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selva66 · 1 month ago
Celebrating the 76th Republic Day with ASTEP
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ASTEP proudly invites you to celebrate the 76th Republic Day with us as we honor the great leaders who laid the foundation of our nation. Join us on Sunday, 26th January, for a memorable event filled with patriotism and knowledge sharing. The celebration begins with a Flag Hosting Ceremony at 11 AM, followed by an insightful live session at 12 PM on the topic, "The Role of Carbon Fiber Composites in the Aerospace Industries," presented by the esteemed speaker, Sendil Murugan M.
This event will not only highlight the significance of Republic Day but also offer a unique opportunity to explore advancements in aerospace industries. The venue for the celebration is located at No. 27, 4th Floor, K.R. Colony, Krishna Reddy Layout, Domlur, Bangalore - 560071.
We encourage everyone to participate and make this Republic Day truly special. For further details, visit our official website or contact us at +91 95388 55825. Don’t forget to scan the QR code on the image to register for the event. Let’s come together to celebrate this significant day with pride, knowledge, and unity.
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adacatlovelace · 8 months ago
God imagine the intimacy when your robotic partner lets you read their techpub. To trust you enough to let you know everything about their innerworkings, every testpoint and every signal that passes through their brain
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sgihardware · 7 years ago
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SGI Octane2 Dual Head module
SGI Octane2 was introduced in 2000 and contained SGI’s own VPro graphics chipset (sometimes called “OpenGL on a chip”). The graphic chip itself has about the same performance as NVIDIA GeForce 256 (Quadro) but offered also multiple advanced features including the 48-bit color precision. The chip, however, could handle only a single screen so SGI started to offer also a dual-head option which was basically two VPro cards glued together on a single XIO module.
Dual Head module manual: http://www.irix7.com/techpubs/007-4493-001.pdf
SGI VPro brief description: http://www.nekochan.net/wiki/SGI_VPro
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sfujioka1 · 4 years ago
https://ameblo.jp/sfujioka1 テーマ:ブログ
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NEW!2020-11-24 11:08:53
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ビデオカメラ Rosdeca デジタルビデオカメラ ウェブカメラ 4K 4800万画素 WIFI機能 16倍デジタルズーム+8倍スーパーズーム IR赤外線暗視機能 デジタル補正 270度回転画面 予備バッテリー付属 望遠レンズ搭載 3.0インチタッチパネル 外付けマイク 日本語取扱説明書 カメラポーチ Amazon(アマゾン) 25,999円 [LesBliss Exclusive]K10グリーンアメジストピアス ママジュエリー専門店レスブリス 36,300円 ハイセンス 55V型 4Kチューナー内蔵 UHD 液晶テレビ [Amazon Prime Video対応] 3年保証 2020年モデル 55U7F Amazon(アマゾン) 88,000〜109,780円 青森りんご ふじ 280ml 24本入 | 送料無料 JAアオレン りんごジュース ストレート ジュース 無添加 ペットボトル りんご リンゴジュース ストレートジュース 飲み物 ケース アップルジュース ドリンク セット 内祝い お返し ギフト プレゼント 果汁100% 楽天市場 3,980円 【24本入り】健康ミネラルむぎ茶 PET650ml 飲料 まとめ買い ドリンク 飲み物 ペットボトル 水分補給 麦茶 カフェインゼロ むぎちゃ ミネラル 伊藤園 【D】 楽天市場 2,540円 ウェルチ 100%果汁ギフト【送料無料】夏ギフトセット☆食品 ジュース 飲み物 詰め合わせ 敬老の日 初盆 お供え物 法事 プレゼント 出産内祝い 結婚内祝い 出産祝い 結婚祝い 引き出物 お祝い お返し 香典返し 快気祝い お祝い返し メッセージカード 楽天市場 3,240円 アサヒ飲料 カルピス Lパック 1L 紙パック(口栓付) 1ケース(6本) 【送料無料】 楽天市場 3,648円 炭酸水 強炭酸水 【同種48本セット】伊賀の天然水 強炭酸水 500ml 炭酸飲料 まとめ買い ドリンク 500ミリリットル ペットボトル 飲み物 ソフトドリンク スパークリング 割り材 SANGARIA サンガリア プレーン レモン グレープフルーツ 【D】 楽天市場 2,830円 【48本入】トロピカーナ 100% オレンジ 330ml PET 送料無料 KIRIN Tropicana フルーツジュース セット ペットボトル 飲み物 栄養補給 キリンビバレッジ 【D】 楽天市場 5,280円 赤ワイン セット 6本 フルボディ スペイン フランス すべてパーカー90点以上 Amazon(アマゾン) 7,678円 アサヒ飲料 ウィルキンソン タンサン 炭酸水 500ml×24本 Amazon(アマゾン) 1,500〜4,000円 アサヒ スーパードライ 350ml×24本 Amazon(アマゾン) 4,498〜7,050円
NEW!2020-11-24 09:54:11
投稿#9 緩いCMSとTMSの統合を選ぶ5つの理由(3)
What Techpub teams actually need技術出版チームが実際に必要とするものAs far as timing is concerned, DITA CMSs manage technical information which is authored by a technical writer and reviewed by an SME, and content validation can take time. Usually, every file requires contextual information for better translation.タイミングに関する限り、 DITA CMSがテクニカルライターによって著作されて、SMEによって再検討される技術情報を管理し、そしてコンテンツの妥当性検証に時間を要する可能性があります。 通常、すべてのファイルは、もっと良い翻訳のための文脈上の情報を必要とします。Most DITA localization projects follow the waterfall model: the document is sent for localization upon completion. When working in an agile environment, content is made available at every sprint and is translated within a sprint. Sprints usually take one to two weeks. Unlike web content, technical content does not require instant transfer to translation but can be grouped in weekly sprints. Synchronizing twice a day is ideal.たいていの DITA 現地���プロジェクトはウォータフォール・モデルに従います:文書は完了するや否や現地化のために送られます。 機敏な環境で働くとき、内容が、全力疾走で利用可能となり大急ぎで翻訳されます。 大急ぎでも通常1から2週間を要します。ウエブのコンテンツと異なり、技術コンテンツは即座に翻訳に移行する必要がありません、しかし週に1度の全力疾走でまとめることが可能です。 1日に2回の同期化が理想的です。Concerning operational integration, the financial process with the LSP is often managed with the corporate ERP and the procurement system. The role of the localization manager within the documentation team differs from the localization project manager of an LSP, who manages streams of files and queries, translation assignment and progress as well as the QA cycle. Accordingly, embedding the TMS console in the CMS, although technically feasible, has limited interest for the content creator.運用統合に関して、LSPで財政プロセスは企業のERPと調達システムでしばしば管理されます。 ドキュメンテーションチーム内の現地化管理者の役割はLSPの現地化プロジェクトマネージャとは違いますが、ファイルのストリームを管理、質問、翻訳割り当てと、QAと同様、進行を管理します。 したがって、TMS操作卓をCMSに埋め込むことは、技術的に実行可能であるけれども、コンテンツ作者にとって興味は限定されています。
終活の準備のmy Pick楽天市場【48本入】トロピカーナ 100% オレンジ 330ml PET 送料無料 KIRIN Tropicana フルーツジュース セット ペットボトル 飲み物 栄養補給 キリンビバレッジ 【D】5,280円楽天市場炭酸水 強炭酸水 【同種48本セット】伊賀の天然水 強炭酸水 500ml 炭酸飲料 まとめ買い ドリンク 500ミリリットル ペットボトル 飲み物 ソフトドリンク スパークリング 割り材 SANGARIA サンガリア プレーン レモン グレープフルーツ 【D】2,830円楽天市場ウェルチ 100%果汁ギフト 記念品【あす楽】【送料無料】両親 孫 七五三 秋ギフトセット☆食品 ジュース 飲み物 詰め合わせ プレゼント 出産内祝い 結婚内祝い 出産祝い 結婚祝い 引き出物 お祝い お返し 香典返し 快気祝い お祝い返し メッセージカード3,240円楽天市場アサヒ飲料 カルピス Lパック 1L 紙パック(口栓付) 1ケース(6本) 【送料無料】3,648円ビデオカメラ Rosdeca デジタルビデオカメラ ウェブカメラ 4K 4800万画素 WIFI機能 16倍デジタルズーム+8倍スーパーズーム IR赤外線暗視機能 デジタル補正 270度回転画面 予備バッテリー付属 望遠レンズ搭載 3.0インチタッチパネル 外付けマイク 日本語取扱説明書 カメラポーチアマゾンジャパン合同会社25,999円ハイセンス 55V型 液晶テレビ 55U7F 4Kチューナー内蔵 Amazon Prime Video対応 3年保証 2020年モデルアマゾンジャパン合同会社74,657〜125,180円赤ワイン セット 6本 フルボディ パーカーポイント90点以上 フランス イタリア スペイン 輸入ワイン 飲み比べワインセットアマゾンジャパン合同会社7,678円アサヒ飲料 ウィルキンソン タンサン 炭酸水 500ml×24本アマゾンジャパン合同会社1,500〜3,600円アサヒ ウィルキンソン タンサン マルチパック(500ml×4本) 2000mlアマゾンジャパン合同会社320円終活の準備のmy Pick楽天市場【48本入】トロピカーナ 100% オレンジ 330ml PET 送料無料 KIRIN Tropicana フルーツジュース セット ペットボトル 飲み物 栄養補給 キリンビバレッジ 【D】5,280円楽天市場炭酸水 強炭酸水 【同種48本セット】伊賀の天然水 強炭酸水 500ml 炭酸飲料 まとめ買い ドリンク 500ミリリットル ペットボトル 飲み物 ソフトドリンク スパークリング 割り材 SANGARIA サンガリア プレーン レモン グレープフルーツ 【D】2,830円楽天市場ウェルチ 100%果汁ギフト 記念品【あす楽】【送料無料】両親 孫 七五三 秋ギフトセット☆食品 ジュース 飲み物 詰め合わせ プレゼント 出産内祝い 結婚内祝い 出産祝い 結婚祝い 引き出物 お祝い お返し 香典返し 快気祝い お祝い返し メッセージカード3,240円楽天市場アサヒ飲料 カルピス Lパック 1L 紙パック(口栓付) 1ケース(6本) 【送料無料】3,648円アサヒ スーパードライ 350ml×24本アマゾンジャパン合同会社4,325〜7,050円[LesBliss Exclusive]グリーンアメジストピアス(K10)株式会社レスブリス36,300円
NEW!2020-11-24 09:07:54
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geesys-technologies · 5 years ago
Need dedicated technician
Eligible criteria
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kjunichi · 6 years ago
カンファレンスや勉強会レポートをいかに書き続けるかについての勉強会を主催した #techpub - kondoyukoのカルチュラル・ハッカーズ [はてなブックマーク]
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カンファレンスや勉強会レポートをいかに書き続けるかについての勉強会を主催した #techpub - kondoyukoのカルチュラル・ハッカーズ
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ハイこんにちは。本職はITエンジニア向けウェブメディア編集者のid:kondoyukoです。 インターネットに文章を書くのが好きだった(かつ幸いにしてまわりから面白いと言ってもらえた)から今の業界に入ったはずなのに、いま全然文章が書けていません。編集者って���、自分で書かなくてもいいんですよ。私の仕事だと、エンジ...
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from kjw_junichiのはてなブックマーク https://ift.tt/2QGDHP9
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usajobsite · 7 years ago
IT with Confidential
The position listed below is not with California Interviews but with ConfidentialCalifornia Interviews is a private organization that works in collaboration with government agencies to promote emerging careers. Our goal is to connect you with supportive resources to supplement your skills in order to attain your dream career. California Interviews has also partnered with industry leading consultants & training providers that can assist during your career transition. We look forward to helping you reach your career goals! If you any questions please visit our contact page to connect with us directlyTECHNOLOGY Hewlett Packard Enterprise is an industry leading technology company that enables customers to go further, faster. HPE is accepting resumes for the position of Sr. Software QA Engineer in San Jose, CA (Ref. #HPECSJJAGS1). Lead the project and test efforts independently and work closely with cross functional teams of Development, Manufacturing, TechPubs and Product Marketing. Mail resume to Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company, c/o Andrea Benavides, 14231 Tandem Boulevard, Austin, TX 78728. Resume must include Ref. #, full name, email address & mailing address. No phone calls. Must be legally authorized to work in U.S. without sponsorship. EOE.recblid vxukbs36tgqwf7r3t8azg33ztweeti  ITwithConfidential from Job Portal http://www.jobisite.com/extrJobView.htm?id=73531
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jobisite11 · 7 years ago
IT with Confidential
The position listed below is not with California Interviews but with ConfidentialCalifornia Interviews is a private organization that works in collaboration with government agencies to promote emerging careers. Our goal is to connect you with supportive resources to supplement your skills in order to attain your dream career. California Interviews has also partnered with industry leading consultants & training providers that can assist during your career transition. We look forward to helping you reach your career goals! If you any questions please visit our contact page to connect with us directlyTECHNOLOGY Hewlett Packard Enterprise is an industry leading technology company that enables customers to go further, faster. HPE is accepting resumes for the position of Sr. Software QA Engineer in San Jose, CA (Ref. #HPECSJJAGS1). Lead the project and test efforts independently and work closely with cross functional teams of Development, Manufacturing, TechPubs and Product Marketing. Mail resume to Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company, c/o Andrea Benavides, 14231 Tandem Boulevard, Austin, TX 78728. Resume must include Ref. #, full name, email address & mailing address. No phone calls. Must be legally authorized to work in U.S. without sponsorship. EOE.recblid vxukbs36tgqwf7r3t8azg33ztweeti  ITwithConfidential from Job Portal http://www.jobisite.com/extrJobView.htm?id=73531
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Juniper SSG-350M firewall/router (menlo park)
For sale in great working condition Juniper router SSG-350M and 8 ports 10/100/1000 uPIM card https://www.juniper.net/techpubs/hardware/pim_guide/pim_guide.pdf SSG-320M-SH JXU-8GE-TX ebay prices for the same setup $450+, Asking price $350 or best [...] from Craigslist http://sfbay.craigslist.org/pen/sys/6131697303.html Fraud Bloggs made possible by: http://circuitgenie.wix.com/techsupport
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selva66 · 1 month ago
Feeling Stuck? ASTEP is Here to Help!
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Are you feeling stuck and unsure about your next steps? You're not alone. ASTEP, the Aerospace Technical Education Program, is here to guide and uplift you. Whether you're seeking career growth, specialized training, or motivation to move forward, we have the resources and support you need. Why Choose ASTEP? Expert guidance in aerospace technical publications and related fields Tailored courses to suit your career needs Supportive community and mentorship to help you succeed
Contact Us Today! 📞 Call us at: +91 95388 55825 🌐 Website: https://astep.co.in/ Discover how ASTEP can empower you to reach new heights. Don't let challenges hold you back. Join us and take the first step toward a brighter future!
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selva66 · 1 month ago
Celebrate Pongal & Makar Sankranti with ASTEP!
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Let this festive season inspire you to soar high like the kites in the sky, leaving behind all worries and embracing the light of new beginnings. May the harvest of your efforts bring success, joy, and prosperity. Keep aiming higher and shining brighter!" ✨ 🔥 Next Batch Starts From 27 January! 🌟 Join our specialized courses in Aerospace Technical Publications and take the first step towards an exciting career in the aviation industry. Master essential skills in: Aircraft Maintenance Manuals (AMM) Structural Repair Manuals (SRM) Illustrated Parts Catalogue (IPC) And more, guided by industry experts!
🚀 Why Choose ASTEP? ✔ Industry-relevant curriculum ✔ Hands-on training by experienced professionals ✔ Placement assistance to kickstart your career 📞 For More Details: Call us at +91 9538855825 or visit our website https://astep.co.in/ 📌 Limited Seats Available - Secure your spot today
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selva66 · 1 month ago
Boost Your Career with Aerospace Technical Communication – Join ASTEP!
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The Aerospace Technical Publication Course at ASTEP is tailored for AME, BE, and BTech (Aero or Mechanical) freshers and professionals. It equips you with essential skills to create:
2D and 3D technical manuals Compliance documents Illustrations Why Choose ASTEP?
100% Placement Assistance Learn industry-ready skills in aerospace documentation Hands-on experience with real-world technical publications Exclusive Offers:
3 Days Free Demo Sessions Special Pongal Discount Next Batch Commences: January 27
Contact Us:
Email: [email protected] Phone: +91 9538855825
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selva66 · 2 months ago
B.E/B.TECH Mechanical 2024 Training and Guaranteed Placement
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Let’s start with the dilemma of mechanical engineering professionals, How often have we heard people say India churns out engineers, only a few of them have the skill set that actually makes them employable?
Well, according to the study by talent assessment firm Wheelbox in 2024, only 48% of all graduates are unemployed after they ran a test on about 375,000 students.
Borge Brenda, the president of the World Economic Forum (WEF) published India as the fastest-growing economy in the world, which also means India will have the largest working population in the world with an average age group of 19 to 50 years. Yet only 5% of our workforce consists of formally skilled workers. This number is 24% in China.
Now the thing is, we can’t really improve the quality of our workforce by mere graduation or certification of professional qualification. Oh, and there’s one more thing. There’s actually a very important issue in this—women contribute to less than one third of the skilled workforce in our country.
So, what are we, at ASTEP, doing about this? If you're a mechanical engineer who passed out in 2024 with a minimum first class and still looking out for a career? Your wait ends here;
𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕: 𝑨𝑺𝑻𝑬𝑷 𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝑭𝑹𝑬𝑬 𝑻𝑹𝑨𝑰𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑷𝑳𝑨𝑪𝑬𝑴𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑺 𝒇𝒐𝒓 “𝑾𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒏 𝒊𝒏 𝑴𝒆𝒄𝒉” 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚.
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selva66 · 2 months ago
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Description: ASTEP is excited to announce a special New Year batch exclusively for Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (AMEs)! Kickstart your career in Aerospace Technical Publication, a highly in-demand field in the aerospace industry.
This program offers:
Expert Training: Learn from industry professionals with real-world experience.
Placement Support: Get dedicated guidance to land your dream job.
Comprehensive Curriculum: Gain hands-on skills to excel in technical publications.
Whether you're looking to upgrade your skills or start your journey in aerospace, this is the perfect opportunity to take your career to the next level.
📌 Limited Slots – Register Now! Don’t miss the chance to secure your future in this growing industry.
Contact Us to Know More: 📞 +91 95388 55825 | 1800-425-4589 🌐 www.astep.co.in 📍 4th Floor, 27, K.R. Colony, Krishna Reddy Layout, Domlur, Bengaluru, Karnataka - 560071
Take the first step toward a rewarding career in aerospace with ASTEP!
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selva66 · 2 months ago
Accelerate Your Career with ASTEP's Mechanical Technical Publication Program
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Are you a recent graduate in Mechanical Engineering, eager to step into the thriving field of technical publications? ASTEP (Aerospace Technical Education Program) has the perfect solution for you! We’re thrilled to announce our upcoming batch for the Mechanical Technical Publication program, designed specifically for 2023 and 2024 Mechanical Engineering graduates.
Why Choose the Mechanical Technical Publication Program?
Technical publication plays a pivotal role in industries such as aerospace, automotive, and manufacturing. With ASTEP’s specialized training, you’ll gain the skills and knowledge to excel in this high-demand field. Here’s what you’ll get:
Expert Guidance: Learn from industry professionals with hands-on experience in technical publication.
Industry-Relevant Tools: Get trained on the latest tools and software for creating precise technical documentation.
Real-World Projects: Work on live projects to gain practical knowledge and build your portfolio.
100% Placement Assistance: Secure your career with guaranteed support in finding the right job.
Key Dates to Remember:
Batch Start Date: January 15, 2025
Who Can Apply?
This program is tailor-made for:
2023 and 2024 graduates with a B.E. in Mechanical Engineering.
ASTEP is a trusted name in technical education, renowned for its high placement rate and industry-focused training. By joining our Mechanical Technical Publication Program, you’ll gain:
A competitive edge in the job market.
In-depth understanding of industry standards.
The confidence to handle technical documentation with expertise.
How to Enroll:
Don’t wait—seats are limited! For more information, visit www.astep.co.in or contact us:
Phone: +91 95388 55825 / 1800-425-4589
Your Future Starts Here
Take the first step toward an exciting and rewarding career in technical publication. Join ASTEP’s Mechanical Technical Publication Program and gear up for success.
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selva66 · 6 months ago
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