#tech filt
cocajimmycola · 2 years
Oh, what about names, pronouns and titles with the themes of Poolcore / Vaporwave / Synthwave ?
-- @hypnosiacon [ Neko ]
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Wave, Splash, Wade, Lagoon, Saline, Retro, Ether, Capcha, Saga, Dial, Dialtone, Viper, Storm, Toxic, Matrix, Odyssey
Aqua/Aquas/Aquaself, Wade/Wades/Wadeself, Murk/Murky/Murkiself, Lurk/Lurks/Lurkself, Sali/Salin/Salineself, Tech/Techs/Techself, Elec/Electro/Electricself, Wave/Waves/Waveself, Hori/Horiz/Horizonself, Fil/Filt/Filterself
The One who Wades ; The Being From the Deep End ; The Vapor in the Depths ; The Synth in the Sea ; The Pool Creature ; The Vapor in the Waves ; The Synth Siren ; The Waves
[ @hypnosiacon ]
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computingpostcom · 2 years
A good database solution that gives database administrators and companies the confidence that their data remains replicated and backed up in more than one instance is a pure dream come true. It eclipses all of the fears, the panic and the the doubts that usually shroud them whenever the topic of data loss hovers over their cup of coffee. Digging in and scratching every surface on the internet, it is hard to pass the conspicuous words of “Galera Cluster” when you are literally scouring for a highly available database solution for your deployment. Thanks to the overpowering magic of curiosty, we had to stretch our hands, grab “Galera Cluster” by the neck, pull it closer and take a better look at it. The result is this guide that goes in head first to deploy and proxy requests to the cluster using ProxySQL. So you might be asking, “What is Galera Cluster?”. This is just for you. Let us begin with the word cluster so that everything becomes much clearer. A cluster is a group of servers that work together to achieve a common goal or objective. In this context, a cluster will be a group of three or more servers that will be working together as a complete database solution that clients can write, edit, query and fetch data. Now we are ready to roll. Galera Cluster is a synchronous multi-master database cluster, based on synchronous replication and MySQL and InnoDB. Synchronous means that nodes(servers) keep all replicas synchronized(the same time as one another) by updating all replicas in a single transaction. Galera is an easy-to-use, high-availability solution, which provides high system up-time, no data loss and scalability for future growth. World’s Most Advanced Features and Un-Seen Benefits of Galera Cluster True Multi-master, Active-Active Cluster Read and write to any node at any time. Synchronous Replication No slave lag, no data is lost at node crash. Tightly Coupled All nodes hold the same state. No diverged data between nodes allowed. Multi-threaded Slave For better performance. For any workload. No Master-Slave Failover Operations or Use of VIP. Hot Standby No downtime during failover (since there is no failover). Automatic Node Provisioning No need to manually back up the database and copy it to the new node. Supports InnoDB. Transparent to Applications Required no (or minimal changes) to the application. No Read and Write Splitting Needed. Easy to Use and Deploy Later in the guide, we shall add ProxySQL which is a MySQL proxy server that is used as a bridge between the Galera cluster and the client applications trying to access (write, query, fetch) the database cluster. Setup Pre-requisites We assume that you have the following before we proceed Access to two or more hosts with sudo rights. Ansible host Public ssh key copied to your hosts Step 1: Copy your public keys to the hosts To copy your keys to the hosts, create a file like “list_of_servers“, and key in your IP hosts therein then you can create a script that will do the work for you. $ vim list_of_servers Then create the bash script $ vim copy_ssh_keys.sh #!/bin/sh username="root" # Set remote servers ssh username for ip in `cat list_of_servers`; do ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub $username@$ip done Make the script executable chmod +x copy_ssh_keys.sh Then run it. Sample output is provided. Simply enter the password for the users. $ ./copy_ssh_keys.sh /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: "/home/tech/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: WARNING: All keys were skipped because they already exist on the remote system. (if you think this is a mistake, you may want to use -f option) /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: "/home/tech/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id:
INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: WARNING: All keys were skipped because they already exist on the remote system. (if you think this is a mistake, you may want to use -f option) /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: "/home/tech/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:daMKa1FL3+miBpGer95yq54f0//GOcNhSlb5FnTEPP8. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: 1 key(s) remain to be installed -- if you are prompted now it is to install the new keys [email protected]'s password: Number of key(s) added: 1 Now try logging into the machine, with: "ssh ''" and check to make sure that only the key(s) you wanted were added. Step 2: Create a role that will install mariadb and more in all of the servers In this step we will leverage the power of ansible to install all of the packages we need to proceed. In addition to that, we will update each of the servers “/etc/hosts” file with the hosts we need. Install ansible: # Debian / Ubuntu sudo apt update sudo apt install ansible python3-pip sudo pip3 install pymysql # Fedora sudo dnf install ansible python3-pip sudo pip3 install pymysql # CentOS / Rocky Linux sudo yum -y install epel-release sudo yum -y install ansible python3-pip sudo pip3 install pymysql After the role runs, most of the work remaining will be to just configure them which we shall do manually. $ ansible-galaxy init install-mariadb - Role install-mariadb was created successfully The above command will create a directory called “install-mariadb” with the structure shown below. $ tree install-mariadb install-mariadb ├── README.md ├── defaults │ └── main.yml ├── files ├── handlers │ └── main.yml ├── meta │ └── main.yml ├── tasks │ └── main.yml ├── templates ├── tests │ ├── inventory │ └── test.yml └── vars └── main.yml After that, update “main.yml” file in tasks directory within the new “install-mariadb” directory created by the command above. $ vim install-mariadb/tasks/main.yml --- - name: Insert hostnames config blockinfile: path: /etc/hosts block: | db1.computingforgeeks.com db1 db2.computingforgeeks.com db2 db3.computingforgeeks.com db3 backup: yes - name: Install prerequisites apt: name= item update_cache=yes state=latest force_apt_get=yes loop: [ 'aptitude','python3','python3-pip'] #Install MariaDB server and other packages - name: Install MariaDB Packages apt: name= item update_cache=yes state=latest loop: [ 'mariadb-server','python3-pymysql', 'mariadb-client', 'vim', 'sudo'] # Start MariaDB Service - name: Start MariaDB service service: name: mariadb state: started become: true # MariaDB Configuration - name: Sets the root password mysql_user: name: root password: " mysql_root_password " login_user: " mysql_user " state: present login_unix_socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock - name: Removes all anonymous user accounts mysql_user: name: '' host_all: yes state: absent login_user: root login_password: " mysql_root_password " - name: Removes the MySQL test database mysql_db: name: test state: absent login_user: root login_password: " mysql_root_password " Add variables used in the tasks file $ vim install-mariadb/vars/main.yml # vars file for install-mariadb mysql_root_password: "StrongPassword" mysql_user: "root" disable_default: true username: devops Our role is now ready. What remains is to add the hosts to the inventory then create a playbook that calls out our role.
Open the default location of your inventory file and add the hosts as follows: $ vim hosts [galera] Create a playbook that is similar to the following. Ensure that the playbook file is one directory outside your role directory. $ vim playbook.yaml --- - hosts: galera become: yes become_user: root become_method: sudo roles: - install-mariadb Then run ansible to install our packages and configure our servers. Enter the root password for the hosts when prompted $ ansible-playbook -i hosts --become --user=tech --become-user=root --become-method=sudo --ask-become-pass -v playbook.yaml -e 'ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3' Using /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg as config file BECOME password: Replace tech username with server’s login username Step 3: Configure Galera Cluster The next step is to configure galera cluster on the three MariaDB hosts we have. Comment the bind line on the file /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf which binds MariaDB service to We want all of them to collaborate with others in the cluster. Configure on all nodes: $ sudo vim /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf #bind-address = Once we are sure that our nodes are not bound to localhost, we can now comfortably configure them as follows: Let us Configure Node 1 Add the following content to the MariaDB configuration file. Remember to modify the hostname at “wsrep_node_address” to the hostname or IP of your first host. $ sudo vim /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/galera.cnf [galera] wsrep_on = ON wsrep_cluster_name = "MariaDB Galera Cluster" wsrep_provider = /usr/lib/galera/libgalera_smm.so wsrep_cluster_address = "gcomm://" binlog_format = row default_storage_engine = InnoDB innodb_autoinc_lock_mode = 2 bind-address = wsrep_node_address="db1" Initialize galera cluster and restart MariaDB sudo galera_new_cluster sudo systemctl restart mariadb Let us Configure Node 2: Create and modify Database configuration for node 2: $ sudo vim /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/galera.cnf [galera] wsrep_on = ON wsrep_cluster_name = "MariaDB Galera Cluster" wsrep_provider = /usr/lib/galera/libgalera_smm.so wsrep_cluster_address = "gcomm://db1,db2,db3" binlog_format = row default_storage_engine = InnoDB innodb_autoinc_lock_mode = 2 bind-address = wsrep_node_address="db2" Let us Configure Node 3: Open the same file as the others above and update it with the following configuration. $ sudo vim /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/galera.cnf [galera] wsrep_on = ON wsrep_cluster_name = "MariaDB Galera Cluster" wsrep_provider = /usr/lib/galera/libgalera_smm.so wsrep_cluster_address = "gcomm://db1,db2,db3" binlog_format = row default_storage_engine = InnoDB innodb_autoinc_lock_mode = 2 bind-address = wsrep_node_address="db3" Restart MariaDB service on node2 and node3 sudo systemctl restart mariadb Step 4: Validate Galera Settings Login to any of the three nodes as the root user, then confirm that the cluster settings are alright. $ mysql -u root -p Enter password: Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MariaDB connection id is 11 Server version: 10.5.12-MariaDB-0+deb11u1 Debian 11 Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others. MariaDB [(none)]> Check status MariaDB [(none)]> show status like 'wsrep_%'; +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Variable_name | Value | +-------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-----------------------+ | wsrep_local_state_uuid | 6f0406d3-3295-11ec-8446-770e11038a6f | | wsrep_protocol_version | 10 | | wsrep_last_committed | 3 | | wsrep_replicated | 0 | | wsrep_replicated_bytes | 0 | | wsrep_repl_keys | 0 | | wsrep_repl_keys_bytes | 0 | | wsrep_repl_data_bytes | 0 | | wsrep_repl_other_bytes | 0 | | wsrep_received | 3 | | wsrep_received_bytes | 264 | | wsrep_local_commits | 0 | | wsrep_local_cert_failures | 0 | | wsrep_local_replays | 0 | | wsrep_local_send_queue | 0 | | wsrep_local_send_queue_max | 1 | | wsrep_local_send_queue_min | 0 | | wsrep_local_send_queue_avg | 0 | | wsrep_local_recv_queue | 0 | | wsrep_local_recv_queue_max | 1 | | wsrep_local_recv_queue_min | 0 | | wsrep_local_recv_queue_avg | 0 | | wsrep_local_cached_downto
| 3 | | wsrep_flow_control_paused_ns | 0 | | wsrep_flow_control_paused | 0 | | wsrep_flow_control_sent | 0 | | wsrep_flow_control_recv | 0 | | wsrep_flow_control_active | false | | wsrep_flow_control_requested | false | | wsrep_cert_deps_distance | 0 | | wsrep_apply_oooe | 0 | | wsrep_apply_oool | 0 | | wsrep_apply_window | 0 | | wsrep_commit_oooe | 0 | | wsrep_commit_oool | 0 | | wsrep_commit_window | 0 | | wsrep_local_state | 4 | | wsrep_local_state_comment | Synced | | wsrep_cert_index_size | 0 | | wsrep_causal_reads | 0 | | wsrep_cert_interval | 0 | | wsrep_open_transactions | 0 | | wsrep_open_connections | 0 | | wsrep_incoming_addresses | AUTO,AUTO,AUTO | | wsrep_cluster_weight | 3
| | wsrep_desync_count | 0 | | wsrep_evs_delayed | | | wsrep_evs_evict_list | | | wsrep_evs_repl_latency | 0.000596085/0.00133766/0.00240084/0.000607165/5 | | wsrep_evs_state | OPERATIONAL | | wsrep_gcomm_uuid | cdf9b4e6-3295-11ec-8cb6-f2ce576d6ccc | | wsrep_gmcast_segment | 0 | | wsrep_applier_thread_count | 1 | | wsrep_cluster_capabilities | | | wsrep_cluster_conf_id | 3 | | wsrep_cluster_size | 3 | | wsrep_cluster_state_uuid | 6f0406d3-3295-11ec-8446-770e11038a6f | | wsrep_cluster_status | Primary | | wsrep_connected | ON | | wsrep_local_bf_aborts | 0 | | wsrep_local_index | 2 | | wsrep_provider_capabilities | :MULTI_MASTER:CERTIFICATION:PARALLEL_APPLYING:TRX_REPLAY:ISOLATION:PAUSE:CAUSAL_READS:INCREMENTAL_WRITESET:UNORDERED:PREORDERED:STREAMING:NBO: | | wsrep_provider_name | Galera | | wsrep_provider_vendor | Codership Oy | | wsrep_provider_version | 4.9(rcece3ba2) | | wsrep_ready | ON | | wsrep_rollbacker_thread_count | 1 |
| wsrep_thread_count | 2 | +-------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 69 rows in set (0.002 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> Confirm that we have a cluster size of 3 under: wsrep_cluster_size 3 We can create a test database on any of the nodes and check its availability on the other nodes. root@db1:~# mysql -u root -p Enter password: Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MariaDB connection id is 11 Server version: 10.5.12-MariaDB-0+deb11u1 Debian 11 Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others. MariaDB [(none)]> create database demodb1; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.003 sec) Login to the other two nodes (db2 and db3) and check if the database was replicated to them. root@db2:~# mysql -u root -p Enter password: Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MariaDB connection id is 11 Server version: 10.5.12-MariaDB-0+deb11u1 Debian 11 Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others. MariaDB [(none)]> show databases; +--------------------+ | Database | +--------------------+ | demodb1 | | information_schema | | mysql | | performance_schema | +--------------------+ 4 rows in set (0.001 sec) Node 3 root@db3:~# mysql -u root -p Enter password: Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MariaDB connection id is 11 Server version: 10.5.12-MariaDB-0+deb11u1 Debian 11 Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others. MariaDB [(none)]> show databases; +--------------------+ | Database | +--------------------+ | demodb1 | | information_schema | | mysql | | performance_schema | +--------------------+ 4 rows in set (0.001 sec) This simple exercise has managed to confirm that the database created on db1 is replicated across the cluster. What a good feeling! Step 5: Install ProxySQL SQL Proxy server With a working Galera cluster, we need to setup a ProxySQL server that will distribute traffic to the three nodes equally. ProxySQL can run on the server that has the application or run as an independent server. This article will cover how to set it up on an independent Debian|Rocky | CentOS Linux host with the steps below: CentOS Add ProxySQL repo sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/proxysql.repo Since we are good advocators of good security practices, we shall change the default admin password by running the command below $ mysql -u admin -padmin -h -P6032 --prompt='Admin> ' Admin> UPDATE global_variables SET variable_value='admin:StrongPassword' WHERE variable_name='admin-admin_credentials'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec) Ensure that StrongPassword is set to a wonderfully strong password. Now, ProxySQL configuration system consists of three layers: Memory – Altered when making modifications on the command-line Disk – used for persistent configuration changes Runtime – Used as the effective configuration for ProxySQL. This consequently means that the query above has only been written to memory. To make it persistent, we need to copy the configuration to runtime then save them to disk. To do that, the queries below come to the rescue aptly and perfectly: LOAD ADMIN VARIABLES TO RUNTIME; SAVE ADMIN VARIABLES TO DISK; Step 7: Configure Monitoring in Galera cluster For ProxySQL to know the health status of the nodes in the Galera Cluster, there has to be a way through which it communicates with them all. This means that ProxySQL has to connect to the nodes through a dedicated user. We will create a user on one of the MariaDB nodes. As we know now, the user will be replicated automatically through the cluster since the cluster is already up and running.
MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE USER 'monitor'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'StrongPassword'; MariaDB [(none)]> flush privileges; You are at liberty to use a good password that you prefer here. Step 8: Configure Monitoring In ProxySQL Configure ProxySQL admin to constantly monitor the backend nodes. Add the user credentials that we configured in the step above. Remember to modify the value for password to fit whatever you have used in the previous step. Admin> UPDATE global_variables SET variable_value='monitor' WHERE variable_name='mysql-monitor_username'; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec) Admin> UPDATE global_variables SET variable_value='StrongPassword' WHERE variable_name='mysql-monitor_password'; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) Add the following monitoring parameters for intervals: Admin> UPDATE global_variables SET variable_value='2000' WHERE variable_name IN ('mysql-monitor_connect_interval','mysql-monitor_ping_interval','mysql-monitor_read_only_interval'); Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.00 sec) Confirm the variables we just configured in the above step: Admin> SELECT * FROM global_variables WHERE variable_name LIKE 'mysql-monitor_%'; +----------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+ | variable_name | variable_value | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+ | mysql-monitor_enabled | true | | mysql-monitor_connect_timeout | 600 | | mysql-monitor_ping_max_failures | 3 | | mysql-monitor_ping_timeout | 1000 | | mysql-monitor_read_only_max_timeout_count | 3 | | mysql-monitor_replication_lag_interval | 10000 | | mysql-monitor_replication_lag_timeout | 1000 | | mysql-monitor_replication_lag_count | 1 | | mysql-monitor_groupreplication_healthcheck_interval | 5000 | | mysql-monitor_groupreplication_healthcheck_timeout | 800 | | mysql-monitor_groupreplication_healthcheck_max_timeout_count | 3 | | mysql-monitor_groupreplication_max_transactions_behind_count | 3 | | mysql-monitor_groupreplication_max_transactions_behind_for_read_only | 1 | | mysql-monitor_galera_healthcheck_interval | 5000 | | mysql-monitor_galera_healthcheck_timeout | 800 | | mysql-monitor_galera_healthcheck_max_timeout_count | 3 | | mysql-monitor_replication_lag_use_percona_heartbeat | | | mysql-monitor_query_interval | 60000 | | mysql-monitor_query_timeout | 100 | | mysql-monitor_slave_lag_when_null | 60 | | mysql-monitor_threads_min | 8 | | mysql-monitor_threads_max | 128 | | mysql-monitor_threads_queue_maxsize | 128 | | mysql-monitor_wait_timeout | true | | mysql-monitor_writer_is_also_reader | true | | mysql-monitor_username | monitor | | mysql-monitor_password | StrongPassword | | mysql-monitor_history | 600000 | | mysql-monitor_connect_interval | 2000 |
| mysql-monitor_ping_interval | 2000 | | mysql-monitor_read_only_interval | 2000 | | mysql-monitor_read_only_timeout | 500 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------+ 32 rows in set (0.00 sec) Changes made to the MySQL Monitor in table global_variables will be applied after executing the LOAD MYSQL VARIABLES TO RUNTIME statement. To persist the configuration changes across restarts the SAVE MYSQL VARIABLES TO DISK must also be executed. Admin> LOAD MYSQL VARIABLES TO RUNTIME; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Admin> SAVE MYSQL VARIABLES TO DISK; Query OK, 140 rows affected (0.01 sec) Step 9: Add the Created Galera Cluster ProxySQL uses host groups to categorize the backend nodes. A host group is a set of nodes identified by a positive number e.g. 1 or 2. The purpose of having host groups is to help ProxySQL route queries to different sets of hosts using ProxySQL query routing. ProxySQL has the following logical host groups: Writers – these are MySQL nodes that can accept queries that can write/change data – Primary nodes. Readers – Nodes that can only accept read queries. They can be seen as slaves nodes. We will assign the following host group IDs to the above hostgroups: Writers: 1 Readers: 2 Writers are also readers by default. Configure the table “mysql_replication_hostgroup” in the main database and specify the reader and writer hostgroups. Admin> SHOW CREATE TABLE main.mysql_replication_hostgroups\G *************************** 1. row *************************** table: mysql_replication_hostgroups Create Table: CREATE TABLE mysql_replication_hostgroups ( writer_hostgroup INT CHECK (writer_hostgroup>=0) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, reader_hostgroup INT NOT NULL CHECK (reader_hostgroupwriter_hostgroup AND reader_hostgroup>=0), check_type VARCHAR CHECK (LOWER(check_type) IN ('read_only','innodb_read_only','super_read_only','read_only|innodb_read_only','read_only&innodb_read_only')) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'read_only', comment VARCHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT '', UNIQUE (reader_hostgroup)) 1 row in set (0.00 sec) Then add the hostgroups in the table Admin> INSERT INTO main.mysql_replication_hostgroups (writer_hostgroup,reader_hostgroup,comment) VALUES (1,2,'galera_cluster'); After that, add the Galera cluster nodes as follows: Admin> INSERT INTO main.mysql_servers(hostgroup_id,hostname,port) VALUES (1,'',3306); Admin> INSERT INTO main.mysql_servers(hostgroup_id,hostname,port) VALUES (1,'',3306); Admin> INSERT INTO main.mysql_servers(hostgroup_id,hostname,port) VALUES (1,'',3306); Admin> LOAD MYSQL SERVERS TO RUNTIME Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec) Admin> SELECT * FROM mysql_servers; +--------------+----------------+------+-----------+--------+--------+-------------+-----------------+---------------------+---------+----------------+---------+ | hostgroup_id | hostname | port | gtid_port | status | weight | compression | max_connections | max_replication_lag | use_ssl | max_latency_ms | comment | +--------------+----------------+------+-----------+--------+--------+-------------+-----------------+---------------------+---------+----------------+---------+ | 1 | | 3306 | 0 | ONLINE | 1 | 0 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | 1 | | 3306 | 0 | ONLINE | 1 | 0 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | 1 | | 3306 | 0 | ONLINE | 1 | 0 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | +--------------+----------------+------+-----------+--------+--------+-------------+-----------------+---------------------+---------+----------------+---------+
3 rows in set (0.00 sec) Admin> SAVE MYSQL SERVERS TO DISK; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.14 sec) Admin> SAVE MYSQL VARIABLES TO DISK; Query OK, 147 rows affected (0.04 sec) Save changes to disk; LOAD MYSQL VARIABLES TO RUNTIME; SAVE MYSQL VARIABLES TO DISK; Confirm that the servers are reachable: To enable the replication hostgroup load mysql_replication_hostgroups to runtime using the same LOAD command used for MySQL servers since LOAD MYSQL SERVERS TO RUNTIME processes both mysql_servers and mysql_replication_hostgroups tables. Admin> LOAD MYSQL SERVERS TO RUNTIME; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Now run the queries Admin> SELECT * FROM monitor.mysql_server_connect_log ORDER BY time_start_us DESC LIMIT 3; +----------------+------+------------------+-------------------------+---------------+ | hostname | port | time_start_us | connect_success_time_us | connect_error | +----------------+------+------------------+-------------------------+---------------+ | | 3306 | 1634852419531867 | 1252 | NULL | | | 3306 | 1634852419509819 | 2931 | NULL | | | 3306 | 1634852419487624 | 1821 | NULL | +----------------+------+------------------+-------------------------+---------------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec) Admin> SELECT * FROM monitor.mysql_server_ping_log ORDER BY time_start_us DESC LIMIT 3; +----------------+------+------------------+----------------------+------------+ | hostname | port | time_start_us | ping_success_time_us | ping_error | +----------------+------+------------------+----------------------+------------+ | | 3306 | 1634852441520867 | 476 | NULL | | | 3306 | 1634852441500600 | 768 | NULL | | | 3306 | 1634852441480454 | 1834 | NULL | +----------------+------+------------------+----------------------+------------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec) Admin> SELECT * FROM mysql_servers; +--------------+----------------+------+-----------+--------+--------+-------------+-----------------+---------------------+---------+----------------+---------+ | hostgroup_id | hostname | port | gtid_port | status | weight | compression | max_connections | max_replication_lag | use_ssl | max_latency_ms | comment | +--------------+----------------+------+-----------+--------+--------+-------------+-----------------+---------------------+---------+----------------+---------+ | 1 | | 3306 | 0 | ONLINE | 1 | 0 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | 1 | | 3306 | 0 | ONLINE | 1 | 0 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | 1 | | 3306 | 0 | ONLINE | 1 | 0 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | +--------------+----------------+------+-----------+--------+--------+-------------+-----------------+---------------------+---------+----------------+---------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec) As a final step, persist the configuration to disk. Admin> SAVE MYSQL SERVERS TO DISK; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.14 sec) Admin> SAVE MYSQL VARIABLES TO DISK; Query OK, 147 rows affected (0.04 sec) Step 10: Create MySQL users to connect via ProxySQL The last step is to create MySQL users that will be connecting to the cluster through the ProxySQL instance. Create remote user on Galera cluster To achieve this functionality, we have to create a MySQL user on one of the nodes on galera cluster that users will use to connect. Login to one of the hosts and create a database user as follows: MariaDB [(none)]> create user 'demouser'@'%' identified by 'StrongPassword'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.079 sec)
Assign the neccessary roles to the user, for exmple access to a certain database. MariaDB [(none)]> create database demodb; MariaDB [(none)]> grant all privileges on demodb.* to 'demouser'@'%' with grant option; MariaDB [(none)]> flush privileges; Create remote user on ProxySQL Admin This is done by adding entries in the “mysql_users” table in the main database. Admin> SHOW CREATE TABLE mysql_users\G *************************** 1. row *************************** table: mysql_users Create Table: CREATE TABLE mysql_users ( username VARCHAR NOT NULL, password VARCHAR, active INT CHECK (active IN (0,1)) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, use_ssl INT CHECK (use_ssl IN (0,1)) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, default_hostgroup INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, default_schema VARCHAR, schema_locked INT CHECK (schema_locked IN (0,1)) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, transaction_persistent INT CHECK (transaction_persistent IN (0,1)) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, fast_forward INT CHECK (fast_forward IN (0,1)) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, backend INT CHECK (backend IN (0,1)) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, frontend INT CHECK (frontend IN (0,1)) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, max_connections INT CHECK (max_connections >=0) NOT NULL DEFAULT 10000, attributes VARCHAR CHECK (JSON_VALID(attributes) OR attributes = '') NOT NULL DEFAULT '', comment VARCHAR NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (username, backend), UNIQUE (username, frontend)) 1 row in set (0.00 sec) The table is usually empty and users are added by modifying the table. You specify the username, password and default hostgroup. Admin> INSERT INTO mysql_users(username,password,default_hostgroup) VALUES ('demouser','StrongPassword',1); You can check if the user was updated: Admin> SELECT * FROM mysql_users; +----------+----------------+--------+---------+-------------------+----------------+---------------+------------------------+--------------+---------+----------+-----------------+------------+---------+ | username | password | active | use_ssl | default_hostgroup | default_schema | schema_locked | transaction_persistent | fast_forward | backend | frontend | max_connections | attributes | comment | +----------+----------------+--------+---------+-------------------+----------------+---------------+------------------------+--------------+---------+----------+-----------------+------------+---------+ | demouser | StrongPassword | 1 | 0 | 1 | NULL | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 10000 | | | +----------+----------------+--------+---------+-------------------+----------------+---------------+------------------------+--------------+---------+----------+-----------------+------------+---------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) If everything is okay, save changes: LOAD MYSQL USERS TO RUNTIME; SAVE MYSQL USERS TO DISK; Step 11: Test if the user can connect ProxySQL client runs on port 6033. We can try connecting to the proxy client using the user we created on galera and proxysql. root@proxy:~# mysql -udemouser -h -P6033 -p Enter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 17 Server version: 5.5.30 (ProxySQL) Copyright (c) 2000, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. mysql> We can now try run queries on the cluster. mysql> show databases; +--------------------+ | Database | +--------------------+ | demodb | | information_schema | +--------------------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> select @@hostname; +------------+ | @@hostname | +------------+ | db3 | +------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql> Other queries $ mysql -u demouser -p demodb -h -P6033 -e"SELECT @@port"
Enter password: +--------+ | @@port | +--------+ | 3306 | +--------+ mysql> As you can attest, we now have visibility on demodb a database we had assigned the rights to in the galera setup. We can also confirm that we are getting the responses from db3 of the galera cluster. Celebratory Remarks Our highly available cluster is now set up and ready for your applications to start pouring in torrents of data. You can add more nodes in your cluster as you deem fit and we hope that it will work best for you and afford you time to focus on other things. We hope the guide was detailed and clear and it helped you set up your environment. We that your visitation, your readership and your awesome support. Keep at it!!
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a-2-z-news · 3 years
साइबर अपराधियों ने डीईएफआई के केंद्रीकृत हिस्सों का भारी शोषण किया: रिपोर्ट
साइबर अपराधियों ने डीईएफआई के केंद्रीकृत हिस्सों का भारी शोषण किया: रिपोर्ट
विकेंद्रीकृत वित्त (डीएफआई) क्षेत्र अभी भी केंद्रीकृत नेटवर्क पर निर्भर है, जिसका उल्लंघन साइबर अपराधियों के लिए वर्षों से आसान हो गया है। एक रिपोर्ट के अनुसार, 2021 में, साइबर अपराधियों द्वारा DeFi प्रोटोकॉल के केंद्रीकृत तत्वों का उल्लंघन किया गया, जिसकी कीमत 1.3 बिलियन डॉलर (लगभग 9,606 करोड़ रुपये) से अधिक थी। DeFi वित्तीय उत्पादों को एक सार्वजनिक ब्लॉकचेन नेटवर्क पर प्रदर्शित करने की अनुमति…
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iosat · 7 years
Detroit's Filthiest (fka DJ Nasty) - Legendary by MOVELTRAXX https://soundcloud.com/moveltraxx/detroits-filthiest-fka-djnasty-legendary
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vulpinmusings · 5 years
Ski’tar and Friends part 12: Mines of Tragedy
This week, Ski’tar, 6, and Vemir walk into a thasteron mine.  They don’t all walk out...
The fateful start
The last battle
Vemir, 6, and I spent a couple hours resting in the bar, healing up what little we could, and fixing my Drone as we waited for the shabbad mystic to come to.  At last, I got a little tired of waiting and splashed a bit of healing serum onto her and downing the rest for a tiny healing boost.  The mystic work up ranting about Talbot like he was a living god that could do anything and had nothing to fear from anyone.  We tried every angle we could think of to coax information out of her, but she proved equally unconcerned about dying or being left behind by her glorious leader, not the least bit worried that Talbot had insulted the god Abadar by cheating his church-slash-corporation out of good money with sham goods, and didn’t fall for any promises that we wouldn’t hurt Talbot once we found him.  That last tack almost did work, actually, but after thinking over Sixer’s words, she decided she’d had enough of us and blasted her own brain into mush.
Having failed to secure any clear information beyond the fact that Talbot’s scheme seemed to have started a cult of hyper-zealots, we left the bar to begin the less certain task of following any fresh vehicle tracks we could spot.  We found a set heading out toward the thasteron mines and figured those were as good a bolt-hole as any, plus one of Vemir’s bounty targets was probably around there so we could at least get something of value out of the search. Sixer took a nap in the buggy as we drove out, desperately trying to recover a little more from his acid wounds before the inevitable confrontation.
As we drove into the mountains, Vemir and I spotted a human on a higher ridge just in time to stop the buggy before the boulder he pushed down would have hit us.  Screaming and babbling incoherently, the man tumbled down the mountainside himself and ran up to tell us to get away from his mine.  Vemir fished for information as best he could; the crazy old man couldn’t remember his name, and confused being shot with a nonlethal jolt from Vemir’s arc pistol as wizardry, which Vemir decided to just roll with.  The miner said that three other “wizards” had started squatting in “his” mine, and he didn’t want any more of our type around.  At this point, Sixer woke up and knocked the miner out, and we tied him up in the buggy’s trunk on the possibility that he was the miner Vemir had a bounty on.  We then continued on our way to the thasteron mine, as I noted we seemed to be doing quite well so far, given we didn’t know for certain we’d actually succeeded in finding anyone we were looking for yet.
The mine was a series of branching tunnels that looped back on themselves in places as the miners of old had stretched to the very limits of structural integrity searching for the once-valuable ore. Following the freshest set of footprints I could find, we made our first to a little room that had been set up as a repair station and looted it for abandoned credits and a specialist engineering kit that could supplement my custom rig.  Down the next most-likely tunnel, we spotted an automated sentry gun at the precise moment that Sixer crossed over its detection threshold and tanked a shot.  After I spent a few minutes puzzling over how to approach the gun without activating it so I could overload its circuits, Sixer decided to cut the knot by blasting the sentry with his cryo-gun, freezing and shattering it instantly.  The right-hand path from that point just looped back toward the start of the mine, so after determining that, we went the other way.  Coming up to a bend, we manged to spot a man in a Starfinder-branded coat getting into a mine cart while three pistol and club-bearing miner-types stood ready for trouble before any of them saw us.  We’d finally found our man.
The plan of approach I came up with had the aim of getting Vemir past the miners before Talbot could get the mine cart moving, after which Vemir would incapacitate Talbot while Sixer, the drone, and I kept the miners busy or made them stop living.  I pulled out my second smoke grenade, pulled the pin, and then fumbled it so it went off at my feet.  The resulting smoke cloud was just big enough to obscure the vision of the miners, so Vemir still had a chance to slip past them.
He must have tripped on a rock or something, because he barely made it around the corner before the miners were alerted and Talbot got rolling.  As the ex-Starfinder rolled past us, he clocked me in the face with his pistol, and in the reflexive gasp of pain I inhaled a lungful of my own smoke.  Coughing and choking, I was unable to move for several crucial seconds and could not give directions to the drone.  At the least, the drone was stuck in front of me where it acted as a shield against the miners.  While I was trying to not asphyxiate, Sixer – who does not need to breathe and thus could not choke – moved up to guard my flank as best he could, swinging his sword at one of the miners that came running up to me.  Vemir was too far from us to be seen clearly, but we could hear him trying to fight off the other miners.
I vaguely recall a very meaty impact sound followed by a body-shaped mass in the smoke slumping to the ground, but I was too choked up to wonder who it had been.
After driving his assailant back, Sixer found a moment to activate the environmental controls on my armor – something I should have remembered to do before setting off the smoke!  As soon as my lungs were cleared, I tasked the drone with shooting the miners while I ran after Talbot.  I saw his cart was heading up the long way around to the entrance, so I ran down the shorter path and readied my frags. Talbot shot me as he came around, which caused me to fumble my first throw, and he made the turn into the mine’s entrance tunnel.  I threw a second frag out with the intent to wreck the cart, but managed to land the thing inside the cart, so Talbot took the full force of the blast.  He was cut up, thrown into a wall, and the Charlatan’s Stone flew out to land near me.
At this point, Sixer came running up to join me, so I figured the miners had been dealt with.  I noticed Vemir hadn’t come as well, so I tapped into my drone’s camera real quick to look for the kasantha.
I saw him lying among the human corpses, his goggles utterly destroyed and his face a bloody pulp.  Dead, fallen to a lucky blow from a washed-up miner driven to protect a fraud.
I saw red, and advanced slowly on Talbot as I gave voice to my new conflict of interests.  One of my friends, someone who I had faced giant alien worm-bugs, skeletons on a collapsing Eoxian ship, and other harrowing battles with, was dead thanks to one disaffected Starfinder who, as I ranted at him, showed only disdain for the Society and our little group.  He deserved death; he deserved a frag grenade down the throat.  But, we had made a deal with Filt and Abadarcorp to deliver them Talbot alive.  Talbot was wounded, barely able to stand; perhaps Sixer and I could have taken him down and dragged him back to Tash in one piece.  But, after several minutes of growling at him and him throwing my words back at me, I decided I no longer cared that much.  We had the Stone.  If Abadarcorp wanted Talbot, they could come pick him up themselves.  I told Talbot to run, if he could, and commed Filt with our precise location so he could send goons out to collect.
Once Talbot had cleared out of the mine, Sixer and I went back to collect Vemir’s body.  We weren’t sure what to do, but just leaving him to rot in that old mine seemed wrong.  We let the miner we’d tied up earlier go so we could put Vemir in the buggy’s trunk.  If that miner had been a bounty target, he wasn’t of any use to us now that our team bounty hunter was dead.  Sixer called the Starfinders to report our success and loss while I drove us back to Tash.  There, Filt gave Sixer and me five thousand credits apiece – holding back what would have been Vemir’s share – and told us he’d keep us informed when Talbot was located.  Then, Sixer and I got back in the buggy and drove back to the city of Maru to get a proper casket for transporting Vemir back to Abaslom Station, where we would finally have to determine what to do with him.
It was hubris that killed Vemir.  My hubris.  I fancied myself the idea guy of the group.  I had all the tech savvy, the quick mind, and the gumption to think up ways for us to minimize our personal risk in engagements.  We had always pulled through.  Often it had been by the skin of our teeth, but my ideas and willingness to act had always seen us through.  And in my supreme confidence in my own brilliance, I completely forgot to have everyone activate the environmental protection systems on their armor before setting off a grenade designed to incapacitate as much as it provides cover.  I thought, in the moment, that choking on my own smokescreen was punishment enough for my hubris; that my haste would let Talbot escape as I lay helpless on the ground.
Talbot didn’t escape, but my foolishness cost me a friend.
Never again.  No more smoke grenades.  The perfect boom will not produce smoke.
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Business Agent Motion Design from Antony Parker on Vimeo.
✔️ Download here: templatesbravo.com/vh/item/business-agent/14342022
This is a video template. Perfect for creating corporate intros, business promos and presentations. Great visual effects and minimalistic hi-tech design.
Original concept No plug-ins required. The project was created by using Trapcode Particular and VC Optical Flares plug-ins. But the download includes pre-rendered version of the project, so you do not need these plug-ins Modular structure. You can replace, remove scenes and create your own promo 3 Photo Motion Filtes options Video footages with the man working with HUD elements are INCLUDED in the project Easy to edit Video tutorials shows you how to customize this template Amazing soundtrack created by AudioPizza, available at [information on project page]: [information on project page]
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Best PS5 Accessories For 2021: PlayStation 5 Headsets, Controllers
The PlayStation 5 launched with a range of first-party PS5 accessories, from the DualSense Wireless Controller to the Pulse 3D Headset and PlayStation Media Remote, but while each of these can enhance your experience in different ways, they're not the only accessories for Xbox worth picking up for your new console. Brands like Logitech, Razer, Samsung, and SteelSeries all have quality products designed specifically for the PS5 (or that will work via backwards compatibility), and now that the PS5 has been on the market for some time, you can find a PS5 accessory for pretty much any specific need at this point. With that in mind, we've rounded up the very best PS5 accessories worth picking up so far, from standard controllers and headsets to flight sticks, racing wheels, external storage, and more.
For more recommendations on PS5 software and accessories for playstation, check out our guides to the best PS5 games of 2021, plus the best PS5 headsets and controllers beyond just the first-party options.
Sony's PS5 DualSense controller is a fantastic upgrade over the PS4's DualShock 4, reshaping the controller to give it a more comfortable, ergonomic shape and more easily visible light bars on either side of the touchpad. Its standout feature is the haptic feedback that, when fully utilized in compatible games, creates immersive vibrations that really let you feel what's happening in the game. Adaptive triggers work in tandem with this as well to further enhance PS5 games, offering different levels of resistance in the L2 and R2 triggers to simulate the feeling of, for instance, drawing back a bowstring. This can also be used to make different weapons, like guns, feel different when switching between them. Overall, the DualSense is an excellent controller that feels kind of magical when its features are fully utilized, and now that two new colors, Midnight Black and Cosmic Red, are available, there's good reason to pick up a second one just to have for multiplayer or switching to while your first controller charges.
Sooner or later, you're probably going to want to pick up a charging station for your DualSense controller, and this official one from Sony can charge two at once, meaning you'll always have a controller ready to go when you get that low-battery notification. It takes a little getting used to, but when you slide a controller in, you'll hear a slight click and see it light up, letting you know it's connected and charging. In terms of convenience, this is easily one of the best PS5 accessories to pick up as soon as you can. No one likes messing with a charging wire.
Surprisingly, the PS5's first-party headset option, the Pulse 3D, is on the more affordable end of the spectrum for quality headsets; however, this is paired with a build that does feel somewhat flimsy, cheap, and easy to break. On the flip side, it delivers rich audio using Sony's proprietary Tempest 3D AudioTech, which really brings surrounding environments alive in PS5 games like Spider-Man: Miles Morales, letting you hear subtle sounds and get a better sense directionally of what's around you. It also supports both wireless and wired connectivity for not only PS5 but also PS4, PC, and Mac, with a battery life of up to 12 hours. At the end of the day, it's still one of the best PS5 headsets to buy, especially if you don't want to break the $100 mark, but there are even better third-party headsets we recommend that fall between $150 and $200.
SteelSeries headsets have been very popular for years, and the Arctis 7P is its next-gen headset designed specifically for PS5, though we like it for its versatility, as you can also use it with PS4, PC, Android, and Nintendo Switch thanks to an included USB-C dongle. Featuring 2.4GHz wireless audio and a low-latency connection, the Arctis 7P also pairs nicely with the PS5's 3D audio tech with excellent sound quality for such a versatile headset. Like the BlackShark V2 Pro, it's also a more durable and comfortable option than the Pulse 3D, with a lightweight steel frame and elastic ski goggle band for an adjustable fit. It also has a retractable, bidirectional microphone for clear voice capture and a 24-hour battery life to last during all-day gaming sessions.
For those planning on streaming their PS5 gameplay on Twitch or YouTube, the PlayStation HD camera is one essential accessory that'll make the entire process a breeze. Featuring 1080p capture, the PlayStation HD camera lets you record yourself and your gameplay by using the DualSense's share button, and by using the PS5's built-in background removal tools, you can add yourself to gameplay videos while streaming in picture-in-picture mode. You can crop the background or even lose it completely if you have a green screen.
The Razer Raion has long been one of our picks for the best PS4 controllers, and it still works great for playing backwards-compatible PS4 games on PS5. Though its layout may look strange, the Razer Raion is optimized for fighting games, and its six-button layout resembles what you'd find on a fight stick. It has a fantastic, clicky D-pad and is lightweight enough to comfortably hold in one hand, letting you tap on the rows of buttons piano-style. However, it also has digital buttons for every DualShock 4 shoulder button and trigger if you prefer to use it that way. Also convenient is the fact that you won't need to switch between the Raion and a more fully-featured Ps5 controller faceplate for things like character customization, as it lets you map the D-pad to the left and right analog sticks. Though the Razer Raion isn't for most PlayStation games and certainly not every type of gamer, for fighting game fans, it's a budget-friendly option that will take your experience in games like Mortal Kombat 11 and Tekken 7 to the next level.
The Victrix Pro FS is on the expensive end of fight sticks, but for hardcore fighting game fans, it's worth every penny, and it's forward-compatible with PS5. The Victrix Pro FS has a premium build made of durable aluminum and authentic Sanwa Denshi parts, its buttons are satisfyingly clicky, and the joystick is equally satisfying to use as well as accurate in its movements. In addition to all the essential fight stick buttons, it has several added features including three programmable buttons, customizable audio, lighting adjustments, and an easy access door for swapping out components. It's also a travel-friendly stick with a removable joystick, a plastic organizer to wrap your cables around, and handles for carrying. Costing as much as a console, the Victrix Pro FS isn't for everyone, but if you're serious about having the best fighting game experience on Ps5 dual charging and competitive play, this is an excellent investment.
As with fighting games, you can certainly use your regular old DualSense with racing games, but if you're passionate about the genre and want a more realistic experience with games like Gran Turismo Sport and Assetto Corsa Competizione, a racing wheel and set of pedals is designed for just that. Released in August 2020, Logitech's next-gen racing wheel, the G923, has everything you need for the best racing experience on dongle Ps5. Its TrueForce technology delivers next-gen force feedback with a physics engine that's directly connected to the wheel for heightened responsiveness. Essentially, the wheel synchronizes with your gameplay to deliver a more immersive and realistic experience. The downside is that right now, TrueForce is supported for only a handful of games: Grid, Assetto Corsa Competizione, iRacing, Gran Turismo Sport, Showrunner, and Dirt Rally 2.0.
The Logitech G923 also features a programmable dual clutch launch assist to get you off the starting line cleaner and faster, a progressive spring brake to simulate a pressure-sensitive brake system, a built-in rev indicator that can show you when you're redlining, and a whole set of customization options via Logitech's G Hub software.
Most flight sticks out there are designed for PC, but with flight sims having a bit of a resurgence recently thanks to games like Star Wars Squadrons and Microsoft Flight Simulator, we're starting to see more options for consoles. The official PlayStation-licensed Thrustmaster T.Flight HOTAS 4 is an affordable option that, crucially, is also widely available to buy. It'll work great with games like Star Wars Squadrons and Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown.
A great entry-level flight stick for those just dipping their toes into the flight sim genre, the T.Flight HOTAS 4 features adjustable joystick resistance, a detachable throttle, and a dual-rudder system that operates by rotating the handle with an integrated locking system or by the progressive tilting lever. The flight system has five axes, 12 action buttons, one rapid-fire trigger, and one multidirectional hat switch for navigation/panoramic view.
The democratization of music production has meant that just about anybody can make music from their personal computer. As a result, there's a lot of great music coming out from people who wouldn't have been able to create anything 10 years ago.
That said, whatever personal DAW (digital audio workstation) you choose as your preference, you'll need to use plugins in order to procure certain sounds that you'll need for your music. The Complete 2021 Synth & Sound Software Bundle from Applied Acoustics sets you off immediately with a collection of 10 software kits that include psychoacoustic effects, piano tones, strumming patterns, sound effects, arrangements, and more.
Specifically, you'll get the Objeq Delay filter, which grants effects ranging from echoes to modulations to loops. On top of that, the bundle includes a variety of arpeggiators from composer David Kristian, a collection of folk loops from Celine Dion's keyboardist, and a bunch of other stuff that, in total, almost completely encompasses every possible preset or filter you could ever want for creating your own music. You can go through the different plugins yourself, but suffice it to say that musicians have raved about the different features included here. Whether you are an accomplished musician, like many of the contributors to this bundle are, or a novice beginner who is looking to dip your toes into an ocean of different DAW software, there's something of value for everyone who purchases this expansive bundle.
To put the cherry on top, you can get the Complete 2021 Synth & Sound Software Bundle from Applied Acoustics for just $30. If you've bought music plugins online before, you know how expensive they can be, so the value of this deal stands out even more at an average price of just $3 per individual software pack within. Start creating at a higher level and invest in your musical career with Applied Acoustics.
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biollamotors · 4 years
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hydromo · 5 years
Top Global Water Management Companies in India
Top Global Water Management Companies in India
Today, one out of nine individuals needs access to safe water. As per the reports, 900 million people are living without access to safe water and this clearly reveals that it is still one of the issues that should be taken care of. Water crisis is also a health crisis as access to safe water means an opportunity for improved health to fight diseases causing trouble. Water Treatment Companies play a vital role when it comes to the health of individuals. Usually, Water Treatment does not solely involve in the method of purifying water to make it drinkable but also involves in industry level processing of water to utilize it for varied Industries.
Water Treatment Includes purifying methods like Filtration, chemical treatments like Reverse Diffusion & Sedimentation that make the water the most essential Components for everything to neutralize the water quality.
So, let’s have a glance at top Water Treatment Co-operations that offer domestic as well as industry level water solutions in India.
GE Water
GE Water process and technology is part of the GE group founded in the year 1892 and focused to fulfill the requirement of drinking water for the people in India. The Company has 50 projects and 20 undertaking projects in India to develop the municipal water treatment, industrial water treatment, metal removal and also monitor the quality of drinking water. It’s providing comprehensive Solutions for all Water and Waste Water treatment, water recycling needs and customized solutions for customer’s Solutions with high potency and low operation prices.
Thermax India
The corporate company has over 40 years of contribution in the field of treating waste matter for a sustainable environment. The company has 19 international offices, 11 manufacturing units and 12 sales offices and provides water solutions that include water treatment, effluent treatment, desalination and much more. Thermax provides cost-effective raw water treatment solutions for the reduction of suspended solids in surface water.
VA Tech Wabag GMBH
The Organization VA Tech Wabag GMBH is an Indian multinational company with headquarters in Chennai, India established and commencing its pursuit in the year of 1996 offering its services such as municipal water treatment and industrial wastewater treatment facility in Metros like Delhi, Kolkata, Pune, Vadodara and also countries like Austria, Algeria, Tunisia, Romania, Turkey etc., and Substantially more. The company Founded in Breslau in 1924 which is a pure-play water technology company concentrated on Water Treatment for Metropolitan and Industrial clients and is recognized for its quality and divine service in the field of water treatment. This is an Association which offers Water treatment, Industrial water treatment, sea water desalination, wastewater treatment and sludge treatment services.
SIMENS water technologies
SIEMENS Water Treatment Company provides qualitative service in the field of Water Treatment and Sewage Treatment in India since the year of 1969. It mostly focuses and has its expertise in water treatment through electrification, automation and digitization techniques of water treatment as well as sewage treatment. Specializes in providing world-leading water treatment products, system and services for agricultural and industrial applications.
Volta’s Water Management and Treatment Limited
The company commences its pursuit in India in the year of 1977 as a joint endeavor with Ames Crosta Babcock, UK. The company provides wastewater treatment and sewage treatment for public water supply and few ventures for sustainable development in the environment. Voltas Water management is the Maker of full range water, wastewater and Sewage Water Treatment equipment’s utilizing strategies that are of top-notch standards.
Hindustan Dorr-Oliver Limited
Hindustan Dorr-Oliver Limited is the sole Indian based pioneer company providing water and wastewater treatment in India. It provides numerous products and services like design, building, operating, maintaining, upgrading and proper Management of Water and Wastewater Plants. It additionally provides desalination of sea water in order to provide drinking water in the areas of acute shortage of drinking water. Engaged in providing engineering and turnkey solutions & technologies across diverse business verticals such as Environmental, Paper & Pulp, Hydrocarbon Sector and more.
W.O.G. Technologies
W.O.G. Technology is the global water treatment or sewage Treatment Company operating from the USA, Thailand, Singapore, Pakistan, Portugal and other countries. The company provides sustainable and eco-friendly solutions for Wastewater Treatment withholding utmost expertise & skillful professionals and technocrats which help the company to provide the technology-based solutions to water and sewage treatment.
UEM Clean Solution
The UEM Clean Solution is a Global environmental service company providing safe drinking water since the year 1973. The company’s main focus is providing a genuine solution to wastewater treatment in addition to end-to-end services like the collection of wastewater, treatment of the wastewater, disposal by designing, construction, maintenance and operation of wastewater treatment plants. UEM Clean Solutions focuses on the areas of surface, ground, and sea Water Desalination and alternative water treatment services.
SFC Environmental Technologies Private Ltd.:
SFC Environmental Technologies Private Ltd. is equipped with most cutting edge machinery and technology towards water treatment with Numerous Advance techniques such as C-Tech a radar technology for treating of waste, C-MEM (micro/ultra filtration), C-FLOC, C-Filt, and C-RO (reverse osmosis) for the treatment of sewage and industrial waste. The company is operating in multiple countries as India, Egypt, Vietnam, China, Czech Republic, Austria and Poland. Due to its methods and scientific way of treating the waste, it has gained the preferences of most people. Usage of different contemporary technologies like C-MEM, C-FLOC, C-FILT and C-RO, water treatment is ensured with a noteworthy degree of quality.
ION Exchange India Ltd:
The company was an associate to Asian nation subsidiary of the Permutit Company UK who sold their holding to India and now, primarily it’s an Indian based company. The company is providing services like water treatment, water recycling, Wastewater Treatment and other services which include central drinking water treatment system, rehabilitation and plant automation since its incubation i.e. from the year 1964. The company has many years of experience and the group of experts are delivering their service in a most sincere and decent manner. ION exchange is a Supplier of a wide range of environmental solutions that include Water Treatment, liquid waste treatment & recycle, air pollution management, solid & hazardous waste management and more.
Today, significant innovative progressions in water treatment including monitoring and assessment help to ensure supply of high-quality safe drinking water. The source of the raw water and its Fundamental conditions generally determine the design and the steps needed in the Water Treatment Process.
Water treatment technology adopted the nature’s purifying process and enhanced it by cleaning water at a faster rate with greater control over finished quality and efficiency. When the water quality needs to be high, further treatment procedures would be applied. Hydromo is one of the major water and waste water treatment companies situated in Hyderabad specialized in planning, generation and supply of treatment systems, industrial machinery and luxury amenities for the water sector, custom-made to suit the client’s requirements. Hydromo is structured to supply propelled water treatment plants, RO systems, Sewage treatment plants, effluent treatment plants, water softeners, pumps, rain water systems and a lot more.
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bunnyliam · 7 years
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filtration-products · 7 years
Heating & Air Conditioning Fraud Notify – Read through This Now!
As a home owner myself and a Professional Dwelling Inspector in the Dallas Fort Truly worth are for decades I just had to convey to anyone about some of these thoughts that companies are making an attempt to get us to imagine. I hope this can help understand some of these challenges.
Owners there are virtually hundreds of solutions and devices getting promoted every day in the HVAC sector that declare to cut down electricity or maximize the potential of AC methods by big percentages. Do not grow to be a different sufferer of dishonest contractors and thoughts that present to very good to be correct success. Detailed beneath are some of the most well known things likely close to in the company currently.
1. Refrigerant and Oil Additives- The claims getting made by installing these into your AC method say you will see outstanding electricity price savings in the 20 percent selection! These additives have been close to for a lengthy time. There have been hundreds of hours and countless numbers of dollars expended in making an attempt to establish these claims by study laboratories. Numerous of the success from these tests point out no improve in method potential or functionality. If there are 20 percentage points to be acquired in electricity efficiency then the best products manufactures will be undertaking all the promoting and promoting not tiny independent contractors promoting these wonder additives. Owners also need to be informed of the effect on the guarantee of your AC methods. Most all of the major manufactures do not recommend anything at all in a refrigerant method other than the right refrigerant and the manufacturing facility recommended oils.
2. Refrigerant Administration Units-These increase on devices are marketed with enough “Tech-No-Babble” that would even confuse a NASA scientist. The notion is that these devices re-align the refrigerant molecules into a rotating circulation mass to cut down laminar circulation and friction losses throughout the refrigerant piping on the liquid side of the methods. Once more there have been countless numbers of dollars and numerous hours expended by tests laboratories to verify these claims and how much they could cut down your electricity intake or maximize the cooling potential of an AC method. The success are not conclusive in identifying that these devices can in actuality increase efficiency or potential of a method. Any less than executing AC method will appear to be to function far better just after installing just one of these devices if it is not up to design problems in the initially put. The initially point that should really be done is to verify the functionality of an present method and make absolutely sure that all heat transfer surfaces are clear, the right refrigerant charge is in the method, the refrigerant is not oil logged already and there is design air circulation throughout each the evaporator and condenser. When these things are done and in put you will see that other increase-on devices are not be necessary to achieve the design potential and functionality of the method.
3. Motor Mizers, Harmonic Filters, and Electrical Program Stabilizers – I like to refer to them as “Tiny Black Containers with Wires”. These are large on my checklist mainly because they are just one of the most common solutions I have viewed out there and however for numerous they are even getting marketed! These devices will acquire you as marketed by some companies 26-34 percentage points in electricity reduction! I have talked with numerous electrical engineers about these devices and they simply cannot cut down the KW of your method by 26-34 percent interval! Once more if these forms of devices seriously produced the price savings that are claimed then the utility companies would be promoting these thoughts and technological know-how and installing them at no charge to the client to assist cut down the demand from customers on the utility grid.
4. Superior Performance Air Filters- I will no doubt catch a good deal of grief about this just one but I am utilized to it. I will start out to say listed here that acquiring very good clear air filters is a ought to for any AC method and for any home owner. You have to understand a very little bit about electrical electricity and motors not to be tricked by this well known strategy contractors use to get into your again pocket. A soiled air filter in your AC furnace will eat a lot less fan electricity than a clear just one! Now you can re-examine this again and it says that a soiled air filter in your AC furnace will eat a lot less fan electricity than a clear just one! This is not a typo it says particularly what I wanted it to say. The subsequent time when you need to improve a pretty soiled air filter in your furnace accomplish this straightforward check. Borrow a meter that can evaluate the amperage of the fan motor. If you do not have just one or get a buddy who is an electrician and acquire the amperage looking at on the fan motor prior to you improve the filter. Be absolutely sure and acquire the looking at with the fan compartment door in put like standard operation. Get a number of readings and document them in excess of a five minute time interval. If you are having these readings in the summertime be absolutely sure to allow the device run for a number of minutes although having the readings to get a rather precise and secure looking at. Now improve the filter(s) and acquire the readings again for the very same amount of time and with the fan compartment door in put. You will locate that the fan electricity or KW amplified by some amount. Depending on particularly how soiled the filters have been prior to transforming them out will figure out how much improve in amperage or KW you will detect. What you might detect just after transforming the filters out is that the household feels additional comfy and the AC method might run a lot less to keep the household interesting. This is in which the electricity price savings present up if there likely to be any at all. The maximize in air circulation throughout the evaporator coil mainly because of the new filters will maximize the fan electricity or KW, but the total amount of time the device operates might be lessened ensuing in electricity price savings. This demands to be recognized pretty evidently mainly because there are a good deal of contractors out there promoting pretty high-priced and refined air filtering methods assured to preserve you a good deal of revenue. In my impression the greatest air filter for the revenue are the pleated type filters in the just one, two, or 4 inch thickness that are improved commonly. Make absolutely sure that the filter compartment is air restricted and that the filters healthy effectively in the filter rack or body and do not let air to bypass the filter. You simply cannot go wrong with regular filter replacements and working with very good pleated filters. Now there is just one other point to know about air filters that is pretty puzzling to owners and that is that air filters have an efficiency ranking. The ability of a supplied air filter to get rid of particulate issue from the air stream is rated in efficiency by how much of the airborne particulate issue it catches by passing via the filter once. This efficiency is not to be confused with electrical efficiency or electricity reduction.
5. Magnets- I guess as lengthy as I am alive there will be an individual or anything that will occur along each once in awhile who will make an outstanding declare about magnets. In the HVAC sector I have viewed magnetic devices promoted to take care of h2o that is utilized in pretty large business and industrial methods as a substitute of the traditional techniques of working with very good science and chemistry methods to take care of h2o. In the residential sector magnets have been marketed to preserve you 20-25 percent in your fuel electricity monthly bill by working with them on your fuel piping serving your fuel appliances this sort of as your heating furnace. By simply just strapping these magnets on your iron fuel piping they supposedly re-align and straighten the fuel molecules in the stream of fuel flowing to you your furnace prior to the fuel reaches the burner area. Once more this is just just one of numerous devices and solutions getting pushed on owners who have not been knowledgeable as to what is going on out there currently. You might want to discuss with your neighborhood fuel utility provider as effectively on this just one.
6. Superior Performance Capacitors- There are some contractors out there currently who are promoting unknowing owners new capacitors for their ac units mainly because they are telling them the capacitors are out of the standard selection or value for a capacitor. Do not fall for this gimmick. A capacitor is basically both very good or undesirable and no in between problem. A capacitor will have a unique looking at in micro-farads centered on if the capacitor is hot or chilly. A heat capacitor that has been in operation will examine differently than a chilly just one out of the box. Do not allow a services technician fool you with this trick. If a capacitor fails both the fan(s) or compressor will not start. A undesirable capacitor is a legitimate explanation for changing a capacitor. But capacitors will not increase the efficiency of you might be A/C method by any substantial amount that you can evaluate or will see in a decreased electric powered monthly bill.
Introduction of Filtration Products and solutions Web page: Filtration-Products and solutions.com website internet site brings you the current tales, summaries and filtration technologies straight from the filter environment. Filtration-Products and solutions.com retains you tuned in on remedy and all the major industrial venues which includes string wound filters, pleated filters, melt blown filtration, sock filtration, RO filters, from brands this sort of as Evoqua recommended for air purification, and anything at all else the filtration biz has to notify.
The post Heating & Air Conditioning Fraud Notify – Read through This Now! appeared first on Filtration Products.
from Filtration Products http://ift.tt/2ArOGYK
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Fluid Tech Hydraulics is the biggest manufacturer of Filter in Ahmedabad, Fluid Tech Hydraulics also manufacturer of Filte Breather, Return line Filter or Tank Breather.
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Business Agent Motion Design from Antony Parker on Vimeo.
✔️ Download here: templatesbravo.com/vh/item/business-agent/14342022
This is a video template. Perfect for creating corporate intros, business promos and presentations. Great visual effects and minimalistic hi-tech design.
Original concept No plug-ins required. The project was created by using Trapcode Particular and VC Optical Flares plug-ins. But the download includes pre-rendered version of the project, so you do not need these plug-ins Modular structure. You can replace, remove scenes and create your own promo 3 Photo Motion Filtes options Video footages with the man working with HUD elements are INCLUDED in the project Easy to edit Video tutorials shows you how to customize this template Amazing soundtrack created by AudioPizza, available at [information on project page]: [information on project page]
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coolkitchenthings · 7 years
Conair Cuisinart Brew Central DCC-1200 12 Cup Programmable Coffeemaker
Conair Cuisinart Brew Central DCC-1200 12 Cup Programmable Coffeemaker (Black/Silver)
Classic brushed metal design with a 12-Cup carafe with ergonomic handle for comfortable, dripless pouring
Brew pause feature lets you enjoy a cup of coffee before brewing has finished. Adjustable heater plate (low, medium, high) ensures that your coffee stays at the temperature you like best
24-hour advance brew start, programmable auto shutoff from 0 to 4 hours plus a 1- to 4-Cup feature when making less than 5 cups
Includes: Charcoal water filter and permanent gold tone filter that ensures only the freshest coffee flavor flows through. Measuring scoop. Instruction book
Product Built to North American Electrical Standards
The Cuisinart DCC-1200 Brew Central Coffeemaker Enjoy Great Coffee with the DCC-1200 Cuisinart introduces a coffeemaker with retro styling and the latest in high tech features, making it the centerpiece of any kitchen. The Cuisinart Brew Central coffeemaker is reminiscent of the days of classic styling and durable materials. A brushed metal exterior with retro-style controls houses the finest in coffee making technology. This coffeemaker even includes a charcoal water filter. The water filte
List Price: $ 165.00
Price: [wpramaprice asin=”B00005IBX9″]
[wpramareviews asin=”B00005IBX9″]
Originally posted 2015-10-08 20:00:27.
Read More...Conair Cuisinart Brew Central DCC-1200 12 Cup Programmable Coffeemaker
The post Conair Cuisinart Brew Central DCC-1200 12 Cup Programmable Coffeemaker appeared first on Kitchen Things
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biollamotors · 4 years
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