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Mid-Rivers Educational Technology Grants Awarded
Mid-Rivers Communications is proud to announce the recipients of the 2017 Educational Technology Grants. Grant applications from 27 applicants requesting $116,980 were received, with a total of $35,000 being award to a wide variety of inspirational projects in Bloomfield; Circle; Custer, Ekalaka, Glendive, Lindsay, Miles City, Plevna, a regional project; Roundup; Savage; Sidney & Terry. Grant applicants were asked for innovative broadband projects with preference given to projects that:
Utilize broadband in innovative ways to address educational and community issues.
Seek to educate adults and senior citizens on broadband applications, including how to use technology and the quality of life benefits technology can offer to seniors.
Promote student leadership and workforce development skills, and generate student interest in technology and telecommunications as a career path.
Of the 27 applicants, 18 presentations met one or more of the stated priorities, scored well on their projects, and will be offered grant funding in partial or nearly full award.
Richland County Boys & Girls Club-$3,500
Terry Public Schools-$3,500
Richland County Library-$3,000
Circle HS Business Class-$2,500
Savage Public School-$2,250
DCC Foundation-$3,500
Plevna Schools-$1,500
Miles City Public Library-$2,000
Washington Middle School Glendive-$2,500
Rural Health Development-$2,000
Glendive Schools 6th & 8th Grade-$2,000
Kircher School-$1,000
Washington Middle School Miles City-$1,000
Lindsay School District-$1,000
Custer Schools-$1,000
Roundup Schools-$1,000
Ekalaka Schools-$750
Bloomfield Elementary-$1,000
Custer Co HS-Video Production Equipment
Mid-Rivers recognizes the power of broadband as a solution. Broadband can build bridges between generations, provide access to boundless educational opportunities, strengthen rural economies, and help people stay in their homes longer. Mid-Rivers is proud to support technology and broadband education projects across our service area.
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Technology Grant
Receiving $100 from the DMT grant is amazing. With this $100, I plan to get an iPhone/iPad projector that is $53. This projector would allow me to plug my iPhone into it and then projector what I have on my phone up on the wall. I would plan to use this projector in my Physical Education classes because I do not have a projector currently in my room. This piece of technology would meet my needs because I would be able to put it on a cart and wheel it back and forth from the office. By having a projector, I would be able to engage my students in many different activities such as dancing, Pilates and interactive games that require a visual aid. The projector will be perfect for these activities because they standards that must be meet within the state of PA, so by having visual cues projected on the wall, the students will be able to learn more effectively. I would also be able to create a PowerPoint to share with the students rather than writing information on the wipe-off board with the projector. This specific piece of technology would allow me to deliver high quality instruction to our students because it will allow the students to practice the movements while watching the videos. For example, when I am teaching ballroom dancing, I do not have to have the students in a small space in order to watch two students demonstrate the moves, but rather, I would have the students with their partners spread out around the gymnasium practicing while watching. Going off of this, the projector would cut down the amount of questions being asked because they are practicing while watching. One thing I often run into is frequent questions and it can be difficult to help every student in a short amount of time because I want them to be as active as possible. This piece of technology would be excellent for the students because it will allow for the visual learners to watch the correct movements on a screen rather than watching their peers and then practicing after. Although I would still have them watch their peers, the projector would allow me to spice it up with something different than the students are used to. Overall, this technology grant will do wonders from my classroom and definitely stays true to my educational philosophy because it enables my students to be more active. The projector would also safely expose my students to appropriate tools because I would check the sites that I am getting the videos from and then share the site with the students on our online classroom page. I am very excited to incorporate this into my gymnasium and the extra money will be saved and used when another need arises. #technologygrant #PErocks #integratingtechnologyintoPE
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Technology Grants
About 7 years ago the Bethlehem Area School District received a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Education. The Skills 21 Initiative gave classrooms computer carts full of laptops. The idea was to prepare students for the future with 21st century learning via technological use. It was a great kickstart and as the grant would run out in a few years the district had enough time transition the program to become self sufficient. Then the Great Recession occurred in 2009, and the Skills 21 Initiative folded. The grant, however, did its job and those laptop carts started a technological revolution. While the technological revolution in classrooms was slowed, it indeed began with the Skills 21 Initiative.
The amount of resources available for teachers and educational institutions is immense. So many parts of society want to help students, it is finding where that money is located that is difficult.
Government Grants
Go for it with a government grant. You may have to write a lengthy proposal, but the amount of funding available is extensive since the government is interested in well-educated, modern day citizens. Unlike organizational grants, government grants tend to be given to districts opposed to individual schools or teachers.
Organizational Grants
Often times teachers can create proposals in order to get grants that are specific to their classrooms. Many organizations exist to better enhance student learning. Many organizations offer lists of many different grants that are offered. Take a look:
Schoolgrants: http://k12grants.org
Top Teaching Resources: www.topteachingresources.com
The Fund $ Raiser Cyberzone: www.fundraiser.com
The local Bethlehem Education Association offers up to a $1,000.00 grant to individual teachers in hopes of bringing technology into the classroom. Each year teachers send in proposals that hopefully can give them resources to enhance technology in the classroom. After taking EDAM 5034 a colleague and I will be submitted a grant proposal that would give us enough money to by a classroom set of Virtual Reality Goggles. I’m excited to perhaps take the next step into technology teaching and learning.
List of Technology Grant Web Sites Anyone???
Works Cited
Mims, C., Lowther, D.L., Russell, J. D., Smaldino, S.E. (11th). (2015). Instructional Technology and Media for Learning. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education
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Technology Grants: Post #2
Interactive Whiteboard

Grant Proposal
How To Write A Grant Proposal For Newbies - Best Practices In Grant Writing & Advice - Rodney Walker
1. Title Page:
Interactive Whiteboard for the 21st Century Secondary ELA Classroom
Funder’s Name: The Spartan Foundation for Education
The Spartan Foundation for Education Board of Directors: Paige Brizek, James Costello, President, Jamie Davis, Carole Deck, Lauren Eby, Jill Hackman, Dr. Robert Hollister, ELANCO Superintendent, Wendy Horst, Adrianne Huber, Joshua Martin, Keith Ramsey, Chief of Finance and Operations, ELANCO, Jamie Reitnouer, John Sheaffer II, George Solyak, Foundation President, Jeff Starr, Principal, John Styer, Phillip Watt, Wade Whitmoyer, Dennis WIlson.
2. Project Abstract:
As we know, the world is rapidly changing and becoming an increasingly interconnected society where students need to acquire the appropriate skill sets to effectively compete with their counterparts from all over the globe. They need to be independent learners, true constructivists, who can think outside the box and work in a team setting. Today’s students need to be dynamic, innovative, and creative individuals who take ownership of their respective educational pathways. Moreover, in terms of both oral and written expression, students need to effectively communicate with others by conveying information in a cohesive and intelligent manner. Reseach skills, leadership skills, and public speaking skills are essential for growth.
The implementation of higher-order technologies, coupled with 21st Century skills, is the best instructional approach to ensure a student’s academic success. In my room, students must employ higher-order thinking skills to address rigorous independent exploratory tasks and collaborative endeavors that demand substantive discussions and connections beyond school. My job is to immerse students in interesting and deep activities and assessments that promote critical thinking, problem solving, reasoning, analysis, interpretation, and synthesis of information.
Information literacy and technological competence is so important too. When learning is interactive and relevant, students begin to think more strategically and what they’re learning soon becomes very meaningful to their lives. They are energized and engaged in an assessment, which takes them from sometimes passive learners to active learners. This type of connection and differentiation allows them to solve challenging problems with enthusiasm using their own respective learning styles and a plethora of technologies of their choice. They are the producers of knowledge.
With that said, I am asking the Spartan Foundation for Education to provide my students and me with an interactive whiteboard for my ELA classroom. I will use this technology to propel the advanced population to new and greater heights. Since I already adhere to a three-station rotational model, namely direct, independent, and collaborative stations, this technology will be used in a number of ways in a student-centered, student-driven environment. It will meet the needs of all learners and afford students the opportunity to use it for both small student-led tasks, as well as large teacher-led instruction. For example, as the name implies, students will use the whiteboard to interact with their peers and me as they immerse themselves in inquiry-based, performance-based, and project-based strategies, activities, and assessments. It will also be used for presentation purposes. Furthermore, students will opt to use it for annotating multiple informational texts, a rigorous assignment and one required on the PSSA or share drawings or highlight notes virtually. The possibilities are endless! Utilizing an interactive whiteboard in my discipline will allow students to engage in 21st-century practices, which serve to reflect the workforce. As I mentioned earlier, my job is to promote critical thinking, problem-solving, reasoning, analysis, interpretation, and synthesis of information and this piece of technology will excite and engage students in very purposeful and deep learning experiences.
3. Statement of the Problem: The results of the revised 2015 PSSA indictate that my students struggle with anaylzing and synthesizing mutiple informational texts. An informational text can be a video, press release, diagram, chart, map, article, etc. Students are required to address text-dependent analysis essays, an extremely rigorous task for this age level.
The following two illustrations clearly reveal this defiency:
Employing an interactive whiteboard to improve this obvious area of need will greatly increase their proficiency on this highstakes exam.
4. Project Description:
Goals and outcomes:
Goal #1:
After analyzing the 2015 PSSA results, I will increase the overall informational text percentage score of 58% advanced by 10% to 68% advanced on the 2017 PSSA by using an interactive whiteboard and Achieve 3000.
Pennsylvania Common Core Standard:
1.2 Reading Informational Text
Students read, understand, and respond to informational text – with an emphasis on comprehension, vocabulary acquisition, and making connections among ideas and between texts with focus on textual evidence.
Goal #2: After analyzing the 2015 PSSA results, I will increase the overall literature text percentage score of 59% advanced by 10% to 69% advanced on the 2017 PSSA by using an interactive whiteboard and Achieve 3000.
Pennsylvania Common Core Standard:
1.3 Reading Literature Text
Students read and respond to works of literature – with an emphasis on comprehension, vocabulary acquisition, and making connections among ideas and between texts with a focus on textual evidence.
Target population: Eighth Grade Advanced ELA Students
Instructor: Susan Fetterman
I characterize my specific population of students as highly intelligent, motivated, and well-behaved individuals who are goal-driven. Moreover, I feel the vast majority of these students are independent learners who, for the most part, own their respective educational pathways. They are creative and enjoy immersing themselves in tasks which pertain to their real lives. Currently, there are 47 girls (55%) and 38 boys (45%). Within that dynamic, I instruct six gifted students (.07%); there are three girls and three boys.
Methods: Hybrid Three-Station Rotational Modal
My instructional methods will begin with the standards in mind and revolve around authentic instructional practices, namely higher-order thinking skills, depth of knowledge, substantive discussions, real life relevancy, and, of course, higher-order technologies. Moreover, it will allow for differentiated instruction, flexible groupings, and multiple modalities. Voice and choice will be very important to the structure of the design as well. I will focus on inquiry-based, performance-based, and project-based strategies, activities, and assessments to promote learning for opitmal outcomes.
Project staff:
Susan Fetterman: Principal Investigator (ELA Instructor)
Jeff Starr: Building Principal
Tim Leister: Technology Coach
Lotie Wotsen: Technology Director
Robert Hollister: ELANCO Superintendent and Spartan Foundation for Education board member
Spartan Foundation for Education Board Members
5. Resources:
Elanco is a 1-1 district, so all of my students are given a computer to use for the length of the school year. I also have a printer, scanner, ladybug, and LCD projector in my ELA classroom for their use.
6. Evaluation plan:
All of my eighth-grade advanced students will utilize this technology throughout the scholl year. I will use participant observation, informal ethnographic interviews, and digital portfolios (2015, 2016, and 2017 PSSA results and Achieve 3000 data) as the examining piece. By documenting thorough notes of how I employ the whiteboard, plus observe how students interact with it and what they tell me during the informal interviews, I will be able to determine where they are struggling with informational texts and support them in their efforts via this technology.
The goal is to increase my students’ 2017 PSSA performances by 10% in each of the two informational text categories by utilizing an interactive whiteboard. Using a mixed-method design, which includes the daily use of this technology, I will hopefully create a comprehensive framework that better meets the needs of my students.
To determine whether an interactive whiteboard improves students’ proficiency as it pertains to informational texts, I will compare the 2015, 2016, and 2017 PSSA data results. Once analyzed, I will share the findings with my students, parents, members of my department, building administrator, technology coach and director, and, of course, the board members of the Spartan Foundation for Education.
7. Appendices:
Data collection instruments: The data collection instruments include teacher observations, informal ethnographic interviews, and digital portfolios (2015, 2016, 2017 PSSA results and Achieve 3000 data).
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Technology Grants: Post #1
The Spartan Foundation for Education
“Our Vision: That every student will be an engaged and successful member in the world community.”
ELANCO is my school district.
"Eastern Lancaster County School District Spartan Foundation for Education seeks to enhance the global educational opportunities of our students to help them better compete in a rapidly-changing, technology-driven world. The Foundation is a non-profit community-based organization dedicated to enriching the educational experiences of the students and faculty of the ELANCO public schools. By funding pilot projects, the work of the foundation encourages innovation in educational activities that help students expand their thinking globally, beyond the borders of their local community. The Foundation supports the importance of the basic education requirements established by State and Federal authorities, but seeks to supplement learning activities that teach 21st-century skill sets” (ELANCO, 2016).
The Spartan Foundation for Education provides funding for a plethora of educational experiences, such as leading a group of 20 Garden Spot High School students on a two week trip to Vietnam or the Food Resource Bank (FRB) raising money to help people in developing countries grow their own food. This foundation also provides funding for technology purposes like purchasing a 3-D printer for the eighth-grade science teacher, or the sixth-grade students at the elementary school who shared a cultural peer collaboration through the Flat Stanley Project with students from Ukraine, Romania, Lebanon, and Israel. Students shared their experiences on Edmodo.
21st Century Teaching...
1. Begin with the PA Common Core Standards
PA Common Core Standards:
2. Student-Centered, Student-Driven Environment
independent exploration and collaborative endeavors; rotational model; facilitator, not teacher
3. Authentic Instructional Practices
Higher-order thinking skills, depth of knowledge, substantive discussions, real life relevancy, and higher-order technologies
4. Necessary Skillsets
critical thinking, problem solving, analysis, interpretation, synthesis
5. Informational Literacy
“The United States National Forum on Information Literacy defines information literacy as "... the ability to know when there is a need for information, to be able to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively use that information for the issue or problem at hand” (Wikipedia, 2016).
6. Technology Competence
Knowing how to enhance instruction for optimal outcomes via technology
7. Inquiry-Based, Project-Based, and Performance-Based Asssessments
Diagnostic, formative and summative assessments
8. Self-Assessment and Peer-Assessment
9. Reflection and Digital Portfolios
Students taking ownership of their educational pathways
15 characteristics of the 21st Century Teacher
The Global Classroom
The global classroom, live from South Africa: Steve Sherman at TEDxCapeTownED
Technology Connects Schools and Homes
The President Gives Remarks at "ConnectED to the Future"
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