#technically Hanahaki branch but she’s also that protective in different beat just more composed since she has been queen since she was five
sarilolla · 8 months
Y’all know shovel talks, right? The whole “hurt them and I/we will hurt you” type of thing, most commonly against a romantic interest by the family/friends of the person in question?
Now think about that, but reverse
Romantic partner/interest low-key or even high-key threatening family members of the person in question
NOW imagine Poppy being 20% more unhinged/feral (and Branch revealing a bit about his brothers earlier, how they abandoned him and stuff)
I want you to imagine sweet Poppy, Queen of the happy-go-lucky Pop Trolls, casually showing off the knuckledusters she stole got from Branch in the second movie, just to her friends or to Viva, gushing about how her sweet boyfriend let her keep this very useful and pretty weapon, in front of his brothers
…Way too excited to write unhinged/protective Poppy for my Hanahaki fic fr
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