#teen wolf headers
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teenwolfiedit · 11 months ago
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TEEN WOLF (2014) Riddled - 3x18 dir. Tim Andrew.
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userstuf · 1 year ago
• teeniwlf
• stilesqr
• lydiavhs
fav/reblog if u save or use ♥︎ dont repost it
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takaraphoenix · 3 months ago
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screensland · 7 months ago
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LIAM DUNBAR Teen Wolf, S04E03 — Muted.
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dirtbagdefender · 4 months ago
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DOWNLOAD HERE. please like/reblog if you’re using — previews are under the cut — i recommend downloading the .zip instead of downloading the gif directly from tumblr, since tumblr resizes + reduces the quality. DO NOT REMOVE THE WATERMARKS + PLEASE remember to credit me! if you would like something specific, consider commissioning me!
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sjlenceofthelambs · 3 months ago
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stiles stilinski matching icon / header! 🌕
reblog if using <3
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modernpacks · 10 months ago
Justin Bieber + Teen Wolf
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© icons: gurizpacks hismccan iconsfinder
© headers: teenwolfiedit
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newrulesedits · 2 years ago
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adelaide kane as drizzella layouts.
┋▸ like/reblog if you like/save them.
⁏ ↷ credits to @idgafdob on Twitter.
wait five seconds for better quality.
collage headers aren’t mine, I just added the psd.
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kordyceps · 1 year ago
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Mutiny of the Hardest Order @ AO3
Teen Wolf | Steter | ch8/20 | rating: E (eventually) AKA The one where Stiles’ dick develops a crush and Peter decides to humor it with some retaliatory light stalking.
Chapter 8: About Putting Lessons to Good Use
“I thought you asked me over to help with your spellwork,” Peter said, not looking all that impressed. “I asked you over here to help with my research,” Stiles corrected. “Which, yes, includes letting me test spells out on you. But also so I can pick your brain on what all of this stuff is real. How am I supposed to use this treasure trove of information to its full advantage if I don’t know what is and isn’t true?” Stiles waved his Werewolf Wiles book at Peter. “The full advantage of tricking Scott into making an idiot out of himself, was it?” Peter asked blandly. “Precisely!” Stiles exclaimed with wicked glee. “See, Peter, you know me so well! Now answer the question!” He punctuated the demand by picking up a nearby eraser from his pile of notes and chucking it at Peter. Who, of course, caught it effortlessly. The bastard. Peter could roll his eyes all he liked, but Stiles would get him one of these days.
[ch8 direct link @ AO3]
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satanlyedit · 2 years ago
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SHELLEY HENNIG as Malia Hale Teen Wolf, ICONS
Please, Give me credits if you use them, a kiss for you.
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teenwolfiedit · 11 months ago
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TEEN WOLF (2014) Silverfinger - 3x17 dir. Jennifer Lynch.
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vivitalks · 10 months ago
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sunnydaleherald · 3 months ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, December 11
Joyce and Buffy are sitting on their porch. JOYCE: Do you wanna rent a movie tonight? BUFFY: Sounds like fun. JOYCE: Just nothing with horror in it. Or romance. Or men. BUFFY: I guess we're 'Thelma and Louise'ing it again.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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BtVS Double Drabble: Playing A Part by badly_knitted (Buffy, PG)
Backstage 49, “So Sad the Song” by aadler (Xander/Cordelia, T)
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Weekly Drabbles #198 — Unspoken Words by veronyxk84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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Pay Her Back by Badwolfwho (Buffy, Faith, T)
A Christmas with a new begining by boothspookie (Angel/Cordelia, M)
The Holiday Tie That Binds by spikesgirl58 (Buffy, Giles, Grimm xover, G)
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Winter's Bite by burntsecrets (Spike/reader, unrated)
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Under Wraps by amarastoned (Buffy/Spike, R)
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A Stone's Throw by simmony (Buffy/Spike, R)
A Cozy Little Christmas by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, R)
What the Drabble? Vol. 2 - ch. 198 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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Hold My Hope by Desicat (Buffy/Spike, 13+)
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Weird Challenge by veronyxk84 (Buffy/William Pratt, T)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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The Anatomy of Ruin - ch. 1-2 by cj_is_alright (Giles/Spike, M)
Trials of Love - ch. 1 by RessaSilvertongue85 (Angel, Connor, T)
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Words Inside a Shell - ch. 2 by tigerf00d (Spike/reader, tagged NSFW)
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Ripples - ch. 3 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Stories of True Love in Capeside - ch. 6 by CheekyKitten (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Lucidity - ch. 14 by Soulburnt (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) COMPLETE!
The Metamorphosis of Moonlit Shadows: - ch. 3 by SlayrGrl (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Whiplash - ch. 15 by Ninereeds (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Banacek.Alexander. - ch. 22 by xanfu (Xander centric, Banacek xover, FR21)
Love Can't Fix Us - ch. 7 by calikocat (Xander centric, Herbie and Teen Wolf xover, FR18)
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Ripples - ch. 3 by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: 77 with Xander by yarboyandy (Xander, worksafe)
Artwork: anyanka 56? by yarboyandy (Anya, worksafe)
Artwork: [holding hands] by smoochiekissies (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Artwork: Spuffy new year season Made for EF Secret Santa Exchange ❤️‍🔥 by flyora (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Artwork: Two pathetic lovers from spuffy by flyora (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Artwork: Her vampire ❤ by leeechtherapy (Spike, worksafe)
Artwork: Faith 'accidentally' sending Buffy a thirst selfie... by sideartblog999 (Faith, mildly NSFW)
Header: Buffy, The Vampire Slayer, S03E10 (1998) by slashericons (Ensemble, worksafe)
Edit: Red themed Bangel edit. Also maybe slight Bangelus because of the first image used lmao by kishinuma-yoshiki (Buffy/Angel, worksafe)
Moodboard: aroace dawn summers by courtillyy (worksafe)
Moodboard: fred x wesley by courtillyy (worksafe)
Moodboard: it/she genderfae tara maclay by courtillyy (worksafe)
Moodboard: buffy x tara by courtillyy (worksafe)
Gifset: charles bukowski, days like razors, nights full of rats by dogmetaphors (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
Gifset: Buffy Summers & Faith Lehane in BTVS Season 3 by wicked-chocolatine (Buffy/Faith, worksafe)
Gifset: It's your world up there. Now go! by spikedaily (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Review: Buffy comics S9 Buffy and Spike perching on things like cats by xaeyrnofnbe
Buffy s03e10 Amends really has it all. The baby bangs, Angelus with a moustache, Fuffy... by acorpsecalledcorva
Angel 5.14 - Smile Time [previously posted on LJ] by rock-and-compass
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A new beginning | S4 E1 “The Freshman” [new viewer] by The_Fullmetal_Titan
A quite frankly EPIC conclusion | S3 E21-22 “Graduation Day Parts 1 & 2” by The_Fullmetal_Titan
Watching empty places for the first time! by MAD1201
On rewatch of "Dead Man's Party", I have a newfound appreciation for the episode. by funditinthewild
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PODCAST: Episode 84: The Ring by Gym Was Cancelled: A Buffy Podcast
[Recs & In Search Of]
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[multiple BTVS and ATS fandom recs - Spuffy and Fanged Four] by apachefirecat
[Community Announcements]
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Buffy/Giles Discord: Extension of deadline for the next Buffy x Giles writing Event! by thecrazyknight
[Fandom Discussions]
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POLL: Btvs as Furries [with poll for Giles's animal] by popeisahotsoup
POLL: Do you think that soulless vampires can experience selfless love? by bufferingsummers
it's like season 15 and the scooby gang are facing their worst ever monster... [prompt] by earhartsease
wait wicked au of tillow??? elphie is tara and willow is glinda??? [prompt] by kpchrs
"Best non scoobies like you and me stay out of their way" [Tara and Dawn] by defectivegembrain
[post The Body] Buffy needed to suffer financially while Tara and Willow... by forgiveness-in-the-misery
"You always hurt the one you love, pet." [4 different interpretations of this line] by kpchrs
[any s7 fuffy fic will tell you that Faith slept in Buffy's basement on a cot...] by fictiongods
I think Buffy should have sarcastically been able to call someone “poor little vampire baby" at least once by bufferingsummers
Buffy doesn't think she's better than other people because she's the Slayer... by coraniaid
do you have thoughts on trans girl xander? answered by mattolicguilt
The Spike/Harmony sexy role play scene is so interesting... by aphony-cree
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Deus ex machina [discussing the series finale] by Comfortable_Tale_139
Willow’s Character Arc by chasingsunset42
What detail, mannerism or quirk about a character just *bugs* you... ? by MountainFig7244
What's something... Buffyverse fandom views negatively, but you have mixed feelings or [like it]? by PristineSituation498
In season 7 they should have drown the Slayer in the bath tub and then revived her, [and then repeat] until they had an army of Slayers. by USDXBS
Unpopular Opinion: Tara and Willow were groundbreaking TV, but I don't love the characters/relationship. by thatiranianphantom
Season 7s dreadful British accents [and other accents in other seasons] by i_hate_my_username4
buffy’s heaven monologue by angelofmeatt
Does Buffy ever tell Riley she loves him? by StandardPossible9435
Thoughts on the “Graduation Day” battle with The Mayor? by JB92103
[what] ONE episode from the whole series ...best depicts the show's essence without spoiling anything? by missjayelle
Dawn the ASSASSIN! 🥹😭 [her talking to Riley] by EnvironmentOk5610
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screensland · 7 months ago
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LIAM DUNBAR Teen Wolf, S04E03 — Muted.
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A little bit about me- I'm Malika,She/her,I like to write and make gifs. I am just a young OBX girl who loves Teen Wolf and Iron Man among other things. I am always open to have a convo but if ur male then DNI cos online safety ppl, but no seriously just DNI. Here are all my OBX stories, I hope y'all enjoy them If the title has a 💗 next to it then that means it is completed. Home is You: WRITTEN BY ME AND MY BESTIE @lis4ux "We can't leave him alone," Kiara says, clear worry in her voice. "What?" Pope asks, confused at the topic of conversation. "JJ," she clarifies. "He can't be alone." "Why?" Kiara scoffs. "Because he's in total self-destruction mode," she explains, like that wasn't already obvious
Pogues for Life💗:
Because JJ's gonna be okay and that means John B will be fine too.They don't know yet about the new set of obstacles and challenges that await them, the new enemies the new gold.For now, they are just two boys, holding each other, watching a movie, being Pogues for life.
The Lost Tides Of Kitty Hawk:
What if the roles were reversed? What if instead of kidnapping Kiara, JJ was taken away What will the Pogues do and will Kiara do what JJ did for her?
Warmth in every hug💗:
Each time a Pogue hugged JJ and 1 time they gave him a group hug(requested)
I can't lose you💗:
"How'd you like havin' a gun pulled on you?" JJ said, jabbing his finger on John B's chest. "He had it right here on you, bro."John B gently wraps his fingers around JJ's wrist and says, "Relax."And that's the final straw because the next thing he knows,JJ is crumbling into John B, crying his heart out.
Hold me in your arms💗:
"I can’t lose him, Kie” Kiara looks up at John B and gives a small empathetic smile. “You won’t, no, we won’t”
I wasn't hurt that badly💗:
about JJ at the HOSPITAL
We can't leave JB💗:
Basically the scene from s3 e2 when Pope and Kiara argue with JJ about leaving John B but more detailed
Don't Leave, Just Don't leave me💗:
“Don’t you wanna eat Jajge?"Pope starts as he looks at the Maybank boy.JJ looks defeated,like all the fight has left him and the usual energy that comes with him is not in sight."not hungry”
I think… I love you, so don't leave me💗:
“Go to the chateau"Sarah says- it’s only now Pope realises that she’s practically taken the role of leadership in the last 30 minutes."But JJ needs a hospital not a-”Sarah cuts Topper off,“Chateau now”The drive there is silent apart from Kiara’s sobs.
If only you'd know💗:
He could see Pope sitting alone on the rocks near the shore.John B felt a bit guilty, he was Pope's friend too.But Pope had hurt JJ. His JJ.
Lost in My Past💗:
Not real not real not real-JJ gasps for air as he tugs on his hair-His dad's angry shouts merge with the gunshots.
Gone(But Not Forever):
Starts from s1 ep10 my take on things Some chapters involve Panic attacks, mentions of child abuse John b and Sarah are gone Not dead. Gone A big difference Because they can't be dead they just can't
i may have lost my mind without you💗:
basically i loved pioneer7's fic and i wanted to write a chapter about how the others take care of jj whilst kie was also in the hospital
Header made by an ex-mutual of mine as a gift for me when we were friends- Can't tag her cos she blocked me
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voidofsunlight · 29 days ago
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☽ Welcome, Traveler! ☾
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Last updated: 26th of February 2025
⚠Disclaimer: This blog is for fun purposes only! Any unwanted behavior will result in getting blocked. This is a 💫 SAFE SPACE 💫
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TERFs / Racists / Homophobes / Ableists / Sexists / Misogynists / Fatphobes / Xenophobes ARE NOT WELCOME HERE.
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✨ Hellooooo! I’m Void— 23, Taurus, she/her, a proud Hufflepuff.
This is my masterlist—my very first one, so please be kind! 🥹 Feel free to request anything; I’d love to write for more Harry Potter characters, so don’t be shy! (Especially down for Ominis or Sebastian 😉)
🧸 Click the bear to go on my C.ai profile
🌟 A little note: My creativity comes in waves, so there might be times when I’m super active or need a break. Thank you for your patience and kindness—it means everything to me! 🌟
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✦ Roman Godfrey✦ [Link]
✦ Peter Rumancek ✦ [Link]
☽⋆⁺₊✧ [ TEEN WOLF ] ✧⁺₊⋆☾
✦ Scott McCall [Link] ✦ Stiles Stilinski ✦ [Link]
✦ Derek Hale [Link] ✦ Theo Raeken [Link] ✦ Liam Dunbar [Link]
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✦Eric Draven✦ [Link]
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credits: @roseschoices (for the red devider) @cafekitsune (for the headers of my pined post and deviders)
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