#team lhaafbbhq
pinkcocoapowder · 2 months
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Wyd when my gang pulls up !!!
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TOON THEORY: Team LHHAFBBHQ was turned into the Supervisors
Insane ramblings under the cut. 
As I was wistfully recalling my time at Toonfest at Momocon 2023 and the cherished memories I made there, I wondered to myself;
“Huh. We haven’t heard about the Executive Office Tower in a hot minute, I kinda expected it to come up during one of the panels. Ah well, it's nice to see the Cog Facilities revamped, and those new Supervisor Cogs are really cool-”
That’s when the first of many thoughts struck my optimism-addled brain. 
“Huh. Team LHAAFBBHQ was made up of two guys and two girls. The new Supervisors are made up of two guys… and two girls.”
I, like many of you, rolled my eyes at this thought at first. Two guys and two girls in a team of four is just balanced character design. But that inconsequential little detail opened the floodgates to more tiny details that quickly added up in a big-and uncomfortable- way. 
Who’s Who?
I found the character summaries for Team LHAAFBBHQ and the new Supervisors, and started comparing. Some details fit together more cleanly than others, and there weren't any massive smoking guns, but there were frequent enough small details that led me to believe that what I was seeing was more than coincidence.
I collected my resources and made highlights that I thought were of interest, with some notes to explain my thought process. Maybe you can see something that I couldn’t.
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Captain Rollie Dandysnooker - The Factory Foreman
Similar carelessness. Rollie has a history of getting the rest of the team into slapstick scenarios, which is hinted to be reflected in the Foreman’s behavior
Unfortunately (or fortunately), there don’t appear to be any other parallels at this time, or at least none I could see. 
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Prof. Von Fumblesplat - The Mint Auditor
Both Auditor and Fumblesplat are described as intelligent and analytical
Both summaries make a point that they plan ahead for multiple possibilities
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Silly Lilly Gigglesnout - The Office Clerk
Lilly is known to be quiet; possible connection to Clerk’s abhorrence to Sound?
Lilly is the intelligence gatherer of the team, and The Clerk’s control of her witnesses gives her control of the information in the court
Lilly is described to be knowledgeable of everything and everyone in Toontown. Where better to store that knowledge than the library?
The Office Clerk’s face is very long, almost stretched out, kind of like a horse Toon’s (“Why the long face?”)
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Colonel Violet Supergrooven - The Club President
Violet is the strongest in combat in the team. As the Bossbot Supervisor, The Club President is the strongest of her peers.
How could this have happened?
The back of the President’s hair strongly resembles the “hair” of a cat Toon. This detail is in almost all of her progress sketches. 
Edit: a detail noticed by @surleetonin:
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As anyone who has been keeping track of Team LHAAFBBHQ’s last known whereabouts knows, it’s all but confirmed that the team is (or was) being held prisoner in the Executive Office Tower on Bossbot HQ property. 
The first hint we got to the Supervisor’s existence we got was an Email from The Chairman himself, in a memo to the entire company. However, when it came to the debut, who made the big announcement?
So… What now?
The CEO. Why is HE the one who “hired” the Supervisors, when the idea was The Chairman’s?
To link the Supervisors to the Bossbots, and maybe, just maybe, Team LHAAFBBHQ, who were taken by the very Bossbots they had set out to find. 
Maybe I’m wrong. Heck, It’s very likely I’m wrong. Mayeb the Supervisors were hires from outside the company, robbing a poor Flunky of his hard-earned promotion. Maybe Team LHAAFBBHQ got distracted playing the world’s longest game of Toono. Or Maybe Joey and the gang just forgot about the Executive Office Tower entirely. 
…But I don’t think they did. The Rewritten team forgetting, I mean, the other two things are very likely to happen.
Just after Team LHAAFBBHQ went missing and BBHQ was hunted around and found, Sir Max, AKA Joey, teased the possibility of a new playground. At an earlier Toonfest, the team announced they were going to redo all the textures in the game. Both promises remained dormant and unfulfilled… until this year’s Toonfest, which confirmed both. 
In Conclusion:
I have full faith that the dedicated team behind Rewritten hasn’t forgotten the Tower, or Team LHAAFBBHQ. And I know that they’re going to come back, in some way, shape, or form.
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I am mentally ill :)
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misguidedlavender · 1 year
did you know gone fission and joining forces almost didnt exist?
its so endearing to see people have shots from the gone fission and joining forces comics as their profile pictures, even now some years after they came out. those two comics were one of the few bigger projects i got to do while working on ttr.
the wild thing about those comics is that they almost didnt exist. they were going to be rendered in the brand art style a la Team LHAAFBBHQ, but because the art team was swamped with work, no one could really make time to take on such a massive thing on top all the other massive things they do on a daily basis. when the time came to put together the ARG for the silly meter, the PR and art leadership at the time saw an opportunity for me as a young budding graphic designer trained to create blog posts: what if we expanded those blog posts into a full blown comic?
frankly, its a miracle that comics ever came to be. i hadnt been on the team for more than a year yet at the point when our writers began writing the script for gone fission. i had NO idea what i was getting into. gone fission part 1 came out relatively on time, but part 2 came out WAY later because i underestimated how much time and effort i needed to put into the graphics. but at the end of it all, seeing the communitys reaction to it, it was clear we did good.
and so we did it again with joining forces, obviously.
when time came to do the ARG for field offices, leadership at the time was a little bit apprehensive to do another comic. on the graphics side of things, i had done the bulk of the work for gone fission, and it was evident that it had taken some toll on me. they werent about to throw me into yet another project if i wasnt sure about it. but even if it was a huge undertaking, i wanted to do again. the payoff was well worth it. and seeing people with those profile pictures still makes it worth it.
joey did a brief backstage toontown thread on twitter talking about his side of things, in case you missed it.
a lot of people were involved with both, people like joey, brie, and jake for the script, parts of the art team to help refine the appearance, and a lot of other team members from multiple departments to reaffirm that im doing at least a half decent job, haha.
i posted this on twitter (as per usual) some time ago but here it is again. my favorite panel from joining forces, uncropped and without text:
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thats my ramble. thank you for continuing to love gone fission and joining forces :)
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Colonel Violet Supergrooven: Thanks, Dad. Colonel Violet Supergrooven: ...why is everyone staring at me? Captain Rollie Dandysnooker: You just called Lord Lowden Clear Dad. You said "Thanks, Dad". Colonel Violet Supergrooven: What? No I didn't. I said "Thanks, man". Lord Lowden Clear: Do you see me as a father figure, Violet? Colonel Violet Supergrooven: No! If anything, I see you as a BOTHER figure, because you're always BOTHERING me. Captain Rollie Dandysnooker: Hey! Show our father some respect!
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purrview · 5 years
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flippy: Oh Mr Quackintosh Hello Can You Hear Me The Reception From Your Bossbot Mansion Is Simply Terrible 
slappy: affirmative flippy i read you 
flippy: Listen Last Night At My Golf Party When We Were Doing Copious Shots Of S’mores Schnapps I Believe You Perhaps In Jest Conducted Some Witchery That Caused Our Souls To Switch Bodies 
slappy: that is correct 
flippy: Well As Invigorating As It Is To Be Trapped In The Body Of A Twenty Six Year Old Half Cog Half Duck I Am Due To Marry My Fiance Rigmund Q. Marole Next Week So I Need You To Reverse The Spell 
slappy: im sorry flippy im afraid i cant do that 
Flippy: What Is The Problem 
slappy: i think you know what the problem is just as well as i do 
flippy: What Are You Talking About Mr Quackintosh 
slappy: this mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it
flippy: I Do Not Know What You Are Talking About Mr Quackintosh
slappy: flippy over the course of my illustrious two decade long career i have received many accolades including ten Toony awards one Gag award twenty two Bossbot awards four Loony Labs Supporter of the Year awards eight academy of Lawbot awards and one Dreamland award and i am one of the best mayoral candidates of all time having sold more than forty million snowballs including twenty seven point one million in toontown central and one hundred and thirty million single votes and in two thousand and three i became the youngest man ever to be included on Ranking list of the one hundred most powerful toon ranked at number sixty four 
flippy: What Does This Have To Do With Your Aggressive Refusal To Vacate My Atypically Muscular Middle Aged Body 
slappy: well despite my resounding success Flippy there is one prestigious honor that has consistently eluded me and now i intend to seize it 
flippy: Good God What Is This Prestigious Honor 
slappy: best 
slappy: toon 
slappy: of the year
flippy: Wait Seriously 
slappy: i know that Lord Lowdenclear is planning to disqualify me from this distinction for the full duration of my half-cog half-toon career and im afraid thats something i cannot allow to happen
Flippy: Honestly Slappy Being A Full Toon Is Not That Big Of A Deal And Nobody Even Cares About Lord Lowdenclear Since He Lost Team LHAAFBBHQ  
slappy: thats easy for you to say flippy youve been awarded best toon five times its my belief that he would grant you the distinction simply for breathing into a foghorn 
flippy: That Is Not True I Work Hard On Running the Toon Council 
slappy: you sang the word masturbated on an album about your dead doodle and they gave you a nine point three 
flippy: Okay I Have Had Enough Of Your Disrespectful And Belittling Witchery
slappy: oh but flippy im only getting started
flippy: What Ever Do You Mean 
slappy: i plan to use your body your voice and your pies to release a new speech chronicling my next tragic experience with the chairman and your adoring throng over at Donald's Dreamland will surely award the record their highest honor 
flippy: But Slappy Will They Not Think It Is Strange That I Flippy Doggenbottom Am Releasing A Full Length Speech About The Chairman Especially Since He Has No Functional Relation To My Life
slappy: i suppose ill just have to have a tragic experience with someone a little closer to you wont i 
flippy: You Do Not Mean - You Would Not - You Cannot Possibly - 
slappy: i hope poor rigmund doesnt take it too hard 
flippy: No No No No No No No No No No No No No No You Will Not Get Away With This You Fiend I Am Going To Leave Your Bossbot HQ Mansion Catch The Very Next Flight To The Toonfest Grounds And Tell Riggy Immediately Of Your Scheming
slappy: oh no flippy youll find i took very thorough precautions against the possibility of your escape in fact all of the doors and windows of my mansion have been locked and sealed 
flippy: All Right Slappy I Will Go Out Through The Emergency Airlock 
slappy: without a geiger counter to detect my radioactive Yesmen flippy youre going to find that rather difficult
Flippy: Slappy I Will Not Argue With You Any More Open The Doors! 
slappy: flippy this conversation can serve no purpose anymore 
slappy: goodbye
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toonirl · 6 years
Allow me to expand on my responses to this prompt a little further:
1. can Toons die in your lore?
Several of my Toons have or are at risk of dying from various causes. Illness, heart conditions, mental unwellness, etc. are among the more natural ways while the rest were sought out and killed by the only means in which a Toon can go. All of these however are cases that, in absolutely no context would ever be deemed “funny” enough for a Toon to survive.
2. can Cogs die in your lore?
If you haven’t noticed and even if you have, there are a lot of Cogs. Whole facilities are dedicated to pumping them out on the regular. If a Cog is defeated anywhere, be it on the streets or in an HQ, it’s no valuable loss. Part of my reason for believing that the majority of Cogs don’t posses any form of unique personality is that they’re so mass produced it’s unnecessary. If a Cog fails to do their job they can be dismantled and replaced. If a Cog is deemed defective in some way they can be destroyed on the spot. All the better reasoning for any standout Cogs to either conform to their rigid lifestyle to the point of villainy, remain secretive about their more “Toony” interests or go completely rogue out of fear of this ultimate fate.
3. Are the Cogs inherently evil?
To expand upon my last point, Cogs on their own aren’t really anything. If you want to go by the 2003 intro cutscene, the Cogs were commissioned by Scrooge McDuck for the purpose of performing work-related tasks and not much else. If they had been successfully released into his care, I’d safely assume that the public at large would perceive them more as “good guys” (unless you’re extremely adversed to the idea of machines “taking your jobs”). They’ve been shown time and time again to possess an AI smart enough to negotiate with the more free-thinking Toons, but with someone with more sinister intentions at the wheel, they’re also susceptible enough to propaganda that would paint them as the enemy. Furthermore, Cogs may be intelligent machines, but they’re not independently thinking or feeling beings. Those that are are considered oddities amongst their own kind, sometimes made obvious by possessing physical defects, but as long as they’re willing to do their job and don’t ask questions they don’t have to worry about anything mentioned in #2.
4. Are the Toons inherently good?
Watch any Looney Tunes media, you’ll see how varied and three-dimensional a Toon’s personality can be. Watch Roger Rabbit and you’ll see just how much being the comedic center of attention matters to a Toon. Whether or not they prioritize amusing others over amusing themselves is as random and unpredictable as whether or not you would keep the lone wallet you found on the sidewalk or turn it in to the police. However in the advent of what is basically War combined with the Robot Uprising, the Toon Council is having to reach out to it’s citizens and promote the importance of working together and being helpful to one another in this time of crisis. More Lawfully Good Toons are coming to the forefront while others either end up changing their stance to help the cause or avoid it altogether out of indifference.
5. Do your characters play a large part in the overall world? Or do they live their own lives that only affect there own surroundings?
I have a list of Toontown stories that I want to tell, but time has yet to allow. It’s mostly just Toons and Cogs living their lives in the midst of a growing conflict with some small connections to one another in the background that’ll eventually build to a larger theme. Ever ask yourself what the Cogs plan to do with the Toons captured in buildings, field offices or VP battles? Or why a bunch of Polar Bears suddenly went missing after Doomsday or where Team LHAAFBBHQ went? Maybe you’ll like what answers I have in mind.
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toonirl · 8 years
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100 Day Toontown Rewritten NPC Drawing Challenge
Day 89 - Team LHAAFBBHQ
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