rifleseye · 1 year
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@technicolorseas asked:
beep 💙
15. A text for help
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Communal lab on fire. Get Inferno. Don't come in. Chemical fire. Unsafe. Be fast.
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cflight · 2 years
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mantleoflight · 2 years
(HEHEHEH! Ok, I think I'm only gonna do my main 3 since any more than that would make it pretty lengthy XD)
Yyventriz gazed very seriously at the asker and leaned forward slightly. "Pursue me," she with a low, lustrious growl. "I'm no dreg to settle for what's given to me. If you want me, you must want and pursue me. I will not stay where I am not desired and I want to be desired."
Kesivik felt his purple-gray cheeks burn at the question as he ducked his head into the collar of his robes. "I-I do not know. I-I haven't thought of it." He fidgeted, pearly blind eyes blinking rappidly as he thought. "I-I like gifts. Things I can touch, I can wear. Tell me what you like and I see what I can do to get them."
Echo gave a giggle and rocked on her heels. "I think I have to agree with Yyventriz. I like being wanted that way, but I want playfulness too. Fun needs to be part of the game or else there's no game! And why would I be caught dead doing something if I didn't want to enjoy it?"
Whisper blinked, threw her shell back, and laughed. "Me? Fall in love with me? Oh, boy that's a new one! Asking a ghost their love language, what a hoot! Hahahahah!"
She seems to think this whole love thing is a joke too funny not to laugh it.
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wildfury · 2 years
@technicolorseas \ x
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"...Huh, odd. Usually I keep track of all the harebrains I run into, but I don't remember seein' a mug like yours before. Who are you?"
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theseverence · 2 years
ooo 🕰⏭ for Ephrik maybe? ouo
When Karliks and Pirriks argued, their arguments pretty often got physical. Like this time. When Pirriks made a grab at Karliks, Ephrik had enough.
"Father! Stop it!" She begged, tugging at her father's coat, trying to drag him away from her brother. It didn't really do much - she was still so small.
Pirriks swatted at her as if she was a fly - annoying. "You will not interrupt usss!" He yelled at her, and immediately returned his attention to Karliks.
Ephrik stood there, wide eyed, startled. Only when the hot tears rolled down her cheeks, she ran out of the room. She made her way through the corridors easily even with tears blinding her - she knew the way by heart, till she arrived at her hiding spot.
Quietly, little Ephrik crawled into a maintenance duct, and from there into a forgotten storage room. She had a blanket there, food, and something to pass time. But now, she just wanted to cry herself to sleep.
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empodio · 2 years
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16, 7! || @technicolorseas​ || Send me a number and my muse will talk about:  
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16. someone they used to view negatively, but now view positively
“Elos.” He grimaced at mentioning the name. “Positively is an exaggeration, but I do not dislike him as much.”
“I have no sympathy for imbeciles that discriminate others due to their circumstances that they cannot change, he shouldn’t be telling others that to be worthy of his attention that they require two pairs of horns only, or that they cannot have more than one tail, he should not have suth authoritative train of thought, even after Axahs himself taught him a lesson, he did not keep his mouth shut.” 
“Sometimes I wonder if my daughter would have had an easier time had that man not been in charge of the Elites.” 
With a shake of his head, he cleared those thoughts from his head. “He did show an incredible ability to coordinate the team, and despite everything he believes, he kept everyone safe, not prioritizing his biases, perhaps he was doing it due to him being in the presence of a few Devils, who knows, as much as I dislike him, I can admit that he does his job well when it matters.”
7. someone they view as a mentor
“I’ve mentioned before that Nistiel has taught me a lot of what I know, including some combat.”
“When it was just us, he taught me how to manage my realm, lent me notes, helped me through some issues and in the end, he was the brain while I was the brawn, and while things have balanced out at this point, he’s still a mentor figure to all of us, I am sure that despite his current state, if one of us wanted to dump our problems onto him, he’d try to help us sort each of these even if it takes hours to go through it all.”
“He wants the best for us all even if he’s having a terrible time himself, and is always willing to teach and help, while I think it’s noble, I too wish he could take a break and step down from the mentor role.”
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solisanima · 2 years
“You organics fascinate me,” Aphelion murmurs, lowering themselves to the other’s level—or at least, close to it. “We are made as we are; yet you reach such complex levels of sapience and physical function through the sheer chance of evolution. It’s incredible.”
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dragonskxn · 2 years
Talia's Officially Assigned Squishable is...
Mini Whale Shark!
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rhulks-legs · 1 year
technicolorseas - 6’2” for Gabriel? (on mobile sorry ;u;’)
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finally had to put together an official height for gabriel. 12ft if any americans are wondering. @technicolorseas
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pawnshopsouls · 1 year
Ok so it’s just a doodle and I’m still Re-figuring out how to draw Bonely again but I think this little doodle between Bonely and Thalia @technicolorseas worked out pretty nicely. UuU b
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lxghtbound · 2 years
@technicolorseas asked: 🔥🔥🔥!
oh boy here we go
normal campaign isnt too hard and neither is neomuna patrol space. most people complaining abt it are just not used to being shoved to power floor again bc it’s been a year since wq did the exact same thing. i will agree that 1810 is a little too much for a patrol space but you cannot say it’s too hard when ur fresh out of the first lightfall mission and still over 100 levels under the recommended
hunters get the worst fashion to work with out of all 3 classes bc sure you can get some really cool outfits but it takes a whole week of planning to reach that stage at all
crow and amanda isnt a bad ship inherently. you can hate it if you like but destiny having a m/f ship isnt queer erasure and hell it isnt even a confirmed het ship anyway. if they WERE to get together, either of them could be bi or pan or any other labels that happen to work with a m/f ship
i love spicy takes
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cflight · 2 years
lewd wishlist B3
Send ‘lewd wishlist’ for me to say one lewd idea or scenario I’ve thought of involving my muse.
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I remember you mentioning a bit ago Talia can use her water magic to pleasure others- so that, in its entirety. It starts off nice and gentle, of course, not wanting to overwhelm them, though already Talia can tell they're getting rather excited just from how giggly they are. Just starting off by simply pleasuring Ekira with her fingers, exploring every place they know will get them riled up before slowly introducing their magic into the mix. It surprises Ekira at first for sure, but slowly the sensation starts to feel all the more pleasurable once they start getting a little rougher. I can also imagine Talia using other forms of magic to either get them off or tease them, using (I think it was basically mind reading?) to repeat their greatest desires and current thoughts to them, if not to humiliate/fluster them a little while they're already pleasured. It'll be enough euphoria of her own to get to hear their whines again for sure~
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mantleoflight · 1 year
is there a muse that you wish gets more attention? , 9. why were you drawn to each one of your characters? , 14. which muse has the most aus or verses? , 17. do your muses get along with each other?
1. Darius. Darius Lieur. Do you know how much story is packed into this guy? I only found out about Xivu Arath, Osiris, and his history with the Wrathborn during Season of the Seraph. But in exploring the lore tabs and stuff on it to get a better idea of what the heck the Wrathborn were and how to implement them storywise, I got into the idea of Darius (my originally SW character) being part of that whole shebang. Mix that with the idea of "forced evolution" from reading Hive Stuff to get to know Xivu Arath, and some "Wish Dragon Scorn "Good Wish Gone Very Wrong" shenanigans that ties him with Baribus, you've got A TINDER BOX of amazing adventures just WAITING to be explored!!!
9. Tbh each one of my characters is a facet of me that I wanted to explore that then just grew up into their own characters. Salem-217 and Echo-17 are legitimately my reactions to the game put into guardian shape. Darius is the enthusiastic action hero who tries to be cool like his original SW!verse ( @mando-of-esverr ) but tends to get too caught up in what's going on to manage it. Kesivik came from the idea of "What if an Eliksni befriended a ghost and how would that improve their technology?" and Yyventriz was honestly and legitimately 100% the embodiment of my thoughts and reaction to Eramis in Beyond Light.
Ravah and Ember tho actually came from a Beta.Character.AI story about a ghost accidentally raising a hive instead of the human they were aiming for and have been made into neat DnDestiny characters bc of it. XP
14. I think that's tie between Echo, Darius, and Yyventriz actually. I need to write out everyone's verses to make sure tho. ><;;
17. SOME OF THEM DO! Not Yyventriz tho. The only one of my muses Yyventriz gets along with is Kesivik. Salem gets along sort of with Echo and Darius (though they ae more acquaintances to him than anything ). Echo's very clam-shelly recently so she's been really detached, and Darius is just here for a good time. I mean, yeah he's still struggling in making friends and connections in a world of Familiar Strangers (he came from a bad-end!timeline so he's trying not to weird anyone out), but out of all my muses, he's probably the one to get along with everyone the best. Ravah's a little too young to know but he's a good enough guy for a hive.
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gaygxnslinger · 2 years
@technicolorseas asked: yooo salt! It’s sao’s rper! we met/talked for a bit in the server last year :> are you chill with me following you? it’s cool if not! 
yeah!! all good, so long as ur ok with it
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aurea-fide · 2 years
♡ ♡ ♡ for Jor uwu
send to learn ways to earn my muses heart [ @technicolorseas & @stcrmcalling ]
Listen to him. If he expresses his hate for something, do not keeping going. Stop and actually listen to him.
Understanding toward his insanity - if you can deal with his episodes, then he will probably love you more.
Treat his children as your own -- done. He will agree to a date if his kids seem happy.
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empodio · 2 years
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5'0"! || @technicolorseas​ || Height comparison! 
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[[ Masador is 7.0,  I thought it’d be fun to use the actual A pose I have of him ]]
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