#teenage nerris
bbbholdmebbb · 6 months
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I’m not the best with fashion but it’s fun to think about what they would wear
My writing/close ups under readmore
(This line gets deleted sometimes just ignore this)
Their beanies r made by max!
Nikki wears hers the most! But she also needs them replaced the most heh. Max will grumble but he enjoys making her new ones each time.
Arrows to max- friendship bracelet by neil / yarn pun shirt / David influenced flannel / horror book
Someone/David from off scene “Max! Neil and Nikki are here!” Max startled “ah shit!” He is still wearing his adorable pjs! So he rushes to get changed, “‘sup guys”
Arrows to max- gwen influenced piercings / cool ripped jeans (Gwen brought) / cool outdoorsy boots (David brought)
Neil: as if that was my fault
Nikki: it was! :)
Neil: not the point, Nikki
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queeniecamps · 2 days
AU where the campers are teenagers working at the mall, here's my contenders for possible jobs:
Max: Coffee Kiosk, he drinks half of his paycheck LOL, everyone gravitates to his job to get a refresher Neil: The Apple Store, he's likes to get real technical with customers and acts high-and-mighty explaining some of the most bare bones bullshit HEHEHE Nikki: Journeys, she wanted discounts on running shoes, also my cousin worked there when she was in her 20s and i thought that was the COOLEST
Ered: Zumiez, need I say more? She doesn't say much at the counter, might honestly be on her phone more than paying attention to the customers, spends her entire paycheck on gear there
Nerris: I am SERIOUSLY torn between Gamestop and Build-a-bear, dude might be working two jobs. The geek aspect makes me think Gamestop, but their plushie collection makes me think B-A-B
Harrison: I really REALLY wanna say Hot Topic, he dresses like a 2010s regular, like c'monnnnn
Nurf: Foot Locker, he and Nikki have a mild rivalry cause I imagine their stores are RIGHT across from each other lollll
Preston: Y'know, I wanna say like Hollister or Forever21, some clothing shop. On his breaks he desperately tries to start a flashmob. If not there, he works as a ticketringer at the movie theater!
Space Kid: LEGO STOREEEEEE, it's the highlight of his day clocking in, he loves it, he LIVES there basically
Dolph: He takes his love for cullinary cooking to the foodcourt, maybe he's working in the bakery decorating cakes, cookies, and cupcakes?
The Flower Scouts all work at Sephora, I mean, c'mon now.
Aaaand for the Wood Scouts?? I'm not sure! Maybe they're the ones at Build-A-Bear because I think the idea of them acting all serious while helping some snotty kid do the adoption ceramony would be hilarious.
...And Daniel is like the ring leader of that group of mormans that approached me as a teenager when i was crying in the mall (#hormones) and tried to convert me over LOL
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kittykatrattie · 7 months
I've had multiple season 5 dreams and they're all fairly reasonable or teenage/adult designs of the campers. Except for last night, when I dreamed that Nerris vapes in the new season
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rotomartsblog · 1 year
Camp Camp scars/injuries headcanons
David: Obviously scars from the events of The Forest. Also has a bunch of other injuries from general camp activities and the campers being little shits (I.e. scars on hands from when Nurf stabbed him)
Gwen: Injuries from camp activities and campers as well, but significantly less than David since she isn’t as proactive with the campers. Healed self-harm scars from her early teenage years
Ered: Whole bunch of injuries from extreme sports activities have left scars and marks on her body.
Nurf: Cuts and wounds from getting into fights at school. Surprisingly good at keeping himself safe at camp, though he has accidentally cut himself with his knives
Neil: General injuries from science experiments, like getting cuts from broken beakers and chemical burns. Also frequently bit by the platypus
Harrison: Burns on his hands from when his fire magic first appeared
Nerris: Notch in ear from an accident when they were toddler, they don’t even remember it
Max: Stab wound from Snake on his back
Nikki: A whole bunch of cuts and scars from adventuring and wild animals
Space Kid: A few bite marks from animals but otherwise his suit keeps him safe. Cuts from broken glass from a few broken helmets
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sealrock · 6 months
—Achille Thidrek
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I was tagged again for this awesome game by @archaiclumina, so this time I'm gonna showcase my boy. tysm for the tag!
please note: since my ocs are constantly in flux, I'm currently in the process of looking over achille's current backstory and may end up doing another overhaul. any information shown may end up being outdated
not tagging anyone else since it looks like everyone has done this, so this is an open tag :)
Name: Achille Thidrek (adoptive surname) Nicknames: Shelley (Paris' nickname, once used in an insulting manner), My Love (Patroclus' nickname), Smalls (Nel's nickname, no longer used) Age: 24 (post-endwalker) Nameday: 20th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon (August 20th, 1556) Race: Midlander Hyur/Elezen Gender: Cis male, uses he/him pronouns Orientation: Gay Profession: N/A
Hair: Natural redhead, dyed blond. Rough to the touch and dry due to lack of maintenance and overuse of hair dye, chin-length Eyes: Dark red Skin: Pale beige Tattoos/scars: One tattoo near his right eye, multiple scars across his face. Various scarring across his body
Parents: Thetinne Greystone/Tauvane, the Godless; mother (45, alive) Pelleas Myste; father (deceased, 27 at time of death) Chiron Thidrek; adoptive father (65, alive) Siblings: None Grandparents: Ajax de Euyevair; maternal grandfather (deceased, 61 at time of death) Nerry Cotter; maternal grandmother (deceased, 28 at time of death) Osmund Fletcher; paternal grandfather (deceased, 37 at time of death) Gyda (née Lovejoy) Fletcher; paternal grandmother (deceased, 34 at time of death) In-laws and Other: Tecmessine (née Dafert) de Euyevair; wife of Ajax, stepmother of Thetinne (deceased, 38 at time of death) Heralette (née Euyevair) de Gaucine; maternal aunt (49, alive) Zeumont de Gaucine; uncle-in-law (54, alive) Apolloix de Gaucine; maternal first cousin (17, alive) Artemielle de Gaucine; maternal first cousin (17, alive) Helioroit de Euyevair; maternal uncle (42, alive) Pets: An aging chocobo named Talona, his traveling companion
Abilities: Achille can absorb multiple hits from attacks to build up energy (most commonly electrical energy as he is naturally attuned to lightning). Once at his limit, he will unleash all the energy with deadly accuracy and proficiency, but he runs the risk of going 'berserk' if he pushes himself beyond the limit. Achille is also an expert in martial arts, making him a dangerous opponent in hand-to-hand combat and can attack the body's weak points without outright killing his attacker Hobbies: Sparring, meditation, yoga, gardening
Most Positive Trait: His inspiring idealism Most Negative Trait: His crushing self-hatred
Colors: Brown, green, yellow, orange Smells: Fresh tea, garden herbs, sea salt, pine Textures: Wood, metal, soft hair, fine fabrics Drinks: Water, coffee, tea, juice
Smokes: Once as a teenager, got caught and was punished. Never smokes to due his religion Drinks: Never because of religious reasons Drugs: Never recreational, only for religious/spiritualistic purposes Mount Issuance: Besides his chocobo, Achille usually walks to destinations or hitches rides from traveling merchants Been Arrested: Never
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ahoppingmagician · 7 months
Cursed Harrison HC
Alright so I promised an explanation on how a view Harrison's magic. If you are interested keep reading down below
(Warning it's long and very much not canon by any means, yes this is what 6 years of nothing but thoughts have done)
Harrison's father who I have named Jonah was just like any teenager a know it all who knew nothing.
Jonah was your typical jock raised by heavily Christian parents in a small town. One day his rival Dallas (Nerris's Dad) was talking about an old temple out in the woods that supposedly was used to worship some kind of octopus deity. Jonah didn't believe him because the only thing that should be worship is God. Dallas had enough of his shit and challenged him to go to the temple and do the ritual, the teenage boy foolishly agreed. His first mistake.
The boy hoped on his yellow bike as the sun began to set, he headed into the woods. The temple stood tall, it loomed over him. He took the old book Dallas has gave him out of his bag and headed into the structure that was covered in moss. His second mistake.
He waited around till the moon was glaring down at him. It looked odd, was it always this blue?. Jonah shook it off it was just from being drowsy surely. He placed the book down on the alter as the moonlight hit this weird glowling rock and began to read the words. His Final Mistake.
Now he has cursed his entire bloodline till the end of time. He didn't realise it for years, but then his first born son was born, Harrison Samuel White.
How it effects Harrison
Let's start with the obvious. He has supernatural abilities that doesn't seem to have any true limit. Harrison can simply end the world with a click of his fingers if he desires.
He can't really feel his hands, from all the layers of burned skin and other magical injuries on his body. His body temperature depends on his mood, an example would be if he's scared, anxious, or worried his body will become cold and can form frost or ice. When he started puberty he started to grow these weird tattoo like symbols on his arms, chest and back.
Sleep Schedule
He doesn't really sleep during the night. Some 0f it is due to his curse in general, another factor is that the "demons" like to torment him at night with laughing, murmuring, humming, and whispering. Also nightmares about him starting Armageddon or relieving him and his twin brother's 9th birthday party, where everything went wrong.
So he isn't exactly mentally well. He is coping with it but that's about it. When he was 13 to 15 he decided to lean into being a terrifying bringer of doom that wouldn't hesitate to threaten you with a flame being held to your face. 16 to 19 he began seeking validation by becoming a ladies man. General Anxiety and Depression because obviously..wouldn't you be if everyone told you that you're the rebirth of Satan and being haunted by creepy creatures everyday, while batteling the urge to burn the world to the ground. Also smokes weed with Nerris because Stoner Nerris owns my soul.
His birth family threw him out the house at 16 because Jonah couldn't handle the guilt of the curse anymore, and Harrison was becoming more and more violent. Harrison wondered around till he found a familiar bus that took him to you guess it Camp Campbell. He hid in the attic till David came by for the summer. Long story short he moved with with David, Gwen, and Max. His twin brother (Tommy) wasn't his only biological sibling, Harrison has an older sister (Christina), younger sister(Eve), younger brother(Johnny) Harrison barely interacted with his younger siblings.
Alright that's it for now. Thanks you for reading this far if you did, and I hope you know that I think your amazing and tomorrow is hopefully an better day, I can't give you a hug but just know it's alright if today was hard, you'll pull through the storm.
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theghostbunnie · 1 year
what's the worst camp camp fandom story you heard? or, what are some bad or wild ones?
You wanna see the longest lists of trigger warnings I've ever written? here we go
TW: ⚠️R*pe, S*lf H*rm, S*icide, Pregnancy, Violence, death, Gr*oming, Abuse, all mentions⚠️ hopefully I'm not forgetting anything
I was recently told a story about this person who was stuck in a ongoing roleplay(s) that just kept getting worse and worse. It involved Max, trans FTM teenager involved with Snake but he was abusive and they were constantly cheating on each other and Max had multiple children with him, Preston, had other partners even. Snake had children with Erin. Alot of it was Max facing alot of abuse and troubles, and physical bullying at school even while pregnant. There was always either a baby on the way or a newborn. David kicked Max out for being a teen parent, turned to alcoholism, Max was constantly going back to Snake, abandoning the kids. David being mad at Max despite doing the same thing. Gwen acted like David, accidentally crashed the car into a hospital with the main cast inside. Snake kidnapped a baby with no consequences. I was just appalled reading them telling me this.
Then there's like the typical "here's like 5 artists that got popular then called out for drawing werid shit of kids or doing werid shit to kids" heard a lot of those stories. Recently had to leave a server bc another one came out, jfc.
I don't have the attention span for fics but I've heard of some from other people that're like "Daniel 🍇 ing David but David is still in love with him," "Jasper 🍇ing David and Daniel comes and kills him and saves David" "Gwen abusing David and Daniel kills her and saves him" I group read a fic when Wattpad was getting streamed on a discord call and it mentioned Nikki Neil and Max all had cellphones and Max decided to run away bc his mom was kinda rude to him and made him do some chores and he's like "I can't take this anymore" and told his friends to runaway with him without actually telling them what they were doing and they weren't even missing for 24 hours and none of their parents called them but it hit the news and the news/even Max's father making a statement was like "yeah Max probably kidnapped those other kids" LIKE HE AIN'T TEN YEARS OLD AND MISSING HIMSELF 😭 the fic was probably written by someone very young along time ago so I don't wanna dig into it too hard but omg
Personal experiences I have are like, on Kik actually when I was first in this fandom my only exposure was basically a public chat on Kik and then later amino. Max fangirls had little to no boundaries with Max RPers and I had a problem saying no as a kid so it got me into some wacky adventures!!/neg
Like a problem we had in that GC was people coming in with their OCs and like the most openly triggering backstories ever speaking on them loudly and like making their OCs cut n stuff and a friend I had at the time literally blew a fuse and basically told them "you are RUINING my one safe space do you srsly have to bring that in the RP"
We had a Nerris RPer who would make her have full violent breakdowns and I don't even remember all the details but it got so bad and us being all young and stupid tried to handle it THROUGH RP IN CHARACTER TO AVOID DIRECT CONFLICT 😭 I remember Rping as Nerris' parents getting called to pick her up and take her back home bc she couldn't control herself. It made things worse.
This one person had an OC who was Daniel's and David's baby they found in a dumpster and throughout the course of that RP they kept ageing her up and she went from being a baby herself to being a teenage mom of two. I remember my friend rping as the social service worker who came and took her kids after I had Max call her in.
Same OC did the "storming off dramatically" thing and I tried to be nice and have Max follow her and they had her respond "turns around with a bow and arrow and shoots you directly in the eye and doesn't miss" and jasper and Gwen got their date interrupted to take Max to a hospital and recon that it ALMOST* got his eye bc he would've IMMEDIATELY DIED realistically.
On amino there was this one max fangirl RPer even my current friend now had a run-in with and at the time I had even heard stories about how she would go into group RPs and cause a stir.
Like wanting Max to date her and when he refused she killed herself and then started rping as her OCs brother and berating and harassing Max for "killing his sister"
She joined MY rp once and I panicked bc I always delt with things THROUGH my character or ignoring it. But this RP was a personality swap and Max was a really sweet kid and she always wanted to be right on his hip, trying to interact with him.
So I made him, (who was currently in the mess hall attic) fall through the ceiling and onto a table so I didn't have to talk to her OC
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tickle-page · 2 years
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I’ve been requested to do this. You can totally request more fics for me to do. Anyways, this means completed, and this means in the fritz.
Tickle Prompts:
Christmas Starters
Regular sentence starters
Fandom List (updated)
Trauma dump under the cut
Domestic Ships
Get to know me tag game
Problem solved
The Abyss chapter 11 tickle scene
Affectionately- Chapter 1 Tickle scene
Affectionately- Chapter 9 Tickle Scene
Affectionately- Smthing random tickle(?)
Affectionately- Chapter 30 Tickle Scene
Encirclement Love- Chapter 6 Tickle Scene
Between the Stars- Chapter 58 Tickle Scene
Between the stars: Chapter 44
Twisted Wonderland Tickle Hcs:
School Staff(?)
Rapunzel Tangled Adventure’s: Season 3 (Kings and Queens of Hearts)
Riversxcameron (tiktok)
School for little vampires: Season 1 Episode 25
Airrack: You scream You lose, IRL: Tickletoberday 11
Sturniolo Triplets Tickle
Team Edge Tickle
The rise of the TMNT:
“Being smart is a curse” Lee: Donnie Lers: Mikey, Raph, Leo, and brief April
“Donatello’s much needed revenge on a blue ninja Turtle” Tickletober day 7 Lee: Leo Ler: Donnie
Donatello’s revenge Part 2 Tickletober day 8 Lee: Raph, Ler: Donnie
Donatello’s revenge Part 3 Tickletober day 9 Lee: Mikey Ler: Donnie
Tickletober day 22: Skeleton Lee: Mikey Lers: Donnie and Leo
Teenage mutant ninja Turtle Tickle Headcanons
Assassination Classroom:
“Teasing” Tickletober Day 1: Lee: Karma Lers: Nagisa and Terasaka
Lee: Isogai Ler: Sugino
Lee: China Ler: Yuzuki
Lee: Itona Lers: Terasaka, Takuya, Taisei, Kirara
Boy tickle hcs: Part 1, part 2, part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Saiki K:
“Come back here” Tickletober Day 2 Lee: Kaidou Ler: Nendou
Lee: Saiki Lers: Kaidou and Nendou
Saiki k tickle Headcanons
Hunter x Hunter:
“Just do it” Tickletober day 3 Lee: Killua Ler: Gon
“Killua’s revenge” Lee: Gon Ler Killua
Lee: Kurapika Ler: Leorio (ship post(?))
Tickle Headcanons
“Tickle and Ladders” Tickletober day 4 Lee: Inojin Lers: Boruto, Shikadai, Mitsuki, Iwabae, Denki, and brief Metal Lee
Tickle Headcanons part 1 and part 2
“Hide or get tickled” Tickletober day 6 Lee: Megumi Lers: Nobara and Itadori
Tickle Headcanons
“Tell us” Tickletober day 10 Lee: Dabi Lers: Aizawa, Present Mic, and Hawks
Using her quirk to good use Tickletober day 12 Lee: Rody, Bakugo, and Shinsou Ler: Hagakure
Tickle Headcanons part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
Conquering your fears Tickletober day 13 Lee: Nishinoya Ler: Asahi
Tickle Headcanons part 1, part 2, part 3
Demon Slayer:
The itsy bitsy spider Tickletober day 15 Lee: Zenitsu Ler: Inosuke
Tickle Headcanons Hashiras, Demon Slayers, Demons
Ghost tickles Tickletober day 16 Lee: Kou Ler: Hanako-kun
Tickle Headcanons
Tickletober day 18: Nightmares Lee: Their son, Keith Ler: Keith and Lance (KeithxLance)
Tickletober day 20: Cirrcus Lee: Tom Ler: Marco
Obey Me:
Tickletober day 21-Surrender Lee: Beezlebub Ler: Lucifer, Mammon, and Belphegor
Teen titans go:
“Beastboy doesn’t like tickling?” Lee: Beastboy Lers: Robin and Starfire
Tickle headcanons
Truth or Dare Lee: Koga Lers: Tatsumi, Aira, Hiro, and Mayoi
Endurance training Ler: Kuro Lers: Chiaki, Madara, Tetora, and Hiro
Part 2 to Truth or Dare: Lee: Koga Lers: Karou, Adonis, Tatsumi, and Rei(?)
Feathery Touch Lee: Souma Ler: Adonis
“Enjoy your vacay” Lee: Male producer Lers: Hokuto and Hiro
“Cheer up Tickles” Lee: Male producer Ler(s): Hokuto, Hiro, and Chiaki.
“Jealousy” Lee: Male producer, Tomoya, breif Hokuto Ler: Male producer, Hokuto, brief Tomoya
Total Dramarama:
Lee: Duncan
Lee: Jude
Lee: Noah
Tickle Headcanons
Lee: Boys Ler: Girls
Camp Camp:
Tickle Headcanons
Lee Max, Ler(s): Niki and Neil
Ticklish Max: Lee: Max Ler: David
Lee: Neil Ler(s) Niki, Max(?)
Lee: Harrison Ler: Nerris
Strange World
Ticklish little Ethan: Lee: Ethan Ler: Diazo
Tickle Headcanons: (Part 1) (Part2)
Total Drama Island
How long can ya last Lee: Noah,
South Park
Domestic ships (Creek)
Bunny Tickle Fic
Main 4 Tickle Headcanons
Craigs team Tickle Headcanons
Big Mouth
Domestic Ships (Jatthew)
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toycoheartful · 27 days
PawPant's Voice Actor
(Rabbidbot "Toyco" White-Rabbit - She cannot talking about not voice anymore but She can Hissing like a Snake)
Rabbidmini - Voice of Amber Hood on Stun Bunny (Nicktoon: Attack of the Toybots)
Attilio Von Chupacabra - Voice of David Kaufman on Danny Fenton (Danny Phantom)
Carly Von Chupacabra - Voice of Katie Crown on Izzy (Total DramaRama)
Donnie Von Chupacabra - Voice of Andy Berman on Dib Membrane (Invader Zim)
Jose Von Chupacabra - Voice of Dan Castellaneta on Grampa Simpson (The Simpsons)
Minnie Monarch-Butterfly - Voice of Tara Strong on Princess Unikitty (Unikitty)
Wallace Yellow-Crested Cockatoo - Voice of Steven Kelly on Byron (Brawl Stars)
Robert Fusibot - Voice of Michaela Dietz on Amethyst (Steven Universe)
Andrea Satyr - Voice of Barbara Dunkelman on Nerris (Camp Camp)
Eva "Ninety-One" Xoloitzcuintli - Voice of Kate Micucci on Dr. Fox (Unikitty)
Mackie Computer - Voice of Carlos Alazraqui on Walden (Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!)
King Balor Boitatá - Voice of Paul Greenberg on Manjimutt (Yo-Kai Watch)
Zella La-Llorona - Voice of Megan Cavanaugh on Nissa (Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius)
Mahavir Great White-Shark - Voice of John Stephen Goodman on Baloo (The Jungle Book 2)
Cosmo Vintage Toy-Robot - Voice of Lindsay Jones on Space Kid (Camp Camp)
Kenia Russian Blue - Voice of Marissa Lenti on Nita (Brawl Stars)
Winona Unicorn - Voice of Kimiko Glenn on Izzy (My Little Pony: A New Generation)
Mr. Dicky Water Python - Voice of Rowan Atkinson on Zazu (The Lion King)
Rasputin "Raz" Mountain Zebra - Voice of Kai Skrotzki on Chester (Brawl Stars)
Izzy Jerboa - Voice of Katie Snyder on Colette (Brawl Stars)
Bella Firefighter - Voice of Cristina Vee Valenzuela on Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir)
Opal Petalmen - Voice of Maggie Roswell on Mona Simpson (The Simpsons)
Monday Poodle - Voice of Nicki Rapp on Lili Zanotto (Psychonants 2)
Eis "Eastern" Traffic Light - Voice of Howard Ryshpan on Geppetto (Pinocchio 3000)
Winter Polar Bear - Voice of Rachael MacFarlane on Hayley Smith (American Dad!)
Modem Sliverback Gorilla - Voice of Scott McCord on Owen (Total Drama)
Edward Pixie - Voice of Audrey Wasilewski on Tuck (My Life as a Teenage Robot)
Valentina Bilby - Voice of Wendy Schaal on Francine Smith (American Dad!)
Peter Pileated Woodpecker - Voice of Sonja Ball on Pinocchio (Pinocchio 3000)
Dexter Harpie - Voice of Jill Talley on I.Q. (Wacky Races 2017)
Cayden Jack In The Box - Voice of James Arnold Taylor on Wooldoor Jebediah Sockbat (Drawn Together)
Gravestone Black Flying Fox - Voice of Ed Mace on Mortis (Brawl Stars)
Blu Milk Snake - Voice of Kat Cressida on Dee Dee (Dexter's Laboratory)
Shay Ghoul - Voice of Steve Carell on Hammy (Over the Hedge)
Gina Green-Boost - Voice of Elsie Lovelock on Uzi (Murder Drones)
Stitches - Voice of Zane VanWicklin on Arnold Shortman (Hey Arnold!)
Corbin Black Panther - Voice of Jason Lee on Bones (Monster House)
Valentina Bilby - Voice of Wendy Schaal on Francine Smith (American Dad!)
Snow-White Polish Rabbit - Voice of Bella Ramsey on Hilda (Hilda the Series)
Hurricane Kirin -
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jinjuomo · 7 months
Do you think Nerris and Harrison take ibuprofen together as teenagers
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cl-babydew · 1 year
Here's more:
You absolutely HAVE to look at what this artist has done:
She drew her own teenage versions of all the CC kids! You can find all ten on the page ~
Okay I looked at all of em and,
I’m ngl Tho, I do prefer another artist I follow’s version of their teen selves, BUT DANG THESE ARE SO GOOD!!! XD
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Hello my dear CAMP CAMP fans uwu
So after the Cool episode that was just recently released by Roosterteeth, i got inspiration to draw some of the campers! Ofcourse i’m putting it up o redbubble so if ya’ll are interested to buy stickers of it, you can (for only $2)!
LINK: https://www.redbubble.com/people/sugarpow/collections/908494-camp-camp?asc=u
Ill be adding Preston later cause I still haven’t finished him (owo;)
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pink-apocalypse · 6 years
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Camp Camp Teen au yet again! This time it’s the drama gang.
 I am 100% certain that there would be a DnD club that is mainly Nerris, Neil and Space Kid (he doesn’t really understand but he’s having fun) and nerris would drag her friends down too. Preston would enjoy the role play, at least. Max refUSES to go.
 Of course all three of them are in the school play every year. This year it’s beauty and the beast! (Preston is playing Lumière but of course he’s also directing) He EXTREMELY STRONGLY ENCOURAGES that his friends join it too, even if it’s just backstage or prop making. Theatre is for everyone!
 Harrison doesn’t know why he’s even still at school. He’s OBVIOUSLY going to be a big-shot magician, why would he need algebra? He likes going to parties and showing off, and pranks are so easy when you have magical powers! Despite Max and Nikki not liking him very much, those three often play pranks on the nerdier kids and David. Max can’t possibly throw away a chance to get at his least favourite teacher, even if it means teaming up with Harrison.
Max, Nikki and Neil
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kittykatrattie · 1 year
People who draw teenage or adult Nerris as a girl ick me out. Or drawing them "more feminine" because theyre "grown up" they r literally canonically implied to be nonbinary?? It just feels a teensy bit transphobic
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Is anyone else in your gwenvid AU like Nikki, Neil, Harrison, ext. or no? And if so when do you think they will come into the story?
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Gwen: they’re the kids we take care of at a day care. They’re all pretty chaotic but it’s typically calmer during nap time.
David: Nikki is the exception tho…
Gwen: she’s around the same age as Max but is already walking. She doesn’t sleep. At least, not while she’s here. But as long as we have a kiddie leash on her, we don’t worry about her getting too far. She pretty much only hides toys when she only has herself to entertain. (like Max’s favorite bear, Neil’s toddler tablet, Preston’s story books, Harrison’s hat, or Dolph’s crayons). She did try to escape through the back’s doggy door once when she sees a squirrel through the window but she didn’t get far.
David: Gwen and I started working part time at a Campbell’s Daycare during the summer for extra spending money. Sometimes during the school year. Mr. Campbell offered us the position after we became Max’s parents! It’s really great cuz we can bring Max with us and he can play with other kids his age! He seems to like Nikki and Neil the most
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table-jump-yes · 7 years
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For Nerris Appreciation Day!! //Teenage Nerris design by @ask-elfkin-nerris
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