#technically I'm from 'the midlands'
melivora · 11 months
Every time Phil mentions being from the north I get so northriotic even though I barely pass as northern lmao
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ereborne · 6 months
Song of the Day: March 26
"Songs About Rain" by Gary Allan
#song of the day#you might think that this is the opposite of 'Groovy Little Summer Song' but nope! closer to same because (drumroll)#they are one of the very best categories of thing: Country Songs About Country Songs#I love them. I adore them#'Songs About Rain' is one of the strongest and best examples of type I have (also 'Cheatin Songs' by Midland. impeccable)#'and it sure ain't easin my pain / all these songs like / Rainy Night in Georgia / Kentucky Rain#Here Comes That Rainy Day Feelin Again / Blues Eyes Cryin in the Early Mornin Rain#they go on and on and there's no two the same / oh it would be easy to blame / all these songs about rain'#what a gift. what a delight. legitimately hard to sing this song in a mournful voice because it makes me so damn happy#anyway as you might glean from how this is posting at 3 pm my time: my sleep schedule is /fucked/#I did have part of the bad conversation with my boss on Monday (immediately followed by garden times#which so overtook me that I spoke only about the garden and good spring feeling in my song post. what a blessing the garden is)#but mostly what happened is I said 'hey it is technically possible for me to make this but it will not help it will not do anything useful'#and my boss said 'but you can make it' and I said 'yes but we shouldn't. it will be a waste of time' and she said 'make it by Thursday'#and I said 'I absolutely cannot make it by Thursday. if I finish instead this better thing I've already been working on--'#and she said 'no we don't care about that thing. make part of the useless thing. by Thursday morning'#and I said 'if I bring you part of the useless thing and part of the good thing and I directly compare them in front of you--'#and she said 'we'll look at whatever you have Thursday morning but it's the useless thing we care about'#so the meeting is scheduled and I'm going to plead for the life of my better thing and probably the best I'll get is permission to do both#which is. I mean the useless thing is going to be a time-waster for sure but at least it won't be actively detrimental to anything?#it'll be fine I'll make it be fine. the inherent problems of when your boss doesn't actually know what you do for them I guess :/#(also maybe. maybe if it comes down to it. maybe I'll just make the good thing for myself and use it to make my own life better#and someday maybe they'll ask for a project that works and then I'll be able to dramatically unveil it but either way I'll benefit from it#hmm maybe yeah)
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sp00kymulderr · 8 months
get to know me tag ♥
tagged by darlings @perotovar & @grogusmum ❤️
1. Were you named after anyone? My birth name I think was the 3rd most popular 'female' name the year I was born so I think my parents were just unoriginal. Gideon, is after Gideon Nav (Gideon the Ninth)
2. When was the last time you cried? Like, 2 hours ago.
3. Do you have kids? No and I'm not looking to have any unless Dieter Bravo shows up in my life.
4. What sports do you play/have played? Used to play tennis, nowadays I lift and am getting in to swimming.
5. Do you use sarcasm? I mean I'm british
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people? Hair. Eyes.
7. What’s your eye color? Brown
8. Scary movies or happy endings? I'm squeamish and easily scared so I never watch scary films (apart from Alien movies I guess). But I'm also not that in to a happy ending. Give me misery.
9. Any talents? I can kind of sing.
10. Where were you born? Midlands.
11. What are your hobbies? Writing. Lifting. Reading.
12. Do you have any pets? Not technically (yet) but my brother has a cat and I spend so much time there so I consider the cat my pet too tbh.
13. How tall are you? 5'5'' ish
14. Favorite subject in school? English Lit and French were my faves in Secondary.
15. Dream job? No job. Having free time.
NP tagging @secretelephanttattoo @thelightsandtheroses @demonjoel @burntheedges if you haven't already done it!
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johannestevans · 1 year
A busy month for your boy!
Good evening!
I've of course been pretty quiet the last month - as I said in my last email, I expected to go pretty quiet as I went through the moving process, and I have now left Ireland and moved back to the UK.
I'm currently Jean-Ralphio voice ~technically homeless~ as I get all my ducks in a row with my apartment paperwork and move through the conveyancing process, but once the keys are in my hand, I'll be writing about and doing TikToks of the decorating process as I go!
Obviously because I'm currently going between friends and family and juggling paperwork, I'm not writing as much at the moment, as I predicted I would be, but I will be making an appearance at BristolCon next month!
BristolCon is a 1-day literary sci-fi and fantasy convention in Bristol City, this year on Saturday October 21st - there are panels and discussions, readings and signings, a marketplace, and so forth.
As well as taking part in some of the panels and maybe reading from my own work, I'll be selling copies of Heart of Stone and Gerald Poole and the Pirates, as well as a bunch of my badges, and of course I'll be able to sign anything you bring along, whether it's a book you buy from me on the day or a copy you bring with you! I'll be able to take payment in cash or by card on the day!
Can't make the convention but have questions about my work, my characters, or my writing process? Send them with the heading [For BristonCon] anonymously to my Tumblr askbox or to my email at contact@johannestevans(.)com without the brackets, and I'll be filming short videos on the day and answering them!
Now that I am in the UK, I'm available for appearances if you'd like me to come talk to your book club, do a reading, join a convention or discussion panel, or even do some stand-up comedy - you can drop me a line at contact@johannestevans(.)com without the brackets for that too! I'm currently based mostly out of Bristol at the moment until I finalise my apartment up north, so hit me up for anything in the South of Wales or the East Midlands particularly, but I'm willing to travel farther afield so long as the travel costs aren't too prohibitive or you're willing to cover it / a portion of it.
New Works Published
Fantasy & Romance Fiction: Jack & The Cat: Part I
A young man becomes entranced by the Lord's personal assassin.
Part I is 10k, rated M, M/M. When Lord Axley's assassin is out, the people of Roam flee inside and don't even dare to look at him. Jack, a tavern boy, lays eyes on him once, and is bewitched.
Violence and captivity are themes in this one, as are sexual abuse and recovery thereof, social isolation, trauma, friendship as well as romance.
Read on Medium / / Read on Patreon
TweetFic: Mercenary Work
A warrior in an adventurer's band becomes fascinated with their resident elvish rogue.
Read on Twitter
Erotic Short: A Bellyful
A wayfaring mage stops for the night, and exchanges services with the innkeeper.
Cis M/trans M, rated E, 2.6k. On his way north from his studies, a mage stops by at an inn and pays for a place in the innkeeper’s bed — all the better to use each other. Overstimulation, oral, anal, and vaginal sex, breeding kink, denial, come inflation, begging, tears, rough sex, size difference, a bit of magic. Pregnancy threats at the end.
Read on Medium / / Read on Patreon
Erotic Short: Brothel Theatre
2k, cis M/trans M, trans M voyeur, rated E. Yvis has never been to a brothel before, but he’s excited to see one of his heroes, the adventurer Amaethon, play a part in a local theatre production: a debauched one, at that.
Consensual non-consent here — the perspective is that of a man watching a play about a prisoner of war being fucked by the warriors who’ve caught him. Featuring voyeurism, huge size difference, public sex, come inflation, CNC, spitroasting, stomach and throat bulging.
Read on Medium
Erotic Short: Paid in Full
A young sex worker is employed by a local lord.
4k, rated E, cis M/trans M. Utterly self-indulgent. A young sex worker is employed by a local lord, who wants to do only one thing to him — and then give him something else. Lots of oral sex in this one, age difference, some power differential, a nervous sex worker.
CWs for referencing to past trafficking / coerced sex work and past dubious / coerced consent.
Read on Medium / / Read on Patreon
Erotic Short: Inescapable
A human and an elf fall into a tentacle trap.
1.7k, rated E. An elf makes the poor decision of doing a magical escape room with a human he doesn’t know too well. They both fall into a trap, but at least it feels good.
Featuring tentacle monsters, oviposition, belly bulging and inflation, overstimulation, multiple penetration, some body horror.
Read on Medium / / Read on Patreon
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deweydecimalchickens · 10 months
So yeah, I escaped from Meriden! TL;DR: I managed 30.8 miles as the crow flies and 44 as the feet walk, getting from Meriden in Warwickshire to RAF Cosford in Shropshire. Technically I am now an ultramarathoner, having skipped the marathon stage.
My Hi Tec Raven boots are cute, cheap and vegan, but do not support my feet enough, even with Supafeet insoles. Thankfully my route took me past my house and I could swap to my battered old Peter Storms, which will never be waterproof again, but give my feet a good cuddle.
Plotting a route that went past my house was a stroke of genius. It added about five miles but meant I could switch to dry clothes and have an emergency nap. Also it turns out my cats cannot handle the timed feeder, psychologically.
I am a convert to using two lightweight walkimg poles, even if they left me with sore shoulders and blisters on my hands. 44 miles with poles felt a lot better than 25 without. Also a godsend for poking dodgy terrain in the dark before putting your feet on it.
Sometimes it's better to pee al fresco than go in the abandoned portaloo that's physically and spiritually a bit unstable.
People who do weird events are generally lovely. The pre-race briefing included a section dedicated to a guy last year who missed a tiny 'footpath closed' sign, fell in a construction mud pit, lost a shoe, and continued for a further 25 miles. At which point an angel watching the race randomly showed up to lend him shoes. And then the race director presented him with a brand new pair this year.
If you're gonna carry two litres of fluid on your back you should probably drink some of it in the first 15 miles or you don't get to wonder why you have a headache and brain fog.
Photos below the cut.
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Cross at the centre of England; race start point. It's not a cross anymore because it's 500 years old.
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Alright yeah let's do this!
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Extremely cursed toilet. Or I pissed in the TARDIS. It was dark.
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When I realised it was only 24 hours for drive thru and I'm not a car and there would not be coffee.
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Radical Muslim found in Lozells. Must be one of those no-go areas of Birmingham I've heard about *rolls eyes*
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More street art, this time in Handsworth, commemorating the 1976-7 Grunwick strike.
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Dark again by the time I reached my fourth county (Warwickshire, West Midlands, Staffordshire, Shropshire)
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RAF Cosford inviting me to coffee in the community hub, behind barbed wire, under the Official Secrets Act.
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Pathetically drinking vitamin/electrolyte juice in the train home.
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thekavseklabs · 2 months
What are some ideas, elements of your worldbuilding, or plots you'd like to explore in rp, but haven't yet had a chance to?
Ooh, that's difficult. I'm pretty good at asking for what I want. That said, I have a very strong love for the idea of characters exploring K'war and experiencing it, whether as a kei or as something else, and while I have started some plots, threads, even tabletop games on the subject, I unfortunately have yet to get far with any. I like being the 'gm', if that makes sense, even if it's not actually a tabletop game, I love getting to work my worldbuilding and character building brain as hard as I can to pave the way for the other to explore freely and experience new things and have fun! It scratches the same itch as these world and character building asks I requested for my birthday. So, I suppose that's a sort of vague plot tendency I crave!
For specific worldbuilding aspects, I'd really love to dig into Midlands Kei religion and festivals. Midlands Kei refers to a wide set of technically-Imperials not as an empire but as a race/ethnicity without the actual imperialism and religious warfare that wrecked a lot of their culture. They are a race within the Imperial subspecies including the grasslands, southern mountains, and the capitol. Their cultural inspirations include a lot of Europe, not English, but Ukrainian, Irish, Welsh, even Armenian, and they worship deities of the wind primarily, but have a healthy admiration and following for all deities depending on the individual, Imperial and Sea faiths alike. They have more greenish skin tones, like Skrap.
In ancient times, they were actually more prominent than the reddish, sun-worshipping Imperials you think of now, due to their wider area of origin rather than the Imperials originally coming from a smaller, concentrated area, though Midlands kei population was always more sparse with small villages over a wide area, rather than densely populated cities like the Imperials. The Southern Imperials rose up and claimed the Midlands Kei as part of their culture, erased quite a bit, and then began slowly eradicating them over generations via eugenics ranging from subtle beauty standards to outright government action. That said, Midland Kei do persist and are present over a wide area even if in fewer numbers, and some of their bloodline have even made it into the royals. Many especially wealthy Imperials, especially royals, will act as if the Midlanders are fully gone and no longer exist/have fully integrated into the Imperials, a thing of the past. That is patently false, but they just kind of ignore it because it's inconvenient to their supremacy. They are the same subspecies, hence my calling them technically Imperial as that is the term for the land dwelling subspecies. That might change.
I have always had the Midlands kei exist as a history for the Imperials, but have only recently made a distinction between them and the Imperials, as originally I had the two sort of combined, but as my lore expanded, this no longer made sense. You may see mentions of Midland kei as Plains kei, or see me mention an Imperial has Plains ancestry, this is the same, as the Midland is full of, among other things, wide rolling plains and grassland hills.
If this was weirdly worded especially in the second paragraph it is because it is 6 am
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jonesyjonesyjonesy · 2 years
JPJ was close to Jimmy at first, but then I would say Bonzo second, and lastly Robert. JPJ and JP knew each other before LZ. Other fans said JPJ didn't like Rob at first; therefore, he started to like Robert after the car accident.
I don't think Robert saw both JP and JPJ the same way after they didn't show up to his son's funeral. Jimmy said the reason why he didn't show up he thought Robert needed space from everyone else. But Robert said he didn't want alone time to himself, he wanted his friends to be there with him.
I don't think JPJ and Robert understood each other for a long time. There was an interview (forgive me, I never have the sources on hand) from like 1971 or 1972 where Robert is like, "You know I really am just starting to get to know Jonesy." I think they obviously respected each other, but it took a long time to "get" each other.
I'd go as far to say as JPJ intimidated Robert. He had the most technical ability of the band and I think given his personality could come off as standoffish or pretentious. However it's obvious they respected each other (re: the interview where JPJ said Robert was the most special out of all of them).
I don't think Robert held JPJ to the same standard as JP when it came to Karac's funeral. He even mentioned in another interview I don't have the source for (many years later) that there was a cultural element to it - Jimmy and John being from the south implied more distance and coolness to the situation than Robert's expectation, being from the Midlands. (I'm not from the UK, so please correct me if I'm wrong)
I really think there was an element of insertion in JPJ's relationship with Robert. Robert was looking for a creative partnership and he and JPJ found it when things were getting tense with Jimmy's addiction and Robert's growing disinterest in being in the band.
These are mostly speculations on my part, some may even say headcanons, but hey, what can you do? That's what we do with a band with as much mythos as Zep.
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dandelioncasey · 1 year
15 questions, 15 mutuals
tagged by @aspecbuddie (i never get to do these so thanks for the tag!)
1. Are you named after anyone?
Kinda wish I was, but no 😔 I did create my name out of my deadname though, so technically I guess i'm named after myself?
2. When was the last time you cried?
Well, i just got done watching yet another playthrough of What Remains of Edith Finch, so about five minutes ago
3. Do you have kids?
Don't have, don't want
4. What sports do you play/have played?
Don't play any sports anymore because my joints are buggered, but I've done basketball, netball, fencing, horseriding, archery, and probably loads more that I'm forgetting
5. Do you use sarcasm?
All the time
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Probably how close they are to me - my policy on personal space is that if i can hit you with my walking stick (accidentally or on purpose!) then you're standing too close lmao
7. What’s your eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
It depends honestly - I can't stand the kind of 'happy endings' that you get in romcoms (or any film with a romantic subplot, which is most of them these days!) but I also have yet to find a horror film that actually scares me (mostly they squick me at best)
9. Any talents?
Like skills or like party tricks? I can play violin, I'm very good at paperwork and pub quizzes, and I can count to ten in five languages and do the alphabet in BSL (and I can put my foot on top of my head thanks to the aforementioned buggered joints)
10. Where were you born?
Kettering! It's a town smack bang in the middle of the East Midlands (and no I am NOT from the North as one of my classmates accused me last year!)
11. What are your hobbies?
Reading fanfiction, playing the Sims and Slime Rancher, and watching so so many documentaries about the weirdest niche topics
12. Do you have any pets?
My sister has a German Shepherd who I unwillingly dogsit far too often for my liking (given that she doesn't pay me for it!), but I don't really have the energy to take care of myself let alone another living creature 😔
13. How tall are you?
177cm, so about 5'10"
14. Favourite subject in school?
This is so dumb but my school had electives which you would change every term and they took the PSHE spot on your timetable, so I can legitimately say that my favourite subject was, for one whole term, magic tricks 😂😂 but in all seriousness, probably history or sociology
15. Dream job?
Something working with children, like an LSA or a tutor - I just finished up a master's degree in developmental psychology, so something researchy which uses that would also be good!
no pressure tags (don't think I have fifteen mutuals lmao i'm just dragging these out of my notes!): @snarkymuffin @the-young-girl-of-casterly-rock @saryn-prime @i-am-unoriginal-posts @thatrandomautist @who-the-hell-even-are-you @ellie-you-idiot @emotional-water
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brightsuzaku · 1 year
As it's technically Wednesday, I might as well discuss my WIPs!
1.) The next "spaceships as people" longpost has turned into 4 pages on google docs, and also is rapidly becoming drier than a desert. I am editing as best as I can, but it's hard, lol.
Here's a sample paragraph... The exact content of which might change later, I don't know:
"Meanwhile, formally-speaking, ships always first identify one another by the ship's registered name as a vessel, and an identification number, if necessary. In this example, we have two spacecraft, a freighter designated Laughter Beckons Tragedy ASTV3-162 and a smaller merchant vessel designated Gloryhound ASTV1-7783. Freighter names in real life at sea are almost always terrifyingly extra, or each ship in a fleet has a specific naming scheme (see Evergreen's Ever Given, the beloved Madame Stuckboat). And so, I see no reason to not be equally extra about naming freighters, some of which are considered the dumbest hunks of metal in known space."
2.) I will start work on "Botanical Gardens 5.5" (or whatever it ought to be called) sometime soon, and it should go up later... Tonight? I have like, 3 or 4 more pictures from within the Conservatories that I wanted to add, but without making the existing post way too long.
3.) "Silly Drawing of my FFXIV alt, Dragoon Quest," still lives in my brain, rotating like a hot pocket on a microwave turntable. I love him, he's stupid. He looks like this:
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I love him. Midlander Hyur, dumb as a pile of bricks, cannot read, good-hearted but deadly. That's Dragoon Quest!
4.) "Proper Drawing of my BFF's player character in an RP" got shoved onto the backburner, actually. Whoops.
That's all my WIPs for Wednesday, I think...!
(I'd tag my friends' names to put up their posts for WIP Wednesday, but I'm not feeling up to it.)
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knight-a3 · 8 months
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Some concepts for my TMNT AU. I just doodle for it because I like character design. Design notes under the cut.
Leo is a cumberland slider. It's similar to a red-eared slider and yellow bellied slider and other pond sliders. They're quick and sleek.
Raph is a common snapping turtle. Common snappers are more aggressive than alligator snappers. And I thought it was fitting, since he's more hotheaded than rottmnt's Raph. Snapping turtles have smaller plastrons than most other turtles.
Donnie is an eastern spiny softshell. I probably would've made him a florida or smooth softshell so he was a little different from rottmnt Donnie, but I just like the look of the spiny the best. He has his own version of the battle shell, but it won't be as advanced as rottmnt Donnie. It comes with robot arms to give him some extra hands while he works, and serves as a protection for his shell since it's different from his brothers. Without the battle shell, he's the fastest and most flexible, but most vulnerable. With it, he has the best defense and can scale walls, but loses his speed.
Mikey is a midland painted turtle. Midland is like an in between of the Western and Eastern painted turtles. Mikey leans a little more western though. He has yellow markings on his face, but they're red on his body. They should technically be stripes, but I'm pushing it. Painted turtles are pretty similar to sliders, but smaller. I chose painted for Mikey because the name fit his artistic characteristic.
Mona Lisa is an MMA fighter, her real name is Elisabetta "Lisa" Miles. Her sister is Vanessa Miles(based on Venus). They may or may not get mutated, idk. Vanessa has a pet turtle. Probably either a box turtle or red eared slider because they're the common to have as pets.
Leatherhead is a must. I'm going for a primarily 2012 type backstory for him. Mutated Alligator prone to animalistic fits of rage. I always thought a loincloth would suit him. That tail will not accommodate pants.
Tokka and Slash are merged into one character, but I liked the name Tokka better. I chose the alligator snapper for them because they're very large and have an intimidating look, as well as a powerful bite. Again, Snapping turtles have smaller plastrons than most other turtles.
I liked Timothy(although they played up his annoying aspects a bit too much), due to his potential as a friend for Donnie. It was a shame they totally abandoned him without even finishing his plotline.
Fugitoid/Professor Honeycutt. Haven't really figured out how I want to incorporate him, but he's enough of a TMNT staple that I want to include him. I just don't want to get too crazy with alien stuff. Having the Kraang around can get crazy enough.
Renet is either a seamstress or physicist(maybe both?), because I don't like time travel gimmicks.
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Introducing Myself
Hiya! As this is the very first post, I thought it better than any to make it all about ME! lol just kidding, this is Meeko's world and I'm just the chauffeur.
Meeko (often referred to as Meeks, Bubbas, Sweet boy, or The Puppers) is a Golden Doodle born Dec. 11, 2019 in Midland, Texas. He came home with me in February the following year so technically that doesn't count as a Pandemic Puppy, but he lived that pandemic puppy life. After 2 months of having him, his whole world consisted of just him and me. When the bulk of the pandemic was over and life at work went back to normal, he was not okay with it BUT traveling was safe and okay again, so his world got much bigger! My late teens, early 20s I was fortunate enough to travel Europe. Mostly on my own (less of a hassle to bring others along, get to go where I wanted when I wanted and do what i wanted) and I had the time of my life! The time came when I had to move back to the States, and it was SCARY! I had lived in Germany for 13 years; my whole life was about to be turned upside down. For a while I stayed in the city I moved to, spending much needed time with family, who normally only got to see me a few weeks out of the summer and had to share me with other family in other states. So, a few weeks for me but only a few days for each of them. Anyways life got boring pretty fast for me. That travel bug just kept biting. Most of my family have lived where they live for YEARS. So, I traveled to the same 3 states each summer. I NEEDED to see what else the states had to offer. I didn't want to do it alone anymore but also didn't know anyone whose jobs gave them as much time off as mine did so a puppy I decided was the best option. I had always wanted a puppy! If there was a puppy at a party, that's who I was with. My best friend and I dog sat for people all the time but just wasn't in the card for me to have one of my own at the time. My first apartment in the states was also my first time living alone. Saw on Instagram a lady had a few doodles left and in my heart I knew. The timing of having my own place plus the exact breed of dog I've wanted my whole life being available, I was getting a fur bestie for sure! When I went to go see the pups, I really didnt think I would be bring one home. I just wanted to look and see if it would be a good fit. Didn't even have the okay with the place I was living at yet. oops. But when I stepped foot in that yard looking at the light brown curly haired princess I saw in the picture and wanted so badly DIDN'T give me a minute of her time, I thought okay maybe not. I looked down and realized the white chunky ball of fur who was chewing on my shoe lace, hadn't left my foot the entire time. I really wanted a light brown color puppy but my little prince was holding on to my shoe for dear life! Got him to stopped chewy but then he SAT ON MY FEET and just followed me around when I was trying to meet his sisters. He chose me and I knew I couldn't walk away from him.
Now him and I pack up my car and go wherever our hearts desire. He loves being outside, as long as I'm there. If I try to leave him in the yard at my grandma's, lol he sits on the chair and looks at us through the kitchen window while the other dogs play. Once we let him in or we sit outside with him, he's full on dog mode. His first car ride made him a bit sick but now all I have to do is open one door and he's the first one to jump in! Long car rides don't bother him, I like to think it's because he knows the destinations are always worth it! He loves othe animals and people. Not so much babies but in a Ew leave me alone kind of way. I think he doesn't know what do with them so he just slowly leans away lol. I think because of his fur maybe, he is not a fan of dog beds and only lays on the furniture for a minute before going to any area that doesn't have carpet or anything soft. He's big and fluffy so he prefers wood floor or the cool garage ground.
Anyways this post was way longer than I meant it but that's the story of Meeko. Follow along for his fun adventures and tips on where you can bring your fur babies too!
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hlmowrer · 1 year
Week 15: And just like that, another chapter written and abruptly closed
This week was a good week.  It's funny, because from a different perspective it was a terrible week.  There were many successes, but just about every single one of them seemed to fall apart.  Two interested people that had fallen off the map reached out and set up meetings...only for someone in their family to shut it down.  Dennis was super pumped to be baptized...only for a legal technicality to force him to wait another 6 months.  Andrew had a good start to the week, struggled on Thursday, was feeling good after a super spirit lead discussion on Friday, only to bail on Saturday despite having another really good spirit filled discussion...three hours before the baptism...after we had made many preparations and hyped up the whole church congregation.
Disappointing to say the least, not to mention stressful.  And yet, I didn't have a bad week.  Actually, I feel pretty dang good about it.  Why?  Because I know I did everything I could.  I felt the spirit guide me as I spoke in a way that has seldom happened on my mission so far.  I made better use of my time.  I made sure Dennis and Andrew knew how much faith I had in them, and still do.  I was able to see the hand of the Lord guiding me to people, even when they would soon decide to not listen.  And that feels good.  It really does.
So all of that happened, and then also I got a call on Friday morning from mission headquarters telling me I'm being transferred.  That was a cold shock, because I was completely confident that I would stay.  I've been here in Midland less time than Elder Wilchek, and I'm still pretty new.  I had made zero preparations to pack or say goodbye to anyone.  Yet, here I am.  I'll be leaving tomorrow for Kalkaska, a little village (yes, it's literally called a village under Michigan law) in the north, near Traverse City.  I've never lived in a town that small before, it will certainly be an adjustment.  More importantly though I'm just heartbroken to be leaving Midland.  I've really come to love this community and start to consider it home.  It's hard, because I get attached to people and places really easily and letting go of all that with four days notice is so, so hard.  At church I spoke about how progress often doesn't feel good...So many times in a row now have I naturally tried to attach myself to my surroundings only to have my life hastily move me along the instant I learn a life lesson and get the least bit comfortable.  It's so frustrating, but I know that it's simply because God knows there are better places and people prepared for me.  And, in all fairness, I have spent the better part of a decade praying for a fast forward button to my adulthood and its forever home and forever people.  So as sad as I am to leave, I'm also thankfully capable of looking forward to this.  Probably thanks to the same spiritual power that helped me feel good about the week's efforts.  It'll be a new adventure, and I haven't regretted a single one of those yet.
With that, I'm going to go have lunch at Panda Express.  Because it's the last time I'm gonna be anywhere near one for quite a while.
-Elder Beren Mowrer
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Hey, look at you!  You actually looked at all my pictures!  Good job.  Here's a tidbit from a few weeks ago that I forgot to add.
Me:                      >*Makes some comment about being around too many "old" missionaries*
Elder Long:          > Oh yeah wait you're training aren't you?
                             > Wait, so that means you're going home in...
                             > *long pause while he thinks about it*
                             > ...Twenty Twenty fiv--- *can't even say it without dying of laughter*
Everyone but me: > *raucous laughter for several minutes*
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ardently-equine · 1 year
Went to my 'local' horseland store (it's technically midland-ways but it's the largest of their stores in Perth so it works out better lmao) cause I needed a new pair of paddock boots and a new helmet (cause my old one has had one too many impacts with the ground 🙃) for my lesson tomorrow, and I went with a decent size budget for both cause I wasn't sure which brand's styles they had available would fit/look okay on my head. I tried them all and aside from the shadowmatt which fitted alright but not the best - long story short, I'm now a Kask convert and once again Dublin have never let me down in terms of their cheaper boot selection 😌
I'm not the best photographer around, and my galaxy s20's camera quality is relatively shit, but here are my new Kask Kookie & Dublin Altitude paddock boots along with some roeckl gloves that I've got in my equestrian 'go-bag'
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ayyymeric · 5 years
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Ymir Hjörþrimul by gravitydusty
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wait this might be like. a very basic question so pls don't feel like you have to answer it but i'm really interested in the british class dynamic stuff you're talking about and how it applies to the dsmp - are tubbo/wilbur considered southern and tommy/phil are northern? is jack northern? i'm realizing now that i can usually figure out if british streamers are from the same area bc they have similar accents but i don't actually know how that maps onto like. geographical locations per se
It's largely a cultural thing tbh!
So yeah, Phil n Jack both ID aa northern. Tommy is technically north midlands but v much close enough n also talks like he does (partially cause his mum's Yorkshire) that when it comes to percieved class dynamics and cultural aspect I place him much much more promixate to northern. Like youve done placin them 3 in the same region
Like lookin at the Wikipedia page on North South divide, where he's from is defined as in different regions (either northern of East Midlands) in different paragraphs depending on what the topic of the divide is. So yeah. Northern enough for these purposes /lh /hj
[edit found new source from 2021 which places him northern so there we go]
Wilbur, George, Tubbo are southern
Ponk is also southern I think, but occupys a slightly different space thy use lot more MLE which is working class dialect n theyre Black British which is adds another element
Eret has an RP English accent but also has American influence
Uhhh I think thats all the Brits in DSMP? Sorry if I forgot anyone it's 5am kekw
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pomegranate-belle · 2 years
Fic Author Self-Rec
Tagged by @deniigi
Rules: Rec five of your own fics that you love, then tag five more people
I realized while trying to come up with this list of fics to rec that. I have written a lot of fics, lol - but I chose these five because I'm pretty proud of them and think they're fun.
The Lesser of Two Evils (AO3 Link) - MattFoggy
Foggy is a very complicated agnostic demon, whose power comes from making people compromise on their morals. Matt is a stubborn human who really hates compromising. Also they fall in love.
This one was a doozy, and took me an entire year to write, most of which was planning the lore and the ethical and moral differences between Lesser Evil and Greater Evil. It also has the plot I'm most proud of in all my fics, probably for the reason that I spent a year on it.
Other People's Blood (AO3 Link) - MattFoggy, onesided Dex/Foggy
Think of this kind of like an Earth-65 (Spider-Gwen) story a bit to the left. Matt was adopted by Fisk after his dad's murder, and Foggy was raised by Rosalind. They both turn out to be awful people, but in my humble opinion it's a delightful ride.
This one I wrote for the MattFoggy bang, with @neonbrutalism as my artist and fellow architect for the AU. It's definitely a bit outside my usual content, but it was so much fun to push it to that evil evil drama place.
Forget Me Not With Every Breath (AO3 Link) - MattFoggy
Ok, first off don't read this one until you've read @missmoochy's fic A Flower Cannot Blossom Without Sunshine, And Man Cannot Live Without Love because this is a direct sequel to that.
It's a Hanahaki AU where Matt tries to bravely soldier through the disease while attempting to rekindle Foggy's surgically removed love for him. Basically, the ending to Moochy's fic broke my heart and I needed to write a fix-it.
Matt Murdock’s Evil Internship for Struggling Superheroes (AO3 Link) - Gen, Gwen & Murderdock
Technically, this one is a part of my SV2 series, which picks up after the Into the Spider-Verse movie and explores/expands on the universes presented in that movie. However, so long as you have a cursory knowledge of Spider-Gwen, it can probably stand on its own.
Gwen needs to protect her dad from charges leveled against him, and makes a deal with her greatest nemesis in order to do so. This story details the beginning of Gwen's saga as Murderdock's apprentice.
It's something I wanted to write about ever since I first read the Spider-Gwen comics - the relationship between these two is really fascinating and comes with a lot of nuance. Also it's just enjoyable to play them off of each other.
The Ghosts of Matthew Murdock (AO3 Link) - MattFoggy or Matt&Foggy, could be interpreted either way
It's the Halloween after Matt's death at Midland Circle, and Foggy is being haunted by the ghost of his best friend. He meets visions of Matt at various ages, and speaks to them.
This one, I remember writing in five hours straight through a haze of tears - it's something I think I really desperately wanted to explore, and serves as both a character study for my interpretation of NMCU Matt, but also as a way to process my thoughts about his relationship to Foggy. It was incredibly cathartic, and I'm pretty proud of the quality considering how fast I dashed it off.
Tagging: @stripedscribe, @missmoochy, @iheartallthethings, @emeraldstorms, @inkforhumanhands and anyone else who wants to do it!
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