore and that’s okay. 
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Nintendo Switch 
It has been incredibly convenient and playing Splatoon 2 matches during lunch breaks while sitting at my desk. There is a lot to improve, it feels so barebones that I am still getting nervous about moving a BOTW save to a friends Switch. But the convenience of having my wife watch a movie while I sit back and finish up some shrines has been a way for us to stay closer even when I escape to Hyrule.
Super Nintendo Classic
This socially accepted Raspberry Pi contains my favorite gaming moments in my young life. From Super Mario World to Secret of Mana, it’s like having a (very small) box that can pump all the right chemicals into my brain when I need a fix. It really is something special.
Hyper Light Drifter (PC)
HLD didn’t come out this year but I spent a while playing it. Everything is created with precision in this game, and it needs to keep that sharp design in order for you to accomplish some of the most difficult boss fights and random encounters. The focus is the art direction and music for sure, but I enjoyed all of my time with Hyper Light Drifter, even if I fought a boss 15 times in order to keep playing it.
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Monster Hunter: Stories (New 3DS)
Fun to look at, charming as all hell, has a lot of my favorite monsters... and you can ride them. I couldn’t get behind the story and was nodding away in bed while playing it, the slow dialog and tutorialized nature of the first couple hours is a huge drag. I’ll go back but I wanted to be in that world a lot more than it was allowing me to.
Destiny 2 (PC)
I was ready to love and I loved the way it looked and played. Everything else - loot boxes?, multiplayer, the raid, nightfalls, common social features built into the game, quest variety, loot drops, characters - blows. Bungie has changed, I have changed, I don’t think I will give proper Destiny another chance. It’s just a real shame that something that looks and plays amazing... fumbles everything else.
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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Wii U, Switch)
The dungeons are such a letdown and that is what people will play because they want help with Gannon, why did they make the four main dungeons so boring? It really bothers me, Nintendo knocked it out of the park and I can’t help but be so confused by a handful of things with BotW. It is my most played game this year, I’m still planning on getting all the shrines but ... man.
Solo is the only way to go, playing with friends is fun for a short time of bullshitting and laughing. However, the meat of what the game delivers to you is in the single player. Turn up the headset, have everyone go to bed, and enjoy screaming after being sniped in the head at 3AM. It’s Counter-Strike, it’s a horror game, it’s tense, it’s hilarious, it’s a great open-world, it’s Russian-ish, it’s fantastic.
Persona 5 (PS4)
I didn’t finish it, I actually got to the (maybe) final dungeon with the last boss and stopped. I turned into a mouse one to many times and never went back. I’ll finish it, I want to know what happened to the characters but the dialog beat me up. It’s my JRPG that I wanted to spend time with this year and I don’t regret it, it just overstays its welcome and everyone talks, everyone texts. Best music, best world building, best art, best style, best characters, the music is great, you should just listen to the music.
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NieR: Automata (PC)
This is the most important game. I want to know everything about NieR. I have dived into the weapon descriptions, wiki entries and story interpretations... and yet have so many questions and want to keep talking about it. NieR has true flavor; the 4th wall breaking, the endings, the serious moments, the jokes, Emil, A2, sad robots, boss battles, Romeo and Juliet, Pascal and all of the charm create a satiable experience that I want everyone to try.
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loonyweassley-blog · 8 years
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The Best Places To Shop for Tekken 7 Crack And Consoles
Online videos offers quite a bit, together with improve schoolwork or sporting events. This short article will present you with some tips on how to find the correct game titles for you and the way to engage in your greatest Crack Tekken 7.
Ensure you are familiar with adventure reviews. Tekken 7 Cracked are not only for children, and there are a number that are not for kids at all. From EC (several-years and up) into a or AO (only people plays), the reviews deviate on every one gameplay. Simply being aware of the status scales is specially important if you are intending to acquire a game for a child.
If you find yourself having fun with a shooter game, normally switch your individuality through harms way prior to reloading. There has been many times when people have sacrificed an existence since their on screen nature was infected even while reloading their tool. Don't get to be the subsequent prey in this oversight. Only reload your tool following you've obtained cover.
Be familiar with the disguised hazards of on the web gambling. In some cases, you may want to pay out a monthly access amount. Also you can get more info here: http://www.dailykos.com/user/timeofhack/  If your little one asks to participate in an on-line Tekken 7 Crack local community, you should discover how considerably this might expense. Ensure about prices. If you have a expense, figure out no matter if the game makes it worth while.
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Make use of parental influence configurations that put together a large number of Tekken 7 Crack Skidrow Download. You should definitely analyze regardless of if the Crack Tekken 7 is enjoyed on line. If it is, reduce any time or shut down the wireless to ensure that they can't entry it. Check any good friend needs they have, as well as how a lot they engage in and get connected to their web based close friends.
Consoles provides an extremely better game working experience for your kids than Computers can. Consoles grant you considerably better control of information and security, as numerous young people can easily breeze by way of adult controls on the computer. You kids are more sheltered on a system centered on game playing.
Don't enjoy from day to night - reduce it to two several hours or much less. Tekken 7 Cracked is definitely an craving and will escape command if you do not watch out for it. Never engage in to get more detailed that 2-3 a long time day-to-day. If you will be trying to play for many people hours consecutively, be sure that you have a number of modest pauses.
Don't throw aged, already-enjoyed Tekken 7 Crack Skidrow Download. 
Alternatively, check around and search for retailers that take deal-ins for cash or credit ratings. Work with the cash you can get from reselling classic computer games to shop for new ones.
Make certain you stay hydrated when participating in games for too long time frames. If you typically get distracted by your favorite computer games, you may possibly not discover that you need to sip or have a break. Enjoy as much water as you possibly can within the Crack Tekken 7 to stay accurately hydrated.
What the heck is the body engaging in when you perform?
 You ought to attempt on a stability tennis ball which enables maintain spinal column in positioning since you have fun with. In the event you really enter your measures computer games, you could find your self resting for a long time on ending. Try and agenda routine splits to receive up and move.
Have you considered going to a online video media arcade not too long ago? Probably 1 outside of town. So many people are by yourself at their houses when they are trying to play gaming systems. Undertaking this is a great way to transform games into a additional sociable exercise.
Only take a superior class video recording connector when implementing your xbox game process. Modern Tekken 7 Crack products are offered coupled with diverse cable connections in order to use different types of video recording connections. It could be bewildering if your television facilitates a few different online video associations. HDMI and DVI work most effectively on the bundle. Other prime quality alternatives include RCA, Composite, and S-Online video. Co-ax cords are incredibly well-known but usually do not give you a crystal clear photograph. You have to only use co/ax if you have to.
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Despite the fact that having fun with Tekken 7 Cracked is an extremely entertaining leisure activity, it shouldn't become your entire life. Get other pastimes to sign up in. Tekken 7 Cracked for prolonged periods is not really a healthier hobby. You would like to have other preferences to go to. Gaming systems may be addicting to make sure you need to restriction you as far as possible.
For those who have little ones who like gaming systems, look at establishing a home where by they might engage in their most favorite video game titles. Gaming applications can get high in volume and disrupt your serenity. You may even choose to relocate Tekken 7 Crack to a different floors.
Engage in Tekken 7 Crack Skidrow Download on your own pc or mobile computer in lieu of getting a fresh a particular. Some out of date video game titles works on your desktop or gaming strategy and they will not cost a lot of cash. This helps to save a lot of your money that you really would shell out.
When actively playing athletics game titles, establish the problem to effortless to begin. Athletics gaming applications are often pretty detailed. It is preferable to initial discover the requirements for the video game ahead of helping the difficulties. When you have enjoyed this Crack Tekken 7 for two months approximately, you possibly can gradually enhance the difficulties level. Source: https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tekken
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wikiablogger · 5 months
Jack & Jane
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wikiablogger · 3 months
Jin Kazama & Alisa Bosconovitch
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wikiablogger · 3 months
Eddy Gordo & Lidia Sobieska
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wikiablogger · 3 months
Hwoarang & Asuka Kazama
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wikiablogger · 5 months
Ganryu & Michelle Chang
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wikiablogger · 5 months
Eddy Gordo & Christie Monteiro
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wikiablogger · 5 months
Niklas Kliesen & Emma Kliesen
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wikiablogger · 5 months
Roger & Roger's Wife
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