#teirna davidson
preathuswnt · 1 month
can confirm as someone in the stands this was startling! love emily being completely unfazed
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sam23114 · 3 years
Congrats on the bronze
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isn't her smile contagious
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artsyspacehoe · 5 years
Me: *thinks about the uswnt*
My brain: :o 💚💗🧡❤️💜💝❣️💙🧡❤️💞💜💗💛💜💖💕💞🧡💙💜💘💕
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dashonkelley · 6 years
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Forged - Tierna Davidson x Reader
Prompt: Could you do one where R is a part time black smither. Like R is making hand forged rings and stuff for the uswnt and Tierna absolutely loves it cuz it makes R very muscular and she’s gay. 
“You alright there T?” Alyssa smirked at the younger defender.
“What?” Tierna shook her head, dazed at the question, clearly distracted.
“I asked if you were alright,” the keeper smirked again, laughing this time.
“Me? Alright? You bet,” the defender tried to focus back to the keeper, blushing.
“You sure? You seem a little distracted,” Sonnett came from behind, slinging an arm over her shoulders.
The brunettes blush deepened, dropping her gaze to the ground, embarrassed at being caught staring.
“How the fuck do forearms look hot?” She suddenly took a step away, motioning an arm to Y/N on the other side of the weight room.
“Seriously? That’s the part of Y/N that you find the hottest?” Alyssa asked confused.
“I mean, it probably means she’s pretty good with her hands,” Sonnett winked.
Everyone on the team was well aware of Tierna’s feelings for the forward. Tierna didn’t hide her feelings for Y/N, but Y/N was oblivious to them. The defender had asked the forward out several times, the forward would agree, only for her to be unaware of Tierna’s intentions. How Y/N still didn’t know how she felt, was beyond everyone on the team.
“She just did a 48” box jump, and you’re interested in her forearms?” Ali joined.
“I mean, that’s hot too, but like, you’ve them, right?”
“Well yea, she would, she works with her hands. Don’t say it” Becky cuts Sonnett off with a firm glare and a pointed finger when she sees the blonde defender about to say something. “She’s a blacksmith.”
Sonnett snapped her mouth shut at the look Becky was giving her, but still smirking.
“I agree with Sonnett,” Ali smirked too. “Definitely means she’s is good with her hands.”
“Not helping!” Tierna dropped her arms to her side.
“Ask her to see some of her stuff between practices,” Alyssa tried to help. “She does really good work. “
“Yes!” Tierna whipped around to the keeper.
“She lives in Chicago with you! How have you never seen her work?” Becky questioned. “I think I figured out why you aren’t dating yet.”
Tierna blushed while everyone else smirked at the defender.
“Y/L/N!” Sonnett yelled out across the gym, getting the attention of everyone else in the room.
Davidson smacked the blondes arm, staring at her eyes wide.
Y/N looked toward the group, eyes squinting, cocking her head to the side, and awkwardly waving.
She took a few tentative steps to them as Ali and Emily frantically waved her over towards them.
“Uh hey guys,” Y/N started unsure, looking between each person, confusion evident on her face.
“T has something she needed to tell you,” Sonnett gripped the other defenders shoulder, turning her to look at the forward.
“Oh? What’s up T?” 
The rest of the group all muttered vague excuses and scrambled away, Becky and Sonnett pausing to give Tierna a thumbs up behind Y/N’s back, Ali mouthing you got this, Alyssa rolled her eyes at the groups antics.
“What are you up to for the day off tomorrow? Alyssa mentioned you might be working in your shop or something,” Tierna started shyly.
“I am! I’m working on something really cool for the  team for the end of the season. You can totally come check it out if you can keep it a secret,” Y/N winked, earning a blush from the defender.
“I can definitely keep a secret. I’ll bring lunch?”
“Perfect! It’s a date!”
The loud clap of hands could be heard behind Y/N as Becky and Sonnett high fived.
“Get back to work!” One of the trainers called out, noticing so many of the players not accomplishing anything.
 The next day, Y/N was already gone that morning, having gone home the night before for the day off.
Tierna nervously picked at her plate at breakfast that morning, she would be joining Y/N in her shop in only a couple hours.
“Why are you so nervous? You’ve asked her out before and she’s said yes before.” Alyssa glanced up from her own plate.
“But she has never actually referred to it as a date!”
Alyssa rolled her eyes at the defenders dramatics, going back to her plate.
“It’s going to be fine T, take some lunch, chill out with her while she works, tell her how hot you think her forearms are,” Ali rubbed a hand on Tierna’s shoulder.
Tierna nodded to herself, continuing to push the food around on her plate.
“Do you think she thinks it’s a date?” Tierna glanced shyly at the other defender.
Ali stopped her ministrations and squeezed her shoulder, encouraging Tierna to look up and make eye contact.
“If she doesn’t, this is the perfect opportunity to make your intentions clear.”
“Yea that’s true. I’m just starting to think she doesn’t feel the same way. We’ve gone out a few times, but she never seems into it or like she is just too nice to say no.”
 A couple hours later, Tierna approached the open shop door, hearing the banging of metal.
Entering, she paused. Y/N’s back was to the shop door, her t-shirt was tight across her shoulder, the flexion of her muscles apparent, jeans fitted and dirty. Tierna swallowed, this was going to be a long lunch, and this was just what she could see from behind.
Waiting for an appropriate pause in Y/N’s work, she knocked loudly on the door. If Tierna felt overwhelmed from seeing Y/N from behind, the front made her speechless. The t-shirt was stretched on her biceps, veins popping in her forearms while they gripped her tools. Sweat apparent on her forehead and forearms, causing the soot and dirt to smear across the uncovered flesh.  
“Hey! You came!” Y/N turned around, smiling at the defender.
Tierna opened and closed her mouth a few times, too stunned at the very attractive appearance of the forward. Y/N cocked her head to the side at the hesitation.
“Hey! Of course I came, you said it was a date,” Tierna shook her head and gave her a wink, holding up the bag of sandwiches she brought with her. “Brought lunch.
“Perfect, I’m starving. Just let me wash up.”
Tierna set the bag down on the cleanest portion of the work bench she could find, then wandered around the small shop.
“Sorry, not the cleanest place to work,” Y/N apologized as she walked back in.
“This stuff is all so cool,” Tierna looked back up to the forward.
“Thanks, why don’t we eat and I can show you what I was working on.”
Y/N grabbed a clean rag, wiping down the work bench, pulling a chair out for Tierna to sit down. Tierna brushed past Y/N, gently squeezing her arm in thanks as she sat down. Tierna began pulling out sandwiches, handing one off to Y/N before opening her own.
“Ahh you remembered extra pickles!” Y/N gave the defender a big smile, dirt still smeared on her face.
“Of course I remembered you weirdo, you put them on everything,” she teased.
The pair talked about everything, teasing and bantering, Tierna asking about all the tools within her eye site, Y/N eagerly telling her all about them and what they did. As soon as she finished eating, Y/N hopped up and turning the heat back up on her forge, gathering a few of the extra tools.
“Wanna try a little bit?”
“Absolutley!” Tierna took the leather apron handed to her.
Y/N set up Teirna in front of the anvil, bringing out a heated piece of metal and placing it on top. Pressing a hammer and chisel into her hands.
“I’ll hold it with the tongs, you,” Y/N guided one of Tierna’s hand with a chisel, “hold it here like this,” she adjusted it how she needed it, “and this one,” she shifted the other hand with a hammer, “strikes here.”  
Y/N used one hand to firmly hold the metal in place while guiding the hand with the hammer to strike the metal.
“What are we making?” Teirna asked without taking her eyes off their hands.
“Rings,” Y/N replied, shifting to readjust the brunettes hands.
Tierna’s hands stopped, “how is this going to turn into rings?”
Y/N took over before the metal cooled too much to work with. Once satisfied it was alright to leave it, she pulled away, taking the tools from Tierna’s hands.
“Come look!” Y/N tugged Tierna over to another bench, pulling out a small case.
Tierna took the box, opening and gasped.
“You made all these?” she gently shifted the rings, looking at all of them.
Y/N nodded shyly, “I made them for the team for after the Olympics. Kind of cheesy I know, just a little thing for how hard everyone has worked this year. 
“These are so good!” Tierna reassured, “they’re all different.”
“Yea I made one for each one, tried to make them all personal.”
“Which one is mine?”
Y/N took the box and placed it back on the work bench, pulling one out and holding it up.
Tierna gasped again; the ring was gorgeous.
“This is amazing!”
Y/N blushed at the praise. Tierna slid the ring on, then gently grasped Y/N hand with one hand, the other gripping the opposite elbow.
“I like you Y/N.”
“I like you too T,” Y/N cocked her head to side at the change in topic.
“No, I like you as more than a friend Y/N.”
“Well that’s good, or this would have been very awkward,” Y/N chuckled.
“What?” Now the defender was confused.
“I don’t normally date people I don’t like and I kind of assumed you didn’t either.
Y/N laughed and stepped into Tiernas space.
“I’m going to kiss you now T.”
Y/N placed a hand behind Tiernas head, pulling her in for a gentle kiss.
The kiss remained gentle, Tierna pulled away, leaving her hands on Y/N’s arms.
“Wait, you knew I had asked you out?”
“Of course did? What did you think had been happening for the last couple weeks?” Y/N laughed again.
Tierna pulled away more and shook her head with a chuckle. “I thought you were just oblivious to me asking you out.”
“Anyone would be a fool to say no to you,” Y/N pulled her in for another kiss.
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preathuswnt · 3 years
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lfg!!! thoughts on roster???
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preathuswnt · 3 years
go sign up for this virtual 5k where all proceeds support the trevor project!
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preathuswnt · 5 years
they are on the same float!!
CD-“pressy get that head right in that crevice” 😂😂😂
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dashonkelley · 6 years
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dashonkelley · 6 years
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