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ellyasbellah · 7 years ago
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Leadership is not about being in charge. Leadership ia about TAKING CARE OF THOSE IN YOUR CHARGE.. #Leadership #Responsibility #1MGBrunei #EllyAsbellah #TeamEllyAsebllah #TeamHantu Now I feel you Mentor/Leader...
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ellyasbellah · 7 years ago
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Tomorrow might be my final FACEBOOK LIVE Q&A Session...!! 😣😥 Join me LIVE on FACEBOOK at 3:00PM, 15th Dec 2017... PROMISE ME ?! 🤗 Facebook - "ELLY ASBELLAH"... #EllyAsbellah #Entrepreneur #EllyAsbellahGoingGlobal #LASOUL #SkinCare #TeamEllyAsbellah #TeamHantu #1MG #1MGBrunei #Cosmetic #Belliber #MakeupByEllyAsbellah #EyelashesByEllyAsbellah #MakeupArtist #Bruneian #MUABrunei #MUAMalaysia #MUAIndonesia #BuildingMyEmpire #NoEdit #NoFilter
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ellyasbellah · 7 years ago
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Congratulations Puan Sarah @21stcenturysarah⁩ ... Menyampati PC sebagai VVIP Member with me today.. and in shaa Allah, soon kitani akan PC lagi sebagai Stockist ya.. ani baru ya, SFC Gold beranak SFC Gold.. amas beranak amas nya org brunei.. Thank you 1MG Brunei Family.. You have made the right choice, the right products, the right system, the right team, at the right time... #LASOUL #1MGBrunei #TeamEllyAsbellah #TeamHantu...for those yg kan mau tau about LA'SOUL Skincare: samada jadi VVIP Member atau Stockist di Brunei ani contact me at +673 860 6462 🤓 #EllyAsbellah #Entrepreneur #EllyAsbellahGoingGlobal #LASOUL #SkinCare #TeamEllyAsbellah #TeamHantu #1MG #1MGBrunei #Cosmetic #Belliber #MakeupByEllyAsbellah #EyelashesByEllyAsbellah #MakeupArtist #Bruneian #MUABrunei #MUAMalaysia #MUAIndonesia #BuildingMyEmpire #NoEdit #NoFilter
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ellyasbellah · 7 years ago
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Semenjak berpegang kepada Falsafah Kehidupan, Alhamdulillah dapat surat cinta dari SNE Marketing... FREE TAIWAN TRIP 2018!! Thank you SNE Marketing!!! Jadi anda bila lagi? Next trip jom la sama sama.. +6738606462 / http://EllyAsbellah.wasap.my #LASOUL #1MGBrunei #TeamEllyAsbellah #TeamHantu #TeamHelang
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ellyasbellah · 7 years ago
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#PSC1 November 2018... #SaveTheDate! #LASOUL #1MGBrunei #TeamEllyAsbellah #TeamHantu #TeamHelang
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ellyasbellah · 7 years ago
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Sebelum Team Brunei balik ke kampong halaman kelmarin, kami semua sempat lagi serap ilmu dari mentor hebat @adrianachai8... Semangat PSC1 masih membara bara, and alhamdulillah terus sign up untuk menjadi Pembantu Pelatih untuk PSC1 October 2018.. JIA YOU TEAM!!! Thank you SNE.. Thank you 1MG.. Thank you Mentors.. Thank you Team... Thank you All.. Syukur Alhamdulillah, everything went well.. 😎 #LASOUL #SkinCare #1MG #1MGBrunei #TeamEllyAsbellah #TeamHantu #Rebranding #ResultMatters #EllyAsbellahGoingGlobal #EllyAsbellahCorporation #Bruneian #BuildingMyEmpire #EllyAsbellah #Cosmetic #Belliber #MakeupByEllyAsbellah #MakeupLover #MakeupArtist #Entrepreneur #MUABrunei #MUAMalaysia #MUAIndonesia
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ellyasbellah · 7 years ago
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Sebelum Team Brunei balik ke kampong halaman kelmarin, kami semua sempat lagi serap ilmu dari mentor hebat @mewo_defey... Semangat PSC1 masih membara bara, and alhamdulillah terus sign up untuk menjadi Pembantu Pelatih untuk PSC1 October 2018.. JIA YOU TEAM!!! Thank you SNE.. Thank you 1MG.. Thank you Mentors.. Thank you Team... Thank you All.. Syukur Alhamdulillah, everything went well.. 😎 #LASOUL #SkinCare #1MG #1MGBrunei #TeamEllyAsbellah #TeamHantu #Rebranding #ResultMatters #EllyAsbellahGoingGlobal #EllyAsbellahCorporation #Bruneian #BuildingMyEmpire #EllyAsbellah #Cosmetic #Belliber #MakeupByEllyAsbellah #MakeupLover #MakeupArtist #Entrepreneur #MUABrunei #MUAMalaysia #MUAIndonesia
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ellyasbellah · 7 years ago
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Ya Allah.. Sorry, I haven't posted... I'm back & I am not dead yet... 😘 Sorry I haven't posted for the last few days... I just got back home (Brunei) from outstation like half an hour ago.. Just settled.. And here is my update for everyone... PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS COURSE 1 (PSC1) "Peserta" - October 2017 "Pembantu Pelatih" - 21/22 April 2018 Thank you SNE.. Thank you 1MG.. Thank you Mentors.. Thank you Team... Thank you All.. Syukur Alhamdulillah, everything went well.. 😎 #Rebranding #ResultMatters #EllyAsbellahGoingGlobal #EllyAsbellahCorporation #Bruneian #BuildingMyEmpire #EllyAsbellah #MakeupLover #MakeupArtist #Entrepreneur #MUABrunei #MUAMalaysia #MUAIndonesia #LASOUL #SkinCare #1MG #1MGBrunei #Cosmetic #Belliber #MakeupByEllyAsbellah #TeamEllyAsbellah #TeamHantu
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ellyasbellah · 7 years ago
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Alhamdulillah.. Hari ani Puan Norazaimah lagi melukis kupu kupu ok.. PC about Marketing Plan, PC menggunakan system, PC next target.. JM to BM to SM and so on.. 💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿 ani baru semangat membara bara.. Terasa panasssssss 🔥🔥🔥💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿 Jia You team!!! #LASOUL #1MGBrunei #TeamEllyAsbellah #TeamHantu
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ellyasbellah · 7 years ago
LA'SOUL COSMETIC MAKEOVER @ KOTA KINABALU - 08.04.2018... My lovely, friendly, tall and beautiful model - SCARLETT MEGAN @official_scarlettmeganliew95 - MISS GRAND SABAH 2018.. Thank you dear.. Thank you SNE.. Thank you 1MG.. Thank you Mentors.. Thank you all.. Syukur Alhamdulillah, everything went well.. 😎 #Rebranding #ResultMatters #EllyAsbellahGoingGlobal #EllyAsbellahCorporation #Bruneian #BuildingMyEmpire #EllyAsbellah #MakeupLover #MakeupArtist #Entrepreneur #MUABrunei #MUAMalaysia #MUAIndonesia #LASOUL #SkinCare #1MG #1MGBrunei #Cosmetic #Belliber #MakeupByEllyAsbellah #TeamEllyAsbellah #TeamHantu (at Kota Kinabalu)
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ellyasbellah · 7 years ago
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💥SOLD OUT in just few hours!!!💥 LA'SOUL COSMETIC MAKEOVER CLASS.. TOMORROW!!! 08.04.2018... #LASOUL #1MGBrunei #TeamEllyAsbellah #TeamHantu (at Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia)
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ellyasbellah · 7 years ago
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Something to show all the haters you come across who say Network Marketing is a pyramid scheme. 😂😂 No thanks! Tapi banar ba kan, mana mana kmu pigi tatap jua pyramid scheme.. Di rumah, di opis, di kadai, dimana mana lah pentingnya.. Tatap jua pyramid scheme atu ada.. Tpi yg bagi hairan, anti berabis org kn pyramid scheme ani.. Tau tau d opis sama jua: boss paling atas seorang, managers beberapa org, supervisors ramai, pekerja kulikang betimbun.. Atu bukan Pyramid scheme kah jua tu? Tarang tarang tah you work FOR ORANG ATAS.. Bagi yang pandai "kiss ass" boleh bertahan la, tpi yg inda pandai "kiss ass", abislah inda naik naik pangkat sampai bila bila.. MAAF.. Bukan menyindir, tpi ani memang kenyataan.. D office, kalau memang suka kerja untuk orang, mau menguntungkan orang, silakanlah teruskan.. Tpi kami di SNE Marketing, kami kerja untuk diri sendiri.. Kami jua boss, kami jua kuli.. Siapa buat, ia yang dapat keuntungan.. Siapa goyang kaki, rezeki lari.. So kamu decidelah kamu mau jadi siapa.. Dsini sekali lagi kami di SNE Marketing, membuat business LA'SOUL dengan hati yang terbuka, sbb kami yang control market.. The bigger your network, the faster kamu akan conquer market.. Plus, today kami terima BONUS kami yg ke tiga kalinya sudah ni tahun ani, SETIAP BULAN ADA BONUS.. Sebulan sekali.. Kalau keraja, bonus sekali dalam setahun.. Tpi dalam business LA'SOUL ani, bonus TIAP BULAN... but remember, siapa buat dia dapat, inda kira siapa atas siapa bawah, mun bawah berabis buat then BONUS yang bawah akan BERABIS jua mengalahi yang atas.. Pecaya tah.. Business ani adil.. Mun inda pecaya masih, text me at +6738606462 / http://EllyAsbellah.wasap.my Picture credit to: networkmarketingpro.com #LASOUL #1MGBrunei #TeamEllyAsbellah #TeamHantu #EllyAsbellah #EllyAsbellahGoingGlobal (at Kota Kinabalu)
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ellyasbellah · 7 years ago
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TAIWAN... HERE I COME..!!! Thank you SNE Marketing.. Thank you 1MG.. Thank you LA'SOUL.. Thank you Team.. Thank you semua... +6738606462 / http://EllyAsbellah.wasap.my for more information about business LA'SOUL in Brunei Darussalam, Sabah & Sarawak... #LASOUL #1MGBrunei #EllyAsbellah #EllyAsbellahGoingGlobal #TeamEllyAsbellah #TeamHantu (at Kota Kinabalu)
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ellyasbellah · 7 years ago
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Alhamdulillah ya Allah.. Our 2nd GRAND LA'SOUL BEAUTY WORKSHOP went well.. Syukur Alhamdulillah belurih team yang really really supportive and mau berkerjasama.. Nothing can describe of what you all did today.. Happy sangat sangat yang teramat sangat.. Wont be able to do it without everyone punya support.. Remember, all this is for YOU.. For US.. And not for me alone.. Jia you all!!! #LASOUL #1MGBrunei #TeamEllyAsbellah #TeamHantu
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ellyasbellah · 7 years ago
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FOR A BETTER CHANGE . . . They say when you step into Business... . . . Family become strangers . . . And..... . . . Strangers become friends . . . And friends?? Thats when you know your real friends. . . . I am happy to see that others know that they have the choice for a better change. #LASOUL #1MGBrunei #TeamEllyAsebllah #TeamHantu... Caption credited to @21stcenturybeautie...
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ellyasbellah · 7 years ago
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Testimoni Orang-Orang Brunei #1MGBrunei... Thank you so so much to @fae_mn (Stockist LA'SOUL di Kg. Bolkiah, Kg. Ayer) share testimoni orang-orang kitani... Untuk keterangan lanjut, sila hubungi @EllyAsbellah (Stokist LA'SOUL SKINCARE Brunei Darussalam - Pemegang SFC DIAMOND FC13121) di talian +6738606462 / http://EllyAsbellah.wasap.my 🤓 #LASOUL #1MGBrunei #TeamEllyAsbellah #TeamHantu #ResultMatters #EllyAsbellahGoingGlobal #EllyAsbellahCorporation #Bruneian #BuildingMyEmpire
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