#teases hanma over his son wanting to marry mommy
yuichi-ro · 2 years
little menace kisaki girl my beloved <3 torturing kisaki like he deserves. we would sooo team up against him.
not me thinking about me being away on some work trip and that coinciding with daughter’s first period happening so now kisaki is having to deal with it… and sends the haitani’s and sanzu to go pick up some cramp medication, pads and comfort food XD the most embarrassing mission the three hardened criminals and daughter is equally entertained because she just loves torturing the haitanis but also a bit flustered because sanzu is sanzu and sanzu is just… so tired. kisaki getting a daughter choosing him of all people to be her childhood obsession was the worst thing that has ever happened in his life. fuck mikey for agreeing to any of this.
but kisaki would be the most overprotective dad when it comes to people wanting to date his daughter. men, women, doesn’t matter they all have to face down the wrath that is tetta kisaki thinking no one will ever be enough for his daughter. i would probably have to whack him over the head with a folded newspaper so he will finally call off the hitman he sent on the head of his daughter’s dad.
also definitely insists on silly family shirts when going on. “the boss” “the real boss” “boss in training” for a disney land trip. big on family albums and other memory tokens because he never got any of his childhood, not that stuff like that happened. and even when daughter is an annoying teen, this is still one of the things she recognises- these things are important to her father and therefore she will participate in them and enjoy them, because she is loyal to those she loves, like her dad.
side note; two of my roommates have covid, the third one isn’t here right now. i wanted to get a covid test done today and the dude who did it fucking- flirted with me. really don’t think it was badly intentioned but dude did not pick up on me not reciprocating at all. and worst of all- test ended up being invalid bc fucker did not do his job correctly. idk if it was intentional to get me there again or nah but god i wanted to snap that man’s throat. don’t flirt with me during situations like that jesus fuck dude don’t flirt with anyone during situations like that.
I would feel bad for him but at the same time....karma is a bitch :D asdfghjkl keep it up this evil cutie is gonna need a name asdfghjkl
SENDING THE BROTHERS AND SANZU TO GO GET PERIOD SUPPLIES BC KISAKI IS COMFORTING HIS SOBBING HULK RAGING HORMONAL DAUGHTER PLS I'M- Ran and Rindou deserve to go pick up menstrual products. They really fucking do. Ran screams "I'm not checking out with these" and Rindou takes them from his brother, looks the checker right in the eyes and straight face says some bullshit like "Heavy flow this month what can I say." fucking rindou
But the Sanzu thing- Oh my god let us take a moment to unpack that. Kisaki in the throws of comforting his daughter (while your not answering your phone bc busy sexy milf work hours) and he tries to comfort her saying he sent Ran, Rindou and Sanzu to go get more appropriate sized starter items for a young woman. And she just- She sees red. Blood curdling screaming at her father about how could he. How could he betray her like this. How could he do this and ruin her life. Kisaki just "????" until finally the raging kiddo sobs into her pillow that Sanzu will never want her now and think she's gross. Kisaki 404s about not knowing this god awful idea that his now pubescent daughter's had to marry his crazy drug addled coworker like she's still five 😂 Kisaki had no idea. Sanzu had no idea. No one had any idea but your daughter his this plan in her head about how she was gonna marry the pretty pink prince she played games with and now Kisaki is in the dog house and stuck with a first time period haver 😂
Kisaki's daughter accusing her father of being homophobic. Kisaki dead serious that boy, girl, neither, something in between or none of the above, over his dead body is anyone gonna date his little princess. At least now your daughter knows her father isn't homophobic but she's pleading with you to keep her father out of her dating life every time she has a crush 😂 Also big scary boss man Kisaki getting hit over the head with an empty paper towel roll on a Tuesday bc he saw his kid laugh a little too hard at a friends joke has his finger hovering over the speed dial for Sanzu's number.
Not being close to Kisaki's parents in the slightest. Frankly they might not have any idea they have a granddaughter or a daughter in law with how little interest they have in Kisaki. Yeah they tell people they have a successful son but aside from that they take "hands off" parenting to a whole new level. Seriously attributing to Kisaki's tendency to be a helicopter parent in good and bad ways. The wedge it might create with his early teens/late teens daughter until he has a heart to heart with her about the grandparents she never sees. Knows she has grandparents on dad's side. But never gets anything but presents like once every three years from them. And they don't spell her name right and never know her age so she's fifteen getting baby dolls. So it's a little vulnerable when Kisaki apologizes for being over zealous about somethings in regards to the family or his kid. But explains the situation of parents he had growing up and how he could have died and they probably wouldn't have noticed (eh see what I did there) It's hard to say it out loud but when he does he gets the biggest hug from his kid. And it's not like he needs to hear it. But hearing her tell him he's the best dad anyone could have really makes him want to cry.
Sobbing over here please someone give this man just a family who pays attention to him
also what in the general fuck? you know what I'm not even shocked bc like, get this shit at the gym all the time. Pls while I'm getting a swab shoved up my nose to determine if I have a virus that could either be real mild, or land me in the hospital, flirt with me. Bc that's obviously any fucking human being wants? Right? Jesus fucking christ it's like an unsocialized dog. Shit like that is worse than Shion behavior ffs. Next time shit like that happens tell them your wife wouldn't appreciate you being hit on in any situation yet alone during a medical procedure. It's me. I'll be your wife. And I'll beat them all up this is what I go to the gym for.
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