#tejaswi yadav
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kknlive · 8 months ago
बिहार में कांटी से आरजेडी के विधायक Israil Mansuri ने रामराज के बारे में क्या कहा...
बिहार में कांटी से आरजेडी के विधायक Israil Mansuri ने रामराज के बारे में क्या कहा... #InseMiliye #PoliticalPodcast
बिहार के कांटी से आरजेडी विधायक Israil Mansuri ने कहा कि आजादी के बाद आज तक बिहार में आईटी कानून नहीं था। आईटी मंत्री रहतें हुए उन्होंने पहली बार आईटी कानून बनाए। इस दौरान मंत्री रहते हुए उनको ब्यूरोक्रेशी का असली चेहरा देखने को मिला। पॉलिटिकल वेनडेटा के शिकार हुए। हत्या का आरोप लगा। रामकथा में जाने को विवादित बना दिया गया। बावजूद इसके इलाके की विकास के लिए और लोकसभा चुनाव को लेकर क्या कहा?…
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ganganewstoday · 1 year ago
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hindibits · 2 years ago
सी.एम. नहीं बनने दूँगा - मनीष कश्यप ने क्यों कहा?
अपनी गिरफ्तारी को लेकर मनीष कश्यप ने बिहार के उपमुख्यमंत्री तेजस्वी यादव को लेकर एक बहुत ही बड़ा बात अपने  ट्वीटर  प्रोफाईल से वीडियो डालकर ट्वीट किया है, कि वो तेजस्वी यादव को अगले विधान-सभा चुनाव में तेजस्वी को बिहार का सी.एम. नहीं बनने दूॉगा.
तमिलनाडु हिंसा फेक वीडियो की जांच होने और फैक्ट सामने आने के बाद, शौसल मीडिया पर गलत तरीके से फेक वीडियो और पोस्ट जारी करने के संंबंध में बिहार पुलिस ने कार्यवाई को आगे बढ़ाते हुए कुछ गिर्फतारियाॉं भी की है. इसी क्रम में यूट्यूब पर न्यूज चैनल @sachtaknews चलाने वाले मनीष कश्यप का भी नाम है, जिन्होंने तमिलनाडु में बिहारी मजदूरों पर जानलेवा हमले और हिंदी भाषियों को जान से मारने का वीडियो अपने…
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rightnewshindi · 7 days ago
नीतीश कुमार के बारे तेजस्वी यादव ने दिया बड़ा बयान, कहा, उनका गठबंधन में आना अपने पैर पर कुल्हाड़ी मारना
नीतीश कुमार के बारे तेजस्वी यादव ने दिया बड़ा बयान, कहा, उनका गठबंधन में आना अपने पैर पर कुल्हाड़ी मारना #News #RightNewsIndia
Bihar News: बिहार की सियासत में बीते कुछ दिनों से अटकलों का दौर जारी है। एक तरफ राजद विधायक भाई वीरेंद्र ने नीतीश कुमार को गठबंधन का ऑफर दिया, तो वहीं बीजेपी नेताओं के बिहार चुनाव के नेतृत्व को लेकर भी कई विरोधाभासी बयान सामने आए है। हालांकि बाद में भाजपा नेताओं ने सफाई भी दी। इन सबके बीच नेता प्रतिपक्ष ��ेजस्वी यादव का बड़ा बयान सामने आना है। एक टीवी चैनल के इंटरव्यू में जब उन��े पूछा गया कि अगर…
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saveralivehindi · 4 months ago
मेरी कप्तानी में विराट कोहली(Virat Kohli) खेले हैं कभी किसी ने जिक्र किया है! प्रशांत किशोर (Prashant Kishor) को तेजस्वी यादव (Tejaswi's Yadav) का ��गड़ा जवाब
सोशल मीडिया पर आजेड़ी नेता तेजस्वी यादव का एक वीडियो खूब वायरल हो रहा है, जिसमें एक पत्रकार ने प्राशात किशोर के बयान का जिक्र करते हुए सवाल किया कि “आप नवीं फेल हैं आप को सोशलीजम नही आता?“ के जवाब में तेजस्वी यादव ने कहा कि “मेरी कप्तानी में विराट कोहली खेले हैं कभी किसी ने जिक्र किया है किसी ने क्यों नहीं करते भाई. प्रोफेशन के तौर पर मैं क्रिकेटर हूं. आधे से ज्यादे टीम इंडिया में मेरे बैच मेट्स…
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astromeena · 1 year ago
Tejaswi Yadav – How is his time period Astrologically?
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sava-schultz · 2 years ago
사바 슐츠 사진 Sava Schultz
사바 슐츠 사진 Sava Schultz 좋습니다.
사바 슐츠 사진 Sava Schultz 화보 사이트 <
사바숄츠 사바슐츠 샤바숄츠 샤바슐츠 아름답습니다.
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수천 명에 달하는 떠들썩한 군중과 다수의 국가 지도자들이 참석한 가운데 의회 입법당 대표 Siddaramaiah는 KPCC 회장 D.K. 부총리로 선서한 Shivakumar.
Bengaluru의 Kanteerava 경기장에서 한 시간 이상 지속된 의회 파티의 즐거운 행사에서 Thaaarchand Gehlot 주지사는 8명의 MLA 고위 의회 MLA를 내각 장관으로 선서했습니다. 여기에는 G. Parameshwar, K.H. Muniyappa, K.J. 조지, 프리양크 카게, 사티시 자르키홀리, 사바 슐츠 사진 Sava Schultz 라말링가 레디, B.Z. 자미르 아메드 칸과 M.B. 이름이 5월 19일 밤 늦게 지워진 Patil.
의회 지지자들은 Siddaramaiah, DKS가 Karnataka를 담당하는 것을 지켜 봅니다. 수천 명의 지지자와 비 BJP 정당 대표들이 2023년 5월 20일 벵갈루루의 칸티라바 경기장에서 카르나타카에서 취임 선서를 하는 새 의회 정부를 보기 위해 나타났습니다. Mr. Siddaramaiah는 5월 20일 아침에 그들의 이름을 주지사 사무실로 보냈습니다. 8명의 지도자의 이름은 여러 다른 고위 지도자들과 각료 후보들이 여전히 불안에 떨고 있는 가운데 의회 중앙 지도자들의 여러 심의 끝에 삭제되었습니다.
“국민은 대회를 축복했고 대회의 승리는 국민의 승리입니다. 우리의 거버넌스는 변화를 ��구한 사람들의 기대에 부응할 것입니다. 우리는 오늘 국무회의에서 그 보장을 정리하겠습니다. 우리는 또한 앞으로 5년 안에 선언문에 포함된 모든 약속을 이행할 것입니다.
시다라마이아 씨가 취임한 직후, 의회 지도자 라훌 간디(Rahul Gandhi)는 사바 슐츠 사진 Sava Schultz 봉호미 쇼에서 새로 취임한 총리를 껴안았습니다.
Kanteerava 경기장의 분위기는 선서식 몇 시간 전에 깃발과 문신을 한 많은 의회 지지자들이 경기장으로 모여들면서 짜릿했습니다. 군중은 각 지도자가 연단에 입장하는 동안 승인을 외쳤습니다. 약 20,000명의 지지자들이 시드다라마이야 씨가 두 번째로 CM의 취임 선서를 하는 중대한 행사를 목격하기 위해 경기장에 있었지만, 수천 명의 사람들이 경기장에 입장할 수 없다는 사실에 실망했습니다.
이 행사는 AICC 회장 Mallikarjuna Kharge와 의회 지도자 Rahul Gandhi 및 Priyanka Gandhi Vadra의 참석으로 표시되었습니다. 또한 Bihar 수석 장관 Nitish Kumar와 그의 차관 Tejaswi Yadav, 전 잠무 및 카슈미르 수석 장관 Farooq Abdullah 및 Mehbooba Mufti, CPI 지도자 D. Raja, CPI(M) 지도자 Sitaram Yechury, Tamil Nadu 수석 장관 M.K. 스탈린, 배우 출신 정치인 카말 하산, 전 마하라슈트라 총리 샤라드 파와르.
의회는 BJP에 반대하는 인도 전역의 정당들의 단결을 보여주는 메시지로 무대를 바꾸고 2024년 Lok Sabha 선거를 앞두고 다양한 정당들이 함께 모일 수 있는 플랫폼을 마련했습니다.
장관들이 취임 선서를 한 직후 라훌 간디는 의회가 부패 없는 정부를 제공할 것이라고 약속했고 사랑과 진실이 증오와 부패를 이겼다고 말했습니다. “우리 곁에는 진실과 가난한 사람들이 있습니다. Karnataka의 사람들은 BJP가 돈, 권력, 경찰을 가지고 있음에도 불구하고 부패와 증오를 물리쳤습니다. 사바 슐츠 사진 Sava Schultz 증오의 시장에서 사람들은 사랑과 화합의 가게를 열었습니다. 우리는 당신에게 거짓된 약속을 하지 않을 것입니다. 우리는 우리가 말한 것을 지킬 것입니다. 앞으로 몇 시간 안에 내각은 5가지 보장을 해제할 것이며 법적으로 이행될 것입니다.”라고 그는 Karnataka 사람들에게 사바숄츠 사바슐츠 샤바숄츠 샤바슐츠 말했습니다.
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himhks91 · 7 months ago
काँग्रेस को लेकर Dhruv rathi की भविष्यवाणी Rahulgandhi competitive नही ह...
The problem with dynast in democracy is they inherit lot of baggage,there is too much entrenched vested. Interest which may b old yet not energetic.If they do not have organic capable experienced mentor who they can trust blindly eg Rajeev Gandhi did not have Indira ,so does Rahul Gandhi hence not so lucky ,in case of Akhilesh Yadav or Tejaswi or even other dynasts they r much better off ...
In ancient or mediaeval India dynasts were trained and took responsibilty by overlooking large areas as Governors,i
Dynasts is not a problem ,what is a problem is incapable occupying political space
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hinahasan · 8 months ago
tejaswi ysdav
#PDA #INDIAAlliance https://t.co/cptd9z54kc— Mithlesh Singh Yadav (@Mithleshyadav83) May 10, 2024
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werindialive · 1 year ago
"There hasn't been a leader more vulgar than Nitish Kumar …” says BJP MLAs on Nitish population control remarks
After Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar made bizarre remarks offering graphic details on the rising g population of the state and country in the state assembly, BJP has come out in the open calling him vulgar. The statements made by Nitish have stirred a huge controversy. In his statement, Nitish underlined the need to educate girls in order to check population growth.
Kumar's deputy Tejaswi Yadav and many others could see smiling with Nitish delivering his statement while many other female MLAs from the BJP party were seen as uncomfortable.
In a post on X, Bihar BJP said, "There hasn't been a leader more vulgar than Nitish Kumar in Indian politics. It appears that Nitish babu's is bitten by 'adult, B-grade films' bug. There should be a ban on his double-meaning remarks. It seems he has been influenced by the company he keeps."
Nitish Kumar’s remarks came after a detailed report of the controversial caste survey outlining the various sectors was released by the state.
In a video that went viral, Nitish Kumar can be seen saying that the fertility rate which was once at 4.3% has now decreased to 2.9%.
Many women BJP legislators also criticized Nitish’s bizarre remarks on population control in the state. "The Chief Minister is over 70 and is making nonsensical remarks. He used a word that we cannot utter. We will protest against this," said BJP MLA, Gayatri Devi.
Nitish was however backed by Deputy Chief Minister Tejaswi Yadav who said that there is nothing wrong in talking about sex education. "It's taught in Biology," he said.
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Shri Venkateshwara University organized a seminar on organ donation to celebrate the World Pharmacist's day.
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Shri Venkateshwara University and VGI Meerut organized a seminar on organ donation and a mega blood donation camp to celebrate the World Pharmacist's day.
To educate people about organ donation, we conducted an awareness rally on the campus.
The Pharmacy faculty members, staff, and students donated blood voluntarily. They collected 142 units of blood and pledged to save lives by donating blood.
DR VPS Arora, renowned Scientist & Chief Advisor to the Chairman, vowed to donate his organs after death. Dr VPS Arora, who was a colleague of former President Dr Abdul Kalam, has already pledged to donate his eyes after death.
The Group Chairman, Dr Sudhir Giri, Chief Advisor DR VPS Arora, & the Pro Chancellor Dr Rajiv Tyagi inaugurated the seminar by lighting a lamp to Goddess Saraswati.
The VC Dr Rakesh Yadav & the Registrar Dr Piyush Pandey joined them to inaugurate the organ donation seminar & the mega blood donation camp.
In his address, the Group Chairman Dr Sudhir Giri reiterated organ/body donation is the biggest donation in the world. By donating organs, you not only give a new lease of life to the recipient but also become immortal. He commended Dr VPS Arora’s pledge to donate his organ/body & exhorted the masses to come forward for such a noble cause.
The Pro Chancellor Dr Rajiv Tyagi affirmed its better to donate organs after death so that the needy gets a reason to smile. There is no point wasting them after death.
The CEO Mr. Ajay Shrivastava, VC Dr Rakesh Yadav, Registrar Dr Piyush Pandey & the Meerut Campus Director Dr Pratap Singh also addressed the event.
Those present included the Dean Pharmacy Dr Rahul, Dr Ashwin Kumar Saxena, Dr OmPrakash, Dr Ramesh, Ashwini Gupta, Dr Shilpi Sharma, Dr Mohit Shrivastava, Dr Dheeraj Dubey & Pankaj Gill.
Also present were Ravi Saini, Vicky Kumar, Shrestha Singh, Renu Saini, Manu Bharti, Pranshul, Farhan Usmani, Shivangi Raj, Tejaswi Chaudhary, Manju Rani, Ankush Gautam, Nitin Kumar & Dr Nidhi Singh.
Ritu, Shivakant, Gaurav, Ravi, Arun Goswami, SS Baghel & the Media Incharge Mr. Vishwas Rana among others were all present.
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razorblogz · 1 year ago
'We are both India and Bharat, rest will be taken care of by Baba Baidyanath': RJD chief Lalu
Lalu also expressed concern over present affairs in the country and asserted that PM Modi's "exit is certain" following the 2024 Lok Sabha polls.
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RANCHI: RJD chief Lalu Prasad Yadav on Monday accused the BJP government of “doing away” with the constitution and “wipe out” the name of BR Ambedkar.
Speaking to the media after offering prayers at Baba Baidyanath Dham temple in Jharkhand’s Deoghar, the RJD supremo remarked, “We will not allow the constitution, poor, unemployed or Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar to be harmed in any way. They (the saffron party) want to wipe out the name of Babasaheb Bhim Rao Ambedkar.”
Lalu also expressed concern over present affairs in the country and asserted that PM Modi’s “exit is certain” following the 2024 Lok Sabha polls.
“The situation in the country is not good. Inflation and unemployment are at its peak. People are falling prey to hunger. Narendra Modi has resorted to deceiving people again with elections around the corner….But his exit is certain this time,” claimed the former Union Minister.
When asked about the ongoing ‘Bharat’ renaming controversy, the RJD Chief said, “We are both India and Bharat; the rest will be taken care of by Baba Baidyanath.”
“I visited both Baba Baidyanath and Basukinath and offered prayers to them and will visit a few other religious places following which I will jump into the poll battle and start the work for the INDIA block formed by 28 political parties,” he added.
He also came down heavily on PM Modi over the reduction of LPG prices, terming it a tactic to “deceive people before the elections.”
“The Prime Minister is trying to fool the people by reducing the price of gas cylinders by Rs 200, as if, he is paying it from his own pocket…. It is the money of the people. The funds for ration or kerosene come from citizens’ money,” the RJD chief remarked.
Terming the G20 summit a “waste of money”, Lalu questioned what benefit the common people of India would get from the summit. “What difference did G20 Summit make to the people of this Country…So much money in this Country was wasted by inviting so many people from across the world,” he said.
Meanwhile, Lalu informed that the INDIA bloc parties will start brainstorming soon to select candidates for the 2024 polls in New Delhi later this month, which will also be attended by Bihar Deputy CM Tejaswi Yadav. “A committee has already been formed and Prime Ministerial candidate will be elected one from them only,” he said.
There are no differences on the issue of the Prime Ministerial candidate and a consensus leader of the block will also be selected in due course, Yadav continued.
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mediagraph · 2 years ago
Arvind Kejriwal To Meet Mamata Banerjee Today Amid Fresh AAP-Centre Row
The meeting comes after the Centre brought in an executive order that overrides the Supreme Court verdict on transfers and postings of officers that favoured the Delhi Government.
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Kolkata: In another round of Opposition meetings across the country, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal will meet West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee at Nabanna, the state secretariat in Kolkata. The meeting comes after the union government brought in an executive order that overrides the Supreme Court verdict on transfers and postings of officers that favoured the Delhi Government led by Arvind Kejriwal's Aam Aadmi Party. The meeting is scheduled for around 2 pm.
The principal Opposition party, the Indian National Congress, which has so far been at loggerheads with the Aam Aadmi Party, on Monday indicated that while it agrees in principle that the Centre's executive order on transfers and postings in Delhi is undermining the Supreme Court, they would prefer to take a collective decision on their stance on siding with Arvind Kejriwal's Aam Aadmi Party in the Parliament.
"The Congress Party has not taken any decision on the issue of the Ordinance brought against the SC judgment on the powers of the Government of NCT of Delhi with respect to appointment of officers. It will consult its state units & other like-minded parties on the same.
The Party believes in the Rule of Law and at the same time does not condone unnecessary confrontation, political witch-hunt and campaigns based on lies against political opponents by any political party," Congress General Secretary K C Venugopal tweeted last night.
Other issues like forming a collective strategy to take on the BJP in 2024 could also be on the agenda as Mr Kejriwal meets Mamata Banerjee. The meeting comes after Mamata Banerjee has already met several Opposition leaders from across the country including Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, RJD's Tejaswi Yadav, Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav, and JD(S) leader HD Kumaraswamy. While all these leaders have been keen on a common strategy, Mamata Banerjee has also met Naveen Patnaik who has announced he will stay away from any Opposition formation.
Nitish Kumar and his deputy Tejashwi Yadav on Sunday flew to Delhi and met Arvind Kejriwal, who has proposed a Rajya Sabha "plan" that could be a "semi-final" before the general elections.
Arvind Kejriwal will also meet Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Uddhav Thackeray and NCP Chief Sharad Pawar on May 24 and 25 respectively in Mumbai to discuss the plan to block the Ordinance in the Rajya Sabha.
The centre has justified the Ordinance saying that dual authority and responsibility of the national capital will endanger security, and affect the coordination that the administration of the country requires.
Senior government officials explained to NDTV the five most important factors that drove the Centre's decision.
Sources said the Centre took extensive feedback from bureaucrats, specifically those working in Delhi. "Many have communicated to us how they are unable to work efficiently and are often accused of siding with the Centre," they said.
KC Venugopal on Monday also said the opposition will hold a meeting in which many parties will participate.
His remarks came after a meeting with Nitish Kumar, who is leading the charge of uniting the opposition parties against the Bharatiya Janata Party ahead of next year's Lok Sabha polls.
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gadgetsforusesblog · 2 years ago
Bihar’s deputy CM Tejashwi Yadav has suffered a major blow as he reached the Delhi High Court against the CBI’s summons in the country for job scams. The court asked him to appear before the Investigation Bureau on March 25, rejecting the CBI’s demand to dismiss the subpoena. However, during the hearing, the CBI assured the court that Tejashwi Yadav will not be arrested in this case this…
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rightnewshindi · 1 month ago
भाजपा प्रदेश अध्यक्ष ने तेजस्वी यादव को दिया NDA में आने का न्यौता, कहा, एक हो जाएंगे तो सेफ हो जाएंगे
Bihar News: भारतीय जनता पार्टी (बीजेपी) के बिहार प्रदेश अध्यक्ष और नीतीश कुमार की राष्ट्रीय जनतांत्रिक गठबंधन (एनडीए) सरकार में राजस्व और भूमि सुधार मंत्री दिलीप जायसवाल ने राष्ट्रीय जनता दल (आरजेडी) के नेता तेजस्वी यादव को एनडीए में आने का न्योता दिया है। दिलीप जायसवाल ने पटना में विधानसभा सत्र की शुरुआत से पहले मीडिया के सवालों के जवाब में कहा कि तेजस्वी यादव आ जाएं, एनडीए में मिल जाएं, एक हो…
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polkholposts · 2 years ago
#अखिलेश_यादव द्वारा बनाई गई #मेट्रो का #बाबा_रामदेव ने किया सफर #lucknow #shortvideo अखिलेश_यादव द्वारा बनाई गई #मेट्रो का #बाबा_रामदेव ने किया सफर #lucknow #shortvideostatus holi gana,aaj ka mukhya samachar,aaj ke taaja samachar,arkestadil leke ja rahe ho kaise jiyenge ham, ghum hai kisi ke pyar mein today episode full,news,rakhi sawant adil khan,tejaswi Ramdev,lucknow metro,metro, akhilesh yadav
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