#teen!shanks x teen!reader
gatitties · 1 year
Hiii how are you? I hope requests are open, I came to make my humble request! what t a fluff? where Whitebeard sees that his daughter is being excluded from a party, he is saddened and even a little angry, because they excluded his daughter for being his daughter and nobody wants to dance with Whitebeard's daughter! she has no partner to dance with and he offers to dance with her?
a slightly funny scenario, but in the end, he makes his daughter very happy
and the same scenario but with Teen!Shanks, where he sees Whitebeard's daughter being excluded from a party and offers to dance with her, but even though he doesn't know how to dance and ends up stepping on YN's toes,
but he makes her very happy
Do it if you want
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—Whitebeard(platonic) & teen!Shanks x teen!reader
—summary: nobody seems to want to be your partner to dance, luckily you manage to find someone to enjoy the night
—Warnimgs: none
oh, all good over here <3 (just suffering from the summer heat 😩) hope all is well over there friend!
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Your body moved slightly to the beat of the music, you scrolled through the site looking for a dance partner, there were several couples, groups or loners like you looking for someone to enjoy the songs with.
Despite the fact that there were people in your same position, no one seemed to dare to dance next to you or offer to be your partner for one of the songs. It wasn't your fault either, you understood that your father's presence was intimidating and that not everyone is brave enough to ask the daughter of a Yonko to dance, although it's not like it was the end of the world, you were enjoying the music while Whitebeard enjoyed some drinks with his comrades, a little further away from the mass of dancing people.
Although your father's smile shrank to a straight line, he saw that even though you smiled, you hoped you could enjoy a dance with someone, that and also because he listened to you for hours talking about how excited you were to be at your first ball, or at least a party that wasn't just your dad's crew.
He put his glass aside, warning that he would be back in a while, his imposing figure and presence made everyone make a hallway towards you immediately, not wanting to deal with someone like him.
You watched with a goofy grin as he offered you his big hand, maybe not what you were thinking for the night, but at least it only got better.
"Will you agree to dance with your father's old man to a song?"
"Of course! I hope your backbones don't crack."
"HAHAHA! You shouldn't say that, I still have the mobility of when I was a young man"
You laughed, squeezing his hand when a more upbeat song began to play, you stumbled, dancing without any rhythm, hitting other people —whom you apologized to at the moment— although they were all wrapped in the same frenzy thanks to the tempo. The small sadness of not finding a partner to move around the festival vanished faster than alcohol at Moby Dick.
"Thank you..."
He patted your back almost knocking you to the ground, his laugh rising slightly from the volume of the music.
"Anything for my dear daughter."
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You were sitting up, your feet slightly sore from having spent most of the night at a festival dancing, though unfortunately, no one ventured to grab your hand and drag you onto the dance floor, you assumed it was the aftermath of your father being Whitebeard. No other teenager would dare to try something with you even though they weren't thinking of anything malicious.
Even though you understood it, it couldn't help but bother you to see how everyone seemed happy with their partners or friends dancing in a romantic or stupid way, you didn't care, you just wanted to enjoy the night but here you are, apart and watching like an outcast.
You exchanged glances with your father and noticed that he seemed angry because everyone seemed not to approach you as if you had some kind of contagious disease, although before he could do anything Roger greeted him distractingly enough for someone to call your attention, covering all your view to the dance floor.
Of course, there isn't another person on earth who isn't afraid to mess with you, Shanks smiled at you offering his hand.
"Will you accept a dance with me?"
"I don't know... I have to think about it." you looked away hiding your playful smile, listening to how the redhead sighed, putting his hand to the back of his neck, scratching the area "Don't be an idiot, let's dance, I've been waiting for this all night!"
You dragged him away, forcibly pushing aside people who had rejected or ignored you, grabbing Shanks's waist as you heard the first few notes of the song, it seemed to be a slow one.
"Wait, am I not the one who puts the hands on the waist?"
"It doesn't matter, just let yourself go, come on!"
Shanks wasn't the best with the steps of course, he stepped on you several times, although you weren't an expert either, at least you didn't end up rolling on the floor, when they changed the song to a more lively one you released the teenager to start jumping and moving your head like crazy.
"Do you have a stick up your ass? You move too stiff."
Unaccustomed to this explosion of movements on your part and everyone, he let himself go little by little, doing the strangest dance steps, you laughed so hard when he tripped over his own foot that you also ended up on the ground.
"It seems that neither of us is good for this."
He got up, dusted off his pants, and helped you to stand up.
"Speak for yourself, I only fell because of you."
"Oh come on, I wasn't that bad, was I?"
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roryyyn · 7 months
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My persona from One Piece (Aurora or Rorynn). The (biological) daughter of the famous Yonko. Red-Head Shanks. That the pussy’s too scared to even to talk to her own dad or meet him.
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
Injured (Alexia's Version) II
Alexia Putellas x Teen!Reader
Summary: Alexia comes home from work
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Alexia comes in from a long day of coaching to find carnage in the house but no more than usual.
Jaume's muddy football boots are scattered in the entrance hall along with his school bag and his training bag. His jacket is thrown callously on the ground and she can just make out the dishes he hasn't cleaned up from his afternoon snack on the kitchen counters.
Her son is found in the living room, whirred into a game of FIFA and talking into his headset to his friends.
Your own ballet bag sits at the bottom of the stairs and Alexia can hear rhythmic thumping from your bedroom. She pops the door open and throws your bag onto the bed.
You're sitting at your desk, breaking in your pointe shoe by thwacking it against the corner of your study space. You're attacking the shank of your shoe viciously while your other one lays perfectly broken in next to you.
You've raided the sewing box too, a needle already threaded so you can sew on your ribbons as soon as you're done breaking in your second shoe.
"Did that one do something to you?" Alexia says and you jolt in shock, not having realised she came in.
"Yeah," You reply with a wry smile," It didn't come broken in." You whack it one final time against your desk and test its flexibility, finally content and get to work sewing your ribbons onto the shoes.
"You left your bag by the stairs," Alexia says and you roll your eyes.
"Jaume left his stuff all over the house," You reply," He's so messy."
"He's a boy. Boys are messy."
"Have you made him clean it up yet?"
"I'm letting him finish his FIFA match. It might embarrass him in front of his friends."
You roll your eyes again, tying off your first ribbons before moving onto the second. "They're so annoying."
"They're hormonal," Alexia replies. She takes your other shoe and starts sewing a set of ribbons on. "They'll grow out of it."
"Can they grow out of it now?" You mutter," I'm sick of them watching me."
Alexia freezes, like a pail of icy water has been thrown on top of her. Her mouth goes dry. "What?"
You give her a look. "Huh?"
"What do you mean they're watching you?"
You shrug. "I don't know. They're hormonal boys. I'm Jaume's older sister." You wrinkle your nose. "They say gross things sometimes. It's not a big deal."
Alexia hates that aspect of you. You're so resigned to the concept that it is what it is. You had problems like this when you were younger too, merely accepting bullying and rude words at you because you didn't think it would matter if you tried to fight it.
It's something that Alexia's never managed to snap you out of but she never thought that she would see it in a situation like this.
"What kinds of things?"
You frown at her. "I thought you knew."
"No! Is that why you didn't tell me?"
You shrug. "I thought if you were fine with it happening then I should be fine with it happening."
"No...Bambi...You should never think that those kinds of things are okay. They're not and if it happens again, you come to me right away."
You nod, not fully convinced. "Okay, Mami."
"Hey," She says," Put on your shoes. We're overdue a catch up."
Alexia's busy coaching at Barcelona most days. She's almost always working but she tries to find the time for you and Jaume both together and alone. It used to be a tradition that she would take you out once a week by yourself to 'catch up' but work has been so busy these past few weeks so you're long overdue some one-on-one time together.
"I'm sewing my ribbons!" You complain and Alexia fondly ruffles your hair.
"And you can take a break. You've just come from a full day of dancing. Go put on comfortable shoes. You can sew your ribbons tonight."
You huff but do what you're told.
Alexia goes back downstairs, switching the tv off.
"Mami!" Jaume complains, pulling down his headset," I was in the middle of a match!"
She gives him a pointed look. "And your stuff is in the middle of my house."
"I'll pick it up later."
"You'll pick it up now," Alexia says," This isn't your room, Jaume. I like my house to be tidy."
He huffs and moves to get up.
"And tell your friends to stop saying foul things to your sister."
He freezes, every muscle in his body going rigid and stiff. "What?"
"I know what teenage boys are like, Jaume, and I understand peer pressure and not saying anything so you can fit in but this isn't school. Your sister deserves to come home and feel safe."
"It...It was just jokes, Mami."
"Was it? You may think they were joking but were they actually?"
Jaume's face grows a little confused. "But they had to be! There's...There's no way they'd come to our house and...and say those things to her and actually mean them! Right? Mami, right?"
"Jaume..." Alexia sighs. It's clear to her now that Jaume genuinely had no idea that his friends could actually mean what they said. Alexia takes some comfort in knowing that, at least, Jaume hadn't done this out of spite or any other malicious feeling towards you. "Even if they were jokes, your sister doesn't need to be made fun of in her own house. If you let them get away with stuff now then they're just going to keep building and building and building on it until it's too late to stop them."
"Mami..." Jaume looks heartbroken now, glancing up the stairs where he knows you're doing something in your room. "They...She...Is she okay?"
"I'm taking your sister out," Alexia says," She's had a long day at practice and she needs some time to decompress, okay? Can I trust you to clean up your stuff and get started on your homework?"
He nods.
"Good boy." Alexia kisses his forehead. "Your Mama should be home soon. No tv until your work is done."
"Okay, Mami."
Jaume sits himself at the kitchen table, going through a mind-numbingly boring Physics worksheet when you come down.
"Ready to go?" Alexia asks and you nod.
"Hey, wait!" Jaume calls out and you stop, turning to look at you. "I love you."
You frown in confusion. "I love you too."
"Good," He says," I mean, it's good that you know that I love you." He nods several times and a small bubble of laughter erupts from you.
Jaume grins like he just won the lottery and Alexia trusts in her son to lay down the law with his friends.
She guides you out the door and to the car, driving down to some quaint café that's opened up nearby.
"A milkshake?" Alexia offers after you've found a table," I heard from Mapi that they do those big monster ones with a cupcake stabbed through the straw."
"Mami," You admonish," I still have dance tomorrow."
"Hmm," Alexia says," You're right. It's probably too big for one each. We can share."
"Mami!" You laugh," I'm trying to stay healthy. The Spring Season starts soon. We have performances to do."
Alexia reaches over to pinch your cheek and you roll your eyes. "Well, I'm your Mami and I say it's okay. You know, I'm quite wise."
"Fine," You say," But if we're getting a milkshake then let's get the red velvet one."
"Whatever you want, bambi."
Alexia orders some cupcakes and a cookie with it and rolls her eyes as you mock complain with no actual annoyance in your tone.
"Now," She says," I've spoken to your brother and he's going to sort his friends out or else."
You roll your eyes, poking at your food. "It's fine. I can deal with it."
"You shouldn't have to deal with it." Alexia reaches across the table for your hand. "Boys will be boys but that doesn't mean they should be saying those things to you. I...I just...Bambi why didn't you tell me?"
You bit the inside of your cheek, eyes darting to the side.
"Bambi," Alexia says again," Come on. You can tell me things, you know that, right?"
You nod. "I just...I was worried that I was being silly. That..." You shrug. "You know, you would think I was overreacting. It shouldn't bother me as much as it is. They're just stupid boys."
"Boys are always stupid," Alexia says decisively," And I don't think you're overreacting. It's going to be sorted out. If Jaume doesn't then I will."
She speaks so firmly that you can't help but agree, saved from replying by your mouth full of cake.
You still look a little awkward talking about it though so Alexia pivots the conversation away.
"So," She asks," What ballet is it this season?"
You're not usually talkative about the ballets you're practising, preferring it to be a surprise when you gift the family tickets to opening night but with the season approaching, you don't mind as much.
"First half of the season is La Sylphide," You say, sipping on the straw of the milkshake," Second half is Giselle."
Those words mean nothing to Alexia but you look excited so she decides to be excited for you.
Your cheeks go a little red and you pick at your cake. "Actually...I...er..."
"Is something wrong?"
"No...I...Do you remember when I told you that a few of our soloists got injured?"
Alexia racks her brain. "I think so. You said it was after the Nutcracker performances, right?"
You nod. "Well, they're still not back and the balletmaster decided to start doing understudies in case of injuries and sickness."
Alexia nods along. It's a smart choice, like rotating the players in a team.
You don't look at her, staring down at your plate.
"They're guaranteed one night though, you know, as the lead."
"Mami, I'm playing Giselle."
Alexia chokes. "What?"
You finally look up at her. "I'm playing the lead, Mami."
"I..." Alexia whips out her phone. "What day is it? I need to check I'm not busy. No, I'll rearrange my meetings if I am. Oh, we'll have to call your Abuela and your Tia. Oh! And Mapi too! Jenni, as well." She starts typing away at her phone. "Wait, let me just text Olga. We'll have to get Jaume a proper outfit if you're going to play lead. And-"
"Mami," You cut her off though your voice is soft and quiet," It's not that big of a deal."
"Not that big of a deal?!" Alexia scoffs," You're seventeen years old, playing the lead in a professional ballet company! How could you keep this a secret?! Oh, bambi, we have to sort out tickets. What day did you say it was?"
You laugh. "I didn't, Mami."
Alexia crams the rest of her cake into her mouth. "We have to get home. We have to tell Jaume and Olga!" She looks at you for a moment. "So grown up! My little baby, playing the lead!"
You slouch in your seat. "Mami, calm down. It's for one night. People are staring."
"Up! Up!" Alexia insists," Come on! What do you want for dinner?"
"You choose. Anything! Anything you want!"
"What about that fancy place near Alba's house? I think I can get us a reservation."
"Sorry, bambi. What did you want?"
"Can I just have a hug?"
Alexia pulls you into a hug, cradling the back of your head with her hand. "You make me so proud, bambi. I love you so much."
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writingoddess1125 · 11 months
okay okay JC hear me, what about Alucare and Vivian interaction ?
Oh I like this! EVIL SMILE 😈 I like this a lot
Oh Hell No-
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For just 10c a day you can help a starving author, that's less then a cup of Ko-fi
Shanks, Mihawk x Reader + Alucare, Vivian
Check out the Old Man Series
It had been a exhausting month out to sea, Shanks insisting the crew go to the grandline. Paired with also having Vivian start training to be a pirate like him-
She didn't object to this, her eyes still following her inspiration of Luffy. She worked hard, Went out to assist the crew and learn the ways of the ship and of being a pirate. Much to everyone's surprise however was the two skills she had picked up- Sharp Shooting and Gambling.. Shanks wasn't too thrilled about either however he couldn't lie he was impressed- She had taken up to learning from Yassop on guns while naturally able to win a lot of card games from the crew and walk away with heavy pockets.
Making port in a small Village to do some basic restocks Vivian traveled off to explore the peer. Deciding to spend some of her winnings-
Vivian was blown away, seeing such a pretty guy standing there at the docks. He was older then her by a bit, he had lovely dark hair tied in a low ponytail and dressed in dark clothes ment for training. However it was his eyes- She could see his eyes from there, bright yellow like gold. A feeling of warmth hit her cheeks and chest as she stared- However he must have felt it since he began to look around with a scowl on his face, Vi quickly walking away to pretend she hadn't been staring at the teenager. Her face she was sure was as red as her hair-
"Don't travel far Vi!" Shanks called out, Even though he knew she had a small pistol that Yassop had gifted her. She kept his words in mind and went around the pier to explore, buying a few snacks and so on till a flutter of black caught her eye- Turning to see a smaller sea vessel and a boy standing infront of it like he was impatiently waiting.
"Well I'll be damned- Is that Hawkeye?" Shanks said, Snapping Vivian from her spying fantasy to look up at her father.
"Ah there you are Vi-" Shanks called out as he walked back towards his daughter and saw her red face. Raising a brow at her red face, going to speak on it till his eyes caught the teen still glancing around.
"You know him?" She said softly, Shanks however looked confused as he stared at the teen. Waving for her to stay put while he walked forward to the teen and the sea vessel.
Shanks shook Alucare's hand and smiled at the young man-
Vi watched from afar, It seemed the two talked briefly before the teen headed back to the sea vessel. Returning with two adults, a clearly pregnant women and a tall man looking like the teen but older and with weird facial hair and short hair.
Shanks spoke with the tall man before he waved Vivian over.
"This is 'Hawkeye' Mihawk a old friend of mine, and This is Vi my daughter" Shanks said proudly, Mihawks eyebrows raising at hearing this and stared at Vivian, a hint of a smirk on his lips.
"It's nice to meet you Vivian" Mihawk said calmly, (Y/N) however smiled brightly and shook the young lady's hand.
"It's very lovely to meet you Vivian, Shanks" She said calmly and Alucare nodded as well giving a fast greeting to the child.
"It's nice to meet you Vivian" He said as he shook her hand politely- The girl barely able to mutter the words in return as she looked nervous. The teen quickly releasing her hand and offering it to the older red head.
"Nice to meet ya, Damn you look just like your father" He said with a laugh, truthfully he felt a odd clench in his chest since Alucare looked like Mihawk when Roger's died.
"Well since we are all here, why don't we go to the pub near by, I hear they also have good food so it shouldn't be an issue" Shanks suggested with a happy smile, you of course agreeing at this and thinking it would be nice. Mihawk and Alucare giving similar sighs and nodding in agreement-
"This here is the rest of my crew-" Shanks introduced with a smile- Alucare being silent but polite, That was till he saw Ben Beckman and heard his name, Glancing back to his father with pleading eyes that read 'please say no-' But all Mihawk did was nod silently making the teenager deflate slightly. Deciding that keeping his mouth shut was the best option-
A short journey back to Shanks Ship he gathered his crew to all venture to the pub and of course they were familiar with Mihawk but gave sweet introductions to (Y/N) and Alucare.
Shanks set down his drink as his eyes focused, seeing how Vivians cheeks were red, her eyes sparkling and the way she nervously fiddled with her hair. You catching this and seeing her like this as well and how she smiled so awkwardly around Alucare who was clearly seeing this in more of a babysitting light-
Once all introductions were done the pirates filed inside, it didn't take long for drinks to be poured and food to be served. Vivian being seated to a unamused Alucare who seemed to passively be listening to her as she tried to start conversation.
Your eyes wondered around at seeing the drunk patrons, it wasn't like you were in a current condition to drink yourself so the food was your comfort. But you couldn't help but glance to your son every now and again- Shanks also following you gaze.
"Aw, She must have a little crush on Alu" You say with a giggle, Mihawk looking up from his glass at hearing this- his hand still on your lower back to keep you steady from some invisible force.
Shanks whole body seemed to bristle at this voiced notion taking another hard drink of ale.
"No, Vivian is far too... she's-" He stared harder, that's when he saw it. She tucked her own hair behind her ear shyly- he knew that move too damn well it was the one her mother used to do when trying the flirt and a move that lead to Vivians creation paired with other moves much later on.
"Oh Hell No!-" Shanks all but roared. Mihawk smirking into his drink.
This was bound to be entertaining-
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alexa-fika · 4 months
ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! Last request before I sleep
Here me out shanks with a 13 year old daughter (who has his iconic red hair) reader who absolutely despised him because he's the reason why her town got attack (Shanks keeps flirting with her mother unknowingly he accidentally made her into an outcast)
Reader who's snarky, a bit rude but polite and well mannered (unlike shanks)
Reader who's always reading and very elegant royalty like but not spoiled and very serious all the time (unlike shanks)
Reader who's secretly insecure and scared that she's always gonna be in her father shadow
Reader who is always in the whitebeard pirates (THOUGHT THIS WASN'T A WHITEBEARD REQUEST BUT I MADE IT ANYWAYS?)
Reader who always dye their hair into black
Reader who bonds with ace because of their daddy issues 🥰
That's it. That's the tweet
Roots ( Ace x f!teen!reader)
A/N here we go, I dont feel with this one, I feel like I missed the whole vibe you were trying to get when you submitted the regret, I spend a week just staring at the screen trying to think of how to approach it and I can’t say I choose the right one
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Dokucha frowns as the book on her hands is ripped away from her hands, only to let a small smile as she recognizes the candy cane-patterned bracelet
"Ace, you're back," she stated, looking up at the grinning man squatting on the railing
"I'm back," he responds, jumping down from the railing and bringing the girl into a side hug
"What have you been up to today?"
"I am actually taking a small breather before I continue training; I believe it's Haruta's turn for a session," she stated gingerly, clenching her hands in a lower position
"Turn?"He furrowed his brows at her words and the implications behind them
"Dokucha, how many sessions have you done?"
She bites at her lip, shifting her gaze away from his
"This would be the seventh," she muttered
"I told you to stop pushing it, you're only thirteen dokucha, it's okay to train, but this is too much," he scolded
"Is this about Shanks?" he muttered, kneeling down to her level
"I don't want to fall behind."
" I know you don't, but are you just going to waste your life trying to catch him?
Isn't that what you don't want to do? To live your whole life trying to surpass your old man?"
"I can see it in their eyes, Ace, every time we go on a mission; all they can see is him, they don't think of me as Dokucha, they just see his daughter," she murmured, teary eyes flickering back to the man
"Then let them. They have no place in your life, so why would you care what a bunch of strangers think?" he asked
He frowns at the small unconvinced hum that leaves the teen at his words only to bounce back as an idea comes to mind
“ Hey, I found a cool place on my way back; it’s only a few minutes on the Striker; wanna check it out?”
“But Haruta is expecting me…”
“Don’t worry about that; you said you still have some time, right?”
“I suppose so, b-
“Great, you head to the Striker; I will catch back up in a second; need to get something before we head out,” he said, running off
“W- Ace! I din- and he’s gone” she mutters at the retreating form of the commander, taking a glance down at the striker that had been tied to the Moby Dick
“I guess no harm in a small ride.”
“How did you find this place?” she muttered
The two found themselves sitting on the Striker, their leaves soaking in crystal clear water as they watched all the fish swim around them, curious about the two visitors
“I visited this island before on one of my missions.”
"Listen, Dokucha, I have told you about my father, yeah?”
“Yes, you did.”
“The reason why I'm so pushy on stopping what you’re doing is because I made the same mistake, and it cost me over 15 years of my life” he started, noticing how his words had finally gotten the girl’s attention
“ I spent all that time trying to follow my father’s legacy, to surpass him. To become the pirate king, to Defeat whitebeard. All the while, it just ate me inside; I was blindsided and led by my anger toward him for all those years. I missed many opportunities to enjoy, to have a carefree childhood just to accomplish that goal”
“How did you…why…”
“Why I stopped?”
“I found pops.”
“ I thought your goal was to take him down to prove yourself?” She asked now facing his way as her legs Straddled the Striker giving him her full attention, loookimg up at him in confusion
“It was; I spent the next few days going after him even after he took me into the moby; every day, I would try.”
“I refuse to believe that” she scoffed with an amused laugh
“I'm serious!
Tried over a hundred times, and every time, I would end up with either a bloody nose or thrown into the sea.”
She covers her mouth as she lets out a muffled laugh at the thought of a grumpy, drenched Ace
“A-Anyway, after that, Marco and later Pops talked with me; it made me realize how useless it was to try to take Pops down and follow after someone else’s dream.”
“Din’t you feel disappointed?”
“Quite the opposite, I felt free for the first time, felt free to make choices based on what I wanted and not to surpass my father; it’s led me to where I am now, and it was the best realization I made in my life.”
“Keep it in mind, okay? Let’s head back for now,” he said, pushing himself up, extending a hand to the girl as he prepped the Striker
“How do you think I should start?”
“Start what?” He questions, manauvering the Striker through the waves, slowing down as he puts his attention on her
“Letting go”
“Maybe you should start with this,” he said, flicking their head
“Jerk, what was the reason for that?”
“Stop trying to change yourself; your roots are coming out; why don’t you let them grow?”
“Ah!” She exclaims covering her head at his comment, missing the way he sighed and shook his head only to come back to her senses as a weight was placed on her head
“You should be proud of yourself, the way you look, the way you are; at the end of the day, it’s yours, not his; now might be the best time
She looks up at the ravenette questioningly, his iconic hat now missing from his head and gingerly placed on hers
“What do you mean?”
He simply gestures to the new vessel now anchored next to the Moby Dick
“What is he doing here.”
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salty-says · 11 months
Going back to my roots and writing. (Haven’t written fan fiction for 3 years 💀). Anyway the One Piece Live Action has caused me to become very active on tumblr and fall down rabbit holes.
So here is a little Drabble about Shanks x Luffy’sMom!reader
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Being the daughter of a marine admiral meant that she grew up with an instilled hatred for pirates. Garp put her through training early on in hopes he could mold her to become a great marine like himself.
She developed fighting skills and had a strong sense of justice. That was until she went out on a mission in her teens to monitor a suspicious group of pirates. The other marines she went on the mission with decided to take their anger out on said pirates beating them to a pulp. A nasty feeling resonated within her chest as she watched her fellow marines serve their definition of justice.
That night made her start to hate the marines and the sham they were. She disconnected herself from Garp and moved to Foosha Village to start her own life away from the marines and her father.
She was very wary of pirates still. Always held onto some lingering fear for them deep down, always looked behind her back.
On the island she bought a quaint cottage and began her own garden in hopes to sustain herself without having to rely on the villagers for supplies.
After a couple of years, she found her place on the island and even become well know for her fruits and vegetables. She always brought her fresh produce to the market each morning, where she had a cute booth. The villagers adored her and also took interest in her mysterious past.
She sometimes found herself going to Party’s Bar after she made good friends with the bartender, Makino. They would talk about all there was to talk about on the island. Sailors, pirates, bandits all passed through.
However one day, old memories began resurfacing. Ones she thought she repressed long ago. She ended up going to Party’s Bar to get shit faced in hopes of shutting everything out.
At the same time as she was downing drink after drink, some sailors stopped on by at the bar. One of them was clearly very interested in her. So in her drunken state she let the man take her to an inn on the island to stay the night.
She didn’t think much of that night until one day she started feeling unbearable nausea. She went to the doctor and found out that she had gotten pregnant.
That was 9 years ago. Her small cottage now occupied by her and Luffy. She absolutely adores Luffy and would do anything for him. Sure he would frustrate her here and there but she was his mother and she loved him more than anything.
She was keen on Luffy’s interest in pirates and sailing the ocean. She decided to not share her own reservations about pirates, as she wanted Luffy to establish his own opinions when she herself couldn’t at his age.
a pirate ship became very well known around Foosha Village. A grand ship with a Jolly Roger with 3 lines across the left eye. She was aware of their presence but didn’t take mind as long as they didn’t interfere with her.
Often Luffy would come back late for dinner beaming about the stories he heard from a man named “Shanks”. She learned that he was the captain of the ship that housed itself at the docks.
With a simple reminder of him to be careful she encouraged Luffy to learn more about Shanks and his crew.
One day while she was at her booth in town, a red-haired male approached her. Instantly she noticed how cute he was and how the white shirt he wore let her admire his toned muscles.
With a blush she darted her eyes back to his face and he deeply chuckled. She smiled, “How can I help you today sir?”
“I’m looking to purchase most of your stock,” he smirked at her.
She quirked her head to the side and smiled, “Either your throwing a big party or heading out to sea.”
“Maybe both,” the red-head shrugged.
She giggled and began showing him the crates of fresh produce. He handed her some berry, “got any plans tonight?”
She blushed, “no, none really. Probably just going to make some dinner for me and my son.”
His smile faltered a bit at the last part, “Ah, I presume your married then. Sorry if my advances made you uncomfortable.”
She threw up her hands in dismissal, “Oh no. You didn’t make me uncomfortable. Actually your advances are quite welcome,” she leaned on the counter, “and don’t worry there is no husband you have to worry about.”
“Aye, how lucky am I?”
She smirked, “quite lucky”
He chuckled and leaned forward towards her, “I never introduced myself. The name’s Shanks.”
Her eyes widened a bit and her body shifted away from him. He quirked his eyebrows at this, confused by her sudden change in composure.
“..pirate,” she quietly murmured to herself. Shanks in hearing this now understood her sudden shift. “I can assure you sweetheart,” he grabbed her hands gently, “I’m a very good pirate.”
Her eyes lightened and body relaxed at his touch. And with a slight apology she told him her name. “Only a beautiful name such as that can suit a beautiful woman such as you.”
She blushed. “It’s scary how much you’re flustering me. I don’t think I would let you leave this island if you keep this up.”
“I wouldn’t mind staying a while.”
“I think my son would like that. He’s very fond of you. Your name graces our dinner table every night.” She rolls her eyes.
Shanks’ eyes widen a bit connecting the dots, “I presume Luffy is your son then?”
“That make sense now. He did say his mother was wary of pirates because she used to be a marine. And looking at you now, I’m glad you’re not one anymore because you’re way too beautiful.” He kissed her knuckles.
Her face turned red. “Please take me out to dinner before I pass out from how flustered you’re making me.”
“As you wish, sweetheart.”
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 5 months
Hello~ this is my second ask!
Can you do a one piece x fem teen reader?
Reader is a famous popstar in the world and the youngest too
Reader is a popstar pirate and is base of bubbles from ppgz
Reader has a surprising big bounty like 1 billion
Reader has secret concert to avoid the Marines and often has secret message to locate where reader is performing next
Reader who is kind, cheerful, and bubbly but mess with her she can drop kick you to the ground
Reader who is adored by everyone she mets
Let's say that reader is having a performance and coincidence the red haired pirates, the whitebeard pirates (you know the drill thatch, whitebeard and ace are alive) and the straw hats pirates accidentally met
And then boom a buster call emerged as they tried capturing reader and the red hair, whitebeard, straw hat pirates defend her
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-When you sent out posters to the various pirate crews out in the world, informing them that you would be having a concert, the world was alight with excitement.
-Everyone in the world, marines, pirates, civilians, even at the farthest corners, knew of the bubbly and adorable Y/N, the biggest pop idol in the world!
-You were so adorable, always smiling, dressed in frills and bows, hair and makeup always done, and the voice of an angel and the attitude of a diva.
-Your fans all adored you, cheering for you and doing whatever it took to make it to one of your live shows, something that was a bit rare as of late, mainly because you were so heavily wanted by the marines and world government with a bounty over 1 billion beris.
-During a live show, there were some Celestial Dragons there, enjoying your performance, but when they tried to demand that you go with them, to become a slave, becoming their own personal little song bird, you took offense to that and attacked them, blowing them back with your music and your Devil Fruit abilities, which make bubbles that you can control, from the sizes to where they are, what color they are, and to lighting up to make light shows.
-It wasn’t your fault that they were too weak to handle a couple of exploding bubbles sending them head over heels, flying back.
-You didn’t care, you were your own person and you refused to let anyone try to change that, no matter who they were or what they were willing to offer you, as you had gotten some extravagant proposal gifts, but you always rejected them, as you weren’t looking.
-You sent out several false concert ads to the government, with the hopes of keeping them off your trail, so they wouldn’t attack you or the others attending your concert.
-When the day arrived, many big-name crews arrived to watch you perform from their ships, having an on the water concert on a deserted island, providing bubbles for those who wanted closer seats to you.
-You saw the flags of not only the Red Hair Pirates, but the Whitebeard Pirates and the Straw Hats as well, which made you grin as you heard so many of them cheering for you.
-You sang, danced among your bubbles, and had so much fun, going down to the different ships, dancing with Luffy, Ace, and Shanks, the crews all singing along and having so much fun with you, making for a great concert.
-A cannon ball shooting off caught everyone’s attention as you easily leapt from one bubble to another safely, avoiding the cannonball, which wasn’t a threat to you, it was like it was getting your attention as you saw the Blackbeard Pirates there.
-The other crews were quick to come to your defense, something Blackbeard failed to realize, who was there attending as he and his crew was being threatened for trying to attack you.
-Blackbeard didn’t apologize, instead shouting up to you, “Become my woman Y/N!” you just blinked in confusion, like you didn’t comprehend his words before, “Eww!”
-The other crews were quickly laughing as Blackbeard fell to his hands and knees, in anguish on your response, as he desired you, finding you to be the perfect woman.
-You then heard a shout, “Bubbles Y/N!! Surrender now!!”
-Screams were heard from all the ships as they realized that there were hundreds of marine ships surrounding the island, a Buster Call, from another pirate you had rejected, wanting to swoop in and rescue you, but he had underestimated the power of the marines.
-The three most powerful crews, Whitebeard’s, Straw Hats, and Red Hair’s, were all quickly aiming to fight, to protect you, which made you smile, seeing their willingness to keep you safe, mainly because you made them and their crews, as well as others, all so happy and they weren’t going to let the marines take you without a fight.
-You beamed brightly, surrounding each of the ships willing to fight with a bubble, where they could fire out, but the attacks coming in wouldn’t land, keeping them safe, but still able to fight. Luffy shouted up at you as you landed on the bubble covering his ship, “Thanks Y/N! Let’s get out of here!”
-You agreed, using your bubbles to attack alongside those who were willing to fight for you, having fun while doing so.
-Whitebeard’s crew, after sinking a handful of the marine ships, turned their attention to Blackbeard, for their attempt on Ace, Thatch, and Whitebeard himself, getting their payback, ten-fold, which you didn’t really care about.
-Once all the marine ships were destroyed and everyone was sailing to safety, you sent a bubble down to the three ships, with another invitation to a live show, to make up for this concert being ruined.
-They all cheered up at you as you were floating away on a bubble, making a heart shape with your hands, “See you guys soon!”
-They were looking forward to the future concert and seeing you again!
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hey-august · 8 months
August, if you ever wonder if some of your readership would like to hear your thoughts about Buggy and Reader in a poly relationship with either crossguild or Shuggy… WELP. There’s at least one.
I just want that clown to smooch me and also several other men who may or may not scare the shit out of him or incite deep feelings of rage in him. He’s very smoochable and I’m willing to share (and I just like to think about the added hilarity with any of these characters still in the picture)
omgggg yes!! I deeply adore the dynamics of all those relationships. The clown is just so...adaptable? Blendable? Sharable? Adorable.
I do have some Shanks x Buggy x Reader headcanons to share!
But first, for Cross Guild x Reader needs, I so strongly recommend @discordantwritings stories here (I'm pretty sure Our Precious Assistant Pt 2 changed my brain chemistry) and @turtletaubwrites' Numbers Game, which just started and is so good already. ❤️❤️❤️
Nowwww, let's talk Shuggy x Reader.
Word count: ~1.2k Warnings: NSFW, MDNI, shanks x buggy x GN!reader, mix of fluffy and smutty thoughts, teasing, oral reader + m receiving, insertion sex, threesome, some praise, sorry for anything that's extremely ooc
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Date Nights
The first time you had a planned date with Shanks, Buggy sailed away so “date night” became “date week.” Buggy was jealous and embarrassed, which you both expected. You were annoyed at first, because this had been planned and discussed, but talking with Shanks calmed you down. This was new territory for all of you and it would take time to navigate. So when Buggy came back, no one made a fuss about it. If anything, you and Shanks were a little softer and a little kinder with the clown. Buggy picked up on the acceptance in your actions and it made him feel better. This also kicked off weekend-long dates, which you all look forward to.
One of your favorite dates with Shanks was when he took you to a town he frequented. The afternoon was spent strolling Main Street and shopping, although that was more of an excuse for Shanks to show you off. The evening ended at a cozy pub where he regaled you with alluring tales. Even though you heard some of them before, listening to him talk puts stars in your eyes. An expression that simply melts him.
Your favorite Buggy date was actually a party on his ship. You two were inseparable the entire night and the highlight was singing along to music at the end of the night. “Singing.” You were both bottles deep and could hardly get full words out, but the (hazy) memory of laughing and giggling your ways through the inebriated performance while holding on to each other always makes you smile. Buggy often catches that particular goofy grin on your face and he just adores it.
Buggy and Shanks also spend time together, which is surprising-not surprising. Buggy might claim that he’s upset with Shanks and needs to go yell at him, or wants to gloat about something. Shanks tries to entice Buggy with the promise of shiny goodies and treasure. Everyone knows it’s a farce, but it’s how they show they care for each other. There’s no denying the sparks in their eyes afterwards.
Petty Arguments
When these two get together, their inner children teens come out in full swing. And so do the jokes and petty arguments.
Shanks messes with Buggy any chance he gets. Teasing comments, swapping his nearly empty drink with Buggy’s fuller glass, dumb jokes.
He’ll also tease you, but in the form of cheesy pick-up lines. “If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together.” “I was feeling a little off today, but you've turned me on again.” “Did you do something to my eyes? I can't seem to take them off you.”
Buggy can’t stand when your attention is on Shanks for too long, so he’ll try and out-do the other pirate. He has a repertoire of card drinks and sleight of hands, which often do the trick.
Shanks knows what Buggy is doing and teases him. “I know you’re a performer, but there’s no need to make a scene.” Buggy didn’t like that one.
There was the one time Buggy challenged Shanks to a juggling challenge. When Shanks declined, Buggy was ready with his own comeback. “It’s not because of the arm, it’s because he doesn’t have the balls.” Surprisingly, that spurred Shanks into joining the 2-man competition.
Speaking of being competitive…
Sex with them individually is nothing like having sex all together.
At first, you were often at the mercy of the two men who were intent on proving how well they could pleasure you. Once, they wanted to see who was better at oral and could make you cum the most times. The more orgasms you had, the less lucid you became and the competition turned into finding out who would you beg to fuck you. Even though the countless orgasms emptied your head, you remembered that this all started with oral and you didn’t want to mess with the rules of their contest. When they realized you were trying so hard not to whine and ask for their dicks, they started asking you. - “Baby, want me to fuck you? C’mon, don’t you want to feel this inside you?” - “You look so good on my tongue, but you’d look better on my cock. Tell me you want it.”
Unfortunately (fortunately?) there was no clear winner. Buggy was between your legs yet again, with your fingers entwined in his hair and your head was flopped to the side. You said “please, want you inside,” but they couldn’t agree on who you were talking to. Shanks is adamant that you were looking at him, but Buggy calls bullshit and claims you were talking to him because he was the one making you feel good.
There are sessions where you and Shanks focus more on Buggy. It took a lot of time for Buggy to feel relaxed enough to accept the attention, but you two wore him down and won him over. He’ll rarely admit it, but Buggy loves being sandwiched between you and Shanks. The feeling of sinking his cock into you while he’s stretched around Shanks is so overwhelmingly delicious that Buggy gets greedy. He can’t get enough of moving his hips so he can fuck you and fuck himself on Shanks’ cock. The sweet moans and whimpers he releases are intoxicating. Buggy’s often the first to cum in this position, but Shanks will continue to fuck you through Buggy, knowing how to maneuver Buggy’s hips and thrust until you climax.
In turn, there are the moments where you and Buggy cater to Shanks. He never gets tired of watching you and Buggy fight to suck his leaking cock. The way you struggle to throat his member while Buggy focuses on smearing his face paint on Shanks’ thighs and balls through sloppy kisses is a vision that gets Shanks hard at a moment’s notice. Buggy’s attention is fierce and demanding - he’s trying to unravel Shanks entirely. It's a power trip thing. Whereas you balance that heat with restrained touches. When Shanks cums in your mouth, you always share with Buggy and make sure to show Shanks that you both swallowed his entire load. Seeing you hold Buggy by his hair and squeezing the clown's cheeks to present his empty mouth is a sinfully beautiful encore.
Your favorite times are the ones where you get to spoil Shanks and Buggy. You tend and care to their needs. Your gentleness wipes away their fierce competitive streaks. You make sure that you give them both a surplus of attention and shower them with desire. If you’re riding or under one, your hands and eyes are on the other. You pour praise and compliments until they’re overflowing. And the way it overflows is music to your ears. They turn the praise to you and to each other. - “You look amazing on Buggy’s cock.” - “Get on Shanks and make him feel good, I wanna see that sweet face you make.” - “Pretty thing, you’re taking him so well.” - “Good job, you know how to make him moan so loud.” - “You’re going to make him cum, keep going.”
The cuddles after these sessions? Heavenly. Amazing. Buggy, who normally takes up the entire bed, sleeps so peacefully when you and Shanks are on either side of him. Sometimes, when Buggy passes out first, you’ll claim the middle spot and wake up to the two pirates wrapped around you. It’s a little sweaty and a lot comforting.
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olinblogin · 10 months
What fandoms I will write for;
-Lego Monkie Kid
-One Piece
-One Punch Man
-Assassination Classroom (limited characters)
-COD (call of duty, any game)
-ATSV (across the spiderverse)
-TADC (the amazing digital circus)
-Underverse/undetale AUs
What fandoms i won’t write for;
-Genshin Impact/Honkai impact
-Seven Deadly Sins
-Obey Me/Obey Me nightbringer
-FNF (Friday night funkin)
-MHA (my hero academia)
-Hazbin Hotel/Helluva boss
-other fandoms that have problematic backgrounds
-light angst
-slightly suggestive content (will have a warning)
-smut content (will have a warning)
-childhood romance (no smut.)
-teen romance (no smut.)
-Reader x character
-character x character (very rarely)
-character x Reader x character
-T4T (trans for trans relationships)
-F4F (femme for femme relationship)
-M4M (masc for masc relationship)
-F4TF (femme for trans femme)
-F4TM (femme for trans masc)
-F4TNB (femme for trans non binary)
-F4A (femme for any)
-M4TF (masc for trans femme)
-M4TM (masc for trans masc)
-M4TNB (masc for trans non binary)
-M4A (masc for any)
-LGBTQ content
-Yandere Content (not extreme)
-cnc (consensual non-consent)
-child x adult
-abusive scenarios
-anything to do with children involved in anything sexual
-unsanitary fetishes (i.e. scat, wound f*cking, etc)
-severe angst
-s*icide & s*lf h*rn
Characters I’ll write for in each fandom
—characters so far—
Stalker/Damon (usually Poly)
Deliver Guy/DG (usually Poly)
Shadowman (not much I for abt them, some nsfw - demisexual)
—characters not in game yet but I will write—
Ace (some nsfw - demisexual)
Milla (no nsfw)
Salvador (some nsfw - demisexual)
- MK (Qi Xioatian)
-Mei Dragon
-Sun Wukong
-Six Eared Macaque
-Ao Lie
-Lady Bone Demon
-The Mayor
-Yin & Jin
-Princess Iron Fan (Poly)
-Demon Bull King (Poly)
-Pigsy (platonic)
-Sandy (platonic)
-Nezha (platonic)
-Bai He (platonic)
- Monkey D. Luffy
-Vinsmoke Sanji
-Roronora Zoro
-Nico Robin
-Chopper (platonic)
-Donquixte Doflamingo
-Donquixte Rosiante
-Bartolomeo Kuma
-Boa Hancock
-Dracule Mihawk
-Portgaz D. Ace
-Edward Newgate, Whitebeard (platonic)
-Eustass Kidd
-Jewelry Bonney
-Monkey D. Harp
-Monkey D. Dragon
-Trafalgar Law
-Rob Luci
-Bepo (platonic)
-Child Emporer (platonic)
-Metal Bat
-Speed O’ Sound Sonic
-Mumen Rider
-Watchdog Man (mostly platonic)
-Atomic Samurai
-Lord Boros
-Flashy Flash
-Sweet Mask
(Any students such as Nagisa or Karma are platonic)
-Tadaomi Karasuma
-Irina Jelavic
-Simon “Ghost” Riley
-John “Soap” MacTavish
-John “Captain” Price
-Horangi (Hong-Jin)
-Valeria Garza/El Sin Nombre (F4F/NB/AFAB)
-Alejandro Vargas
-Phillip Graves
-Farah Karim
-Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
-Kate Laswell (F4F)
-Gary “Roach” Sanderson
-Miles Morales (platonic/fluff)
-Gwen Stacy (Platonic/Fluff)
-Pavitr Prabhakar (platonic/fluff)
-Prowler Miles (platonic/fuff)
-Peter B. Parker
-Jess Drew
-Miguel O’Hara
-Hobie Brown
-Ink!Sans (platonic)
-Murder Time Trio (Killer!Sans, Dust!Sans, Horror!sans)
-AT!Sans (Geno)
-Fatal Error
-X!Sans (Cross)
please as well reread the will/won’t write section if you’re feeling unsure!
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gatitties · 1 year
Hello I love your writing! I had an idea of a scenario that would be the teenager (13 years old) reader ends up connecting with something and ends up having a seizure (like Kiri in Avatar 2) and all of the crew are worried it could do with the Straw Hats, Whitebeard's crew, Shanks and Law please!
—Strawhats, Whitebeard Pirates, Shanks & Law x teen!reader (platonic)
—Summary: you have a strange blackout, despite not feeling anything wrong with you, your friends care about you
—Warnings: none
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You swing the shopping bags so they wouldn't hit your legs again, trying to catch up with Sanji who was a few steps ahead of you. You had offered to help him with errands and here you were carrying more bags than you should have because there was no way you were going to make more than one trip to carry everything.
You felt your fingers go numb for a few seconds, your vision blurred and you fainted out of nowhere, the sound of your body hitting the ground alarmed the blonde. He let everything he was carrying fall to the ground to attend to you immediately, panicking when he saw that you only trembled and didn't react to his voice.
He carefully carried you running towards the ship, it was so loud that he woke Zoro up, though he didn't start a fight because he heard Sanji's desperate voice calling for Chopper.
"I need help over here!"
Everyone got anxious at the cook's explanation as they waited for Chopper to come out of the room where he was checking that everything was okay.
Nami and Robin had interrupted their coffee and gossip session, Luffy was pounding on the door impatiently while Jinbe was trying to push him away, Franky, Usopp and Brook diverted their slight concern with small talk.
You didn't wake up until a few hours later, pacing the deck as if nothing had happened.
"Stop right now!"
You fell backwards, Luffy's arms wrapping around your body.
"Uff- Luffy, you're crushing me."
"What the hell are you doing!?"
Nami hit him immediately making him let go, Usopp helped you up, patting you on the shoulder.
"What's happening? You look at me as if I had grown a third eye."
"You do not remeber anything? That could be troublesome! what should I do!?" the poor reindeer began to murmur "Rest! You need to rest, one day at least."
"But I don't feel sick."
"Doctor's orders, you have to comply."
Zoro gave you a little push with a sly smile, you rolled your eyes.
"You're not the best person to talk about it..."
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You were running after Ace because he had stolen your food, until your body felt weak and you fell to the ground. Ace laughed thinking that you had stumbled because it wasn't the first time you've stumbled while trying to catch up. However he became concerned when you didn't react, picking you up when he got close to do one of your 'surprise attacks'.
"Come on, get up, it's not funny..."
His hands began to sweat when he saw that your body began to convulse, he held you in his arms to keep you firm and not hit yourself.
"Shit, shit, shit… Marco!? Where is Marco!?"
Several of the guys that were out there started looking for the doctor, luckily he was on the ship, although Whitebeard was out since you just arrived a few hours ago.
"What happened-yoi?"
Marco started to ask what had happened while Ace answered him, the blonde doing a quick check, he didn't find anything unusual so he let you rest while he went to report to Whitebeard. In that short time Izo stayed by your side to watch if you woke up or not since Ace needed to calm down, he wouldn't help being tense.
You woke up a while later, Izo smiled at you as he offered you a glass of water.
"I don't notice any discomfort, maybe it was a heat stroke?"
You swore and swore that you didn't feel any pain or discomfort when Marco came to ask, even though your vital signs were stable, Whitebeard didn't let you leave the ship for a couple of days or at least be accompanied in case it happen again.
"I can't risk someone young not receiving proper medical treatment, your health is more important than that of an old man like me."
You nodded at your father's words, despite the fact that you respect him a lot, you were still a teenager and you will probably end up running away, you need a little privacy and nothing has happened to you again, you would be fine on your own sometimes.
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You went looking for Shanks because you should disembark now, but knowing him he would surely be drinking in the town bar, you actually found him there.
"I invite one more round! come on kid, you can order whatever you want, as long as it's non-alcoholic."
"I don't want anything, the ship is going to set sail without you, again..."
"Oh come on, come on, don't worry so much and enjoy the night!"
You sighed, shaking your head, there was no point, you had already tried to take him back, if he didn't want to it wasn't your problem, after all he is a Yonko and he knows how to take care of himself. You decided to get out of there, however, before you could go out the door, your body vanished from one moment to the next. Your body hit the ground at the same time as Shanks's beer mug, he ran towards you trying to make you react, his screams cut through the jovial atmosphere in just seconds, the customers being intimidated by the redhead's intense gaze.
"I need a doctor, someone get a doctor!"
The urgency in his voice, his posture, his gaze... no one could just ignore his presence and keep drinking, some people even fainted from the power in his voice, a brave little man ventured to your side, his palms sweating as he was inspecting you before Shanks's eyes.
It didn't take long for you to come to, confused by the situation, despite clarifying that you felt fine, besides the fact that the doctor didn't find anything serious at first sight, it was enough for your captain.
"We'll go immediately to find the best doctor in the whole world, don't worry."
"Maybe you're exaggerating a bit... there are a lot of people who faint from some discomfort, and I don't feel bad right now"
"No, you need to go to the doctor a couple more times to make sure it's not due to a disease."
"Okay, can I at least walk on my own?"
He held your body like you were a bag, you sighed looking up at the starry sky, hoping you wouldn't be treated like glass because of a little accident, you were in the crew of a yonko for a reason, despite being young you were strong enough.
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It was quite late when both of you were playing cards, Law's bad habits got mixed up with yours, even though he always scolded you because you were still too young to mess up your sleep schedule, you just ignored him.
"I won again!"
"I'm sure you're cheating."
"Of course not, who do you take me for?"
You laughed at Law's scowl, moving the cards you had hidden, he dealt again, you looked at your cards, planning your next play, though before you could put the card on the table a big puncture to your head caused you to pass out, Law put his hand between the table and your head so you wouldn't hit it.
Immediately laying you on the floor, checking your breathing and pulse instantly, clicking his tongue as he saw you have little convulsions, he put you in a better position so you wouldn't hurt yourself with your little spasms, waiting for them to subside. He used his power to check you out as quickly as possible, getting frustrated that he couldn't find anything that was causing your current situation. He decided that for now it was better to let you rest since you had stopped moving.
You woke up the next day, verifying on your own that you had no discomfort, since you did not feel any pain or discomfort, you simply got up from the patient's bed. You were very hungry so you went to have breakfast with the others. No one was alarmed because no one knew what happened to you last night so they were surprised when they saw you disappear, in your seat a pen instead of you, they shrugged their shoulders thinking that Law was going to scold you for one of your pranks.
"No one has given you permission to get out of bed, I still need to check that it's nothing serious."
"I don't feel bad, maybe it was tiredness."
"I'm not sure, that's why I need you to stay in bed and not make too much physical effort."
"No buts, now, did you feel something strange yesterday?"
"Now that you mention it..."
You lay on the bed, answering all the questions your captain asked you, you knew you had nowhere to run when he went all 'father' and doctor, ignoring him would only make the situation worse, so you hoped it was just a little accident and not worse, but you would have Law on top of you every day to take your medicine if you had to.
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
can i request a tmr minho x reader?? i think in the first movie its v obvious he’s gonna be in shape, he has to run everyday and is at v high expectation to do so, but when he gets caught by wckd and ends up in the safehaven, he doesnt have to, so he ultimately ends up a bit chubbier?? I love this hc sm and i was wondering if you could kind of turn it into a fic where its him being slightly “ashamed” of it but the reader is so happy bc he is less stressed and isn’t constantly getting injured from running and stuff?? (THIS FEELS SO RANDOM IM SRRY. Feel free to ignore it tho cause idk if this even makes sense💀💀)
hope your having a good day:)))
ooo yeah sure! ; and thank you! hope you are too 🫶 ; and thank you for requesting, hope you enjoy! ; also put this in hc form bc I physically couldn't make it a whole oneshot I'm sorry
MINHO ; pressure & positivity
summary ; once finally in the safe haven, Minho wasn't regularly pushing himself to death with having to run the maze. he'd become ashamed of his new body, but you're quick to assure him that you're happy and proud
warnings ; language, mentions of ED
word count ; 444
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the safe haven graced you all with regular food, a serious amount of rest compared to the mazes and in the scorch, and stability especially
minho wasn't used to that, nor was he used to the effects
he was practically jacked for a teen his age in the maze, having unreal expectations forced upon him
at 6am he woke up to run through the maze all day until dinner, around 6pm
12 hours of practically nonstop running created a slight eating disorder
he had to keep himself slim and thin, but also muscular and strong for all the possible reasonings he could think of
and he felt he had to keep it that way in the safe haven as well, for you, like he had some image to uphold for you
it was like you'd fall out of love if he gained a few pounds and lost a bit of muscle, which would've been healthier for him
he'd gained a few pounds, and took some weight, literally, off his shoulders with the sleeping in and regular, healthy, full meals
you'd told him before, if eating three meals instantly gains you multiple pounds, you needed it
but he smiled and nodded, not accepting your words deep down
he noticed day by day as his pants felt a little tighter around his waist and stomach, his shirts feeling a little tighter and looser in some spots
it got so bad that he was developing actual body dysmorphia
he felt "fat", like it was some dirty word, in all his clothes, he wouldn't change around you even if it was casual, you'd have to literally leave the room for him, he wouldn't take his shirt off in the water, he'd completely blow your meals and snacks off and lie that he wasn't hungry
but you got on his ass about it, quick
you knew body dysmorphia when you saw it
"minho. eat. you haven't eaten all day"
"i'm not-"
"yes you are! eat something, shank! and don't pull that "I need to keep weight off" shit out either."
silence filled that room uncomfortably quick
"just eat something"
he ate something.
later he pulled you aside and asked what you were on about
you explained that you noticed he was getting a little chubby, not that it was bad whatsoever, and that he didn't have to hide it or think that you'd hate him for it
there was no pressure to be as skinny as a stick and as strong as zeus in this household
you don't stand for unrealistic body standards
he wrapped you in a warm hug and a big apology
but you also apologized cause you felt bad for getting loud + not acting sooner
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alicedash2 · 1 year
Legends: cute/fluff💗 romantic:♥️ comedy:💛angst/sad: 🩶 the most popular:🌟
Depressive🖤 suicide content:🩸 yandere/obsessive and similar: 💜 favorite:💖
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Strawhat's crew x Y/N with dark impulses💜
Yandere YN who threaten Boa Hancock about Luffy 💜
Hancock vs YN who loves and protect cats 💜
Strawhat's crew x Y/N with dark impulses scenario (?)💗💜
Strawhat's crew x sleepwalker Y/N💛💗
Strawhat's being commend by YN💗
Yandere Luffy, Shanks and Eustass Kid x Reader - Midnight Snack 💜
Yandere Shanks, Luffy, Ace and Sabo x reader dying in front of them 💜🩶
One Pieces boys x Disabled Reader 💗
"terrible killer" YN who enjoys in Straw hat crew 💗
Luffy's first love! Child!Luffy x Child!Reader (inspired by Ponyo)💗
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Zoro x Reader! Bad dreams 💗
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Shanks x YN with ADHD💗💛♥️
Like a red pepper! Shanks x Whitebeard daughter♥️💛💗💖
Teen Shanks x Teen YN whitebeard's daughter♥️💛💗💖🌟
Unbelievable Shanks x reader♥️💛💗
GOSSIP!Shanks x Reader♥️💗💛
Shanks x reader 🩶💗♥️
Secrets romantic's dates 💗💛♥️
Yandere Shanks x reader💜
Yandere Luffy, Shanks and Eustass Kid x Reader - Midnight Snack 💜
Yandere Shanks x reader 💜
Shanks x reader ( fluff from yandere version)💗♥️
Yandere Shanks, Luffy, Ace and Sabo x reader dying in front of them 💜🩶
Yandere Shanks x Dead Reader💜🩶
How Shanks conquer you?♥️💗💛
Shanks is a father of twins 💗
Unavailable Shanks♥️💛
Secret romantic dates♥️💗
Shank's crew x YN who have tattoos💗
Shanks x Fairy!Reader (‼️‼️) ♥️🖤🩶🩸
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Garp x granddaughter! Garp looks for a suitor/husband for his granddaughter!💛💗
Garp x Granddaughter! Garp, Ace, Sabo and Luffy defends YN of bullys
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A day with Whitebeard's Crew and a shy trying to socialize💗💛
No... I'm Newgate, Whitebeard! and I'll be your new father!💗🩶🩸
Whitebeard's crew x Y/N with communication problems!💗💛
Whitebeard's crew x Y/N with dark impulses scenario (?)💜
YN post traumatic stress 🩶🖤💗
Your beauty is bigger than the world!🩶💗
Whitebeard crew x Depressed reader 🩶💗
Whitebeard x Biological Daughter ( Ace x Biological Whitebeard daughter) ♥️💗💛
Whitebeard x Fragile!Daughter 🩶
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Mihawk x Y/N with communication problems 💗💛♥️
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Portgas D. Ace x YN who love cats 🐈💛💗♥️
Yandere Shanks, Luffy, Ace and Sabo x reader dying in front of them 💜🩶
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Yandere Luffy, Shanks and Eustass Kid x Reader - Midnight Snack 💜
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Yandere Shanks, Luffy, Ace and Sabo x reader dying in front of them 💜🩶
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ASL seeing bites of love in YN's neck 💗💛
Shy and little sister of ASL!
Hunter x Hunter: none (0%)
Tokyo Revengers: none (0%)
Gorillaz: loading...25%
other: none
loading more, please, wait....
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thebunnednun · 4 months
Whispers of the Heart Dracule Mihawk x Fm! Reader (Part 7)
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I do not own the artwork its by: @xuchuan25 Tell them they're amazing y'all!
Part 2 of the lore today, 06/06/2024. Upon popular DM request the reader is also Caribbean and Mihawk will additionally speak spanish.
You've been Dracule Mihawk's personal maid and housekeeper for what feels like an eternity. Let's cut to the chase – you're a badass, sweetheart. Sexy, cool, and confident, with a reputation that precedes you. Been friends with the stoic man for eons by now.
Everyone knows you or knows of you, and it's not just because you keep Mihawk's castle running like a well-oiled machine.
So what happens when you develop feelings for your old friend and boss?
What does he do when he comes home to find you in his room without your panties?
___________________Chapter 7: First Meetings____________________
The story of how a younger you was introduced to Mihawk by Shanks and Buggy. Everyone is in their mid to late teens in this.
Buggy was a lively and flamboyant teenager, already beginning to experiment with the clown makeup that would become his signature look. His bright blue hair was unruly, sticking out in all directions, adding to his eccentric appearance. He often sported bold, red lipstick, and other bits of flashy make up. (Initially to compliment as a joke but quickly becoming a part of his identity.) Buggy's eyes were sharp and mischievous, always looking for the next adventure or prank. His bond with [Name] was special; she was one of the few who could handle his antics, often stealing his lipstick, leading to playful arguments and deepening their camaraderie.
Shanks was growing into a charismatic and charming young man, with a carefree attitude that endeared him to many. His red hair was beginning to grow out, often tousled and windblown, adding to his roguish charm. Recently, he had started to grow some scruff, which [Name] never failed to tease him about, calling him "scruffy" or "fuzzy." His attire was casual and practical, usually consisting of a simple shirt, trousers, and a long coat. Shanks’ eyes sparkled with a sense of adventure and mischief, always ready for the next big thing. Despite his playful nature, he had a deep sense of loyalty and cared deeply for his friends, especially Buggy and [Name].
[Name] was blossoming into a beautiful young Caribbean woman, with a grace and strength that drew the attention of many. Her skin had a warm, sun-kissed glow, and her eyes were full of determination and kindness. She wore her hair in a variety of styles, often adorned with golden beads or shells that reflected her vibrant culture. Her attire was practical yet elegant, often consisting of breezy, colorful dresses or fitted pants and tops that allowed her to move freely. As more people began to notice her beauty, she started to wear a mask and cloak in public to avoid unwanted attention and to keep a low profile. [Name] had a strong, nurturing presence, always looking out for her friends and those in need.
--------------- The young Hawk and Empress------------------
The bustling market was alive with the sounds of vendors calling out their wares, the clink of coins, and the chatter of people going about their business. It was a busy afternoon, and you were navigating through the crowded streets, searching for any signs or leads that could point you toward the man who took baby Ace. The scents of exotic spices and freshly baked goods filled the air, making your stomach growl in response.
“Muneca-chan, over here!” Buggy’s voice rang out above the noise, his tone playful and teasing as always. You spotted his bright blue hair bobbing above the crowd and made your way toward him.
“Sunflower!” Shanks called out from another direction, his red hair standing out like a beacon. He was grinning widely, holding up a shiny apple he had just bought from a vendor.
You smiled at their antics, feeling a warmth in your chest. Despite everything, their presence was a constant comfort. You reached Buggy first, who immediately pulled you into a bear hug, nearly lifting you off your feet.
“Buggy, I need to breathe!” you laughed, pushing at his shoulders.
“Sorry, Muneca-chan,” he said, setting you down but keeping an arm around your shoulders. “We’ve got something to show you.”
Shanks approached, tossing you the apple. “Eat up, Sunflower. You’ll need your strength.”
You caught the apple and took a bite, savoring the sweet taste. “What’s so important that you dragged me to this town?”
Shanks and Buggy exchanged glances, a mischievous glint in their eyes. “We’ve got someone you need to meet,” Shanks said, his grin widening.
“Follow us,” Buggy added, leading the way through the throng of people.
They guided you to a quieter part of the market, where a tall young man with striking golden eyes and a large sword strapped to his back stood, seemingly unaffected by the chaos around him. His gaze was intense, observing everything with a calm, analytical air.
“Mihawk!” Shanks called out, waving. “Over here!”
The man turned his head, his eyes locking onto you. There was a moment of silence as he took you in, and you felt a shiver run down your spine. There was something about him that commanded attention.
“Mihawk, this is [Name],” Shanks introduced, clapping a hand on the man’s shoulder. “She’s the one leading our little mission.”
Mihawk extended a hand, and you shook it, feeling the strength in his grip. “Nice to meet you, Mihawk.”
“Likewise,” he replied, his voice steady. “Shanks has told me a lot about you.”
“All good things, I hope,” you said, smiling.
“Mostly,” Mihawk said, a slight smirk playing on his lips.
The initial meeting didn't go as smoothly as Shanks and Buggy had hoped. Mihawk’s intense, almost aloof demeanor clashed with your fiery determination. The tension was palpable as you discussed plans, Mihawk’s questions coming off as more critical than curious.
“We’re looking for Vice-Admiral Garp,” Shanks lied smoothly, not wanting to reveal too much to Mihawk just yet. “He’s our best lead.”
Mihawk raised an eyebrow. “Garp? Why would a Vice-Admiral be interested in your affairs?”
You felt your frustration building, especially when Mihawk's questions turned into teasing jabs about your abilities and motivations. “Maybe he’s interested because we’re capable of things you can’t even imagine,” you snapped.
Mihawk’s smirk widened. “Is that so? Care to demonstrate?”
Before you knew it, you had snatched Yoru from Mihawk’s back, its weight surprising you but not deterring you. You pointed the massive blade at him, your eyes blazing with anger. “Do you think this is a joke? We’re not here to play games, Mihawk.”
For a moment, Mihawk’s golden eyes widened in genuine surprise. But then, a slow, dangerous smile spread across his face. “I didn’t expect you to have such fire, [Name].”
Shanks and Buggy, realizing things were escalating, stepped in quickly. “Alright, everyone, calm down,” Shanks said, placing a hand on Mihawk’s shoulder while Buggy tried to gently pry Yoru from your grip.
“Muneca-chan, relax,” Buggy urged. “We’re all on the same side here.”
You reluctantly let go of Yoru, feeling the anger simmering beneath the surface. Mihawk took his sword back, his gaze never leaving yours. There was a new respect there, but also a hint of amusement.
“Let’s try to work together,” Shanks suggested, his tone placating. “We have a common goal, after all.”
Mihawk nodded slowly. “Very well. But remember, [Name], strength comes in many forms. Let’s see if you can live up to your reputation.”
The tension eased slightly, but the underlying friction remained. Perhaps, in time, you would find a way to trust each other. But for now, the uneasy alliance would have to suffice.
As the group moved through the bustling market, you noticed a group of young children playing a game of pirates and marines in the town square. Their laughter and shouts were infectious, and you found yourself smiling despite the tension of the day.
One of the children, a little girl with pigtails, brandished a wooden sword and declared, “I’m the pirate captain! Surrender, or face my wrath!”
Her friends, playing the roles of marines, laughed and pretended to be scared, some playfully running away while others “surrendered” dramatically. You couldn’t resist joining in. “Ahoy there, captain!” you called out, crouching down to their level. “Need a first mate?”
The children looked at you with wide eyes, excited to have an adult join their game. “Yes! We need all the help we can get!” the girl declared.
You laughed and pulled out a small bag of candy you had bought earlier, handing it out to the children. “Every good pirate needs some treasure,” you said with a wink.
The kids’ faces lit up with joy as they accepted the treats, and soon you were in the thick of their game, helping them plot “pirate attacks” and outsmart the “marines.” The laughter and fun were a welcome distraction, and for a moment, you felt like a carefree child again.
As the game wound down, you gathered the children around and knelt to speak to them. “Remember, being a pirate isn’t just about having fun and finding treasure. It’s about being brave, looking out for your friends, and always doing what you believe is right. Can you do that?”
The children nodded eagerly, their eyes shining with excitement and admiration. “Yes, we can!”
“Good,” you said with a smile. “Now, go out there and be the best pirates you can be!”
With that, you stood and waved goodbye to the children, who ran off to continue their game. You felt a tug of longing as you watched them go, wishing you could protect their innocence forever.
“Muneca-chan!” Buggy’s voice called from up ahead. “You coming?”
You hurried to catch up, falling into step beside Buggy. Shanks hung back, watching Mihawk observe your interaction with the children. He couldn’t help but grin and leaned in close to Mihawk.
“You know, Mihawk,” Shanks teased, “if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were a bit smitten.”
Mihawk’s eyes flicked to Shanks, his expression impassive. “Don’t be ridiculous.” “Oh, come on. Admit it. You were watching her with those kids,” Shanks pressed, his grin widening. Mihawk rolled his eyes. “I was merely observing. She seems to have a knack for connecting with people.”
“Uh-huh,” Shanks said, clearly unconvinced but willing to drop the subject for now. “Whatever you say, Hawk Eyes.”
As evening fell, the group found an inn and rented a room for the night. The room was modest but comfortable, with enough space for all of you to sit and discuss your plans.
Shanks sprawled out on one of the beds, Buggy took a chair by the window, and Mihawk stood by the door, his usual stance. You sat on the edge of the other bed, looking at your companions. “Alright,” you began, pulling out a map of the area. “We need to find Vice-Admiral Garp. He’s our best chance at getting information on my brothers whereabouts.”
Buggy leaned forward, his expression serious. “Garp’s a tough one to track. He’s always on the move.”
Shanks nodded in agreement. “But he has to resupply somewhere. We just need to figure out his usual haunts.”
Mihawk crossed his arms, his gaze fixed on the map. “He’s a creature of habit, despite his reputation. If we can determine his pattern, we might predict his next move.”
You looked up at Mihawk, appreciating his strategic mind despite the rocky start to your relationship. “Agreed. We’ll split up and gather information. Buggy, you take the docks. Shanks, the taverns. Mihawk, you and I will check the markets and speak to the locals.”
They all nodded, each understanding their role. As the plans solidified, you couldn’t help but feel a flicker of hope. With Shanks, Buggy, and Mihawk by your side, you felt more confident than ever that you would find Ace and fulfill the promise you made to Rouge.
“Let’s get some rest,” you said, folding the map. “We’ll start early tomorrow.”
The room settled into a comfortable silence as everyone prepared for bed. You lay down, staring at the ceiling, your mind racing with thoughts of Ace, Roger, and Rouge. Despite the challenges ahead, you knew you weren’t alone, and that made all the difference.
As you drifted off to sleep, you heard Shanks’ voice whisper in the darkness, “Goodnight, Sunflower.”
“Goodnight, Shanks,” you whispered back, a small smile on your lips.
In the following weeks, Mihawk and [Name] embarked on a series of small adventures that tested their mettle and solidified their bond. You grew to trust each other, the camaraderie deepening with each passing day. You shared stories and laughter under the vast expanse of the sky, you felt yourself opening up to Mihawk in ways different from Buggy and Shanks.
One quiet afternoon, as they rested by the seashore, casting a warm golden glow over the landscape as Mihawk and [Name] walked side by side through a dense forest path. The leaves rustled softly in the breeze, creating a serene atmosphere that belied the tension simmering beneath the surface. Despite their initial animosity, they had found a tentative rhythm in their partnership.
As they navigated the winding trail, [Name] glanced at Mihawk from beneath her cloak. "You know, Mihawk, you're not as bad as I first thought," she admitted with a small smile. "Just...incredibly infuriating at times."
Mihawk raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement in his golden eyes. "And you, [Name], are not as reckless as I initially presumed. Only...mostly reckless."
Their playful banter continued, slowly chipping away at the walls they had built around themselves. Over the next few weeks, they shared stories of their pasts, dreams for the future, and the reasons behind their relentless pursuit of their respective goals. Mihawk spoke of his quest to become the greatest swordsman, while [Name] revealed her mission to find Ace and protect Roger's legacy.
One afternoon, as they traversed a riverbank, the peace was shattered by the raucous voices of Shanks and Buggy. The two were engaged in a heated argument over who had the better aim with pebbles. As Shanks hurled a stone at Buggy, intending to splash him, Buggy ducked behind [Name], causing the water to drench her instead.
"[Name]!" Shanks called out, his voice filled with laughter. "Sorry, that was meant for Buggy!"
Drenched and sputtering, [Name] pulled off her mask to wipe her face, revealing her features for the first time to Mihawk. Her features were a harmonious blend of strength and beauty, each element highlighting her unique charm. Her eyes, now glistening with a mixture of amusement and annoyance, were vibrant and expressive, framed by lashes that caught the light in a captivating way. Her cheeks, flushed from the excitement and the chill of the water, added a warm glow to her complexion.
Her hair, damp and tousled, clung to her face in soft, loose curls, the color shimmering in the sunlight. Her lips, curved into a reluctant smile, revealed both a sense of mischief and an underlying warmth. Her skin, smooth and glowing, bore the marks of someone who had weathered many storms but had come out stronger on the other side.
Mihawk couldn't help but admire her. She was striking, not just in the traditional sense of beauty, but in the way she carried herself with grace and resilience. There was an undeniable presence about her that drew people in and made them want to know more.
As she stood there, a slight breeze rustling her hair and the dress Shanks had given her, Mihawk felt a shift within himself. It wasn't just her physical appearance that struck him; it was the essence of who she was — a blend of fierce determination and gentle compassion, someone who could be both a warrior and a caretaker.
Seeing her in this new light, Mihawk found himself smiling, a rare expression for him. Mihawk's breath caught in his throat as he took in her beauty, a stark contrast to the fierce warrior he had come to know.
"Are you alright?" Mihawk asked, his usual stoic demeanor softening as he handed her a dry cloth.
"I'm fine," [Name] replied, her cheeks flushing under his intense gaze. She quickly composed herself and shot a glare at Buggy, who was snickering in the background. "Next time, Buggy, you better be the one getting soaked."
Buggy just laughed, while Shanks approached with a sheepish grin. Before he could dwell on the change within himself, Shanks' voice cut through the moment.
"Let me make it up to you, Sunflower. How about we find you a change of clothes?"
With Buggy's help, [Name] changed into a simple day dress that accentuated her natural beauty. As she emerged, Mihawk found himself unable to look away, his admiration evident. Shanks and Buggy exchanged knowing glances, noticing the shift in Mihawk's usually impassive demeanor.
Back at their makeshift camp, Mihawk carefully tended to [Name]'s wet mask, using his own cloak to help dry it by the fire. As they sat in companionable silence, the bond between them grew stronger. They shared more stories, revealing vulnerabilities and forging a deep connection.
One evening, as the fire crackled softly, Mihawk and [Name] sat close, their shoulders nearly touching. [Name] looked up at the sky, her eyes reflecting the twinkling stars. "You know, Mihawk, I never expected to find a new friend in all of this chaos."
Mihawk turned to her, his expression serious yet warm. "Neither did I. But it seems fate has a way of surprising us."
Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Shanks and Buggy, who plopped down beside them. Shanks pulled out a small camera, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Let's capture this moment, shall we?"
Despite Mihawk's initial protests, the picture was taken, sealing the memory of their time together. Shanks forced everyones arms around each other, although Mihawk only wrapped an arm around [Name]'s waist.
Mihawk was able to pull a stoic face outta his ass at the last second while [Name] smiled with full cheekbones and dimples on display. Buggy had his crooked smile while Shanks was all but smoldering into the camera.
As you and Mihawk looked at the photograph, Buggy couldn't resist a jab at Shanks who looked to be in deep thought.
"Looks like you're the jealous one now, Shanks."
Shanks chuckled, ruffling Buggy's hair. "Maybe I am, Buggy. Maybe I am."
As the night wore on, plans were made, and promises were exchanged. With renewed determination, [Name] prepared to set off on her quest to find Ace, knowing that she had the unwavering support of her friends. They would go their separate ways, but the bond they had forged would remain unbroken, guiding them through whatever trials lay ahead.
And there are a shit ton of trials ahead.
The bustling port town of Loguetown was abuzz with activity as the last rays of the setting sun cast long shadows over the cobblestone streets. Amidst the lively marketplace, two familiar figures navigated through the crowd, their eyes set on a specific destination.
Shanks, with his unmistakable red hair and carefree grin, walked alongside Buggy, whose clownish makeup and bright attire drew curious glances from passersby. Despite their contrasting appearances and the playful banter between them, there was an underlying seriousness to their mission.
"Are you sure he'll be here?" Buggy asked, his tone skeptical as they approached a quiet tavern on the outskirts of the market.
Shanks nodded confidently. "Hawkeye's always been a creature of habit. If he's in town, this is where he'll be."
Pushing open the heavy wooden door, they stepped into the dimly lit interior. The tavern was sparsely populated, with a few patrons scattered around, nursing their drinks in relative silence. At the far corner, a solitary figure sat, his presence commanding despite the low profile he maintained.
Young Dracule Mihawk, with his piercing golden eyes and signature black hat adorned with a large, jeweled cross, sipped his drink, seemingly lost in thought. His formidable sword, Yoru, rested against the table, a silent testament to his burgeoning prowess.
As Shanks and Buggy approached, Mihawk's gaze lifted, meeting theirs with a mixture of curiosity and recognition. He raised an eyebrow, the faintest hint of a smile playing on his lips.
"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Mihawk's voice was smooth, carrying a hint of amusement.
Shanks took a seat opposite him, motioning for Buggy to do the same. "We need your help, Mihawk. There's someone we want you to meet."
Buggy leaned forward, eager to elaborate. "Her name's [Name], and she's on a mission. We believe you could be the key to helping her succeed."
Mihawk's interest was piqued. "And why would I be interested in this... mission of hers?"
Shanks leaned back, his expression serious. "Because it's not just about her mission. It's about finding something precious, something that could change the tides of many lives. We think you'll find her intriguing, and her cause just."
Mihawk considered their words carefully. He respected Shanks, and despite their frequent clashes, he found Buggy's antics oddly endearing. If they were willing to vouch for this person, there had to be more to the story.
"Very well," Mihawk said finally, setting down his glass. "I'll meet this [Name] of yours. But understand, my involvement depends on what I see in her."
Shanks grinned, clapping Mihawk on the shoulder. "That's all we ask. You won't regret it."
With that, the three of them rose, the weight of their new alliance settling comfortably among them. As they stepped out into the cool evening air, the promise of a new chapter in their journey began to unfold, one that would bring them closer to finding Ace and perhaps, closer to each other.
I will be turning the story of how reader found Ace into a separate story for Luffy that happens in this universe. So be on the look out!
Part 1 posted: Here
Part 2 is also posted.
Part 3: Posted Here
Part 4 is here my loves.
Part 5 is now posted
Part 6 is also posted.
This is also posted on the a03 account by the same name. A new update post will also be out tomorrow regarding updates and new stories.
Please check out my other works and leave likes and comments, they really help. Drop a follow as well if you please.
Seen you soon my loves!!~ <<33
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find-roronoa-zoro · 4 months
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Roronoa Zoro X CisFem Reader
You stayed awake for quite some time while your boyfriend's soft snores filled the room. He'd fallen asleep rather quickly while still clinging to you. Which was totally fine, you found it rather endearing that even after such an intimate act he felt the need to stay so close to you. It had you almost wondering if he'd ever done this before, a notion you quickly dismissed recalling his skill level.
There was no way this guy was a virgin.
You ran your fingers gently through his soft hair smiling unapologetically as he shifted and stirred at your touch. How was this tiger allowed to be so cute?
Then it hit you, such an overwhelming wave of guilt. Here you were enjoying a moment of bliss when your father just died and your brothers are all distressed. What kind of selfish monster are you?
"Go to sleep." Zoro murmured pulling you close.
"I didn't mean to wake you." you snuggled into him.
"What are you stressing over?" he nuzzeled against your temple.
It was quiet for a few short moments, you assumed he had drifted back off to sleep until his lips gently pressed against your forehead.
"It's ok to be happy." he rose above you to look you in the eye.
You glanced away, "How do you always know what to say?"
The greenette lowered himself to rest his cheek against your bare chest and shrugged, "I know you feel guilty for things you shouldn't."
You only hummed.
It was true. You often made yourself feel terrible for things you had no control over.
Running fingers through his hair once more you sighed, "I'm very happy, thank you Tiger."
"And thank you," he yawned, "now...sleep."
It had been a few weeks since your father's passing. Things were beginning to feel more normal or as normal as they could you supposed.
You sat at the island in the kitchen with a cup of freshly brewed coffee while your oldest brother shuffled around in the fridge.
"Why are you up so early?" the brunette asked through a massive yawn.
"I was going to follow Marco to work today. It's been a while since I've been to the home office."
"I'm sure they'll be excited to see you." Thatch stood closing the door with his arms full of food, "Breakfast? Everyone seems to be getting their appetites back."
"Sounds good." you hummed sipping from your mug.
Thatch grinned at you before turning to unload the breakfast ingredients onto the counter.
"Morning, yoi." your blond brother entered with a yawn as his hand slipped up his shirt to lazily scratch his stomach.
"Yo." you muttered.
"What're you doing up?"
"Question of the morning." Thatch chuckled from the stove.
"I want to go to the office with you today." you watched him yawn again and take a seat across from you.
"Izo will be excited to see you, yoi."
"I'm excited to see Izo." you affirmed with a soft smile.
"So no boyfriend today?" Marco asked.
"He closed the bar last night so I stayed home." you traced the brim of your coffee cup thinking about the cute text exchange you'd had with Zoro before falling asleep.
"Valentine's day is soon, any big plans?" Thatch asked wiggling his brows.
"Not that I know of, but you guys know I'm not fussy. It doesn't really matter."
"She's got it bad, yoi." the blond teased.
"Seriously," Thatch confirmed, "you sure were fussy with Shanks."
You blushed remembering your late teens and early twenties when all you knew of romance was TV shows and magazines. The way you acted back then was a bit embarrassing, though Shanks never once complained.
"I was young and dumb what can I say?" You chuckled.
"Speaking of young and dumb, Ace-"
Before Thatch could finish his sentence your phone began to vibrate across the counter startling all three of you. Your brows pinched together in confusion at the name that flashed across the screen.
"Is everything alright, F/N-ya?" Law's voice was incredibly smooth even first thing in the morning.
"Uh - yeah... I think so?" you answered still confused.
"I was just surprised to see Ace-ya here without the family."
"W-what?! Wait - where is Ace?" you stood.
Your brothers froze.
"You didn't know?" Law questioned softly rounding a corner into an empty room, "He's being admitted to the hospital. You should get down here."
"What happened? Why is he there? Is he ok?" your frantic tone had the boys flinching.
"If you don't already know, I'm unfortunately not allowed to say, though I don't know much." Law sighed pinching the bridge of his nose, "Just get down here quickly. And be careful."
"We're on our way, thanks."
You hung up and typed a quick text to your boyfriend while divulging what little information you had to your older brothers.
"You guys go. I'll get the boys." Thatch had already turned off the stove and was headed for the stairs to get Sabo and Luffy.
Not bothering to change from your pajamas you and Marco threw on your jackets and made your way out to the hospital.
When you arrived you were directed to the surgical floor where they were prepping your freckled baby for emergency surgery. Not having any information was eating you alive, even when you checked in, they wouldn't say what happened or why he was having surgery. It felt like you were choking on your heart.
Marco kept freakishly calm and quiet. He honestly didn't know what to say or do. He was terrified at the thought of losing your brother. Not knowing basic information allowed you both to jump to the worst conclusions.
As you stepped off the elevator you caught sight of Benn slouching out of his coat in the waiting area, having apparently just arrived himself. You had a terrible feeling. Bypassing the waiting room you checked in at the nurses station, where you were immediately handed paperwork and lead to a room where Ace was.
Law greeted you in the doorway to prepare you for what you were about to see.
"He's taken quite the beating. They had to work on getting him stable before we could get him ready for surgery, which I've nominated myself for." his steel orbs were locked on yours, "We'll be taking Ace-ya in for a craniotomy; it's a standard procedure to relieve pressure on the brain."
"On the brain?" you squeaked.
"You've done this before, right?" Marco asked.
Law nodded, "Plenty of times. All successful. There are risks that we will cover. I can't sugar coat this for you. But I can assure you that his stats are good and I will do my best."
"Do you know what happened?" you almost didn't want to know the answer.
"Apparently there was a fight and things got out of hand. His head was slammed into the ground a few times, which caused swelling. This procedure will help with that and then we can access if there will be any permanent damage."
You would never in all your life be prepared to see what you did when you entered that hospital room. The man in that bed was damn near unrecognizable. Both eyes swollen shut, busted lips and cheeks and nearly his entire precious face was bruised.
A rage you had never experienced bloomed in your chest as your eyes filled with tears. You knew exactly what happened. You knew why Benn was there.
Somehow you made it through the paperwork and presurgery orientation.
"I love you Freckles." you murmured kissing your brother's temple before they pushed his bed out of the room.
"He'll be ok, yoi." Marco muttered rubbing your back and gently pushing you toward the waiting room.
The moment you saw Benn you felt that anger begin to heat your body again.
"What the fuck happened?! Why didn't you call me immediately?!" you shoved him back as he stood.
"It was complicated," his large hands wrapped around your wrists, "the police had to get involved. I was going to call you when I was able to get here but then I saw you and assumed Shanks called first."
"Oh you're all here." your ex's care free voice chimmed as you ripped yourself away from Benn, "How is he?"
You were close enough to the doorway; once freeing yourself you spun on your heel and socked the redhead right in the face.
"F/N!" your brother and friend called as Shanks dropped to the floor.
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alexa-fika · 6 months
I don't know how but I had these ideas while working out
1- Rayleigh x winged!child!reader (w)
W gets sent back in time and meets his grandpa and Roger Pirates
2- sanji x ghost!child!reader
Okay so the reader is basically Danny phantom and he doesn't die (because he's already dead yohohoho sorry) and doesn't need to eat so a story about that idk
3-law x son!reader
Okay you wrote a story about laws son being able to see dead people so he gets kidnapped by Doffy and ghost Corazon trying to reassures him until his dad rescues him
Adventures in the past ( Roger Pirates x gn!child! Reader)
A/N here we gooo, Im kinda meh on this one and I ‘ll be honest I din’t even noticed that it was a winged!reader request until I was done so I had to kinda mix it in? But regardless here we goo, I can’t tell you how many times I went back and rewrote it again and again cause I kept getting stuck 😩
Reader here is Replaced by Dokucha which means reader in Japanese
Dividers by @/saradika
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Dokucha groans, wriggling their way out of the barrel they had found themselves in, looking around their surroundings, shaking their wings
“Grandpa is gonna be mad that I ruffled them again,” they mutter
They squeak as a knife flies past them, digging into the wooden walls behind them
They slowly turn around, staring at the entrance of what looked to be an office of sorts, spotting two kids, a red-head with a straw hat holding a sword menacingly and a blue-haired boy with a red nose, holding an array of small knives between his fingers
The two seemed to be young but still relatively older than they were
“Um… hi”
“Who is it, Shanks, Buggy?” a voice calls behind the two young boys
“Uh…” Shanks lowers his sword, staring at the scared child in front of them
“It’s a Bird-kid!” buggy, never one to be at a loss for words, exclaims
They stare at the man for a few seconds, their eyes glancing at the familiar marks on his chin and grin, flying towards the man and crashing into him
The boys give the man a side eye from where they stand
“Don’t look at me like that. I don’t know this kid!” he exclaims, looking down at the child who was now holding onto him and hugging him
“Kid, I think you got the wrong person…”
“No! You are Grandpa Ray!”
“How do you know my name,” he says slowly, looking at the child hugging him
“Because you’re grandpa!” They cry
“How old do you think I am, kid.” he frowns at the child clinging to him
At those words, the child pauses, taking a closer look at the man before him; it was their grandfather, that was for certain; the scar and the markings were unmistakable, not to mention the powerful aura their grandfather carried.
But the closer Dokucha looked, the more they noticed something was not okay; the silver-white long hair was now short golden yellow locks. The markings that characterized him, although there, rather than framed by his beard they, were now inked on his chin, the beard nowhere to be seen. And his face that was before marked by time was now much younger
“Um, Granpa Ray…. This joke is not funny. Why do you look so different?” They said, poking the man’s cheek, trying to find their ‘disguise.’
“Wait, wait, you actually think I’m your grandpa?” he asked in disbelief
“Who put this idea in your head?” he asked before letting out a slight chuckle
“Shanks, Buggy, is this your doing?”
“Hah? I didn’t do anything!”
“Not me either.”
Dokucha turns their head at the mention of their names, glancing down at the two teens
“Uncle Shanks? Uncle Buggy?”
The two looked a bit surprised; how did this kid know their names
“Uh, yeah,” Shanks said nervously
“How do you know who we are?”
“Umm, what year is it?”
The two exchange glances before looking back at the little kid in front of them; it was an odd question
“It’s… 1486.” the teen with the hat said
“Uh oh”
The two look at each other again a, very concerned looks on their faces
“W-what do you mean, uh oh?”
“W-Well, Grandpa Ray said it was 1522.”
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Dokucha now had found themselves on Crocus's lap, the latter performing a quick examination on the latest visitor of the Oro Jackson
“I'm okay, Uncle Crocus,” they said, inching back at the cold feeling of the stethoscope
“Are you sure?” He asks, repositioning the stethoscope
“Your wings seem fine, no broken feathers or anything embedded in them, no lacerations or damaged blood vessels.”
“No fever, Heartrate is good, breathing is good, the pulse is normal.. they’re good,” he said, giving the rest of the crew his approval as he put his tools away
“Yay! I'm free!” They said hoping off and flying off
“Not so fast, Sweet thing!” laughs Roger, effortlessly picking up Dokucha
“So, what brought you here?” Roger said while carrying Dokucha in his arms
“A barrel did,” Dokucha responded
“You got yourself trapped in a barrel?” Cuts in Buggy
“Yeah, I couldn’t get back out because of my wings.”
Shank lets out a slight snicker at that
“Hey! It’s not funny!” Dokucha exclaims with a pout
“It’s quite funny, you got yourself trapped in a barrel,” Shanks said, snickering harder
“Haha, yeah, it’s quite funny.” Buggy joins, laughing along with Shanks
“Fight me!” They said, lunging at them
Roger lets out a belly laugh, holding back Dokucha
“There, There”
“They’re being mean, Uncle Roger!”
“I think they’ve only teased you lightly; they haven’t really been mean per se,” he responded, patting Dokucha’s arm
“Your future self sure raised a wild one, Rayleigh.”
Rayleigh rolls his eyes, walking closer to his Captain and plucking Dokucha from his lap
“Grandpa Ray!”
“Yeah, yeah, you’re back to Grandpa Ray now?”
He chuckled, patting the kid on the head
“Grandpa Ray looked so handsome when he was young,” the child exclaimed, moving Rayleigh’s head around and inspecting the younger version
“I’m not sure if that’s a compliment now and an insult in the future…”
“Don’t worry, Grandpa Ray looks handsome as he is now, too; he got to be with grandma after all,” they said, giving the man a thumbs up
Rayleigh rolls his eyes at this
“You’re something else, kid
“Now-Grandpa Ray says the same!” They chirp
playing around with his sweatband
“I'm sure he does,” he stated, putting the sweatband over their wrist
Dokucha smiles at this, glancing at the new addition and, sliding down his arms and walking to the two teenagers
They observe them for a while until a pout comes on their face
Shanks just stares at the kids as they pout
“What? Is something wrong?” he asks
“I wish I had gone back farther… I'm still shorter than Uncle Shanks and Uncle Buggy.”
Shanks chuckles a little before giving a small pat on Dokucha’s head.
“It’s alright, kid. You’ll catch up to us soon.” Shanks’s voice is kind and reassuring
Buggy just giggles at the situation
“No, I won’t; when I'm as tall as you are now, you’ll be all grown up, just like you are in my time! And then I ‘ll still be smaller.”
“Why do you wanna be tall like us anyways?” asks Shanks with a raised eyebrow.
They shrug
“to make fun of you.”
Buggy lets out a hearty laugh
“That’s the most honest reason anyone could give.”
Shanks snorts at this and lets out a laugh of his own
“I know”
“You are something,” said Shanks
“A lil brat,” says Buggy
They gasp,
“Says the red nose!”
Buggy’s eyes light up with pure rage.
“What did you say, bird-brat?” he growls
They stick their tongue out of them and running of between Rayleigh and Roger, who just observed the situation amusedly
“Are you going to let a little kid get to you, Buggy?” Rayleigh chuckles with a raised brow as he watches Buggy’s rage get the best of him
“Dokucha!” He growls
“Come and get me then!”
Buggy shoots off like a bullet, lunging for the small child
“Come here Dokucha!”
The kid laughs and giggles as Buggy tries to snag them.
Roger chuckles at this scene, watching the two
Dokucha looks around as Buggy’s voice soon begins to shift, becoming echoey and distant, changing into two familiar voices
Dokusha blinked their eyes open, looking around and finding themselves in their room, Their grandfather and grandmother glancing down at them
“Good morning,” smiles Shakky, puffing out a wisp of smoke
“Geez kid, that was one heavy dream you were having,” Laughs Rayleigh
“Grandma, Grandpa?”
“Look like you’re still half-asleep. I'm going to get breakfast going,” Shakky says as she leaves the room
“What did you dream about?” asks Rayleigh, lifting the child from the bed.
“Still asleep? Hmm? Say, Dokucha, when did you get that sweatband?”
“Huh.” they look down, confused, only to look at their wrist and spot the familiar red and white wristband, a grin growing on their face as they realize what it meant
“Someone gave it to me!”
“Huh... I used to have one just like it; it brings me back.”
“Hey, Grandpa?”
“You looked really handsome when young. I can see how you got with grandma.”
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Here we go thoughts? It’s not kicking your legs type but hopefully you got a chuckle, I will start working on the other one’s now 👀
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harudnae · 8 months
Next in line for the Great Draft Eradication Plan, today's fic is a Gaban x Reader fluffy one-shot!
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Also posted on AO3 on 2024.01.13
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Gaban x GN!Reader, Roger x Rayleigh if you squint
Summary: A new hairdo unexpectedly brings you closer to your crush.
Content warnings: obvious & oblivious crush, hair braiding, fluff, no pronouns used for Reader, no body description either
Word count: 2k
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✨ Great hair
You lift your head from your breakfast plate and crack a smile. "Morning, Gaban."
He tilts his chin towards the empty space in front of you. "Mind if I join you?"
You nod the negative. "Not at all."
"Great." Gaban sets his plate and mug on the table, flashes you a smile then digs in.
Your heart beats faster. What were the odds that your crush would sit right right there in front of you? There are plenty of other available places in the galley, so you can't help but ponder your luck.
Gaban looks back up at you. "You did your hair differently today."
You let a shy smile curl your lips, happy that he noticed. "Yeah, I did. I braided them like my people do."
"It really suits you."
Your cheeks heat up. "Suits anyone", you dismiss with a wave of the hand. Before your brain catches up with your mouth, you add, "I bet it'd look great on you too."
Gaban tilts his head to the side, a playful smile at the corner of his lips. "You think so?"
"Yeah." You briefly make eye contact, then quietly say, "You've got great hair", before diving back into your breakfast, a little flustered.
He resumes eating too, throwing the occasional glance your way. After a while he asks, "Would you do my hair like your people do?"
You swallow around a mouthful and blink at him, heart threatening to burst inside your chest. "Just so you know, with long hair like yours, this could take a few hours."
"That's why it looks so good afterwards, right? I don't mind. Do you?"
You have a light laugh. "Nope. Alright, I'll do it." Your newfound luck lifts your spirits higher than they've ever been since your arrival in this crew.
Gaban smiles wide. "Nice."
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Gaban unties his hair and fluffs them down across his back before sitting cross-legged in front of you.
You get a whiff of his scent and take a short moment to enjoy the tingle it sends through your body. Then you exhale slowly, quickly shake your head, and you move closer to him, gently parting his hair with your hands before you tie what's going to be in your way. "You really have great hair", you comment while you separate the curly strands from each other, "Braids tend to remain longer on curly hair and thick hair, you've got both."
Gaban laughs. "Nice, that's good news." He adjusts his position, leaving you more room to work.
Your hand brushes against his back in the process but he doesn't seem to mind. You, on the other hand, do mind, but you do your best to focus on the task at hand, pun intended. A little after you started braiding Gaban's hair, your hands work by muscle memory while they thread through his curly mane, so your mind simply focuses on spending such a nice time, being allowed to touching your crush's hair and being in such close proximity. It's a treat in and of itself, and you wouldn't want to miss a single second of it.
"It's relaxing", he says after a while.
You softly smile, noticing how you drifted into an almost meditative state. "Yeah, it's nice to have someone else do it for you."
He gives you a quick side-glance. "You don't, though."
You shrug. "I manage."
After a quiet while, Gaban adds, "I could, if you taught me."
Your heart misses a beat before spiking up. "For real?"
Gaban grins. "Yeah."
You swallow, then exhale a breath you hadn't noticed you'd been holding. You wonder if he offered out of simple courtesy, or if you should read more into it.
Buggy peeks from behind your shoulder, derailing your train of thoughts. He curiously inquires, "Say, say, (y/n)-san, what are you doing?"
Shanks, never too far from his friend, quickly joins him and observes you working on Gaban's hairdo.
You give them a side-glance and focus back on Gaban's hair, making sure to hold the curly strands tight enough that no stray hair gets out of the braids. "I'm braiding. See?" Your hands work slower, using larger movements so the cabin boys can watch how it's done.
"Pretty", Shanks wistfully says.
Buggy excitedly asks, "Would you do my hair later?"
Shanks' gaze leave your hands only to glance at Buggy, a faint blush rising to his cheeks. A split moment after, he turns his attention back to you. "Hey, me too, me too! Do my hair!!"
You softly laugh, fond of the kids and their spirit. "If you wait for your turn, patiently, I will."
Both cabin boys nod the affirmative. "Aye, aye", they say, and they remain close-by, excitedly chatting among themselves and giving each other the occasional elbow nudge while they try not to show how eager they are.
You keep progressing on Gaban's hair, but you regularly glance at them. "The boys are cute", you fondly say.
Gaban exhales a thoughtful hum. "For once, they're not bickering. It's been a while since I last saw them behaving properly..."
You push two fingertips against Gaban's scalp so he tilts his head for better access. Once he's in the right position you ask, "How long have you known them?"
Gaban chuckles. "Since forever. We raised them since they were babies."
You stop braiding for an instant, stunned. "What??" You've been in the crew for a couple of years, and it's true that Shanks and Buggy have always been around, but you never thought that the boys would have been aboard as literal toddlers, or younger.
While you start braiding the last of his hair, Gaban tells you how they met one, then the other kid, and how both times Captain Roger decided that he'd raise them as his own.
Rayleigh, Gaban, and the rest of the crew were left with no other choice but to comply with their Captain's whim. And although a few complaints were heard, everyone quickly warmed up to the boys and actively cared for both of them.
You realize you've been doing just the same since you joined the Roger Pirates: kids aboard means extra care and attention, and you naturally assumed care-taking when needed, just like each one of your nakama does.
Shanks and Buggy are around eight now, and with the adventures you all have together, it's a miraculous gift that they've grown into such great kids, full of life and always eager to do something new.
You happily sigh, and reluctantly get to work on Gaban's last braid. You thread your fingers a bit more slowly, caressing the thick curls, and your hands linger a little longer on his scalp when you work your way down the black strands. It's a nice moment, and you wish it wouldn't end so soon. But a deal is a deal... Once you're finally done, you glance around Gaban's head to fix any stray hands with some wax you brought for the finishing touches. Once satisfied with your work you walk around him and offer him a smile. "I'm done", you proudly say, "You should go see your–"
Shanks runs towards Gaban, yelling, "It's so good!"
Buggy closely tails him, and excitedly walks around Gaban to study the work you've done. "It's so nice! I want the same, I want the same!"
Shanks, "I'll go first, I'll go first!"
Buggy protests, "Hey! I asked first, get in line!"
Gaban pats both kids on the head, prompting them to shut up. He looks at you and asks, "Why don't you teach me, then? I can learn while you do it too."
Heart fluttering at the prospect of spending some extra time with Gaban, you all too happily nod. "Yeah, sure!" You turn your attention back to the kids. "That way you'll both get nice hairdos at the same time. Deal?"
Buggy and Shanks exchange a look and a shrug, then the blue-haired cabin boy wriggles away and sits where Gaban was while you did his hair. "Okay, but you do mine because I asked you first."
You softly laugh. "Alright, alright. You'll both get the same treatment, though."
Gaban leads Shanks next to Buggy and installs himself, offering you a smile.
You hope you can conceal how flustered you are as the target of his attention, and you do your best to focus on teaching him how to braid.
He's a patient pupil, listening closely and asking whenever doubt arises. He frowns while he focuses, and the tip of his tongue pokes between his parted lips while he tries to find the right balance between tightening the braids enough and not pulling on Shanks' scalp too much. He's a quick learner though, and he manages to do a really nice work following your instructions.
Since you work faster than he does, you pause in-between braids and selfishly enjoy the endearing sight.
He looks so soft like this, gentle and attentive.
"Say, say", Buggy impatiently says, "Does it look good already?"
Your eyes flicker back to the boy's hairdo a short moment after they met Gaban's curious gaze. "Yeah, it really does. Be patient, it takes a while but it's worth it."
Shanks nudges an elbow against Buggy's arm, a smile playing at the corner of his lips.
Buggy gives him a side-glance, then he grins back.
Gaban gets more confident over the second half of Shanks' head, and almost matches your own speed by the end of it.
You explain him how to give the final touches to such a hairdo, and you tell the three of them how to protect their hair afterwards so the braids remain neat for a longer time.
Both boys attentively listen to your explanations, and as soon as you're done, they run to the nearest mirror to admire themselves. They excitedly run back to you and wrap their arms around you for a tight hug, thanking you profusely.
Gaban warmly smiles at you, patting the boys on the shoulders.
This is nice. I could get used to it...
Rayleigh's voice a little further on the deck derails your train of thoughts. He eyes the four of you, a knowing smirk on his face. "Oh, you're all assorted. That's cute."
Buggy protests, "I'm not cute!"
Shanks grins. "Are too."
Meanwhile, you're standing still, quite flustered by the First Mate's innuendo, but you finally dare a glance towards Gaban.
His cheeks are tinted a darker shade, his stance a little stiff, and he still hasn't said a word.
You frown, hesitating between hope and despair.
Rayleigh's smirk grows. "You look like a young couple and their kids."
You stiffen and choose despair.
Gaban huffs a sigh, and grabs Shanks and Buggy by the collars. He brings them both to Rayleigh, countering, "For starters, these are your kids."
Rayleigh grabs both cabin boys and touch their braids. "Fair. Thanks for the hair, too. Looks like you had a good–"
Gaban punches his shoulder before he has a chance to finish his sentence. "Knock it off", he growls.
Something tightens in your gut when you hear the low rumble of his voice. You mentally slap yourself for getting aroused so easily, not to mention in front of the kids. You blink and quickly gather your comb and hair-ties, intending to retreat to the lower decks and bury yourself under a blanket until the embarrassment disappears.
Rayleigh laughs as he leaves, excited cabin boys in tow.
You're just about to make a beeline for your cabin when Gaban walks back to you.
"Hey, thanks for today", he softly says, "Maybe some time later I can do yours in return?"
You blink, then your cheeks heat up.
Smile faltering just a bit, he quickly adds, "If– If you want to, that is. Either way, it was really nice."
You replay Rayleigh's earlier intervention in your head, and finally you come to a realization. Ah. Maybe I'm not the only one with a crush. You exhale a soft laugh. "Yeah, it was. And..." You take a deep breath and eagerly add, "I'd like that. A lot."
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