#teeth whitening in Rajouri Garden
mymrdentalfan · 5 years
When You Should Make A Visit To The Dentist In Delhi
Oral health is essential when it comes to guaranteeing functions that are essential for our day-to-day life, such as chewing or speaking.
But, in addition, this has a direct influence on your general health: on the one hand, you should bear in mind that certain oral conditions positively affect the suffering of systemic diseases; on the other, a bad occlusion can be the origin of cervical pain, headaches or breathing difficulties.
All these reasons suppose that to go to the dentist in Kirti Nagar before certain annoyances - that we will describe later - or to respect the revisions prescribed by the oral surgeon in Kirti Nagar are key factors at the time of preserving the good state of your teeth and gums.
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How should it be the first visit to the dentist?
A first visit to the dentist in Rajouri Garden is, therefore, the first contact. During the same, the best dentist in Rajouri Garden will evaluate the state of your smile and try to give a complete treatment plan to the patient.
For this, it will carry out a thorough oral examination in order to rule out the existence of any anomaly in the teeth, gums, palate, cheeks or tongue.
In addition, it will use the performance of different diagnostic tests to complete this evaluation.
Usually, the oral surgeon in Rajouri Garden will perform a panoramic radiograph to have a global view of the state of the patient's mouth. Thanks to it, you can detect the existence of dental caries, evaluate the condition of the condyles and know if there is bone loss or not.
At the dental clinic in Rajouri Garden, we believe in the importance of carrying out, from the first moment, a good diagnosis. For this reason, in the first visit we will base, in addition, on other tests that allow us to refine, even more, the diagnosis:
A teleradiography - cephalometrics - to determine the relationship between the maxilla and the jaw.
A series of intraoral and extraoral photographs to detect abnormalities in the bone structure, midline deviations, dental malpositions, and so on.
Periapical radiographs to rule out the incidence of caries in the interproximal area.
Knowing different conditions that you have suffered in the past helps us when making an accurate diagnosis. For this reason, to complete the evaluation the best dentist in Delhi will need to know information regarding your general health history and, also, dental.
What symptoms can tell you that you should visit the dentist?
Usually, you should go to the dentist in Punjabi Bagh once a year - every 10 months, approximately - for a routine checkup. However, specialists recommend advancing this visit in the presence of a series of signs that we describe below.
Bleeding gums
In many occasions, we understand that the bleeding of the gums is part of the usual process of tooth brushing. However, it is not like that.
Poor oral hygiene can cause the accumulation of plaque and tartar in our oral cavity, which produces an inflammation of the gums.
This irritation - and, as a consequence, the bleeding of them - are clear symptoms of the affection of gingivitis.
Gingivitis corresponds to the initial state of periodontal disease. This is a reversible condition, and to address it, it will be enough to perform a professional oral cleaning that eliminates the accumulation of tartar and plaque.
It is important that before the symptoms described above go to a dental clinic in Kirti Nagar because, if not treated in time, gingivitis leads to periodontitis. The latter is a chronic disease that can pose a threat to the stability of the teeth.
Tooth sensitivity
How many of our acquaintances suffer pain or discomfort when drinking a very cold drink, for example? If this is also your case, you should know that you have dental sensitivity.
This is another symptom that patients usually normalize. However, tooth sensitivity can be a sign of the weakening of tooth enamel, the existence of cracks or fractures in the dental structure, the affection of caries or periodontal diseases and, finally, of a gingival recession due to a very aggressive brushing.
You must take into account that it is a perfectly normal symptom if you have just undergone teeth whitening in Rajouri Garden or if, on the contrary, you have just done a professional dental cleaning.
Pain in some dental piece
The discomfort in any particular dental piece is usually the main reason for consulting our patients. The pain that they refer when they arrive to the consultation can be linked to different origins, such as:
The condition of extensive tooth decay that has not been treated in     time
A dental abscess
The eruption of wisdom teeth
In these cases, we advise you to go quickly to the best dentist in Punjabi Bagh. A quick action facilitates, on some occasions, the treatment and avoids later complications.
In addition, it is important that you make a visit whenever you acknowledge slight mobility or changes in the structure of a piece - a slight fissure, for example -, as well as after receiving dental trauma and accusing a darkening of the affected tooth.  
Jaw, head and neck pain
Yes, you read it right. And, sometimes, cervical pain and headaches respond to a condition called bruxism that involves the involuntary habit of clenching and grinding the teeth.
Bruxism is more common during rest hours and, therefore, people who suffer from it often suffer the symptoms described above upon waking.
If this is your case, we advise you to go to a dentist in Rajouri Garden. The solution is usually simple: it is enough to make a custom discharge splint to improve the patient's situation.
However, it is true that in those cases in which bruxism has caused damage to the tooth structure, a treatment that returns the aesthetics to the pieces - placement of crowns or dental veneers - is necessary.
The bad taste of mouth or halitosis
If you regularly accuse a bitter taste in your mouth or suffer from bad breath on a regular basis, you should know that it can respond to the condition of extensive tooth decay, the incidence of periodontal diseases or, on the contrary, the presence of an infection inside the oral cavity.
In these cases, our advice is to ask for an appointment with a dentist in Kirti Nagar to detect the origin of said symptom and, therefore, can put an appropriate treatment.
Other causes
In addition, there are different symptoms such as, for example, the persistence of a sore that does not finish healing or the appearance of a lump in the oral cavity that tell us, immediately, that we should pay a visit to the specialized dentist in Delhi.
Patients who wear dental prostheses should pay special attention in case they are no longer comfortable or a sore appears on the gum in the area near their placement.
And, finally, the most common urgency: a bracket or a retainer that has come off.
How often should you visit the dentist?
If you have your mouth in health, specialists recommend going every 10 months to the best dentist in Delhi to evaluate the state of your mouth and perform professional dental prophylaxis.
However, on some occasions this period of time is reduced:
The people who are undergoing dental treatment must respect the frequency of appointments set by the specialist. For example, orthodontic patients usually go every 4 or 6 weeks for revision.
The people with periodontal disease should visit the best dentist in Rajouri Garden every 4 to 6 months so that it assess the status of the condition and at the same time can make prophylaxis to remove accumulations of plaque and tartar lodged in the mouth.
We hope we have resolved all your doubts about when you should make a visit to the dentist in Delhi, and what should be considered as a dental emergency.
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bhutanidentalclinic · 3 years
Get The Best Teeth Whitening Treatment In Delhi
Pick a reliable dental clinic to get the Best Teeth Whitening Treatment Delhi. They have an experienced dentist to provide the finest treatment.
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kathuriasdental · 4 years
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Kathuria's Dental Specialities is a top dental clinic in Tagore Garden near Rajouri Garden driving by Dr. Eisha Kathuria, a standout amongst another dentist in Tagore Garden near Rajouri Garden area with best expectations in both clinical cleanliness and dental innovation.
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bhutanidentalclinic · 3 years
Where To Get Best Teeth Whitening Treatment in Delhi?
If you want to get the Best teeth whitening treatment in Delhi within your budget, reach a reputable dental clinic. An experienced and skilled dentist will fulfill your needs.
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bhutanidentalclinic · 6 years
Best Dental Clinic in  Delhi
Dr. bhutani Dental Clinic in Delhi is the best dental clinic in Delhi with the experienced team of dental specialists. Offers dental treatments like painless single sitting root canal treatment, dental implants, invisible teeth braces.
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mymrdentalfan · 5 years
Common Diseases in The Teeth
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Oral hygiene is part of the daily life of people. However, in some cases cleaning is not carried out properly, which causes common diseases in the teeth. At your best dentist in Punjabi Bagh we will talk about the subject and how to solve it.
Importance of dental hygiene
The teeth are important pieces that are in the mouth. These help with the processing of food, in order to give the rest of the body the necessary nutrients.
Many times, the importance of taking care of teeth is not given. When these really are fundamental to the performance of the body. Even some systemic diseases are related to the lack of oral hygiene.
Maintaining proper hygiene helps the teeth and gums to be healthy. Therefore, they can develop well in their function in the body.
Oral hygiene should start at an early age. Oral surgeon in Punjabi Bagh recommends that a routine be created from before the erosions of the teeth. This will help the child to be much healthier.
Once the child begins to grow, you have to teach him the right way to take care of his teeth. In addition to using special tooth creams for them. Do not forget that you must supervise and help the child while he is in that learning process. That way you guarantee that you have good hygiene.
Reviews with the dentist in Delhi are essential
A fundamental aspect of the care of the teeth is to assist with the best dentist in Delhi to do the corresponding checks. Going with a dentist in Punjabi Bagh is something that many do not give much importance when you are an adult. However, it is at this time where more attention needs to be paid.
It is recommended that a healthy person attend the dentist at least once a year. The best dentist in Rajouri Garden will do a review and a thorough cleaning. In this way you avoid suffering from diseases in the teeth and problems are detected in advance if there is one.
On the other hand, those people who usually suffer from inflammation in the gums or who are in treatment such as orthodontics should visit it more regularly. The dentist in Rajouri Garden is the one who tells you how often you should have an appointment.
Visits to the dentist in Delhi are aimed at doing deep cleanings to eliminate the accumulated tartar and the spots that are found in the superficial part of the teeth.
Common diseases in the teeth
Most of the common diseases in teeth are related to food and lack of hygiene. A high rate of the Spanish population suffers from some of them just for not attending the dentist regularly.
Next, we will mention the four most common diseases in India that are related to the teeth and the mouth.
Caries is a disease that has one in four people in the world. They are produced due to the bacteria of the acids when digesting foods with sugars. These are accommodated by not performing a proper cleaning.
The acids are responsible for dissolving the minerals with which the teeth are formed. Its most common symptom is pain, which can be more or less acute depending on the severity. If the caries affects the nerve, a necrosis may occur in the tooth, so it could be lost.
The proper way to prevent tooth decay is by having good dental hygiene. The treatment used will depend on the severity, so it should be treated by an expert in cosmetic dentistry in Punjabi Bagh.
Like decay, periodontitis is a disease that is caused by bacteria. These cause inflammation in the gums. What eventually causes the loss of the bone that is responsible for supporting the teeth.
The treatment used is to thoroughly clean the tartar that accumulates under the gums. To do this, the roots of the teeth should be scrapped. If the case is too serious, periodontal surgery is used.
If the treatment is not done on time, the patient may lose the teeth. After the procedure is applied, according to the severity of the periodontitis, it is necessary to have a maintenance. Since this usually becomes a chronic disease.
This disease consists of clenching the teeth for long periods, it can be day or night. The causes are not known 100%, but it is associated with the daily stress that a person can have.
In general, patients perform the action of clenching their teeth while they sleep. That is, unconsciously. In some cases, people may wake up with jaw or headaches.
Bruxism causes loss of enamel, which is responsible for protecting the teeth. So, the patient could suffer from sensitivity. This disease of the teeth cannot be eliminated. However, an acrylic splint is used that serves as a shock absorber.
Spots on the teeth
Over time the teeth come to develop certain imperfections. Among these, the spots, which can be extrinsic or intrinsic.
Extrinsic stains usually cause the teeth to look yellow. In many cases this is directly related to poor hygiene, drinking dark drinks or smoking. It can be treated with teeth whitening in Punjabi Bagh since it is an aesthetic problem.
While on the other hand there are intrinsic stains. These are related to more serious problems internally of the tooth. There are many causes and it must be a dentist in Punjabi Bagh who determines the treatment.
Advice for good hygiene
To have a good dental hygiene it is necessary:
Brush three times a day and correctly.
Periodically change the toothbrush. It is recommended every two or three months.
Attend the dentist at least once a year.
Maintain a healthy diet and avoid sugars.
There are many common diseases in the teeth. And the truth is that a high percentage of these occurs due to not having the proper hygiene or missing periodic reviews. Remember that if you need a specialist in dentistry you can contact us.
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kathuriasdental · 4 years
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bhutanidentalclinic · 3 years
Dr. Bhutani Dental Clinic - Delhi, India | about.me
Dr. Bhutani Dental Clinic In Delhi are leading dental care centers and Dr. Deepak Bhutani himself is the best dentist situated in Rajouri Garden and Pitampura, New Delhi offering world class dental implants/Root canal treatment and many more with the best corporate setup of its kind in the country. Bhutani Dental Clinic is the only clinic in India to be listed with the Leading Dental Clinics of the World and provides you with a comprehensive dental solution which is both pain-free and esthetic.
As a leading dental clinic in Delhi, Dr. Bhutani Dental Clinic specializes in a variety of dental treatment services. We ensure that your dental treatment takes place under the supervision of the best dentist in Delhi NCR. We also specialize in using modern technology and tools to treat dental issues. Below are the things that make us better than other dental clinics in Delhi.
Best Dental Treatments
Our clinics are equipped with top dental infrastructure, technology, and care facilities to ensure that you get the best dental treatments in Delhi. Whether you’re experiencing pain or looking for dentures, we provide all types of dental treatments.
Contact us to know more about:
1.Single Sitting RCT
2.Clear Aligners Cost in India
3. Dental Implants in Delhi
4.Teeth Whitening In Delhi
5.Full Mouth Dental Implants
6.Botox Treatment in Delhi
Source: https://about.me/dr.bhutanidentalclinic/
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mymrdentalfan · 5 years
Teeth Whitening
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You want to display a sparkling smile and radiant health? Only disadvantage: your teeth are yellow, dull, gray ... Sign of the time that passes, heredity or consequence of external factors, the dyschromia (alteration of the color) can be improved. It is indeed possible to whiten your teeth thanks to treatments and aesthetic treatments perfectly effective, without pain and immediate results. By calling a dentist in Delhi, you give your smile to a professional who knows exactly what to do to restore its whiteness.
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WHAT IS TEETH WHITENING? The teeth whitening in Kirti Nagar is to recover the original color of your teeth or a lighter shade than the present. This one is different from one person to another. This is why the best dentist in Delhi will first use a color chart to set the goal of whiteness to achieve on a case by case basis. It is the assurance of finding a tailor-made smile, in harmony with your face and your complexion. "WHITENING" OR "BRIGHTENING" DENTAL? The term whitening has long been used to define the action of restoring luster to a dentition. There is also talk of "enlightenment" to designate this treatment, which is undoubtedly closer to reality. It is about getting the best result in accordance with your wish and our advice.
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WHEN TO USE TOOTH WHITENING? Many factors intervene in the evolution of the color of the teeth. In the first place, the age; with the years, the enamel, the outer layer of the tooth, decreases in thickness and reveals the naturally yellow hue of the dentine. Oral hygiene is also involved in yellowing; Tartar buildup and dental plaque distort the color of the dentition. But dull, yellowed or blackened teeth also have other origins: Genetic reasons Lifestyle habits: food (coffee, tea, sweet foods, red fruits, wine ...), dental hygiene, tobacco ... Some medicines, antibiotics and medical treatments A traumatic shock Devitalized teeth Whatever the reason for the discoloration of your teeth, there is a therapeutic solution to make them whiter. Far from a great same technique as active charcoal, first consult a dentist in Rajouri Garden who will diagnose your dentition and correctly guide you on the treatment to adopt for teeth whitening in Rajouri Garden.
Several techniques aim to teeth whitening in Tagore Garden; they can be combined with each other according to the cases of dyschromia.
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Scaling, the first step for effective teeth whitening in Punjabi Bagh After examining your mouth, it is essential to clean your dentition. If it is plagued by plaque and tartar, the whitening agent will have trouble acting. So that it is not hindered by any obstacle, the dentist in Punjabi Bagh performs a descaling. In mild cases of dyschromia, this may be enough to find a pleasant shade and eliminate unsightly stains. The next step is to adopt impeccable oral hygiene to keep your smile.
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Laser chair: how is the session? In the dental clinic in Delhi, the professional first pass a protective cream on the lips and sets up a spacer that will keep your mouth open. He then installs protections on the gums, the mucous membranes, and the skin. He can then apply the whitening gel on the dentition. A lamp equipped with a laser beam then projects light; it makes it possible to enlarge the pores of the enamel to facilitate the penetration of the product, which is photosensitive. After only an hour laser teeth whitening in Paschim Vihar, the results are immediate and visible.
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The whitening lamp This is the same principle as the laser lamp but without the laser. A cold blue light (ultrasonic ray) is projected to activate the gel applied to the teeth. The whitening lamp is used by the dentist in Kirti Nagar, for fast and effective teeth whitening in Patel Nagar.
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Home Bleaching "Home Bleaching" refers to home-based tooth whitening techniques. This may include commercially available toothpaste and whitening kits as well as devices prescribed by your dentist in Paschim Vihar. If the kits contain basic gutters, in office, we prepare impressions of your dentition, lower and upper. This will make dental moldings used to produce thermoformed gutters. Adapted to your mouth, they gain comfort and efficiency. The whitening product will also be more suitable if it is entrusted to you by a professional than bought in the trade. Control appointments are scheduled throughout the period of home teeth whitening in Naraina.
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Outpatient sessions for home whitening The front teeth whitening in Janakpuri can, therefore, be done at home, using the techniques of Home Bleaching. After creating the appropriate aligners for your jaw, the dentist in Delhi will explain how to use them with the whitening gel and in what dosage. Sometimes it is necessary to wear the gutters all night or only a few hours in the day and on a variable number of weeks. Everything depends on the balance sheet that has been established beforehand. These outpatient sessions can be performed alone or in addition to a session at the dental clinic in Rajouri Garden. In this case, this will prolong the desired whiteness effect.
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Definitive Whitening Whatever the dental whitening technique is chosen, the results will not be final. It is generally considered that the teeth whitening in Rajouri Garden must be renewed every two years or every year. This can be tedious. The dentist in Punjabi Bagh can then suggest you place dental facets, prostheses whose size and color will be personalized. They can also correct any flaws in your smile, such as misalignment. This technique is also recommended for blackened teeth that do not react well to whitening, as well as for all teeth that have received composite resins or crowns. Their color should be reviewed after treatment to ensure the homogeneity of your smile. Read the full article
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