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Removing 20 meters Tecoma Tree without using any skylift, heavy crane or any other mobile platform. Using only our Professional Tree Cutting Climbers, we will remove tree that cannot be reach by any machine in the area. Our Tree Climbers are qualified with MTCA (Malaysian Tree Climbers Associations) and Niosh Working at Height (WAH) certificate.
Pemotongan dan penebangan pokok tekoma setinggi 20 meter tanpa menggunakan skylift, jentera kren atau apa-apa kenderaan platform mudah alih. Hanya menggunakan Pemanjat dan Pemotong Pokok Profesional untuk memotong pokok yang tidak boleh dicapai oleh apa jentera disesuatu kawasan. Pemojat pokok kami berkelayakan MTCA dan telah menjalankan latihan dan sijil di Niosh (Berkerja di tempat tinggi).
Untuk pengetahuan lebih lanjut - - - http://www.wasap.my/60142747800/khidmatpemotong
More info- - - http://www.wasap.my/60142747800/treeclimbers
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Website: www.johorbahrutreeservices.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cantastebangpokokjohorbahru
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@johorbahrutreecuttingservices
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@johorbahrutreecutter
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Autobots 🤖 vs Decepticons 👾
Removing Dates Palm Tree Stump at night are quite challenging and difficult to remove due to roots are quite strong compare to other palm tree. Need to fully dig out surrounding of the tree before stump can easily take out even using heavy machinery. Its takes around 30mins to remove one stump.
Mengorek dan membuang tunggul pokok kurma pada waktu malam agak mencabar dan sukar dikeluarkan jika dibandingkan dengan jenis pokok palma yang lain. Perlu korek sekeliling tunggul dahulu sebelum dapat menggerakkan tunggul walaupun mengguna jentera berat. Kami terpaksa bertarung dalam 30minit sebelum dapat mengeluarkan satu tunggul pokok kurma.
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#perkhimatancantastebangpokokjohorbahru #treecuttingserviceinjohorbahru
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Bila mana kerja memotong pokok di celah bangunan. Kami lebih gemar mengunakan skylift crane daripada menggunakan pemanjat proffesional. Lebih selamat dan teratur, pemotongan pokok liar lebih mudah. Kami akan menyembur racun pokok setelah pemotongan pokok liar telah dibuat untuk mengelakkan daripada tumbuhan liar tumbuh kembali.
When it comes to removing trees at building, we prefer using skylift crane than using proffesional climber when the building is old (30 years old) and didnt provide climber access facility. Much safety and organise. Easy to remove unwanted trees. We will spraying weedicide after cutting stray tree to prevent trees growing back.
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#tebangpokokjb#treeremovalservicenearme#tree#treepruning arborist treecutter treecutting trimming treetrimming treecuttingservices cuttreeservice professionaltreeclimber
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Removing mango tree that grew tall and reaches cable. Most people will remove the mango tree when the tree produce sour and rotten cause by tree that getting old or lots of fruit worm on the fruit itself.
Pemotongan dan penebangan pokok mangga yang telah tinggi dan dahan hampir mencecah wayar electric. Kebanyakan orang akan memotongan dan buang pokok manga yang menghasilkan buah yang masam dan rosak berpunca daripada pokok yang telah tua atau terdapat banyak ulat pada buah pokok itu sendiri.
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Removing and cutting off big tree like khaya type or mohaghani type of tree need additional heavy machinery like heavy crane and extra long skylift for fast, safe and efficient way to settle up big type of tree.
Penebangan dan pemotongan pokok besar jenis khaya atau mohagani memerlukan penambahan jentera berat seperti kren dan skylift yang panjang bagi membantu kelancaran, keselamatan dan kepantasan sesuatu projek untuk disiapkan dalam tempoh terpantas.
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Potong dan tebang pokok manga berdekatan tiang dan kabel elektrik adalah agak mustahil dan bahaya tanpa menggunakan skylift lori. Perlu membuat pemotongan pada dahan yang berhampiran kabel atau tiang elektrik dahulu sebelum membuat pemotongan pada dahan utama.
Cutting and removing mango tree near the electric cable and pole are quite dangerous and impossible without using human skylift crane. Need to cut first small branches that near the cable before fully removing the main trunk.
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Harga penebangan pokok bergantung kepada tahap kesusahan dan kesukaran untuk memotong dan membuang sampah sesuatu pokok. Pokok yang lebih mudah dipotong atau ditebang lebih murah daripada pokok yang sukar dipotong dan memerlukan banyak mesin dan tenaga kerja untuk menyelesaikannya
Price and cost for cutting and removing tree depends on the difficulty of a tree that need to be cut. More easier tree are more cheaper than a tree that need more heavy machinery and more manpower usage to settle it.
#tebangpokokjohorbahru #treecuttingserviceinjohorbahru #cuttreeservicejohorbahru #tebangpokokjb #pruningtreejohorbahru #arboristjohorbahru #cuttinggrassservicejohorbahru #perkhimatancantastebangpokokjohorbahru #potongpokokjb #potongpokokpasirgudang #tebangpokoknearjohorbahru #treecuttingcontractors #tebangpokokpalma #treecuttingandremovalservices #treefelling
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Memotong dahan besar pokok khaya dikawasan yang sempit dan dipenuhi infrastruktur. . . Cutting off big branch in the area of full of infrastructure below. . . #tebangpokokjb #toptreeserviceintown #treeremovalservicenearme #treecutterjb #treecuttingjb #tree #cuttree #treecuttingservicesjohorbahru #treecuttingandremovalservices #cuttreeservice #khidmatpotongpokokjohorbahru #servicepotongpokok (at Johor Bahru) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRYQHtGgiLP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Penebangan pokok yang telah mati yang boleh membahayakan penguna jalan raya disekitar kawasan. . . #tebangpokokjb #treecutterjb #johorbahrutreeservices #johorbahrutreecutterexpert #tebangpokokmurahjb #tebangpokokprofesional #potongpokokjb #toptreeserviceintown #treeremovalservicenearme #johorbahrutreeexpert (at Bandar Jaya Putra @ Jp Perdana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRBJsWngaZE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Cutting and Removed Rain Trees in the area of Petronas, Jalan Yahya Awal Johor Bahru.
Tebang dan buang pokok Hujan-hujan disekitar kawasan Petronas, Jalan Yahya Awal, Johor bahru.
#renovate #upgrade #petronas
Tree Cutting Services (Pruning, Trimming, Topping & Removal) in Johor Bahru.
We providing service in :
+ Tree Cutting Service
+ Tree Trimming Service (Remove unnecessary branches)
+ Tree Pruning Services (Improved shaping and promote a healthy growth)
+ Tree Topping Service (Crown reduction or Clearing the top of the tree and all the small branches leaving the main branches)
+ Stump Removing Service
+ Land Clearing
Providing tree services in the other area of:
- Pasir Gudang, Ulu Tiram, Gelang Patah, Kulai, Tebrau, Permas, Pengerang.
Empayar Dinrose Enterprise / Jelutong Emas Enterprise
JM0787990-H / JM0907398-T
Tel: +60142747800
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
WhatsApp: https://www.wasap.my/60142747800/tree...
(Sila sertakan gambar pokok bagi memudahkan urusan / Please provide picture of your tree to make thing easier)
Perkhidmatan Cantas (Trimming) dan Tebang (Cutting) Pokok di Johor Bahru.
Kami menawarkan perkhidmatan:
+ Tebang Pokok (Tree Cutting Service)
+ Cantas Pokok (Tree Trimming Service)
+ Topping Pokok (Pembuangan Daun & Dahan atas Pokok Sahaja)
+ Buang Tunggul Pokok (Stump Removing Service)
+ Pembersihan Tanah (Land Clearing)
Empayar Dinrose Enterprise
Tel: +60142747800
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
WhatsApp: https://www.wasap.my/60142747800/tree...
(Sila sertakan gambar pokok bagi memudahkan urusan / Please provide picture of your tree to make thing easier)
Website: https://tree-trimming-cutting-removin...
Fb: https://www.facebook.com/cantastebang...
Ig: https://www.instagram.com/cantasteban...
Blog: https://tebangpokokjb.blogspot.com
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#potongpokok #cuttreeservice #treefelling #treetrunks #aborist #arboristservices
#arboristtreetrimming #cheapandgoodtreepruningservices #cheaptreecuttingservice
#cutgrassjb #cutthetree #cuttreestump #cuttrees #cuttedtreesinjohor #cuttertree
#cuttinggrassservice #cuttingoftrees #cuttingtreeservice #grasscutterservicejohorbahru #grasscuttingatjohorbahru #grasscuttingjb #grasscuttingserviceinjohorbahru #grasscuttingservicemalaysia #grasscuttingservicemalaysiajohorbahru #grasscuttingservicenearme #grasstrimming #johorland #johortree #khidmattebangpokokpasirgudang
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#tebangpokokjohorbahru #treecuttingserviceinjohorbahru #cuttreeservicejohorbahru #tebangpokokjb #pruningtreejohorbahru #arboristjohorbahru #cuttinggrassservicejohorbahru #perkhimatancantastebangpokokjohorbahru #potongpokokjb #potongpokokpasirgudang #tebangpokoknearjohorbahru #treecuttingcontractors #treecuttingservicesnearme #treetrimmingservicesinjohorbahru #cuttreeservicejohorbahru #treecuttingserviceinjohorbahru
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Fallen khaya tree hitting retaining wall and roof engaging 4 houses in the area of incident. Beware of your trees in this end of Year. . . Pokok khaya tumbang menghempap 4 rumah dikawasan kejiranan. Berhati-hati pada musim hujan ini. . . #tebangpokokjohorbahru #treecuttingserviceinjohorbahru #cuttreeservicejohorbahru #tebangpokokjb #pruningtreejohorbahru #arboristjohorbahru #cuttinggrassservicejohorbahru #perkhimatancantastebangpokokjohorbahru #potongpokokjb #potongpokokpasirgudang #tebangpokoknearjohorbahru #treecuttingcontractors #treecuttingservicesnearme #treetrimmingservicesinjohorbahru #cuttreeservicejohorbahru #treecuttingserviceinjohorbahru #cuttreeservicejohorbahru (at Ulu Tiram, Johor, Malaysia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjUp_bKP3j_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Penebangan pokok mati bersebelahan jalan raya boleh mengundang bahaya jika tidak dilakukan dengan cara yang betul dan selamat. . . Cutting off dead tree beside roadway can bring harm to the road user if did not do in a correct and safe way. . . #johorbahrutreeservices #treecuttingandremovalservices #cuttreejohorbahru #trees #johorbahrutreeexpert #perkhidmatantebangpokokjohorbahru #khidmattebangpokokjohorbahru #cuttreeservice #cuttreejohorbahru #tebangpokokprofesional #tebangpokokkilang #tebangpokokjb #treecuttingservicesnearme (at Tebrau, Johor, Malaysia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVUzfl9NHRA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Kerja-kerja pembersihan sampah saki baki pokok dilakukan dengan pantas bagi tidak menghalang dan mengganggu pengguna jalan raya yang lain. . . All cleaning and disposing tree waste process will be done as quick as possible in order not to disturb or obstruct the roadway. . . #treecuttingandremovalservices #treeremovalservicenearme #cuttreeservice #cuttreejohorbahru #johorbahrutreeservices #treecuttingserviceinjohorbahru #treetrimmingservice #johorbahrutreecutterexpert #tree #tebangpokokjohorbahru #tebangpokokjb #treeservicenearme (at Ulu Tiram, Johor, Malaysia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CT9KQsuJ9Ex/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Part 2(Selepas) : Lihat video sebelumnya untuk part 1 . Pemotongan pokok batai condong menghala ke rumah. Tumbuh membesar bersebelahan wayar TNB. . . Cutting off and removing batai tree that leaning toward the house. growing bigger everyday beside TNB electric wired. . . #tebangpokokjb #toptreeserviceintown #treeremovalservicenearme #treecutterjb #treecuttingjb #tree #cuttree #treecuttingservicesjohorbahru #treecuttingandremovalservices #cuttreeservice #khidmatpotongpokokjohorbahru #servicepotongpokok (at Taman Tampoi Utama Johor Bahru.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTMFHONHc1h/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Segala penjelasan dan penerangan keselamatan kerja-kerja penebangan pokok dilakukan dikawasan yang terbuka dengan penjarakkan sosial. . . Due to this covid-19 pendemic, all tree work & safety briefing will be held in open space with social distances. . . #covid_19 #pendemic #socialdistancing #tebangpokokjb #toptreeserviceintown #treeremovalservicenearme #treecutterjb #treecuttingjb #tree #cuttree #treecuttingservicesjohorbahru #treecuttingandremovalservices #cuttreeservice #khidmatpotongpokokjohorbahru #servicepotongpokok (at Taman Teknologi Johor) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSjBWkQnLdT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Pemotongan pokok batai (falcataria moluccana) dikawasan perkampungan danga johor bahru. . . Cutting off albizia tree (falcataria moluccana) in the area of danga village johor bahru. . . #tebangpokokjb #toptreeserviceintown #treeremovalservicenearme #treecutterjb #treecuttingjb #tree #cuttree #treecuttingservicesjohorbahru #treecuttingandremovalservices #cuttreeservice #khidmatpotongpokokjohorbahru #servicepotongpokok (at Kg Danga, Johor Bahru) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSi9SklnE2D/?utm_medium=tumblr
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