royalaliceflush · 5 years
Why had she been feeling so? Off? It was a growing sickness but that was near impossible with her vampire status. Raising her hand to leave the classroom so she could sleep in the nurses’ office. Alice dragged her feet over to the small confide room to get some sleep. 
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Maybe rest was all she needed, though her body was screaming for something else too. She thought it might be best to speak to her partner but he’d probably recommend something ridiculous than give her a straightforward answer. And there was no way she was pregnant yet either. She would’ve known since she’s been keeping up with testing and whatnot. 
“I just need..some rest.” Falling asleep in an empty room, Alice also found it odd that there was never a doctor in here. She herself has never seen the doctor or nurse either. 
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theinnocentblood · 5 years
"Heh, hey Ayato, your little prey played 7 minutes in heaven with me. Maybe she's getting bored of you?" Shu grinned wickedly, prodding his little brother. With that girl Chii going between the two of them, it was starting to become a bit of a fun game.
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sadistic-sakamaki · 5 years
Laito's just going to eat Ayato's takoyaki and plant the evidence in Subaru's coffin.
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«WHAT THE FUCK?! Oi — who was the bastard that dared to eat Ore-sama’s meal!?» He would soon find out… His leads lead to Subaru’s room. That asshole!!!
«You’re so fucking dead!!»
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Poor Subaru…
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scythe-rps · 5 years
@tearsforgctten liked for a starter!
"WHAT!?" Gray shouted as the price came up. "I'm not paying that for a second hand game!" He said, clenching his fist. The clerk behind the counter insisted the price was fair. Gray grumbled and turned around.
"Whatever. C'mon, we'll find it somewhere else." He said, grabbing his friend's wrist and walking toward the door.
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immolatusagnus · 6 years
@tearsforgctten Continued from here
Yui knew it was a bad idea to come to his room. She should have just left it at his door and walked away. But of course that would have only ended the same, just in  a different area of the manor. No way would he let her just leave. And even if she didn’t come near herself, she had a feeing he’d sought her out himself.
Soft pink hues stared up at him as he lifted her chin, only to quickly shy away from him. “M-More? I only came up here to give you your birthday gift. Nothing more Laito-kun.” With that she quickly turned on her heal and headed to the door. “I....I never agreed to be part of that gift, and I don’t plan too.”
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written1nthest4rs · 5 years
@tearsforgctten for Reiji
Alice had left the party not too long ago. She'd been acting strangely since she saw the new arrival. Now both of them had disappeared, and the smell of blood had filled the manor. All had gone quiet. A door creaked open, revealing the scene within. Alice standing over a body, covered in blood. She was holding an equally bloody knife. She was shaking, eyes clouded over with rage.
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mukamixinxblood · 6 years
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“Subaru-chan! There you are! It’s been a while. Have you been hiding from me?”
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moondustingx · 5 years
"Hey don't go near Shin, that stupid idiot, werewolves are all terrible! He beat me up once and he's really mean to me and my brothers!"
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                       ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚   נυsт α ησямαℓ gιяℓ ! ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
“ what ?! he’s a werewolf ?! “ things were getting strange – first, kanato the vampire, and now a werewolf ? though she figured she shouldn’t doubt it ;; youma were a real thing, after all … 
“ well, if he did that to you, then i gotta have a talk with him !! i can’t just let that slide, you know ! “
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akameraki-blog · 5 years
✧❁✧ -- @tearsforgctten​ liked for a starter!! 
     Shirayuki caught the eyes of someone who appeared to be staring at her.  “A-Ah, if you’re wondering about my hair-- it truly is my real hair color.” Shirayuki wasn’t exactly sure that was why they were looking at her, but her hair had often enough drew the attention of random civilians for some reason. 
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ofwrestlingflames · 5 years
The Vampire Meet up? Intrusion?
with @tearsforgctten
The start of Anastasia’s vampire investigating trip begins by going back a few months ago when she was injured from overtraining herself for the tournament that her rich Uncle was going to host soon, so she decided to take a break. One day, she was in her room, researching something that triggered her own questionable confusion, and that was if vampires were real. Most of her beloved friends have said that were fake, as well as ghosts, but not according to Anastasia herself, as she found evidence from news articles and magazines, all that mentioned vampires, with pictures added. It caught her curiosity when the news article evidence showed a picture of a mysterious white mansion, showing a lot of different detail. Coming to realize that it could be the vampire mansion that everyone was holding the gossip about.
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❝Could this really be it...?❞ Anastasia had no idea if the mansion picture was real, so she had to look and dig deeper into her research.
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❝I have to find out for myself....❞ she thought.
Anastasia was heading out, since nobody was in her mansion, talk about her uncle being gone for a few weeks and took his maids and butler with him. What was the point of her being alone in her mansion by herself with no one to talk to or to do? She headed out, locked the door, and went to her car, starting it. Looking up on her map app on her phone, she was putting the address, and was already driving on her way to the vampire mansion.
The mansion was an hour away, so it did sort of took her long enough. As she found the designated mansion, she had to park her car safely somewhere. Locking her car, she quickly headed to the front gate. It opened by itself, and not that Annie was sketched, but she did have a feeling that this was all real, witnessing it. As the gate silently opens, Anastasia went head and walked towards the front door. It was unlocked but it looked liked no one was home. Anastasia opened it. Since she had the power of the flames with martial arts background, she’s able to defend herself in case anything happens. Once she entered the mansion, everything was completely dark, so she solved the problem by lighting up her left hand with her fire, and looked around to see if there were any vampires hiding....
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royalaliceflush · 5 years
“Ghh....” There she was again feeling the same way as always. Whenever she discussed how she wanted to move forward in their relationship, Laito would brush it off as it only being a possibility for the future and how he wasn’t opposed to the idea. 
Well even if she did find that okay, it pulled at her heart indefinitely. And as the days passed with them only doing the usual routine, Alice had done something that she hadn’t in a long time. 
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Marking Laito’s cheek with her palm, tears fell from her face. Perhaps it was because she had a previous human heart that she felt all sorts of emotions, but...she was mad and frustrated over how she couldn’t properly express her wanting to take a change in their relationship. “I...h-hate you! Why won’t you ever listen!? All you’ve been doing is toying me, haven’t you?” Threatening that she’d run away, she knew he’d brush it off, but upon returning to her late that night, she had opened her balcony doors where she then swiftly leaped over the edge to take a long walk over to the demon realm. 
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theinnocentblood · 5 years
Collared! ( Laito @ Yui hehe)
Send “Collared!” to see my muses reaction to yours putting a collar on them!
Laito had snuck up behind her as usual, though this time he'd said he had a gift for her. "A-A gift?" That made her a bit uneasy. Laito's gifts were rarely normal, and yet, her heart was beating a little faster. She felt something placed around her neck and clasped. "Huh?" Was it some kind of choker? Laito told her it was a dog collar, for his bitch-chan. "H-Huh?!" Yui's cheeks flushed brightly. "W-Why? I'm not a dog!"
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crimson-lili · 5 years
Eyes burn into the back of her scalp. It’s almost like a sixth sense by this point—knowing when someone is staring. Even with her back turned she felt it. The gawking. Her lips pursed. She’d had no hat to wear, nor ribbons to cover her horns. The crowned the top of her head, crowning her as something other. Not human.
Lucy took a sharp left. Direction heading for a nearby alley. So hopelessly dark. Almost too hard to see. Her shoe sank into a nearby puddle. Still, she continued on, leading the leering eyes deeper into the abyss.
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Until she turned. Cold stare locking into the other. “...What?” Her question flat, already knowing the answer. Her question moot. It’s the horns. It’s always the horns.
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sadistic-sakamaki · 5 years
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«...» Don’t mind him — he is too focused glaring at their mother to even notice Laito’s presence. How can someone so despicable laugh like that?
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pseudogaiety · 5 years
"You know. . ." A flirtacious tugging on his lips, as fingers brushed hair away from her face "I could make you feel so good, you'd forget alll of your worries." Laito lifted up her chin, and allowed his lips to meet hers in a gentle kiss. A hum as he deepened it, lingering for a few moments to pull away a bit with flushed cheeks.
international kissing day ( @tearsforgctten ).
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             as easily enamored as always she’s drawn in by the decreasing distance, fingertips chastely touching her skin raising goosebumps and making her shiver. eyes half-lidded she watches him, clearly not intending to stop him regardless of what he may have planned. “ that sounds… ” a pause as he grips her chin, a muttered, “ …nice. ” before lips are gently coerced to meet his own. while momentarily stunned by just how pleasant it is she only hesitates for a moment, surprisingly practiced lips moving as his did with ease, a hand placed delicately on his chest. a hum vibrated from him to her and she loved it, one rising from her in turn.
             had he not pulled away first it’s likely she wouldn’t have, far more willing to suffocate herself to prolong the moment. still, as they part she does not move far, pleased by the matching color coating his own cheeks. she did that; how intoxicating it felt. “ –and it was. ” nice, she means.
             “ i could make you feel good too, you know. ” voice but a whisper, “ not that you really seem to have many…worries. ”
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immolatusagnus · 5 years
"Good grief, you've made such a mess of the kitchen." Reiji was displeased as he voiced his annoyance to her, giving her a scolding. "Unless you desire a whipping, do make sure to clean up after yourself."
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“Oh! Reiji-san. You don’t have to worry. I had no intentions of leaving it a mess.” She smiled at him nervously, turning to go back to her baking. Her face covered in flour. 
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