So, I suffer from severe, chronic pain. Some days no pain, today was an omg, kill me billy! kinda day. As I was opening the mail I'm like "ohh, box from memebox, maybe thats my benton gift set."  
Imagine my shock, elation and squeals of joy that came out of my mouth. It was loud, it scared my kids, I was happy. 
Yay! So, now I get to test it out after dermarolling. Everyone knows how much I LOVE the Tea Tree 90 Essence, so we'll see how much I adore the cream. So, I guess I should say this is not a sponsored post because I don't roll like that. It will be unbiased and if it sucks, it sucks. 
Linky Linky if you're interested... its an affiliate, i know, i'm terrible...  http://us.memebox.com/ljh-teatree-duo-set?acc=a431d70133ef6cf688bc4f6093922b48#.VHzWcDHF9GQ
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