#technically 11:30 pm on a tuesday where i am. shut up
fiyaharts · 2 days
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ok now im having fun
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dearest-bucky · 4 years
Birthday wish (One Shot)
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky Barnes doesn’t love his birthdays, but maybe he can learn to. 
Words: 2.5K
Warnings: none,  a fluffy ending as usual hihii
A/N: I was supposed to write and post this on Bucky’s birthday but couldn’t find it in me to do, so here it is now. I hope you like it! Feedback is truly appreciated! xx
Originally posted:  March 19. 2020
Monday,  11:05 PM
It was late and they were all battered and exhausted, but despite that, they still had to swipe the place to find any new information on Hydra and then blow it up to hell.
What was supposed to be a simple recon mission, ended up being a real bloodbath. As always. When has there ever been such thing as a simple mission with the Avengers? Something would always come and fuck up the plans for an easy in and out job.
This time the fuck up came in the form of more than a dozen Hydra thugs charging at them with guns and knifes, resulting in the death of them of course. But despite the result and the fact that they won the battle, the Avengers didn’t come out without scratches or wounds themselves.
Steve had a busted lip, Bucky was having technical problems with his arm because of a bullet that was caught in it, Sam had a seemingly deep gash on his side that kept oozing blood out and Y/n was fuming because ‘she had just done her nails the other day and she broke one of them while fighting with those Hydra bastards’.
“Thirty seconds until explosion.” Steve informed over the comms and all of them made a run for the jet before they could get caught in the big boom.
As soon as they got in, y/n was on Sam’s side, helping him with his wound.
“C'mon Bird Man, I have get you out of this shirt if you don’t want to die of bleeding out.”
“If you wanted to see me naked all you had to do was ask sweetheart.” Despite the fact that his skin was paler than ever before and he was losing all energy, Sam still couldn’t give up him sense of humor.
Bucky who was sitting just a few inches away, chuckled at his words but said nothing anyway.
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully and pressed on his gash with an alcohol pad a little more than necessary, making Sam wince in pain. Then she continued to clean his wound and did her best to stop the bleeding until they got to the compound. She was no doctor after all, and every specific procedure would have to wait for a real specialist of medicine.
Tuesday, March 10 3:34 AM
After arriving at the compound and literally taking Sam with force to the medical bay, Y/n could finally get to her own room and get a well deserved shower. The mission had taken a toll on her, same as on everybody else, but to be fair, those super soldiers had it easier when it came to fighting.
Once she got in the shower and let the hot water wash down all the dirt and blood off of her, she felt herself immediately relax. It was all she needed and she could live there forever. However, after another 10 minutes of thoroughly washing herself she turned the water off and wrapped a big fluffy towel around her body.
Next thing in the list: sleep.
She patted her body dry with the towel and changed into a pair of clean pajama, falling in her bed like the dead, immediately shutting her mind out and letting sleep take her away.
She was soundly sleeping when her door silently opened and somebody got in her room with small, quiet steps.
“Doll, you awake?” Nothing more than a whispered voice breaking the silence of the night, and when the only answer he got was her heavy breathing, he turned around without so much as a noise and left, just as he had come.
Y/n was still soundly sleeping.
5:00 AM
Bucky couldn’t sleep. No matter how tired he was. No matter how much he wanted to close his eyes and get a couple of much needed hours of sleep. He couldn’t close his eyes. He couldn’t shut his mind.
Today was his birthday. Not that he cared that much about it. He had had more birthdays than he cares to count anymore, but there was something about the date that made him restless.
He was currently in his room, half laying in his bed, a few old photos scattered carelessly on his blanket. He couldn’t tear his eyes off of them.
One of his mother with a little baby on her arms, his baby sister Rebecca. A couple more of his parents, one of his sister alone. Another of him, in his army uniform, a boyish smirk plastered on his face.
“Young fool.” He thought to himself.
All those pictures were some kind of present from Steve when he first got back from Wakanda. He said they would help him with his recovery, and of course everyone should have at least a couple of photos of their family.
After all, they were the only thing he had left from his family. And Bucky really held on to those photographs.
With most of his memories back, he remembers one of his early birthdays. He was turning 20, probably, and he and Steve had gone to this dance club in Manhattan.
He had literally begged Steve to go with him there just to dance with some pretty dames he couldn’t remember their names anymore. And that was not because of the brainwashing.
Now he hated his birthdays. Just another day to remind him he shouldn’t be alive now, in this year. Another reminder of all the things he had been through in his long, miserable life.
He let out a long sigh and turned to lay on his side, placing the photos carefully on his nightstand.
10:30 AM
The kitchen was buzzing with lively chatter, however not everyone was feeling their brightest today.
With most of the team having a day off, it was natural they wanted to spend it relaxing at home, so they were all enjoying their late breakfast and talking with each other about everything and more.
Y/n made her way to the coffee machine for the second time that morning and Natasha chuckled at her state; eyes puffy from tiredness, as if she hadn’t slept a wink, hair messy, she didn’t care enough to look at least presentable today.
“Aren’t you a treat for the eyes?” She teased and y/n just grunted in response, chugging down a large sip of her coffee.
Only after she had drank the second mug, she rubbed her face with her hands and tried to pat down the messy hair by combing it with her fingers.
She turned to look around the room, finding Natasha and Wanda sitting near her talking about God knows what, she wasn’t paying attention to any of it.
Steve was standing a few feet away, reading a newspaper like a grandpa. No matter how much anybody tried to convince him to read the news online, he insisted that actually touching the newspaper was quite a feeling. Weird old man.
Bruce and Tony were just next to Steve talking about their next science project, apparently, and Vision was creepily floating on Tony’s left side, listening intently to what they were saying.
Just as she averted her eyes to look for somebody else, Sam entered the kitchen looking so much better than last night, a bright smile adorning his silly handsome face.
“Good morning everyone.” He greeted cheerfully and all the people in the room greeted him back with the same enthusiasm.
Steve was the first to fold the newspaper he was reading and got up from his seat, patting Sam on the shoulder and asking him if he was doing okay.
When they both sat down again Y/n went to Sam with a plate of pancakes Wanda had made earlier and a cup of hot coffee, offering it to him.
His eyes shone bright and he stretched his arms out to give her a hug. “You’re an angel.” He said only for her to hear and she grinned in response.
“Do you know where Bucky is?” Y/n then asked when she sat down next to both men. “Is he still sleeping?”
Steve shifted in his seat uncomfortably and smiled sweetly her way, trying to not make his best friend look weird in y/n’s eyes.
“No, he actually got up about an hour ago and he left the compound. Said he had some work to do.”
Y/n only nodded her head in understanding.
She knew today was Bucky’s birthday and she knew how much he hated it, just like he hated making a big deal out of it, like celebrating or throwing a party. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t even wish him “Happy birthday”. However if he was out of the compound all day there was no way for her to do that either.
If there was one thing y/n knew though, was that she wasn’t going to let this go. No matter how much Bucky tried to disappear on his birthday as a way to avoid the wishes and presents and whatnot, y/n was a really stubborn person, so she wouldn’t let him off the hook easily this time.
Last year she had made him a cake and when all the team were having dinner together she brought the cake out singing “happy birthday” to Bucky. What she didn’t expect though, was for him to get upset with her and storm out of the room.
When she went after him to ask what was wrong he yelled at her saying that 'She didn’t have to do anything for him. They were not even friends so why would she care about his birthday. He didn’t even care about his own birthday!!’
But that was last year though. Last year Y/n was new to the team and Bucky was right, they weren’t even friends. They were barely teammates at that point.
This year however, things were different.
With each passing day after that 'dreadful one’, as y/n jokingly calls it now, they have actually created a special bond with each other, relying on each other a little more than they both would care to admit. It was a unusual connection, something neither of them could name. Something between more than friends but less than lovers. Something between denial and acceptance of feelings. Feelings they still hadn’t labelled.
9:15 PM
Bucky hadn’t returned to the compound the whole day. She had been waiting for him to come back sometime, but after waiting around for most of the day, she decided to stop sulking around in her room waiting for Friday to let her know when he was back.
With a newfound purpose she made her way to the kitchen and got out everything  she needed from the cupboards to make little cupcakes. Every flavor she could think of; chocolate and peanut butter, vanilla, chocolate filling, sprinkles strawberry, red velvet.
After whole hours of mixing and baking she put them all in a serving tray, putting them on the counter for anyone who would pass by the kitchen to see and eat.
All but one. She picked a chocolate one and a small birthday candle and headed to Bucky’s room. She knew he wasn’t back yet, but she figured she could wait for him there.
After more than half an hour waiting and still no sign of Bucky, y/n was starting to feel sleepy.
She glanced at the small clock on his nightstand, bright red numbers shining 11:54 PM on the screen.
Figuring it was only 6 more minutes until his birthday would be over, she just lit the candle and placed the cupcake on the nightstand as well, the candle slowly burning. She decided to lay down on his bed to rest her eyes for a moment before he would come back.
She knew he was about to come back. With the day finally being over and everything.
It was strange how well she knew him. But then again, they had spent the best of last year’s together, most of the time attached to the hip and during this whole time they had learned almost everything about each other.
With thoughts of him in mind she fell asleep slowly, then all at once.
11:57 PM
Bucky sighed when he arrived at the compound. He had been all day out wandering around New York, mostly in Brooklyn, comparing new stores with the old ones, alleys, streets, bars, everything.
He opened the door to his room quietly, force of habit really, this whole having to always be quiet thing. But he also didn’t want to make too much noise that could wake any of the guys up, especially Steve whose room was next to his.
Just as he got inside his room, his eyes fell on the body that was curled on his bed, sleeping soundly. Then to the cupcake on the nightstand, with the candle almost entirely melted, but still lighting. His mind connected the dots easily and he let out a breath he didn’t know was holding.
He shuffled awkwardly around the room until he decided to wake y/n up, going to the bed, half hovering over her.
“Y/n…” He shook her arm slightly, but it was enough for her to wake up.
“Bucky.” She smiled at him sweetly, one of her smiles that was always directed to him and he knew that well.
Her eyes quickly averted to the cupcake beside her and she got herself up, now sitting on the bed and quickly took the small dessert in her hands. The clock was showing the time 11:59 PM.
“Quick, blow it!” The candle was half out, just a small flame hanging in there, like a last breath of life.
Upon seeing the hopeful glint in her eyes, he blew the candle out without a second thought and she smiled at him again.
“Happy Birthday Bucky!” Her voice was barely a whisper but he heard it clear.
Not wanting to break her heart with his grumpiness he smiled back and thanked her.
“Did you make a wish?”
He nodded his head softly.
He had made his wish way before that moment. Actually, since the moment he saw her enter the compound after Nick Fury when she was just a new recruit. Then he had made his wish when she made a birthday cake for him in his last birthday. And he had made his wish yesterday before they went on that mission, and after they came back.
He had been making wishes every day since the day he met her. And it was always the same.
With big eyes she was looking at his face, expectantly, waiting for him to tell her what he wished for.
Instead he showed her.
Putting the cupcake back on the nightstand he took her hands in his and closed the distance between them, kissing her softly. He lightly swept his tongue between her lips, pressing his warm, soft lips to hers.
She sighed against his mouth and he felt his heart flutter in his chest. Maybe he could learn to love his birthday again.
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hometowndruck · 7 years
Georgia Tech basketball coach Josh Pastner to be in Rome on Tuesday, Aug. 8: This is a great chance to hear Josh Pastner talk about his dazzling first season with Tech and what’s ahead in 2017-18. The gathering begins at 6 p.m. Heritage First Bank, 501 Broad St., Rome. The agenda: 6 p.m., food and refreshments. 6:30: Introduction by the Rome Georgia Tech Network. 6:35: Pastner’s talk followed by Q&A. For more, please email: [email protected]
Georgia High School Football Daily. Strong showing for the Rome Wolves in the 5A preseason all-state team. Football Daily
  On Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2017, the Watters Historical Preservation Society and Model High School will present ‘A Season to Remember’ in the Model High School auditorium beginning at 6:30 PM.  The project highlights the 1954 Blue Devil football team and its run through the regular season to the state championship game vs. Claxton.  The program includes interviews by Randy Davis, owner of WLAQ Radio and Hunter Hays, 2017 Model High School graduate and football player, of players and cheerleaders from the 1954 championship team.  The interviews provide interesting stories leading to a viewing of the actual championship game versus Claxton as narrated by Davis and Jerome Webb, an all-state end on the 1954 Model team. The collaborative project was the brainchild of Jack Dickey, president of the Watters society, who approached Model High Principal Scott Savage about the idea.  Mr. Savage shared the idea with Model High Business Department Chair, Bill Hosmer, who served as project manager and involved his communications class students in the project. Hosmer says he is pleased to be part of the project for two reasons: 1) “It is an honor to play a small part in preserving a proud moment in Model Blue Devil heritage”, and 2) “The project presents an abundance of student learning opportunities within a relative context.”  Students acquired audio and video assets using Canon cameras and ZOOM recording equipment, then edited these assets using Adobe Creative Cloud 2017 software, particularly Photoshop, Premiere Pro, After Effects, and Audition.  The result is a video series including: The Cheerleaders, The Pre-Season, The Season, The Game, and The Coaches.  The public is cordially invited to attend.  Admission is free. (Story and photo contributed by Bill Hosmer.)
Model High intrasquard scrimmage set for 5:30-7 p.m. Friday at Woodard-Tuggle Stadium. The practice starts at 5:30 p.m. and the scrimmage at 6. Free admission. Parents are asked to bring sports drinks (Powerade/Gatorade) in any quantity, bottles or powder. The sports drinks will be used for pre-game meals during the season. Season tickets also will be on sale for $30 (which save you money and no standing in line). Also, Coach Powers and the TD Club will be around to update you on the upcoming events and opportunities.
Rome High/Middle Schools’ third annual Soap Game returns Friday at Barron Stadium. Wolves
Georgia High School Football Daily. Football Daily
John McClellan on the 2017 high school season: What you need to know about new coaches, rules changes, the playoffs and more. Click McClellan.
2017 high school football schedule across Northwest Georgia. Click high school
Your school-by-school look at the start of high school football season. Includes notes on upcoming events, scrimmages and the first official games of the season. Send updates to [email protected].
Armuchee: Opens Aug. 18 at LaFayette. Also: Pictures are Aug. 4 and Meet the Tribe is Aug. 5. Scrimmage Aug. 11 at Southwest Whitfield.
Coosa: Hosts Coahulla Creek on Aug. 25. Scrimmage Aug. 11 hosting Pickens.
Darlington: Hosts Gaston, Ala., on Aug. 25. Scrimmage Aug. 11  hosting Rockmart.
Model: Hosts Sonoraville Aug. 25. Also: Season tickets go on sale; $30 for all five home games. Pickup at the field house 6 p.m. Monday-Friday. Scrimmage Aug. 11 hosting Cedartown.
Pepperell: At Ridgeland Aug. 25. Scrimmage Aug. 11 hosting Paulding County. Scrimmage Aug. 18 at Cass.
Rome: Discount cards with proceeds helping the Rome Wolves football team now on sale; contact Chris and Sherri Cromer. Hosts Harrison Aug. 25. Scrimmage Aug. 11 hosting Pepplebrook.
Unity: Hosts Shiloh Hills Christian on Aug. 18. Scrimmage Aug. 12 v. Twiggs Academy at John Hancock Academy
Cartersville: At Allatoona Aug. 18. Scrimmage Aug. 11 at Westminster.
Adairsville: Hosts Ridgeland Aug. 18. Scrimmage Aug. 11 hosting Woodland.
Cass: Scrimmage Aug. 18 hosting Pepperell.
Woodland: Hosts River Ridge Aug. 18. Scrimmage Aug. 11 at Adairsville.
Calhoun: Hosts Douglas Aug. 18. Scrimmage Aug. 11 at Northwest Whitfield.
Gordon Central: Hosts Murray County Aug. 18. Scrimmage Aug. 11 at Sonoraville.
Sonoraville: At Model Aug. 25. Scrimmage Aug. 11 hosting Gordon Central.
Chattooga: Hosts Fort Payne, Ala., on Aug. 25. Scrimmage Aug. 11 at Trion.
Trion: Scrimmage Aug. 11 hosting Chattooga.
Rockmart: At Cedartown on Aug. 18. Scrimmage Aug. 4, hosting Bowdon. Scrimmage Aug. 11 at Darlington.
Cedartown: Hosts Rockmart Aug. 18. Scrimmage Aug. 11 at Model.
The Braves’ Kevin Josephina goes topside during one play Wednesday afternoon. Photo by Mills Fitzner. For more, please click gallery.
Rome Braves win seventh straight in 5-0 shutout of the Augusta Greenjackets. Media release: The Rome Braves picked up their seventh straight win, defeating the Augusta GreenJackets Wednesday afternoon in a 5-0 shutout at State Mutual Stadium before 1,046 fans. Rome came out of the gate rolling in the first inning, scoring two runs on a throwing error, and another on a Lucas Herbert RBI double for the 3-0 lead. The Braves did not score again until the eighth inning, when Drew Lugbauer lugged out an RBI triple, and later scored on a Leudys Baez single for the 5-0 lead. Jon Kennedy shut Augusta down in order in the ninth to give Rome the 5-0 victory. Bryse Wilson had a strong outing for the Braves, pitching six scoreless innings, giving up four hits with six strikeouts. Wilson (6-5) gets the win for Rome while Augusta’s Melvin Adon (3-9) suffers the loss. Kennedy (5) picks up the save.
What’s next:. Asheville series starts tonight at 7. Friday at 7 , Saturday at 6 and Sunday at 2 p.m.
Mills Fitzner’s home game photo gallery.
Roster updates: 
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Training camp in Flowery Branch is under way. When, how to see the Falcons as they begin practice for the 2017 season. Preseason schedule: Aug. 10 at Dolphins, Aug. 20 at Steelers, Aug. 26 vs. Cardinals at home and Aug. 31 vs. Jaguars at home. Click Falcons
Berry Vikings sports updates.
Football: First game at Maryville on Sept. 2 at 1 p.m.
Shorter Hawks sports updates.
Shorter University announces Danielle Brewer will become head coach of women’s softball. Brewer joined Shorter’s softball coaching staff in 2016 as an assistant coach. A native of Orlando,  she made her collegiate start at Pensacola State College before finishing her career at the University of Central Florida; where she graduated with a degree in Sports and Exercise Science. While at UCF, Brewer was named an NFCA All-American Scholar Athlete Award recipient and was a member of the Conference USA Commissioner’s Academic Honor Roll. Brewer began her coaching career as a graduate assistant at Auburn University; during which, she was a part of Auburn’s historic run to the Women’s College World Series and runner-up finish in 2016. While at Auburn, Brewer completed her Master of Education in Physical Activity and Health, graduating in May 2016. “I am extremely grateful and blessed to be having this opportunity at Shorter University to be the head softball coach,” Brewer said. Expanded release
Football: First game vs. Mars Hill at Barron Stadium, 1 p.m. Sept. 2. Schedule
Georgia Highlands sports reports.
Georgia Northwestern Technical College sports updates. 
The 31st Annual Roman Rumble 5K Run and 2 Mile Health Walk is Saturday, Sept. 16. Background 
The Harbin Hero Hustle returns to the streets of downtown Rome on Saturday, Oct. 14. Here’s how to sign up
Also: See how the hustle is tied into the Harbin Hero Challenge and how you can help five local nonprofits earn at least $500. Challenger
Arsenal fall recreational soccer league returns: Schools are back in session and we are ready to play soccer. The league is for ages 4 to 15 for boys and girls.  Early registration��is under way and runs through Aug. 22. Focus of this league is participation and fun. Fundamental skills of the game are developed and refined through activities and games. Sportsmanship, respect and responsibility are all key components of this league. All our recreational coaches are licensed through Georgia Soccer. Every game starts with a prayer and ends with a handshake. Practices are held once a week for an hour. Practices begin Aug. 28. Games are played on Fridays or Saturdays. Games begin Sept. 8/9 and end Nov. 3/4 (nine-week, eight-game season). Every child receives an award at the end of the season and there is a season-ending party for players and their team. Age groups are 6U, 8U, 10U, 12U and 15U with separate boys and girls divisions in each age group.    
Early registration discount:  YMCA members  $69; potential members, $109.                           
A $10 regular registration increase applies after Aug. 22. 
Cost includes jersey, end of season award and end of season party as well as Georgia Soccer Association registration.  
 Lil’ Gunners fall preschool soccer: Classes focus on introducing soccer through outrageously fun games and activities. We help develop social, emotional, and cognitive skills while providing physical exercise and developing players who are good teammates – on and off the soccer field. Classes meet at Grizzard Park on Thursdays  from 4:50-5:25 p.m. There is a maximum of 15 participants per class. Cost: $26 for Y members; $40 for nonmembers. Session 1: Sept. 7, 14, 21 and 28. Session 2: Oct. 12, 19, 26 and Nov. 2. Cost includes team shirt and medal.
Updated Chick-fil-A Dwarf House Sports: Rome Braves get seventh consecutive win in sweep of Augusta. Model to screen ‘A Season to Remember’ for free Tuesday. Former assistant Danielle Brewer named Shorter softball coach. More high school updates.  HIGH SCHOOLS / ROME BRAVES / LOCAL COLLEGES / COMMUNITY EVENTS NEW THIS MORNING Georgia Tech basketball coach Josh Pastner to be in Rome on Tuesday, Aug.
0 notes
hometowndruck · 7 years
On Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2017, the Watters Historical Preservation Society and Model High School will present ‘A Season to Remember’ in the Model High School auditorium beginning at 6:30 PM.  The project highlights the 1954 Blue Devil football team and its run through the regular season to the state championship game vs. Claxton.  The program includes interviews by Randy Davis, owner of WLAQ Radio and Hunter Hays, 2017 Model High School graduate and football player, of players and cheerleaders from the 1954 championship team.  The interviews provide interesting stories leading to a viewing of the actual championship game versus Claxton as narrated by Davis and Jerome Webb, an all-state end on the 1954 Model team. The collaborative project was the brainchild of Jack Dickey, president of the Watters society, who approached Model High Principal Scott Savage about the idea.  Mr. Savage shared the idea with Model High Business Department Chair, Bill Hosmer, who served as project manager and involved his communications class students in the project. Hosmer says he is pleased to be part of the project for two reasons: 1) “It is an honor to play a small part in preserving a proud moment in Model Blue Devil heritage”, and 2) “The project presents an abundance of student learning opportunities within a relative context.”  Students acquired audio and video assets using Canon cameras and ZOOM recording equipment, then edited these assets using Adobe Creative Cloud 2017 software, particularly Photoshop, Premiere Pro, After Effects, and Audition.  The result is a video series including: The Cheerleaders, The Pre-Season, The Season, The Game, and The Coaches.  The public is cordially invited to attend.  Admission is free. (Story and photo contributed by Bill Hosmer.)
Model High intrasquard scrimmage set for 5:30-7 p.m. Friday at Woodard-Tuggle Stadium. The practice starts at 5:30 p.m. and the scrimmage at 6. Free admission. Parents are asked to bring sports drinks (Powerade/Gatorade) in any quantity, bottles or powder. The sports drinks will be used for pre-game meals during the season. Season tickets also will be on sale for $30 (which save you money and no standing in line). Also, Coach Powers and the TD Club will be around to update you on the upcoming events and opportunities.
Rome High/Middle Schools’ third annual Soap Game returns Friday at Barron Stadium. Wolves
Georgia High School Football Daily. Football Daily
John McClellan on the 2017 high school season: What you need to know about new coaches, rules changes, the playoffs and more. Click McClellan.
2017 high school football schedule across Northwest Georgia. Click high school
Your school-by-school look at the start of high school football season. Includes notes on upcoming events, scrimmages and the first official games of the season. Send updates to [email protected].
Armuchee: Opens Aug. 18 at LaFayette. Also: Pictures are Aug. 4 and Meet the Tribe is Aug. 5. Scrimmage Aug. 11 at Southwest Whitfield.
Coosa: Hosts Coahulla Creek on Aug. 25. Scrimmage Aug. 11 hosting Pickens.
Darlington: Hosts Gaston, Ala., on Aug. 25. Scrimmage Aug. 11  hosting Rockmart.
Model: Hosts Sonoraville Aug. 25. Also: Season tickets go on sale; $30 for all five home games. Pickup at the field house 6 p.m. Monday-Friday. Scrimmage Aug. 11 hosting Cedartown.
Pepperell: At Ridgeland Aug. 25. Scrimmage Aug. 11 hosting Paulding County. Scrimmage Aug. 18 at Cass.
Rome: Discount cards with proceeds helping the Rome Wolves football team now on sale; contact Chris and Sherri Cromer. Hosts Harrison Aug. 25. Scrimmage Aug. 11 hosting Pepplebrook.
Unity: Hosts Shiloh Hills Christian on Aug. 18. Scrimmage Aug. 12 v. Twiggs Academy at John Hancock Academy
Cartersville: At Allatoona Aug. 18. Scrimmage Aug. 11 at Westminster.
Adairsville: Hosts Ridgeland Aug. 18. Scrimmage Aug. 11 hosting Woodland.
Cass: Scrimmage Aug. 18 hosting Pepperell.
Woodland: Hosts River Ridge Aug. 18. Scrimmage Aug. 11 at Adairsville.
Calhoun: Hosts Douglas Aug. 18. Scrimmage Aug. 11 at Northwest Whitfield.
Gordon Central: Hosts Murray County Aug. 18. Scrimmage Aug. 11 at Sonoraville.
Sonoraville: At Model Aug. 25. Scrimmage Aug. 11 hosting Gordon Central.
Chattooga: Hosts Fort Payne, Ala., on Aug. 25. Scrimmage Aug. 11 at Trion.
Trion: Scrimmage Aug. 11 hosting Chattooga.
Rockmart: At Cedartown on Aug. 18. Scrimmage Aug. 4, hosting Bowdon. Scrimmage Aug. 11 at Darlington.
Cedartown: Hosts Rockmart Aug. 18. Scrimmage Aug. 11 at Model.
The Braves’ Kevin Josephina goes topside during one play Wednesday afternoon. Photo by Mills Fitzner. For more, please click gallery.
Rome Braves win seventh straight in 5-0 shutout of the Augusta Greenjackets. Media release: The Rome Braves picked up their seventh straight win, defeating the Augusta GreenJackets Wednesday afternoon in a 5-0 shutout at State Mutual Stadium before 1,046 fans. Rome came out of the gate rolling in the first inning, scoring two runs on a throwing error, and another on a Lucas Herbert RBI double for the 3-0 lead. The Braves did not score again until the eighth inning, when Drew Lugbauer lugged out an RBI triple, and later scored on a Leudys Baez single for the 5-0 lead. Jon Kennedy shut Augusta down in order in the ninth to give Rome the 5-0 victory. Bryse Wilson had a strong outing for the Braves, pitching six scoreless innings, giving up four hits with six strikeouts. Wilson (6-5) gets the win for Rome while Augusta’s Melvin Adon (3-9) suffers the loss. Kennedy (5) picks up the save.
What’s next:. Asheville series starts tonight at 7. Friday at 7 , Saturday at 6 and Sunday at 2 p.m.
Mills Fitzner’s home game photo gallery.
Roster updates: 
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Training camp in Flowery Branch is under way. When, how to see the Falcons as they begin practice for the 2017 season. Preseason schedule: Aug. 10 at Dolphins, Aug. 20 at Steelers, Aug. 26 vs. Cardinals at home and Aug. 31 vs. Jaguars at home. Click Falcons
Berry Vikings sports updates.
Football: First game at Maryville on Sept. 2 at 1 p.m.
Shorter Hawks sports updates.
Shorter University announces Danielle Brewer will become head coach of women’s softball. Brewer joined Shorter’s softball coaching staff in 2016 as an assistant coach. A native of Orlando,  she made her collegiate start at Pensacola State College before finishing her career at the University of Central Florida; where she graduated with a degree in Sports and Exercise Science. While at UCF, Brewer was named an NFCA All-American Scholar Athlete Award recipient and was a member of the Conference USA Commissioner’s Academic Honor Roll. Brewer began her coaching career as a graduate assistant at Auburn University; during which, she was a part of Auburn’s historic run to the Women’s College World Series and runner-up finish in 2016. While at Auburn, Brewer completed her Master of Education in Physical Activity and Health, graduating in May 2016. “I am extremely grateful and blessed to be having this opportunity at Shorter University to be the head softball coach,” Brewer said. Expanded release
Football: First game vs. Mars Hill at Barron Stadium, 1 p.m. Sept. 2. Schedule
Georgia Highlands sports reports.
Georgia Northwestern Technical College sports updates. 
The 31st Annual Roman Rumble 5K Run and 2 Mile Health Walk is Saturday, Sept. 16. Background 
The Harbin Hero Hustle returns to the streets of downtown Rome on Saturday, Oct. 14. Here’s how to sign up
Also: See how the hustle is tied into the Harbin Hero Challenge and how you can help five local nonprofits earn at least $500. Challenger
Arsenal fall recreational soccer league returns: Schools are back in session and we are ready to play soccer. The league is for ages 4 to 15 for boys and girls.  Early registration is under way and runs through Aug. 22. Focus of this league is participation and fun. Fundamental skills of the game are developed and refined through activities and games. Sportsmanship, respect and responsibility are all key components of this league. All our recreational coaches are licensed through Georgia Soccer. Every game starts with a prayer and ends with a handshake. Practices are held once a week for an hour. Practices begin Aug. 28. Games are played on Fridays or Saturdays. Games begin Sept. 8/9 and end Nov. 3/4 (nine-week, eight-game season). Every child receives an award at the end of the season and there is a season-ending party for players and their team. Age groups are 6U, 8U, 10U, 12U and 15U with separate boys and girls divisions in each age group.    
Early registration discount:  YMCA members  $69; potential members, $109.                           
A $10 regular registration increase applies after Aug. 22. 
Cost includes jersey, end of season award and end of season party as well as Georgia Soccer Association registration.  
 Lil’ Gunners fall preschool soccer: Classes focus on introducing soccer through outrageously fun games and activities. We help develop social, emotional, and cognitive skills while providing physical exercise and developing players who are good teammates – on and off the soccer field. Classes meet at Grizzard Park on Thursdays  from 4:50-5:25 p.m. There is a maximum of 15 participants per class. Cost: $26 for Y members; $40 for nonmembers. Session 1: Sept. 7, 14, 21 and 28. Session 2: Oct. 12, 19, 26 and Nov. 2. Cost includes team shirt and medal.
Chick-fil-A Dwarf House Sports: Rome Braves get seventh consecutive win in sweep of Augusta. Model to screen ‘A Season to Remember’ for free Tuesday. Former assistant Danielle Brewer named Shorter softball coach. More high school updates.  HIGH SCHOOLS / ROME BRAVES / LOCAL COLLEGES / COMMUNITY EVENTS On Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2017, the Watters Historical Preservation Society and Model High School will present 'A Season to Remember' in the Model High School auditorium beginning at 6:30 PM. 
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