#technically I do have one piece that’s canon and darling related
a-flappy-bat · 1 year
New goal: make a decent enough Darling pic for this!
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For all the Control related art I’ve made, I don’t have anything remotely polished to submit. My best stuff is shipping related and that’s probably a no. I now have an excuse to try painting a canon Darling portrait. Question is, which Darling? Dynamite, mid lecture, or ‘too brilliant for clothes’ Darling?
Can I even call myself a fan artist if I haven’t attempted this??
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dyed-red · 2 years
Happy Wincest Wednesday! Everybody's getting the same ask from me this week. What's the last Wincest fic you read that you really enjoyed? Link it (and tag the author if they're on Tumblr)
This is such a lovely ask to send :) I'm answering well and truly late so the timing from when you sent this to me vs others will be off, but that's not always a bad thing.
I'm also going to cheat and rec a few here.
First gonna rec Darling by @applecrumbledore because it came across my dash last night and I reread it (okay just re-skimmed because it was almost midnight, but it's so good I still had to reread at least some of it).
I'm gonna say this rec doesn't count for a Wincest Wednesday ask because it's technically not wincest, is even tagged "not wincest", but despite that I'd honestly label it among my favorite wincest fics. Wincest pervades and informs this story in a similar way to how it pervades and informs canon, which is part of why I can't get enough. It pushes past the plausible deniability of canon when Dean is on his knees calling Sam's name while getting railed (one of the hottest scenes in a Supernatural fic that I've read for the way that Ron writes Dean's headspace with the mingle of pleasure and shame and embarrassment and desire and then the roiling horror and release of this truth slipping past his lips - loudly), but even there it feels true to canon and believable in how everything Dean does -- all that which matters anyway -- comes back to Sam.
(And if may, though Ron may not have intended this, I wonder to what extent that is some unreliable narration on behalf of Dean, some retroactive reworking of his own memories and story and world to make his life more and more about Sam, about this bond between them, to make even the times and the things that weren't always about Sam now about him in hindsight, as their enmeshed codependency tightens vicelike around them more as the years roll over them. Here in purgatory he must cling even harder to that story and vision that he's crafted for himself, something to hold on to. That something is always Sam.)
Sam is ever-present even in his absence, and when he becomes present, the glimpses we get of his jealousy and entitlement and fury are all so in character and heated, giving a charged intensity to an otherwise aching undercurrent. Even Cas is standout here. So many times he's characterized as already Knowing, but here he reminds me of his earlier canon characterization, the version of Cas we know as a bitter soldier, and it fits so well in the context of who and what Dean becomes in purgatory, and Cas's own headspace during that time.
But okay, that's my "not actually wincest" Wincest Wednesday rec.
I'm also gonna rec three works from Val_Creative, as they're the most recent works I've bookmarked. Val has works about the early seasons, typically writing short pieces, and I'm especially drawn to their episode-related works. These snippets all seem to help to unpeel the onion that is SamandDean, and each of these has a different tone to it:
Satisfaction (set during 1x06 Skin, because I can never get enough Skin fic)
Gonna Make You (set during 4x14 Sex and Violence, a piece that informed how I was thinking of Sam and Dean's history when I wrote Architecture of Choice)
Do Anything For You (coda to 3x07 Fresh Blood, inducing some thoughts about the injuries Sam would have after the events of that episode, and acting as an early work in the vein of Dean washing Sam, a longstanding favorite trope)
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harusha · 5 years
I just saw your post about PJ and I'm wondering, do you have any book recs?
On mythology specifically or overall? I’m gonna do both since I’m not sure. Also sorry for the relatively late reply, I had to think about this, and I just got back from dinner.
The Count of Monte Cristo- Fantastic page turner, and a genuinely good “revenge” tale. It’s actually one of the first of that kind (or at the very least, one of the most popular ones). It’s also a book that a lot of people cite as the one that changes their mind on classics as “boring.”
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn- Somewhat of a controversial pick (both because of its subject matter and because it’s often “required high school reading,” ie “boring” to a lot of people.)
Huck Finn is an exceedingly complex character, and his friendship with Jim is really good. Pay attention to what Huck Finn does and says; he’s an unreliable narrator due to how he was brought up, his age, and his illiteracy. There’s also a lot of symbolism and other literary devices at play in his character (ex. notice his fixation with death and how it colors how Twain writes him). It’s very much a book I recommend if you want to study the unreliable narrator as a trope, the  Naïf version of it.
As a side note, it’s very poignant because of how Huck learns to condemn his racism. One of the messages you can get from this book is “If this uneducated poor white boy can learn to overcome his prejudices, so too can someone who has been educated, has money, etc.” It is a brutal condemnation of racism (though you do have to consider the time period, the “lens” of which you have to view through.)
Lolita- Another controversial pick, and one I’ll upright say as a lot of trigger warnings attached (google the summary, and you’ll see what I mean).
Beautiful prose (some of my favorite in literature actually) and a monster of a protagonist. When you read this, remember how Humbert Humbert is framing it. He is telling his tale to a court; he is unreliable and will frame events to make himself appear sympathetic. One notable factor of the author’s skill is how often Humbert gains the readers’ sympathy despite the atrocious subject matter. I personally felt viscerally uncomfortable reading his thoughts, and this is one of the few books that has ever made me feel that way. I didn’t fall into the sympathy trap, but look at any discussion of the book, and you’ll see what I mean.
I also recommend this author’s (Vladimir Nabokov) other works.
Franz Kafka’s literary works- Kafka is one of my favorite authors because he really showcases the isolation (both due to WWI, technological advancement, and the “beginnings” of modern capitalism) of the beginning of the 1900s, and he’s one of modernism’s premier authors. His works often deal with the themes of isolation, judgement, and outcasts. 
In particular, I’m fond of “The Metamorphosis” (cliche pick I know) and “In the Penal Colony.” The former is a short story so quick read if you just wanna try his writing style + it’s very influential (See Part 1 of Tokyo Ghoul for one example).
Also know that Kafka had a very strained relationship with his father and a conflicted relationship with his religion. I recommend reading “Letter to his Father” first to get an understanding of Kafka’s psyche to truly get pass the “nonsensical” nature of his works. It, like the title says, is a letter he wrote to his father, but his mother never delivered it.
If you want even more info on Kafka to understand his works, I recommend Kafka: Judaism, Politics, and Literature which covers a lot more (and in more succinct words) than I can on his works and life. As a fun fact, Vladimir Nabokov also placed him as one of the greatest writers of the 20th century. On Kafka himself, he thought he was a failure of a human being and writer, and now look at him. He’s up there in the Western Canon with Shakespeare.
Paradise Lost + Paradise Regained- If you’re interested in Lucifer (or Samael if you subscribe to that theory), this is a must-read. Beautiful, haunting, and with a very charismatic figure in Lucifer. Alongside the obvious Divine Comedy, this work has influenced the portrayal of Lucifer and Hell quite a bit imo. Namely, the “sympathetic” portrayal you find in works such as Supernatural. It’s also an epic poem so it’s best listened to imo rather than read.
No Longer Human- Osamu Dazai’s work if you’re into that one show. An incredibly depressing book that’s often thought to be semi-autobiographical. It’s a haunting book that I don’t recommend for prose, but for the mood it evokes. I don’t recommend this unless you’re in a decent state of mind.
The Catcher in the Rye- Mildly controversial pick in that you either hate Holden or love him. It’s a book where you have to be in the “right” state of mind to appreciate Holden. For example, the period of moving away from home for college  This work deals with societal isolation and human loneliness and features an unreliable narrator.
It’s just a very particular feeling you have to be experiencing to appreciate Holden. I think anyway.
The Epic of Gilgamesh- Not super fancy or a reinterpretation of whatever. Just the oldest known written work of mankind. I like it a lot, but I like Sumerian myth so YMMV. It’s still missing a few tablets last I checked, but still a good read.
Also the related Enuma Elish, you get the creation myth.
Vampire Chronicles- I recommend the first three or four so books honestly. Afterwards, Anne Rice just goes off the rails. Prose is pretty, and Lestat is a terrible person but fascinating to read about. I am partial to Armand though tbh.
Dracula- I think this is another page-turner. I certainly enjoyed it. I don’t think it’s as scary as it would be in its’ published time period, but it is a classic Gothic horror. The unabridged version may look intimidating, but like Monte Cristo, you’ll sweep through it rather quickly.
“A Rose for Emily”- One of William Faulkner’s short stories. I think it’s a lovely piece and showcases the Southern Gothic (crumbling house, decaying and failing tradition and the southern nobility, etc.) There’s a theme of decay and time passing throughout this work.
As a side note, I actually enjoy Faulkner a lot, but he’s a difficult author imo. It’s not as apparent in this work, but more so in Intruder in the Dust (the first racial thriller) and especially The Sound and The Fury.
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof- A play that deals with repressed homosexuality (maybe, it depends on how you interpret Brick’s dialogue and actions), loss, and denial. I quite like it a lot, and Tennessee Williams actually was gay (was because he’s dead and all). I read it, but tbh I feel like it would be better watched if you can find a performance on Youtube.
The Picture of Dorian Gray- Oscar Wilde’s most well known work imo. I enjoy the prose and the themes of corruption and indulgence present throughout the novel. There’s also a lot of allusions to Faust in it if you’re interested in that.
Peter Darling-a more modern choice but it features a trans and gay protagonist. Part of what I enjoy is how it’s not browbeaten into you that the protagonist is trans. It’s interwoven into the character where it’s an important part of him, but to where it doesn’t overwhelm his entire character. However, this is a novel where I feel the beginning and ending are great, but the middle is so-so. It’s a retelling of Peter Pan.
The Tain- Focuses on Cu Cuchulain and his cycle.
Poetic Edda- A must read if you’re interested in exploring Norse myths outside of Marvel. It’s basically a collection of tales.
Arabian Nights- Scheherazade is one of my favorite female figures from literature. She’s daring, clever, and particularly resourceful. It’s a frame narrative sort of tale so you technically won’t be seeing her as much since she’s telling each story, but it’s a lovely piece and perfect for a bedtime read because of its collection of tales. A lot of them have been referenced in media and related as well.
The Book Thief- Classic YA novel rec. It’s set in WWII and one of the novels that really showcases what YA could be. Basically a classic gem in the rough pile.
John Keats- He’s a poet, but I love his poetry because of how haunting and dark it can get; he often deals with themes of mortality.. Ode to Nightingale is particularly good.
China’s Four Great Classical Novels (Journey to the West, Dreams of the Red Chamber, Water Margin, Romance of the Three Kingdoms)- I decided to clump them here since this is already super long. Each one is incredibly well-known in Asia (and obviously China), and you can find allusions everywhere to these four novels. Each novel is rather long and expensive though (I paid like 40 USD for each set). Journey to the West follows Sun Wukong, unarguably one of the most well-known figures in literature (at least in the East; he’s super influential, but somewhat less so in the West; keyword somewhat). Dreams of the Red Chamber has some very pretty poems, but it’s often thought to be the semi autobiographical work of the author (it deals with the rise and fall of his family and the dynasty).
Daiyu’s flower poem is one of the most memorable for example.
The blossoms fade, the blossoms fly,  the blossoms fill the sky. Their crimson fades, their scent dies out,  and who is there to pity?  Drifting threads gently twist together  and float past the springtime lodge;  Falling willow floss lightly sticks  and strikes the lady’s window drapes.
Water Margin is a bit “bawdier” than the other ones imo, but it’s a good tale and has many notable figures and scenes. On Three Kingdoms, it’s the one I’d recommend to start with if you’re interested in military intrigue and battles.
I also have a Goodreads where I organize everything by shelf if you prefer to look at that. I do need to update it though tbh.
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boku-no-family · 7 years
Hello!! I just want to say that I love your blog like a lot!! I know I only started following you recently but I legit spent like 2 hours reading all/most of your stuff and you're amazing!!!! If it isn't too much to ask (and if your requests are open right now and you haven't done this already[i don't think you have but I could be wrong lol]) could I request head canons on how Kirishima, Todoroki, Bakugou, and Kaminari would react to an s/o who has really bad insomnia? Stay awesome love!!
Blessyour soul Beautiful 💕 Thank you for your kind words, I’m so happy thatyou like what I’m doing! 💫 Btw, I LOVE your icon! Stay awesome as wellDarling 😉
Here areyour headcanons, I hope you like them 😃 I can relate to this ask on apersonal level 🙈
Before he and his s/o started dating, he neverreally realized that they had insomnia. It’s not like you go around, knockingat everyone’s door “Hey, I’m an insomniac, nice to meet you”. Most of the time,they concealed their lack of sleep well enough for everyone to not notice
He becomes partly concerned when his s/o stillreplies to his messages at 3 am in the morning. He is super sleepy, but it’shis s/o and he really likes them, so they keep messaging each other until hefalls asleep. Everyone has trouble sleeping sometimes, so it wouldn’t happenevery day anyway
When it happens again and again, Kirishimastarts to be worried. How can they text him this late every day and still lookso good every morning, he obviously has switched into zombie mode. It’s notlike they are used to it, isn’t it?
Without beating around the bush, he asks hiss/o what the deal with those late night messages is. S/o flushes him a smileand tells him that they are insomniac and it’s not a big deal for them to livewith only so little sleep, but obviously he shouldn’t stick to their habit. “Oibabe, watcha sayin’ here? It’s super unhealthy and super unmanly if you end updestroying your body with this”
He makes it his goal to help his s/o gettingback to a normal sleeping schedule. Suggests a lot of stuff, like dimming thelight an hour before bed, reading before going to sleep, breathing techniques,no phone before bedtime etc. If his s/o tells them with a pouty face that theycan’t sleep without their phone because they might miss him, he offers them tosleep together. Of course, if they still can’t go to bed early or have troublefalling asleep, he stays awake with them. What kind of boyfriend would he be tolet his s/o suffer alone, even if it turns him into a zombie?
Todoroki knew that his s/o liked coffee, butwhen he eventually realized that they technically live off coffee, he can’thelp but being genuinely concerned. Too much caffeine is not good for your bodyand he wants his s/o to be healthy and happy
However, he wouldn’t directly demand them tostop their coffee consumption, he would rather observe them a little to find thecause behind it. Getting down to the root of trouble and eliminate it at onceis his goal. Besides, he doesn’t want to offend them with wrong conclusions
The moment his gears start to turn and all the littlepieces are falling together, is when he realizes how much of habit napping togetherhas become and how happy and refreshed his s/o looks afterwards.
Finally, he asks them if insomnia might be thecause of their enormous coffee consumption and points out how concerned he is. S/otells them that they have trouble to maintain their sleep, means they often wakeup in the middle of the night, unable to go back to sleep again.
Sleep deprivation is not a stranger toTodoroki, actually he has the same problem sometimes. Instead of coffee, he suggeststhem to drink a cup of green tea before they go to bed, in order to relax. He alsotells them, whenever they wake up and can’t go back to sleep anymore, theyshould call him and they have a late night walk together
The moment Bakugou notices bags under his s/o’seyes and being all grumpy or he sees them inhaling their coffee instead of drinking,he asks them what’s wrong. Of course he can’t stop making one or two snarky remarkshere and there
When s/o tells him, they have trouble sleeping lately,but didn’t want to bother him, he flicks their forehead and gives them alecture about how important a healthy sleep schedule is
S/o gets a little salty because, well, it’s notlike they chose it? Bakugou gets salty because s/o is salty and eventually theyend up having a little fight
Bakugou has a little trouble to relate to thewhole situation because he was never insomniac in his whole life. Sleep is importantfor him and after a day of being all riled up, he can’t help but being tired. Oh, it suddenly clicks in his head
Drags his s/o to work out with him, making sureto exhaust them
If s/o still has trouble to sleep, he might bebent on cuddling the shit out of them
He is everything but quick to catch up on hiss/o’s problem
However, he notices when bags start to appear underneathhis s/o’s beautiful eyes and is low key irritated when they start being grumpyor making snarky remarks whenever he sweet talks them
Finally, when s/o tells them the third week ina row that they haven’t really slept or just had a few hours, he is like “Oh, that’s not really smooth, being insomniac is a problem” “You don’tsay!”
Kaminari is actually ashamed that he didn’t getthe hint earlier and tries to help them as much as possible. He does really detailedresearch on how to deal with insomnia (Google has to have an answer! Googleknows everything!)
He tries everything he recommends to his s/o togetherwith them. Sometimes this either ends in a total disaster or super funnymoments. “Denki, I don’t think thatwatching a movie at 3:30am is a good method to relax your brain”, s/o sayssnuggled up against him, falling asleep in his arms. (In the end, he ends upbeing insomniac because of Netflix)
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