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This was just a meal I threw together with things I found left over in the fridge some time back...LOLZ Where there's a will there's a way to try eating good food...keep food in your house and you'll be fine, keep crap in your house and you'll always be fighting temptation... #goodfoodandwater #bestrong #bearstrong #powerlifting #strength #power #weightlifting #bestronger #befaster #bepowerful #teamdioxyme #dioxymesupps #dioxymett #dioxyme @dioxyme for great supplements ◇ New Zealand Whey (27g per serving) ◇ V-Mino (vegan aminos) ◇ MPO (optimize your performance) And so many more awesome products for training performance, recovery and general wellness!! Available @heroworshipherosupps @simplicityandgratitude @c3centre @centralathleticclubc3 @centralathletic Check us out for Personal Training, Diet advice and programming today!! (at Central Athletic Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuBWq-QgmzA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1bp85zv218g4i
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#deadliftface What does yours look like? LOLZ thanks for this funny capture by @rajiv_dinanath #bestrong #bearstrong #powerlifting #strength #power #weightlifting #bestronger #befaster #bepowerful #teamdioxyme #dioxymesupps #dioxymett #dioxyme @dioxyme for great supplements ◇ New Zealand Whey (27g per serving) ◇ V-Mino (vegan aminos) ◇ MPO (optimize your performance) And so many more awesome products for training performance, recovery and general wellness!! Available @heroworshipherosupps @simplicityandgratitude @c3centre @centralathleticclubc3 Check us out for Personal Training, Diet advice and programming today!! (at Central Athletic Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/Btmsb4xA-4U/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=lay6cuy1f5w9
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All I really got through yesterday was Deadlifts and these high bar accessory squats; things kinda went sideways, kept getting thrown off track... 275 x 5 x 5 Thanks @ricardobalgobin for the video man. Bruh waited for the thumbs up to cut the recording LOLZ #bestrong #bearstrong #powerlifting #strength #power #weightlifting #bestronger #befaster #bepowerful #teamdioxyme #dioxymesupps #dioxymett #dioxyme @dioxyme for great supplements ◇ New Zealand Whey (27g per serving) ◇ V-Mino (vegan aminos) ◇ MPO (optimize your performance) And so many more awesome products for training performance, recovery and general wellness!! Available @heroworshipherosupps @simplicityandgratitude @c3centre @centralathleticclubc3 @centralathletic Check us out for Personal Training, Diet advice and programming today!! (at Central Athletic Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuD6ukNgExn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qm83pnxpkbn7
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ME Lower Day Trap bar deadlifts up to a 3RM This probably wasn't my 3RM on this movement but we ran out of space on the tiny trap bar as you can see the plates were falling off at the end... First vid, 500 x 3 Second vid 545 x 3 Thanks @bushido_hanzo and @wherevegetablesmeat for the videozzz Song Credit: Frozen One by Dance Gavin Dance #bestrong #bearstrong #powerlifting #strength #power #weightlifting #bestronger #befaster #bepowerful #teamdioxyme #dioxymesupps #dioxymett #dioxyme @dioxyme for great supplements ◇ New Zealand Whey (27g per serving) ◇ V-Mino (vegan aminos) ◇ MPO (optimize your performance) And so many more awesome products for training performance, recovery and general wellness!! Available @heroworshipherosupps @simplicityandgratitude @c3centre @centralathleticclubc3 @centralathletic Check us out for Personal Training, Diet advice and programming today!! (at Central Athletic Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuD4-DQAp7k/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mlq4nj7xukqr
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I had so much planned for today...TOO much to be honest... But this was all I got through before I said MEH... 10 x 2 @ 75% Squat 5 x 2 @ 75% Push Press 4 x 3 @ 70% Bench w/ Bands Thanks @daynia31 and @aws_beauty for the videos and umm Daynia's bro...I'm not even gonna attempt to spell your name bro...but thanks lol Song Credit: Falls on me by Fuel #bestrong #bearstrong #powerlifting #strength #power #weightlifting #bestronger #befaster #bepowerful #teamdioxyme #dioxymesupps #dioxymett #dioxyme @dioxyme for great supplements ◇ New Zealand Whey (27g per serving) ◇ V-Mino (vegan aminos) ◇ MPO (optimize your performance) And so many more awesome products for training performance, recovery and general wellness!! Available @heroworshipherosupps @simplicityandgratitude @c3centre @centralathleticclubc3 @centralathletic Check us out for Personal Training, Diet advice and programming today!! (at Central Athletic Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt9gapDgTDH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=141khv7e860e7
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Accessory things and Conditioning 4 x 9 Pendlay Rows 40-30-20-10 Push-ups DB push press Sit-ups Last sets shown in both videos...Thanks @chris_a_nick or @heroworshipherosupps for the video, can't remember which one of you recorded it...or was it @bushido_hanzo I really can't remember...😕 Song Credit: And in the end it's all for naught by Incert Coin #bestrong #bearstrong #powerlifting #strength #power #weightlifting #bestronger #befaster #bepowerful #teamdioxyme #dioxymesupps #dioxymett #dioxyme @dioxyme for great supplements ◇ New Zealand Whey (27g per serving) ◇ V-Mino (vegan aminos) ◇ MPO (optimize your performance) And so many more awesome products for training performance, recovery and general wellness!! Available @heroworshipherosupps @simplicityandgratitude @c3centre @centralathleticclubc3 @centralathletic Check us out for Personal Training, Diet advice and programming today!! (at Central Athletic Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt6xIZJA03h/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ssfxfgetowse
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So I did a thing where I decided to try pressing 275 for a 3 count Paused triple but I knew I had no business trying this for a triple but I am happy that I got this One rep LOL Thanks @chris_a_nick for the spot and adult supervision. #bestrong #bearstrong #powerlifting #strength #power #weightlifting #bestronger #befaster #bepowerful #teamdioxyme #dioxymesupps #dioxymett #dioxyme @dioxyme for great supplements ◇ New Zealand Whey (27g per serving) ◇ V-Mino (vegan aminos) ◇ MPO (optimize your performance) And so many more awesome products for training performance, recovery and general wellness!! Available @heroworshipherosupps @simplicityandgratitude @c3centre @centralathleticclubc3 @centralathletic Check us out for Personal Training, Diet advice and programming today!! (at Central Athletic Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt6tkKBASXy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=g97txitzfycf
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Wednesdays are for ME Upper Body stuff... Here are my two top sets 255 and 265 for a triple on 3 count Pause Bench 265 felt tough but stay tuned to see what happens when I don't have adult supervision. #bestrong #bearstrong #powerlifting #strength #power #weightlifting #bestronger #befaster #bepowerful #teamdioxyme #dioxymesupps #dioxymett #dioxyme @dioxyme for great supplements ◇ New Zealand Whey (27g per serving) ◇ V-Mino (vegan aminos) ◇ MPO (optimize your performance) And so many more awesome products for training performance, recovery and general wellness!! Available @heroworshipherosupps @simplicityandgratitude @c3centre @centralathleticclubc3 @centralathletic Check us out for Personal Training, Diet advice and programming today!! (at Central Athletic Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt6q3YlgFOb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2nscvb6gqp53
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Conditioning - EMOM for as long as possible 3 Power Cleans 3 Front Squats 3 Shoulder to overhead @ 115 Followed by some accessory Sumo DL's @ 65% of my Comp. DL Featuring @heroworshipherosupps explaining the movement to his client. Thanks @bushido_hanzo and @chris_a_nick for the videos. #bestrong #bearstrong #powerlifting #strength #power #weightlifting #bestronger #befaster #bepowerful #teamdioxyme #dioxymesupps #dioxymett #dioxyme @dioxyme for great supplements ◇ New Zealand Whey (27g per serving) ◇ V-Mino (vegan aminos) ◇ MPO (optimize your performance) And so many more awesome products for training performance, recovery and general wellness!! Available @heroworshipherosupps @simplicityandgratitude @c3centre @centralathleticclubc3 Check us out for Personal Training, Diet advice and programming today!! (at Central Athletic Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/Btx8Kl-A1w9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8ltk9s25cqtw
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ME Lower Day on 3hrs of sleep and #shittons of #caffeine 3RM box squats - here are my top sets @ 395 and 405...really needed to catch my breath for that last rep @ 405 as you can see me doing that weird head bob a million times before getting down... Thanks @chris_a_nick for the spot and encouragement Song Credit: In your face by Children of Bodom #caffeineandpounds #bestrong #bearstrong #powerlifting #strength #power #weightlifting #bestronger #befaster #bepowerful #teamdioxyme #dioxymesupps #dioxymett #dioxyme @dioxyme for great supplements ◇ New Zealand Whey (27g per serving) ◇ V-Mino (vegan aminos) ◇ MPO (optimize your performance) And so many more awesome products for training performance, recovery and general wellness!! Available @heroworshipherosupps @simplicityandgratitude @c3centre @centralathleticclubc3 Check us out for Personal Training, Diet advice and programming today!! (at Central Athletic Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/Btx6y8OAN7j/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=y84fxhp4dkyv
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Is there anything I'm worse at than Benching?...Here's your answer... I believe I've given up on doing "strict" OHP, push press is my new main OHP movement cause I don't take it that seriously anyway... Here's 185 for 1+ managed 2 struggle reps, then 190 x 1 after using leg drive got it up on my third attempt... #thestruggleisreal #bestrong #bearstrong #powerlifting #strength #power #weightlifting #bestronger #befaster #bepowerful #teamdioxyme #dioxymesupps #dioxymett #dioxyme @dioxyme for great supplements ◇ New Zealand Whey (27g per serving) ◇ V-Mino (vegan aminos) ◇ MPO (optimize your performance) And so many more awesome products for training performance, recovery and general wellness!! Available @heroworshipherosupps @simplicityandgratitude @c3centre @centralathleticclubc3 Check us out for Personal Training, Diet advice and programming today!! (at Central Athletic Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bttd8H4AA43/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12oe8ja1p1ji7
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I think maybe I'll cut the test weeks from the program for a bit... Deadlifts went as follows; 500 x 1+ got 3 530 attempt #1 stopped at the knees Backed down to 520 for a more reasonable jump ✔...then 530 "attempt" #2 ... Just bracing took everything out of me so 520 it is... Song Credit: Walk with me in hell by Lamb of God Thanks @rajiv_dinanath @kyleramoutar and @chris_a_nick for the videos #bestrong #bearstrong #powerlifting #strength #power #weightlifting #bestronger #befaster #bepowerful #teamdioxyme #dioxymesupps #dioxymett #dioxyme @dioxyme for great supplements ◇ New Zealand Whey (27g per serving) ◇ V-Mino (vegan aminos) ◇ MPO (optimize your performance) And so many more awesome products for training performance, recovery and general wellness!! Available @heroworshipherosupps @simplicityandgratitude @c3centre @centralathleticclubc3 Check us out for Personal Training, Diet advice and programming today!! (at Central Athletic Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtmbHpLAqBK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1r0m56or50m5w
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TEST week; first video was 400 for 1+ I did 2 but as you can see the video was heavily interupted so didn't make sense posting the other rep lol... Second vid was my MAX attempt for 425 Beltless, Sleeveless and slow AF, lol thanks @ironberzerker for the spot and @ricardobalgobin for the video. #bestrong #bearstrong #powerlifting #strength #power #weightlifting #bestronger #befaster #bepowerful #teamdioxyme #dioxymesupps #dioxymett #dioxyme @dioxyme for great supplements ◇ New Zealand Whey (27g per serving) ◇ V-Mino (vegan aminos) ◇ MPO (optimize your performance) And so many more awesome products for training performance, recovery and general wellness!! Available @heroworshipherosupps @simplicityandgratitude @c3centre @centralathleticclubc3 Check us out for Personal Training, Diet advice and programming today!! (at Central Athletic Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtfpqmMAJvo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18kbwc9ta8x5j
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Saturday things... I put things over my head...had 5 singles @ 90% but @wherevegetablesmeat had to use the bar for #deathlifts so I decided to do the last 3 back to back cause I'm special like that... #toolazytocaption #insertcoolcaptionhere #bestrong #bearstrong #powerlifting #strength #power #weightlifting #bestronger #befaster #bepowerful #teamdioxyme #dioxymesupps #dioxymett #dioxyme @dioxyme for great supplements ◇ New Zealand Whey (27g per serving) ◇ V-Mino (vegan aminos) ◇ MPO (optimize your performance) And so many more awesome products for training performance, recovery and general wellness!! Available @heroworshipherosupps @simplicityandgratitude @c3centre @centralathleticclubc3 Check us out for Personal Training, Diet advice and programming today!! (at Central Athletic Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/Btfn1JfAybT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zn7r29z8o563
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Friyay "Speed Squats" - 5 x 1 @ 90% (380) That's about all I recorded because I was tired and was struggling to do the same 5 x 5, 30" Box Jumps I've been stuck on... Also my conditioning session got cut short by a wild bowel movement... Song Credit: Chop Suey by System of a Down #bestrong #bearstrong #powerlifting #strength #power #weightlifting #bestronger #befaster #bepowerful #teamdioxyme #dioxymesupps #dioxymett #dioxyme @dioxyme for great supplements ◇ New Zealand Whey (27g per serving) ◇ V-Mino (vegan aminos) ◇ MPO (optimize your performance) And so many more awesome products for training performance, recovery and general wellness!! Available @heroworshipherosupps @simplicityandgratitude @c3centre @centralathleticclubc3 Check us out for Personal Training, Diet advice and programming today!! (at Central Athletic Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtYfrpGgZLI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19smc2ua6ouq1
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Conditioning: For time; 10-8-6-4-2 3/4 Bodyweight Bench Press 1/2 Bodyweight Power Cleans Bodyweight Dips Thanks @rajiv_dinanath for the awesome video man. Song Credit: Life to Lifeless by Killswitch Engage #bestrong #bearstrong #powerlifting #strength #power #weightlifting #bestronger #befaster #bepowerful #teamdioxyme #dioxymesupps #dioxymett #dioxyme @dioxyme for great supplements ◇ New Zealand Whey (27g per serving) ◇ V-Mino (vegan aminos) ◇ MPO (optimize your performance) And so many more awesome products for training performance, recovery and general wellness!! Available @heroworshipherosupps @simplicityandgratitude @c3centre @centralathleticclubc3 Check us out for Personal Training, Diet advice and programming today!! (at Central Athletic Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtV3WVEg--_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=sp5uq2vx7r67
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