#technically i uploaded this before but not cleaned up
enbyboiwonder · 11 months
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greenplumbboblover · 1 year
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I made a website!
Now you've probably seen the attempt before, people getting mad at tumblr and then making a 'Simblr' (Tumblr clone). Though, despite tumblr being sometimes a bit frustrating because of their changes, that's not why this site came to be...
I wanted a place where Storytellers, Creators, and just generic sim players can all be together and get the exposure and fun that they deserve.
Not only that, but also for a place where the TSM community and TS1 can belong somewhere too without the use of a forum.
And eventually, I hope we can make it the home for Life by you and Paralives when that comes out :)
Plus, it's also NSFW friendly! While the site is initially PG-13, we've got tags and profile settings that allow you to browse NSFW items as well.
What can I find on Simblr.cc exactly?
Anything for all sims games, really! TS1, TS2, TS3, TS4 and TSM
Practically anything you technically can find on Tumblr and really other sim websites. We've got...
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I've specifically made filters for different games, and their needs in mind. For example, for TS2 there are so many awesome game fixes out there and clean templates, that you'll be able to navigate and find this easily.
Not only that, items can also be put in multiple categories! Especially great if you've uploaded a set!
You can also find Testers wanted only mods here if you feel like helping out fellow simmers with testing!
Mods do go through a "queue", but not in the same way as you may have experienced on MTS or TSR. I merely check if it's flagged as NSFW correctly, and then it's good to go! :) So the waiting time will be much less!
See TOU: Click me!
Eventually, I may see if I can get a bypass system in place, but that really depends on if NSFW isn't too confusing.
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Work In Progress
To show off your work to others! Even if it's project #94882 that may never get released, any WIPS are fine!
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It's really difficult to find new Sim stories or Legacies on Tumblr, let alone for these writers to get people to read their awesome stories! Hopefully this should make the process much easier now!
Also! You got any comic or "movie/cinematic" like stories? No problem! Just check the "carousel only" option, so no description needed!
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... and for the Simblrs here, a feed to see all the people you follow, their content (stories, WIPs, mods and general posts)! Or, simply check out sitewide, or even game-related, what people have been posting!
Customizable profile pages
Just like tumblr, you can make your own profile page! With it's own colours and a pre-made theme. (if you need a different profile page, though, Let us know on the discord)
Want a peek? Here you go:
What about moderation?
While there's a report system in place, and the items in the queue are checked for NSFW, but users could still turn their non-NSFW to a NSFW, items may be stolen. So do report these as that will never be condoned!
Additionally, all comments you get on your mods, story, etc. Those are primarily moderated by you. You can delete them, you can turn comments off even if you'd like. If things really go wrong, you can always ask an admin.
Got any ideas? Feel free to share!
Since I really wanted it to be a website we all create together in some degree, if you have any features you're missing or would like to see, feel free to share on the discord!
Where are the Advertisements?
If you're currently not seeing them as of reading the post, that's because that's still being set up. This is merely to cover the cost of the website! Though, I promise you I won't bombard the site with ads, as that's just annoying.
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strawbubbysugar · 10 months
Coming off anon for this one cuz oh boy it’s theory time and I’m feeling very silly
(I just woke up at the time of writing so sorry for any typos, rambling, or confusion lol)
Alright! So, I’ve been thinking a lot about the existence of Eclipse and the theories popping up about them lately mainly: that Clipsey is a recycle of Moon’s broken body. Which I’ll touch up on first.
The issue that was presented with Moon by this definitely-not-at-all-suspicious engineer was that his processing unit was smashed and ‘unsalvageable’ (which we know to not be true), and aside from the obvious injuries cause by Trap, no major problems with Moon’s case are brought up. His *internals* were destroyed, aside from his battery which was reused.
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Continuing forward, the SOMA comparisons. Reading through a plot synopsis of the game, I can’t help but link the destruction of Moon-man’s processing unit and Simon’s brain injury together a bit. Considering that that is the partial cause for Sun and Moon combining and the reason for Simon getting his brain scan copy. Both undergoing heavy ‘brain’ damaging and being brought to very odd circumstances because of it.
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With the assumption that this is *actually* Moon’s body, “Uploaded into a modified corpse” is a *very* apt description for what Eclipse is. They’re a copy of someone (two people technically) inhabiting the dead body of the original, almost like Pry/ncess in a weird way.
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That’s where the comparisons for the game and Bethroned end to my knowledge however, so time to move onto the more ‘looking too far into things’ section of my theory,
The design and color scheme!
Starting off, I noticed that the coloring of the Sun side on their face was reused from *post incident* which makes sense, that’s how Sun would’ve been seen last before running away with Pry/ncess, the eyes obviously match up as well.
Though the tops of the rays have noticeably sharper points to them if that’s anything at all, it’s impossible to draw the something the same way every single time after all so that can be easily written off.
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The same can be said for Moon as well, the coloring of his face matches up with theirs, however his other features are… very much not intact. Very close but not quite.
The coloring and patterning of the hat is entirely different, the cape maintains the same coloring but the stars on Eclipse’s are much smaller and more faded than Moon’s as well.
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What’s throwing me off though is the eyes, for both post incident and for Eclipse the right eye gained a black sclera, Moon’s pupil turned white, but Eclipse’s stayed red.
If Eclipses body was Moon’s then this could’ve happened naturally, the eye could’ve simply underwent the same damage/change as it did with Moon’s form in Sun’s body. Though do to this being his actual form the pupil could’ve kept its regular eye color.
Their lack of a mouth could also mean that they can’t speak, another drastic contrast in characterization to our boys. From the artwork we’ve been shone of them they see, cunning, clever, but very, VERY distressed. (Be a bit weird to consciously design eye-bags on your new king after all, right? That’s their own fault.)
And for my last point, their crown and the Opal.
This is the most obvious ‘combination’ in their design, it gets the rounded bottom of Sun’s and the gem formation and top shape of Moon’s. When overlayed on top of each other you also get similar colors to Eclipse’s crown, though more cleaned up and appealing on the eyes.
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The gem in this crown has been confirmed to be an opal (if my memory serves me right I can’t find the post anywhere to confirm, tumblr search engine is bleh)
There were a few pieces of folklore and symbolism relating to the opal that I found particularly interesting with what little we know about Eclipse.
Mainly, it representing loyalty and goodluck as well as royalty. A lot of other interpretations I found pointed to it granting foresight and being responsible for prophecy, something you’d certainly want your king to have after the huge string of ‘bad luck’ that befell both of them.
Loyalty to prevent another incident like Sun choosing Pry/ncess over his kingdom and trusting them first, foresight and prophecy so that they can avoid incident like King Freddy dying and, well, Sun and Moon’s incident. and royalty is obvious.
Though the loyalty interpretation and foresight/intelligence can vary widely in intention depending on if Chica or PeePaw (maybe both, stares at Trap) is responsible for their existence. Cant speak that much on it before they’ve even appeared in the story.
Alright so what am I getting at with all this? Well, put simply, Eclipse’s design and name are very very intentional and combining the Princes was clearly in mind when they were (re)built by whoever their creator is. I believe that they attempted to program, be it from scratch with parts of Moon’s processor or with some kind of backup of Sun *somehow*, Sun into Moon’s body and combine their ai together in order to make a new heir.
Again, can’t find the message, but Eclipse’s existence was described as ‘decidedly uncomfortable’ which is very understandable if this were true, having you and your brother’s brain and memories COMPLETELY sewn together, not even with semi separate minds or personalities like with the actual Sun and Moon, would be very, VERY lacking in the ‘good for your mental health’ department, especially if you knew you aren’t the original ‘you’, just a clone, a do-over, a combination of two other failures that you need to clean the mess from up.
Put simply, I believe Eclipse is a combination of Sun and Moon, but not THE combination of Sun and Moon. If that makes any sense. They’re a replication of both placed inside Moon’s old body and used to fill the empty spot on the throne and potentially-maybe-hopefully-not help Afton.
Hands down my favourite ask ever. Like oh my god you did it. You got everything. You caught all the little secrets I put in and I’m flabbergasted. WOW. I AM. SO HAPPY HSFSG
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trashyswitch · 11 months
Take a Break, Sun!
Sun is overworking himself, and Moon is not having it. Sun needs a break, and he's going to make sure he takes one. But Moon is left flabbergasted when Sun tells him his plans for his break.
This fanfic was suggested by @todo-simp1384. She helped me out with this fanfic, and I got her approval before uploading it! So I already know she enjoys it. But I hope everyone else does too!
Moon couldn’t believe just how much Sun had been moving around. He would be in one place, then practically teleport across the room to the next place…then he would teleport up to the slide and help a kid slide down, before teleporting to the ballpit to pull a kid out of the ballpit. Though technically it wasn’t teleporting…it certainly felt like teleporting. Because everytime he looked away and looked back at Sun’s previous spot, Sun wouldn’t be there anymore. And then Moon would look somewhere else and see Sun a good 20 feet away from him. How in the hell he was able to do that…he had no idea. 
All he knew was that Sun, His brother and business partner in the daycare, was in desperate need of a break. And Moon knew EXACTLY when, and how to do it. He just had to wait patiently for the correct time. 
Several hours later: 
 The last of the kids had left the daycare for the night. Though it was getting dark outside, the daycare was still lit up in its full, blue light-safe, LED lighting. Moon started to walk up to Sun in hopes of setting his plan into motion. “Hey Sun-” 
“Can you help me collect the glitter glue?” Sun asked him. Moon was thrown off guard by this request at first. But, like a good brother would, Moon followed his instructions and picked up the nearby glitter glue bottles before carrying the glue bottles back to the correct bin. “There you go, Sun.” Moon told him. “Thanks, Moony!” Sun declared. 
“How about-” 
“Oh! A child left crayons on the table! Let’s get those collected next.” Sun told him. 
Moon, once again, was caught off guard by this instruction. But, like a good brother, Moon collected the crayons And put them back into the correct bin. “Crayons are cleaned up, Sun.” Moon told him. 
“Wonderful!” Sun reacted. 
“As I was saying-” “Hold on: There’s just one last thing to do.” Sun told him. “Can you help me collect the blue chairs and put them in groups with the tables, please?” Sun asked. 
Moon was growing pretty annoyed by this point. He couldn’t even get a sentence in! But alas, like the good brother he was…he collected the chairs and placed two-three chairs at every kids’ table. “All done.” Moon told him. 
“Fantastic! We’re all ready for tomorrow!” Sun declared happily. “I cannot wait for the kids to come back!” Sun reacted, looking all starry-eyed. 
“Sun…” Moon said, before grabbing his rays and making his brother look him in the eye. “I think you need a break.” Moon told him. 
“W-What?” Sun muttered. “But-...but-” 
“No buts! You need a long break from everything in the daycare. The children, the clean-up, the lessons, all of it.” Moon told him. “You are going to overdo it one of these days, and end up overheating on the job.” Moon warned. “And you have done that before.” He reminded him. 
“Wha- No I haven’t!” Sun argued. “Yes, you have. You just don’t remember.” Moon told him. “They had wiped your memory when you overheated the last time.” Moon told him. 
Sun sighed and looked around. “I don’t know what you’re so worried about. I feel fine.” Sun told him. 
Moon looked at him with a ‘...really?’ look on his face. “I highly doubt that.” Moon muttered aloud. 
Sun smiled and squeezed Moon’s shoulder. “I’m okay. I promise.” Sun told him softly. “I don’t want you to worry about me. I want you to worry about yourself.” Sun told his brother. 
Moon stared at Sun for a few moments, before sighing. “Fine…” He said, looking away. “Then you wouldn’t mind if I did THIS!” Moon dove into his brother and started covering his belly with tickles. 
“BaHAAA! MOOHOOHOON!” Sun shouted suddenly, doubling over and wiggling around in his grasp. “Wahait NOHOHOOO! Moohoon, dohohohon’t!” Sun ordered. 
“Don’t what? Don’t tickle your ticklish little tum-tum?” Moon teased, sneaking a finger right where the belly button should be. 
Sun squealed and grabbed his hands with his own, shaking his head as somewhat manic laughter left his speaker. “Moohoohoon, plehehehehease! Dohohon’t sahay ihit like thahahat!” He reacted. 
“Aww, can’t handle when I refer to your belly-welly as a little tum-tum?” Moon teased rather evilly. “Ain’t that a shame…” He whispered in an almost unbearably soft voice. 
Sun tried to push Moon off him, but it was no use. Moon was equally as strong with him, which made pushing him away somewhat more difficult. On top of that, the exhaustion of helping the kids all day hadn't really gotten to him…that was, until Moon started tickling him senselessly. It was only after that when Sun had REALLY noticed his tiredness. 
“Ohokahahay, Ihihi’ll tahahake a breheheheheak! Ihihi prohohohomihihise!” Sun told him. 
“Oh you will, will you?” Moon asked with a smirk. 
“Yehehehehehes! Ihihihi swehehehehearrrrr!” Sun replied, hoping and praying Moon would stop. 
“Well, I’m afraid I’m not convinced enough.” Moon let him know. “Perhaps a few more tickles will convince me?” He offered. 
“Cohohome ohohohohon! Whyhyhy dohohon’t yahoo belieheheheve mehehehe?!” Sun asked. 
“Because if I can recall…you have told me multiple times in the past that you don’t need breaks.” Moon told him. “And you continued to have that belief…well…until now, that is.” Moon added. “I just want to be extra sure.” Moon admitted with a little wink. 
Sun closed his eyes as giggles continued to leave his speaker. “Fihihihine. Juhuhust gohoho eheheasyhy.” Sun ordered. 
“Will do, Sunny.” Moon replied. 
Moon laid Sun down on the green mat, and got his brother properly comfortable. “One…” He brought his fingers slightly closer. “Twooo…” He brought his fingers mere inches to his sides. “...Three!” Moon touched down his hands and skittered his fingers all over Sun’s sides. 
Sun squeaked and threw his big head back with a cackle. “OHO NAHAHAhahaha!” Sun laughed, kicking his feet like a quick little swimmer. “MOOHOOHOONYYY NOHOHOHO!” Sun yelled. 
“Oooh, but Moony YES!” Moon declared. “Now tell me exactly what you’ll do on your little break.” Moon ordered him in an unusually calm voice. 
Sun struggled to think of activities to do on his break. Cause man…he had so much to do before the kids come over to the daycare again! “Ihihi’m gohohohonnaha…” Sun let out another fit of laughter as he thought for a little bit. 
“Hmmm? You’re going to what?” Moon asked in a low, teasy voice.
“Ihihi’m gohohonna gehehehet colohohorihihing pahahages reheheheady fohohor tohohomorrohohohohow!” Sun told him. 
Moon rolled his eyes. “That’s still work, Sun.” Moon warned. “Do you even know what a break is?!” Moon asked jokingly. “YEHEHES! IHIHI DOHOHOHOHO!” Sun yelled back. “Try again then. What are you gonna do on your break?” Moon asked. 
“Ihihihi’m gohohonna…Ihihi’ll fihihihix thehe tehehelevihihihision!” Sun told him. 
Moon shook his head. “Unless you are desperate to watch a movie, we do NOT need you trying to fix the TV. The tech mechanic will do that for you tomorrow.” Moon told him. 
“Buhuhuhut- Ihihi wahahahanted to tryhyhyhy!” Sun admitted. 
“Well, no trying till the mechanic gets here.” Moon moved his fingers to his ribs. “Try again. What will you do on your break?” Moon asked. 
Sun shook his head and started cackling. “Ihihihi’m gohohonna…g-gohohohonna tihihickle you bahahahack!” Sun told him. 
Moon blinked and widened his eyes in surprise. He was a little taken aback by this response. “Oh?” He reacted. “You’re gonna…tickle me back on your break?” Moon asked. 
“Yehehehes! Ihihi swehehehear byhyhy ihit!” Sun declared. “Ahahahand yohohou cahahahahan’t stohohop meeheeheeheehee!” Sun added.  
Despite the words being jumbled up by laughter, Moon could still feel the nervous butterflies starting to fill his artificial abdomen. “Y-...You’re right.” Moon replied. “I can’t stop you.” Moon admitted. “However…” He smirked all over again as he looked up at the rays. “I can do THIS!” Moon blew a big raspberry on one of Suns’ bright yellow rays. 
“BahAHAHAHAAAA! MOONYYYY! YAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA! WOOOHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE!” Sun shouted and screamed. His sun rays were the most ticklish spot on his entire body! And Moon KNEW THAT! Why was Moon tickling him THERE OF ALL PLACES?! Wasn’t he supposed to be going easy?!
“My goodness! Such ticklish little ultraviolet rays~” Moon teased as he fluttered his fingers on his fake rays. 
Sun jumped and cackled, wiggling his rays in a fruitless attempt to get his rays away from Moon’s evil fingers. “THIHIHIS IHIHIS SOHOHOHOHO CRUHUHUEL!” Sun yelled. 
Moon chuckled. “I know…but you can’t deny just how much fun you’re having…” Moon mentioned, fluttering his fingers on the rays above his head. 
Sun couldn’t really say no to that. Despite the circumstance that got him into this mess, Sun really was having a lot of fun. His wiggling rays also somewhat hinted at this fact. Sun had a funny little habit where he would wiggle his rays when he was happy or joyful. It was like a funny little stim he had developed overtime. The little kids found it funny and loved to tease him about it. Meanwhile, Moon had found it absolutely adorable. It was an endearing trait that always told Moon he was having fun. “OHOHOKAHAHAY, MAYBEHEHEHE IHIHI AHAHAM…” Sun admitted. 
Moon chuckled both teasily, and genuinely. “Your rays tell me everything I need to know.” Moon teased. 
Sun’s wiggling rays seemed to kick up a notch after Moon’s little response. 
“See? The rays don’t lie.” Moon told him. “They know how much you really love tickles.” Moon mentioned. 
If Sun could blush, he probably would’ve at this moment. Even though they were alone, Moon had a strange love for teasing him. Not only that, but Moon was ridiculously good at it! It was so unfair! But at the same time…kinda worth it. 
“Maybe if I tickle you long enough, I can convince you to not tickle me back.” Moon said out loud. 
Sun giggled and squeezed his eyes shut. Is he serious?! There was no way Moon would convince him to not get him back. “NOHOHO WAHAHAY! IHIHIHI’LL TIHIHICKLE YOHOU BAHAHACK!” Sun swore. 
“Suit yourself…” Moon teased before tickling the rays on both sides of his head: Despite what Moon was saying to him, Sun knew that ticklish revenge is inevitable. If you tickle Sun, even a little, he will make sure you get tickled back for at least 5 minutes before returning to his daily routine. And Moon knew this. Was Moon trying desperately to change his mind? 
Well sorry, Moon…not happening. 
“Oh really?” Moon reacted with a smirk. “We’ll see how much you can resist when I cover your rays in more of your favorite food:” Moon said before blowing raspberry upon raspberry on his brother’s rays. “Raspberries!” 
Sun squealed and cackled super loudly. Raspberries?! Are you KIDDING ME?! How could someone possibly stay stubborn in these overwhelming conditions?! It’s almost criminal how talented Moon has proven to be in making him change his mind. 
Moon chuckled. “Are you going to give up your idea of tickling me?” Moon asked. 
“YEHEHEHES YEHES IHIHI WIHIHIHILL!” Sun yelled back. “Proooomise?” Moon asked him with an evil smirk on his face as he tickled closer to the bottom of the rays. 
Moon nodded his head, feeling like he did a job well done. He stopped tickling his brother, and let him lay on the ground to recuperate. “Are you okay?” He asked. 
Sun let out a sigh of relief before sitting up. “Y-Yeah…I’m okay.” He replied. “Are you okay?” He asked next. 
Moon smiled a bit and hummed. “Yeah. I’m alright.” He admitted. 
Sun got up and smiled brightly. “Good.” He said before wiggling his fingers at him. “Because my ticklish revenge will be coming very, very soon~” Sun teased. 
Moon widened his eyes and backed up. “S-Sun!? You promised no tickle-backs!” Moon argued. 
“I said ‘Yes’...I never said ‘I promise’.” Sun mentioned. 
Moon widened his eyes when he slowly realized he had been tricked. “Oh no…” Moon muttered. 
“Iiiii’m gonna getcha~” Sun teased, wiggling his fingers at him. 
“S-Sun? Ho-hold on…” Moon tried to protest. “Let’s think about this…” Moon offered. 
“You are well aware that I had this on my mind since you started the tickle fights.” Sun told him. 
“I-I did that because you weren’t taking a break!” Moon argued. 
“And I told you, I would tickle you back on my break.” Sun told him back. “And now, it’s my break time!” Sun wiggled his fingers at him deviously. “So tickle-tickle-tickles are coming your waaayy~” Sun teased. 
Moon squeaked and did a 180, before taking off running. “NoooOOO!” Moon shouted. 
Sun giggled and took off running after Moon. It didn’t take long for Sun to catch his brother mid-jump, and tickle his brother all over the place. He tickled his rib region, his armpits, his feet, and his little neck. It was the greatest break idea ever! He could get revenge, AND make Moony laugh for as long as he wanted! Nothing beat playful times with Moon. Maybe if Moon was willing to be tickled during some of the breaks, Sun would be encouraged to take more breaks. 
And if Moon didn’t like that…then…there are always other ways to make Moon laugh. 
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Universal Heacanons
character headcanons that are included in my other works (included V1, V2, Gabriel)
V1 - is unable to speak. they were not programmed with speach in mind due to being a model for war, they are able to understand most languages but do not have any form of voice box - as previously stated they enjoy painting with blood. in a form one might compare to graffiti they tend to paint as a way of tracking where they have been, and for their own enjoyment - their enjoyment of art and painting started as a method of self expression and a form of connection to their creators, as this particular V1 model had only ever seen a handful of humans before arriving in hell - can record and capture photos of things they see, this was yet another vestige from their original purpose. they often record fights with more notable opponents for reference in subsequent battles
V2 - is not inherently programmed with the ability to speak but is equipped with a voice box. i imagine that they were at one time planned to speak however it was not finalised in this model. there are however vestigial limbs of that design plan, and if sounds are uploaded they would be able to speak - after a certain amount of time in hell they do find a way to synthesise speech. it is a bit janky, but once they find a way to speak they don't stop. literally. please shut them up dear god - similar to V1 they have the ability to capture photos of what they see, however their ability to record was removed from this model due to privacy concerns. Unlike V1 V2 rarely takes photos of things, they are still intent that they are leaving hell and want as few reminders of the place as possible - they contain many images and pages of information about human cultures in their databanks which was intended to better inform them about the humans they would be guarding and interacting with, helping them serve their role as bodyguards or security
Gabriel - while i always love seeing other's interpretations of what Gabriel's face look like i do not believe that he has one in a traditional sense. i believe that the armour he wears is actually part of his form, and that removing it would be a sort of beheading him - before his fight with V1 he disliked the sight of blood and gore and avoided being around it as much as he could. it is not as if he couldn't stand it, he simple didn't like to be reminded of the realities of what Heaven's justice looked like for the average person. after his fall from grace, he is no longer phased by it, if anything prefering it to clean surroundings as a reminder to himself that he did the right thing - with the father's light Gabriel was technically immortal, as long as there was some part of him left he would eventually ressurect. as a soldier of god he was designed to be able to fight evil, unlike the council members (which is how they were able to be killed so easily) TW Self Harm v - has not been given many positive ways of dealing with traumatic situations and as such has resorted to using battle as a form of self harm. he sees his physical wounds as a karmic payment for his misdoings ^
many thanks for reading, i will endeavor to update this with my headcanons for other characters where i am able to. as always feel free to send your own headcanons in, i love learning about how others interpret the same characters
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windtooth-plane · 8 months
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{Hey there!}
{I'll just get right into the rules and notes. Below said rules and notes will be lore, extra stuff and reference sheets.}
{1. Uploading may vary from time to time as my motivation is rather silly if you want to put it that way. Please do not expect updates in small periods of time, and please do not pressure me to upload anything.}
{2. This blog is run by @nixii-sabre , however, multiple other characters belong to @chaoticgoober and chickenboi on discord- and non-frequently a few other folk. If you have any technical questions or other questions feel free to ask me.}
{3. Suggestiveness is occasionally allowed, however please do not overdo it. No complete NSFW. Most heavier suggestive asks will be deleted or answered if the ask belongs to one of my closer friends who actually know the lore as well as various other inside jokes.}
{4. If your question specifically takes place at a different time of the story, please say if it does. If you don't say, I will immediately assume where it is in the timeline.}
{5. Please do not antagonize me or other askers. Anonymous is always allowed however please do not send any negative stuff or hate.}
{6. Some asks will be answered with simple text, some drawings or doodles here and there, or sometimes full illustrations and/or comics. Please do not expect absolute top-notch with every ask.}
{7. Fanart and giftart is completely always allowed. If you can. @ me (the moderator) whenever you make it! I'd love to see it. However please do not claim any of the characters here as yours, do not copy designs or trace any artwork shone. Just simple art rules n' stuff.}
{And finally, for lore and reference sheets, read under the cut!}
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Endless Moving Nights He/They 3rd Gen Endless Moving Nights is usually referred to as "Nights" or more commonly "Endless" as for short. He majors in Biological mechanics and his facility status is currently collapsed after Hidden Niche of Pearls sent a large squad of scavengers and used highly reactive explosives. Before the collapse, Endless had severe insomnia and tended to stay up late into the cycle to work on finding the solution to The Great Problem. He (somewhat) found the solution to, but it was far too dangerous without testing. He had contacted his friend, Witch of Twin Stars to test it out for him- as it was technically a way to save her from the immense rot in her superstructure. She was dying, and what Endless was offering was a body switch into a slugcat subspecies. The subspecies being the only bipedal smart enough in Endless' facility that could be rewired to comprehend the ability to bodyswitch- Bottomfeeders. He sent one of his Bottomfeeders to Witch's can- in which Witch enacted on the instructions Endless had given to her. It was a success, however due to the 'solution' being far too close to being against the self-destruct taboo itself- they both kept it a secret. One of Endless' personal logs stored in a data pearl was 'accidentally' delivered to Hidden Niche of pearls- the iterator being extremely lawful. After the collapse, Endless' half-dead puppet was brought to Pines' can where he was hooked up to an emergency port for an umbilical.
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Clock of the North She/Her 3rd Gen Clock of the North- formally known as Clock that Forever Points to the Northern Sky or a simpler short name just being Clock. She used to frequently learn more and more about botany and alchemy- however one time, her potion created The Rot in her superstructure. It spread, and she eventually soon collapsed. The rot had gotten partially cleaned up by a squad of slugcats sent by Green Pines, however, when Clock was kidnapped it simply invited itself back in. A large prehistoric slugcat named Memory had taken Clock to an iterator's facility from another local group, which has since been resolved. She was taken to Pines' can for a short amount of time before deciding to leave to beeline from there, to Chime's can, to her own can to finally get back to. She's close friends with Emerald Leaves of the Pines and Endless Moving Nights.
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One Last Chime He/They 2nd Gen One Last Chime, commonly known as Chime or Chimes. One Last Chime is best friends with Endless Moving Nights, WAS friends with Howling Winds over Bronze Seas, and is either neutral to everybody else or hates everybody else. Ever since Clock of the North was created, it was rather obvious Chime had a big fat crush on her. He talked to her almost every cycle trying to engage her in conversation, frequently showing that he cared about her and just liked talking to her in general. That was until he accused Pines of simply wanting to use clock and claiming he was untrustworthy- and also accidentally slipped out that he loved her. Clock cut off all communication with him for many cycles. They only started talking again- just as friends- when Clock was transported to Pines' can. Chime still has often arguments with Pines, however, he is beginning to become good friends nowadays. Chime is now beginning to realize he has a crush on Endless now which is gonna end fine and dandy! (it's not)
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Hidden Niche of Pearls She/They 2nd Gen Hidden Niche of Pearls- normally known as Pearls or more commonly as Niche. Niche is an extremely lawful neutral iterator with a high sense of regal and betterness. She understands her place in situations, however enjoys being formal- especially with other iterators. Niche likes to indulge in cultural study from the ancients to her own scavenger colony. Her colony of scavengers respect her and see her as their caretaker and leader, however, there's one particular scavenger- Cookie- she has a direct bond with. Cookie is a young scavenger working to become an elite with her siblings Sylvester and Natalie, and she occasionally pays Niche a visit. They'll talk a lot and Niche lets her guard down whenever with the little scavenger. She feels like a mother figure to Cookie, and Cookie feels like a child figure to Niche. Pearls is slightly antisocial as she would rather spend her time studying or talking to Cookie- and she also has mild paranoia due to a certain fallacy from another iterator which had lead to her breaking her morals.
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Emerald Leaves of the Pines He/Him 2nd Gen Emerald Leaves of the Pines- almost always referred to as Pines. Pines is an authoritive yet layed back iterator with a set of his own code and morals. He frequently got into heavy arguments with the iterator Howling Winds over Bronze Seas- one day Winds sent him a file that was supposed to help him find the solution. Pines was grateful but suspicious of the hospitality- and rightfully so. The file contracted rot that quickly spread through Pines' superstructure. He was silent for a long time, however in that time had been readying a slugcat colony. The slugcats had cleared out almost all of his rot, and 40-50 of them had been sent to take out Winds for what he had done. Only one of them came back alive, however the mission was successful. After word was out that Pines had murdered Winds, most iterators banned him from chats and/or simply resented him. However Clock of the North believed his intentions were good. She didn't have a good relationship with Winds either, as he tended to be rather hostile. Later on in time, Pines began to rebuild his reputation back up and became friends with most iterators in his local group. He cares dearly for his colony of slugcats and hopes for them to continue advancing without the constant threat of rain above the clouds on his superstructure.
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Witch of Twin Stars He/Her 2nd Gen Witch of Twin Stars- the slugcat now encompanying her puppet is referred to as Kasume, however the iterator who body switched with the slugcat is simply reffered to as The Witch or just Witch. After being body switched, Witch set off to head to the Void Sea where she would then attempt to ascend and see if the solution was truly plausible. Along the way, she met a fluffy yellow slugcat named Sunny- and the pup they took care of, Junior. While travelling, Witch had not told Sunny about her intentions, nor was she sure if the slugcat friend could comprehend it. She began growing a close bond with Sunny, and when it came time to dip into the void sea, she came back up. She couldn't do it. She couldn't leave what she had behind. She headed to Endless' can without telling Sunny or Junior where she was going only to find he had since collapsed. Witch found a pup of her own that she treats as her son- Smoky. They have since been living in Pines' colony.
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Karmic Obnoxious Inaccuracy She/It 1st Gen Karmic Obnoxious Inaccuracy, almost always referred to as Koi. She isn't technically a part of Windtooth Plane as she's a bit farther away with no local group of her own, though was originally created to be a part of it. She has no communications with the local group, however she does have communications (occasionally) with her brother Endless. Her facility is submerged underwater, so her arrays and different parts of the superstructure constantly get flooded- making communications somewhat unreliable a lot of the time. She's a bit of an aggressively caring iterator with a strong protectiveness over her brother. She doesn't talk to many other people, however, she has had a word or two with One Last Chime.
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Howling Winds over Bronze Seas He/Him 2nd Gen Howling Winds over Bronze Seas, sometimes referred to as just Winds. Winds is a highly 'lawful' iterator who frequently antagonizes most others. Despite having administrator privileges before he was murdered, he worked in illegal arsenal manufacturing- weaponry, essentially. Most iterators were neutral toward him, however he had a personal vendetta against Emerald Leaves of the Pines. The only two people he conversed with as friends were Endless Moving Nights and One Last Chime, however Chime moreso tolerated him than not.
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(FYI, the second and third image are NOT alternate outfits. The second one is what's underneath the cloak.)
Angel of Dominance She/Her 3rd Gen An iterator who was kidnapped by an iterator of her own local group. She had many experiments done on her and eventually was found dead by Pines' slugcats. She was brought to the facility and temporarily revived but due to a large surgical cut from her hips to her chest, she was in constant pain. The temporary revival was taken away as they did not have the resources to keep her puppet maintained. Eventually, her puppet was rehooked up to the structure when Endless effectively left. She hopes to one day go back to her can in Loveless Meije, however with it being left unattended for some time there's a chance it'll collapse soon.
Eight Islands Under Storm Clouds He/Him 2nd Gen An iterator in Windtooth Plane who's extremely antisocial. They haven't said a word to the local group other than Niche. He was created for the purpose of making explosives.
Two Rocks Eroding He/Him 2nd Gen Another iterator who's not necessarily in Windtooth plane, but is in the area. They haven't spoken to anybody.
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Pristine Snow, Twisted Mountains She/They 2nd Gen An iterator who was previously conceived as dead from a power surge. Their facility was built on top of a snowy mountain that has heavy snowfalls. They have spoken to the local group a few times here or there but has mostly talked to Emerald Leaves of the Pines. Their 'death' was soon discovered as faked. She has broken many taboos- almost all of them, to be exact.
Misguided Information Any/All 3rd Gen INFORMATION CLASSIFIED
{ Clock of the North and One Last Chime both belong to @chaoticgoober . Emerald Leaves of the Pines, Howling Winds over Bronze Seas and Pristine Snow, Twisted Mountains all belong to chickenboi on discord. Two Rocks Eroding belongs to King STAZE on all platforms (mostly). Eight Islands Under Storm Clouds belongs to my brother, SomethingUnusual (on all platforms). Everyone else belongs to me. }
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potter-weasley-lupin-malfoy clan vlogging
@scrxpz :)
when phones are first introduced into the wizarding world, harry buys one and begins taking ridiculous amounts of photos of the wotter clan, all of which are printed out and stuffed into "the picture book" which is a collection of all the pictures taken.
james loves stealing harry's phone for pictures and eventually figures out how to film videos. he takes videos of random shit - teddy changing his hair color, victoire braiding the dominique's hair, albus and scorpius snuggling in perhaps the gayest fashion possible together on the couch, etc. harry eventually relents and buys a family phone so that they can all take videos, and hence, the vlogs begin.
shortly after they've begun their vlogging, harry says that they could technically upload them to the muggle internet if they're careful about teddy's metamorphmagus powers, pots cleaning themselves, etc. all the kids love this idea and make an account labeled "the weasels" which is where all of their videos go.
james always volunteers to film, but he is notorious for not holding the camera straight and catching anything but what's meant to be filmed.
teddy goes through all of the videos before they're posted and makes sure that there's no magic in them.
the kids take turns with the family phone and when they can't be together, they'll film little tidbits of their life in their homes.
albus is the best at filming, but scorpius constantly distracts him and they all end up having to do it again.
all of the videos are genuine, and half the time, their most popular ones weren't meant to be filmed.
sometimes, when a person can't be there, teddy will fill their place.
the internet raves over the weasels and absolutely adores their dynamics, although some things are a bit speculative ("anyone noticed the giant hoops in one of the backyards?" "why do they have a closet full of brooms? their house isn't that dusty.." "they don't have a dishwasher!" "am i crazy or did i see an owl at the window at 4:39 in the video?")
some videos are very short and simple, like hugo talking about a flower he found outside or roxanne complaining about fred's antics.
when the account was newly made, people kept asking for a family tree because fuck, is that family huge. because nobody can remember what kid belongs to what parent, they link it in every video.
teddy x victoire is a very popular ship among the muggles on the internet and it drives victoire insane.
same thing with albus x scorpius, which honestly, nobody was surprised about, causing both albus and scorpius to be insanely embarrassed because they thought nobody suspected them.
occasionally, draco & astoria or andromeda will pop in one of the videos and the comments will be flooded with "the family can't get much bigger, can it?"
their most popular video is the whole family going to an amusement park. it features teddy and victoire secretly getting filmed while going on a "date" (teddy offered to pay for victoire's ice cream)
harry is dubbed "everyone's favorite uncle" because he got teddy a motorcycle for his eighteenth birthday and he has a pet snake.
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wander-over-the-words · 11 months
BioFluff Week 2023 Fic #6
Title: Pillow Talk.
Prompt: Hobbies/Dreams
Summary: The one where tomorrow is the day Delta gets cured, and Sinclair settles his worries.
Characters: Subject Delta, Augustus Sinclair; mentions of Brigid Tenenbaum, Big Daddies, Subject Sigma, Eleanor Lamb, Sofia Lamb.
Pairing: Augustus Sinclair/Subject Delta.
Warnings: lots of talk of surgery, some references to human experimentation and sex.
Notes: Sixth submission for a new BioFluff Week! Here’s the response to the prompt ‘Dreams’! This was originally one of my answers for last year’s event, but it fell through and got replaced with Keeping the Romance Alive. Couldn’t upload it yesterday due to technical difficulties, but ah, well.
Side note: Works as a soft sequel to Safety In Numbers and Like the Night Follows Day, if only cause it mentions those fics.
All material belongs to Irrational Games.
Fic also available on AO3.
There comes a tentative knocking at his bedroom door - if you could even call it that, it’s so gentle, it’s more a tap than anything else - and Sinclair smiles at the open book in his hands from where he’s propped against his headboard with his blanket pulled to his chest. 
He knows who’s out there, he could hear him coming a mile away.
“C’mon in,” he calls out, “I’m decent.”
It takes a moment, then the doorknob shakes, very slowly turning and the door is pushed open, and Delta stands on the other side. He peers at Sinclair like he’s checking whether Sinclair was lying about being decent, then he goes to step into the room - only to whack the top of his helmet on the doorway, letting out a startled grunt as he does so.
Sinclair slaps a hand over his mouth to silence the laugh he almost lets out as Delta growls and rubs the top of his porthole.
“You forgettin’ where you are, chief?” Sinclair says, dropping his hand. “Doorways on the surface weren’t made for Big Daddies. You’re gonna hafta double over if you wanna fit.”
Delta huffs, drops his hand, then bends his knees and turns sideways, doing a crab-walk like move to shuffle through Sinclair’s bedroom doorway; it’s a struggle not to laugh at the poor guy, and Sinclair admittedly has to cover his mouth again before he embarrasses Delta, who is very clearly not enjoying this.
Once Delta’s safely through the doorway, he pops back up to his normal height and turns to gently push the door shut.
Bless him, it’s sweet to watch him being so extremely careful with everything he touches in Sinclair’s house, especially since the damage he’d done when Sinclair had still suffered with nightmares (the doorway is no longer shaped like Delta’s body, the new door stands more sturdy, and the stairs no longer have Delta’s footprints embedded into them). Practically nothing’s made of metal when it comes to the furniture, everything’s wood and fabric, and it’s older than even Rapture was, so it’s more prone to breaking under Delta’s might, and even more delicate to fix.
Delta looks around himself at the room, and lets out an awed croon of wonder.
“What, you like my old room? Guess you ain’t had a chance ta look it over before - we so rarely bring you upstairs,” Sinclair says, closing his book and setting it down on the mattress beside him. “Well, this here’s what we call the master bedroom, chief. Was where I laid my head before Rapture, is where I lay my head after.”
Delta is ducking to observe the fireplace opposite Sinclair’s canopy bed, the mantelpiece recently cleaned and polished by Sinclair himself. 
“You feel free to light that if you’re inclined, chief,” Sinclair says. “There is a chill in the air tonight. I took the liberty of puttin’ new wood in there earlier, so it’s ready when you are. Just have to locate my matches for ya, hold on…”
He leans over to the bedside table to check, only for a waft of heat to hit him from the other end of the room. When he turns his head to look, the fireplace is roaring, and Delta holds flames in his left hand.
“Ah-ha! Now, how’d I forget about that magic trick, huh?”
Sinclair playfully slaps his own forehead as Delta waves away Incinerate! from his glove. 
Delta watches the flames dance, hovering a hand out to try and feel the heat, then he rubs his fingers together and stands up straight. He catches sight of the gold clock on the mantelpiece and gives it a little poke, then turns and looks down at the rug on Sinclair’s floor - a long rectangular thing that has a border of grey squares along its edges, surrounding the red rectangle in the middle, which is stamped with bubbles of dark colours, with some squiggles of green here and there; it doesn’t seem to be going by a particular pattern - and then bypasses it to go to the chest of drawers adjacent to Sinclair’s bed.
There’s a mirror perched on top that Sinclair uses to style his hair in the mornings, and Delta stares into it before looking down at the drawers. He reaches out to open one, only to stop when Sinclair pointedly clears his throat.
Delta turns around to him, finding him to be frowning.
“Don’t you know it’s impolite to go nosin’ through someone’s else’s belongings? You got no idea what you’ll find in there, chief.” He nods towards the drawer Delta nearly opened. “Though I can inform you that that there drawer’s where I keep my drawers, if you’re wantin’ to play deviant.”
Delta’s shoulders jerk with surprise and he immediately fiddles with his thumbs like he doesn’t know what else to do with himself, before pressing his hands over his porthole. He’s flustered, embarrassed.
Sinclair drops the act and barks out a laugh. 
“Aw, I’m just messin’, sugar,” he says, watching Delta as he drops his hands, then Sinclair puts on a pout as he adds, “Correct me if I’m wrong - but I am startin’ to wonder if you jus’ came in here ta sight-see, ‘stead of comin’ to visit yours truly. Sure, the room’s the tops, and I know I ain’t picture-perfect myself right now,” he gestures to his hair, which is void of its pomade and thus not styled as normal, since he’s in bed (and sleeping with hair pomade means he gets awful bedhead in the morning, and then he really will be ‘not looking his best’), “but surely, you can spare a thought for your sweetheart?”
Jolting softly again, Delta looks at him, then he must suss out that Sinclair’s supposed jealousy is an act because he lets out a rumbly sort of growl and walks over to give Sinclair a very gentle push to his bicep, a very clear message of Don’t be silly.
Sinclair’s pout is immediately replaced with a little grin as he chuckles, then as Delta takes a seat down on the floor beside his bed, legs crossed, Sinclair places his book on his bedside table and removes his glasses, placing them atop the book.
He lays down and rolls onto his side to face Delta better, propping his head on his hand, elbow digging into one of his pillows, and smiles easily at him.
“Tomorrow’s the big day, chief,” he says. “Finally gettin’ you outta that second skin o’ yours.”
He was expecting one of Delta’s excited croons, but instead he just sees Delta’s body language stiffen up.
“Now, you remember what I told ya, ‘bout the aftermath? Doc Tenenbaum tells me that there’s a recovery process to this whole ‘a Big Daddy no more’ procedure. Said it’s what happened to another Alpha Series whose human face she brought back - Subject Sigma, I believe. Was tellin’ me over the phone that your body’s gonna need to get used to the lack of ADAM in your system all over again, which means you’re gonna wanna sleep a lot, you’ll be hungry an’ thirsty often, and your, ah - ahem - other bodily functions may come as a surprise. Said it should only last a week or so - couple of weeks, tops, particularly that lack of energy. No runnin’ through the halls for you yet, kid - you’re gonna be stuck in bed for a while, an’ young Eleanor and I will just hafta help you move around until then.
“Not to mention, you might be hurtin’ a bit, since she’s gonna be fixin’ your ol’ voicebox, but I picked up some pain relief from the drugstore down town, so we’re all set there. She mentioned it’ll take a couple weeks for your throat to heal, so when your belly starts wantin’ to get reacquainted with a meal, it’s gonna have to be tomato soup an’ water - nothin’ you gotta chew. The spare bedroom’s all ready,” he shrugs a shoulder, “to act as your private recovery suite, alongside a makeshift surgery room. Wish we could take you to a real hospital, but that just isn’t feasible, all things considered. We’d have a helluva story to tell, bringin’ you in.” 
Sinclair cocks his head with a slight wince.
“If you’re wantin’ pure honesty from me, honey, it doesn’t sound like this recovery’s gonna be a barrel of laughs, but if there’s anybody that can get through it with his head held high, it’s you.”
He gives Delta a smile.
Once again is he expecting some sort of excited reaction from the big guy, but Delta can only fidget where he sits, shoulders falling and hands tangling together in his lap. When Delta puffs out a sigh, Sinclair’s face falls in confusion and he sits up, supporting his weight on his arm.
“Well, now, I can’t say I was expectin’ you to jump to the heavens in joy, chief,” he says, brow furrowed in concern, “but not even a cheer? Honey, you’re actin’ as though someone stole your last dollar from under your nose - why the sudden silence? Was it all that talk about the surgery? I know it sounds scary, but I’m confident that Doc Tenenbaum knows what she’s doin’, and she’s real confident too. Says that other fella’s been talkin’ up a storm since he got out, so there’s nothin’ for you to worry over.”
Delta’s body language doesn’t ease up in the slightest. If anything, he draws into himself even more.
“What is it, honey?” Sinclair asks. “What’s givin’ you the jitters so badly? C’mon, you can tell me - best you can manage.”
Delta is still for a moment, then he hesitantly lifts his hands and turns his waist so that he can point at the wall behind him. It doesn’t take long for Sinclair to realise he’s pointing toward Eleanor’s room.
“Eleanor?” he asks to make sure.
Delta grunts in confirmation, then keeps that finger he’d pointed with extended, only now he turns his hand so that the finger is pointing upwards, as he twists back around to Sinclair. With his right hand, he taps himself on the chest, then points his finger upwards and stands his two pointing fingers together, to represent he and Eleanor. Then he uses his right hand to draw a circle around his heart.
Sinclair thinks he understands, and the message shocks him.
“What,” he says, “you…you’re worried that Eleanor will stop lovin’ you as she does if you get yourself out of that suit?”
Delta draws his hands back in to fidget with them again, giving Sinclair all the confirmation he needs.
Sinclair’s mouth opens and closes, still surprised at this development; why, he’s always seen Delta and Eleanor’s relationship as the pinnacle of familial bonds, even despite how they came together. Never seen a father-child duo closer than the two of them.
Sinclair almost chokes on his own disbelieving laugh, then leans forward on his bed.
“Well, now I got proof that ADAM affects you just the same as it affects everybody else, kid,” he says, “cause what I’m hearin’ is some crazy talk.” 
Delta flinches like he’s being scolded, then lets out a tiny, worried hum of a rumble.
“Honey, that girl looks at you like you hung up the sun - an’ you practically did, in her world. She wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you, an’ she was willin’ to throw it all away for you down in Persephone, the way she stood up to her momma like she did, refusin’ to leave you behind, an’ no amount of genius minds could make up a love like that. You still got your bond, sure, but Lamb did away with her conditionin’ years ago, so she’s got no reason ta still see you as her daddy - but she does. You’re her father because you’re her father. She adores you, kid, more’n I’ve ever seen a child lovin’ their parent. Don’t tell me you think back on all the time you’ve spent together, up here in the daylight, and think your get-up has somethin’ to do with it?”
Delta looks hesitant, then his hackles rise up and he squeezes his fists shut, putting a more determined front on. 
Knowing Delta, there’s a side of him that’s still nervous, but if Sinclair’s settled that frankly absurd worry even just a little, then that works for him.
“That’s right - you an’ Eleanor are a pair, and you don’t go separatin’ pairs, now, do you?”
Delta grunts in the affirmative, but whatever confidence he had crumbles in an instant, and it’s like someone let the air out of him, the way his body language sags; clearly, Sinclair has just reminded him of something. Tilting himself forward just so, to look down at the floor, Delta taps his fingertips together thoughtfully, then hesitantly points at Sinclair.
“An’ what about me, kid?” 
Delta gestures to himself, then draws another circle around his heart.
“And how is it that you reckon gettin’ cured will damage our relationship? Think you’ve gotten your wires crossed on that one, chief.”
Delta hesitates, clearly uncertain about whether he should share these thoughts he’s got, then gestures towards his own porthole. He points to Sinclair again, then draws a circle around his porthole to indicate his face. Then he slices his hands through the air, grunting in the negative.
Of course, he should’ve known: Delta’s face.
It’s the one thing Delta’s always been afraid of, showing what’s underneath his helmet. Even with their relationship being what it is, Sinclair’s never seen Delta without his dome; Delta took it off in front of him only once, but Sinclair respects Delta too much to peek, even when he’d dearly wanted to, since he knows where Delta’s boundaries lay. Can’t say he blames the kid either - only the scientists who created them really know what Big Daddies look like, but nobody can claim they think everything’s okay under there.
Still, Sinclair feels as though Delta’s got to give him a little more credit than that.
“Now, I know your misgivings about showin’ your face, pumpkin,” Sinclair says softly, “but do you really reckon that I’ll turn my back on ya if you come jumpin’ outta that suit, not lookin’ like some movie star?”
Delta draws back into himself all over again, looking down at the floor and fiddling with his fingers. Bless him - he clearly feels bad for what he’s accidentally been implying about Sinclair’s character, but he’s still anxious.
“Honey, anythin’ that the ADAM has done to you under there will be solved when Doc Tenenbaum gives you the solution she’s whipped up, an’ even if you still feel as though you got a face that could crack a mirror?”
He scoffs a laugh, the whole notion is just so ridiculous to him.
“Sweetheart, I don’t care what you look like. I don’t care now, I won’t care when the helmet finally comes off. Think of it this way: I spent all my years down in Rapture avoidin’ you Big Daddies, an’ now here I am,” he holds out a hand, “offerin’ my hand to one.”
Delta doesn’t catch the offer immediately, so wrapped up in his thoughts, with his gaze cast downwards, but when Sinclair doesn’t continue to speak, he looks up, jolts, then delicately takes Sinclair’s hand in his.
“There, now, y’see? What you and me got, honey, that’s special. We’ve gone through far too much fer me to gain a shallow perspective, an’ I’m not partial to you cause I think you’re hidin’ some Adonis-like facial structure. I feel the way I do, kid, cause…well.”
He tries to settle his discomfort of being so open about his emotions; this here’s a situation that calls for him to be a little soft. Just gotta think of Delta’s wellbeing.
“You’re a gentleman, for one. You’re kind an’ sweet, and for a Big Daddy, you’re one hell of a charmer. Besides, you laugh at my jokes, an’ there’s always a chance of me gettin’ soft on a fella who does that.”
As if taking the cue, Delta chortles.
“Precisely, see?” Sinclair says with a grin. 
Delta’s shoulders lose some of their tension as he sighs softly, then he shuffles closer and cups his other hand over Sinclair’s. He pats it gently, apologising for his not-so-nice assumptions, he just…can’t help his concerns.
Spent so long dreaming of walking the streets of the outside world with Augustus and Eleanor, and now that the time is coming, he’s…frightened. Excited, but frightened. 
He just…He just hopes he’s handsome, like Augustus is. A face that Augustus can love, and one everybody can look at without getting scared of him.
Sinclair gives him a smile as he says, “So, y’see, honey? I don’t care how you look once you’re freed. For as long as you’ll have me, honey…you got me.”
Delta sings a note of whalesong to him, touched, and gives his hand the gentlest of squeezes to return the favour.
Sinclair smiles lovingly at him, then one side of that smile twists awkwardly.
“Not that I’m…proposin’ marriage, mind - not even a law degree like mine could help with that. But, ah…Hm.”
Sinclair cocks his head before he averts his eyes and tugs on his hand, indicating to Delta that he’d like it back.
Perplexed, Delta releases him as asked, giving a soft, questioning hum.
With the index finger of that hand, Sinclair strokes an idle line over his sheets, pondering whether he should speak of the next topic on his mind, before he smiles softly and decides to go for it.
“Well…now, listen, honey,” he says slowly, “now, you can lemme know if this is too forward of me, but, ah…well…”
He lifts his gaze to Delta’s covered face again, sees him staring curiously.
“Doc Tenenbaum says it’s best that you keep to yourself while you recover, but once you’re all better…I was just mullin’ it over, and since you’ll be needin’ a bedroom like Eleanor an’ I have got, ‘stead of just stayin’ in the place in which you were bedridden…maybe you’d be partial ta callin’ this master bedroom…our master bedroom?”
With a gasp, Delta jolts in surprise, straightening up immediately.
“Now, like I said, chief,” Sinclair holds out a hand, “if I’m crossin’ a line, you just say so. I’d understand if you still want your space, since it’ll be the first time you’ve owned a bedroom in God-knows how long, but if there’s a chance you might wanna room together -”
Before Sinclair’s even finishing that thought, Delta’s letting out a loud, excited note of whalesong, pleasantly surprising Sinclair, who grins as he huffs a laugh.
“Aw - you like that idea, huh? Good, cause I do too. Why, we can even redecorate the place, if you wanna (maybe replace that rug, got no idea why I bought that) - and I’ll even let you pick your side of the bed.” 
The excitement gets too much for Delta to hold in: he’s uncrossing his legs and rising to his knees, all the while belting out a long croon, creating a cheerful contrast to his roar, which is the only other noise he’s ever let out at that volume. 
Sinclair hurries to shush him through laughter, waving a hand at him and then putting a finger over his grin.
“Shhh! Quiet it down, kid, or you’ll wake Eleanor up!” 
Delta either doesn’t hear him over his own trilling or he ignores him, since he’s too busy surging forward. He leans his arms on Sinclair’s bed and pushes, trying to propel himself upwards and climb atop the mattress while keeping his head ducked, lest he throw himself into Sinclair’s canopy.
He makes it halfway onto the bed before it creaks dangerously under Delta’s weight, and Sinclair’s once again scrambling to stop him from doing something they’ll both regret, waving his hands in the air and sliding backwards on his bed, away from Delta so that he isn’t squashed by his own partner.
“Woah, woah, stop, honey, stop!” Sinclair calls. “Ya can’t climb on up here right now, you’re still too big!”
His words seem to reach Delta this time despite the fact that Delta is still crooning, as Delta stops venturing forwards and instead puts out both arms, hands sliding beneath his partner’s body, getting Sinclair tangled up in the blanket that’s still pulled up to his chest from earlier. It takes a couple of attempts before he can get a good enough grip on Sinclair, and then he slides him across the sheets to bring him to the edge of the bed.
After pushing his forearms under Sinclair’s body too, Delta stands properly on his own two feet, then lifts Sinclair from his bed, the rest of the blanket hanging off from Delta’s hold like Sinclair’s wearing a cloak, one corner of it still tucked into the mattress.
“Easy, now, easy!” Sinclair exclaims, clambering to grab ahold of Delta’s helmet or shoulder, anywhere he can.
Carefully supporting Sinclair in his arms, Delta stands to his full height, stepping back from Sinclair’s bed, tugging hard at the blanket to free its corner from the mattress. When it slips free with ease under a Big Daddy’s strength, Delta bounces Sinclair once in his arms, adjusting his hold on him, then he holds Sinclair close, cuddling him as his croon quietens, lest he blast Sinclair’s ears.
With Sinclair secure in his arms, Delta walks over to the fireplace, and Sinclair’s tummy flips as Delta goes down, sitting himself upon the rug. He crosses his legs again, then brings Sinclair in and lays him down in his lap, arms still under him but now supporting him so that Sinclair might comfortably sit up.
Sinclair’s laughing to himself; he’s not usually a fan of being taken off his feet willy-nilly, but now, with Delta being as excited as he is, it’s nothing short of endearing, even cute.
Delta tilts his right arm up, bringing Sinclair with it, and he leans in to affectionately press his helmet against Sinclair’s hair, rumbling so low and quiet that he might as well be purring at him.
Sinclair’s laughter is brought down to a fond chuckle as he shuts his eyes, turning his head to nuzzle his forehead against Delta’s dome, then he pats Delta’s chest.
“If I’d known you were gonna be tossin’ me up in your arms like that, I woulda tried to break the idea ta you more softly. Wonder if you’ll still be able ta lift me up at all, once you’re back to normal.”
Delta draws back from him, and his shoulders fall a little.
Much as he’s eager to ditch this hulking body of his, a part of him will miss being able to pick Augustus up bridal-style and hold him in his lap like this. He likes having Augustus in his arms, and even though he’s always frightened of accidentally hurting him, he…likes being the bigger guy in the relationship.
After a thought, Delta’s shoulders stiffen with determination: if he isn’t big and strong enough to lift Augustus once he’s cured, then he’ll get big and strong enough, in the traditional way. He’ll buy a bunch of weights to lift and go on jogs every day, twice a day, three times, until he’s muscular again. He’ll put in the work and get the best of rewards.
Sinclair must be able to tell what he was initially thinking about because he says, “Aw, but I don’t mind, either way. You could be skinny as a rake an’ I wouldn’t care.”
(Even still - Delta’s plan still stands.) 
Sinclair leans in to him as he adds, “But, see, bunkin’ together’s just the tip of the iceberg, kid - think of all the rest of the things you’ll be able ta do.”
Delta hums, intrigued.
“Well, just think on it: your body will work the way it’s supposed ta, so you’ll be eatin’ an’ drinkin’ like any ol’ regular man! Sure, for now, it’ll jus’ be on soup an’ water, but after that? You can have anything you want, and I know for certain that Eleanor’s been thinkin’ up a list of things she’d like you to try out. I know of a few myself, come to think of it.”
Delta perks up, staring at him. Even with the lack of face, the stare is clearly expectant; Sinclair’s piqued his interest, and Delta would like to hear more of what he could do.
Sinclair chuckles, then adds, “And there’s sleepin’. No more waitin’ around in the dark for Eleanor or myself to rise from our slumbers - why, the night’ll be nothin’ but the blink of an eye for you, sport! An’ lemme tell ya, that bed over there is as soft as cotton candy, and relaxin’ ta boot - and I’ll bet you’re as much a great, big cuddlebug at night as you are durin’ the day.”
At the mention of his favourite pet name, Delta lets out a delighted warble, shoulders lifting up all happy-like, making Sinclair laugh.
Sinclair points a finger toward the bottom of his helmet, where Delta’s neck is hiding. 
“And without that Big Daddy voicebox blockin’ your own, you’ll be able ta talk, chief, with your own voice! And I’ll bet you’ll be a chatterbox, just like me! If that’s possible.”
He gives him a wink, self-deprecating, and Delta chuckles, then croons excitedly; the more Sinclair talks, the more Delta’s body language opens up, looking as though he could float off of the floor at any second.
“Now, that’ll be another one that’s gonna take some time - your throat will need ta heal first - but then it’s off to the races. Speakin’ of - once your body’s all healed up an’ used to bein’ without ADAM again, we can all head into town and Eleanor an’ I can show ya around! It’s a li’l different than I described on the train, place has changed a tad since I last lived here, but it’s still a nice town, with lots to do. Not to mention, the sunshine we get - you’ll finally be able ta feel the sun, too! And rain, if that suits your fancy. All kinds of weather, kid. An’ maybe best of all,” Sinclair gestures towards the door, “you’ll be able to fit through doorways without havin’ to shrink yourself down! Heck, you’ll even be able to sit at the dinner table with us, and on the sofa, too!” 
Practically buzzing now, Delta croons loudly again, and Sinclair shushes him before he can get too excited. He’s grinning, though, because Delta’s excitement is so damn infectious.
“And feel free to tell me again about my forwardness,” Sinclair says, running a finger over Delta’s suited chest, then he leans up to murmur, like he’s got a secret (and for what it’s worth, Delta leans in too, ready to hear it), “but I can’t help but consider all that smoochin’ we could be doin’, once you got a mouth to smooch with.”
Delta gasps like he’s scandalised, then takes his hand from under Sinclair’s legs and covers his porthole with it, feeling bashful, with a soft note of whalesong, like a nervous whine.
Sinclair chuckles deviously, leaning up to nuzzle Delta’s helmet again, before pulling back to speak.
“Think you’ll remember how to do that, pumpkin? Cause, of course, generous as I am, I’ll be more than happy ta give you some pointers.” 
Delta lets out another whine, adjusting his hand on his porthole, moving it over as if to try and cover his face more, and when Sinclair laughs at him, Delta’s whine abruptly turns into his warbling chortle as he drops his hand, genuinely tickled by Sinclair’s teasing - not to mention excited by the prospect of finally being able to show affection with him, in the traditional sense.
Sure, it’s nice having Augustus sit in his lap and cupping his face in his big hands, but to be able to do more…normal things, like holding hands without worrying about crushing Augustus’s fingers, and cuddling on the couch instead of having to do it on the floor so that Delta doesn’t break the furniture, and…and kissing…and even more than that…Gosh…
Can’t pretend he hasn’t daydreamed about all of that, the kissing. Even as far back as the train ride around Rapture, sitting by Augustus’s side on the train bench as Augustus talked about this and that, he’s thought about what that’d be like. Now he’s so close to the prospect…
He hopes he’ll be a good kisser. Doesn’t want to let Augustus down, after all.
Subconsciously, he runs a fingertip over the edge of Sinclair’s lips, and Sinclair smirks and takes Delta’s hand, holding it in place to kiss that finger. The croon Delta lets out makes him grin.
“But that is another thing to consider, sweetheart,” Sinclair says, as if reading Delta’s mind, “you won’t hafta fear about handlin’ us anymore, either. No more bein’ scared of crushin’ us with your hugs or when we’re holdin’ hands. Even if you remain beefy, it can’t be as much as now, so,” he gives Delta’s finger a squeeze, “those worries will be a thing of the past, kid.”
Delta sings out another eager note.
Sinclair smiles and leans into him, nuzzling his cheek against the canvas of his suit, before looking up at him.
“So…how’re we feelin’ about that surgery now, chief?”
With a new surge of confidence, Delta straightens up the best he can while still supporting Sinclair, puffing out his chest and putting the hand that had held Sinclair’s legs to his hip. He won’t let this surgery get the best of him, for sure - he’ll beat it, he’ll beat the recovery process, and he’ll be right as rain!
“That’s it, sugar,” Sinclair says with a proud grin. “You jus’ put your faith in Tenenbaum, jus’ like I put mine in you, and this whole thing will just have been a bad dream.”
Delta jolts softly, then pinches a piece of his suit from his chest, gesturing to it, then waves his hand between himself and Sinclair. He makes another ‘cut it out’ gesture, grunting in the negative, and Sinclair thinks he understands.
If I wasn’t like this, we wouldn’t be here now, together.
Sinclair winces at that kind of talk, considering how Delta ended up in that suit, but he smiles at Delta’s point of view all the same.
“Well…I suppose that’s a fact…But like I said, the suit don’t make the relationship. Don’t you put a thought into how it affects us - cause you an’ me, honey, we’re in this for the long haul.”
He leans up then, and pushes a soft kiss to the glass of Delta’s helmet.
Touched, Delta presses his fingers to the bottom of his porthole, where his mouth should be, then touches Sinclair’s lips, to transfer a kiss. Then, nearly bursting with the love he has for Augustus, Delta brings him in again for another tight, warm cuddle, giving his rumbling purr as he does his best to nuzzle his helmet against him. 
Sinclair chuckles and returns the sentiment, shuts his eyes and basks in the warmth from Delta’s body, the fire still crackling beside him, and the blanket that’s wrapped around him like a cocoon, some of it trailing off from Delta’s hip.
After several long moments of holding the pose, Delta draws back and points towards the window.
“What’s that, pumpkin?” Sinclair says, prompting Delta to repeat himself. “Hm? The town? Aw, you want me to give an audio tour, in preparation for your visit?”
Delta grunts in confirmation, then gets himself comfortable for the talk.
“Alright. So, one of my personal favourite stops is the bakery, as is obvious. They got this peach cobbler there that is just to die for, you’re gonna love it. An’ not to mention their lemon bars, oof. Oh, and another thing they got…” 
Feeling content and loved, Delta listens to Sinclair talk for hours, with nary an anxious thought of tomorrow’s events in his mind - he’s far too excited to be scared now.
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dreadnotau · 1 year
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Its been a decent couple of months of productive work, so it's sadly time for a schedule change. I'll be posting pages two weeks apart again. Details provided below if you're curious as to why.
In all honesty there's no big dramatic reason this time around. I've just slowly lost drive to work on Dread Not as often and as thoroughly as I used to be able to. As I said in one of my previous posts (that sounded suspiciously like this one), I want to focus on other projects as well. One of those is my personal art blog, which I've neglected even though I've had art on the backburner that I've been meaning to post for AGES. Kingdomrune is another one of those, where I have shit I could post that I just... never did. Dread Not takes a lot of time and I miss being able to dedicate that time to consuming media instead of just grinding and trying to produce my own. One of the most important things to do as an artist is to broaden your horizons and take in as much art as you can, to diversify and expand what you know and what you can make. But, when all day every day I'm just sitting and drawing my own thing, it's like I have tunnel vision and my creative resources run dry. It's starting to feel weirdly soulless on my end, because I don't feel nearly half the inspiration to make the pages as I did when the big hiatus ended. It's all dependent on time and exposure, and I can only crunch for so long before it starts to feel damaging to me instead of fun and creatively fulfilling.
So what does this mean, practically speaking? Well, for one, I'm spacing out the page upload for the rest of Act 1, as previously mentioned. I'm well aware this will kill the pacing and it'll drag out longer than it theoretically needs to, but I'd even rather that than trying to rush out a page in the Two Days I have free this week (yeah, ONLY two days free out of the ENTIRE week. Don't ask me why it's not even my fuckin' fault this time). If pages become even more scarce than 1 page per 2 weeks, blame it on college. I'm getting new subjects and I don't even know the class schedule yet. Concerning Act 2 though, I'll be changing the structure of the pages from their core. I'll be switching to a different drawing software (probably Krita, suck my dick Photoshop) so it'll take some getting used to. I can't even promise bonus content or anything during the necessary break between acts because of that shift in software happening, I've never done a massive technical move like this. However, it'll allow me to, not only work on Dread Not better, but expand my art overall, so it's definitely worth it. I've wanted to get into animation for YEARS and Krita seems like an okay place to start (the gif on this post WAS made with Photoshop, but shitty gifs are about all I can make as animations in Photoshop). Act 2's style will, predictably, differ heavily from Act 1 and (with how long writing the dialogue alone for it is taking), it might end up being Longer than Act 1, too. Visually, it'll probably be something like cleaned up and coloured sketches, with simpler colour palettes and simpler (big airquotes) visuals overall, and it'll speed up the process and possibly allow me to post more than one page at a time. Possibly. That's not a promise.
I'm sorry if that's disappointing to anyone, but I physically can't make myself continue the current artstyle across all acts. It's just not feasible.
For those curious about the FARTHER future of Dread Not, I have plans to turn Act 3 into a series of fics rather than full comic pages, and something maybe a bit more insane for Act 4. I don't have everything figured out yet, and I don't want to make any false promises or give any grand ideas I won't be able to commit to, since only time will tell how my creativity will flow years from now. If you all want more content from me specifically, again I'm planning on reviving my art tumblr like a half buried zombie, and you'll probably see more there than you bargained for once I actually get into the habit of posting things. If you're mayhaps interested in my original stuff, keep your eyes peeled for a guy called Duro, I might start posting about him some time soon.
As always, thank you for your patience, and apologies again if this news was disappointing to anyone. I'm just one guy and this comic is a titan of biblical proportions. I'll keep you all posted on any further developments and plans for the future! Stay tuned!
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Funny thought.
G1 Starscream disappears for six months. At first, no one thinks anything of it. He'd been distant since he's and Megatron's last big disagreement.
It had been because the sentient AI Starscream had been toying with he'd stolen from humans ended up accidentally being uploaded to the 'Roomba' the Constructicons were building to clean up the Victory. The Roomba given a knife by Rumble and nicknamed Lord Stabbington had Decepticon coding and decided it should rule them. It then began slowly building an army of hive mind clones that together almost succeeded in a plot to kill them which eventually dragged the Autobots into because the Roombas installed antigravs and chased them to the surface. It was due to the shared work of the Lambo Twins and Starscream that they were finally defeated.
Starscream got in trouble and grounded from lab privileges and had been sulking going on long solo fights and pick-up runs to Jupiter.
Then one day he just didn't return. Everyone assumed it was a long sulk, probably the last bit before a new scheme. Then they thought it was a scheme a la the Combaticons and people were quietly contacted. Then concern or something close to it happened and Megatron got some suspicious side eyes from Acting Air Commander Thundercracker. Finally Jazz ends up joke-asking if they'd offed Starscream and Megatron orders a search and to check if the Autobots have him.
Nothing turns up and it is tense. No one has seen him. No obe on Earth or Cybertron.
Then as casual as you please he comes sauntering in completely unaffected dropping off the ore he'd promised Hook to pick up while he was out, ignoring every shock looked as he made his way to Megatron refusing to acknowledge anything happened.
All with a small (strangely small actually) little red-white-and-blue-with-a-little-splash-of-yellow Sparkling magnetized to him who chirps and smiles at everyone he meets and is the sweetest thing on the planet and horrifyingly, undeniably Starscream's spawn.
He introduces him as Star Saber and thus starts the hunt for who's the Sire. Starscream post return puts in and approves his own request for carrying leave.
Zxfgyhyyyy yes
I dunno what I expected but it wasn't Lord Stabbington
Technically, Starscream (maybe) didn't plan to use L. S. in a plot to kill Megatron? (It probably was a plot to kill Megs wasn't it)
Goddamn Lord Stabbington was productive
Ah yes, the combaticons, of course.
Everyone asking if they assassinated Starscream ohhh
He finally came back from getting milk (ore) and cigarettes (a child)
I'm imagining he's doing this all with just the most faked-innocent smile too
Smart move screamer smart move
And let the games begin
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winke77e · 1 month
I'm back! Sorta! Mostly! lol
:: Summary :: -got housing assistance and got an apartment - got my kitties back! -my current job sucks and hurts my body, but I got a new one starting soon-ish :D -I don't have things set up to do art so idk when I'll be drawing again -Trying to work on my AO3 stories for now :: ::
Got housing assistance which helped me move out. Of course I got rid of EVERYTHING when I lost my last housing, so I have next to nothing in here. Moved out in June, apartment still mostly empty. Though, I saw some roaches so I really don't think I want to settle too much into this place. I want to move out at the end of this lease.
Since I'm a veteran, I have access to a lot of resources to help me. Special housing assistance for vets where I get my own case manager to help me put things together and manage my voucher. Another assistance program that gave me a budget for a thrift store shop that had a lot of furniture in it. So I got a desk, dining table, and china cabinet from that :D They also gave me a free bed, so I have a place to sleep. They ordered it from a nearby furniture store and bruh, it's so nice and comfy <3
I GOT MY KITTIES BACK! My meows! My babies! Had a hell of a time with the foster program they were in. One foster left and they told me I'd have to pick up my cats when I was still in the shelter and then my case manager and I had to work to get the program to just move my cats to another foster?? Like, bro! That's your job. Whatthefuck.
Food is still an issue though. Trying to set a budget up for my finances to eleviate my anxiety with that. Finished my Data Analytics Certification so I'm technically qualified for an entry-level position in that. Guys, I had SO much fun with that certification. I loved working with that data and sorting, cleaning, and reading it. yessssss.
My current job is not great. The people are fantastic! I love my coworkers. It's just the job is a Starbucks Barista inside of a Kroger (nicknamed KroBucks). So it doesn't pay enough (which is a factor in getting housing assistance) and they don't have the goddamn anti-fatigue mats so my back, hips, legs, knees are starting to really hurt. Thankfully, my housing case worker told me of a job on the Veteran Affairs Campus which I applied for and got! Woo! It doesn't start for a while, since it's a govt job and we're waiting until the next budget cycle before I can start. Which people keep saying is around October.
Lastly, art stuffs. IDK where my drawing tablet is at the moment. It might be in a tote that I don't have here. It seems I've accidentally scattered out my totes so I'm trying to figure out where all my stuff is.
If anyone follows me on AO3, you may have noticed that *I've* noticed that I don't update in a regular manner. Which is something that *I* want to be able to do. So I'm going to work on writing out my stories in full before I start uploading them. Which IDK how long any of that will be. I'm most likely making the process harder on myself.
So there's the long update! I'll be stopping by on occasion just to see how everyone is doing and reblog stuff. In becoming homeless, I worked to reduce distractions and sources of stress, which included social media. So I don't really visit any websites often. Except youtube cuz I don't have cable or tv or dvds or anything at all.
Anyway! Love you guys!
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choccyhearts · 2 years
NSFW Eddie Headcanons (18+)
Note: Happy Valentine's Day! Apologies that this may be all I upload today, I tried really hard to write more but I am very burnt out at the moment and am dealing with a lot right now </3 buuut, I hope you all have an amazing day!!!
CW: 18+!! G/N! reader, talk of oral sex, genitals not mentioned, little talk of insecurites, smutty obvs but not too graphic, lowkey fluffy/romantic, aftercare
Eddie "they let me hit cause i'm goofy" Munson:
Has stopped you while you're going down on him to release random thoughts from his brain:
"Why is it called a "building" if it's already "built?"" "Would a watermelon actually grow in my stomach if I ate a seed wrapped in a wet paper towel?" "If they really built this city on rock and roll...would it not just collapse immediately? Wouldn't they need some...heavy metal for support??"
Has gotten so deep into roleplaying before that he forgot it was supposed to lead up to sex:
"Wait...how is a blow job supposed to fix my headache? Like, logically?"
Will try to say the dumbest things when he cums:
"Ah! I've sprung a leak!"
Sometimes during sex, weird noises happen, and it's completely natural...but Eddie will giggle:
"Was that squeak you or me?" "Babe, all of your bones just cracked, are you alright?" "I swear to Christ that was the bed frame, not me! I didn't eat any beans today!"
He has tried to see if he can multi-task during sex, just to see if he can:
"Okay, you just stay down there, I'll hold on to my other sweetheart and move my hips. Let's see if I can play while we do this" "Okay, so that is a firm no. I cannot eat cereal and make love to you...I'm really sorry baby"
After proposing the idea of shower sex...
"So...do we get clean first and then get dirty...or like just get dirty?" "Babe, what if I go down on you while you wash your hair...oh yeah, I guess soap suds do travel down..." "It...is...so...slippery........more than usual..."
During movie night:
(In the background are a character's screaming) "Okay, please don't misinterpret this, but I am really horny right now, but I swear nothing on the screen has made me like this"    "I bet I could cum faster than Jason Voorhees can get a kill...let's see"
Shuffles over to you after turning on some music:
"Alright, let's get groovin'!"
Eddie "a giant teddy bear on the inside" Munson:
Holds your hand and gives it kisses
Delivers forehead kisses regularly
When you're starting to slow down from exhaustion:
"You're doing so good, such a good job" "Getting tired? Lemme take care of you, baby. Hold on to me, I'll move you"
Will softly cradle your face and let his finger run along your jaw
Will trace your stretch marks and kiss along them
Holds on to your love handles and massages them
If you're feeling a bit insecure about stretch marks or love handles:
"I don't know why you hate these so much, they're so useful in a time like this" "Christ, you're so amazing, every mark, everything, it's all beautiful"
Attends to your every need:
"Are you cramping? Here, let's switch it up a bit" "Do you need any water? Your mouth is a little dry...don't be embarrassed, baby. It's okay, this is technically physical activity" "Do you need more kisses? Where?"
Loves holding you close to him, feeling connected as one:
"Come here, let me hold you...wanna feel you right against me...keep you safe" "I don't care about the sweat, let me love you" "I'm all yours, all of me"
Eddie "aftercare is top priority" Munson:
Tries to read your body language to guess what you need, but will ask just to be sure:
"Here, sugar, drink up. Need you hydrated" "Do you need me to carry you to the bathroom?" "I'll be right back, I'm gonna go start the shower"
If you need to be held he's right there:
"Lemme snuggle you...you did such a good job, sweetheart" "Breathe for me, just focus on breathing. For me..." "You fit against my body so well, I just wanna be here forever"
Wil hum songs while you both calm down -- he does take requests!
Laces your fingers together and rubs his thumb against yours
Kisses galore! Anywhere and everywhere, an endless supply!
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I Wonder What Ramshackle is Based Off Of?........... Part 1
(Might contain Spoilers for you if you haven't finished book 6)
I mean, I know I've seen the theories floating around that perhaps it could be based off of an eighth villain that's long forgotten to the school, or that perhaps the eighth villain was removed for some reason.
Based on the way Ramshackle was loosely decorated though, I'm not so sure. Maybe there was an eighth, or maybe not. I know this theory of mine isn't going to be as fun, but lets say Ramshackle was originally just an outside dorm that was used to house students until all of the other dorms for the great seven could finish being built respectively. Pomefiore was built first right? What if the other dorms weren't quite finished yet, but they still opened up the school and sorted students into "dorms". As more rooms in each of the main dorms were completed, the students who were technically assigned to that respective dorm would then be moved from "Ramshackle" to the now completed dorm. I hope this makes sense.....
Looking at the architecture of ramshackle, it doesn't look like the main school building. (Though apparently it has gargoyles that we just can't see in the pictures. Or maybe that's just me.) The style of the building is different from the main school building, but the colours used throughout its interior, are similar. The outside of the main school building is largely gray and purple. As seen in this picture below:
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And then Ramshackle is a very green building in comparison.
Before events of book six:
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After main events of book six:
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Yes, much green to this building.
(As a side note, why have a lot of people put ramshackle colours as black and white? Yes I know Grims' ribbon... But looking at the ramshackle the building itself....
Yes, I know there's the black and white stripped couch..... but still.... The predominant colour inside of ramshackle is overwhelmingly green.... both before and after the redesign. Green with accents of purplish sometimes blue-ish colours..... anyways, lets get back on track.....)
So, the interior colours of the main school building are purple with accents of green. Or maybe you could even see the colours as pretty balanced....
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Okay this picture below there is actually quite a bit of green....
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Now, let's look at the interior of ramshackle.
Before cleaning:
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After cleaning:
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And I have to continue with a part 2 because there's only 10 images allowed per post and I'm determined to upload this more or less the way I want to....
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Kuroshitcember 2022 Prompt Nr. 1
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Prompt: Sebastian delivers a letter to his master
You can find all prompts here!
All of these will be uploaded/archived to this blog's Ao3 eventually
Summary: Sebastian delivers a letter and "afternoon sweets" to his young master begrudgingly. His mummy instincts kick in without the demon being aware of it. CW: none! aside from the fact that this is a first draft, sorry for any mistakes... oh and, avoid if you don't like dad/mum-Sebastian I suppose? I may or may not have hinted at a story I'm working on within this, and I may or may not have strayed from the prompt A LOT whilst writing this adkjehaj once I start writing mumbastian I can't stop
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With a knock and a smile displayed on his human lips, Sebastian entered the young master’s office. In his hands, the butler held a tray holding a letter, and delicious sweets for his master’s requested… “afternoon sweets”.
That was not a genuine thing nobles had.
But Ciel was also still a child.
The demon’s aesthetic – one hell of a butler - required Sebastian to uphold any requests the young master had, even if those requests came at a stupendously ignorant timing such as two hours before dinner.
His young master never specified that day, though, what snacks he wanted. The routine of getting a nice, sugary snack had become such a regular occurrence that Ciel had gotten lazy with specifying the order. However, Sebastian knew if he entered with fruit, Ciel wouldn’t take it. He’d probably throw it at Sebastian, in all honesty. So…
He’d coated the fruit with a layer of dark, bitter chocolate to make it look like sweets.
It was partly healthy, and wouldn’t ruin the young master’s appetite for later.
“Your afternoon snack, my lord.”
Ciel was sat at his desk, feet up on the table, staring up at the chandelier which Sebastian kept completely dust free. He was bored, finished with work early – as usual.
“What is it?” Ciel asked in a monotone voice.
Sebastian was a demon. Lying came easy to him. But he had promised the young master never to lie to him… “An assortment of sweet goods, my lord. Shaped like fruit.” Technically, that wasn’t a lie. He had chosen grapes, strawberries, cherries – those were sweet fruits. And… well, they were shaped like fruit.
Of course, he could have simply said it was fondue, but grapes weren’t used for fondue… and… the mansion didn’t have a lot of fruit…
That was the young master’s doing.
“That… is new.” No longer bored, Ciel lowered his gaze to glance at the tray Sebastian moved over onto his desk. “They…” Ciel stared down at the “sweets”, seemingly breathless all of a sudden.
“Master?” Sebastian asked with a quirked brow.
“My mother used to bring me these. Although, with her, they were always real fruits underneath.” A small, sad smile appeared on Ciel’s lips. “She didn’t like me snacking on unhealthy things.” He grabbed one of the strawberries, unaware of Sebastian watching with intense eyes. The implication of Sebastian having done the same- no, Sebastian ignored it.
This boy was such a bother… Never before had a contract made Sebastian question his own internal chemistry, also known as emotions.
“How very darling of your mother. Perhaps she didn’t wish you to snack before dinner and ruin your appetite,” Sebastian voiced with an innocent smile, despite the sass present in his voice.
Ciel glared and dropped the fruit. “Whatever.”
“We also received a letter, sir.” With a slight bow, Sebastian offered the letter to Ciel. The bored boy took it and started opening it with a letter opener, leaning back into his chair again.
Silence ensued within the office as Ciel read the letter: “Who is Trancy?”
“I have no idea, my lord,” Sebastian offered with a genuine tone to his voice. “Although the name does ring a bell…”
“Well, we’re invited to a yule ball.” With an annoyed sigh, Ciel flicked the letter to the side. It dangled down to the floor where it stayed until Mey-Rin would clean the office.
Taking the hint that his young master was not going to attend the ball, Sebastian prepared the tray to leave again and continue supervising Bard – or rather, taking over when Bard inevitably screwed up.
“Dinner will be ready in two hours,” Sebastian said with a bow of his head to leave.
Ciel waved him off, not glancing his way as he focused his sudden eager gaze onto the sweets – much more interesting to him than a noble’s festivities. “Thank you, mother-“
Both demon and boy stopped in their tracks, wide eyes staring at each other in shock.
“I-“ Shocked, Ciel opted to glare and slam his hand down onto his desk. “You didn’t hear that.”
“Very well, master,” Sebastian offered with an attempt at a neutral look on his face.
“Now leave. I don’t want to see you until dinner.” There was an evident blush on Ciel’s cheeks which Sebastian had learned a long time ago meant humans were embarrassed. He could smell it too along with Ciel’s temperature rising as an embarrassed sweat broke out.
Not saying anything else, Sebastian ignored it – along with his own thoughts and feelings.
How obnoxious. A demon mother would never feed their spawn fruit coated in chocolate. If their spawn didn’t feed at what was offered, they were left to die.
Offended, Sebastian closed the door just in time for Ciel to bite into one of the “sweets” and realise –
Smirking, Sebastian left. The young master had said, after all, that he didn’t want to see him again until dinner.
He would have to eat what was offered by Sebastian if he was hungry.
taglist: @eemoo1o-animoo
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maneaterwithtail · 6 months
It's weird because as goofy as Bravern has been, I don’t think it’s literally been powered by emotions to completely subvert the laws of physics. I fact for all of his goofiness there is usually a direct throughline to established abilities or technical cause from holograms to ai brains.
Lewis was linked to a special neural cockpit and understandably the death drives will consider anything that’s thinking and machine to be a person so if they’ve got something in order to scoop up consciousness in order to print out a new body? well I can see how he got mixed up. Especially as Cunus definitely wanted to become one with him and she had time space powers which was established and all the timetravel is mental and near or related to her. She's able to send signals before she makes them which is just part of "we have ftl"
But since when has Bravern been able to heal or operate entirely off of emotions affecting physical reality?
Usually it’s been that thing where a union of 2 people in cooperation is greater than the sum of their parts. so even though isami is a greenhorn pilot he can bring just that much more extra to when bravern is fighting
passion and form
At best it’s said that the death drives get more effective with what they’re already capable of doing if they unify with the human as opposed to just suck them dry
Being able to replace the operating system because he’s finally connected with bravern on a complete level and is willing to give himself over to the machine, even at great risk, yeah that part kind of makes sense.
he’s already used the helmet and he’s bonded with the machine for a large period of time and most of the controls for the most part have been symbolic. they’ve been interfaces so that they can connect on an emotional or psychological level. He doesn’t usually translate his actions to well something else
This is even more established with Lulu where it was her own consciousness that made her more incompatible with superbia later
But there is a distinct difference between that and getting completely new powers beyond what the machine is supposedly doing
It’s pretty much established that the printing technology comes from the death drive. while it’s a bit weird that bravern was somehow able to fit it somewhere within the ship he did do so and he has super hacking abilities
Believe it or not this was one of the few series where a talk no jutsu would have perfectly made sense. particularly as the death drives are established as having single-minded simple personalities and bravern has been established as someone who can somehow alter machines and their behavior by how he suggests things and interact with them
So for instance if Isami Uploaded himself into bravern and managed to make what was left of the machine go or tap into the network in order to print a new body or battery that be fine
Heck if at the end what happened is everybody’s feelings came together so bravern could project a psychic attack that completely involves the last being so that that way it no longer worked and the entire network self-destructed that would have worked
It works off of things that have been established and moves that he’s done already
particularly hacking the missiles, force-feeding english into suburbia, and other changes
But apparently he just gets more mass? And turns gold?
As for Smith turning out to be actually in the crystal of the body? That is a bit of a cheat but again they can obviously print highly complex things it’s just going to take a while for them to recognize organics and once they cleaned out the life that was supposed to be made from the system it probably went okay let’s do something that he does know and then printed out Smith
Alternatives are he ends up in a Lulu body or he ends up neurologically merged with esami so he can always see and feel him but he’s not actually there
Just, you know, stay within the - yess slippery broad silly made up but still extant- rules of your world and how it works
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canmom · 2 years
Animation Night 136: The Zagreb School
Good afternoon everyone! Welcome back to my odd little... column I guess, in which I infodump about animated films (or topics only tangentially related to animated films, like the history of the samurai) and attempt to, in some sense, curate a big collection of all the great animation in the world that I can find? That’s kind of what this ended up being, huh.
Writing about animation is tricky. After avoiding some of the most obvious clichés - it’s so smooth! - you’re left with some slightly less cliché phrases like ‘strong key poses’, ‘graphical’, ‘sense of form’, ‘energetic’, ‘weighty’ ‘strong character acting’... or maybe you throw open your mental dictionary of production terminology and praise the ‘boards’ and ‘LO’ and ‘sakkan work’ and ‘genga’, which has the great advantage of making you sound like an industry insider even if you’ve never worked a day in animation (*cough*).
To get further you need to get very specific, and start pausing on specific frames and drawing bright red over things, and pull out your deck of animation principles and artist words - timing, spacing, arcs, line of action. This is the specialty of the Twitter account Frame by Frame. A useful type of analysis but also one that is very easy to parody...
‘course you might say this is less a parody and more a perfectly legit “animation” analysis with an unusual subject.
But the real reason for all of this is that animation is something you feel more than process in words. When you create an animation, you can plan it out carefully with keys and breakdowns and arcs and timing charts (a skill that was all the more necessary when you couldn’t hit a ‘play’ button in your software) and apply concepts you might know about like ‘hand accents’ and ‘overshoot and settle’ and so forth, but even with that you are going to spend a pretty long time flipping between drawings, erasing and redrawing bits, and shifting the timing to and fro until it just looks right. And then when you watch an animation, it evokes a feeling that can’t just be broken down into all those applications of technique. And describing feelings in words is its own entire art form...
Anyway, that’s a roundabout way of... partly self-reflection, because for a series of essays about animation I don’t do a ton of actual animation analysis so much as biographising, but also to say, today’s subject is a pretty tricky one to approach!
Tonight the plan is to look into the Zagreb School of Animation - not a literal institution but a (loosely defined) artistic tradition that began in the 50s in what was then the Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia, centered around (you’ll be shocked to learn) the city of Zagreb, capital of Croatia.
(Tumblr is only gonna let me post five videos in here so, I’m gonna have to spread them out a bit...)
The occasion for this is the appearance of the Zagreb Film channel on Youtube, which has been uploading clean, HD releases of dozens of old Czech films. But it’s also heavily indebted to the blog Animation Obsessive, who wrote about the Zagreb Film channel, and before that, a great deal about them and specific films made by artists associated with the Zagreb School.
OK, these guys are from Zagreb, but what makes them a big deal? We can say their influence is a unique graphical style influenced by the once-renowned UPA in America, all an overt and conscious break away from the ‘full animation’ of Disney. We could talk about their influence in Eastern European animation and worldwide. We can perhaps quote a certain manifesto, from an art show in 1968...
Animation is an animated film.
A protest against the stationary condition.
Animation transporting movement of nature directly cannot be creative animation.
Animation is a technical process in which the final result must always be creative.
To animate: to give life and soul to a design, not through the copying but through the transformation of reality.
But that doesn’t actually tell you very much, and also that’s where it gets trickier, because the Zagreb School - especially in their earlier years - were crazy varied in their output. As AniObsessive put it...
The Zagreb School is a tricky thing to pin down — scholar Ronald Holloway said it best when he called it “a loosely fitting group of artists in open competition with each other.” Many of its key figures were art-school graduates. Even more had a background at Kerempuh, something like Yugoslavia’s answer to MAD Magazine.
It was never just one thing. Zagreb School cartoons are wild and anarchic until they’re sad and serious. They’re cartoony and geometric until they’re loose and painterly. It’s less of a style and more of a “protest,” per a manifesto signed by some of the key members.
So to get more concrete, we’ll have to narrow our scope to particular artists and films. I’m not going to be able to do the Zagreb School anything like justice - there have been massive books written about them, and even when AniObsessive boil it down, that gives several long articles - so take this post more as a signpost, to explore further if you’re curious...
Here is Kod fotografa (At the Photographer’s) by Vatroslav Mimica, with lead animation by Vladimir Jutriša. I’m leading with this one because AniObsesive have written an extensive breakdown of the animation style, which is a great read. But here let me put in a little background...
Traditional animation is usually divided into two broad strands. To start with, there is the famous ‘full animation’ pursued by Disney, spreading to Warner and later carried on by Disney offshoots like Don Bluth and Dreamworks. It’s a style which really came into its own in 1937, with The Old Mill (1937) and Snow White. Inspired by studies of live action film using the rotoscope (see: Animation Night 65), ‘full animation’ pursues what Disney called ‘the illusion of life’, when the drawings cease to seem like drawings and appear as a living, breathing character.
To this end, ‘full animaton’ places drawings on 2s and 1s (12 or 24fps) - mostly on 2s, speeding up to 1s for rapid actions, and applies a body of techniques summarised by Disney’s ‘Twelve Principles of Animation’ to create a sense of continuous motion: arcs, overlapping action, overshoot and settle, lots of dangling bits to shake and wobble. A huge emphasis is placed on acting, with the animator conceived of as an actor inhabiting that character and lending them unique mannerisms, drawing initially on the ‘broad’ acting of vaudeville performers but later splintering into more reserved styles suitable for more dramatic stories.
‘Full animation’ traditionally avoids certain techniques that will break the ‘illusion’. It will rarely use hold frames, or shots that are just multiplane effects. The extreme of full animation is the work of Richard Williams (Animation Night 119).
Then there is ‘limited animation’. This is mostly associated with TV animation, both in the States and in Japan, where the need to make a lot more animation in a much shorter time necessitated production shortcuts. These include
animating at a reduced framerate anime will usually animate on 3s i.e. 8fps, or even 4s i.e. 6fps, and drop to 2s for fast action
hold frames the same drawing stays on screen for a long time
partial holds when most of a drawing stays still, but a small part is varied, e.g. a character’s mouth and maybe jaw moves to indicate speech while the rest of their face stays still
moving holds a single drawing is moved across the screen without changing. can be used to, for example, make a very cheap walking shot by shooting a character from the shoulders up and moving them up and down while scrolling the background
bank shots repeated footage that is reused, sometimes every episode - e.g. henshin (transformation) sequences in old-school magical girl and super robot anime
multiplane effects/animetism when animation consists of sliding ‘book’ layers passing over each other, without trying to create an appearance of 3D space
loops particularly for repetitive actions like walking, but also sometimes for background animation - a handful of frames can be cycled repeatedly
As anime envolved, animators like Yoshinori Kanada (AN 62) and directors like Osamu Dezaki (AN 95) appeared who found ways to make animation that turned these limitations into strengths. Anime started to emphasise the storyboard and layout, with increasingly elaborate camera moves and a very cinematic approach to the animated ‘camera’. And viewers got used to animation on mixed 2s and 3s, and even started to come to recognise the special value of its ‘snappy’ feel - which is incidentally part of the reason for animators’ loathing for AI interpolators.
It’s not strictly that one is the ‘Japanese style’ and one is the ‘American style’ mind you. Indeed, ‘full animation’ has mostly been practiced in just a handful of studios, mostly in America, and almost exclusively in films, because it is kind of insanely expensive.
Then we come to the slightly more obscure terms for ‘hybrid’ styles, such as the ‘full limited’ of Mitsuo Iso - although this is subject to many misconceptions as @why-animation noted for this translated interview. But to briefly summarise, ‘full limited’ refers to mixing the techniques of full animation - constant movement, strong sense of weight and overlapping motion - with the reduced framerates of anime (typically on 3s). The iconic example is Iso’s animation of Asuka fighting the Mass Production Evangelions in End of Evangelion.
I mention this because I’m about to talk about a very different sort of ‘full limited’. The ‘reduced animation’ - a term coined at UPA - practiced by the Zagreb School is a form of ‘limited animation’... yet one that paradoxically often involved extended sequences on 1s, as you can also see in this brief ad...
The way this is still ‘limited’ is that these ‘smooth’ sequences are one of two extremes. Characters slide with uncanny smoothness from pose to pose... or they remain perfectly still, moving our attention around the frame. As AniObsessive note, the spacing is very even, where conventional animation wisdom would say you should use a slow-in or slow-out, overshoot and settle. It’s consciously extremely unnatural, in an arresting way.
So returning to At the Photographer’s... (link, again) - this film builds on that into a fascinating string of visual gags, morphing pespective, playing with shapes... it feels in some ways like Flash animation, way ahead of its time. The film’s soundtrack is entirely musical, timed with the animation in a way resembling the ‘Mickey Mousing’ of Disney, but here used to create an uncanny distancing effect. The photographer struggles to get the boy to create a proper smile, an expression represented by hyperdistorted photo collages, a technique also used (along with painted elements) in the background.
I won’t try to itemise every gag, but I think it is cute how the kid’s mouth floats around his face like a little fish.
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Czech animators at the time of this film, and honestly pretty much throughout the existence of the ‘school’, were working with truly limited resources. Pavao Štalter, director, background artist and lead animator of The Masque of the Red Death (1969) once described it...
All of our cameras are made from aircraft scrap from landfills. We are madmen who work with abnormal effort. Instead of making a film in three months, it takes us a year. Everything is done by hand. … Here in my little room in the studio, it is 45 degrees Celsius in the summer, and we work ten hours a day! I really don’t know how long we can say, “Tomorrow will be better!”
Masque shows a very different face of the Zagreb School, with the gloomy, textured, bleak world of expressionist paintings. Its animation is a mix of cutouts and traditional animation in paint. Its process was discovered experimentally, Poe’s story is presented without dialogue, though there are some really choice screams and there is a song with lyrics. But mostly it’s an incredible atmosphere piece.
Masque, writes AniObsessive, was also unusual in its funding: while Zagreb Film received funding from Tito’s government, in an unusually hands-off arrangement, it didn’t go very far. For Masque, a large part of the money instead came from the American company McGraw-Hill, primarily an educational publisher, a serendipitous connection made by a display of the film’s storyboards at MoMA. You can read more about its story here.
That is also the end of my video limit for this post, and I haven’t even begun to cover more than a fraction of the Zagreb school’s important films. So please hold on for part 2, where I’ll write about a few more in the next hour before we begin our film night...
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