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simplysidra · 2 months ago
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"When the tea isn’t just herbal, but also verbal! ☕🎭 #TeaTimeTalks #ArtMeme #HerbalOrVerbal"
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arpitashrivastava · 6 years ago
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For all the tea lovers like me ☕️ #teaqoutes #tealover #tealovers #lovefortea #loveforteatime #teatimetalk #teatimetalks #teaandme #tea #teaandread #teaandreading #teaandreadingtime https://www.instagram.com/p/B2euIOwHYkp/?igshid=15ctvog3t7wif
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teatimeismetime-blog1 · 8 years ago
More random childhood memories
One time when I was a kid my family went on a trip to Hawaii but instead of just hanging out on the beach like normal people my dad drove us 2 hours out into the Hawaiian wilderness on terrifyingly small cliff side roads to this tiny little village to try what was supposedly the world’s best banana bread. We made it there alive, purchased a loaf of the bread from a girl at a tiny shop and no matter how good you imagine banana bread can be, this banana bread was better.
http://www.travelyourself.ca/food-blogging/best-banana-bread-on-the-planet-maui-hawaii/ proof that I'm not making this up
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vincentsnow-art · 8 years ago
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Alright. Teatime talk. A lot of people are freaking out over Trump's deletion of the lgbt rights page and the Spanish version. Trump in general. But, let's be real. You know how many times I've been rejected from a job or a home due to things as dumb as my style of dress, or things like my apparent sexuality or religion? Or my race even? (Yeah that's right. White people get discriminated against, too.) They don't say it expressly, but they do it. No laws have ever really protected me or anyone else to my knowledge from discrimination. All they gotta say is 'We'll call you if we're interested.' only difference is now they are saying why. I have hidden those things from prospective employers and roomates for a reason, even under a Democrat President. So now a restaurant owner can just say 'Get out, I dont wanna serve you' instead of spitting in your food instead because he's afraid of a lawsuit. People will be people and written laws can not change a person's spirit. Bottom line is the law still protects us from harassment and assault. You still have the right to self defense too. Calm the fuck down, realize that nothing is really different, and use that knowledge. #teatimetalk #teatime #lgbtrights #trumpanxiety #dumptrump #election2016 #queerconcerns #realtalk
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thanks4noticingme · 5 years ago
Tea Time Talk - #27 ~ #TeaTimeTalk
Tea Time Talk – #27 ~ #TeaTimeTalk
Thank you for the shout out!!!
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