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pratibhamishra6392 · 2 months ago
Technical Analysis Tools for Stock Trading
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Boost your stock trading skills with powerful technical analysis tools stock trading! Spurzee Technologies provides an in-depth look at chart patterns, trend analysis, and indicators to enhance your market predictions. Master the art of technical analysis and make smarter trading decisions. https://spurzeetechnologies.in/analysis
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setaripendragon · 6 months ago
JSaMN Readalong Liveblog - Chapters 2-3
Honestly, I have no idea if I'll be able to keep up with this, the first one took an entire afternoon, and while I have a lot of free time, I'm not sure I have that much free time XD Either way, I'm going to try, and see how I get on, because this is rather fun, if time-consuming. I've never actually taken the time to write down my thoughts as I read a book before. My approach to fiction is generally that if I'm not so absorbed I forget the real world exists, I'll go read something else, which makes this sort of liveblogging a bit impossible. Alright, here we go.
Chapter 2 - The Old Starre Inn (January - Fabruary 1807)
Every time I read or hear 'the old starre inn', my mind puts it to the tune of The Magician in York. (Warning: song contains spoilers up to chapter 4 of the book, I think.)
Narrator: Chapter 2: The Old Starre Inn Me: All on a winter's day~
I find it very interesting, the fact that Norrell gives them no specifics as to the magic he's done. After all, he hangs so much pride on his status as a practical magician that you'd think he'd want to show off. But it doesn't feel at all out of character, as he sees these 'pretend' magicians as so far beneath him that why would he need to?
Which is in such contrast to Honeyfoot's impression of him as 'humble' that it's funny. But at the same time, I don't think Honeyfoot is entirely wrong in his impression of Norrell. 'Shy' perhaps gives the wrong impression, but I get very vivid vibes from Norrell of that loner kid on the playground who no one wants to play with because they're 'weird', except once they settle into their isolation and do something cool because they're just trying to have fun by themself, everyone's suddenly interested in them, and their response is 'fuck off, it's mine not yours'.
"For the nation's good. He is a gentleman, he knows his duty..." This is such an alien perspective to me. I know it's a very common attitude of the time, and something of a theme in the book, but there's a whole commentary here on community and how people's sense of belonging has changed over time that I don't have the brain-power to make right now.
"Magicians in England are a peculiarly ungrateful set of men." I love this sentence. 'Magicians in England' - you mean the rich white gentlemen calling themselves magicians? Ungrateful? Perish the thought! XD
The fact that York is 'one of the most magical cities in England' with the possible exception of Newcastle is such an interesting piece of worldbuilding, and I can't help but wonder if that's a modern (to the book) thing, that simply scholars of magic happened to gather and set off a positive feedback loop, or if there is some in-world... concentration of magic. Given the connection of nature and magic, and the Yorkshire moors being so very iconic, there might be something to that?
Also, loving another little taste of the Raven King mythos, with the mention of 'the King's city of Newcastle'. Honestly, I've never been overly invested in English history (save for Arthuriana, but that's fantasy), but the way this book builds the fantasy on top of a skeleton of truth makes me much more interested in finding out about reality as much as the in-book lore of the place. (Much in the same way Assassin's Creed made me interested in finding out the truth of the history it depicts to better compare the story to.)
I might have to go on a wikipedia spiral about the history of places like York and Newcastle at some point. If these liveblogs don't swallow my entire weekend XD
"We do not care for men who build their reputations at the expense of other men's peace of mind." I do not like this man. (I know I'm not supposed to like this man, he is a representation of the worst sort of self-aggrandizing and complacent entitlement of rich white armchair-scholars, but it bears saying; I really don't like him XD Much respect to Segundus for not punching him in the face.)
"English magicians were only ever given common ivy." Ah, symbolism. I have a lot of thoughts about why ivy, honestly, and I definitely want to do some research on this later, but the phrasing here is so telling. 'Only ever given common ivy', making it so blatantly not some sort of accolade, but something commonplace and unremarkable. There's also the fact that ivy can be associated with neglect, as it's seen so often on old, crumbling buildings, and as a symbol of nature 'reclaiming' or even taking over that which people have built. (Again with the ominous whimsy of this book; the gothic imagery of an old house all over-taken by ivy matched with the tone in which the comparison is made making light of potential drama of the symbolism.)
There's also the correlation between ivy and lovers (ivy clings and binds and twines around things. And I recall reading somewhere about it being used for symbolism in the story of Tristan and Isolde?) but I don't think that's quite as applicable here, even though my brain does love to chew on it.
I'm noticing now, as well, that the author makes excellent use of 'show don't tell'. Instead of simply telling us that the room was noisy and everyone was shouting over each other, though we do get told that, we're also given the example of an old man being very passionate about some point that no one can actually hear over the noise.
I find it interesting because I've been reading a lot of things expressing frustration with the maxim because, I think, people take it too literally. That you must never tell, and only show, which of course will absolutely ruin your pacing and make your story very boring. But this, here, is what I think it means. Of course we could simply have been told 'it got loud as everyone argued', but the art of writing is not to simply tell people what happened, but to make them feel it. And by 'showing' us this little snapshot, by giving the noise a face in this old man who cannot make himself heard over the din, despite being very engaged in making his point, it makes the whole business feel much more real.
Oh, I feel so bad for Honeyfoot and Segundus in this part. Although I find it very interesting that we never actually got to see whether Norrell did do any magic for them. We cut from him confessing that he's a practical magician to Segundus and Honeyfoot leaving, and we don't actually know what happened in between.
And, of course, neither do Honeyfoot and Segundus. Which is deeply, deeply unnerving to me when I think through the implications. Not knowing where you are is one thing, but not knowing where you have been is a whole nother level of creepy. And yet, the narrative doesn't treat it as a particularly horrifying occurance. (Again with the ominous whimsy.)
There is something of a theme of this, too, in the book, with the truly horrifying things that magic makes people capable of being treated as a sort of just a thing magic can do, rather than lingering on the violations of privacy, personhood, and autonomy. Not to say that I feel that the narrative is treating them as inconsequential or in some way not as bad as they really are, but that it doesn't pass judgement on it, and lets you draw your own conclusions (which is a bit refreshing in this resurgence of purity culture in fandom at the moment).
Like, here, Segundus doesn't react with any particular horror or upset at his confusion and disorientation. Which, honestly, I find only heightens my own horror. He's just... sort of vague and fuzzy about it all, even in his emotional reaction to his memory being vague and fuzzy. (Like how someone with mind control telling someone to 'do a bad thing' is not nearly so horrifying as someone with mind control telling someone that 'you want to do a bad thing')
I find this part particularly gave me shivers, when Segundus and Honeyfoot are being questioned about the library and they're asked of the books:
"Had they been permitted to take them down and look inside them?" "Oh, no."
Like, everything else we hear from them is just... an obfuscation of the facts? There were a lot of books in the library, some of them were very rare, and that's the impression they've been left with even if they can't remember the specifics, but that? That, we know for a fact to be false.
Which then very abruptly throws Segundus's previous assertion that he knows for a fact that he hadn't seen any magic done into doubt.
Honestly I think that whole sequence is masterfully done. Because at the time, the way Segundus explains it, we're given no reason to doubt his assertion. He says he feels as though he saw magic, but knows for a fact that he didn't. Which can very easily explain away his awareness of the extra lighting and the... (I keep wanting to call it a maze-array, but that's the wrong fandom XD) directionlessness of the hallway, as him having the sense of magic, but not, actually, knowing for sure it was such because neither he nor us the audience were shown Norrell actually casting those spells.
Except then we get that blatant untruth, and suddenly that blank space of time between Norrell's confession at the end of chapter 1 and Honeyfoot and Segundus leaving at the beginning of chapter 2 just opens up with posibilities.
There's also the contrast between Honeyfoot merely being affected in the moment he tries to explain, and Segundus having felt 'heavy and stupid' for the entire week in between meeting Norrell and meeting with the Society. I do love how clear it is already that Segundus is sensitive to magic, the way he noticed so clearly the magical lighting and direction-obfuscation in the last chapter, and now this.
"Other men may fondly attribute their lack of success to a fault in the world, rather than to their own poor scholarship." "But what is my reward for loving my art better than other men have done? For studying harder to perfect it?"
Ooooo burn! He's so catty. What an asshole (affectionate)! Not to say that the Society (and Foxcastle in particular) don't thoroughly deserve it, of course. Everyone in this room is so ready to be offended, they're actively looking for reasons. Their lives must be so incredibly boring that this is how they choose to entertain themselves, holy shit XD
Oh, god. This attorney guy. Robinson. He is so... He's something, alright. "He was so clean and healthy and pleased about everything that he positively shone, which is only to be expected in a fairy or an angel, but is somewhat disconcerting in an attorney." No kidding. And during the whole scene he's so... blandly inoffensive and faux-innocent and defferential that it puts my hackles right up. He is deeply unnerving to me.
'This would be only fair' he says, of a deeply unfair and rigged agreement designed solely to punish them. 'Then surely they would recognise magic when they saw it' he says, as if he's not perfectly aware that they've just been given an incentive to fucking lie about it. 'All your friends have done it' he says, as the only argument he can come up with to try and coerce Segundus into signing the agreement. (Once again, much respect to Segundus for not punching this guy in the face.)
Yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck. Creepy motherfucker.
I love the descriptions of scenery and environment in this book so much, they're so damn evocative:
"The very voices of York's citizens were altered by a white silence that swallowed up every sound." "The winter gloom was quite gone, and in its place was a fearful light; the winter sun reflected many times over by the snowy earth."
Oh. Hmm. I can't be sure, but I think this is the first time the narrator has inserted themself quite so blatantly into the narrative. Things have been couched as observations before, but I don't remember before this the narrator actually referring to themself, or directly addressing the reader, or positing an opinion of their own? (I may have to go back and listen to chapter 1 again to check...)
"brooding blue shadows of the cathedral's west face" "sailing magisterially around the corner like a fat black ship" "he had a strong thin face with something twisted in it like a tree root" More great description and more adjective-adjective-noun phrases.
And then we come to Segundus and Childermass's second first meeting. Again, I feel so bad for Segundus, having his mind and memory messed with like this, but, if you'll excuse me a moment, -shipper goggles on- Segundus still remembers him! "I've seen you... I can picture you! Oh, where?" Can't remember so much as taking down the books that so enthralled him in the library never mind reading them, but he remembers Childermass.
"He thought John Childermass very insolent." Aaaaa, that's my blorbo! He's so cheeky, I love him so much.
"Several looked about them before going inside, as if taking a last fond farewell of a world they were not quite sure of seeing again." And we end the chapter on yet another absolutely magnificent line. Not quite the almost-cliffhanger of the first chapter, but still extremely tantalising, baiting the reader with questions about what, exactly, is going to happen next.
Hmm. Since this one isn't quite as long as chapter 1, I think I'm going to stuff chapter 3 in here, too; try and condense things a little bit XD
Chapter 3 - The Stones of York (February 1807)
"The cold of a hundred winters seems to have been preserved in its stones and to seep out of them." I have been in old churches and this is entirely accurate. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the description in this book is really top tier. Simple, but incredibly evocative and poetic.
"Bells often went with magic, and in particular with the magic of those unearthly beings, fairies." More symbolism, and this one I know less about, but at the same time, it feels right in a way I can't actually explain. Just that the vibes, the atmosphere it creates of bells being this ominous sound associated with something dangerous.
That being said, on thinking about it, I find it very odd that bells are symbols of fairies in this book for two reasons. One is the way that humans often get referred to as 'Christians' as a whole (I remember this gets explained later as a consequence of fairies being bad at telling the difference between humans, I think?), and church bells are the most commonplace example of bells I can think of. So why, then, are bells so specifically associated with fairy magic when there's such a strong connection to the way the book talks about the people who are not fairies?
And also, one of the primary uses of bells, with more significance in the past but with the tradition continuing on to this day, is to tell the time. To put order and structure on the otherwise abstract passing of the day. Which is in direct contrast to everything else we've been told about magic so far. Magic thrives in the places that are not structured to suit humans. Trying to impose scientific reason on magic kills it.
...Okay, I am definitely reaching here, but it just occurred to me that the other primary use of bells is as a warning. I can think of a bunch of examples; ye olden ships and fire-engines, castles and forts and such. All used to say 'something is wrong, action must be taken to avoid disaster'. And that makes me wonder if the bells are less a product of the fairy magic and more, perhaps, some other magic acting as an alarm.
And the only person I can think who could have cast such a wide-reaching, long-lasting spell would be the Raven King. And wouldn't that make sense? Wouldn't a King want to have a warning that some other being is trying to abduct one of his people?
...I'm reaching, but I really like this theory actually. Even though we knew the Raven King had no compunctions about stealing his own subjects away himself. (I still think it fits, as a King would feel entitled to privileges that others would certainly not be permitted.)
Which is a whole 'nother thing I have thoughts on. It's very interesting that the second real bit of information we get about him (after the bit about him having 'only three' Kingdoms being mentioned in one of Norrell's books. I think that's the only time he's actually directly named before this?), is that despite being an Englishman, he has the fairy habit of abducting people to other lands. And that ballad about it!
"The priest was all too worldly, Though he prayed and rang his bell, The Raven King three candles lit, The priest said it was well."
What is this? What does it mean? It does answer a bit of my speculation about bells, I think - they're used as a warning/warding off it seems (given that it's paralleled with praying) - but then there's that bit about the Raven King lighting candles and this, presumably, causing the priest to say 'oh alright then, do carry on'? I'm gonna have to keep my eye out for any more candle symbolism as well, I think.
"This land is all too shallow, It is painted on the sky, And trembles like the wind-shook rain, When the Raven King goes by."
-shakes fist at the author- You weren't content giving me chills with your description in prose, now you're doing it in verse?! -weeps- God. God. I don't have words for how this makes me feel. I am going fucking feral. I want to print this song out so I can eat it. Fuck.
And it's followed up by the narrator absolutely roasting the Magicians of York, which is making me cackle far more than it probably should because I'm still high off that absolutely unnecessary bit of poetry.
I love the way the narrative builds up to the magic. We get the bells, and then a voice, and then what it's saying, and then another one, and then that it comes from a statue, and then the rest of them, and between all of it we get these elaborate descriptions of the magicians reactions and fears.
Going back a little bit. The tale of the girl with the ivy leaves in her hair. This coming in the very next chapter after we were told that magicians are associated with ivy I think can't be a coincidence. And I wonder if the girl being a magician might not be a part of why the stones care so much about her murder? Not that I think murder inside a cathedral is all that common, but I find it hard to believe it only happened once in over 500 years.
"Kings, even stone ones, dislike above all things to be made equal to others." Hmm. Given how many Kings we have this story, I have a feeling this is Significant.
The fact that the stone statues that were to be repaired flinched from the chisel is... Oof. The idea of stone having a concept of harm, enough to fear it, is wild. And it raises the question of how... aware of what they are the statues are. Obviously we have the examples of kings bickering and quarrelling because they do believe themselves to be kings. But are they aware that they are statues of kings, or do the truly believe themselves to be those kings? The first statue seems aware, talking about how 'no one saw but the stones', instead of 'I saw'.
And if they know that they're stones, then... what does it say that they're afraid of the very thing that created them in the first place? Or is the fear of being 'remade' into something different? Is it particular to that statue, and another might welcome the chance to transform?
...Apparently I am my father's child.
My dad: But what is it like to be a tree??? -overthinks it- Me: But what is it like to be a stone??? -overthinks it-
I love this conversation between Segundus and Childermass. Childermass is coming at the thing so side-ways and sneaky, and yet... he's so blatant about it? It's so obvious right from the very start that he's leading up to something, and then he just... waits for Segundus to offer, instead of actually just asking? It's such a weird approach to take.
Also, the fact that we get another of those lovely poetic descriptions of the snow and the clouds as Childermass is waiting really gives the sense of a long drawn-out silence, and I can't help but laugh at the idea of this bizarre little stand-off, these two men just... staring at each other in the snow.
-shipper goggles on- "Until all the world contained was the falling snow, the sea-green sky, the dim grey ghost of York Cathedral... and Childermass." Perhaps it's an aspect of the audiobook that doesn't come through quite as strongly in the text, but the weight put on that last? Putting him on the same level as these... rather ephemeral, magical things, the natural phenomena of the snow and the sky, and the 'ghost of York Cathedral'? As well as the contrast of these... pale, dim, ghostly things, to Childermass who's so often described as dark and ragged. Even without that description here, it makes his presence so stark against this hazy, light backdrop. (And all this implied to be from Segundus's persepective =3)
And then there's all those compliments Childermass pays Segundus once he's gotten what he wanted, too XD (Even if I do kind of get the sense that Childermass doesn't necessarily mean them entirely as compliments. I don't think he thinks very well of people who are too obliging, tbh.)
You know, this is very much my brain veering off into the wilds here, but the thing about Mr Honeyfoot pursuing the tale of the girl with the ivy leaves makes me think of... this idea I've had for a while, mostly inspired by a JSaMN fanfic, On the March, where Childermass 'wakes up' the Yorkshire moors, and the notion of how magic, which in this book is so tightly tied to nature and the wild, could so easily be affected by the location in which it's done.
And if a place like York Minster can be aware of what's going on even when magic isn't being done upon it... then are the stones aware of Mr Honeyfoots efforts on their behalf? Do they see, for whatever value of sight they possess, him fighting this battle for them, and does this earn him anything from them? Can a stone feel gratitude? Is there some reciprocity or good will there? Does Mr Honeyfoot forge a bond of some kind with, or win the favour of, the Stones of York Minster?
There's a fic in this somewhere. (Mr Honeyfoot gets into a disagreement inside the Minster, and a stone drops onto the head of his adversary. Crumbly old buildings, you know, someone ought to check and make sure it's not going to happen again!)
'The Last Magician in Yorkshire' Now there's a phrase you could build an entire other story around. Another quite powerful end to a chapter, though not quite as gripping as the last two.
Well, I'm glad these two were somewhat shorter than all my thoughts on chapter 1. And I'm now more than half way through this week's chapters. I hope I'll be able to get 4 and 5 done tomorrow (or later this evening, maybe, if I feel like it?)
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wormtoxin · 3 months ago
marxism deniers when you analyze history through relationships that are, were, or might be, instead of analyzing history by what relationships aren’t, weren’t, claimed to be, and thought about
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4xpip · 1 year ago
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ottoshelpfulhacks · 4 days ago
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strategyapex · 4 months ago
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bloggerkey · 5 months ago
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ctrinity · 5 months ago
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Claude AI Outlines Capabilities for Diverse Users 🤖 AI assistants teaching Claude AI outlines its diverse capabilities aimed at various user groups, including writing, analysis, programming, education, and productivity. It supports long-form content creation, technical documentation, and data analysis, while also providing customized assistance for teachers, students, blog writers, and…
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meelsport · 7 months ago
Beginner's Guide: Mastering AI SEO Tools
Introduction SEO is crucial for driving organic traffic but can be overwhelming for beginners. AI tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs simplify the process, making it easier for newcomers to improve website performance. This guide covers everything from setting up tools to optimizing content, building links, and tracking progress. By the end, you’ll confidently enhance your SEO strategy. Learn more…
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isubhamdas · 9 months ago
Google PageSpeed Insights For Faster Load Times and SEO
Are you tired of watching your website take ages to load? Slow page speeds can frustrate users, hurt your search engine rankings, and cost you valuable leads. But fear not! In this article, we’ll share proven tactics to supercharge your website’s speed and performance. Ways to Faster Load & Mobile OptimizationOptimize Images and MediaMinimize HTTP RequestsOptimize Your CodeExpert Tip to Leverage…
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digital-marketing-chronicles · 10 months ago
Mastering SEO: Unveiling the Power of Website PA DA Checker Tools
In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) reigns supreme. As businesses strive to enhance their online presence and climb the ranks of search engine results pages (SERPs), understanding key metrics such as Page Authority (PA) and Domain Authority (DA) becomes paramount. Enter the website PA DA checker tools – indispensable resources for analyzing and optimizing your website's SEO performance. In this blog, we'll delve into the significance of PA and DA, explore the functionalities of tools, and provide insights on leveraging these tools to boost your SEO efforts.
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Understanding Page Authority (PA) and Domain Authority (DA):
Page Authority (PA) and Domain Authority (DA) are metrics developed by Moz that predict a website's ranking potential on search engine results pages. PA measures the strength of an individual webpage, while DA assesses the overall authority of the entire domain. These metrics are calculated based on various factors, including the quantity and quality of backlinks, the relevance of content, and the overall trustworthiness of the website.
The Importance of PA and DA in SEO:
High PA and DA scores indicate that a website is more likely to rank higher in search engine results, thereby attracting more organic traffic. Websites with authoritative pages and domains are perceived as credible sources of information by search engines, leading to increased visibility and better user engagement. Monitoring and improving PA and DA scores are essential for strengthening your website's SEO foundation and gaining a competitive edge in the digital landscape.
Functionality of Website PA DA Checker Tools:
Website PA DA checker tools offer valuable insights into the SEO performance of your website by providing accurate PA and DA scores. These tools typically analyze various aspects of your website, including backlink profile, content quality, and technical optimization, to generate comprehensive reports. Users can input their website's URL and receive instant feedback on its PA and DA scores, along with actionable recommendations for improvement.
Leveraging Website PA DA Checker Tools for SEO Success:
Benchmarking Performance: Use PA and DA scores as benchmarks to assess your website's SEO performance over time. Regularly monitor changes in these metrics and identify areas for improvement to stay ahead of the competition.
2. Identifying Opportunities: Analyze competitor websites using PA DA checker tools to identify opportunities for optimization and strategic growth. Compare their PA and DA scores with yours to pinpoint areas where you can outperform them and capture additional market share.
3. Optimizing Content and Backlinks: Focus on creating high-quality, relevant content that resonates with your target audience and attracts natural backlinks from authoritative sources. Use PA DA checker tools to evaluate the impact of your content and backlink strategies on your website's overall authority.
4. Technical Optimization: Ensure that your website is technically optimized for search engines by addressing issues such as page speed, mobile responsiveness, and crawlability. PA DA checker tools can help identify technical issues that may be impacting your SEO performance and provide recommendations for optimization.
5. Building Authority: Invest in building a strong backlink profile by earning links from reputable websites in your industry. Collaborate with influencers, participate in guest blogging opportunities, and engage in online communities to enhance your website's authority and credibility.
In conclusion, website PA DA checker tools are indispensable resources for mastering SEO and optimizing your website for better search engine visibility. By understanding the significance of PA and DA, leveraging the functionalities of these tools, and implementing strategic SEO tactics, you can enhance your website's authority, attract more organic traffic, and achieve long-term success in the competitive online landscape. Start harnessing the power of website PA DA checker tools today to propel your SEO efforts to new heights!
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moneyzone123 · 11 months ago
Supply and Demand Indicator: A Trader's Toolkit for Price Action Mastery
As a trader navigating the ever-changing seas of the financial markets, I'm constantly on the lookout for tools that can sharpen my analysis and give me an edge. That's why I'm excited to share my experience with the Supply and Demand Indicator (SDI), a digital product that has become an integral part of my trading arsenal.
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Unveiling Hidden Order Flow: A Game Changer
One of the biggest challenges for traders, especially beginners, is deciphering the underlying sentiment behind price movements. The SDI tackles this head-on by utilizing a unique approach to highlight areas of supply and demand in the market. These zones, traditionally identified through complex order book analysis, become readily apparent with the indicator's visual representation. This allows me to quickly gauge where potential buying and selling pressure might be concentrated, informing my entry and exit points for trades.
Beyond the Basics: A Customisable Powerhouse
The beauty of the SDI lies in its customizability. The indicator offers a variety of settings that cater to different trading styles and preferences. I can adjust the timeframe, display density, and even the color scheme to perfectly align with my trading strategy. This level of control empowers me to tailor the indicator's output to my specific needs, ensuring it seamlessly integrates with my existing technical analysis toolkit.
Seamless Integration for a Streamlined Workflow
The digital format of the SDI is another major plus. As a member of the membership area, I have instant access to the indicator, allowing me to use it across various charting platforms. This eliminates the need for cumbersome downloads or installations, keeping my workflow efficient and streamlined. Additionally, the membership area provides ongoing support and educational resources, ensuring I can continuously improve my understanding and utilization of the SDI.
A Catalyst for Confidence and Profitability
Since incorporating the SDI into my trading routine, I've noticed a significant improvement in my ability to identify high-probability trade setups. The indicator's clear visualization of supply and demand zones has instilled a greater sense of confidence in my trading decisions. This newfound confidence has translated into more consistent profitability, making the SDI a valuable asset in my trading journey.
In Conclusion: An Investment in Your Trading Success
If you're a trader looking to elevate your technical analysis and gain a deeper understanding of price action, then the Supply and Demand Indicator is a product worth considering. While I cannot speak to the effectiveness of other products you've used, the combination of clear visualization, customizable settings, and seamless integration makes the SDI a standout choice for traders of all experience levels. The indicator, coupled with the educational resources offered through the membership area, empowers you to take control of your trading journey and unlock your full trading potential. Consider the SDI as an investment in your trading success, and I believe you'll find it to be a valuable addition to your trading toolkit.
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wizidigital · 1 year ago
Why Does Your Website Need An Audit?
What is a website audit? Why do you need one? For a complete website audit, call +91 8939 6909 23 for a free consultation with the best web development company in Chennai.
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techmarkethunter · 1 year ago
what is gift nifty?
Title: Unwrapping the Gift of Nifty: A Guide to Navigating the Stock Market Introduction: In the dynamic world of finance, the stock market stands out as a fascinating arena where investors can explore various opportunities. One such avenue that has gained immense popularity is trading in Nifty, a flagship index of the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE). In this blog post, we’ll dive into…
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signode-blog · 8 months ago
How to Trade Stochastic Momentum Index: A Comprehensive Guide
Trading in the stock market can be a daunting task, especially with the multitude of technical indicators available to traders. One of the lesser-known but highly effective indicators is the Stochastic Momentum Index (SMI). This tool can be incredibly beneficial for traders looking to refine their strategies and make more informed decisions. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore what the…
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