sidehowriting · 6 years
Masterlist in bio!
A/N: So I really liked Vacation and decided that I needed to write a date with Steve and reader. So this is that story. Its a part 2 to Vacation. Its also for @teamcap4bucky 1k Celebration!  
Italics is text communication
Prompt: Are you going to kiss me or not? (I might have grammatically changed it just a bit to work it in) 
Pairings: Steve x Reader
Summary: You have your first date with Steve. 
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings:  Fluff, swears, talk of sex
You were rushing around your house, trying to make sure everything was taken care of. “Jonathan! Lucas! I put the pizza in the oven! Are you guys responsible enough to take it out in twenty minutes?” You yelled to your brothers while you went back to the bathroom. You looked at yourself in the mirror again, making sure your hair and makeup were just so. When you didn’t hear a response, you yelled again. “BOYS!”
“Yeah!” “Sure!” Came their voices. You knew they were distracted playing their video games, but you didn’t want them to accidently set the house on fire.
You weren’t convinced but it would have to do. You rushed back to your bedroom, remembering that you wanted to put earrings in. You heard a knock on the door while you bent over your dresser, searching for the perfect pair.
“Date’s here!” Jonathan called. You could imagine he didn’t even bother to pause his game.
“Yes, I hear that! Can you answer the door please? I’m almost ready!” You yelled back, growing irritated that you couldn’t find the earrings you wanted.
More knocking came followed by your brother’s reluctant sigh. You rolled your eyes, muttering to yourself how it wouldn’t kill him to get up once in a while.
The door opened and you heard muffled voices, quickly followed by footsteps. “So, freakin’ Captain America is in the living room.” Jonathan was standing just outside the doorway, staring at you.
“Yes,” you said, “I told you this three days ago.”
“Yeah, but I didn’t think it was really Captain America.”
“Did you think I was lying?”
“Well yeah.”
Straightening up you put your hands on your hips. “Really, Johnny? You’re gonna be a dumbass right now?”
“Luke thought you were lying too!”
Your fingers tensed like you wanted to strangle your little brother. Instead, you simply pointed him out of the room. “Go get Luke and meet me in the living room.”
“You don’t need to go over rules, we already know.”
“Go!” You commanded and he didn’t argue. He simply sighed exasperatedly and walked out. Giving up on looking for the earrings you muttered a soft ‘fuck it’ to yourself and left the bedroom.
Steve was waiting in your living room. He looked super dapper: dark button up, deftly outlining his muscles. Matching dark jeans that fitted his waist perfectly, emphasizing his large thighs. His eyes lit up the moment you walked in, his smile giving you the warm and fuzzies. A small bouquet was in his hands and you noticed him clutch it tighter as you walked up to him.
“Hi,” he said when you stopped in front of him. “You look… wow, you look beautiful.”
“Thanks.” You glanced down for a moment, the intensity of his gaze and his compliment making you fidget and blush. Bringing your eyes back up to his, you said, “You look really good too.”
His smile and blush matched your own. You caught the faintest whiff of cologne, deep and strong and yummy. “I brought these for you.” He handed you the flowers. A collection of roses and tulips and daisies and various other flowers you didn’t know the name of. “I wasn’t sure what your favorite was, so I just got a bunch.”
You graciously took the flowers as the boys walked in. “Boys,” you said, turning to face them but having a hard time taking your eyes off the beautiful flowers. Their scents blended so well together. “This is Steve. Steve, these are my brothers, Jonathan and Lucas.”
“Hi,” Steve said, giving a small wave to the boys. “Your sister has said a lot of good things about you guys. She’s very proud of you.”
The boys were just staring at Steve, eyes fixated and lips parted. They really didn’t believe you when you said you were going on a date with Captain America.
Finally, Jonathan moved, leaning towards Lucas. “Dude, I didn’t know Captain America could lie.”
“Johnny!” You snapped. “What did I say about being a dumbass?”
Thankfully, Steve just laughed. “It’s fine, Y/N.” He then addressed the boys again. “It’s true. You sister is very proud of you guys.”
You could tell the boys were feeling awkward with the praise, so you moved the conversation along. “Hey,” you said, “take this for me.” You handed your flowers to Lucas. “Put that in a vase with water, okay? Don’t forget the water.”
You folded your hands in front of you. “Now, rules.” You glared at them when they groaned. “Hey! I don’t want to hear it. Now, the main rule is do not answer the door or phone for anyone you don’t know. I would like you boys to go to bed at a decent time, but I know how you guys can be. I don’t know what time I’ll be home, but I’ll text you when I have an idea. You have Steve’s number in your phones?” When they confirmed you continued, “One last thing, do not forget about the pizza in the oven. I do not want this place burned to the ground, you hear me?”
Jonathan and Lucas gave eye rolls and practically shoved you and Steve out of the house. They were annoying but they were your brothers and you loved them very much.
“They seem like great kids,” Steve said. He had placed his hand on the small of your back, gently leading you to the car. You found this simple gesture very touching.
He opened the door and you got in, adjusting your dress so it didn’t ride up. “Thank you. They’re a handful but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Climbing into the driver’s seat, Steve buckled himself in. “Are you ready for dinner?”
“I’ve been looking forward to it all week,” you said shyly. You were so happy when Steve texted you, asking to go out. It was hard finding a good time with both of your schedules, but you finally were able to make it happen.
The car was thrown into reverse and Steve backed out of your driveway, heading onto the main road. “I have too,” he said. “Actually, I’ve been thinking about it since I last saw you.”
“Really?” You turned to him, a smile forming on your lips.
“Yeah.” He glanced at you then back to the road. “I did ask you out the day we left.”
“You did. And I was really happy you did.”
A comfortable silence fell between the two of you as he drove you to the restaurant. Once inside, Steve gave the name for your reservations. The staff seemed to scuttle around when they realized it was the Steve Rogers and his date.  You were quickly escorted to your table, given menus and, a complimentary bottle of wine.
You took a sip, feeling the warmth of the alcohol move down your throat. “This is good wine,” you commented, “Might be dangerous for me.”
“You’re not drivin’, doll. Drink up.” Holding out his glass, you clinked yours against it. Eyes locking on each other as you both took a sip.  
Setting your glass down, you picked up the menu and started looking it over. “I’ve never been here before. Do you have any recommendations?”
“I haven’t been either,” Steve said, gazing at his own menu. “Tony was the one that said I should take you here. He recommended the steak.”
You giggled. “Well, then, let’s see if Tony has good taste.” You set down the menu, waiting for the server to come.
She appeared quickly. She was fidgeting, and stammering, and her hands shook as she took your orders. Dropping her notepad several times, she quickly walked away towards the kitchen.
“Does that happen a lot?” You asked when the server was out of sight.
Steve smiled. “Yeah, more often than not. Especially with women.”
“You’re very attractive,” you said. “I can see why they would get flustered.”
You liked the blush that started to form on his cheeks. “Yeah, well, its all serum.”
The server came back, bringing you little bowls of soup and a basket of bread. She was having trouble making eye contact with either of you. As she left, you grabbed a roll. It was warm and the butter you spread on it melted quickly.
You took a sip of soup and a bite of bread. It was delicious. “So far Tony’s right,” you said, munching. “This is really good food.”
With a mouthful of bread, Steve nodded making you giggle. This was a nice restaurant and so far, the food matched that. As did the company.
You focused on your soup and your bread, occasionally glancing up and catching Steve’s eyes. His blue gaze heating you up on the inside.
Just as you were finishing, the server came back with your meals. Taking away the old plates and presenting you with new ones. You took a bite of the steak Tony recommended, eyes rolling back as the flavor assaulted your mouth. “This is delightful! Tell Tony I am forever indebted to him.”
Steve laughed, taking a bite himself. “That would make two of us. And I don’t just mean the steak.”
“Steve,” you said, trying to hide your face with your hair. “That’s so kind of you. And I agree. I haven’t had a nice date in a very long time. Thank you for taking me out. It really means a lot to me.”
“Really? A pretty dame like yourself not goin’ out much?”
“I could say the same thing to you.”
“You think I’m a pretty dame?”
You giggled. “The prettiest.” Dabbing you mouth on your napkin, you continued. “But really, you’re Captain America. I’m sure you can have your pick of the ladies. Why the reservations?”
He shifted in his seat and you were hoping you didn’t cross the line. “Partly, that’s just not who I am. I don’t want to rush into something if it isn’t with the right person. And, Captain America can have his pick of the ladies. Steve Rogers, hasn’t always had that same luck.”
“That makes a lot of sense,” you said, taking another bite of steak. “You want someone who cares for Steve and not just Cap. I hope you’ll believe me when I say that I think Steve Rogers is pretty amazing by himself.”
“I do.” The quickness of his reply and this sureness of his voice made your breath hitch. “I wouldn’t have asked you out if I didn’t. I really like you, Y/N.”
“Steve,” you said so softly, “I really like you too.”
“But what about yourself?” He switched the subject away from himself. “Why haven’t you gone out much?”
You gave a dry laugh, pushing food around on your plate. “It’s my job, Steve. Guys either think what I do is disgusting or get way too excited about it.” You shrugged. “It’s hard finding a happy medium.”
“I’m sorry no one has really given you a chance,” he said with sincerity. “And again, I’m sorry I didn’t when we first met.”
“It’s okay.” You finished your glass of wine and started to pour yourself a second one. “I’m sorry Tony kind of sprung it on you. I honestly didn’t think anything would happen. I was just happy to get a free vacation,” you said, smiling.
He smiled too. “I was definitely not expecting it. Tony just told me that I should spend the weekend relaxing, enjoying my final days in the double digits. But I’m glad he did what he did. I got to meet a really incredible woman out of it.”
“Thank you,” you said, smiling. The happiness the compliment caused stirring inside you.
You continue to eat your meal, moving the conversation from subject to subject. You hadn’t seen Steve in person since his birthday weekend and it was nice to talk to him face to face. The two of you had been texting back and forth but that just wasn’t the same.
The server came back, looking calmer than before. She quickly disposed of your plates and brought out a piece of chocolate cake, also complimentary. She gave you each a spoon, smiled awkwardly, and walked away.
“Sharin’ dessert? How romantic,” you said, scooting closer to the table.
He smiled and agreed, scooting closer as well. The dessert was gooey and chocolatey. It was messy but delicious. Steve, being the gentleman that he is, even let you have the last bite.
He requested the check but was told that Tony Stark had already covered the bill. Since payment was surprisingly taken care of, the two of you left he restaurant, Steve’s hand on the small of your back again. His touch was still warm and made you tingle, the sensation probably heightened from your two glasses of wine.
You were disappointed that the date was coming to an end. When he suggested going for a nice walk in the nearby park, you were elated.
When you got there, you were happy to see the place was calm and open. The few people that were present didn’t seem to pay either of you much mind.
“I’m having such a nice time with you, Steve,” you said as you walked next to him. “It’s nice getting to know here and in person.”
“I agree,” he said, his hands resting in his pockets. “I like talking to you.”
Blushing, you looked at your feet, keeping an eye on where you were walking. “Oh,” you said, grabbing your purse and rummaging, “I should text the boys and give them an update. I’m not usually gone this long.”
“Do you always let them know when you’re out?”
“I always do with clients. Not as rigorously with causal dates, but it makes me feel better and it makes them feel better. With clients I’m on more of a schedule and I can tell them when I’ll be home.” You didn’t have any messages from your brothers asking when you were be back, but you figured giving them an update on going to the park was a good idea.
“So, they know about your job?”
Nodding, you slipped your phone back into your purse. “They do. I wanted to be transparent with them. They were really against it at first. But after meeting some of the other girls and my mistress from the agency, it helped put them at ease. And I take extra precautions that aren’t required but they make me feel safer.”
“What else do you do?”
“Well, I make all my clients sign a contract outlining exactly what they’re hiring me for. It helps keep some of the creeps away. I also don’t drink while on the clock.”
Steve started to laugh. “I think I remember you having a glass of somethin’ when I got to the vacation home.”
You joined in his laughter. “Ah, once again you are the exception, Steve. I expected neither sex nor for you to be creepy towards me. I always envisioned Captain America to be nice and respectful. And you blew that vision out of the water.”
His hand closest to you came out of his pocket. You watched as his fingers stretched towards yours. His skin was soft when it made contact. Your hand practically disappeared inside his larger one. You felt the same warmth and tingling in your hand and it spread throughout your body. Naturally, you moved closer to him, letting your joined hands fall to the side.
Your heart rate sped up when you glanced over and saw Steve looking at you. “Your skin is soft,” he said awkwardly, making you giggle.
“Thanks,” you smiled, giving his hands a little squeeze.
The two of you stayed out walking for another thirty minutes, talking about everything and nothing, sharing silly stories from your childhoods. It felt like the two of you were really connecting. Laughing and joking seemed to come easily. And you loved hearing his laugh. Your hands stayed linked the whole time. When you made it back to the car, your feet were hurting. The shoes you had picked were not conducive for long bouts of walking.
When Steve pulled into your driveway, you inwardly groaned when you noticed the living room light was still on. The boys were up way too late on a school night. They would have to deal with being overly tired in the morning.
Steve opened the car door for you and walked you to your doorstep, his hand encompassing yours. “Thank you again for asking me out, Steve. I really had a wonderful time,” you said as you stood on your porch.
“I’m glad you said yes.” His fingers stroked your hand. “I’m hoping we can do it again soon?”
You smiled. “I’d love that. If you’re not busy this weekend, maybe I could cook for you again?”
“That would be great.” His smile was absolutely perfect, making your heart skip a beat. “I’ll text you in the mean time?”
You nodded quickly, muttering a soft “okay”.
There was a moment’s hesitation before Steve dropped your hand. “I’ll see you then.” He smiled at you before heading back to the car.
“Wait!” You called and he stopped, turning back to you. His eyes were bright and curious and suddenly you felt silly. “Are…are you going to kiss me?” An embarrassed smile appeared on his lips, cheeks turning red, and you felt very silly. “Or not. It’s okay if you don’t want to. I just… well… I’d like to kiss you.”
He came back up to your porch, standing in front of you. “I didn’t wanna rush,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “But I would really like to kiss you, too.”
“I think you should, then,” you said softly, pushing yourself closer to him. He placed his hands on your waist, fingers curving with the contour of your body. Your eyes fluttered closed and your hands went around his neck to his hair. Little butterflies erupted in your stomach the moment his lips pressed against yours. They were just as warm and soft as his hands and you felt lost. You grabbed the base of his hair to anchor yourself as he stole your breath away with one soft kiss.
He pulled away slowly and when you opened your eyes, he was still dangerously close. If he was just some guy, you would have gone back in for more. You wouldn’t let him leave until your tongue had thoroughly explored his mouth. But Steve wasn’t some guy. Steve was special. Old school. Well, really old school. This was a relationship you wanted to take your time with.
“I’ll see you this weekend,” he practically whispered as his hands fell from you. Your skin felt cold without his warmth.
“Okay. Bye, Steve.” You matched his tone, the smile never leaving your face.
“Bye, Y/N.”
You watched him get in the car and back up. He waved at you before pulling out onto the road. When he was finally out of sight, you went in the house, still feeling a bit lightheaded.
Inside, you found the boys lounging on the couch, watching TV. “BOYS!” You yelled, the giddiness instantly dissipating. “Why are you still awake!? You’re both gonna be so grumpy in the morning and I don’t wanna deal with that.”
Jonathan stretched, nearly smacking Lucas in the face. “Well, we were waitin’ up for you.”
“You never gave us a final time you’d be home,” Lucas added.
Guilt for snapping at them started to form, breaking away your anger. “I’m sorry. I got caught up with Steve. That was real sweet of you two.”
“Speaking of Steve,” Johnathan grabbed his phone and walked over to you. “We also wanted to show you this.” Lucas was right behind him as the three of you were huddled around Jonathan’s phone.
After a few clicks, he pulled up a video. The quality was very poor like it had to be from decades ago. Sure enough, you recognized it as one of the propaganda videos Steve had done back in the day when he first became Captain America. While you had seen them before, clearly the boys had not. They were both trying to hide their laughter as the video ended with Steve punching a fake Hitler.
“Wow,” you said and rolled your eyes.
“This is hilarious!” Jonathan put his phone in his pocket once the video was over. “You went out with that guy!”
“And you have a poster of him in your bedroom,” you commented, heading towards your room. “Go to bed!”
You shut your door before either of the boys could say anything. You heard them continuing to laugh as they past your room and went to theirs. They were so stupid, but you loved them so much.
As you stripped off your clothes and got ready for bed, you got a text from Steve.
Steve: I know I keep sayin it but thank you for the date
You: Of course. And I hope I didn’t push you too much with the kiss
Steve: You didn’t. I was wanting to kiss you but I didn’t know how to go about doing it. I’m not that smooth. Even with Bucky’s coaching
You started laughing as you read his text. Of course, he had help getting ready for this date from his best friend. You turned off the lights and snuggled into your bed before you replied.
You: Whatever you are, I like it. And I like kissing you.
Steve: I liked kissing you too
You: I’m getting ready for bed. I’ll talk to you in the morning. Night Steve
Steve: Sweet dreams
You set the phone down and closed your eyes. You hadn’t felt this happy over a guy in a very long time. You had no doubt you would have sweet dreams about him.
Tags: @dsakita @lancsnerd @xxloki81xx
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