#tehuti god
jasper-tarot-reader · 2 years
hiii, hope you doing good I would like a reading involving thoth I wanted to know what is it that he wants to tell me since i think it might be him
My initials are L.G
Hello again LG! Your deck for this evening is the Transient Light Tarot.
Please remember that I should not be the end-all be-all of communication with your deity. If something seems strange in this reading, please reach out to them yourself for clarification!
Question: What message do you have for LG? Answer: 9 Swords
Swords sway above your bed, seemingly held back by only feeble threads, threatening to snap. The fear of infinite possibilities can leave you anxious and without sleep.
Prioritizing worries based on probability and dispelling fears is hard to do alone. Don't be afraid to seek help, or open up to a friend. It only takes one unresolved inner struggle to spark endless insecurities, so perhaps that one thing within you calling for attention needs to be brought into daylight.
Leave feedback as another ask that I can publish publicly and tell me what parts felt right, if anything felt off, stuff like that. Until you do, you will be added to my greylist. Please reblog my reading guidelines and consider joining the Coven of Cards Discord server or sending me a Discord friend request at JespurrWizard#6396 to get information about more in-depth readings by me and other folks!
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bronzegods · 4 months
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Djehuty, god of scribes 📜
One of Djehuty’s most important tasks was protecting mortal scribes. He inspired them to learn and grow in their literacy and was often depicted sitting over them in his baboon form.
Commissioned from Kiwibon
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shxinny · 1 year
Bien, he querido hablar de Djehuty hace tiempo, pero no me daba el tiempo y cuando tenía se me olvidaba (Autismo/TDAH check), pero hoy me quise animar a hacerlo, de primeras porque soy su aprendiz, así que es mi deber hablar sobre el panteón egipcio y mis netkheru y segundo porque me comprometí a hablar de él y dar sus mensajes. Entonces, empecemos con este post.
Imagen: lancelotrichardson
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¿Quien es Djehuty?
Djehuty es el netkher de la meditación, el heka, la escritura, las artes y patrón de escribas, y escriba en si mismo.
Él fue participe del mito osiriaco, quien se encargó de aconsejar a Sutekh (Tifón/Set/Seth), de revivir a Ausar (Osiris), de restauran el ojo de Heru (Horus, sincretismo del que hablaremos más adelante, pues todos estos sincretismos merecen un post explicándolos), de ayudar a dar a luz a Nut, quitándole 5 noches a la Luna y también el padre de la Ogdóada de los Hehu y esta Ogdóada la conforman los netkheru
Kuk y Kauket
Nun y Naunet
Heh y Hehet
Nia y Niat
Siendo Djehuty la cabeza. Se dice que son una manifestación de Djehuty, pues los Hehu actúan cómo uno solo, también hay quienes dicen que son los hijos de Djehuty.
En publicaciones posteriores hablaremos más profundamente de la Ogdóada de los Hehu y sus correspondencias.
Imagen: S-memo
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Periodo Greco-Romano
Los greco-romanos asimilaron, no sincretizaron, ojo, son conceptos distintos, a Djehuty con Hermes y Mercurio, cambiándole su nombre a Thoth/Thot/Toth, lo escriben de muchas manera, no sabría decir cuál es la correcta xD.
Cuando los Greco-romanos vieron los mitos en los que estaba envuelto Djehuty y al ver también sus correspondencias, decidieron "limpiar su nombre", omitiendo ciertas partes del mito osiriaco donde es protagonista él y en otros mitos, cómo puede ser el mito del libro de Djehuty, donde castiga a un hombre y a su familia con la muerte tras haber robado su libro que contenía sus hechizos.
Imagen: Yliade
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Son muchos los animales representativos de Djehuty, pero los más destacados son el Babuino y el Ibis, siendo representado como un hombre con cabeza de Ibis o Babuino o directamente como estos animales, pero hay que tener cuidado, pues Babi, otro netkher Babuino lunar, es representado directamente cómo este animal y es muy fácil confundirse.
Cuando se le representa a Djehuty, suele estar acompañado de otros escribas o suele tener a mano sus herramientas, cómo pueden ser su pluma y su papiro, donde cuenta los días de reinado del faraón o anota las malas y buenas acciones de las personas.
También se le suele representar junto a Ra y Sutekh, siendo junto a este ultimo con el que protege a la barca solar y a Ra de los ataques del demonio Nepai y otros, cómo los mut y el demonio S/h/a/k/i/k.
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Djehuty fue, en un inicio, un sacerdote de Ra, un fiel servidor suyo, es por esta razón también la de uno de sus animales, el Babuino, pues este sale todas las mañanas y hace un gesto el cual pareciera ser un saludo al sol, es por esta razón por la cual se le considera un fiel servidor de Ra, incluso, Djehuty, se ha ganado el título de "Ojo de Ra", título el cual, como ya hemos visto en post anteriores, son muchas las y los netkheru que son portadores de este honorable titulo.
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talonabraxas · 1 year
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Khonsu 🌕 Talon Abraxas Khonsu is one of the most ancient Egyptian Gods of the Moon. His name means traveler reflecting the fact that the Moon travels across the night sky. Khonsu is also known as the Embracer, Pathfinder, and Defender, as he would watch over those who travel at night. On the night of the full moon, pray to Khonsu: A Hymn to Khonsu Hail unto thee, O Messenger of the Gods! Khonsu, the traveler of the night sky, Who traveleth through the heaven like Thoth. Mut-Bast is thy mother And Amen-Ra-Temu-Kephra is thy father, Thou makest women fruitful, And makest the human germ to grow in thy mothers womb. Thou art the Moon, the light -bearer, The moon by night, and the lord of Ma’at. Thou art great and mighty oh Moon God, Khonsu, messenger of the Great Gods, Traveler of the night sky in the form of the Moon. Thou art a child in the morning, an old man in the evening, a youth in the beginning of the year who cometh as a child after he becometh infirm, who reneweth his births like the disk. Thou art the Great God, the Lord of Heaven, Lord of Gods, Khonsu-Nefer-Hetep-Tehuti, Lord of Annu, Lord of rest, Chief Mabi, Peace, peace, O Gracious One, Who art peace, and who love peace. Thou art the Great God, Khonsu, the Mighty, who cometh forth from Nut. Thou art the sun at sunrise and the moon. Thou art Khonsu the chronographer, who holdest the stylus in thy right hand. Thou art Khonsu-Nefer-Hetep who hast absolute power over all evil spirits which infest the earth, air, sea, and sky. Protect us from pain, sickness, and disease. Protect us from decay, madness, and death. We invoke thee. Show us thy Wisdom. Thou makest the plants to grow and the fruit to ripen, and animals to conceive. Thou whom the Gods adore. Thou art the God of love whom men and women adore. Thou art Healer and Powerful in Magic! Protect us! Accept our offerings, O Great Moon -God Khonsu, who lives forever.
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madamlaydebug · 19 hours
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The Kemetic Divine Holy Day, The Day of Tehuti, has been celebrated for over 50,000 years within Black Civilisation. This is the day when we celebrate human moral and intellectual qualities.
Please come and join us in celebrating the Day of Tehuti on Sunday, 29th September from 3:30pm at one of our Earth Center Temples at:
21 Sunnyside Road
London E10 7BB
Tel: 0207 175 4144
18 Biggin Hall Crescent
02476 266859 / 07305995944
The Day of Tehuti commemorates the day humanity decided to make ourselves different from the other species of the planet through the quality of our civilisation, vowing in front of the Neteru (Gods) to be civilised and good. We wanted to be like the Neteru - Divine Beings. We wanted to duplicate their world. We now had a goal.
To assist us in this goal, to raise our qualities and enlighten ourselves away from our ignorance and barbarism, the Neteru gave us the tools (values and principles): The Divine Code of Human Behaviour - the 77 Commandments.
To raise our qualities is an uphill journey, it’s not downhill. It’s about taking control of your life. It’s about going through all of the effort that involves quality. These 77 Commandments outline all of the actions a human being must not do in order to live in harmony with nature and become Divine Beings. No matter how difficult they are to follow, these Commandments are our freedom. They free us from ever having to suffer as anything less than a human being on the quest for perfection and refinement.
It was by living by these 77 Commandments that our Ancestors lived and survived in harmony with the Earth for over 50,000 years. They accomplished feats that are still unimaginable and unattainable to this modern world, despite technological advancement, because we haven't evolved or advanced spiritually.
If we now understand and acknowledge that society's spiritual, moral and intellectual principles have declined and that our current values are failing us, then we have a choice: follow the destruction that society has set for us, or recover this world (replicate the Divine World) to achieve the quality, the individual quality that we can show, by reeducating ourselves and returning to what has worked for our Ancestors for so long.
Please visit www.theearthcenter.org for full addresses of the other Earth Center international branches where the Day of Tehuti will also be celebrated on 29th September:
Chicago, IL
Newark, NJ
San Diego, CA
Houston, TX
Baltimore, MD
Ougadougou, Burkina Faso
Montreal, Canada
Facebook Pages:
The Earth Center of Maanu
The Earth Center of UK
M'tam Ouagadogou
The Earth Center Canada
The Earth Center Coventry
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Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer and then keep reading: "Thank you, Universe, for revealing to me what I need to know".
You are blessed to connect with Thoth. You are going through a powerful set of light initiations at this time and these are preparing you to lead and teach from a powerful space of love. In order to complete the process, there will be a release of old ideas and limiting stories, but this is necessary for you to connect with the true power within you. Don’t be concerned by the intensity of the energies that surround you right now - facing shadow parts of yourself and your story is essential for connecting with divine magic, and evolved beings of light are there to lead the way. If you have any concerns or fears at this time, know that when fear gets loud, it’s because you’re on the cusp of something extremely powerful.
Thoth (pronounced “Toth”), also known as Tehuti, is the ancient Egyptian ibis‑headed god of writing, divine magic, and the moon. Acknowledged as the sacred scribe who created writing, he is considered to be the great mind behind the hieroglyphics and the maintainer of the Egyptian universe. It is said he was the priest‑king of Atlantis and was dedicated to leading the Atlantean people in a loving way that was firm but fair. However, no matter how hard he tried to direct them, many of them didn’t obey the spiritual laws of the universe, which inevitably led to the end of their civilization.
This gateway takes you to a space where you can connect with the energetic frequency that Thoth carries. As a master teacher of the stars, he holds space for you to connect with some of your greatest gifts from this lifetime and the many others you’ve lived. Thoth’s primary teaching is spiritual integrity and he’s working alongside a powerful congregation of evolved souls, the Ascended Atlanteans, to guide those who are ready to increase their awareness. He specializes in helping those who are finding it difficult to make spiritual progress to rise above the aspects of their life that are holding them back, and he helps awaken the teacher within.
Chant: “Tehuti, Tehuti, Tehuti,” until you feel a shift in the energy around you. Then say: “Thoth, great priest‑king of Atlantis and divine scribe of ancient Egypt, thank you for initiating and awakening the Great Teacher within me.”
Deck: Gateway of Light Activation Oracle
Artist: Jennifer Hawkyard
Thank you for sharing this card if it relates to you!
Kyle Gray
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crimsonsongbird · 1 year
Great Teacher, Tehuti
O’ Great Teacher, Mediator of the Gods, Who Guides the Sun and Moon, I’ve come forth to sing Your praise! I thank You for the lessons And the elemental air sessions; For Your forgiving patience As I struggle to make connections; For Your ancient wisdom As I try to soak up Your knowledge And bask in Its glory; For Your great guidance As I learn who I am becoming. Uncle Tehuti, Thrice Great, Who favors the ibises and baboons And walks alongside Seshat With great confidence and cunning; For all You have done to aid me As I walk through this labyrinth we call life, I thank You wholeheartedly.
Commission for @jasper-pagan-witch
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The sacred Ibis was linked with the god Thoth (Tehuti) in Ancient Egyptian religion because of its selective eating habits like the pursuit of esoteric knowledge.
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hrere · 1 year
Dream Spell Satchet
Dream spells are some of the first spells I've ever done and the ones that I have the most success with. Here is my recipe (generally).
Lavender (calm and protection)
Chamomile (sleep and calm)
Mugwort (psychic abilities and connecting with the divine)
Vervain (sleep and psychic abilities)
Rosemary (for remembering dreams)
Selenite (sleep)
Amethyst (psychic protection)
Clear Quartz (to amplify spell)
2 bags or cloths and string for the sachet (preferably black, blue, white, or purple, but anything on hand will work!)
candle (can be the same colors as the bag but anything will work)
paper and pen
lavender essential oil (can use a sleep blend or chill pill, something that will calm you to sleep)
Set up:
I like to do my spellwork on top of mirrors so that the mirrored image of the spell is on there, but this isn't necessary. I usually do spell work with an offering, so I will offer incense or water to whichever god I'm working with before spellwork. For dreamwork I mostly work with Tehuti and Nut. Do whatever you need to do to prepare yourself for spellwork and make sure you have all items on hand.
Incense and water offering with prayer
Light the candle
Add all herbs to one bag or cloth. (I like to use ones that don't have any holes). Say aloud what each herb's purpose is. Tie the bag and place it inside the other bag.
Add the selenite and the amethyst to the larger bag, saying aloud the purpose of each stone.
Draw symbols of dreams/the gods that you would like. I always draw the Eye of Ra and Horus. I also usually draw an ibis for Tehuti. I've also done some stars for Nut in the past. You can also make sigils if you'd like.
Write a petition with a prayer for what you want. *(I'll add an example below.) Fold the petition towards you however many times you'd like. I usually do three or four. On the last fold, don't center the fold so that one edge is over the body of the paper. Use the wax to seal the petition. Blow on it and/or add spit to set the wax. (I like to use spit for the creative properties and to make the spell "mine.")
Add the papers to the spell
Add the clear quartz, saying aloud the purpose for it.
Tie off the bag, then add the essential oil to it.
Place under your pillow and drift off to dreamland.
Mundane ways to help you dream more:
Take melatonin, drink or smoke mugwort before bed.
Cut back on drugs and alcohol
Keep a dream journal beside your bed and write down any dreams you had the second you wake up
Before you fall asleep at night, think of a different dream that you had that you remember
Set an alarm 1-2 hours before you wake up to wake you up slightly before falling back asleep again (this one works like a charm for me)
Keep a consistent sleep schedule
*Example Petition:
Dua Tehuti, You Who keeps all the great secrets,
May I be your student and learn Your great knowledge.
As I close my eyes to sleep, my dreams will be vivid,
When I open my eyes to wake, my dreams will be remembered.
Dua Tehuti, You who is great of heka, Who's words make it so,
Let this be so!
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incarnateirony · 11 months
...oh my god she even took me/his/our Rumpocky thing my ex has zero original thoughts.
My ex wife makes shitty website for pagan services
Pretends she was the hermes follower instead of her previous Shaman Schtick or occasional claims at Athena following.
Steals my hermes quotes, makes it her whole brand, something she never even heard from her magical friends
I. Can. Not. I literally have "rumpocky" on a 2007 LJ post and this bitch branded herself. bitch do you UNDERSTAND *WHY* it was rumpocky? Are you??? STEALING??? A MEDIUMSHIP STORY????????????????????????? ARE YOU THAT BORING?
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you dUMb CUnt
d u m b c u n t doesn't understand why even rumpocky those years ago and truly oh my god [facepalm] she really is just sitting there roleplaying every echo of my life, get therapy.
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The Rumpocky Pagan. Jesus, just admit you have nothing. He's. Not. With. You. No. Matter. What. You. Play. Neither is She. They haven't been for a long time. And you know it. Charging people out the nose for you badly miming my shadow is truly lowbrow though.
Watch the bitch be arguing in her head "well he takes it and likes it" yeah and he also takes and eats fried crickets on sticks, what the fuck about it. But that'd require him being there, and not you pretending to hide the dreams you know you're having and what they mean to wave and perform for your friends. Or maybe even to self soothe. But it isn't working, is it?
Hey, sweets.
Driving in reverse.
In five years this bitch'll be rebranding to Thee Crustdaddy Pagan or maybe The Incarnate Irony Pagan, maybe with some more stolen logo/character design.
Take the cue on why your art muse walked out the door two years ago, you had nothing but mirror mandalas, art that diminished to fractions of its previous quality, generally had to give up on your stores for it, and could only draw when you were ripping off my shit. It's a muse. You chased yours out. Everything else since is theater.
Move onnnnnnnnn bitch. You wanted me out, so stop trying to bring parts of me in.
My ass out here having to innocently kick rocks when a [redacted] agent is asking how tf I got involved in Some Shit and this bitch can't even figure out her pagan brand name without stealing my shit jesus FUCK yea nbd just disposing of this [other redacted] grade object like a nuclear hazard at sea after [damages removed] [deathcount censored] and a few weeks fuck all chaos, but this bitch is like mmmmmmmm Aaron told me a story about hermes and rumpocky once, that qualifies me as a follower that can charge people money for services lololol
Go back to arguing with ghosts in Alabama.
Damn, wish I'd put something of the bitch's in the final yeeted form too, it worked pretty damn well to yeet jarpad and his fans out of cons.
like Hermes' gramma says, if you're going to throw a box into the sun, you're going to have to do it yourself.
You know she's saying follower of Hermes but I bet you, she couldn't tell you a single axiom of tehuti or a single classic greek tradition or hymn or any of the neoplatonic branches associated with him literally all she has is psychotically larping him off of what she knows from me for others while stealing my shit and hoping nobody notices. while. she. charges. them. she's never studied a goddamn thing about him, and I goddamn know this. I was her pipeline of information or books or references or resources or whatever the fuck and she never once fuckin. even read the kybalion. She doesn't even know the alchemical steps. None of it. God. Dis bitch about to google it all now to update her LARP. Has she brainwashed her pals so bad they had a collective stroke and forgot I was the alchemist, and she constantly ranted that she was a shaman and totally different from my shit?
"durhur crowzzzz" like congratulations you know how to spell his name on wiki search and probably watched a video about Tricksters. Ffs. Start at Liber XXX, bitch, it's Morality For The Average Man. Try it. Start there. You might actually learn something that means something.
You would think even if she pretends to outsiders she isn't dealing with what she is since then. That after she made public that she got tricked by the world's most basic bitch cryptoscammer scheme into losing all their savings, that maybe the god of commerce, communication/internet, trickery and thieves is like. The opposite of in your favor giving you secrets.
Weird how that worked out, isn't it, sweetie? But I mean if you can't even think up a brand name without ripping my shit about him, how can I expect you to hear some godly warning transmission that bitch, you're fucking dumb as a brick, don't give him your login, you absolute mudbrain.
Boy am I glad I caught the vibe from him these last few years and just stopped giving her anything about him even before the split. Like no, no I wasn't projecting, he went out the door and took the art, success, and protection in transactions and life with him and with me and she still can't cope with that, huh
You know, before we left Alabama, Hermes expressed he was concerned with her habit of wanting to hide behind other identities and not own her own. I didn't understand then what he meant. Now I get it. Jesus.
And yknow what bitch. He said it to you, even back then. Stop playing. Either move on or fess up. You will never replace that shit. Stop with the bad echoes.
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nuwaubian-hotep · 1 year
#Yehudi (Jew) is a homonym of #Tehuti (aka #Thoth) - the Crescent Moon deity of the #Ogdoad. The high Semitic God #Yah, the Khemetic "Asar-Aah" (Osiris of the Moon) of which became #Allah are all personified as a Crescent Moon.
This is the absolute foundation of #Judaism.
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jasper-pagan-witch · 3 years
Something that really throws me off is when people gender planets and other space things.
I'm sitting here reading a book for a review and it genders the Moon with she/her pronouns, which is not what I think of when I think of the Moon.
To me, the Moon simply is. It has no gender.
And then after that, the first moon deity that often springs to my mind is Tehuti, followed by Selene, followed by Khonsu. So two of the three are gods, not a bunch of goddesses.
I dunno, I guess this ramble is another example of "your experiences aren't universal"?
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shxinny · 1 year
Netkheru reptiles II
¡Hola, chiques! Hoy les traigo la segunda parte de esta nueva serie, espero les guste, comencemos.
5) Heh
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Hermano de Kauket/Kuk, Nun/Naunet y Hehet/Hauhet, consorte de esta ultima, manifestación o hijo de Djehuty. Heh es el netkher del infinito y la inmensidad del Nun, el infinito donde se creo la vida.
Es representado cómo un hombre sujetando dos hojas o ramas de palmeras, árbol que está relacionado a lo infinito, sentado en su trono y a veces acompañado de un renacuajo. También se le puede ver en forma de rana o como un hombre con cabeza de rana.
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6) Hehet/Hauhet
Lamentablemente no he podido encontrar fotos o representaciones de Hehet.
Hija o manifestación de Djehuty, hermana de Kuk/Keket, Nun/Naunet y Heh, consorte de este ultimo. Hauhet es la netkher de la inmensidad y el infinito, al igual que su hermano, suele ser representada cómo una mujer portando una o dos hojas/ramas de palmera y sentada en su trono o cómo una mujer con cabeza de cobra.
Se dice que Hehet es la contraparte femenina de Heh.
7) Nia/Tenemy
Lamentablemente no pude encontrar fotos ni representación de Tenemy.
Hermano de Kuk/Keket, Heh/Hehet, Nun/Naunet y Niat/Tenemet, consorte de esta ultima, hijo o manifestación de Djehuty.
Tenemy es el netkher de la vida, la creación y el vacío del Nun, es representado cómo una rana o cómo un hombre con cabeza de rana.
Sustituyó al netkher Imen/Amen-Re tras haber ganado importancia cómo netkher creador.
8) Niat/Tenemet
Lamentablemente no he podido conseguir fotos ni representaciones de Tenemet.
Hermana de Heh/Hauhet, Kuk/Keket, Nun/Naunet y Nia/Tenemy, consorte de este ultimo, hija o manifestación de Djehuty.
Niat es la netkher de la creación, el vacío del Nun y la vida, es representada cómo una mujer con cabeza de cobra.
Sustituyó a la netkher Amonet luego de haber ganado importancia cómo netkher creadora y junto a su hermano/contraparte y pareja ganaron la fama de ''Pareja creadora de la vida''.
Se dice que Tenemet es la contraparte femenina de Nia.
Esto es todo por hoy, chiques, espero les haya gustado, recuerden que tengo todas mis redes sociales y la Per-Ankh ligados a mi Beacons, nos vemos en la parte III de esta serie ¡Se les quiere!
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talonabraxas · 1 year
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Khonsu 🌕 Talon Abraxas Khonsu is one of the most ancient Egyptian Gods of the Moon. His name means traveler reflecting the fact that the Moon travels across the night sky. Khonsu is also known as the Embracer, Pathfinder, and Defender, as he would watch over those who travel at night. On the night of the full moon, pray to Khonsu: A Hymn to Khonsu Hail unto thee, O Messenger of the Gods! Khonsu, the traveler of the night sky, Who traveleth through the heaven like Thoth. Mut-Bast is thy mother And Amen-Ra-Temu-Kephra is thy father, Thou makest women fruitful, And makest the human germ to grow in thy mothers womb. Thou art the Moon, the light -bearer, The moon by night, and the lord of Ma’at. Thou art great and mighty oh Moon God, Khonsu, messenger of the Great Gods, Traveler of the night sky in the form of the Moon. Thou art a child in the morning, an old man in the evening, a youth in the beginning of the year who cometh as a child after he becometh infirm, who reneweth his births like the disk. Thou art the Great God, the Lord of Heaven, Lord of Gods, Khonsu-Nefer-Hetep-Tehuti, Lord of Annu, Lord of rest, Chief Mabi, Peace, peace, O Gracious One, Who art peace, and who love peace. Thou art the Great God, Khonsu, the Mighty, who cometh forth from Nut. Thou art the sun at sunrise and the moon. Thou art Khonsu the chronographer, who holdest the stylus in thy right hand. Thou art Khonsu-Nefer-Hetep who hast absolute power over all evil spirits which infest the earth, air, sea, and sky. Protect us from pain, sickness, and disease. Protect us from decay, madness, and death. We invoke thee. Show us thy Wisdom. Thou makest the plants to grow and the fruit to ripen, and animals to conceive. Thou whom the Gods adore. Thou art the God of love whom men and women adore. Thou art Healer and Powerful in Magic! Protect us! Accept our offerings, O Great Moon -God Khonsu, who lives forever.
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madamlaydebug · 3 months
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*Happy Full Moon!*) Try to see the bigger picture in your Life right now. With faith and knowledge anything is possible. Tehuti is the god of magic, wisdom, art, writing and religion. Go deeper into your crafts for this full moon alignment. Search for your purpose. Write it out. A short trip will help the process. It may also be a good time to move to a foreign land and learn something new. Just make sure to remember, traveling starts in the mind. Oh yes! Before you go to sleep tonight, think about where you want to go and who you want to be. This will be a great exercise for the next 2 weeks, till the New Moon. *READ THE RAW GODDESS: 13 SIGNS: FULL MOON IN SAGITTARIUS. . . .TEHUTI THE MAGICIAN
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jasper-tarot-reader · 3 years
General Deity Message: Tehuti, July 2 2021
"What would you like to tell a lot of people, broadly, right now?"
Silver Witchcraft Tarot: Ace of Swords, Page of Pentacles, 3 of Pentacles
The Ace is the self, the beginning, the seed, and the source. It indicates new beginnings or fresh opportunities. The 3 is the world awakening. It indicates creativity and teamwork.
The Ace/Swords indicates logic, intellect, reason, truth, victory, decision, clarity, an action plan, justice, knowledge, and communication.
The Page/Pentacles indicates someone who loves the beauty and gifts of the world, sometimes too much. Greediness and laziness are rare in this person, but those traits can surface from time to time.
The 3/Pentacles indicates teamwork, creation, skilled work, and highlighting abilities. It's about making something of value or contributing to a worthwhile project.
The Ace/Swords and Page/Pentacles together is someone who needs to bring themself back down to Earth and get things together. They need to appreciate what they have and have an idea of where to go next.
The Page/Pentacles and 3/Pentacles together is a person who needs to slow down and ask for help, whether for a creative project or for something more serious and personal.
The 3/Pentacles and Ace/Swords shows a need for help in a time of despair. Take a moment to step back and see what others can see.
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